HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 740
TUXWdtXY'WAX _' lryrri�-,, i etU
TiMl;t� Nav
Today I am (roe, I
' .culgmatleal 'ismile. t'Dtake up- Your kno�l'n hat. wfien ono is unlucky one. The laughter which followed this the k3a . g "c from 1WI0,L -alm0st, I had,
nitnd—we have only twenty minutes." ' may become still more: unluc , But was light hearted and' careless, Only bad to wu,,. That letter of- credit—
"Oh, divine afllatusl And you lay I did so wish to `tyro. t wanted to Iia S Qnorina did not join the merri, !title money, with. my cousln. In
the chase so readily as thtsl,, bring back enough gold oto IS yeti ment. She rose with a determined air. so
anti Cali ib --ie
The Lure Nerrillew was scornfully lndignatlt, all to. America." "Fir. O'Iitally makes a very good seg+ Sorrento.,, �� d ronin not
„ f. And the titan? 9111$x. "
1 would travel the breadth of the But what�was to: become of yo -dl gestion. It will be an adventure wt.�t>r refrain from putting this qu06t.. -nor
z continent were l sure of meeting this asked Worth..
iv0man. But she bas become swill -o•- The question, was riot expected.the Giovanni looked down. „The sla.
1 the,wisp, and I am too old and like "obi Italy is my glome, I shall livid a told me never to speak of thatagarni°'
•` :
comfort too well to pursue impossibll+ ' way somehow, 'tit me out of our
t L, So I did, replied Hillard. But all
--- i ides," thoughts entirely, But I. am song, to '( is ebanged now,
By HAROLD MAC 6R><1Tg "But why did she leave +ti " g back to aver Mils with your
anti that bring you lids bitter disappointmenit
mask?" demanded 'Merrihew, "She for It must be bitter:" danhtet and leave vengeance In the
must have meant something by that." "There is one thing I wish to under- glands of God. Forget this man who.
the "True, but for the life of me I can't stand thoroughly,'+ put 1n Worth slow+ has wronged you, Forget"
Ccpyrijhl, M illbCo. •• " "If he does not cross m path and
figure out what. 1 y
"But I don't like the idea of leaving y"You have guaranteed our credit at �^''-. if she lives. 1 have suffered too great-
Kitty this way without a final effort this hotel, By what means?" Worth ly to forgive and forget, I promise.
Apr a fugitive from justice, is neither t0 not to seek elm."
ahoy taste *nor to my liking." to rescue her from the cutches of this held her eye with courage. I p . U The ofd man went down to the street
"Bitty," she began sadly, "In this fascinating adventuress. With my word, she answered. with then). They were so hind. He
world no one trusts us wholly. We I admit nothing, my boy, save that 01 know something of these foreign
imust know why. Loyalty must have the keenness of the chase t9 gone. As hotel managers. Words must -be back hated the thought of losing them.
for Ditty, she's a worldly little woman ed by values!' Worth's eye was still They waved their hands cheerily and
treasons; chivalry must have facts. and.can take good care of herself. steady and unwavering. "If, as. I be- vanished from sight. ,they never saw
fYou have vowed your tore and lagreat Her letter should be Sufficient. lieve, you guaranteed our credit with Giovanni again, yet his hand was t�
r'A build times, and still when a rent ��
g "But it Isn't; A woman's 'don't' of: jewels we must know,". i work out lite great epoch in l illard's
Crisis confronts me You question, you „ destiny,
tzow 11116 , You' complain, because ten means do. If Kitty really expects Is it from a sense—a misguided _
my reasons are unknown to you. It me to search for her and I do not she sense—of Chivalry Z" she asked, her `- CHAPTBR XV.
was blind. terror which made me run. I will never believe in me again." lips suggesting a smile. THE A.aIA raoit "IL TnOVATORE,"
I counted not the consequences. I I "Perhaps your knowledge of women "you are evading us;' went on 44 (^►iIALL we take a look into the
shall tell you why i am lonely, why is more extensive than mine," said worth.Campo Formosa again to -
.the world, bright to you, is dark. I Hillard. ,You insist, then?" coldly. night?" asked Merrihew, step
am proud, but I shall bend my pride." But this flattery did not appeal to Positively insist. If you do not tell ping into the gondola.
With a quick movement she lifted her, Merribew. "Boshl There's something us we shall be forced to take our "It will be a waste of time. Bettina
head high and her eyes burned into you haven't told me about that makes chances elsewhere. Worth pressed a will have warned them, What's the
Kitty's :very heart. "I zm"= you so indlgerent" button, A servant appeared "The Italian coming to, anyhow'? She re -
"Stop! No, not I forbid youl" Kit. This was a shrewd guess, but Hil• manager at once."_ fused a hundred francs. But l can see
Ay put Ther hands over her ears. She lard had his reasons for not letting his La Signorina dropped her veil and that Mrs. Sandford bad a hand in this
might gain the secret, but she knew friend see'how close he had shot. "4 sat stiffly in her chair. Kitty moved latest event. She has probably writ -
:that she would lose the heart of the lady? Grace of Mary, that is droill" uneasily. The manager appeared. He tell that we might look for them in the
woman it concerned. "I am wrong, He could not cast this out of bis bowed.�� Campo."
"Madame here, began Worth, tndl- 'All right, . We'll listen to the mu-
,wrQvg, I have promised to follow you y „
loyally, without question. I will keep lf�fj' 9 eating La Signorina, has guaranteed sie," grumbled Merribew. He wanted
.',that rpromise. I am only angry be- //t/t ` �� It II,,, our credit at your hotel." � to find Ditty right away, Hillard's
,aeause you would not let me speak te, �!�,ttt!" I� �ili31t; "Yes. Is not everything satisfae- indifference annoyed him.
tory? asked the manager eagerly. "To the bares of the troupes!" said
.11r. Hillard., He is very handsome," ���� "What security did madame ad- The manager brought forth a walks. Hillard to Achille,
'!Bitty added thoughtfully. "He is l
r;ireng too." vance?" recounting. I shall go as the princess. In the great canal of San Marco the
"Strong and cruel as a tiger. How l "Security?" The manager looked at Her highness commands! will It not scene was like a water carnival. Hun -
bate him! But thank i I p La Signorina, but she rendered him he delightful?" dreds of gondolas, with bobbing lights,
you, Bitty; ij� not the least assistance. "I have given {North looked at O'itially, who looked swam slowly round the barges of the
}thank •sou. Sooner or later, if we stay 1� my word to madame not to tell." at Smith, who looked at Bitty; then all serenaders, who, for the most part,.
%Rogether, I must tell you. The confi- _ "Then three gentlemen shall leave. four looked at La Signorina. were fallen operatic stars or those who
•clence will do me good." Bitty ap- Make out our bili at once!" "Are you not lightening our trials by had failed to attalu those dizzy
:preached, and La Signorina drew her The manager appealed to the lady. joking?" asked Worth dubiously, heights.
close. "I have wrought harm to no
one .But on my side they will tell you \� "You are foolish men," spoke La "Call it madness, if you like. I shall What was that? Hillard was no
that I have been terribly wronged, Signorina. "It the manager wishes to go as the princess" longer lethargic.
tell you he may do so. "But the authoritlesl It will be From a gondola on the far side of .
land ,all wish is to be lett sienna
clone. Itt-was cruel of me to" forbid The manager brought forth a fat prison." the barge,. standing out of the press
you � to speak to Mr. Hillard. But 11 wallet and opened it. Out of this he '•I am sufficiently armed for any and just beyond the radiance of the
wish him to recollect ll pleasantly T t 1 took a flat object wrapped in tissue event. It ail depends upon your Cour- lanterns, came a voice which had a
:.w a whimsical being. who came into — % paper,. Very tenderly he unfolded it. age," � soul in it, a voice which broke into
..his life one night and vanished out to _ The treasure was a diamond pendant, "Oh, if you ta'Y�'that tone," said song for the pure joy of it --clear,
it in two hours." worth at least $1,000. O'Mally, coloring, "why, the thing is thrilling—a voice before which the
"But supposing the memory cuts "I was to keep this simply till done. No one can call me a coward." world bows down. The prima donna
.deeply," ventured Kitty. "Men fall madame chose to reclaim it. Nothwg "1 shan't desert you in a strait like in the barge was clever; she stopped.
has been advancedt." : against iA new this," remarked Worth quietly. "Only The tenor went on, however, recoguiv,-
In love with loss excuse than this:'
"Nonsense!" La Signorina opened (' thought came Into the manager's t think La Signorina rather cruel to Ing that he was playing opposite, as
mind, sad he turned slightly pale. "It force such a situation upon us when they say, to a great singer. Hillard%
Leo window to air the room. She lin- " heart beat fast. That voice! There
gered, musing. "You are very good to, it is not madame s' — !t was entirely unnecessary.
" "It is mine," said La Signorina. She It is agreed, then," continued La could not be another like it. And she
me, Kitty." - was here in Venice!
"I can't•belp being -good to you, you was very angry, but her sense of jus- Signorina, that tomorrow we depart
strange, lovely woman, for your sake lice admitted that Worth was perfect- for Florence as the Prinelpessa di as he k, Achille!" for the far gondola
as, well, mine. Now I am going � ly right. "Once more 1 ask you not to Monte Bianca and suit?" was heading for the Grand canal.
" Erll Mrd espied a beggar leaning over the make me miserable by forting,, this A * * * * t * Merribew understood now.
to write• a letter. parapet. trinket back upon roe• Will you do It is in early -,morning that one should "Follow!" commanded Hiliard. "Ten
La ,Signorina still lingered by the P Y g lire if you can come up alongside that
wiadow, thought. ' He floated between this me the hong to wait till tomorrow discover the Piazza San Marco. Few
Merrihew was Pocketing currency in phrase and sirs. Sandford's frank de- morutng't" travelers, always excepting the Teu• gondola. Can you see the numberZ"
.exchange for •his gold when Hillard fence of her girlhood friend. The three men exchanged looks, tonic pilgrims, are up and about. The "It is 152, signor—Pompeo. It will
passed an open letter to him: "1Cime flies," he warned. "Which is "Till tomorrow morning, then," said doves are hungry then, and they alight be a race."
MylDear Mr. Hillard—Do not seek us. it to be?" . Worth. The manager was glad to es• on your hands, your arms, your shoul- At each stroke 1llerrihew swung for -
:It wijll be useless If Mr. Merrihew b "We'll go on to Venice. It would be cape ders and even your hat. In a moment ward his body. The end of the race
,with you, tell him that some day I will folly for me to continue the hunt La Signorina raised her veil From they are fluttering about you°, like an came sooner than any one expected.
.explain .away the mystery. But this her girdle bag she took a letter. "Ttus autumn storm of leaves, subsiding A police barge nosed round an ell.
please ,make plain to him—if he inslsW alone." g By the time Pompeo was off again the
upon searchingfor me he will only 'double At 7 that evening they Is tetter 1s from a friend I have always . quickly.
,ray unhappiness. out of the station in Venice—the blue known. Has any one of you ever It was such a picture Merrihew and ferrule of the pursuing gondola scraped
KITTY KILLIGREW, twilight a Venice that curves down heard of the Frincf eggs di biotite Hillard, his guide, came upon the past Pompeo's blade. Pompeo called,
Merrihew soberly tucked the letter from the hollow heavens softening a Blanca?" p morning following their arrival. They ` and Achille answered. There was a
,away. `"I knew It," he said simply, bit of ugliness here, accentuating a bit Her audience leaned forward alien• had not visited it during the night. war of words, figure of a dog, name of
"She is in some trouble or other, some of loveliness there. Here Merrihew tively as she. read, t6e letter: They had, with the usual impatience 1 pig. Achille was in the wrong, but
tangle, 'au , fears to drag us into It. of men one direct? to the Campo '30 lire were 10 lire.
Lound one of his dreams come true, My Dear- was very slab indeed to g Y Hillard caught the gondola by the
Who left a letter here this morning?"and his first vision of the Grand canal hear from you, and i Shan be only toe Santa Maria Formosa for the great re -
he asked of the concierge. ' happy to offer you the temporary assist. ward. They had watched and waited rail and chtng. The race was over.
a small boy from Villefranchel' with its gondolas and barges and queer ance you desire. You will recollect that till near midnight, but in vain. "Signorina," said Pompeo, boiling
" ust my luck," said Merrihew. "I little bobtailed ,skiffs, was ,never to I mite or so north ooutside
� ego e f rhe vii a Suddenly Hillard stopped. He gave with rage, "shall I call the police?"
said that it would .be of no ,use to leave. him. Hillard hunted, for his old Is furnished and kept in repair by an a sharp exclamation and darted to one "No, Pompeo," said his solitary pas -
hunt in the smalier •tow'ns. ' Well, we gondolier, but could not find him. SO ancient gardener and his wife. You and side -to grasp the arm of a neat little senger.
'had better take the luggage back to he chose one Achille, No.' 154. With your, friends are welcome to occupy tits woman who was buying corn. It was "To the Campo, Pompeo. Mr. Hil-
•the rooms. I am going to Ville- their trunks, which they had pickd ou se you n*111s trod all the cheats, b . Bettina. But the maid refused abso• lard, will you kindly follow? I would
franchP" up at Genoa, and small luggage in they reaus, sideboards and glosets under seal, lntely to reveal the hiding place of her speak to you alone, since there is no
"You will be wasting time. After hotel barge they had the gondola a11; for I have not been thete"Blnce the' death or tilts seals may be mistress, La Signorina, and Kitty. escape.'
of my father. None
what happened last night I am certain to themselves. I removed till I occupy the villa' legaity. Hillard offered her a hundred lira The way to the Campo Formosa was
-they will be gone. Let us respect their Instead of following the Grand canell However, the gardener, gryd his wife' ha,[e note ($20J. made without further incident.
;plans, hard as it may seem to you•" Achille took the short cut through the, silver and linen and china 'atsd'wlth theme Bettina, strongly tempted, finally re- The gondolas became moored. Hit.
"But you?'' Ruga di Ban Giovanni and the Rto dl 1,&rRiNCIPEgsl" ID to MONTin xttlAyb�TC,A. fused the bribe. She threatened to call lard jumped out and went to assist La
•"Uh, don't bother about me. I have the marabinieri, moreover, if Hillard Signorina, but she ignored his out
San Polo. • stretched hand.
Irelegated my little romance to the gar- Uut into the Grand canal again. As "The question is, Shall we accept followed her.
Iret of no account things, at least for they swept under the last bridge before this o>ibr?" She refolded the letter. Hillard rejoined Merrihew. discour• "What is it you wish?,� she asked.
,the ,present.", said H3110rA ^•"` coming out into the hotel district Hill "This waa.,the`'plan I ,had in mind aged- "One look at your face," he answer-
lard espied a beggar leaning over the when, vee. tweipt to.Monte Carlo, and a As they passed out of the quadrangle d simply.
Ca Y parapet. The moonlight 8110126 full in mucli'Wi er plan too." a mail accosted them. It was Giovan• She slowly removed the veil. Then,
aught a Cold iiia lace. "Of course w6 shall accept it," said ni, with a week's growth of beard on for the first time, he looked upon the
"Stop!" cried Hillard to Achille. Worth. his ince, bis shoes out at the toes. Lace of this woman who had burdened
. . The beggar took to his heels, and "But what's the matter with your "Follow me," be said softly. his dreams• The face was not like
Which Ended in a when Hillard stepped out of the gon- playing the princess to the neighborsY" lie led them through tortuous streets, any he had conjured. It seemed to
dola the beggar had, disappeared. suggested O'Mally,,,his eyes laughing. over Sal after canal, toward the Barhim that ad stepped
Paola froh her
Severe AatY�ack Of "Who was it?" asked Iferrihew in- "I'll be the concietge,-Smith the stew- Campo San Angelo. Ile came to a Barbara end stepped down from her
dit'ferently. � and and Kitty your maid," stop before a dilapidated tenement frame—beauty, tranquil, flawless.beau-
f erentl ni!" "And I?" sakeo 'Pdingi : The three mounted the dusty, worm tY. A minute passed. He was then.
Pneumonia* "ph; you can be her highness' pal- stairs of atone to the third landtntl, pable of speech; he could only look.
CHAPTIeR XIV. 'Giovanni opened a door and bade "well?" she said in the same eY-
_ IT SUGGESTS vate secretary! and attend to the cor+ them enter. pressionless tone,.
N a bedroom tri one,f the cheap respondence'
--Seated by the window which over- "Let us begin of the beginning," be
Too much stress cannot be laid on the little pensiones which .shoulder • looked the little canal was a young replied.
;fact that when a person catches cold it one another along,the Itiva degN woman: Her hands lay passively in "Since this is to be the end:'
!must a attended person
immediately, or Sehiaboni sat three men. 1.11 es her lap, and her bend was lowered. "Why did you permit me to dine
e were smoking escerabie tobacco. "e t� m� "You have found her!" whispered with you that memorable night?"
iserious results are table to follow. thre w r ,7 r. Hillard, a great pity swellin his "A regrettable impulse."
The castaways o! the Amerlcau Comic f g "And wh
Bronchitis, Pneumonia And Conan p- Opera troupe were ort the anidous seat. r., , j " ® �+ heart y, after all had comb to an' ,
• ., + r opinion of I.et i Wig � n M Legs At the sotlur� r�1i6 tvrGed her head. appnrcnt cud -why did yb'n Bend me
+,tion are all caused by neglecting to cure O Mally, what s yob P
said•Worth, Remarkable cure. ofXh?oit,1C;:'orema Her face, .thin tend. wakddt WAS still, that mask?" l
+thesimpletold. Signorina?" .,. by use cf 6F..' CHASE'S beautiful, ethereally beautiful, but It is unanswerable, Truthfully I d.
Mrs.. G. W. Bowman, Pattuno Ont.; What about her? �
, •—•" T caught a "What do ,you think of her? She's OINTMENT. without color. She vvas tlerhaps'thr�iie not know:'
writes. Three year's lige g belongs to another t ^u corld seareely, imagine d more and twenty. ,Who Is,that man—the ttallab with
cold which ended in A severe attack of not one o! us, she bel los V%*,`Tc tr"t of this ointment than the "I have brought all old friend to 60, the sear?"
class, and the stage is only an incl trc of 31rs. Clark recorded here. For » " "
Piltulnlonia. Since that • time At the dent." trentY c.anrs she snileied ail the tor- you, said Gforannl. I will not anilwer that
beginning of each winter,]' aeeml to catch "Nell, I don't know what, to., tllSnk. tires of this terrible-disedse and trtod she stood tip. A lady? Grace of Mary, that it
. • •` - tee Gems vain • "We are going bask to . thaw Sabine droll!"'
col&'' cry easily. I have been eo hoarea 1 ve pumped Killigfew, but 1} . � c vain t'no prescriptions of doctors „
loud encu ta'tu be in. the dark Ith tke rest o! us. ,d tho cr.es contnwnly reeot:,n,cacY,:d. hills,, Lnrlchetfa null h The cid man Why only
you toy the r
I was unable tai epelaYc g to be d a she �' , rabbed !its hands joyously. "Lit 'Z aim only gaoling the man with tie
'heartT across the rooiin, %!tit wintir, Thaf ring and tha catEiee w i ,,. I'rt•tl 1V. Clark, I'e,ttorth, out..
convince ]tie that t•s: -" `;y mother linty T enema in carlse nao? • scar: Those were the woMn lab .0
however, a friend advised Ime to try M, offered it as securi�9 ., th 11•,+s for abort 20 yenta and suE. Yes, father;' with a taint smile,• in regard to yde . '
' Norway Pine Syrup, sa in it she doesn't belong,. gut tyhat a, vulcel
Wood s N rw y Yr P+ y Q „ eltce tion oiie Of I. 16,)ra the dreadful. itehitig, sting- Giovanni pushed his friends into a1s~ "Perhaps he Is right. Vertit,:I:, 1 tit,,
•!lad }vel her. I bought a bottle and She is without P I",' nr„smttons which can never be other roolu, Wolfing` the door.
., 1, , , ,.
• i , to f hi. t 1
•ll:cold l 1t
saw not
a lad 1,
1?d II I ever Y
wiling wed ,
ea n t ,
t b doctored and
`bdfoin it was half used I was tompletely the mos ” , ,er,hr.l. She d e •'I found her, he ealii in >i ngliah,
' medicine for or encs to see, rejoined Worth. t e, •l•i;isi" for it but , of tic relict But. she laughed.
.aureol', i also find it a good medici O'tiall exchanged a :l•isilo'tlge l r Chmgc's gintrriilnt the chur:A ki 'hie thcoitt staniltu'g out .Iipo not laugh like 'that. \Neat anti
,, Smith and y u. 1 4t I "And, .mother of Christ, how 1 have
the eiuldzen when they,hsve beide. swill, collipreliensive ?dolt: v :..� rl,heh was recom,nehdcd to her :by a are or have been or alight t►atct. bet'll
- ��''bdlCa'! t 1, fuur,d t'nt thin br0ugttt suffered! She was, dancing. ,S>ae had to him is nothing to ate. Only one
Beware of the many Imitstlen6 of Dr.
worth rose to QO to Coot+! bit ,z,,,1. S e l , o eft at lett slid drill% with the
I. love
has t tab n that s i
use clear and
aura its t mains
i continuing ?act re ,
tnraed 1 e WWII l i
Woo 'r Norway Pine Syrup, possible letters, but a twoly. � � • � g
. „ ' . • ,to announce that the !+IVO lltdles � ren rrril a I7ezett,a. Ido irnt `tl,tnl; 'tne12-=that or the, Seine. When she, ,astir"
rr W6&c1'tf .Wa in ist on The nv 0ue could have tete horrible dis. saw to elle gaver a great try ked fell "NP, Mr. Hillard, you are only ex --
Ask fes, ih „ rued from >+C. >
g of . _ - rs0 anv worse than she did and can She has not been 1i14e:herseltr tint that
aetttfig w ou ask. ed W th tf. and r Ws It ,. , h t _ s a _ Mild. I may loo p fugitive from the
l'ed J rrenmtmond Dr. Chso tt iSnttRtont a wlh D ee away In time. Now she aitli ,►
and "t- . _ . rs .. . ...taw.
It idl pal tg a'eilow Nfrlptietr, three the p �foanll tl.ar ougli cure for l.esemg. in eifehcb {ind tlr+otlti, went ttS the ►►I do hot believe It."
+I1ta11;tteeg the ttkIermartt; thtt_,"cei VWO mot" exd: � illi (haws. ,a OhItmrh�,'tO ecoltt�tt bnN, ? 1ltallail nmhad>lAd6tr. Se heard aDy
5 Ce12ta. tiariu�el fvred ani ' '1 writ rely. f, . t alt deulelm or'11dwomaon, bAtoo'k Co..
' , tditbum Co., Yimite3.'loeont+ . !', +' whUe p tionerf► "1 mtgltt 1ta+'a rotonta. Br. Chase'e ltecip0s'ecnt trent a story in ?nil. lie wrote 'personitlly, tv0 lTd be tlohttltttltttlr
..y.. i••p Mi.` ,'i Aq•i..": it a'. '.1 vii .'.�M .. a��,•,!�
'• M1
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o He was surprised at how the
+ mores healed—"! tool: your New
MaTnon TRrATMFNr for a seriousblood
disease with which I had been in eted
for twelve years. I had consulted aseore '
of ph sicians taken all kinds of blood r i
f medieine, visited Iiot Springs and other
mineral water resorts, but onlyy got tem.
orary relief. They would help ine for a
time, but after discontinuing the medt- {
cines the symptoms would break out ti
again—running sores blotches, rhrutn-
atle, pains, looseness R the hair swellings
of the glands palms of the hangs s ali tg,
aEfORCTREATMENT itchiness ofthe shin, d speptic stomach, , AFTER TREATMENT
etc. I had given up in desnt,alr when a
friend advised me to consult you, as ou had cured7um of a similar disease R years ago•
I had no hope, but took bis advice. In three weeks' time the sores eommenced to head up
and I became encouraged, I continued the Nsw Ahr.TRon TREATMENT for four months
and at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared. I was cured i years ago
andno signs of an disease since. Aly boy, three years old, is sound and healthy. I cer-
tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer anyy persnn to
me I7fldatelq, but you can use this testimonial as you wislt,-
SKIN 'andSECRET Diseases, URWARY, BLADDER and KIDNILY complaints of Men
and Women.
FADERAro you a victim? clave, you lost hope? Are you intending to rnarr5•? rias
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Charges reasonable. Boobs Free—(Illustrated) oa diseases of glen.
11O NA'M IEA USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything contide,attai,
Question list and cost of Homs Treatment FREE,
Rs.K i
Cor. Michlgalit Ave., aged Griswold 5t., Detroit, Mich.
is All letters front CAttnda must be dddressetl
I NOT�G to our Canadian Correspondence be art-
testi? uteri ill indsor, tit f
' t 'tV O I you desire, t
sec us' ;ersontilt call at our .Medical Institute in I>etroit as we see and treat
is+e ,psle situ ill bttr tV'holsol offices which tire for Correspondence atltl
I.ahorntory for , Canadian bitsiluess only. Address all letters its follows,
. Y,& >*,f>'Y is cor flat,
bti9 �t'1i KM90V# 'Vk►t . d ,
.'write far +fur private Wrest,