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The Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 6
�,1'�i;N VVINULIAM TIMES, NO VFMisER X7, 1s♦lU a � ..:.. R•- ---- ----- Air, Et www Ototu Vihito, Stat#'deal oparp the inpac4nt• x FOR • s` .f , x° .. Secretary of B:r,tttat Sunday Sohaolsdied: The ntRa who handles aoogatry news SUFFERED Do:r F'tsri; crosouut. paper learns attar duo experience act to o know- Many aoltool oh#1dr£a antfeT fromnyuapa cap oG Vogl briefly things but hales fur BON a¢ the or _ a column p ,�� !' -. WITH 8tipntlOn. which as oft LE Fee=ing stupidlty at leasers Uhaa�ber qth N f aur,ly as oom4th the winter. that } ^' Ynin's Stomach and Liver Tablets aro as single tine, in which there to an until ideal medicine to give a child, for they a are mild and gentle in their effect, and tontioanl ante gpred0atatii'u Sv#!1 cease . Him wilt cure tvettchranlc canettpationao:uo one L, ia3 iiugrtin9 tram a Q hausato i ants we array add that when he o.r Prop u�W� a altrF.AA' Y h' s:• Sold b all dt *• ;..� , e his made pleasant mention 9sy limas of o Free Pros Mr, Daniel Saunders, o£ t T' o W#snip K l' oa trio u,,'r a rdiu o a. or, thing but iY :• tt oa lace . t .l s is one _ 3 ¢ g z" auitob f:: , ,.. .. , , .,.c ..: .. ., ._ . , f ....., %>::•::�.,:;:...: �:., =`�' eawo person, P heal hake, M ar ?' r.. �.:: :• :::.;?� 7 000 Q00 bush Must k's4..=` r S ate theta nre still $ - . ..,. _ .�.�:. .. ...... thousaudeth time raise to do ea, he ma : ,� �,. �>>•„ ' .�,,� .,L��,' of thebesk l:nowta gentlemen. a wheat in the h:sads of westera farmers to. < I not expect to be forgotten, Tea omtsa t•g. s:. la Canada's great wheat <` be marketed, country, ITS lived for ears ion or error may hava been from aooi- d r.. . �.r; ` in the west -crude a success �ra ' - s ,�:>.tr.` r".,' , - - .;;• ....,.• kr��,�•�•% �' dent, ina`ivorteueP, an entire 1Nok Of c ,. t andlla8now a`:i\� • .41 1 8 1Z `•' r ,i . Or II1i9ioformation, it matters `` ` `^ i `, �'� Y,?4.. oft from �ctive business CA; tt t , ti y 5. r' "' C ♦+ know loo e, retired FOR �LETCHER S *v ;,,;,;. ; not tris sulj to feat remains and he wiYl 'A. life to enjoy the fruits of his S T O R I A be judged by that and be condemned work. • ;:;:::y;;::»> forever its a elle sinner and treaoharous . ` r.. When a ntan of such • • • ,..,.. .. ; financial and social standing Canada can lad claim to being the first beingfor the balance of h#a life. rr ' voluntarily testifies to the • • • ' country to lases q proclamation for the . --- ts-- teat benq&ts ire has received ,,Nov,td 1$59, �� �i ,- 6' „Fruit-a•tives„ harvest, That was on No , 4- $ From. taking ::• :�:• � I i h Lame back cornea op enddeulp and is ��,. e � \,�, �"' � �: '� , there eau be no doubt but %3.::<'r', Then there was n hiatus of a year. The paiufnl, It is caused bd m,. extremely, h? _ `' that'`Irru#t-a-fives" deserves f. neat Observauca of the kind was in 1861, rbenmetiam of the muscles. Quick re Y., " i s theconf denceof every reader • ,.',> s%f: followed by a third in 1863. FfOra 1866 lief is tftorQed by apple#pg Uhambeg of this paper, • i%/l//%/pJ/� '����1/, %/ ;:�/ Thanksgiving to OAnada has been an lain'a Linimopt, Sold by all dealers. �Q b X �' S1IOA1, 7,ai; , MAI;, ..•.--.+FN--^- y 3 JVNit I1th, 1910. '.•,.��/ govern 2 a f • }� s'� , `�, '. �' . - s "I+`OY years, I was bothered': annual lust#ration, successive g Cement. q 4 ? x� fearsDyspepsia. mints e:tli•�g a day each year for its `_ observanoa. Over in the United States A s r with persistent _ _ ids u� and Ind#gestion, having: _ % o Thirty ygnre age', wheD Portland ae ,, ��f°��4 severe pains after meal time. 'the first national proclamation of gener meat was selling at three dollars a barr• �i al thangeglving wn9 in 1563, tlia day el, n1 o.te dreamed of the manifold uses Q rices ever tit rig tlz,:t T a I t p l �r f • �-= -- could get but the pain in my having bee- an annual heli my ever to wh#chit would lie put or of the error• DANIEL SAUNDER=+r ESQ- stoinach betaine ire 1 Frui. e • a / moi,,,,• ��; since, mous quantities of it whieb would be Mr. Oatwa a druggist of lit town, recounneude�l "1~rt:it-a- i' made in this country, Since thou there T,as"t summer, p� gg �+ z iu no way gave tip any foods o t' 1����� The old, old story told times without has been a staadil increasing amount tives to ins, While taking 1 n ith fives , a / number, and repeated over mud over Y thFruiti a-tivesh'ehas done i onhabit of dersitotr me and I strongly adv se tall in lily fr end§, again for the last 36 years, but it is al• produced and a constantly aaoraaal¢g „ DANML SAUNDURS. ways a welcome store to those in search pride. Last year more than sixty to use it.in s - _. ....�. of health -There is nothnicesi ing in the world million barrels were made to the United " l ruit-a-fives'' is theonly medicine ia,tSour Stomach li#liousness ure t Const „ • -- y - -•-- "� ""- „-`��� - are that cures cough and oolds as quickie States and Bold at an average price of and will always cure Indigestion, Dy p P The only reason some believe Chep as Chamberlain a Cough Remedy. Sold ation and any other disease that coutestrial from 2rcere�t dealers lorseut on` `� Ly eighty fier ghats d barrel. e p year a Kidneys or Sk#n, sot. a boa. 6 for z,6o, 5 saints is that (heir naighb•tra with they by all dealers, still larger gaa¢tity will be produced. receipt of price by Fruit -n -rives Irixpited, Ottawa. liv-d in another world. Inquiry at the Biological ladoratory It can now be made at a profit for eighty " Local History of the early 806. ` iris Fraro'h DSlniaterof Dlariaeintands at the experimental farm has revealed cants a barrel train - 'TWENTY YEARS AGO, Items from the "Times" fyles. to establish a coast ecoutiag service of that the disease of rabies has about run The business has also, says Youth's Guelph, citizens presented Mr. J. P. The Government case has taken lip with diagibles and aeroplan s, B its course no caees having been sent in Companion been greatly stimulated by Downey, ex•M,P,P„ with n cheque for Dor. Nape the ease of the striking train - Group is most prevalent during the Ithere for observation within the past the diecuverp Of new uses to which earn- $1,000, mea who have not yet been reinstated, dry Cold weather of the early winter ICouple of months. During the year 1909ent, or concrete into which oemeuters, When a cold becomes settled in the (From the TIMES of Nov, 14, 1890.) to the house with lung trouble for some mouths. Parents of young children laud until the end of September of tbis call be put. Enormons quantities have Marshall Filson, of Stella, was drag system, it will take several days' treat• time, left on Tuesday, accompanied by t-hoald be prepared for it. All that is 1 g ed a quarter of a mile by 1 runaway ment LOCAL NEWS- his sieaer, for Las Vege, New Mexico. needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's (year, more than 126 animals have been f been and lire still being Head in Pada gorse, bn6 escaped with a few bruises. use isoChamberlaiacure it, and ts Cough he beat remedy Lae Vega is at the end of the Lorieta Cough Remedo, Many mothers are sent in for observation of which over half i ma Canal work, the tunnels under the � It will care quicker than any other, sad. Mr. F. Pat LOCA is very ill with ill• range of the at the end of Mountains, and its never without i6 in theirMan: homes and it showed positive symptoms otrabiee. Some East and North rivers, mud for subways also leaves the system in a natural and ;- Mr. of trio lungs. has never disappointt.d them. Sold b9 were horses, others cows and calves but in New York City and Boston -bp the DEAENE3d CANNOT DE CUAED hanithy condition, Sold by all dealers. climate is said to be very benefioinl in all dealers. Mr. R. C,• Spading shipped two car cases of lung disease. the main animals were doge which would railroads in general. by local applications, se they cannot Dr Orippan hue been gra* ted a reprieve' A true bill was brought in against comprise about 85 per cent. Various irrigation prof jots have made Teach the diseased portion of the ear. until Nov. 23, Friends of Crippen pro - loads of apples to New York, on Tues- On Thanksgiving day a shooting day, per G. T. R. match came off on Zetland Range, nn� Thomas Fiuton for the murder of his other large domande, and the construct- .phase is only one way to once deafness' have der the auspices of No. 2 oompanp, 33rd and that is by constitutional remedies. fees to beleive that his 'life is still alive• Messrs. Giiohrlet, Green & CO, father at the Hamilton Assizes, and the ion of foundations for heavy buildings an Battalion. The day was fine and some trial was postponed to the January As. Grows HaIr Abundantly calls every year for greater quantities. Deafness the mucosa lining oYmthe Eae• Ill foot somehie late employer, profess to have declares their furniture factory lit by electric It is however, some of the less common Dr, Mnnpper light, and the light is giving good antis, good shooting was made. Below will sizes, L This is an age of new discoveries. To tnohian Tube. When Ghia taco n in that Crippen Was too gentle a man to• and, i¢ s way, more domestic nese that flamed you have a rumbling sound or faction. be found the names of the prize winners: grow hair after it hms fallen out today is are most interesting. In the building of imperfect hearing, and when it is en• commit such a murder an chnrg- Mr. T. A. Reid, of Tees public Yolunteers' match -W. Sherdan, 24 Externa Not A Blood Disease, a reality. homes it furnishes one of the most 'dor• tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and ad and has offered $60,000 for' school, hue been appointed principal of pointe, $2, a silver one, and a ladies' Excema is a disease of the akin and unless the inflammation can be taken the discovery of the woman, Crippen not of the blood, For this reason inter- SALVIA, the Great Hair Touio. able and fire -resisting materials in exist• ' out and this tube restored' to its'normal Stands convicted of murdering. Forest Model school at a Salary of $760, satchel given by M. Ambler; Wm, Dodds, Dal medicines have never been a success will positively create a new growth of enoe, and at a moderate cost, It aftords - condition, hearing will be deatroyed for He was also the saooesefnl candidate for 22, $1 and an alarm clock given by Ed, in oaring Eczema, Whatever the cause -hair, a Olean, smooth, dry floor for the collar, ever; nine oases out of ton are cauu4 A Jewish lad 15 years of Age,who came the principalship of the Renfrew Model Dinsley; R. COrnyn, 17, $1 and a pair of local application is necessary to heal the and a permanent walk through the gar- by Catarrh, which is nothing but wu %¢ to Oauada with his parents on the 10th• school, receiving notices of appointment overehoee, given by McCormick & Co; ndtaral conditioII�h skin to a a rsaeonhDr. If you want to have a beautiful hood gamed condition of the mucous sur• of Jnne last, unable to Speak a word of of hair free from Dandruff use .Salvia den. faces. simultaneously from both Boards, J. Rogers, 16, $1 and a suit of under- Chase's Ointment has a world wide rep once a day and watch the results. Oa the farm it makes Silos, lead- We will give One Hundred Dollars for English, five months later received a A new cedar block crossing has been clothing given by Inglis & Cc; A. Brant, utation as being without a rival as a any case of Deafness (canoed by catarrh) credit of 100 marks in a history exam - 14, $1 and an air gun given by T. Black; care for Eczema. SALVIA is guaranteed to Stop falling troughs for the stook, a sanitary floor ination fn MoCaul school, Toronto. put down on John street from the . J Pageley, 13, $1 and the WinRham hair and restore the hi it to its natural for the stable and hence. T, and poste Curt cannot Send for circulars freles Catarrh Queen's hotel to Mason's oorner. color. The greatest Hair Vigor known. for the boundary fence. Touched by r. J, OHENEX & Co., Toledo, O. Outside of hie work in school, however, TIMES one year, given by R. Elliott; J. ^Oarlyle once told of a man who was the hand of art, it places on the Americ• Sold by Druggists. 760- this lad was privately assisted - by a On Monday, Mr. D. Stewart, the McGuire, 12, 75 cents and an album, fi' �' financially interested in gold milling an lawn a reproduction of the classic seat Take Hall's Family Pills for oonetipa•• young Jew who some years since wen energetic cattle buyer chipped a Oar load given by A. Ross; R. Carrick, 10, chop, that all the gold ever produced by Calif- The Farm Help Problem. that once graced -some Roman garden, tion. through the same school and afterwards &; of cattle to Montreal. ping axe, given by Smith Pethick; J. Mr. D. Sutherland and a gang of men 1 teen ornia was not worth one good mealy Pot- The Canadian Northers Railway has or of a statue that stood in Athena. It matriculated at Toronto University, Lever, 9, amp, g by D. Sutherland; ato. are busy potting the Mansard roof on A. Morden, 7, overehirt, given by T. The Railway Commission has ordered Of the 682 children inMaCanl school6 50, instituted an Immigration end Ooloniz� isnot only a great sad neefal servant, , the new town hall. Mary Whittle, who has died at Pres- atioa department with headquarters at but a fascinating play mate, and its re. the C. N. R. to build a five -pier bridge are Hebrews. English is the only I an - the E. Sherman, 6, tie and collar, p over the Moira Rivei at Belleville. guage spoken in the school. The races in the roller rink, on the given by John Hanna; A. Simmons, 6, ton at the age of one hundred, did her Toronto with Col. Thomas Howell who sources are still unexhausted. evening c s in the roller dap were well own washing until two years ago. She organized the Immigration department Thanksgiving office chair, given by Button & Fessant; started work at the age of eight, and of the Salvation Army and for several patronized. The two mile race was won S MoIlwain, Scorer, $1 and a tea -kettle, was married at nineteen. years had charge of that work, in charge Children Cry by George Stewart; Thomas Gray won given by J, Duffield & Son __ _ of the new department. The farmers of FOR FLETCHER'S -- the race for boye ander 14, and A. Mar- C A S T O R I A tin was the successful competitor in the BIRTHS Fifty Years' Experience of an old nurse Ontario will therefore con musical chair race. MRs. WINSLow's SOOT31ING SYRUP is the benefit of experience obbtaitained in hie to have The employees of the Union Fnrni• Beecroft. -In East Wawauosh, on the the prescription of one of the beat fa. former capacity as well as the advant- bWANTED NU��r tare Factory are completing arrange- 64h inst, the wife of Mr. Wm. Beeoroft; male physicians and nurses in the ages offered y oar Caua tion with the -- a son. United Siates,and has beenused for fifty whole system of the Canadian Northern menta for the establishment of a cc, years with never -failing success by Railway including the agencies through - operative store in town. It is expected MARRIED millions of mothers for their children. For Wingham and surrounding dis• Pi6ht Fowler-Brown-At Gilliam, Ont Great Britatu acid Ireland and alsothat thee will be able to open Ont for Missou- It relieves the child from pain; cures trict for Fall and Winter months an enKind - bnsineee in the course of a few weeks. ri, on the 19th of October, Mr. George diarrhoem; griping in the bowels, and the Royal Line of steamehlpe and rail• ergetio reliable agent to take orders for , wind colic. By Riving health to the spay connections. The department is nursery stook. A special meeting of the Town Coun• Fowler, son of Mr. Peter Fowler, of the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five anxious to ascertain requirements of cil was held on Monday evening, when Blaevale Road, to Miss Lain Brown, cents a bottle. farm help throughout the country with Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free. an order was given for two of Masers. both of Gilliam, a view of securing suitable farm labor Exclusive Territory. (�j Clare Bros., (Preston, Ont ) celebrated Griffith -McEwen -At the residence from the farming districts of the mother Printin Vdes for the new town hall. of the bride's father, Morris, on the 12th John Grahame of the 4th, Oonceeaion ucin such settlers to 600 ACRES U ■ wood fnrna land and introducing Messrs. Jae, Duffield & Son, who are inst, by the Rev. A, Y. Hartley, of Blue. Kinloss has just completed the building farmers in the East and West. Special '-, Under otiltivatiou. We guarantee to the Wiugham agents of the firm, will vale, Mr. Wm. Griffith, of Howtek, to of a new barn, 40 by 60 feet in size to attention will be given to the Province deliver stook in good condition and up put the furnaces in, Miss Grace Ann, daughter of Mr. John replace his former barn which was des- of Ontario. It is the intention of the to contract grade. We can show that Mr. Jos, Kerr, who has been confined A. McEwen. troyed by lightning on the lot of August. there is good money in repreeenting a department to co-operate with the var• well known reliable firm at this time. The kind that 1s neat, attractive and It was decided at a meeting of West ions governments in supplying suitable Established over 80 years, Write for -� Ham Corporation to devote to the relief farm labor and dorhestio help, Farm particulars, up-to-date, COStS you n0 more money of the rates £6,737, the sum which re, help will be introduced through the aR. PEhHAM NURSERY CO. Toronto, Ontario. here than the inferior article does mained over from the profits on tram- encies of the Ontario Government but ,y. ways for the last financial year after the Canadian Northern Immigration - elsewhere. [11CM HNUUM MILL making certain contributions, department is making an organized off•KERNELS THE - + Dr, ohase's oinb ort to procure such help from the old mentisacertain, land. Experienced persons have been �' ir:�q. and guaranteed Am and guarani ed bent over to selectsaitable help. nvoro f n.• m Af - .. YOU. _ i - - a n o. protiruum ......... piles. Sea tostimoniale fn rho press and • ua, Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. t:ournerghborsaboutit» You can use it sad Had Severe PainsRU- ¢atyourmoneybackiPnotsatisflCd. aee,atall , Sealers C: Pvaarexsorr. BeTEs & Co., TorontA. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. I n Back. ltu.r e L A oaae of Asiatic cholera has been „. ¢ _M in printing as in other things, and the Women are not permitted to be photo- Fear of discovery often masquerades identified at Naples. The stricken man,, Felt A3 Ll j# Must can cure the worst case of TIM] S is in a position t0 turn Out first- gTopbed in China, as the voice conscience. a shoemaker named Ernesto Vigilante There's no help for a man who is too was immediately taken to an isolation Break* Rupture from infancy to old age, A wmnan Nrado HapIry, lszy to work hie friends, hospital, and every step taken to prevent without operation or loss of time. Class work at very reasonable prices. the spread of the disease. "I could scarcely get about the hones At least $72,000,000 worth of BritishACT AT ONCE Try this office with your next order. to attend to my work and felt miserable is always on the sea. ire Alfred o Davis,earGerrie, Ont., nearly all the time." writes Mrs. Alex, property Down in t lorear- l the chief of police writes: -94 For some years X suffered from 13nahanan, Island Brook, Qne. "After strapped a 12-year•old lad who refused severe pains in my bark, and could and remove the daily danger of using Dr, , IA. W. Chase's Nerve Food "After strapped go to school, At the request of the hardly work at all, and when I stooped stiaugulation, Fill in coupon system is wonderfully built lip. There C A ST O R' A mother the chief used a good Stoat 'strap Gown to pick ak anything felt d if my and send to beet. J. is no further trouble from dizzy spells back must Brea I was advised to try and stomach weakness; and with health For Infants and Children. to the extent of ten strokes with the Doan's Xidney Pills and after taki' J, ,5� $MITHr and strength restored, life had a hes' iris Kind You Hage Always Bought promise that It would be increased by two boxes was entirely cured, and I feel • pledsuro for me, 7 five for each subsequent offence, The . favor, cannot speak too iii(tlily in heir ggaledtlriia St, T h eT 1 e S r --= ' ' Bears the boy went to school without farther r'xbts was nearly four years ago mud f STRATIF01W, bism. A00009 to cif official r©hirn u0 iguature of trouble, still remain cured,' lower than $1,938,090,909 pmssgngers For Backaehe Triune Beck, 'Went Nalne .y....... ....,.... LI1 depiitdtlofi t6or oontina th6 auto, Back there is Vino-, remedy equal to were carried on municipal tramways tiriie e� to iblt3, uai at- Inoblle interests waited riF too Icon, W. Doan's Xidmyg fills for,tAkin oat the WINGHAM �' ONTARIO last ?ear as compared with $8,009,000 ft ni a ions y btitchoe, twitches and t iAgW imbednt�� ready a inclement is nh 100t for cele• 3, Hanna and the A611. Dr. R01%umd last up the stiff back and giving perf'eet den earN ago' . bratiug the battle ori Waterloo. The week and pledged the motorists tie being etmfort, AKS. , . , . Time 9111 . • 'When the Ttevibill �arrlater at liar Idea 1s to assemble oil the historic battle ready to abOept a substantial tax, based Doan's I i �ney pals `bi10des�le�esP6r r rhill called attention to the toot tont no field, represeuthilves of all the „bowers on the power of choir machines, proyid• box Or $ bo $1.25f ,qi]Y ,lt double'. list was sent in from the parirli of Md which in the great straggled- ed that tax is appliod to increasing the Tailed direct an re A4 of rd ftt by f - , ormed by the which tools part a?; T. biilburr Co. >,imited, ,T`dronto, Ont: : Utsbridge, he was inf In ordering Satisftldt%Yl gtl, onteed. 'Be1�Yuln. bo'ds$ruttion, greet ,ppeelfy rrDblirl's.'"-•.n..r.+ri.rr.�wid. _ Militant overseer that there 'vrere nd in � .r..•r ""` Britain, canoe, (#ermany, Holland and probinolal aid to counties for road�ray • hlifbitants to the parish,