HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 5I q TUX 'Rr1bf1, U4X UU98, NOVE4113ER 1 liyit� SmileA MOTHERS PRAISE, Winter getting. �.� , e s • :�" Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bird were greatly __._ The north, wind comer from its retreat surprised on BatRrday, Nov. 5th, when M ethers are always willing to shower among the wiistea of ice and sleet; it ! I th' c A tC � �► +�9 n, number of their neighbors wont in t4 their praioea on a medtoine that not only comes from some far arctic coast, and qi 41 ry fir . _ x � �: �� ��� celebrate their golden wedding.. Tb�s relieves Eho,r preoio4.p little ones frau, hits ns whero we feel ti'most, And o ' 1 evening was spent in social chat apd pain but removes the 0014.69 an keeps pow phonograph y theta well, bright, votive and happy, the , wh who blithely wrought fu sutu• honagra h seiegtions b Mr, Rabt. Such a medicine 11113,07'8 Own Tablets. mere when ilia days Wero hot, l,as in his Tansy, Mr. �Veiters, of Halton pope• "No other mod oine for little ones has Vs. larder flour and jam, Iimbnrger checaq r ,. = ty, and Mr. Walsh, of Wggtfield, pave A geived such praise from thousands and pies apd ham. $lit, bine aro ran, j Department ' number of seleoticiAs ion, their moats, thaq$lul tugthars. Thaas Tablets ver �:, I s nip6l o'er with coal, and iR his barn the. 'organs, Which were endAyod by p11. fait to rel eve the little. ones fro py of a `%Zi the many little alis that all ' t them, horses roll. The north hind comes with i ,After the young ladies served, lunch all pars- Thee. Hodgson, Me da Loup wailing cry, and dark and sullen is the DON'T departed for their homes, wishing Mr. Station, �lao„ writes. I !ways keep sky, Apd pow the matt Who spent his r , and Mrs Bird may be Spared to cele• 805 '0 Own Tablets I o house and ' TI 4 F have Ivan them tq n,y wq ]iota ones days in idle and in faolial, ways, who ' NG THAT WINTER br to their diamond wedding.. 6! >. $' loafed about the wear t ¢ witp, the best roanits. I al?vaye reooruy Own and called r _ ( >sAsr {VAWANOS>g. mead them to my friends as they are a -the nation's statesmen down, is aslting SUIT Th r opening cents who a bus dealer The y mRrapd remedy." The � illtlaame wrought are cold sand did doorsat the of oohgrea0 The \ ` �S U ■! T e e pens services of the. Eon�V idler's larder line no ' tm, n4 kraut or w . , i � Q g Medicine Uo. Brookville, O,lt, J OR ,' , ,•r •';' nybr4ok Methodist Ohnrch will be held ' r , ti • wienerwurat or ham,,. the idler's wife, IS � on Sunday, November 20th, and daring weeping s _ his children raise a h4.n• the day there will be three services, the BLUNVAL ,E, F B ore; 0V E R ' morning and avenin (10.30 A. M. and Bey roar. Oh, tet 4.a hoed the idle, s c y'. g Mrr.'Jgo, Sutlers is at prosent visiting bleat, and give him staff to drink sed 7 p. m.) will be in charge of the Rev. A, friends at Goderioh. eat, and keep his children from ideapair, E, Jones, of Belmont, while at 2,$0 p,m, Rev, W. J. West spent,ra few days and ease hip poor wife's load of care, _ ��� LONGER t1�Smilf service will b3 aonduoted by Rev. �4`m. this weok with friends at Woodetgak, bat whoa rho summer comes again, and Zlre am showing Styles Ball; of Benmiller. On Monday ©van• P 'Proverbial Sagiai League lire basement of there's demand for working oxen, let's / ing there will be served a fowl sapper • ,1 p „ ,g amen a prod the idler from the street and make 4 - and values that will Spell your from 5 to 8 o'clock, after which three the Methodist Church ou Friday even- him labor and repeat l—Walt�Masan. � purse if Sou see them. Hadn't •- „�; .� will be an entertainment.you better drop in right ing. Nov,. 18th, at d o'clock. A good right away, program is being prepared, consisting of I �i'% think we have clothing that t will exactly suit you. Oar as. WEST wnwnNgstat. solos, recitations oto, Refreshments The Whole Truth. MIR. SWELL D12ES•SER ' sortmente are so large we are are to be served. Everybody welcome. Council met as per adjournment on (From Everybody's Magazine) / almost sore to have just what WE .S'ATISFY C(.rSTOME RS WHO BUY Oot. 19• members all Admission Ib cGa. , present a%Capt In a Now $CQ4.B77fgk village a t4R'II you !file at lila pl'iC;q yptl, Want councillor Wilson; minutes of last Miss Parse, and Mr, Raoselt Andrews to pay. 'THEIR CLOTHES FROM US. � character who preferred emphasis to the of Tho read and approved qn motion spending the sum- vol ing an anger. neHe po itivelyr iden.. Our Newest Overcoats are xtremel , have returned after a endin BECAUSE THE SUITS AND OVERCOATS of Thompson and Watson, mer at Hawtrey, � attractive olid WE SELL ARE MADE OF GOOD CLOTH. The Treasurer's statement showed Rev.. R. Thynoe, of Palmerston, oc• tified it as the praparty of the portio a of reasonably priced. balance on hand of $41,76; received and copied the pulpit in the Presbyterian the suit, BECAUSE THEY ARE CUT AND SEWED riled on motion ofAitoliasonand Thomp• Church on Sunday In the absence of "Bat" asked the attorney for the Mens overcoats, all prices $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, son. pastor, other aide, ''do yon swear that yon know $12.00 and $15.00, -21Y TAILORS WHO K_JVOW HOW TO MAKE sr Kerr presented a petition signed by Mies Agnes Ait°beeon, who has been this anger?" HIGH-CLASS TAILOR-MADE ._ hf pself and 4thera asking glia Council Buffering from an attack of pleurisy is "Yee, Sir." � � a .CLOTHES. to ass a bylaw a pointin inn eotore oonvalesent and will soon be able to b9 "How long have you known it, h9 _ BECAUSE OUR PRICES ARE= NOTRpB_ to see to the destruction of bad weeds around again, continued. �+ 7 - on the farms and roadways of the tows- - "I have known that auzer," Sail the SUITS. BERS' PRICES, Ship and on motion of Watson and GRXY, witness impressively, "aver Since it was Not the ordinaryready-made, but OurE\ULTSf1 WORSTED Thompson the Clerk was instructed to Total 'taxes to be collected in Grey a gimlet." )'- f WE MAKE A PROFIT, BUT WE WISH prepare a by law to have passed at the township this year amount to $28,909. TWEEDS made to our order by EXL'ERT' TAILORS. Sold to you 4 next meeting. = tbrough out system Of very small expense, tLt prices fully fifteen per ONLY A FAIR PROFIT. q p at the suslaa , lCollectors are P. J.ast yearns Halero cent, L Cent. less than o g n re. �S'ID WILL BVy A SUIT OR AN OVER- Accounts to the amount of $&„b 00 on F Cheques were leaned in a pment of let added after December Ne4ilh1M0TaggarG HOUSEHOLD NOTES. See C3i.Ia l�eV,7 get for elsewhere. motion of Council t eon and Thompson. The Council then adjourned to meet at Boys' from $ to ,COAT FROM US .PERPETUAL SMILE. I� THAT WILL GIVE YOU A q4. Nov. 22nd at 1 O'clock p. m. marriage of Wednesday,November Margaret Beatrice A weak eoiasa n of alara or soda A a dnety carpet. will years, price $3,OiD. gNovembet 2nd revivethpecolo y dipping $Cies' Sweaters, a bargain at 50C.' W. S. MC<7ROS'rIE Clerk, _ _ Dunbar, third daughter of John Dunbar, Clean plaster ornaments b di in in g FAY US X13.50 FDR A SUIT OR OVER- "Cherrydale," Grey, to Robert A. Mc- cold starch, brushing the powder off JA11hESTOWN. Lean, of Seattle, Washington, U. S., slightly when dry,Ws COAT AND , NO MAN WILL HAVE A 'RIGHT The late John MoTaggart, whose formerly of Carleton Place, Oat., took A little cornstarch mixed in the salt HE - " IS0N'S UN11 0 • • A death was briefly recorded in last week's place at the home of the bride's father, before putting in the shaker prevents For Alen, trade of pare Nova Scotia Woal all sizes. Ask TO FEEL PROUDER OF HIS CLOTHES THAN TIaEs was born in Yarmouth towdlibip, Rev. W, Fee, M, A, Dunnville, uncle , El Of the bride packing. t' yCU•• gin Conntq,'and cams to Gray along otitoiating. The bride's salt from aokfn o see i with his brother Donald, in 1155, when father gave her away, the immediate To clean kid gloves, slightly dampen a the bush farm upon which Mr. MoTag• relatives and intimate friends only soft °lath with milk and gently rub the gart lived and died was taken up from being present, Wedding dreee was of solid parts and afterwards dry with a♦ Eo Pp Gampbell the Crown, and by industr and thrift white silk eoline, the bodice hand em- cloth, ISA"00- COM G V trnsformed it into welLtilled acres, broidered with silk and pearls, and the Silver will not need as much rubbing Deceased was married in 1867 to Mies skirt hemmed with the same. A shower if before cleaning it is washed in hot Jane McNair, daughter of the late Neil of white roses and lily of the valley was water and soap with 'a little liquid am. McNair, and sister to John McNair, 14th carried and a gold 'bracelet, the gift of monia in it. 4♦♦•♦♦�••♦�♦•••••••••♦•••� ••••••••�i••�♦�••♦••♦•�••• can. Eleven children wore born to the groom, was also worn. Bridesmaid + • them of whom nine are living:—Neil, was Miss Ethel Dunbar, Sister of the A few drops of ammonia In water "• we WantPHONE • wilt take the grease off of dish - Your • Robert and Duncan, of Grey; James, bride, in cream crepe de onto with Irish'SON Trade Hanh's Store News I • Alexa and Malcolm, of Saskatchewan; lace and pink roses. Allan McLean, of pans; a little put into warm water for P _TL_ 70 Mrs. J, A. MoKa , of Govan Sask. • Port Arthur, brother of the groom, was washing paint will make it look like • • y , 6 Mrs. W. Patterson and Mise Jane A , of beat pian. Mendelosshn's wedding new. `� ELIARLE • Grey, Mr. MoTaggart was a loyal march was played by Miss Mina Dan. When jolly is pat into a kettle to boil, THE GREAT WATCF DOCTOR CLOTHING• member of the Presbyterian Church at , bar, another sister of the bride, who re• drop in a Small agate marble. It will Cranbrook since its foundation, He was ceived from the groom a beautiful mask° keep in constant motion in the bottom a Liberal in politics and tae a Director roll, the bridesmaid receiving a topaz of the kettle and prevent burning. Remember we try to have the best Values in Winter j of East Huron Farmers' Institute and ring. In the evening a reception was When tate Dolor of a dress had faded, ♦ also of East Huron Agricultural Society. held to which abut fifty of the bride's owing to stains from lemon or other Goods, the best up-to-date goods mons can • P g Y • He had enjoyed Splendid health and was younger friends assembled. The follow• acid frail joins a good idea is to touch buy and what we have not got, we are • ill only 5 days before his death; pueu• "ing day Mr. and Mrs. MoLsan Ieft for a ♦ the spot with liquid ammonia, which Has the sweliest• and �. leased to send and et you any- monia being the cause. Mrs, McTsggart ,Toronto, Carleton Placa and Ottawa, U,L3, P g Y Y = usually will restore the color. thin in our line. • died 15 years ago, Mr. MoTaggart was the bride travelling in a grey serge snit g • in his 74tb year. He was well known and grey turban. They will reside in Medicine stains on silver spoons may best line of all the newest s and highly respected. Seattle. Many good wishes will accom• be removed by a rubbing with a rag • parry Mr, and Mrs. McLean to their new dipped in sulphuric acid and then wash. %li1dS of Ladies' Stylish s - home. ing it off with soapsuds. � y lsh Tallared Coats. Prices ♦ 2.00, 15.00 iiILIIS3Y�LS, Heat is not wasted by opening the $5,00, $ IO.00,I ♦ Mrs. Jennie Tufts of Victoria B. C,, windows for at least twenty minutes ♦ t r and $25,00• ♦ ' Milk and Butter Standards. ♦ xtiy' and Mrs. J. F. Stewart, of Vancouver, . every morning, while health and sweet - Milk, former residents of Brussels and Mile; batter, and cheese Standards iIn J9 > nese can steal is unobserved. i EWELLE,%. y � Ladies Quilted -Lined Coats, y�'i 20.00, have just been promulgated by an order. �' sisters to Barrister Sinclair, are here on To freshen black kid gloves when the oo and 00, in -council. The standard for ordinary _ $25.00, $3 3• $35• •_ a holiday visit. It ie i3 or 14 yeafsaince cater surface hoe rubbed off, mix a few they went to the swittl milk is 3Y4 per cent. of milk fat and 832 + " Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, $4.0.00, speeding ng yearshhaveedealtst t very k4. dly per gent. of eolide. Cartifiad milk must ty f blaok ink and apply Gops of sweet oil with the ethe me rubbed , !♦ 1 • contain 12 to 1 per cent to milk solidi, spots, Eger shown in aril jewel. $50.00, $32.50 and $65,00, = with them. Mrs. P. Sinclair,'Mill street, had the not more than m 000 a bacteria per cubic If a lass Stopper centimetre, from ,lune to September, 4.r g Aper bacoateS fixed, warm �p '�•� � J I • misfortune to fall on the Stairs in her 5,000 from October to May, and must be the bottle near the fire and then put a le'relr stores th-*L,,o year suit- Men's us —Men s Overcoats in the new stylish ` home and fractured several ribs.I3sr taken from cows Seuii•aunually given few drops of ewraG ori round the steppor i Presto Collar, all colors. Prices r daughter, Mies McNeil, who hits been the tuberculosis tekt Cream mast have and, attain warm the bottle. Then able EL.la®, • $8.00, $1 O, 00, $1200, $I5.00 living in MoKiliop for several sears, had not less than 18 per cetit milk fat, and knock the stopp;r lightly eg list wood, - II' and 20.00. ♦ td be called home to take charge of the matt be free from any substance oalcu• and it will easily be removed. ¢ I •• household duties for the time being ow• laced to pra,9nos intensity. Tito titan- Cracks in wells may be filled ap with Boys' Overcoats and Suits, excellent j ing to the nnfottnuate accident, dard prescribed for butter is 82.5 per piaster of pRrie. Mix thta with vino, ar _= Ir • Wednesday,Nov. 2ad,Mrs. S, Hopkins cent of milk fat, mud not more than 16 instead of water. It will then ba like value $3 50, $3.00, $7,00, $10.00♦ of Durand, Mtoh„and Mrs. D, •Lewis, of per cent. of water, Cheese must h%ve putty mud can be need with ease. If Bluevale, were summoned' from the 45 per cent, of milk fati and its coloring mixed with wrier it hardens so soonCHR •�rr • earthly . to the 'celestial. The ladies mast be harmless. Ice-cream to be up that it is very difiiealt to use it quwh. 'Z Sweater Coats, Ladies', Mens, Child- were sisters, former residents of Brue• to Standard must have 14 per cent of ly enough. 'ren s, a CO Drs, 75C .0 X4.,30. * 8818, and sisters to the late John Wynn. milk fat, and less than 2 per cent, of -_ it is not necessary to send Mrs.Lewis was buried at Bluevale Rd& stiffening material, When used with ♦ • ay. Mrs, W Cornish, of MitohelI, and nate, 12 per cent:. milk fat is enough. Sixas a rersons yore et=alC of a etr0ekilled and 26 injured • Mrs. Noel, of Petrolia, sisters of deceased p ., oar on the FL41a• out of town this year for ��''��!! Best. Wool Blankets, all wool $5,00 and $3 so. sand W. W. Bargeee,a nephew, of Mftoh• mezoo city lines <,f the Michigan Uafted swell. Christmas Gifts. • ell, attended the obsequies. .t°� stkr�lla Cit ' Ry„being run down by is fret express on Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums. Orders taken for • i,1 arrh :f • Saturday afternoon, November 19th, the Michigan Cautral it Nil You can et e r1e�iTP,St Window Blinds, Curtain Madras, Lace Curtains. • WHOOPING COUGH CROUP ♦ • at 2 o clock a meeting of farmers and BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Mote of (be foretza merohmilioa rx • others in this district will be held in the �(� best here. T • potted from the United Strifes in the flu• • Town Ball, Brussels, to consider the ad. °011 year of 19[0 was sent to Domini tt rtf vieability of appointing delegates to goy Canada than to any other country. This , HANNA + ♦ • to Ottawa in December as part of a dap• , ♦ class of trade amonu"ted to $13 600.000 , Co. � ntatioa to wait aeon the Dominion Gov. 6arAeu9Hab te,o Something of the magnitade of trade ernment in tosentntion of the sub•act qu,veto without Alehtat troubles, without -for the etomhch With with CanadA can be estimated through WA' T,t' ♦ of reducing the tariff As it related to the dr'rahe erjrbr0nrad ak&q r nthirty gsy,cootrea the fact tll^it of $7,663 000 of India tubber ^ WANTED—Fowl, D Favid, Potatoes, Butter, gs. 111gIZeSt • wtthevergbreath,mak�sTYAhfa pea eoothee farming community, A large attend- the gore throat m1a stops the hynasuttar. exported from United States $3 338,000 I PrICBS, ill interested is asked for at vin sunhat`°ohilaren Aad A boon o frfares went across the Canadian frontier, List once of from sthma. - e afbreiid' meettn ave the aeetien is One Send' poster for doecrtpttve booklet. aro year lyse a bra oris for exports of foreign K—.,_.. B of deep Interest to rural comtiiunitiee., ALL DRUGGISTS S e W, ..• y � merchandise rrom United States, Anew �-+ ' eeptl0Thto°ne°x biose '4'i�C (e noord year wad 1903 when exports of MILLINERY ~-- t P _ _,• for y trrit lmplo,i iDf. JEWELLER They neo simple. vee, rile this clone raaahed $28,000,000 bat mora Much interest ie felt Ili Manftoulin $c Yout druforls toe (1 recently have been• Ism and in 1000 they f over '& case in which oertain residenti of staulps. S Bi reductions 111 all Winter Felt Hats all the romue, !coin .: s'� reached only $2�i,000,000. Thegln is 25 + g = that district ate ghargea with stealing Vapo Crksolene U. ver cent over the . ' _ new shapes and shades, onlyhalf rices Lesming}brn6e $tag. p previous valet OPPOSITE QUEEN'S lV5 Ht1"TEL, WINGRAM •,� p X120,000 worth of property from the "M MAL AL ,�� mark 41 per cent overt the preceding and - 'wreaked steamer Widsahiokoo, 83 pet cent cdet the annual avordge. r .,.. w r ....,r ...q.,,,,�1r..dPYYYerF+�ite .. r�.,,�y,r�K1L.f 'v/4, u • .. ... l -