HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 4:pry. .A ♦,�,.. �<..-z, �..•a,: :. ....x,,. 'a +i,' ,r . ...-., � .... ., w. ..,... r. __ -
of social obligation. Of course all
THS g , well flow IU UORE. �rr-
ordered schools are, without formal and C r
set. purpose, agencies for the tormatign THE PROFIT SHARING STOREI
Domiolon Bank (\1 A(� TR RlE
of habits of respect, honesty, punctual- STOMACH TROUBLE
ity, sympathy and order, But, in ad, ._„•�.
dition to these influences for forming
TORONTO A Great Stiffer From Indigestion KE
character, itis possible that systematic GREAT SALE
Baan grrzpis: TQ n om rehensive methods might be GORDON'S
a ilei stook 11 id 4 �o0 000 9a � d ° p g Tells How She Was cured, -
"r (a pa up) $ _, , adopted for the general diftnslon of
Reserve Fund and. Un, knowledge relatingto the development - >
divided Pcaflto ...... ${,380,000.00 BUSINESS
of human faculty and the real valves of Stomach roof es a general ergo forPOSITIVELY GIVING P !
Deposita by the public.,, $47,000,000 00 all. forms, of indigestion, whether great Aa>r*lra--Ladies Home Journal. AGENTS, -^-Home Journal Patterns.
life, The value of such a training of pain after eating, belohin of wind,
Total Assets, over , $61,90,000.00 P g,
the aesthetic faculties would soon tusks heavy feeling in the stomach nausea, or C..
BRKSOKES AND AGENTS throughout Oau• itself felt in a general revulsion against the sharp pains that often make you CYCLONE O ARC AINS AT New Fruit Good Fruit
ads and the United States, the untidy streets, hideous alleys, turn, thick yon have heart trouble, There
ole down houses and cliff aides, repulsive are two things noticeable in indigestion.
One hat doctors always find indigos.dWHIRLWIND PRICES
A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS garbage heaps, ugly sed. woody spaces, tion a ta prominent symptom in a blood- LOW Prices.
TRANSACTED, and in a more perfected and well•ordor• less, run-down state. The other, that
Savings Department. life in every direction, The common sufferers usually find relief when a tonin
is taken that restores the general health. DQ your shopping in the marring and avoid the.
ehoola can offer a most eesontial oontri• Without a doubt stomach trouble is Because Of the scarcity Of Apples, We have -
Current urates of Interest allowed, and bution to a more perfected and beauti• simply stomach weakness, and the cure crowds. Buy your Winter Clothing now when bon ht large quantities of Dried Fruit and Can -
Deposita received of $1.00 and g g'
upwards• ful life. is to make the stomach strong enough you can get it at half price,, ned Gods. We bought early, in the best mar -
to digest food without trouble. Any
other treatment is patchwork and can. MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY OVERCOATS kets, and as a result we offer choice Fruits, etc,
1parmers'este Notes Collected, and not onre. As the proeess of digestion is
advances made on them at lowest POSTAL INFORMATION. at half rice. SUITS for almost nothing at very low prices..
� controlled by the blood and nerves, the p
rate of inthemet, atomaoh that is too weak to digest food
needs a tonic to give it strength, And WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S MANTLES, all _ New Dates, best fruit, 10c or
,WINGH,&M BsAxcii—Corner John and Aocordiog to the annual report of the in all the world there is no better tonin Choice New Prunes, lb. lOc
Josephine Streets. Postofrioe Department, the people of than Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, They Styles and Sizes at money Saving prices. 3 lbs. for 25c
New Cooking Figs, lb. • 5c to 7c New Dates in k s l0e or 3
Canada aotually make new, rich blood, tone the � • P g -
posted daring the past fiscal nerves and so strengthen the stomach s New Layer Fogs, very large LOC for 25a
W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. year 456,086 000 letters 45 104,000 post• and all the bodily funotions. We BobMuslins
medium 15cy y Curtains and Madras New Valencia Raisins select
R. VANSTONF, Solicitor. outdo, and 10,466,000 registered lettere. mit the following as proof that Dr. Wil- " " " 1 lb bUx,eaeh l0e _ - i_ lOC
liams' Pink Pills will onre even the Canned Apples Plums Pears ed, ee
In addition the mails handled 14,97b,000 most obstinate oases of stomach trouble. We have some 00 airs of Lace Curtains ' ' Now Seedless Raisins, Choice 10c
TO ADVERTISERS free letters on Government business, Mrs, John Graf,Fort Saakatohewan, 5 p and Pine Apple, Also good Dried Seeded Raisins in packages, i
87,000,000 pieces of third-class matter, Alta., says: "Foyears I suffered great in all the new patterns. Must be cleared at once. Apples, ib, each, choice fruit 10e to 13e
Notice of changes must be left at
this end 7 000,000 pieces of fourth-class torture from indigestion. I took many
office not later than Saturday noon. different medioines but instead of bene. pc C Goods
New Table Raisins; Choice
The copy for changes must be left matter. The increase in the number of fiting me I was growing rae all the Dr��,ss V OOCIS Golden Table Syrup in 2 lb,, 5 cluster, only per lb. 20e
not later than. Monday evening, letters and postcards handled was 45,• time, till my atomaoh go so bad 1 could
Casual advertisements accepted up 705,000, or a little over ten per cent, neither eat nor drink without pain. lb. and.l0 lb. tin pails.
to noon Wednesday of each Week. The rapid expan�ion of the aervioe Evan acid wateal",
cause me suffer- Hundreds of pieces of Dress Goods and SUITINGS Pure Clover Honey in 1 ib.
ing, Nor did Irelief when the in all the NEW weaves and colors. jars and 5 lb. and l0 lb, tin
�r B$TABLISHED 287 t involved an increased expenditure of stomach was eI still suffered ails.
$622,911, but in spite of this the total from a horrid bain, I went to Canned Salmon and Sardines P
*� A r�i��*r� revenue of $7,958,547, was $743,710 in Edmonton and one of the beat Golden Finnen Haddie, tin 10eTHE 1 Aj j; . excess of the total expenditure, doctors there,told me that he GOrsets Fresh Cod Steak, tin 15cCanned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas,
conld do nothi, that all I could Smoked Herring in Bouillon 10c best quality Quaker Brand
H. R.ELLIOTT,PiramsHunANDPitopitimov Other figures showing the growth of the do was to diet. For some time I took Some 00 alts t0 C1100Se from and ,ever
country are as follows: In the number only hot water and a small piece of 4 p Y Orange Marmalade, lOC to 100
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910 of postofraces there was an increase of brown bread for my meals, but even one a bargain. Fruit Jam, 1 lb. jars - 10c
408; in postal notes offices, 441;. in the that did not help me and I got so weak - Lemon, Citron and Orange Peel,
and rundown that I despaired of ever all good quality. Shelled Nuts are advancing in
aggregrate mileage of mail routes, both being well again. I bought a so called FURS, SILKS, SATINS, - VELTETS, LACES, g q y' rice but we have our supply In
EDITORIAL NOTES. by land and. water, 1,475,505 miles;in the electric belt and wore it for six months, P PP y
EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HANCKER- English Drained Peel 20c to 25c for Christmas and the rice will
revenue from the sale of postage stamps, but it was simply money wasted; Then P
This promisee to be an average session $726,424• one day a friend asked me why I did CHIEFS, AND HOSE AT LESS Don't buy Candied Peel, be 5oe 1b.
As usual Ontario does almost as much not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I did
of the Dominion Parliament as to prix not know they were intended to onre. THAN COSTY
ate legis lotion, only 82 applications for mail business as the rest of the provinces indigestion, but being assured that they ,
bills having been given notice of. Last Don't forget et that we guarantee the uallt of Our
combined, and Toronto is the leading were, decided to try them. T soon found g g q Y
oily of the Dominion in respect to lettere the Pills helping me, but my condition BOOTS AND SHOES AT HALF PRICE ROLLED OATMEAL at $2.25 a SACK or
year there were 142 private bills passed, wits so bad when I began using them
and this number will likelybe equalled handled. The total number of lettere 9 LBS for 25C.
that T continued taking the Fills for We have a large stock of Black, Green andJapan
this year, as there is always a good deal Posted in Ontario last year was 203,448,• about five months before I felt tbat g Try us for Corn Meal, Graham Flour, Rolled
of belated legislation of this sort. There 000; In Quebea, 85,334,000; in Manitoba, I wag completely oared. Then Teas that we are selling at extraordinary
are 27 applications for divorce, against 43,068,000; in Nova Scotia, 25,821,000; I could eat any kind of food, and al- reductions. Bu now. Wheat Pasta Flour, Bread Flour. We handle
in Alberta 20,822 000 in Saskatchewan, though more than two years have page S' the CREAM OF THE WEST FLOUR.
25 last year, and that was the record. , ed since my cure, I have not since had
18,659,000, and in New Brunswick 17 the least sin of the trouble. I ore
Immigration figures for the first four g Come with the crowcls to GORDON'S. Sale con-
months of the resent fiscal year, Aril 500,000. most heartily recommend Dr. Williams' '
P P Pink Pills to anyone suffering from this tinues till all goods are sold. FARMERS.—We pay good prices for produce.
` to July, inclusive, were given out by The total number of lettere, books, terrible trouble."
packets, etc., received at the dead letter We want 1 r e quantities of Butter Eggs, White Beans
' the Immigration Department Saturday. P Sold by all medicine dealers or by ■/'y- � g q � gg > >
The number of immigrants arriving for office was 2,547,749. These included mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for M ti O R D O N Dried Apples, Poultry. We also
6,427 letters oontaining money amount. $2 50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Onions Seed Onions, pp , y
the four months totalled 156,649, as Co., Brookville, Ont. D. • vJarit Hay, Oats and dry hard Wood. .
compared with 90,249 for the. cortex• ing to $27,2G6, 3,419 lettere containing
ponding period of last year. Immigra• checks to the face value of $518,044, 460
tion from the United States increased letters containing drafts to the face val- Three hundred men out of employment
from 49,982 to 54,699, while the immi• ue of $171,883 2,093 letters containing seeking to enter Canada from the United -
gratiou via ocean ports increased from express orders to the value of $41,917, States have been turned back at Windsor• _
49,982 to 100,850 ora gain of 102 per and 3,967 lettere with postoiiice money
' g P orders worth $43,669. The dead body at St. Thamae, identif•
cent. For the month of July alone the ied as that of William Brandow, Se• - -
total immigration to tlanada was 25, mill,turns out to be Benj, Taylor oing
f Mel- L _ e
218, as compared with 16,113 for July MONEY IN APPLES. bourne. Brandow is alive and well. ® n.,
1909, or an increase of 57 per cent. r e
Lord Strathoona has given another
striking evidence of his sterling patriot- (Canadian Horticulturist.) Live Stock Markets. ,
ism and his great generosity. He hag The remarkable feature abort the Toronto, Nov. 15,—City Cattle Mar- THRIFT is rightly described as
written to the Minister of Militia and apple industry in Ontario is that instead kat.—Reoeipte today were 165 oars, 'Economical Management,"
Defence, Sir Frederick Borden,announo with 3,000 head of cattle, 1,600 sheep A shrewd business man is spokenAttenti*onv.of being on the decline it shonid be on-�1 �in a farther gift of $200,000 to the and lambs, 260 hogs, and 102 calves. 4� iD i,, Yig the increase. Ontario ie destined to of as thrifty because he saves. �
Strathoona trust for the encouragement grow more end more apples. This :Pro- To day's offerings included a rather
Perhaps only a dollar at a time—
of physical and military training in the heavy proportion of North-west cattle, P y
P Y y g vince cannot compete with the West in more. --but the real secret of �
public schools of Canada. With the shipped as feeders and stockers. It is perhaps
P the growing of grain or the production �
k> $300,000 which he ave for Chia nr one netting a little late in the day for many his success lies in the principle Of � Here is the greatest chance of our life to et one of the
g P P of feeding cattle.. It can grow apples to Tlir t. g Y g
last year, this farther generous gift more feeders to come into market, as Savin
perfection and profitably, requirements for the resent season are
g e Wit; very latest, up -to -the -min u te Suits and Overcoats.
brings the total of the fund no to the Every person who has had any exper• q P One dollar will start an account t r _
splendid sum of $500,000, and assures the fence admits that when the average reported to be pretty well filled. Most We have just received a shipment Of
committee in charge g with the Bank of Hamilton. 1
g apple orchard is given proper oars it can of the farmers have their stables filled
o and in distilleries are also reported to be ■
of the fund an annual amount of $0,000 be made to yield large referee. One of P WINCHAM BRANCH �����rto meiat in the joint work of the Federal the demonstration orchards in Simcoe practically filled up. - NeaII and Goods
and Provincial Governments towards county this year, which for years, in its There is still a market for the best C. P. Smith - . Agent. ,
the establishment of a uniform system neglected state, had not produced over feeders, however, and prices so far show
o° physical and elementary militarybut a very slight falling off. Many of -
fifty dollars worth of fruit in a season, •--- •- -
training for the youth of the Dominion. netted referee of $340 for one more. A the Western contingent are picked out Owing g given Y to havin ithe Order earl in the summer
An increase of nearly ten• million dol- similar orchard in I)andae county pro • for butcher purposes and in this way the before l had decided onwhole are readily disposed of.
lays in the Dominion's revenue for the daoed $400 worth of fruit. Scores of With the large total receipts so far Lawrence Ryan it brilliant young pby.
first seven months of the fiscal year is private fruit growers in Ontario, who o siotan died in the police cells, Saskatoon ■
shown b the financial statement giving have discovered the immense
this week, trade is slow, but prices are ri j" Going out of• Bus ness
y g poaefbili• steady at the alight decline of about foo, a N�� 14,�� C/afterbeing arrested for drunkennegg.receipts and expenditures entered in the ties of their orchards, are increasing as noted yesterday. '/J/�/� Clarke Woods who killed Hector Mar•
books of the Finance Department up tc their orchard areas and dropping other %yC�/r/
The following are the quotations: ray' by striking him with a -bottle was
31st October. The revenue for the kiss profitable branches of farm work. Exporters' -cattle— Per 100 lbs. ST1RA`Tf ORD, 0 NT, ' eentenoed at Red Doer, Alta„ to ten
seven months totalled $65,814,386, an The decline is due to but one reason. Choice ........ ... $575 $6 25 This college is recognized as the years' imprisonment. The wholesale house would not accept a concilation and
increase of $9,906,800 as compared with Oatario farmers do not realize how pro. Medium....... .... 5 65 5 75 great practical training school of Sent the goods along, consequently you have
' the corresponding seven months of tact fitable their orchards may be made. Belle.......... .... 4 5o 5 00 Western Ontario. It is the largest
Light ......... 500 5 10 the new goods to select our Suit
year. The revenue for October totalfel The need to be shown, The Ontario g '' • as well as the beet. Oar • oA Y
They Cows......... .... 4 60 6 25 coerces are practical, our teachers Or Overcoat from
$9,666,192, an increase of $1,112,426 over Department of Agriculture has done Feeders— experienced instructors, our grads- Ae E• SMITH
Oatober of last year. The expenditure good work of an educational nature as best 1000 pounds and up- ates succeed. Three departments:
on consolidated fund account for the far as it has gone. It has not gone far wards .. 5 26 6 50
Stockers choe........ 4 75 5 00 Commercial Shorthand BANKER At The Same low Prices
seven months totalled $41,208,109, an enough. British Columbia has voted 11 bulls.. 3 75 4 60
increase of about four millions as eom• $10,000 for the establishment of demon. Butchers and Telegraphy. wiNGEIAM, ONTARIO•
pared with last year. Expenditure on stration orchards in all the principal Picked ..... 5 50 5 65
capital aeconat for the seven months trait•growing sections of that Province. Medium .. .. 510 6 25 ape have 'scores of applications we
Cows........ . 3 50 475 cannot meet. Calls offering $46, Suitings in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and Black,
totalled $14 978,415, which is $1,217,669 Ontario should make an even, larger ap• Bulls .................
' Teas than the Capital expenditure for the 4 00 4 75 $55 and $60 per month are remaining Farmers who want mosey to buy Ser eS, Worsteds, CheVO1tS, and ViCUtla$.
p propriation for similar work. We should Hogs— unfilled. Gat our free catalogue and horses, cattle, or hogs to f.•ed for market g
corresponding period of the last fiscal not repeat the mistake of spending one Beat... .. 7 00 commence your course at once, can have It on reasonable terms.
year. The total debt of the Dominion dollar where* five is required. The de. Lights ................. 6 65 Overcoats in Black, Brown, Green and Striped, Beavers_,
at the laat of the month was $328,299,977, cline in our apple industry is due to the sheep— Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- Mil Cheviots, Friezes
Export ewes ........... 4 50 4 85 1 chants or age, on favorable terms. ,etc.
e deoreaae of $11,477 during the mouth, feat that we have been content to put Bucks. .a.. .. 300 3 50 0• A. MclA6NlAN ntt
Tti-re is a general and growing de• forth but feeble efforts to effect Improve. Culis......... ....... 3 00 3 50 Loans on real estate at the lowest
TrouSerin ,all styles d rices.
inand today for tha teaching of hama�n mant. Within five years the whole situ. Spring Lambs each.. 5-75 600 rater going. g Y p
dwi• s and virtues on the general basis: ation changed if the Ontario Depart delves, each. ,.,........ 8 60 ISO
_ _._��� _ •�.a _per mint of Agriculture, backed up by the Time and space will not permit price list, sufice it to
Frait•growers' organizations, will but . WINGRAM MARKAX REPORTS - , say those having seen the goods and • the way
S "AIR VIGOR `put forth the necessary, effort, Hon. 'p0ingha»1, Nov. 10th,. 1910. AVERs they are triode and trimmed, say it IS
x� .:• Mr. Duff cap make a name for himself Flof r per 100 lbs.......... 2 65 to 9 25
A s marvellous. Come and see
if he will but grasp this opportunity. Fail'Whost ...... Y....... 0 82 to 0 85 If �� '"� d ■ r
Oate,,.......... ..... 0 30 to 0 3a !. for yourself.
Barley . ........ 0 45 to 0 48
in spring and Euznmer, it'll Peas .............Y.. 0 $0 to 0 86 Ayer's Nair Vigor is tonfposed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin, sodium
dri . C. P. A. earnings for -the week elided Batter dairy .........Y.. 0 20 to 0 22 chlorid, capsicum, side, alcohol, water, and perfume., Not a single
the natural t to tttOYe 0 Nod. 7th were $2,267,000. For the Blame Eggs per dos ............. 0 30 to 0 30 injurious ingredient in this list, Ask your doctor if this is not so.
health and vitality for the Wood per cord ........... 2 50 to 2 50 Follow his auvice. A ;fair food, a half tonic, a half y. porton....... Y... dressln
week last year they were $2,113,000. Ha 8 00 to 10 00 Promptly checks failing hair. Completely destroys all dandrufL
year.Robert Maxwell
yt r According to a recent amendment to Potatoes, per bushel,...... 0 30 to 0 85
o It V EmI '�n the License Act, all bar•roomrare order• Lard .................. 0 20 to 0 20AVER'S "AIR VIGOR ed to be kept cloned on Ohrietuiab Day. Live Hogs, per'. owe...... 6.80 to 6 80 ,
Chiokens,per 1b,....Y..Y. 012 to 0 12' MERC14ANT TAILOR.
p is Natorefs hest and qukk•• The amendment, however, makes no Duoke.verlb... ,...Y..... 0 12 to 0 12 Does l-lOt Color the 1 air
i at 61'. _ Alt Drotthts provision It Christmas to observed Ott Geese, per ib............, . 0 11 to 0 12 _.. _. T. b. AtSt aos>rr•srr, tarn, UKW-
any day other than December 25. Tarkoye per Ib 04 ,.. 0 18 to 18
y....,.Ak,... _ . -