HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 2„olu4T"W
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2 . TUX WINQUAU TIMIgs, NOVU,AJBF,R 17, �91Q ", .
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- . . I I I I ... .. I I " al most $borough 50b at Qovieramental -_ -, - - ., �. , . �., - - I . — ....—I, .1111.1 . I I — 1.11,111; 11 XIVA'"XIT111441) Isla, 77777---, -77`
- . . I , . boii4evIon,oing ta oatmeotiou with she, TOWN DIRECTORY. I 11-
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I .1 I . connOyle huge, Printing Huge, - �
. � u, at the international Ne'wspaper BAPTIST UNIT
.. , AQ14-00,14100th Services; At
I I it An and 'r. P Mo Sunday $CbQQI %$
I I 4:0 Mo General .1!
I capital, which AuqualIx hAUdlQ4 Oka out. og Won) Two.
. I .• put of Printed and stationery matter � I Prayer pnoting
, .
11 0 I . _ . 4
I all I L I 0001139 over it Million and a half dollars, Bible Study Course, ' 914 , oftesday evenings, Rev- W aVERY THURSPAY MORNING of
. I � - I I I L S�ooyqo. pastor, B. Y. P, V. me del
and which is one of Mt very largest In. Monday evenings 8 p.m . , oto —AT— THE FARM
q, W'D.Pelviglie, 0
du$tr 41 We $,% StiporiAteudent I .
. I I establishments of its kind Iti fSIAMOUt VOIROO 14 *111C 14`008011 fair 4411,4111Y,. 10T. 90,. , - Th T1149S Mel Paver 81004
Canada. The vesUlts of that houseclean. 01VOR 13;, Uk $erlefil of' que'stiolks Iq I METHODIST ORURO W1NGAAX,,ONWAUIOI I I I . I . � . . 1. . I
YOU have pro- tog, begun voluntarily And without I Rev, Dr. Xin%6q)tt, . A-13f0br,ithaervloon �
, I at 11 ek m and 7 p ni. Sunday, School it
suggestion from the Oppoolftop, In or out I . - � I 1� .1 I . I , , HOW $0424 Ren Have
bably, been in- . ' — 11 .. I I I.- 11 League every Man- Vasusor Supepaimiox—R.00 per ponumin. 1. � ..
(Aa,zlibenpi,; ta accordance with ow Copyright, 'Lot. I . 07OVening. General pro*ern% ,,, 074, Succ,eeded on the Farm,
' f Parliament, are embodied In. a vk)lnm. I , Boling a4vanotei $1,60 if not on paid, No paper dtoo
. evenings, Rev. W. $ n all Arrears are paid, eXcipp$ of the .
tendtnd to try Red 0 on Wednesday, , 1.10"Woo! .
focus, report to the Governor In, Council JORUS In Gethsemane, matt. XxTI.- Vorse 40—Why are we, like JOBB) 'IQ L, Rutledge, 1).D,, pastor. P B, of the publisher. .
, I , .. 40han' ADVINUMMING RATINS. — Legal and other
Rose Tea for some time which will be presented to PArlisment' 86'56. � much hurt � too 5U064 oo,
on the opening of session. The report GOIdon Text.—The Boa of men is be, .. ,, when a o1rift.jenti4l tv � 4 .44'. S.f$. , uteuiderit.' I . sualeATertinemen$olOoporlqon,to,riellfuctoi my C. V. mr-GORY,
I I I mp,uifeqtq so little concern in our FEIRSBYTERTAX 041PRO11-13 first insertion, so per line for sea I � subsequent
I but from" force of habit" concludes with a se . I � . . abbath aer- Insertion. - subsequent I -
, rise. of oQuiprob.one. t.royed into the hand a of sinners, ]Kett, trouble? vioeq at It a m, and 7 p Mo 0044MY Advertisements In local o9daman are ch
. . xxv:l;40. School it 51-.80 p m, General 10 ate. Per line for first insertion, and 5
ive reoommendAtious, looking to the Why were these disciples to blame for , . prayer #,r,g,etd, .iCOP-vrlgh4 1910, OY AmerLosm Press As '
have i0st kept on using, To-organizatio , U of the I whole bureau Verse 86 -Where was this garden meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. per Hue for such subsequent insorli(M. w .
. , .
I going to Sleep, and are people $o blame I Advertisements of Siraired, Forms for Sale ciation.]
called Gethsemane? Do Forrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, (3,S. ,
another tea. from top to bottom, the rectifying of who go to sleep in church? 11 . � or to similar, $1,00 for Arat three 1110HR are many million it
abnoeo inherent, . in the snow I Why does the word Gethsemane now vdree 41-19 I Suporinten (lent. :10rett'll-land 25 cents! for such subsequent in farmers, the Habit anomalies of the stand for agony? t, :or .not, the fault of SIT.PATTL'S CHURO11f, ZPZSC1OPA&SAb- . formers, but Most of them
. not- of Pa-Iiiinions which Created it. many � the opbrit, wbin the flesh is too weak for bath services At . Ilarn and 7 -pin. 001 "ACT RATIS-Thagollowlag table shows T bUY0 Made their millions elsc.
What purpose did prayer serve in Sunday Be our rates for the InRartton at advertisements where and are op . ending them
Red Rose years ago, and the Placing Of the Whole a Mau to do his fell dui,?.? why? 14001 At 4 -.80 P Mo Rev- B - -H for specified perlodst- I
$big sorrowful experience of Jesus? . ocoly, B. A., Rector ; 0. G. Van. . on rural estates merely to -gratify a
business of Parliamentary and Governs V-r4ea 42 46 -Why did issue need to, 84040 So S. Superintendent OrAdil. I Tn. a Mo, a Mo. Im
X A Verses 37 88 -What answer can you � ntandout ; Than. V. onsoolumn_____$70,00 *40.00 #2,50 ;8.009 fancy, There are a. number of Mon,
ne. t time. mental printing on an up-to-date and make to the criticism which has been ask G4d three st.mis for the same thing? 1106UB�u, assistant Superintendent. Half Column - - - - , 40,00 26.00 0
7- ��� - businesslike, basis. I . I hat, it guy, rule Is there copoeralag SALVA,riox Anxy-SeVyieo at 7 and 11 1.500' '. however,. who have made millions on
, V �Oroqlumu_,_ 20.00 12.60 00
mode, that Josue would have shown a I one inch ------ 5100 a. '2
- ... , � - 1, . . ,, oo 2.00 1, the farm. It Is not such an easy thing
� � ) The Wingh-im "Times" beta moved, stronger character, nod move faith, if the number of times we should pray for a m and 8 and 8 p in on Sunday, and Advertisements without ooifiq directions to do, but the success of these men
a should
I .
I every evening during the week at 8 w4l be Wearied $Ill forbid in charged ao6ord- shows some of the possibilities men
Z e venture the opinion th the sates thing? iox
� I I . , . 56 Our he had borne this trial without cuff Bring o'clock at the barrsolcm. 111911 "Ram
a ,I 'i . and w
I T D genial friend, Me, Elliott, its owner, iff, Did the disciples. infoo an m- Troile8laut silver onto Maul be paid that
1 - - not sorry the job is over, The paper is or foar? not staying a 1* "alog by Fosv Orrion-Offloe hours from $a m for u advance. I the farm holds for the man wbo as.
i - Give your reasons and say whether is wake to watch With Jesus, t Tim ,YO33 031PARTMicXV In stocked with an sires to make money In large amount
IF - '� .- -_ . . 0 6: 80 P M. Op n to box holders from S.
. A . - tea now located On the ground floor of the to possible to develop the strongest 0 it go, what? 7 a in. to 9 p in. Opt. ]pishert PC extensive assortment of all requisites for print. Probably the most notable of the
��. - -, Stone block. We would desire in our her- CAN A LOST OPPORTUtirry BYER sE nE- I . StMASter, ins, affording facilities not equalled in the Men who have made fortunes on, the
..- motor with, or without, great suffering? . Ptmwo LissAny-Library, and free oo'utyforturian out first class work. Large
I . type and a rorr ate cuts
small way to add a word of appreciation I I F. for all styles of Post, farm is David Rankin. Wbou David
NEVER SOLD IN BULK What is the benefit of human sym- COVERED, OR rs IT AN ETERNAL LOSS? reading room in. the Town Hall, will ers, Hand Rule, ate., and the latest styles a
of the practical friendship of Mr. St. GIVE YOUR REASONS. (rhis question be opert eve . ry Afternoon from 2 to 0110108 fancy type for the finer alasess of prll.� Rankin was worried he hanged. the
, pathy when we tire in great Mental 5:30 O'clock, and evqry evening tram 7 tug, IS
Your Grocer Will Ilott, of the "Times." as well as the trouble? I Must be answered in Writing by mem. preacher his fast five dollar bill with
to 9;$0 o"olook. Miss Lizzie Attridge H, B. BLLIOTW, the remark 01.1t now he could start
Recommend It 83 1 Messrs. Hall, of she "Advance," and Describe the cause' which gave Jesus here of the club) . librarian. Prourl0or and Publisher
. one of the pleasures of a r- aft by the such keen suffering I Verse 47 -What were the motivos . square with .'tie world, ' He bought
I - �vf - I ToWx 0ot;Xc1L_W,IIf&Uj Holmes, J P HANNUDY, M. D X.O.P. S. 01 ,land on time and borrowed money to
editor of the "Vidette" to the fine town Why did Jesus select Peter and John which prompted Jadtte to betray Jesus? HaVor; Dr, .A. So Irwin, Reeve - - * Member of the Briiish Medical Associa- buy cattle. ILs first purchases were
TO ADVERTISERS of Wingham is a call upon both of these from the rest of the disciples, when he Did Judas expectJoarts to be actually J. W. KaXibbou, a, B,Elliott, Willie, ' flea. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special it, LIUa0iS,
. M attention paid, to diBousug of Women and0hild Litter he removed to MIS_
Notice of changes must be left at this paper,,. We are well aware that there went an to the place of agony? put to death, or did he asp not that He Sane, Dr. Robert 0, Redmond, ran. Offlai hours -1 ici 4 V. in.: 710 9 V. ra, sourl, attracted by the cheap prairie
would escape His enemies Thomas Gcetory and D.,E, McDonald I
. o0loe not later than Saturday noon, is considerable disparity in the size of Verse 39 -What "oup" did Jesus pray se in the post? 0 _____ Clerk d I land that needed only a little drainage
V' Why? a R. MACDONALD, to malie It yield abundantly. Today
- to be deli ered from, the present agony, Treasurer. Board meeto first Monday D . David Rankin owns nearly 26,000 acres
I The copy for changes must be left our paper and theirs, but it the 1,Vi 0 U00111011; John F. Grqvee, Clark and
not later than Monday evening. dette" were to receive as generous ad, or the cross, or'somethiag else? Why did the Jews waste moueyl-�Iin evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
It Casual advertisements accepted up vertising patronage from its conatituents Can any person retain the favor of paying Jades, ,when they app Centre street of this same Missouri land, and it
to noon Wednesday of onob. week. apparently HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— W. F. Van. - I
. as they receive from theirs, the time God who is not always in the attitude could have arrested Japas without doing Stone (chairman), Win. Nicholson, John Wingham, Ontario. 7
might not be far distant when we could Wilson, 0. P. Smith, -W. To Howson, � ,:"..:.����:;.:-..,::,��'j:.:;..:,�.�::!.�::,:�;!;
I . ..'�, , - '"':.!.:,:.*;,.,.:,,,-�i'l-".'.,,,--��-., ; .,
, . '�, , .. . " - -.� .�!�,,.* �,n
ESTABLISHED 1872 of soul to Bay "not as I will, but as thou Re? '" 6�::���:;:�:�����'..�,,,�i,,��f.-.-N',,'�','i.-'I��"�,��,,,'.',"i,.��;�.,..,,,�,!,';'�;-.',,.,,,.-, A� �
. . e'.
. .i�� ... � '*.
John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, :'-`-i� ... � , .", ., i�..��$=;-.*N'
.. ... . - ., .N.,
�,;:;,�,�z. .�..--:-;�:,:.::�;:..:.:,:":..,;;.;. "gi'l ... .... ��%
improve our paper very much. How- wilt?" Vurses 48 56 -Which is more hurtful ".,'.-'.'.,,�:�e.,�'�i.,�,,',.';�,'i�,."�',
, . . .... �..�i��,%,,.',....,.."��.�*."�
. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosecs, DR. AGNEW$ ., .,
ever, we are grateful to those Merchants Mass every true prayer have the can• to be betrayed by a friend with a kiss: treasurer. Board meets second Monday - $".-�.......
TuE ING211 TIMES. who have assisted the "Vedette" I by their dition, "nevertheless not as I will, but or by an enemy with a blow? physician, surgeon, eta. 1Z.R
evening in each mouth. �
Lesson for Sunday, Nov, 27th, 1910, -�-H. So leard Drugatore. zj3gnseauga M ", I . :.;.."'..."'...."'. � ....;
H. R. ZLLIOTT. PVULisHaR ANDPROPRIZT011 advertising patronage, and confidently as thou wilt, 01 or are there some excep. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Offloo-Hoodonald Bloo1g, over W,Mo bbo ..
nowersdattheoffloe. - : .
I hope that others may do their legitimate tions and, it so, what are they? The Trial of Josue. Matt. xxvi:57 68, (Chairman). G. 0. Manners, Alex. Ross I 1, ,
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910 share to maiusatu,-and incidentally . . J110-Galbralth, W. D. Pringle, Win. Moore', . .11
Ho HOIST. 0. RROMOND, Mo a. 0. So (Eng)
I O-G-Vauftone, P, Campbell; Secretary, D L. R. 0. P. London. .
help thema6l"P, -their local Paper— -Mr, Miller, who was heartily wel. Treasurer, John F. Groves, meet., M
PLANK FELL, ON HIM. tugs second Tuesday evening . I IS -
Gerrie vedette, , going In each � ,,,,
. �Omed by many who sit Under his mints- . PIXYSIOIAN and SU*GRoN. ; .-
EDITORIAL NOTES. . try as a supply in Willie church in days month. : 41�111 � .1.. ..i I
. . .... I
I I I . H10H SCHOOL TsAaaEEs_tT.G Work- office, with Dr. Chisholm. . I !!!!!!' �.
. . For a great in -Any years people have gone by, gave. an address whloh Was ' Hamilton Man Badly Injured. man, B.A., principal and mathe;;;lKal .1� I.,
been striving to get a preparation for greatly appreciated. He illustrated by . ..", ....'.
Complete returns on the election of __ master., J. U. Smith, B. A., classical . ��."Zg,:.Z";. ...'.,
representatives in United States Can- their hair that will clean Dauftuff-from
personal observation, and well authentl - master, H. A. Percy, Science Master; ._ -,"�............ ; ... :` .1.1;-. . kyr
Usube Dn- M&ROARET C. CALDER ;, .... .:..*-
the soalp, stop itchiness and prevent the Pe ��V,W�:�*"",. ,., ....
grass indicate that the Democrats will falling of hair, at the Ram ;Lcal in Atheirton, of 867 Ferguson Miss M J. Btird, B. - _. . I ".. '.1
e time promot- noted statistics, the awful and tral Ave., Hamilton, no employee of the English A. teacher of Honor Graduate of Tordnto University . - '. "
Sh and Moderns; Miss Anderson, Licentiate of Ontario College of Physioians TWO OF THE hiARES THAT HELPED TO I -AT
bave, a working majority of 29 in the Ing its growth, writes a leading journal. effects of the liquor traftio and charged Otte Elevator Ca,,- sustained serious in. fifth teacher
. . - jury while at wor1r. A plank fell from pUBLIC SCHOOL TRACkIRS.- Devotes speolal attention to diseases les FOR A FARU.
The following simple formula will be home upon the voters the terrible re .1 and Surgeons.
next House. The number of Democrats fouu,l benefloLal for this:— a height on to his right toot, crushing tt JOBePh Ear,No,jeand!Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. would all sell for $100 an acre. Add
f I �ctsd to Congress, according to the Oil of Eucalyptus ........ 2 draolame sponsibility of continuing the lioeuseing Stalker, Principal. Miss Brock, Glas2eF pro
.;prly fitted.
. badly. He was taken home, ,where Mt603ELQYnO1d0$ MISS Farquharson, Miss OKFICE- ith Dr. ]Kennedy. &z -L to this his Cattle and horses and ura-
latest, returns, which are of an unofficial Resoraylin. . ...............2 ounces system. He also spoke Most emlibetle- Zim-Bak was applied with good result, Vloe Hours -3 to 5. 7 to 8 P.m.
obaraoter, is 225. The Republican rep_ Tincture of Catitharides..4 drsohme ally of the benefits of, local option, urg. Tolliaj*hid expatisnoo of the bilm, he HilROn, MISS Cummings, and Miss ' chinery and a few Incidentals, such as
reseutation will be 164. Pare grain Alconol ........ 5 ounces Ing all to rise in thek; might and do all said'. "After the doo0or had dressed Hawking.
. bank Stock and the lete, and he has
on. the damaged toot with some Preparation (chairman), Samuel 0 a fortune approximating $4,000,000.
Add the Tincture of Cantharides to , their power to secure its ado tion. BOARD 01F HisALTH _ WM. Holmes R VANSTORB.
A farm of 170 acres on lot concession the Remoroylin; add the 011' of Eacalyp. I of his own a was in great Palo, Bennett, Wal. This has all been tuade In farming.
and as Pageant, Ate, Porter, .Tabu F BARRIS931112. SOLICITOR, RTC
east of YoDge street, Toronto, known X0 tag to the pure grain Alcohol; mix both Mr, Spence dealt largely and vigorous- dayatter day I Boomed to got no relief Groves, Searetu-7; Corn has been his specialty, and it has
McKee farm has been sold to a syn together and perfame to suit. ly with the political aspect of the qtLes- Ilett off medical treatment and tried Medics, Health CInaDr. Z. F. Kennedy; Privais and Company funds
dicate Dire or. rose of Interest. mortgagee *0 loan at lowest always been marketed in the form"of
ions -Rub a teaspoonful or two tion. He affivined most positively and Zsm Bak. From thexery first applies. town and farm
for $200,000, The property to five miles into the 8041P night and morning, and . . Property bought and sold. ' cattle, He has always used the most
sustained the affirmation by strongest 6toA I traced an improvement. Z%m. I Office, Beaver Block, Windham modern maeblnery and the best eq
from the contra of the city and It to to be wash the hair every two weeks, using a Bak really seemed 0 not like magic, � gulp`
divided up for city lots. It was Sold by good antiseptic soap. . proof, that the time had come when the .
. Cleaning all tne unhealthy matter from Mont that money can buy. It bus been
Me. J, A. McKee of the Dodds Medical I Government of this province, whatever the wounds, drawing out all discolors. . A. MORTON, the same with help. His foremen are
paity might be In power, must deal don, itiftimmation. and soreness; and men who can get results. He furnishes
TEMPERANCE CON. started in quick time. I% BARRISTHR, &a, them with automobiles to take them
Campany who purchased It a few years HURON co. rEMPr squarely with this questio'. With the two STEADY J.
Agot or lase thanhalf of what be now sold VENTION. 9 weeks the toe aul toot were well again. from farm to farm because he line
It for. Eight acres bordering on the went fact of large inejorities�, again and again, Zam Halt b Am is certainly a W0444rful EMPLOYMENT Wln%ham, Oat, found that it pays in the time saved.
side of Toronto also farm lands has also - by their votes declaring in feivor of 'pro- healet, and I watild not oars to be with. . I He attributes his success to close per-
b3ou sold for $80,000. It pays to own a The annual meeting of the Huron hibition, with 41.0 of the 816 , municipali- out a box in the ,h )ase. - Yom can ties for a reliable Local Salesman. repre*
farm in the Queen City. county Convention was held in the tie . 9 of the pr9vIUoe without. license, and the above statemant in may papers, books senting A. U Drostriosox Dummy Hotags sonai attention and the application .of
Town Hall, Clinton, on Monday, the 7th many of them carried by looil option, or publications, as It, may land Nome P I I business methods to farming.
The Canadian Gazette, ticting'the very fast. After the opining exercises, the under the 60 per cent, other sufferer to use Zsm. Bak and get "Canada's Oldest and Greatest DICKINSON & HOLMES A.n6ther man who has made millions
heavy British immigration to Canada, With IS of the relief as I did," BARRISTRISS, SOLICITOUS, gto. In farming Is Colonel James 31. Smith
80,151 in the six months ending minutes of Ise$ meeting were read and existing bars in the province cloned by All wotkarg should keep Zim-Bak Nurseries" MONIT TO LOAN. of Georgia. Colonel Smith started
September, $0, observes: "What a com- adopted. From these it was Shown that, she vote of last January, and 80 more handy. Applied to a out or wound, it in Wingliam, and adjoining country. 0"101: Mayor Block, Whighim, raising corn and cotton on a rundown
stop; the p,.%ta, commences healing, and .� . quarter section In Oglethorpe county
Of 26 municipalities, Ashfield, Colborne, municipalities campaigning now in VIOW -What is dqmslly 110-4t prevents all You will find there is a ' soon after the war. The first year be
went these figures supply upon the rOo- Grey, Hallett, Tuokeromith, WAMOY, of voting next January, and the general possibility of blood -Poisoning. Z%m- for nurser Stec
ant English agitation against the Conad- Usborne and West WaWanosh are under Sentiment of the country expresefug It. Bak I@ eVially good for skin diseases, high pt y It an account Of the A STRUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S.. L. D. So lost $400. Last year his nt-.t profits
Ian immigration regulations. Par from toes that growers hove realized -M
Local Option, and 2 others have no Neff no unmistakably, against ohs open and oures Ocz-am%. ltoh. ulcers, abscesses, on their fruit.this gestan. I Doctor of Dental Surgery of she Pennsylvania were $100,000. In .the niountime nes
varicose ulcers. FJOSIP gores, blood.0oi4ou. Dental college and Mcentlate of the farm tins Increased to 23,060, acres,
Oar salesmen are turning in big bust" College of Dental 13 Royal
0'03ing her doors. Canada has left them license: of the remaining 15 places 8 bar, these and other considerations he tag, eta. It beals cold crooks, chapped uses to no this year. Be one 74pono of Ontario. Office Colonel Smith was one of the first men
at number through." f a not hands, frost bite; oures p lee an adonald Block. Ljqham.
open wide enough to let this Phonomen- have given majorities, although not the -=112talned were evident signs I d all in- of them in Mif I to build cottonseed oil mills and make
For six months in 0 and earn good wages through the winter Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
question the British Immigration exceed. 60 per Cent. required, remote and much needed issue. flimed conditions of the skin and tissue. months. from may 1st to Oct. lot. a profit from what formerly .had been
a d by 2,000 the immigration from the The report of the Executive was sub- The interest wait much enhanced by Fifty Cents a box from all druggists and Territory reserved. Pay weekly. I I a waste product. Ells farm was tw#6-
mitted, recommending. 1 --That each the Well tendered Solos of Howard Bull- stores, but avoid imitations and substi- Free sample onifit, eta. I ty-five miles from the nearest railroad.
United States. * lutes, some at Whiab are highly danger* Write tot particulars. W J. PRICE, R. S. A., L. Do $.I D. D. S. but he solved the,groblem by lZuilding
municipality bi-isked to contribute eel, accompanied on the piano by Prof. I one, and none are beneficial.
Mr. Borden't,commouts on the r Iosuits $5.00 toward# putting the Executive Brown, and the whole appreciated by -Ir STONIM ;L WALL-KNOTOri Licentiate of the Royal college of Dental a railroad of his own. ' He bus always
of the Drummond-Arthabasks, election On ft working basis, and assisting them the large audience. Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- been a personal friend of all his men.
Foothill Nurseries versity of Toronto. . .
smack of the party politioan. rather than to do more aggressive Work, &ISO, that For Purifying the Water. (850). Office I Beaver Block, white and black- alike. He has pro&
thestmtesmati. One would suppose that a ------- 40— TostoNm . Office losed every Wedueaday afternoon vided well equipped sehoots tot, both
the 7 Municipalities, Goddrich, Godetich I The ProViactel Board of Health have CANADA. from May let to Oat lat.
gone into she reolps making business.. the negro and the white children of his
rasa of Me Borden's calibre would .have Tp ,West Waw'RUOoh, Morris, Sonforth GEMS OF rHouGHT. and have forwarded to -She press a : ; � I employees. Volike David Rankin, who
something to may tbat Would be worth and MaKillop be requested to launch — recipe for Purifying the water, that has � . never bad even a
I I common school edo-
heeding about the dangerous currents Of Local Option Campaigns for Jan. 1610, been tested and found to be of groat cation. Colonel Smith Is a eolloge grad.
Social sentiment and political Prejudice Omried unamincully. Discontent to the Sure indication of a value. For the benefit of oar readers FARMERS Vingham General Hospital
. note. Be learned to bandI6 men In ,
Which the election r6tarne revealed; but The treasurer's report showed a am% 11 feeble mind. -Reginald Luess. we reproduce the recipe:-, A level tea- (Under Government inspection) the army; -lend he applied the some or -
Spoonful at chloride of lime should be and 81ayond having live stock or other ' .
or -
tile vision of the Conservitive 8PP8Aro balance on bond. Ourhappinessin this world depends rubbed into a tea cup of water. This aittl6leff they wish to disTose of, shopardver- gantzation to his farm work -with
toe the some -for sale in haTrKne. l, great r.esults.
obscured by the toot that Sit Wilfrid The officers of lost year were re-eleot. On the affections we are able to Inspire. solution should be diluted with three circulation tells and it will be stranto lnde%lrf 13101841107 situated. Beautifully fur.
has stiftered a defeat and his exultation Bid; Pres., F. Buchanan; Sea., A. Ti -Duchess do Ptastin. OuPtals of water, and a teaspoonful of on do not fiet a customer. We con' guarantee nished op t 11 Colonel Smith's success has demon -
over ibis howillatfoit of the Liberal lead, Cooper; thqw,hole quantity Should be added to r, 11, b '-.--';' , an 0 a regularly, licensed strated ,what cil it be dont- on, i ho farm
Tress.. J. P. Brown; Vioeo "i a a U PATMIqTS- land of the south One of his 6200
or appeart to provonthim from giving the Pree., Centro Huron, Go Mo Elliott, th When People are doing actions each two gallon pall of drinking water. Send physicians. RAVES ro
I 6� (which Include bbard, and nursing), $8,50
_'� h
. - _�' aill
' cowl' so - a yo��W
'� 'k han,
' r l'o article be t , thea ' I 'r this
rod, ad -1 ..me"A �t a 1h and - south.
thought to the broader significance or Goder It is the no plea at - !I 1. at ". 4
orate always happy. This will wive .4 or parts of free ohlor- . Milieu t your stock .ad other acre fflrmS R ,Year ago yl Ided 4.800
Ich; North Huron, .John Kett, true Pleasure on this earth. -a. Berollis "no to it million parts at water and will ti.l.. to $15-00 Per week according to location e �
. of room, rot further information, bushels of wheat and 200 bales of eoit-
tb'* result -Unmiltdo Herald. Winghom; South Huron, T. H. Moosi. Synge. In ten minutes destroy, all typhoid and I -address ton, The wheat sold for $1 a bushel
colon bacilli or other dysentery-produd- I
Pot a Year past Hou. Charles Murphy, lum, Exeter, Representatives of the l• ow quite lie much at a lose ioganyone , fair. organisms in the water. Moreover i Mi;81S L, MAtTREWS, kid the cotton for $50 a bale, making
Superintendent, it total Income from the farm of $14,-
Sdutetat I 7 Of State, has been conducting Various munioiPalities:-Godefloh, Met• ilse to Bay what IS the object at lifer, but all traces of the chlotine, will rapidly OUTSIDE * Box 228,Wfughom out, SDO. After tnklbg out the expensts
: via Howell; Godertob. Tp., Mr. Cold. I do not IeOl any doubt that we are not disappear. I I I .
oton. 0. J, Wallis. I . . . .1 I I there Was a net profit of $i')I on acre.
I Wingbam, Sent into the world ter be In it fusi.-A. - . This might well Make even a Mimig-
S. Bennett, Seatotsh, it, Bell; Histigall, 0. Benson� --- --:---- ADVERTISING ' BLE9.
, "',
I . � � 16 - - . . RAILWAY TINIZ VA
r. �-,i, ,,-'; aq up vav ; It h , Aev. 1 E. Millyard; Hayfield, Mo 0ald. .. ' 6- . Sippi valley farm�r,knlvlous,
I Otto thing I have loatnt, and I think All Skin Diseas" Orders for the Insertion of: advertloomentO 0 HAND WBIJ14K AAMWAT SIrSTEM, Tho- west has beft heralded as the
r well; Blyth, A. B. Carr; )Brussels, JI. -)J, Both jig teachers wanted, business chan4eff,,
lrqi� ;"17!.� in ft, I � it IN worth remembering, that a heart I I . mechanics wanted, fittiolox for sale, or fa. fact %X TIRAINNYAAVA iron I land Of Opportunity. In the early days,
any lad of an advi. in any of the Toronto or London .."e.,o..*...1--- 8.86*4M.- B.Wp when land could hi bud almost for the
LnUgn,i UC4,Tllek dilroy; Exeter, mt. snoll;'wroxeter, heaven may be reached and touched Can be Directly 0 ad papain, 'DR ofh,,ftihj�bc, loft at the Times
ROV. Mt. Perrin; A411old, Rev, 31ty. Toronto &ITest 11.6sa.m.. g.46&,m__ 2.40p 1*
hore, that one Can help or hinder 0 66. ... a or 11 receive :"in, Asking and the cattle business was at
Pthf#� h6fritessness and suffering are. Rutherford; Colborne# John bastow; everyw *n � .. 0 ' le Par Its ti halt 6
:OvArcOrn0i bY,' OF3. CHASE'S , happiness by a tiny word. Amy to Traced Morattatt"tion Kilmol%*MtLe-11'519146t'kllhv"R-jr2l'souenp-ln-- s-16 I b , !test, a young a f the n ime. of
Xfdl4tioo�LIVER PILLS, � .;GXoy.,T, Straolian; Hey, S. Rannie, TO for a . the ft a 6 r6mittin
, a , Ott eatents. Lowes Intat 116 too-til6a.m.oll'oos-m— 2.40 p.m Hiefirr;- Miller started out to make a
AVaUvre. _� � . t be at u.s. � I,tlon. , ove Loddon,..... - _........11.54 0.131- - 7.85 p,
Irla, Alauk 13100tn� Hatawo0a - W. WZlt6n;M01XlIlCp, B.'s6dr, , , D F 1. r, an ottitina, i 0 t to triad a Pa eirston......."...._11.24a.m, ai� tOrthlid in, the ranch business, Today
ft6*161ko ,
olit., wiltes'. talcer Ili RuIlets, $- Floglau&i, -Matift, Vhof. 'i66 Id A ihany-sided Amorifloo 8A D AJAL00 a -L - - or.11K . � _. I I . I .1 0 .
'i ,`1 Walit ta• tell -you of ., f , . it .. I . f Tia . I I Tor uto st ...... a, 9.08 PASI;. . 9. 21a, he to Worth $20,000,000. He once lit -
010 groat benefit I found in the use Hielby; 8tephdh,U6*.J9.#J6k#% tEttaker. 0400''thauglitfulneig. for -others, Is ".." 4 1 1 . �. . G. L&MOSIV, Agent, wingliftin. ' nouneoA that he hoped some stay to
IF . . I - . -
of Dr: CliagoIis Xidney-Liver ping. R161160 Putting their good before I . 11 I �. �
I I itilith, V. O'Brien, Tatnberty, A, Kelly; 481f• Thtfdolf to 9ft rid ,of those Skin i0s, — — I Owb, the Wfiole state �f California.. Ila
oyewy,od to 'badly with kidney disease ttaborno, P. Cann; E, Wavronoeh, jag, gratification. Love is tMes it is absolutely nociagoiy t1isit,tU CANAbIA14 PACIVIO 11AIL*Ay. I" he did hot Audeded, although bft
that -whtin I lay down I could not get Kott; I 1�
111) withont help W. Wastanosh, VFW. Bailie, but true 10*6 10 Impulse Wisely A blood should bo thoroughly cleansed ,of I . 9�"1214 LVAVX v10A bolditigs In CalfforMa Affioubt to MO
- I was completely laid _H, direi3iod. the "cumulated poisons, and for this I I I YkA069 , TOrOutO and Biel- - - - 6.88 a.m.. - em p.m. Mo jidf�M
'th lame, liching back. I road , . th"iib is rkothing to equal 101ur- AURITIN PROM
up wl Bev. B� Spence, Gdool-Al Sooralsty of I a HAW6161 � purpow 4 991F.Nolt tocu*'"r -oo`-`oo---- 1-20 V,1211-10.17 p.m. 116 ialso has large trittis
about Dr, Cgigeyo Xidhoy-Liver 1>111tt the Peotivelal Alliance, islid athdr noid, We 66d most of us do itu tttig6lAsh Blood Bitters. .. "I !tpedsvmier"..i�-.,4..-..d.B5a.tdi. -9,25 6f Wed In Nevddi- Und Oregon,- ,
I y _. : I Muto sad Riat - - -I,og 0,m000_10,� li-in. I'M mekb6in�ft is on the deefto
in the alnian4c, got t1lem and tbe So6thistift W698 0000, Whd 96*6 thing 106W 804 then, it We 06 to havogi ThW temody has beta 6h the raitill" I I .2 : - 00 p"' b t1ke-west. and *bit was once one
t"red ftei of kidney diseamo and bo,01-, Muiblo Counsel sit dtiplisilsing file the otoaft of h; but It It . . A I . I � X, ff- 8101101911H. A96111,Wfughgai, �
sch(" _ only the salute - for over tblity4vt years and wheo Y104. I., . . - 11 I 1, .
'eutlog iiilth 1. - , atit
419 use it you am not ex;>Orim � *"*It tita Wifich"to now' b�W '
�, Ity husband Lila areadtUl Psi Imo0tanovI of gtouping % nuttlb6g, at -at VrOlyday ld# who ojin; mike re, i . , � . , bwf6t �tha 'fluid
I . an in it g k going, now skid untried rethody. YAO to tbiki to
8 t1d" and Obtallit'd curer by uglog M001610911910 tot asimpalgoo At this game 94driftedi for the sake of athorg, And i I
Iski I I Ot 060&bOt Of litud MUM aeftlw
dead T8Ab9,MA0K W '' ,
e.44 discovering it it It N.S,- *dteo-_"I have been L= W 06,,liftfing Into whist' % istill
'll,a 61-0 thia, best on the hLarkitt ittia I U!" Stellit Sichol, W T PAYS - I... I I 11f I
Dr. Cbnodl's ICidnogy.Llvor pills. Th UIA& 601ft to 00ehi their Dzitake 6, -
P! P t
sin Mail to Y006niniond tbeni'to 'kht OTIftl1bg d0ftited were of As "ciolfifto-4. 0, Battey. with Salt Itheitirn on toy bonds fbf,thIfft 408*41%lawitad, Im "IthW16,11 �".,ftualt;y* "Ooft
Dr. Clialo"'Xianoy-tivet Pill$ %. most ifitArbiting find praftl6le 6IJ11tud, L jr6i lu'rig Is be't ter, huItlsir, tno y4r* And ib hal didn't Iwo* *mt or I e6hamd"WEtit"r. � ,wblso .YdAi* 1, " aft. , gad
. okly Ab W 110, .� . 010 Its 10*i fAr * -
.1 ra ft slevist, to do, I tried titll,r 6P.Inl0a •ft",* ft 6r ox
. everythiDg but, Dothilisi . . . . . . . . . T I proba r n - it tilt iiw6i a 11114,00 Idt i
allithite And certain in gojl6u, 6o1iV tot. In the Abienoti 6t Jilt Proddiiin1w fag, sad IAIors sari Iiii6l, 10 ". ocular III Co Wt , '4895OV0,TV ,
"'k A
'E ""�
1*1 I*
�*. t
IllTOA a '
6 log MA098 ,
is Dr, latss�
..I.., ,
%fta 0eadbir a A:
, ,
the liver And b6weIg as well all the, kith 16*441. 660med to be ,any toodi I beW -4' ' I Ideft an f wt am . TO ADVERT1 8-10 liMI! 'iftb.�'604*' & ikih--tz, 4649JMI
a. Dr. StAwot broddid. thil villiolpat to laV6 U w have f6sind -tl*i *h1oh Burdock Blood Al6re &�A bbu4ht two, ....... ate "eft Oren li, "Z . 11
fkoym, Aft histlogly btnefiow, and *,64. , 60"kett were ad*,, Iwo*" a, R , lifli tit abovii Cutiollso -, *bloh ,1hWkgg , IDOttle�`df ik ind DOW I ath t*rfi*dy W1 9611hri'llf iowh"A *I& Add hw th& ,
Momidal. Bat to obtain Aose, re .9061104 - have -.0,16, 111p.-_ - . , , Afti4itaftba t& miWait. w., *mtwi
oultR - lend 4.,G. U1110. 13. A. gat, kajil6*611 Ila 661016 0, 6WA661 WI*h toted #Ad Mve ha Silt, ft" 6h iny IN TILE
*On ftinfl $tot 66 ftliffillf bil. A. W. W, 1146"16 . L I 16 the "It 1-60AP VJklk
bilild's 1C1dftey-tfv;r Pills. ou# .pill ' 001A6, A " *so 0ft0".W*&kgj , twtiodiettiretl brei NW40 iiii. I I " I yj bought "
Ailed, 96" tehfil * tim 't' 41 � 016, ffto" if wwtho - 96 libb Is fift . I . :. . Q 6i Aftv- UW, all U6, 111"o
�. . -;IN., sit, bit AAt I 16' fart
Zdat0on, P-Atol * C4" T,6r4At0.d Of fig"14 iht 99W % 4116 fftilW IWO VIO 106d MA 990d tho,1510h6d 611bals at !�* •1. . I '00,
,4 at silt %Ii%le
'... , I - I . 11- -
� hid bosit tnuovinood. 4*14h.-W0066ts. 111ok bA 4,46- 0 . ., .
i . 't
't. ;`,,yu W.", I -f so t"!!!�-LI-V I 0:!p *4
- . i ..,&.,�&,
: 6 to, � " " X
* " -. b.-... _ # .