HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-17, Page 1.1 0 7; 1 Pl M -I W1777'"M"`­ ..P 0 VOL. XXXIX —NO., 9,024, WINGRAN, ONTAWO* TAUJUDAT, NOVE MBEIR 17 1910, $1 A 'THAP& ix ADVANCE Road Willis Co. Is ;adv, on 'Pago 0. The Boy Si6ts. 0 L 1"IBS CARNATIONS The BOY Scout's PI 4 "1 H SCH NOTES, Former W1 gb;m 09Y4, Re..— Two former 1. To be loyal to ad and the King, 00 'Friday ,at former Win Am boyo have been METALOGRAPHY CHRYSANTHUMS Auction Is of Cattle, 2. TO help other PIS, at all Jim -ur third Literary 11100189 with sac ego in California (Pierced Brass) FLORAL DESIGNS'o Auction Sale of Rood valloh Cows, as. meeting was held, 1*00. U. Price Occupy. Mr. A. B. McXvvz has Rubbers 0, To Obey the Soo -t Law. jug t a been elected. some fresh Calved, sharp, with calf; also. be Chair in ti 4 absence of Mr. District Attorney to the OO'utvm costa We now carry a line of Stamped T. C. GRAHAM SON numbs of youn At 8 o'clock on T uraday evening, 8 Wobou the Rop lioan tlqket, The Nov, 17th, A, meeting r . youn cattle, at the Nation, 11 OtObOrs. Igor Intro lactory address WAS Brass for piercing lamp , Sting ."I be held In the very interestin PHONE 101, Al laot4i` on Satnr AY, November 1 _9 ArA we coogratulate 094tra OQatra Stan rd sbades, photo frames, Otho Reading Room of th Mtlls Memorial Miss of % recent date At 2 o'clock, Oatt are well bred and Hall to, arrange for thj Price on the wooese of her first in speaking of Mr,MoKenz(e oayBi_ ink Wells, etc., etc. formation o in prime condition Six moutba credit. 1% Attempt to Act As joesident. ?Also L. "He has the respeo and Confidence of Beginners Outfits 60 cents Wear GrOOr'S Sheet; and Rubbers T, E, Walker, pro iotor, 11130Y Soout Associatio ;" for W11391111111, R t gave At Instrumental solo the beach and bar, d Will be found a According to the sob d by ofis next the Headquarters gxex 9,Sfi= after which a re%dJPR was given by Miss fearless prosecutor d an able And oon. Stock and I liment Sale• this assockistiou will ba, too' M, Paterson then tc-.1owed an excellent 4cielodow official," Dr. Gen. McKenzie r, James The of lot 20, 0011- mill Man fair tove Plate, Stonily It ba, Charge Of the reading of the J,urnal by Miss R, is another former Ingham boy who is cessioi)9,Turnber ,who work, The D. M RIP COMPANY, general Supervision and rganization oa Davidson and ani itrumental duet by apse did Success in the PYROGRAPHY M in'" Limi- meeting with "d 'ho' 4 aber sold ted, Hamilton. the movement in this di riot. The Boy Alleges Nicholl;g , nd Parris, Third practice of his 0 his larva will hold an auction sale of pr I Scouts are pot in any '), y feBsion at Concord, (Bulpt Wood) Yarm stock and I laments on Wednes.. My BY to be COn- Form Girl's Oleo 0 ab also entertained Call, In a. race Auto accident in / , v founded with soldiers Scouting for We carry a large stock of stamp- day, November 2 rd. IOT no by a Chorus, which three perr no were, killed on berate a good Guelph inter Fair, I 'laments. J)d 0 US boys Is simply A metho of developing several Injured, McKenzie was on ed Wood for burning, photo list of stock Audi plements. 12 months For the first ti thin term stump a C 1, The Annual wint r fair will be held In Among boys the manlin a And charAoser tam is Hell speech were give ir bly $I eminent of the PbYtoians called. Both gentle. racks, tie holders, trays, pope credit, F. MCC nell will be the anot- Guelph commencin December 61h. The which are so much no ad among our x speakers. Mr. Per ,,, orritio. men Are sons of o r townsman, Mr. GOO. racks, etc., etc, Come in usual good prizes III be offered in all future citizens, All n Interested '413 b McKenzie, LL our Rubbers are neve We will a leased w a ver. and Inspect, departments, The neon County Council this movement and In ork among boyo no when W, A fre,h and perfect, They Automatic Vacuum Cleaner makes is OffOrl'39 A Prize f $20 to the Amateur are cordially invited to a present, Stothers Our worthy press- oarpet,oleaning easy, forsalsor to rent. OxIb"i'0111 from 1 county 0 r dent, answers the vertisement in the Good travellin pony r sale, Ap. Came to us direct from the t H. E. IsARD & Co. showing the best imal. Our Splendid School Shoop At $1.25, Journal Andretur to grace Form IV. Ply to J, U. M a, Darling Ter- Fac cry. 81 Walton, N CKibboa a 0 un On $1.50 to $2 00 are much cheaper shoes to race,, We never offer our trade WOMB s Institute. buy than fitly sort of "Bargain Shoes," Highest price paid for dressed poultry the cheap, inferior sort of STOVE MOUNITPR s —Steady work the W, J. GREEK, at T. Fells' butcher shop, THE 'DRUGGIST The regular va nthly meeting of the Year around. Th D. MOORE, CourAivz, W an you b y Christmas gift at Rubbers, advertised as ($bar- Wingliam brand of the Woman's in. Limited, Hamilto PAtt rSOU'S je ry store. you have by so MaDy stores. The Storeatitate will be he in the Chisholm hall Thomas Free. the a set an est. gains, Rev, N. S. Bu wash's Funeral. Our Rubbers give lasting Macdonald Black, Wingliam. on Thursday, N . 24th, at 2,30 D. in. Died i Seaforth. Thomas and Edward Jardine, ROM98d The funeral of a late Rev. X. S. How I It Done? and satisfactory service. Subjects for this eating, "The Hygiene Mr. . Robert Wi of the murder of Lizzie Anderson, were Burwash was held a Thursday after. Of 01 has," to b taken by Mrs. W. S. is, One OfAO PlOne"r brought up for trial be re Police MA' noon last. A publi service was bold In It is really wond rful how the Editors We've Rubbers for Men, I 011'sn", to I residents of the f,wri of 'Seaf orth, died gtatrate John Butler Goderich On the Methodist Church and it was very Linklater, Ow to help our Mem. of the Family Her d and Weekly star Women and Children, MISS ARLING bore havd ' a rry 0hristruss", to be At MO. home in t tat place an Sunday Wednesdayworving o oat week. The las e1 of Montreal can go on week after week morning after n illness of several Y attended. a following olorg t GRADAUTE F TOR taken by Wre. Brock. All ladies oor. proceedings were ve brief, -L, H, man Y. issuing twenty -o ht and hirty-t Everybody*s Rubbers. ONTO took part in the service:—Rev, A. pages of eight big lamas each, an al. CONSERVAT Y OF MUSIC dially invited. months. The d=-oeewed was 73 years Of Dandy, noting for the soners, Address. K. Bliks, of Lender , President of the so 0, M ANNiE BONE, Seoy. age and had carred on a boot and shoe ad the court briefly, 8 was orepared the London Conforet ce; Rev. JX Ford Ways find somethi now and I rest. Storm Rubbers, Toe Ii libbers, IS No I 0 a Edward W, b t 0 14 r M - is And authorized too er of the Pletcher business for for yearp. He Won a to accept 'Committ Ing for Sandals, Pfoothold,,4, S'ehool Rub. MUSIC Method Si Alex and I s' in the 0466 Of Clinton; Rev. A, L. swell, Wroxeter; . their re era, Ever depart. Kinder. Liberal politic:, It member of the Edward Jardine, but Would proceed Rev. J. Greene, inton; Rev. E. H, ment of that greatgaper to Cited by hers, etc., etc. Low or Cuban garten. Teacher of land and Theory. Rubbers for the School Children 400. Methodist Oborol and was held in high with the trial of Themi a, his brother, as Croly, Wingham, a men and women o long ari nee, And Heels, Every shape of Rubber d r C P to 50o. Don't lot the children go with- esteem in the 0-.mmunity. Deceased an Accessory. Crown Worney Seager Dr. Rutledge. All he resident clergy. Y Pupils Prepared fo conservatory ex. 's the pastor, Rev. Aminationo. I out rubbers. W, J. GREER. was father of Mr. - W. H. Willis, of, this Sol thereto nota dr Cep tiverit in the tu fit every style of Shoe. Theory by 00rresp adepoo to out of town and he will isve the sympathy d there wag not an ficient evidence men and a nnnabor f those in this dis• whole paper. Art person who is not 50c, 75c to $ 1.00 town pupils. by Of against Thomas Jardl and on behalf triot were in attend Uce. The Quarter. familiar with the -4Amily Herold Bbould A Mus Cal Treat. many friends in 1ke death or his father of the crown withd ew the Charges IY Official Board, o which deceased had give it a trial. Those who know it CLASSES OPEN SEPT, 1St. Arrangemours ,ave been made for If against Thomas, who as then given been a member. for a number of years, would not be wit. iout it. Every and. To insure good Rubber Mr. W. H. Hewle t, of the Conservatory 0ELEUyAND CABBAGE,—parties Want. his liberty,. Edward as taken back to attended the fune Al in A body. 3 "'a very pair of I or 0 scriber for 1011 b opportunity to Service, e Apply at Miss 6parling's home, full, ly, Floral a, Rub - Minnie street. Of MUSIC, Hatuilt • U, to give An organ Ing celery or cabbage for winter Storage the county jail.to Stan, his trial At the tributes were as by the Quarterly win a free trip to he Old Country next hers should be fitted to the recital in ft Aidrew's . Presbyterian can have them from R. A. Graham for spring assizes, in a. PArtioula may had at this Church on Mond y vening, December 45 ots. per doz.,or $8.25 per 100. Orders Official Board, t a Epworth League 0 foe Shoe,fitted as we know how The Owen Bound & Meaford Railway 5th. r. Howl tt ebas appeared in may be left at the market grocery. and the Eureka Bible Class, After to fit them! Co. is Applying for power to opristruot a Wtugham before and we are sure'the Arbitration Priceedings. the service t cortege proceeded line from Southampton to Ila. music to P ople of this district His Honor Judge D lawas in town to the Wingh in cemetery where NOTICE.—The itt h tor between th will be pleased. t bava another oppor- Greene, of Cli, on, who attended the Person in site d t ahe connection Thore passed way 'at Liatowel, on wach noting 'he t, 6" win W. I GREER Co 0/1 Died . t Listowel. on Tuesday and duesday of last interment wa made. Rev. J, It to be di u d toad that no Oar Christmas took a n't be beat tunity of hearing lin. a I with the sewer ithOut having first ob. "took 5 He will be as, Saturday, Woven 6 a' 'f property inuernl wag 14 t this year in the cit, I f r 6tb, Abble Chris. WWII and the ownere who same Wags mb College - tulnedo. permit rom the Towi), Clerk. TH 0 On 0 it. We stated by Miss He Ila Carey, one of the with the late Burvv*sh' and both E SHOrjR have the tins Bishop, w the ler. goods. W. Patterson, jewel. the most popular oprano singers in the wife of Mr. James Nialt. Claimed damages on account of - Hamilton diatriot son Showers, son f Mr. Alex. Showers, sewer passing throng their property, were ordained fif years ago. of this town, T deceased lady was in The claims were:—J. McLean, $6,15; Doesn't S our patronage. Chicago Capitalists have bought 2,800 her 10th year 86T had been living with C. Leptird. $1761 AN' Bradley, $185; The non,ad, _elsylug b,,aIesg men do acres of coal land i on the Brazean river, LOST—Large UgOrnoat, color, blue her husband in milton, since her mar. Thos. Eioks, $500, McLean's case W. G, Patters U's i Zthe pInce to buy not seek your 4atronsge, your attention FRESHLY MADE re near Edmonton, for $100,000, gray, long hair, citable reward at the riage's little over a Year ago. She was was settled previous o arbitration by this year, or favor by should you confer your Diamond Ar", go Times Office. 'r. I them? ba regressive business men on a visit with Pr' ads In Listowel where the town paying $360 The town to put r is I 2A she took sudden , I ill and passed Away. the road to the gravel pit to tie good cou. The Night Arent Habit, Pay attention you, thus deserving to MULSIONS 0 have your at ntion in return, They Holida,s Next Year, The remains we a laid to rest in the dition as it was pr:v to the -work An exobange Sege that the dev'il's 'r i started and are "on their Ikettle", all the time, to The year 1911 vill be peculiar because Listowel cemoter Mr, Alex. Showers, being d the putting a fence school to the nigh • school, where not d athrid r a 0 previous ' a ,e T 0 g 0 pit Mond P 0 Ar"O'" ,4—Th, 0 -Ldovoi&I, 6,ill istiti, "IT .11, d 'he sewer it emit 'o it Will Open on a -$Uuday and will close t it hrlStle n Grocery of town attended he funeral. around 11 116P lo to it' These will cost only boys, but girls learn the first lee• secure values for you that w from fresh and prime Cod Liver PHONE 59. on a Sunday. It will also, have its chief money and tbetlavil g between Mr. Me- none in vice and ramortahty. It 18 advertidog. 'lie fact that he advertises Oil are just as much superior to be places upon brA4uess men the necessity ready -in stock emulsions (no mat- Lean's offer and he amount aRr0ad dangerous for bo,= -s to be allowed to iffier to "make good—to meet live compoti• ter what their original qhality) as holiasYs either b .fore or after a Sunday., No person who ever buys shoes here, upon will not iffer very much roam the streets law at night, but that New Year's Day will, of course, be cele- will ever wear poor shoes. Fall styles ",a We specialize in Groceries The taking of evi nue was completed PrftotiCa to ruinous for girls. tion—to buy NoL.11 so as to be able to sell a fre8h egg beats a rotten one or brAted on the M - aday. Dominion Day are ready, $4.00 to $5 oo. W. J. GREEK While it will fall on a SatArday, giving the bane. . Ing, to Your Profit iR well as big own. He is as fresh sweet milk is ahead of on Wednesday ev Ing, but the Judge invariably takes tae delicate edge off fit of Ilia , placed under i perpetual test—and he soar clabber; or as fresh sweet Sunday additional holiday, Good W boa not yet give . his decision in the maidenly modesty it happens that very a with your inoreas. butter is to the rancid irritant 8 Chris Buy Currants and And A tm will be celebrated on a' Wish; for the Times, matter. speedily it there is Any modesty left it M.u`fro611na=ip%1WH11Yo must work for you kind, That is why HIND, THE Monday, 1heyle the ivorkers will got. The new oditoxwf the Blyth Standard is not maidenly. Ruin, more or less Iiday, So that with bas the followIn kindly reference to Successful GraJuating xercisas, complete is to toll jw. The term "street III ours' ravel ever in mind. He DRUGGIST, puts up his special xt, da " —wit I Ral*sins Now . 4:0 must find ba ains for you; he must egg emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Labor Day an Thanksgiving Day all the Timns and its dltor. —We notice by Very Successful graduating exercises Walker " to A term of reproach, but if it protect you I styles, In, quality, in fresh every week, and recon - failing On a Me day it looks like a good: the Wingbam Tir-es of last week that in connection will the Whigbam Gen quanta the est at nights prices. He is rillsted in your service. mends it in perference to ready - This is out advice unless the year for the ral Bye with their weak. the plant had beei comfortably Situated oral Hospital T a' ug School for Nurses without I escort in the vast majority of The non -adv rtising business man is made stock emulsions, unexpected bappens all fruits old excursions. In the a Iojkj A return to t cases' if WILL BE, HIGHER. Not only so, 0 111011 w he were held in the A embly Boom of the the habit is Perot sted in, it is not. but the EARLY PICKINGS of Our. building in bio he Editor of the WIbgham Nigh So Coll on Monday even. not long rants, owing to climate changes FOWL WANT —,I will ship live fowl Standard received is first instructions ing last. The oh ir was occupied by before the term —ill apply in its offens- ive sense. in the printing prof Stan, along with his Mr, Richard Ole , President of the FOR SALE—Throe wood burning beat. WILL BE MUCH SUPERIOR IN QtrAL- on Tuesday,and Thursday of each week, The highest Price Will be paid for fowl. cousin, Mt. H B. liotto now proprie- Hospital Board, he graduating nurses, ing stoves. Apply at TimEs, offloe, F. rf Hind ITY to the late pickings, delivered in Wingliam. It will pay you for of the "Times.' That Was in the nurses in trainin and the Superinten- DOMINION NTS. WE HAVE SE CURED COXSIGNMENTS to see we before selling. Poultry re- year 1889 and Wh 0 at that time the dent, Miss Mathe 9, together with the U BLIC ACCOUNTS, ceived at Awde's flour and feed store, office occupied the 11 oft" it has since so clergymen CHURL NOTES. OF THE BEST, OBTAINABLE VRVIT A. H. WiLronD. to t and physicians, occupied PHARMACEUTICAL OHRMIST CURRANTS advanced as 6 its Place on the seats at the front f the room, The two The public ft, counts for the last fison "ground 11( r Elliott produces nurses who were raduating were Misses year were pub. shed in blue book form Methodist busi as man in Canada Orders Talton Praser Sa0%', by Walit WINGHAM Extra Vanoy, per lb. 150 , Says JudeJudge. A lively, VI 0-a- Ake journal, The Ethel Welsh an Olive Wood. Rev. 1). on Thursday. The main figures Rig to have decided to red a a million dollars Choice Quality., 2 1b. for 25e Ina judgeme covering thirty-five Standard wishes It nd its editor Much P. errie opeubd he proceedings with revenue and ex ienditnre were published for missions. Fine Quality, per lb, 10e Closely tYPe*Wvit a pages, Mr, Justice prosperity in its n quarters, prayer. The v edlotory was read by last summer, s: owing a total expendi' The Eureka Bib Class of Win ham Miss E. Welsh d Dr, R. 0; Redmond tore on consolUmated fund account Am. M recently elected its Britton holds ilia Michael Fraser to not in .thodl I, at of" RAISINS at the present Jim Insane, The courts "o THE BUSY MAN'S GREED TnuNns AND VALISES—If yon want a made the reoip!1Y. The Plqrence Nightia- Canting to $79,:UI 747, With a total rev- officers for the on rent term, as follows; Choice Valeneeas, per Ib 100 may y have to 61 with the question good Trunk, ,Sulb Case, or Club Bag Role Pledge W administered by Rev, enue Of $101,50',,110, leaving a Surplus —&Tehoher, T. H 11; President, W, J, We believe. in the stuff we are SI five 10 as to Wholther he as sane at the tint of come here. We can gave you money, • H. Croly; r. J, P. Kennedy in, a of $21,605,913^ Gr0r; ViCO-Pres , H. X. Roadhouse; handing out, in the firm we are he 's • his marriage, W lah his relatives are W, J. GREER, short address resented the diplomas Details as to a total expenditure of Secretary, T. Graham; Treasurer, working for; and ir, our ability Special Value -in #eking to have olated a nullity on the And Dr, J. . Tamlyn the medals, $20,756,353 on 11PIts), Account Include Jobe McCOO1 ', C-3minittee, 06aveners— to got results, We believe that ground that he snot capable of mak. Addresses war also given by Ray, Mr, the following: On railways, $21,505, Mevabership,l -V,Hewer, Devotional, honest stuff can be passed out to Cocoa Ing a, 'valid in rrfage He to over 80 Death f rs. Calvert. Steevss And ev. Father LaVftudean, 918, Including $ 9,968,064 for the Xatic . J. T. Davidson; ;Octal, J. A. Morton, honest Men, by honest methods. years Of age, d worth 180,000. He The death One red at her home on All the petal rs 'were generouv in their al Transcontine ktal Railway; $1,278,409 The Special - vival servic6a which We believe in working, not 10c, 12e, 23a, and 44e, per tin married Hanna Mi O. Robertson, of I James street on Friday last of Alice prairie f, a Wibghhm General Hos- on the Intercol ill, And $03,042 an the have been oondu ted for the past three weeping, in boosting not knock. There are very few homes in' Dandae, a youn Ind of 80, last Jauu- Smith, wife of 11, 104, it $ Thomas Calvert, in pita Ali a good work it is doing, survey for the adson Bay Railway, weeks In the Ba tilt Church came to a ing- and in the pleasure of our W Cocoa IS not an important ary. her 60.1h year, 0, Calvert was atriok- givitig"'Ithe oung Indian many words On annals $1, 0,706, of Which $1,000,• close on Ftldo evening, These have job. We believ ,, a inan gets article of diet—and rightly go, an with paralyal some font Inks ago of good A too and what he goes after, and that one It is it body, builder, is delightful WE encouragement. 000 was Spent 0 the Treat Count, been mootitigs f grant bloosing to the n at 411 times, and in the evening Is WAtTnD.—An Apprentice And an im, old it WAS thou lit She, was recovering Solon were- r ndered by Mies Griffla and On Publia Works, of which Port - Church, Over tyoame out for Christ deed done to -day is worth two prover to work on la these meet. especially valuable as asleep c dies' tailoring, until the evabin prior to her death when Dr. J. 190. nAyni Instrumental oeleo- Arthur and PC t William harbors took in these service . Following done to -morrow, and that no man bringer. Apply n. 0. WurrE. she took a atiad turn for thewotes and tion by Mr StOOVOR Bud a reading by $1,024,999; the St. Lawt6noe ship Count, ings on Sunda evening the Ordinance 18 down and out until he has lost passed away, he deceased lady was miss Brook. The two ycutig Indies Who $1,011,957, an I Red River improve. i Uf baptism , 9 observed, A number faith in himself. We believe in TRY A TIN. born in Yorksh re, England And resided were gradtiadng Were presented With a menta, $590,95 more are to b baptlood soon, courtesy, in kindness, in generos- Catiatil n Foresters, in the old land ritil Some six year# ago number of handsome bcqaatSr. Aftov Militia cap ity, in good cheer, in friendship I cap al OxPond't"6 totalled Bishop 'Wil-latrid has appointed the and in honest competition. We mt. It. :9. ant 18 to -ilk Winghfiva at what, the f0mill, Came to Canada slid for the program tefr0shIvents, '91 . R61, Mt, K111. -at to bas of G , Wake served $1,290 0 ')trial believe there is something doingl GENDIN VALUE IN TEA weent wotirinpl the interests of some time have beel.t6spected vesidenig and All praeo4t voted It a very pleasant During the Year railway Subsidies Wroxeter file Fofdwtah Air. Kinder somewhere, for every man, Court Maitland, Canadian Order of of Witighami Begideg her husband, event Hospital WAS were paid to t 6 amount of $2,048,007w WAS for 6 number of seats tootor of ready, to do it. We believe We 'We adverti86 our Teas beoAuse porestoks. Mr. -larrie to one of the Mrs, Calvert Is littvived by four d6ught- astob", T, years ago and during Bounties total d $2,414,171, the d6taile DfeAdenj but a hAvIng been bereaved llo ed llutll!,Ian, ID, We.kIIOW they TOZ Thm mAnx or moat successful b gabizers Ou the Staff. eril - And two 5, viz -, —Urg grodhaw that time up arts of 500 Patient$ have being as follo a:—Iron And 80011 $1 ' by the loss of its wife there he request. are ready IttG11T NOW. qv,&Lrr , Only the highest He held Just dOm,lotOd SOVOU months' and Mrs. Mid , t6sidisig In 111tiglAnd -, received troa,m:11 1,a T1t1f1,,;, Is 1, grand 808,633,; lend $340,549; binder twine, ad the Bishop to remove him. About I or. 11 a, ffhmilted,, Mrs Alon - record and a t need there $61,6000 And Crdo Petroleum, $203,5K that time t grades And the beat known r Work to Berlin ati% during that time so. Mrs Gen. ]to iia, W g he oto Special Bargain in Monte mulas are used'aud these. backed Odired 250 new moilbort for the Coutto ZO Finlay, t At Chathalu desired Up by ftpOtfefiee ell L Finlay, have " prod balvott, of was for an ln tftnti(in :bfithis kind in The sam of 00,000,fts received from on extended WAY, so Mr. binder was Nice house and 2 lots, well able US to In that P1400, Two Years 090 Mr. Harkii ObbaWA, and rY PAIVert, at bomol, our town. the 11 SPH41 We Wish the Phoeb I go Company In t6opeot Sent to Ohath ra from Which plaoo he gittlAttd, Just the place for tt dtdl! You tea Of 0:060101141 quality *'felted Witigh%ru And made the best also il grandoo Who fibii tot some time continued BUT to, the young of the oollapo of the Quebec bridge andscame to Gott, teed farmer. 1 -1 -rico rc.$onqb1e. DAOP 11; AND WWW,1rkLt, with the family. The ladles who even- the failure of the company to paitotua ted the town, A 06611it meeting of libreaVdil *III 11116*1119 Of BUY Org Wizft thrif ever VIA made big hobo YOU U01tr A80trT Trlpu Av4A the sympathy of Ing we extend at'very beat Wiolms and Its contract,. This Amount has been do, Court Maitland Wil be held On Vilday J large numbs t friends in their afflic- we ttudb th 0 honor to The Pftyluoial GoVotinnout ban do. 0#601119 Of thin 'We. -k 4tid hit mombots Mon. The funeral took place oil Sunday solves and ill I t thOW4 dilated from tho $6,424,1811, hitherto olded to Institute A tdkt Case Against the NOW & Cosens TORE at 4 V tol front *bIck standing In the books Oki THETOR AND COFFEE S1 to he how a obatgo Londoa hrid Pat Stanley Rallway fur aro toquatod to htt od, [hftata Con to the W1 aghant coviettty, thOY 110e 9fAdUAt6d. Againist the oboe bridge. operating Sunday Ohio, REAL USTATE AND INSURANCE