HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-10, Page 8a p TAN W'INGUAR TIME, NOVFIXUR; 10,. 1V10 y . MINOR L,OGAL% LAND FOR SALE /%/1/1MMMM/11^IM�./oM/tAAA R BAitCtAINS 1 W E WANT YOUR TRADE MOTHER'S 41TTLE i w@natIwenty Acresfbrok n t,40YQacre� KING'S FO • - $aveyonrenewed your subscription ��TREASURE•) fenced, five scree bash, small house. and SAY MEN to the Times, stable, good water -Annual Scottish oonoert on Friday - What mother does not look up, C, N. GRIFFIN, evening, Jauuary Rth. cn her baby as a little treasure, Real Estate Agent, KING'S What mother would not rather SYingba;n, Out. OF � -Wedding Invitations and visitingno, WHAT SutterS? f ter hexaelf than see her preo;o cards at the Times office.. iittly one Sutter, The well child) - nick ---•-Qrder your newspapers at the Times� brings joy to e hove s a the mud diJ BUSY � Child brings misery despair mud ; Business MOP T HEfioe, opposite Queen'e Hotel, care There is no need for your 3o -Got your job printing 1doue at the baby to be cross and ailing; even ` during the much dreaded teething _— `i` a have just placed into stock three lines of Timm office, opposite Queens hotel t time, What baby need o keep ; -Division 0ourt will be held in ` is an ocoasfowd dose Baby's a AMERICAN BUTTONED BOOTS (very fash- WYngham on Thursday, November 17th. ` Own Tablete. 'these Mete oars Having purchased the Grocery all stomach and bo el troubles; and Confectionery business from ionable) which for style and price are -Mr. F, J, Hind, the drag,41st, has a I destroy Worms r1ind Anlie teething Mrs. D. hush we are now in aExtra ali�,eS POSITIVELY UNBEATABLE now advt on page one of thin issue. c easy. Mrs. Pier M. Cormier, • , position to supply the ver best in °" Read it, New RLbhmon Centre, Quebec p Pp y 3' ' -Another good sample of wintf s writes: -Baby's Own Tablets have all kinds of P e been a great benefit to my weather during the past week with A little one and now he sleeps GROCERIES AND heavy fall 04 snow on Sunday. ` well and este well and is happy all Weekthe time. rhe Tablets are sold by This -A, H. Musgrove, M, P, P, delivered S all medicine dealers a6 ""' 26o a box ; CONFECTIONERY Just All Sizes an address on Dfokens, in the Meth- from The Dr, Williams' Medicine I &diet Church at Fordwioh, on Friday Co„ Brookville, Ont j We will be pleased t0 meet all ` evening last, wwMUVVyvVWIWV.VVV11NVwvvM old customers and many new ones Think! , g, For and promise ,you good goods at -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, k honest prices. Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday Farming is a business whin requires EXTRA VALUE! What does this mean to you? Some- A Shoe A° ' $3.00 �� evening of this week. Members are re • &oases to practical bnsinesn formation, quested to attend this meeting, This is supplied in the o mmun of the _ thing (you want) for less than it's real worth, -Mr. Wm. Nicholson of town haspur• Farmer's Weekly S n. The secret of Orders promptly delivered. Pro Like This Per Pair chased Mr. Jas, Thompson's 100 acre the growing populari f this paper lies duce taken, We draw your attention to the lines mentioned below farm in the township of Turnberry, on - in its untiring devot n to the interests and would ask you t0 Come and see what we Call the Taeewater road, near Wingham. of the farmer. To be posted a farmer -- REAL VALUES. must read the San, If you are not a xe&d- -Dr. Jas, L. and Mrs, Wilson aro get- er try it for 1911, ting nicely settled in Dr. Macdonald's I Mindell & So residence and office on Centre street BORN. The above Shoe is made of a good grade of Patent Colt Dr, Wilson's professional card appears wELsu.—In Turnberry, on November .1st, to 1— in this isnne. Mr. and Mrs, Walter welsh; a daughter. NO. 3co yards Dress Goods in All -Wool Venetians, and will give satisfactory wear, At ..the -At the regular meeting of the Pub- and°yrs. c Brussels, Loton t &daub (laughter. to Mr' Fancy Suit Lengths, Diagonal .Stripes, etc,, etc., price it is a marvel. _ lie School Board on Tuesday evening ST$7ss.-In Grey on November 1st, to Mr. , in all the new colors and textures, Regular $1,00, the resignation of Mise Hawkins Was and. Mrs, Louisbteiss; adaughter, �� ;� $1,25 and. $1.50 per yd{or this week per yd. 89c Alan another ie a similar line accepted and the Secretary instructed to Mr, and lYlrst—I l�e=nwick, on October aaugiiter° lllncther 1>ne is a genuine Gun advertise for a new teacher. m of Buttoned Boots, made of a DIETZ.--In Howick, on October 23rd, to Mr. ! a :% NO. 2—Women's and Children s Worsted Hose, all Metal Buttoned Boot —with finer grade of Gun Metal—a —Rev. J, Ball, Fordwioh, Ont., an. and Mrs, William Dietz, a daughter. heavy sole—new toe. For perfect Shoe, MARRIED, o , :; °e . -4 - sizes 6 to I o, to clear this week at .per pair 25c Y nonnoee the marriage of his daughter, DOwNEY^JORNBTON•-At the home of the FLQUR Per" Fair' L., to Mr. Charles A. Leather • bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Johnston, �• $4.00 Per Pair Price $4.50 Per • I'alr Bran Man, the wedding to 9th concession Howiek, on October the bride ,y 1�� —1 o Men's New Winter Overcoats, sizes 36 t042, dale of Br , r Rev. Wallace Johnston, uncle ` NO. .3. tclze place in Winnipeg on Nov. 80th. german Downey to Winnie Johnston. i Re` � -` �� in plain black and Fancy Tweed Effects. -The price of brooms has dropped. bride's Toa 19—BMC. —A the Rome Black, gular $ i'5.00 value, for this week $10.00. The above Shoes are the newest New York Styles (made A day or two ago the wholesalers were Wroxeter, on November 1st, by the Rev. Mr, �, Perrin, Burness Whitmore of Harriston, to �0,4 in New York). On exhibition in south window. notified of the fnot by the broom mann- Nellie Black. �3g9ib R facturers.. The reduction is quite small, DIED. NO. 4.-500 yards Flannelette in plain pink and white amounting to about 50c per dozen BuRwA8n.—In Wingham, on November 8th, BECOME ACQUAINTED and fancy striped. Regular 15c and I2�zC values, brooms. Rev. Nathaniel S, Burwash, aged 72 years. RAMSAY.— In Walton, on November 8rd,. Q for this week per yard 9c. -The strike of last July among train- gush Jones Ramsay, formerly of Wingham, With our wholesome float and other WILLIS COO ages 42 years dna 3 months. know you will never buy any other men employed by the G. T. R. system RATI7ERN'°RD.—In west wawanosh, on Oct- kind, There in more nourishment ' Come along, bring your friends and be convincedthat coat the federated unions between $50,- ober 29, Hugh Rutherford, aged 61 years, 7 sad real worth in Ding's is the place to do your shopping. montns and 5 clays. 000 and 60,000,acoordingtoMr,J,Berry, LEwis.—In Bluevale, on Nov, 2nd, Annie ONE SACK OF OUR Flo' R •,+rte Vice -President of therailWay 00nduetors Wynn, wife of Mr. Daniel Lewis, aged 72 years THE 1E SHOE STORE. and 9 months. and one of the men who managed the SIDDGN%III Lucknow, on November' 1st, than gon']1 find in a barrel of most strike. John Siddon, aged 64 years, 2 months and :1 _ granas, New Laid Eggs .3oc. Roll Butter 24c. days. -Mary Phillips, daughter of Mr. and GInDONB. ;In East Wawoncsh, on Novem- Our flour makes pastry no light as Sole Agents for Ladies. her 4th, William Gibbons, aged 88 years. the waving wheat tope, and as pure Mrs, Wm, Phillips, died at Wolford, Al LEES. -At Howard, Kansas, on October 24th, - as nature could grow it. Don't for. KING* C HEAP Sao gonia, on October 27th, in her 4th year. Mary Hislop, beloved wife of Andrew Lees, et to insist upon having our brabd. GOOD PRICES = formerly o? Morris township, aged 82 years. g P GOODS G �/ MIS, Phillipe is a daughter of Arch. Mo McTAGGART. — In • Grey, on October 81st, ♦ t Donald, formerly of the 1st line of Mor- .John MoTaggart, aged 13 years and 2 months, id WARwIOC —In Morris on October 80th, E1• ris and will have the Sympathy o. 0 len Glass,.beloved wife of Thomas Warwick, . Ezra Memley friends in her bereavement. g hear an. —Settling up time is drawing d aged82 years. HAtiDIISG.—In Fordwioh, on October 31st, Elizabeth Switzer, wife of Robert Harding, if you wish to collect your bills easily get your bill heads printed. This class aged 71 years. iJ WILSON, B. r�r�If,ltlC ��� I ! u�t„�.+k����'♦S♦♦��♦l�l9f .,,• ._9 Y ._ °�O�S�����51.�1�1�������� of work is neatly and cheaply executed Ti R. JAS. L at The Times. W0 Have in stock differ- ant sizes and shapes of bill heads and Physician, Surgeon, A oucheur. Special children also Ey°e, icer eNose women d Throat Thanksgiving. E. C. WHITS statenaente, Our commercial printing is Eyes thoroughly t Ed. Glasses properly fitted. ::, awl. neat, correct and in accordance with the prevailing styles, "The best is the (Dr. Macaonald's old stand.) Wingham, Ont, Day ; ♦, 1 Ladies and Gentlemen's Tailor Cheapest.” --The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. to them their TEACHER WANTED — Single fare for round trip between Detroit ; 4W : 4 C. M. Walker will extend deepest. Sympathy in the death on TOSS, Applicationsrsgnewill be received a the for the of teacher all stations in Canada also g and Port Huron, Mich, Niagara Falls . o The only stock I carry contains the newest all -wool s day evening of their infant daughter, undersigned position in the Lower Wingham School. Ap• and Buffalo, N. Y. Good going Oct, 28, 29 30, 31. Return limit Nov, 2, ♦ ♦; fabrics embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from = g Elizabeth Margaret Walker. The little plicauts to state qualifications and Duties to commence on Jauu- 1910. .. S the most reputable mills in the world. s child had been enjoying good health un- salary. cry 3rd, 1911. +, e til Monday when she wastaken seriously W. S. LIN}ILATER, You will find our Kingfisher ill, The funeral arrangements were not Wingham P. o HUNTERS EXCURSIONS Black Blues, Fancy completed at time of going to press ow- o•, Cloths in and ing to Mr, Walker's absence in the West. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Single fare for round trip daily Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings, �rev��tr'rn!�r'wrt!rVw!t�rre'_Vs[1 SEASONABLE REASONNBLE RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. - until Nov. 12th, to all points in M PERSONAL. G Tomagami, Oct. 20 to Nov, 12. To Melton, Seaver and Crombies Over- � ►� We are ready for cold weather demands with a full ' TnelNs Dm� avaoi: Muskoka. and Nipieeing Dfetriots, London ....— 6,35 5-- 8.30p.m. oto, Return limit Dec. 15, except to � coatings give the best satisfaction. � stock of Warm Underwear. We handle the two well- ; "'--• Toronto BsEast11:09a.m.. 9.45 a m.. _ 2.40p.m: dints reached by steamers Nov. 15, ♦ gin°arsine .11.69 a.m... 2.98 p m.... 9.15 p.m. P known and thoroughly reliable brands namely, Standfield . Mrs. John Ritchie is visiting with ARRIVE ■'ROM friends in Toronto. Kincardine 995a.m_11,00a.m__ 2,4o P.M. %. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- and Turnbull's for Ladies' and Children. We recommend . London.... 11.64 a.m.. _ 7236 p,m, You get everything • +and. guarantee :every garment. If one of these garments Mr.' � r. Roy Stephenson was summoned Tanto & East.::.:::::: 11,24 OS p m:For tickets and farther information veiling the day you are measured. . _ 0. 24p.m. T � shrink we shall replace it with anew one. Every gar - to Elora on Monday owing to the death p• LAMONT, Agent, winghem. address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A°, t Dell on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or ' r he very latest and best. when you let us make clothes of his mother. Toronto. � � expressly for you. � �►�jj meat is full fashioned and well shaped and 'will give the Mise Jennie Strntners returned home CANADIAN PAOIFIo RAILWAY, �j best SatlSfaCtlon. � TRezxs n7aeva rex • � � 1177 V after spending the past few weeks with Toronto and Bast---- 6.38 a.m.. -- 8.83 p.m, Teeawater ......_,..... 1.20 p.m __toa7 p.m, • ♦ WINGHAM, ONT• • ►� Your choice is Cotton, Union, Wool and silk and her sister at Galt. ARRIv34 PROM� _. _ . �_- �-'"� .� • • 'r-- ♦ E. C. WHITE - - • Teeswater.•.., _ .... ....6.85 s,m. _ _ 8.28 P•m. wool. If you want a Mr. Thos. E. Walker of Stxeetsville Toronto and Bast _ _l.os p.m_..to,o9 p.m. really nice, soft pliable garment , was oculus on Wingham relatives dna .1. H. B>tEMSR. Aaent,wingham. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Z � try our Stanfield Silk and Wool Goods.. L friends during the past week, � 114 THE. JOHN WILSON BLOCK y This week Mr. Glnhn of Bervie, had A complete stock of Stanfield Unshrinkale Wool entered the Wingham Business College ' � � •�������������♦♦�������� � Underwear for Men always on hand. , taking a Commercial Course. Wingham 14Mrs, H, Hamilton has returned home Penman's Famous Unshrin)cable Underwear for after Spending the past few months with;those who like a soft fine garment, also Union Fleece - her don at Gilbert Plains, Man, Business � • � v •. __ - Newspaper; Line14 d and Moreno in all sizes, Something to suit DZCe, Egerton of Belmora has been en- man. rolIedinthe Stenographic Department College v7.4 A A D s - every of the Wingham Business College dnr• Ing the past week. Is a link in Canada's Great- °-°� ��' "•`-' �"" ' °� � , est Chain of Hi h -Grade,r Dir, Court C#ardhonee, who had been g - - `•'-'°'" Lineman with the 8611 Telephone Co, Colleges founded during the ti , herefarsometiitie had beerstranstorreaPesttwentysix years.This HandPanted SingleSWEATER COATS ' etraua and lett on Tuesday tot fits chain 1s the largest train, to P Te how.Yonr china ought to be for Hunters Fare The Tl;itss andThe Weekly Globe toJan. 1912, for$1.6b,newhome:orsofyoungpeopleInCanadathat"Tea"ofyonrr,orforan"extra anditisfreelyadmittedthat000adton"'whenyonbaneirtendelac Fo1TheTamss and!CheWeeklyMailA large classy stockof Ladies' Knit Sweater Coats Red,E,FI,T,00khartcndrifles. Lockhart its graduatesgetthe best posi* dinner.rF pad Empire to Jim, 1912, for 23$1,60. ' reason, are visiting, At the home of the former r tions. inhere i3 ii 12th "just arrived, In the fashionable styles grid desirable � parent's, DKr, and Mre. Robert Look• write for it. A diploma from i+ " �; Oct.'10th #d NOV Catharine street. The former' . ,,, Hand Painted China 'The'Tiat>Ls and tulle weekly Globe. ;colors. These are warm, neat ;jackets and. are In great hatt , the Commercial EdtlelttOr9' do all stations Chalk Rivmr to Port Arthur }� Jeri„ 1911, fOr 250. Come in aril see them. gentleman is a graduate of Theology of demand for Cool weather. ' er flail `iJ'anooave>i", B,fJ. He As9aeiation of Canada is a you can nen do yourself yonreei! or bay it of us, inclusive, hes find Nv� Brune Points in t Westminster r We have sate and single pieces for � n ball to -Dan. passport to success, The xinixs and The irVee§ty riKeil hag received and accepted decorating ad well no nets already do. r , at Vancouver- You may study partly' at oersted, Anything and everything Oct. 20th to tNov. 12th and anti Empire to Jan.,. 1911, for 250. � r dal street Church home n,lid finish 8t the College,.. .that'd "dwelt" or "just the thing" in tc all etatians t3uclbury to the..800, ,1�flve• Highest pr1CC':S paid for I'rbdUCe: E DKerrrr. L F. Bitikley and H.D. Eltitttt ]✓liter D,d dd . , chinaware we Have'. .Prices, Goa, are lack to 6hflrbot ra LlncColdwater ie°fllrl B aaeli a The xsnnia and The Family Harald, � c Y y the a itnatioti' of the ingereotl Tei,t elwayd at the mitiiintiui. � suabi�rq, flus on the r, ,and Weekly Star to Jan., 1911 ; 1 vera in Toronto on't+oerAay end Bear.. Falb �T�Cm Opens Au .29th �• ti ,for DSc. + cr t pli D � , .. Return ]Limit Dae. 15th,. 1910 Amr MILLS E �► tihone Co"Co"felt nonnentlon. 'aoith the `VVINOI-IAM , 8tirgervilto 'l'elefihoriie Company ar• Mccollivrey ribdraldton•ever privileged, •�---•--�• r COr,�f�F,'Aditfof+freecepioso#"D`idhinii.snit Slibot• . J.r+if� t� �t y�•� I�#�••�1 Y+r. •�y�•�y��,�y �i � ri• �rr� , aiwrul hst�te _tih� . c�n�afia �2dtt• _ . iugi, "SYsorteman'e Mfl11'" and�'Open lA$$b S eolal VffCill 'Air6 YY.LJ.r�7!'��L7�iris VJ.� J. en's Game and "°__•:-••�.�_••...�+.__-....,�,:,>. .� ,.. -:- .. .: _ _� v_ _ .. _. _ , _ ,r, .• 1'flieltt9,'at, 'lE~'ieiS�fir��;" , gBlC3SilCItrAgert,wi>sg6e ,1Vltteles to NL'�i Subscribers . , rj��rli��1►/►A'A,f►A�•'/1/Clilura��li�A��/i�1►M'�1�i1�,Ci' Head 41