HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-10, Page 6s�
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P • T)AN 1iVlmmAx TIMES, 0VR11I)gR to, XV10
--�.�..�,:•._--_-._. _ _
The man who likesieopl , _ _. _ ••
p. a oa u be led How au aWateur does lova to oi'itioise What 'Meet of us want it Mora frierdt.
to litre any really .good thing, a professional, and lest Need or them,
It Is proposed to establish a co•operat• Chea men and cheap Automopiles
® A rummage among old papaya of the e
ive. furniture factory in Qnalph, data of 1846 found the following prices 'Palle the most. noire..
Hd't a far,s�eing man who provides which will be of interest in pamprrfsrn
Gy f Y+
the. home for thein before he gets. her with the prices of the preseut time: ;2. lbs h 11 d r e n Cr3%
g na'10a' lb 1 calico. 2 ,
>, s1 , l ea$ res; 7ydaaal.q .at2 c FOR FLETCHER $ ,
Children Cry per yd; and 193alyds at UP per yd, 83 IN
FOR FLETCHER'S beef at $o perib., butter as low as 4o and ;r•
TOR I A to per lb; 2 hogs each weighing 840 lbs; Do. y Oar Baty GOdHp .and don't worry
v at 2}So per lb.; broWa sugar 13; o per lb about t9worro_w..
er en.
;hit a e : os s
Two Whitby h rdwar sox w froth 2 — The I31bie n :l t
, . eggs c per dozen, Paisley Advo And a bank book are ilio ,, ..••':•. � ;;.;.,: .
toiled Friday night and a small amount gats only volumes taut don't need illastra•
x '
f f . okni es a Q
u the x a 'a
plunder m e
of lu d 'u v tic to a
i q as to
, l
0 - n .. their value,
zazars taken. S mthat-
\� 'fir. {�,.•: , Elf,y Tears' Experience or an ala hur.e 0 e people are so high-toned that i fp•?�'` '
Martin O'Malley, •a wealthy farmer they would forEooth have their mono.
.,�N\;n.,,.a• ;<:\�.
`k .
�� ' •, i dW f' �A/• ,--._� .�Y.j
Rof Mneesota was found guilty of Mote•
P i
foro ba
gthe prescription of one of the beet fe•
oning his o step- daughters, ra Fra es u,nala J et i e aud naTaee in the
and $ Years United States and has been used for fifty Mar Bar el, aged 6 The tallest chimney inthe world i
respectively,and to be hang' eara with never-failingsuccess by
theGreatIa11a Mon'Itio 606fset
iilliouof mothers for their obldr
It relieves the child frcmpsit, cures
ed, ihigh, 60 feet in diameter and weighs
Tho old, old story times with n diarrhoea, griping in heboisend1 ,0 0 tons,\Ix"number, and re eated over and over
:;,•i� 'i•:i)-i•,
FL4 incolio, Bging b a to
again for the �Uyeare but it is s1• Lamo back comes suddenly is
earch oh11d,Iire ot emother. . Tveuty•five -extremely painful, It i •::
t^ ways a welcome stor to those in scents a battle. s caused bY
of health—There is nothing in the world rheumatismoP the maeoles, Qaiok re=„• re tj�r®application OF
tatcurescougaancosaeucklifistforeSa1yfng Chamber. .9h
as Chamberlain's Cough Remed,. Sold lain's Liniment• old s
all dealers. 's;'i: dam-�rrk at night yeti] bi•in ease
rANAO y by all dealers. The death of Kenneth McDonald, aged ;;
morning. dam-Brzfi s ps the
By distraotions and amusement the
79 ears, occurred at his residence on
�lttAN1T03ANM Love] petticoats for thin summer y "r arta
Y P mind 'a r •fr eats the cr chis
the conth side, Kincardine, on Oct.2bth, i eshed and invigorated; but 8marfling, h
gowns and Brea, es are made of plain abase of them le I.
if s colored batiste with des flounces made Deceased was mariied about 40 yearn ads to disaapation, and makes I'he an s o
P ago to Anuie``MeLean, who with two dissipation to vfoe, '_, pJp —Miss Ratti ertrand> Galesburg,
r4} up of several rows of valenofennes in.
g I Ont„ w —” I was tr ublod with ohappod
sertion alternating with inch -wide Bolls and two danghteie survive him. A flock of geese, numbering ,about ' Holli evoi eoenled to heal
He resided on the 10th of Huron until one hundred, aeon ed from a steamer hands h arms. and ing
bands Of tile. batiste, At the top Of the P � :•'' thorn thoroughly until we Found Zanl•Bak. It
flounce there is a band of beading with about 1.4 years ago when he moved to near Ureenock and settled on the water. has cured them, bly father has also used it
inch wide or wider ribbon threading it, Kincardine where he has lived ever Men went out in boats and captured tl for several skin troubles and injuries, and thinks
since. He was a quiet man who made them after considerable trouble, there is nothing like Zatbat k.
few friends and no enen`iep. He was a ti Motliera should see that their revchildren io neo Zam•
DEAFNESS CANNOT BE cUI2ED � Si Bak daily, as there is nothing like prevention. A little
Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in '; Zuln•Ba1, h fill smeared ovor the hands and wrists,
Local History of the earl 80s. by local applioatione, fie they cannot religion. p C A STO R I after washing, will prevent chaps and cold soros.
A Y Teach the diseased portion oY the ear. ■ zam•Buk is also a aura aura for akin diseases, eczema,
Items from the "Times" Pyles. There is only one way to cure deafness, Dr. Wolverton, who has been prospect, For Infants and Children, itch, ringworm, blood-polsontvg, pees; and f^r outs,
burns and bruises. 60o Lox at all stores and dru ste, or
and that is by constitutional remedies, ing for zinc on the Bruce peninsula for ppost trop from zam•Buk Co., Toronto, for price, Refuse
Deafness is caused by an inflamed can" the past three yesrs,has discovered some The Kind You Have AlwayS Bought harmful substitute. andditioimitat{ons, ,;
(From the Tim -Es of Nov, , 1890.) President, Miss Maggie Holmes; Secr tach a of the mucous lining of the Eas• e
• - taPhian Tube When this tube is in• remarkably fine specimens on the s ndi• Bears, the � ,„-,; .r , . -
e fiamed you have a rumbling sound or rate's property, The dootor in faot oon• mei u ,ti :' ^�� .
ter and Treasurer, Mise Bessie Thom- Signature of
y imperfect bearing, and when it is en, siders the samples picked up as the beat ��
LOCAL NEWS, son, tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
be has ever seen and -is vary sanguine
After the routine business, at the last Mr, Wm. Button has received an
unless the it,flimmation can be taken ' "Letid me a sovereign andT shall be ev A
out and this tube restored to its normal over the prospects of a zinc industry,
meeting of Anchor of Hode Lodge, I. O. order for about $3C00 worth of Maple . condition, hearing will be destroyed for, In conversation with the Wiarton Cann• lastingly indebted to you' said an impec-;
Gr T , the following o ficers were in- block or timber. over; nine cases out of 'ten are caused than Dr. Wolverton stated that he had unions man to an acquaintance. "I
stalled for the current quarter, by Lodge - The mechanics in the Union Ferni• by Catarrh, which in nothing but nu in' began to drill a second shaft. The Ter- don't doubt it,” was the response.
Deputy James Wilson: R. Elliott, P, tura Factory intend opening a Co -Opera, era• flamed condition of the mucous ear• ner Company of London are Enid to be A panic was Caused in the Neveky Evuy H O m E NEEDS IT.
C. T.; Ales, Dawson C. T.; JennyP $ p faces. P Y
Live Store in town Ehortly, which will We will give Oae Hundred Doll`firs for interested in the prospecting, Prospect, St. Petersburg's chief street,
Struthers, V. T.; William Lloyd, S. J, be managed by Messrs. Gilchrist, Green any case of Deafne" (caused by catarrh) by the appearance of a man drivinga ,,Blur" tia 016 lita ..3i,
T.; Fred, Ellis, Seely; John Dodd, Fin., & Co. for their employees• that cannot be oared by Hull's Catarrh Croup is most prevalent during the small Part to which two wolves and a
Seely; Mrs, John Dodd, Treasurer; Ed- Cure. Send for circulars, free. dry cold weather of the early winter fes were harnessed. Eventual] the y
At the last meeting of Court Matt- F. J. CIHuxmz & Co., Toledo, O. months, Parente of young children y There's a good story boing told in The decision of the Judicial Cammit•
ward Sharman, Uhaplain; Jae, Me, land, Canadian Order of Foresters, the Sold by Druggibts, 75c. should be prepared for -it. All that is man was arrested, Great Britain ,;just now about Lord tee of the Privy Council in the Ontario
Alpine, Marshall; Mise Maggie Conery, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa• needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's
Guard; W. Brant, Sentinel; Miss Rose following officers were elected for the tion. Cough Remedy, Many mothers are When a cold becomes settled in the Strnthoona, Some rima ago a man came Bank case, which was made public last
ensuing term: John Gillespie, P.O.R, ; _-,a._� �• never without it in their homes and it system, it will take seteral days' treat- to him saying that he was the person week, means that the shareholders of
Chapman, D. M.; Miss Patterson, A. S. Wm. Smyth, O.R.;. M. Beckwith, VA, 'has never disappointed them, Sold by went to care it. and the best remedy to who bad wheeled Strathoona's trunk to the defunct bank will be Called upon,
Mr. T. L. Jobb shipped two buggies to R.; D. M. Gordon, P,S. ; W. K. Lout. Last year Mr, J. J. ' Donnelly, M. P , all dealers. use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. the station when he left for Canada as a ander the doable liability clause of the
Mountana, U. S. last week. The duty tit, R.S. ; John Neelanda, Trens. ; Geo, bought 100 acres of the old Bradley farm It will cure quicker than any other, and boy. On the strength of it he asked for Bank act, to pay to the Bank of Mont-
on these buggies amounted to 870. in Greenock. The land Mitts all lowed It •is said the residents of the town of also leaves the system in a natural and g
gg M T t h Ch 1• J h K S W P a loan Str th h fi 1
o n OG ay ain, o n err, Wnkerton bad sums aggregating healthy Condition. Sold by all dealers. a con. gave im ve roe a enm amounting CO about a mil -
Mr. John Elliott, brother of Messrs, for the first time and cropped with peas 8g .$sting from
J. Irwin, J. W., E. Hart, S.B, ; J. D. y year 860,000 to $7b,000 "invested"with Shel• Pounds. He reappeared a couple of lion and a half dollars, to make up the
Charles and Thomas Elliott, of 'this Long, J.B ; Drs. Macdonald, Tamlyn, which yielded 2800 bnehele, This "I read that Glasgow people were weeks later to borrow some more mon- a nouut by which the Ontario Bank's:
the ground has all been Sown with fall dom the Montreal broker who has skipped badly soared by a recent spell of dark- e town, died at the residence of the latter, Towler, Chisholm and Meldrum Ex- y, and repeated the same story, Mr, lif:biliaieo wooed its assets,
the county. y $ Griffiths, the secretary at the Canadian �y
on Wednesday last. The deceased has wheat.. Western lands will 'Hardly show y• The reason Wnkerton was nese, Can it be that the are so i no- Children d r e ri Cry
amining Physicians. better returns than this if the succeeding struck So hard was that the town rant?" "Ignorant, uothiO 1 Glasgow office, was familiar with the waye of y
been living in Algoma for some years, y g g g g
crops are like the initial one reaped b was the home of one of Sheldon'e
and last winter he had the la grippe, p. P y people are wise in being afraid of each numerous applicants for his Lordship's +
Mr.Doniiell confidental friends. He ave the people " Charity, FOR FLETCHER S
which developed into a decline.' He BIRTHS. y' $ other in the dark. y, and knowing. this man well,
there the tip there was big money O A S T O R I A
came to Wingham about two months Many school children entYer from oon• Owing to the vicar being unable to told Strathaona that he was not worthy
=; a a o• Yates.—In Wingham, on the 3rd just. sti ation, which is often the cause of to be made through Sheldon and P $ p prominent
g P o en a looked safe containing the ne• of any assistance—that he spent the Edward Kilmer, an old
the wife of Mr. W. T. Yates; a Baugh- seeming stupidity at lessons. Chamber• bit to the extent of investments from $50
Master George Hanna left at this tor, lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an to $3,000 and $5,000. Some people borrow -
documents a wedding at Barton money in drink—and he himself was citizen of Walkerton, died Thursday
office, on Monday, a cabbage stalk on ideal medicine to give a child, for the on -Trent recently had to be postponed. quite Sure that the pians story was un• night, aged 77 years. In early days he
Elliott.—In Wingham on. the 30th d ed money to invest; others mortgaged
which there were nine heads many o4 are mild and gentle in their effect, and The largest and most valuable catch true. Strathcona replied in his own was an active telegraph man and man-.
October, the w ife of Mr. R. Elliott, of will cure even chronic consti ation. their homes and others sent their savings „
them perfectly Formed. « p „ of herring made this season has been quiet way: I know it is untrue, be. ager of the offices at Niagara Falls and*
he Times; a daughter. Sold by all dealers, to the Montreal speonlator:. The strange landed at Soarborough by the Jeannie it y
On. Ifriday last, there passed away to . feature " sa s one of the local n ers,"is Dense I had no trunk when I left home. Brantford. Of lata ears he has been
McDonald.—In Culross, on the 30th A000rding to the ProviucialSeoretary'e ' y papers, of Arbroath I carried my belongings in a bag myself, town and county assessor, and also tax.
her eternal rest, Elizabeth, wife of Mr, that so many of the investors belong to , which mabe a heal a few But he needs the money." collector.
i John Inglis, of this town, in her 77th nit., the wife of Mr. Alex, McDonald; a Department, there were in use in Ontar- miles off Robin Hood's 'Bay of 126,000
to in 1909, no lees than 4,479 automo• the Claes of pions people who would hard.
year, For many pears the deceased had soar 1p let their boy a go to a ball game in the herring that were sold for 2200.
been an invalid, but bore here sufferings Taylor.—In East Wawanosh, on the biles. In June this year 303 new oars park. While attempting to rescue some
with Christian fortitude and patience, 31st alt., the wife of Mr, David Taylor; were sold in Ontario, so that it is rens- stormbound travellers on the trencher,
and was much respected for her many a son, onably certain there are now well over ous Crand Pass, the famous St. Bernard
excellent qualities of character and nrARRIED 6,000 oars in the province. If the price WANTED AWN
dog Barry Ill was killed by an aval•
disposition, averages $2,000 it will represent an in- nucha of arouse. His hod
Timmins— Carson.—In the Methodist vestment of $:0,000,000 of which probab• y will be stuff•
Mrs. H. Cook has sold, through Mr. S. Church Belgrave on the 6th inst„ by _____ ed and placed in a museum.
' ably $5,000,000 is profit to the trade,
Yonhrll a real es -ate agency, her house the Rev, Geo. Lonnde, Mr. Jae. Tim• Frozen meat of the valve of £41,000,•
and lot situated on Albert street north, mins, merchant, BIaevale, to Miss Itila + For Wingham and surrounding dis• 000 was imported b England last, -
�R. A. W. CHASE'S triot for Fall and Winter months an eu= P y $
at a good price, to Mr. John W. Dodd. tilda Carson, of Belgrave, ergetio reliable agent to take orders for said Mr. Stanley Machin at a reception Ri6ht
Kind We have just been informed that T. CATARRH POWDER 2 5cm nursery stook.
DIED, is sent direct to the diseased parts by the given by the London Chamber of Com -
H. Ross, of this town, has been awarded Improved Blower, FIeals the meroe to delegates from Vienna inquir-
Free. -
second prize, a old Watch valued at Inglis.—In Winghem, On the 31st of ulcers, clears the air passages, Good Pay Weekly. Oulfit Free. -
g stops droppings in the throat and ing into the meet supply,
about $50, by Messrs, J. O, Wiener, Son October, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Hay anent cures
Catbloarrh and free. Exclusive Territory. An American editor appeals to- his
& Co. Limited. of Brantford, for the John Inglis, in her 77th year. Accept no substitutes, nitdealers — -- subscribers in this unique ' • • u
or Edmanson Bates & Co„ Toronto. q way. Tf pea 0
second highest nambrr of sales, this Sea- Louttit.—In East Wawanosh, on the ' 600 ACMES have frequent his unique, dizziness and
son, of seed drills mauufaotared by that 4th inst., Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Women tenants can vote after all. Under cultivation. We guarantee to fainting spells, accompanied by chills,
f Printin6
firm, the late Magnus Louttit, aged 31 years So Says Judge Barrett, who a week ago, deliver Stook in good condition and up cramps, chilblains, epilepsy and jann-
At the meeting of the Band of Hope, and 23 days, when presiding at the Court of Revision to re is of grade. We can show that
in Southampton, � there is good. money in representing a dice, it is a sign you are not. well, but
on Friday,:, October 24th the followingFound.—In Toronto, on the 29th P , gave it as his opinion
well known reliable firm at this time, are liable to die any minute. Pay your
officers were elected for the Band: October, William Found, of White• that women tenants had no right to voter Established over 30 years, Write for subscription a year in advance and thus The - kind that is neat, attractive and
The jadge has been looking up the quer- particulate.
President, Miss Anna Agnew; Vice- church, aged 27 years and 7 days• makey ourself solid for a good obituary
tion and came to the conclusion that he PELHAM NURSERY OO. notice. up-to-date, costs you no more .none
was wrong in giving that decision. He Toronto, Ontario, y
.., aoknowlbdged his mistake to the Part - here than the inferior article does
Elgin temperance assoofation, Had the Vanished Summer. elsewhere.
judge a decfeion stood, it would have Summer's half a mile behind usl
E E�S 0T RECTUM made a discs but i not onlyin local n How it used to jar titld grind us, when
tion oontesta but in municipal valla aeAre You
we sweltered in the heat waves, saying 1
Melfi things about theflies 1 How we groan•
ed and sighed and blustered when the
]�� enn, as hot as mustard, gave a daily
I t I s LI'L tserabl a demonstration in the good old smoking Quality Counts
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. skies Oh the summer hits skedaddled]
To Be Down the river it has paddled, to the
Ru)fure grim and ghostly ocean where the
''wraiths of summer be, and the autumn in printing as in other things and the
Dyspeptic. I can cure the worst case of rich and rosy, soon will follow suit and �
The British Naval authorities are pro, 'The General Board of Missions of the Rnpture from infancy to old age, mosey, to the restinge of the seasons in TiAms is in a position to turn out first -
preparing to arm the new Dreadnoughts Methodist Church In Canada held its p spepsia is one of the most revalent without operation or -loss of time. that moist and misty sea, Thus the
with a 18 -inch nn throwing a 1250 lb, y p seasons come and gay us, flirt an hour class work at very reasonable prices,
g $ session in Elm Street Methodist Church, troubles of civilised life and thousands
shell The present limit is a 12.Inoh Toronto. The appropriations for the suffer untold agony after every meal. ACT AT ONCE and then slip by us, and we're always Tr this office with Cllr next order.
gen throwing an 860 lb. shell, comm y y e .
g year, aggregating $718,280, were Nearly everything that enters a weak nearer to the end; and its bettor far to
apportioned as follows: home Mis• dyspeptic stomach, Bets as ail Irritant; dad remove the daily danger of rustle like the seasons as they hustle,
Baby's Sidn Troubles. alone, $268,288*, foreign missions, $293,• hence the great difficulty of effecting a strangulation. Fill in coupon than to stand and ones the weather as
cure. and send to Det J.:'
"My baby boy while nursing broke out 440; Young People's Forward More. ,_x Thelon g train of distressing symptoms, Dept.
we're apt to do, my friend. Till the old
with running watery sores all over his ment, $16;000•, miscellaneous, $80,802;-` rendor life 6, burden to the vietim ,� S. SMITI world falls asunder, summers will be ,
head find behind the ears," writes Mrs. special work in home missions, $41,000, of dyspepsia, may be promptly reliever] i hot as thunder, "and we cannot make o
Oscar Vanaott,St,Antoine, Sask. "Many and in foreign rissions, $19',700. The by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters. salves were preeorfbed to no effect; the �` •p� - 88 Caledonia St, them Cooler by d lot of grunt and groans;
irtrs, John S'herrett .C`OrtItr s " - Tismes hild.s head beoame a mass of scabs and $rants to the various conferences for , n. , while the old world holds togetherwrites:---"I was troubled with d'a sits STRATrbrcb OXT. The
lielItfhinguntoldagony'fromrhodread= home mission work were as follows: for wire,,; y)0p ' there'll be 0014 and stormyWbather,and
full itchin;ti. Tyr, Cha'se's Ointment soon Toronto, $14,769; London $995; Hamill y ��fn j °f m,ne tad me h lot Ot franti8 imrting will not warm
F made a lesting cure and also otired an old t about 1 urdPC o0
Rittors so T go§ afi8e .. s i i .. i , r r a .. r :... .
er eon of eczema, ton, $1,000; Bap of Quints $8,860 bion• bottle to try, , and before , vas -half our anotent bones. Let tis quit this
treal, $21,796; Nova Sootla, ;16,686; finished I e6uld' eat anytZnng without Address . . .. . .....:.... ..:. thing of granting; let us drape ourselves �V'ING%AM ONTARIO
suffering and when . Y had used two with bunting, shoot a let Of giant oracka
r) blow Brunswick and Tstfno® Bdwatti bottles , WAS sound and well. Hoa+ I Ate Joseph H. Polletler, wardrobe•keepat Island, $18,487; Newfoundland, $24,• feel just Tine; indeed I can't say too g Time l up ........ ere and proolaim that all is good Ill
In the Senate at Ottawa, tried to shoot 462; Manitoba, $10;800; Saakatohewan, much n favor of your medicine," the winter, in the summer, let our too•
life wife and son, He Was rooked tip, $30,000; Alberta, $69,867; 9641eh Col.Burdee"k Blood _ Ilitters js _ anuf�u,;. Sibgle or double .. .. . , .... , _ ord be a liummer l Let us pump our „
and hie mental condition will .probably umbia, $94;'770; a total of $289,819, find tarfrrl only byThc T. Miiburfi'CO., I;li'&tT share of water -=lei us nary out pilo Ot
be Inveotfgated, a grand total of $266,288, ed, Toronto, Out. Sat sfaetlon guaCanteed.