HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-11-10, Page 5TIES Wi iHAX T%lKM, NOVEMBER 10 019 �
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a- - ` TU&1VUEItrItT: (lQl>EtZIt18.
tickP i The following is the report of S. S, The Grand Trunk atatlo..14 here war The fallowing is the report of
� t� No. 8,, TRrnbsrry (�in8ham Janoti0n)r ti0tally destroyed by fire about flys N0, 6, Toruberry., for the rganth at OQt•
st> M8018,
• �.-! for October. Pupils examined ig. A,rith• q"clock Sunday aftern0an. The lire ober:
�' w Matto, $polling land D Iterature, Total .started, In the ticket adept's office, and, IV f7iars. -•• 82iuute Porter, Bert ,r
w7 a f t h Holmes, Jessie Holmes, Qraga Snell,
•A 800, bad only a satnil start when dipcovered.
our v� �i�' P Sr, III —Clarice Moffat 240, DeIINA when the brigade arrived, however, the
Wilfrid, �tiRrohfgon, Bertha, Qhandler,
y ;+�,�Ferguson HertrleGta I•?qx ton E: t h e l Chandler,
,... Fer neon 221, efforts to cheolr the blaz3 were With
Jr. III, -'Plante. Moffat 228, Reta oat avail, ail a high wind was blowing. Lou;sa Saell, Tian King, Dorothy Rath, �
o ane,
George, Dalgleish.
_ Walker 191, Only a small, part of the walls remaiu IIT QIaer. -Henry Holmes, Robert
t Sr, II —Wilfred Anderson 77; standing The ticket office waiting
eit us Jr. II —Gordon walker 250, Norman room, and baggage root., were entirely MOK#gue, Percy King, Ewart T,iakiat• y i G DON'` PUT OFF GES+,,
�. Henderson 288, Alfred Miller 20, destroyed, bat 'thefreight sheds e4caped, eC' i
we can Sr, Pt. I.,—Total 200—Norman Walk. The loam is estimated At $30,000, The II plass,—�TQrma Foston, Llzzla Arc• TING THAT ��1�.��R
or 178, Vera MACK 183, - building was only a few years old, and Segue, Garlic Pallia, Emma Snell, Dan 1 �"
St T1 Roth; Harold Showers, Charlie Showers
sus g ■ - Perris Henderson 104, Russel Hen• was a fine straotnra, IT
derson 96. Part II, --Harold pallia, SU
Jr. Pb, ncaxltls. Sr, L.—Frank Roth.
1: _. Margaret Henderson, Claes A.—'Etta Fallfe, Herbert Foxton,
Clarkson Martin, Harold Moffat. Miert O. Campbell of Toronto and Mrs OR
E, MlrsalioYn, TOaoher, Hnohstep, Blyth event ThankegivIng at
Karol Foxton..
Claes B.—Clifford Jenkins, Edith Jon-
//,H C.G. Campbell, I O �` U R � 41 AT
. bier.
Mrs.:T. H, Brandon and family wish I
TEESWATEfii, to thank their neighbors and friends for Class C.--Irlma Chandler, Oaoar t
t i A quiet but pretty wedding was 0010• their kindness and sympathy daring Holmes, Mary Roth, -
October thirty their recent bereavement, PEAitL McPiiensov, Teacher. -
+` bratad at noon Monday, — We are showing styles
= first, at the home of Mr. and Airs, H. R
Tiros, Dark, son of Wm. Dark, 64h � �: � y
Perkine, Tooswater, when their dough• line, has gone to Battleford, Bask., to BRUSSELS ,y, I I and values that will open your
ter, Olive Elizabeth, was united in mar, a good position in a drug store, He has Hugh Wil;iams of Egm.ondville, spout _ 'r purr;e if you see them, Hadn't
ridge with Mr. Henry A, W. Lewis, eon dz p
s of mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lewis o! Bervie, been clerking in Saafopth for some time. a few days with Brussels relatives and you better drop 'ill right away,
Oat. The pifiofatinQ clergyman was the we wish him success in the West, friends, Although over 80 ,years o[ age 1'Vr. think we have clothing that
1�+ Rev R. S. Baker. Mrs. iRev,) Baker It ie said Mrs. W. Fraliok has sold a he gets about amaztngly'smart, will exactly suit you, Our air•
_ — t3ortments are so large we aro
played. the wedding march. The bride Goodly share of the standing timber on A baby daughter hue. Dome to gladden ..�------�-"�� g
her farm, East gravel road, to Thomas the home of M. and Mrs. Selly, of Lang. /' %�// almost sure to have just what.
was given away by her father and was Newsome, of Brussels, for the sum of don, North Dakota. The proud mamma you like at the price you want
.MR. SWELL DRESSER :-- becomingly dressed in a dainty prinoess
own of ashes of roses silk: She wore a $1,000. The purchaser is an old hand at will be better known here as Miss Lizzie to pay.
n loar'st of pearls, the gift of the groom. the sines sand will no doubt do well McLaughlin,
cL rghlin formerly
l f Brussels.
Our Newest Overcoats are extremely attractive and
IF yOU ARE A JUDGE OF GOOD After the ceremony the guests, only the y
Immediate relatives of the bride and Sunday, October 30th, Ellen Glass, formerly of this locality, is the Repub reasonably priced.
CLOTHES YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH groom, sat down to a well laden table beloved wife. of Thos. Warwick, South lican candidate for a Senatorship for Men's Overcoats all rices 6.00 $7.00 8.00 $10.00
The young couple left on the afternoon half lot 17, con. 3, was called away from Blaine Co. We hope to see him as line.
p ► >
THE MATERIALS, PATTERNS. CUT. MAKE. train for Toronto and other eastern her earthly home to the Home Beyond, oeeaful as when he rail for Re resents• $1 and $15.00.
p 2.00 ,
pointe. at the advanced age of 82 years. Mrs, tive to the State. Mr. Coates is a warm
Warwick was born in Ireland and was supporter of Local Option. HIGH-CLASS TAILOR-MADE
FINISH AND ,S•TYLE OF OUR GARMEJVTS. — married to her now bereft partner 46 years The sad news was received hero last
WROXETER. ago, having been worthy residents of' week of the demise of R. Crone, harness- •
IF 90U ARE JVOT A JUDGE OF GOOD A pretty wedding was solemnized at Morris for that period. Cause of death maker, formerly of Brussels. Pneu• SUIT:s
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Black, At was a liver ailment and nervous shook, ! monia was the ;Anse a ter a brief illness.. Not the ordinary ready-made, but our ENGLTS11 WORSTED
,CLOTHES, TRUST TO THE KNOWN REPUTA- 1.2 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, of last, She took seriously ill on Friday and Mr. Crone and familywere located at
week, when their second daughter, Mise died Sunday afternoon. The children Medicine Hat. He had taken up land TWEEDS o mads to our order by EXPERT TAILORS. Sold to you
_TION OF OUI2 STORE. WE WISH ONLY Nellie H. Black, was married to Mr. are, Alex and John, at Vancouver, B. a cent. less than you can get equal values for elsewhere.
ehpq distance from town and was through out system very sinal[ expense, prices fully fifteen per
Bernice Whitmore, of Harriston, Rev. C„ and Robert and Thos., of Morrie looking after his duties there as well as e
:PLEASED PATRONS- WE MAKE GOOD. L. Perrin officiating. The bride, who township. Mr. Warwick is 86 years of working at his trade. Deceased belong -
was given away by her father, was un- age and one of the early settlers having ed to the C. O. F. and the 1. 0. O. F. in See ou•r New Overcoats for Boys' from 3 to 8
.AJVD WE WILL GIVE ANY CUSTOMER, attended, and wore a becoming gown been about 50 years here. Mrs. War- Brussels. Mrs, Orono and family will years, price $3.00.
WHO B UyS FROM US AND LS' ,JVOT PLEAS- of satin striped palle•de.ohene. After wiok was a kindly, motherly, industrious be deeply sympathized with in their
the ceremony a dainty luncheon was woman who was highly esteemed by all bereavement. Boys' Sweaters, a bargain at 50c.
ED, A NEW SUIT. served, after which the young couple who knew her. The community sym• v
left on the afternoon train for Weston, . pathise with the bereaved.
WE MANY TO BE RIGHT WITH EVERY- where they will spend a few days before. The sympathy of many friends Is ex- WESTFIELD. HE TAT SON'S UNDERWEAR
settling in their home in Harriston. tended to Mrs. J. H. Brandon and !am- Don't forget to keep the dates, Nov,
DODy. The bride a going away snit was of iiy, owing to the death of her eldest ember 20th and 21st, open for the Don- For Men, made of pure Nova Scotia Wool, all sizes. Ask
raisin colored cloth, with large black daughter, Ida Alberta, a bright young nybrook church opening. Rev. A. E. to see it.
beaver hat. Mt. and Mrs. Whitmore girl of twenty-two years. The and event Jones to expected to be present. A tall-
eommenae married life with the beet occurred an Friday, October 286h, after -or announcement next week.
McGee' wishes of a large circle of friends. a few days' illness from appendicitis at Mr. and Mrs. N. G Ains'ieand family ♦ • ����Ga bel the home of a Sister, Mrs. Simon For- spent the holidays with Mrs. Ainslie,, p lythe, of Frobisher, Soak,, where Ida parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campbell.
had been living for some time. The to. Mr. Ainslie and family now reside in
The following is the report for S. S. Maine were brought home for interment �''`
W g Simone, where he hue gone very erten•
No. 11, Tarnberry for the month of and were accompanied by two brothers, sively into the keeping of bees, which he
October: Messrs: Rtiy and:VP. L Brandon. The says is a paying business.
Sr. IV.—Total 400—Jessie Currie 328, funeral, conducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge At the gnartly ofYioial bonrd meeting
��♦�•�•i�•�*�•�•��♦♦♦•�•♦ ♦••••••♦AilN•♦w•♦♦N♦••!• Minnie Saunders 238.
• of Wingham, took place on Wednesday, bald last Tuesday evening J. H. Motilin•
We want one's Store News PHONE Jrr-I1v1I.—_TotaI4I0._FranoIs
.TotAI400—Salle Sheriff 294, Nov. 2nd, to thtMiauddit•cemeteryandft Your a Mrtle Lookridge 131. was largely attended. Among the floral ton resigned the position of recording I x5 YOUR HORSE L A L PTrade Na 70 Look• steward and O. E. Erratt was appointed F�tributes was a beautiful wroath of chrye• to the positiou. Marvin MoDowell was
i� ridge 865, Milton Groves 286, Mindred anthemnma and carnations from the �n
Mercer 235, Ethel Finley 84. appointed steward for the Westfield l�15 Ill E
• Methodist Church at Frobisher, o! which appointment, taking the office Mr. M0- a
a Jr. III•—Total 410—Willred XoGreg- church the deceased was an earnest and Clinton had previously held.
ELIABLE CLOTHING or 360, Leonard Adams 78. devout member.RSr. II.—Total 350:—Winnie Ransom d awe at her home, at J. H. McClinton moved his family and Doo. Tanner's Sure Care is a positive cure. s e latest and greatest
• There passe y household effects to Goderioh last week
267, Roy Forsyth 130, Mary Austin 106, Howard, Kansas, on Monday, Oat. 24th, remedy ever pat on tho market. No matte ere your horse is large, Sure
' Remember we tr t0 have the best values in Winter Ernest Johnston 92, Isabel Austin 83, The family will be very much missed in
y • at the age of 82, attar a long and .pain• Care will make him sound.
Goods, the best up-to-date goods mons can • Jr. II.—Total Groves 200, the neighborhood, having resided here
jr inl illness, Awry Hislop Lees, wife of Sure Care is a positive o e f Orb splint, bowed tendons, hog spavin,
Z Sammie Lookridge 131, Hilda Adams 9. for many years. Mise McClinton will thoropiu, oa ed Hooke, Mia .118, or an
buy acid what we have not got, we are • Andrew Lees, formerly of Morris town- be missed in the Choir, having filled the pp y similar tron}lis. Sere Care will
pleased to send and get you any- = Pr•. IL—Total 100—Gortie Groves 84, ,ship. The late Mrs. Lees came to this cure deep-seated lameness in hip, shoulder, back of stiffs. Bare Care will
• Eddio Shrigley 44, Willie Finlay 82, country from Selkirkabire, Scotland, in position of organist for some years.
thing in our line. • Tommy Crnikahank 80, Profr to their departuro a number of take the soreness out of old stiffened up hc;ses, and will grow a new lout
the early fifties acid settled with her nicker than any other remedy.
Sr. Pt. I,—May Hart 80, Gordon Mo• father and other members of the family their friends gathered at their home and q
Gregor 60, Tommy Lookridge 80. on lot 2, con. 16, Grey, the farm now and presented Mr. McClinton with A Sure Care will cure Mange or Eczema on any an[mal with one ap
• Jr. Pt. L—Total 100—Donald Cleg• w handsome,hallrack as a small token of plioatfon:
Ladies' Stylish Tailored Coats. Prices • occupied by ..er nephew, Archie Hislop. re0iution of his sevioee amonget them. Sure Cure will cure scratches in one application.
$8.1J0, $ IO.00, $12.00, $ I 5.00 • horn 90, Lizzie Cruickshank 86. In 1855 she was married to her now be. app
Ad. WALSH, Teacher. ref husband and after a short residence A social evening was spent by those Remember Sure Care has never failed to do what we recommend it to do.
and $25.00• in the County of Waterloo, Ont , went Present. All leading horsemen are using it.
Ladies' Quilted -Lined Coats, $20.00, GREY• to reside In the township of Morrie, - Price, f;3 50 per can. For sale at D �^t
Fred Bryans, who was home for A few where her home was until the fall of, • HOWICH. J. W. McKIBDON't.7
$25,00, $33.00 and $35.00. 1888 when she removed with her hos•
Zdays from Toronto Medical College, has 1 Oa Monday morning, Oaober 31st,
band and family to Sanwa, where she Mrs Robt. l3ardIng, one of the pioneers Ont.
Ladies' Pur -Lined Coats, $40.00, 01 returned. He expects to graduate next or 1?0 King Street. Chatham,
spring which we hope will be with flying hat since resided. Deceased was a life of Howtek answered the great Roll
$50,00, $52.50 and $65.00. t long and consistent member of the Pees- Sp=ef+nl atif-miou given to mail orders.
colors. call. in her 72nd year. Mrs Harding
♦ byterlan Oburoh and throughout her Head Agent for Canada
The people of this locality were great• was i11 for a year and a halt, and though
last illness she bore her prolonged and suffering severely at titers she bore it 1
♦ ly surprised to learn that one of the Ernie Crumm d ()Graham,
Men s Overcoats in the new Stylish i nehi was called severe satferlag with 0hrieffan patience all with aheerfninese and much prIn
pioneers o! the tow p and retignatioo, lookiag forward with
Presto Cellar, all colors. Prices Z away on Monday, October 31st, fu the patience. Deceased was the oldest - - - - —
$8.00, $10.00 $12 00 $15.00 joyful rvivepto m r her release. daughter of the late Ruoben Switzer of Health of the Province,
s � person of John McTaggart, 16th con.. There survives Ld Moura the departure
and $20.00. Blanchard township and was born in the in the Olden 1] tVs.
He was in his 78rd year. 6toppage of of a faithful, loving and devoted wife Daring the rf Itli of Caches there
the bowels, followed by pneumonia, was Conary of Limerick, Iceland. She Dame were 4G asses of iufnntilA paralyaia r1••
and mother, her aged partuet in life, the giaoardiue Review Saye:—L+tt
Boys' Overcoats and Suits, excellent s the cause of death. He was sick only five roue and air danghterh. to Canada with bar parents when seven p Tharaday was theda for Division oourt
y - , ortr+d to lh�t 4'rcvinot+l B�.rd of
years old.. the family settling on a bush Hoaltb nod of tbese 8 were fatal. Cao y
value $3 50, $5.00, $7,00, $IO.00 ab0lit 10 re Oor docket, x Mayre or4otaat aephwle areontn.
♦ We are sorry to state that what is farm in Blanchard township, near St year ago thorn was tt.tt s eicrtla case rd,•
„ An American preacher is reported to Marys. She was married to Mr, Robt, docket, is Magthe A Macpheenrfj Con.
known AN the "black quarter has shown have broken up hie oharoh the other day Harding on hob. 4th, 1862, and they port,d. Apart from ttlte, however, tracts thin with the time fifty sense ergo
" + + Child- itielf in the herd of R. McKay, 8rd 000„ record of rhr Prnvtn� hRA Impro r whan the late ' nd a Oro er held court
Sweater Coats, Ladies', Men's, C has lost 4 or 5 head. The d!a• by saying in aermOn that 'God made the Settled on a bash farm On the tooth aon• the propott.i.%n 0t fxt t1 cases, although . J g p
and he h for days At a time and 700 caaea were on
ren's all colors, 5c to $4.50. • S also made its appearance In as in cis days end then ceieionofHowlofi,andbrav�d and acn• thennmbQrtil teE�h rnnt.stione diaeasei
7 • rate has He trade woman, and etude then neither uered the difiionities Inoident to the , • the docket. I,l thous ddye all vase, cut•
• Will Lamont'e cattle, 7th con. It to to LaOrAAPPd from 1,142 to 1,22fi. Out of Bred went to the 'ad
God nor Mau has had Iti rest". task at home, building is 110 0K fn the 416 cases 01 tcphotd Only 63 were fatal, J fie Today !t no dee•
be hoped it will not roread and farmers _ Sane is offered The Dtvisiou Court Clerk
early days of its Settlement. .dbnat while in Ootober, 1909, there were 98
••= should be on the alert to head it off, may ent�rjadgment, K.ntlitigntion hue
all wool ,00 and 50' London, was here twenty-one years ago, they left the farm deaths out of 316, Diphtheria oases,
Best Wool Blankets$ a $5 $5 Inspector Tenant, of Lond , de0stied. Lire fence nitd Muter causer
fled the farms, approving of the Whooping' Cou � and retired to Gortie, where they redid while inoread0g, showed little m -:Ye
Y, noleums. Orders taken for and vas p g ed fifteen months, when they came to than one half the number of dentbS. diepateswerea'oaadlongagoaadanyway
Rugs, Carpets: = ptooedure in treatment and burning of CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS Fordwloh: purohaeinis the Yarm now o0 Tuberculosis also decreased from 158 to people hada more reuay now than to
Window Blinds, Curtain Madras, Lace Curtains. the oaroaiaer: Disease appears chiefly BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS Tnba on.
Copied by Mr. Fred Siefert The her,
among calves and young dattle, 126.
- - - _ saved husband and a grown up family waste time and money In litigation.
Crew of one son, Mr. Raeben Harding, whi
ACdording is a Parts newepape.r the now lives oa the bid homoettal, and five
tt .
s1 folloaPing. is the translation of the re• csrr.;.ratianr roto daughters, Mrd• a• T• Fennell, She1• �- f'iaOR
HANNA-& ion ill employed bra Chinese ell• Adimpie hate andoffectNe trentmontlolbton- Juhn Parterflald, 110wf0k ,
i feat p ehialtroublee,aveidingdrugs. VaporiaedCreso• borne' Mre,
icor. '"We have read mannsotipt with tone stop* the paroxysms of whooping Cough Fordwich t � � 0 � FSI a 0 ling 'a i r
. •. hest and ralieves croap at once. rt is n boon to auf-
Mrs. win. Maltese, Mrs MM I� CC
♦ D—�•-•F•owl, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs+ g � the sacred ashes of ferersf omAsthMd. Tiro air readerodstrongly John Porterfleid, Howtek, and Mrs. W.
WAIVT`ED infinite delight By atltieep�14. inspired with every breath, snakes
H. Downey of Windsor, are left to
�•y our aaoeitCre'We swear that we ha+re .. bresthinaQeder;aw.theddloaotethroatand_stopd t Ayers- flair Vigor is tomroSe3 of sulp'tlor,. glycerin, 'rfuinin,•sodluii4s.
Prices. thetool'"eeunngteetf"tni ldre It toinVAlu•
never rind irloh a splendid. piece :of abisa ue �oertal solrideece ptiv�edbooktut +JpO : mourn her damitFl, chlorid, capsicum, sage, alcohol, Water, and ptrfumc. Not a single
htluricus Ingretlit:nt in this list. Ask your doctor if thin is not $c.
writing. Bats it we printed iii hie mrli ALL DRUGGISTS r a Follow his advitt. A hair food, a hatir tonic, a bait dressing,
esty the emperor, our most mighty rater Try, drTh..e Antis-IWIts e�6�
aaptloThrosETeb• %� � A dollar li a pecallal< throat The Promptly thetkb lalling hair. Go�mplettly destroys all dandivN'.
M�LL�NER wodld order us to take iU tie alnodelau$incee Tn yareNbnO a _ �jlfarther it gets Away front you the Urger nevet� print anything inferior. At thli a ieyie�e""ar�g`agt' It idoki. AYERsS`:Al2 r/It3Ui2
would not be possible In a thousand MAIN sn atatntss. 1 ; t`�
Pelt Hats, all the i return ati Ya o Cre:oleos Co. Success usually manages tO 01640 01
Bi reductions 1n all Winter F yeart, We, with great regret 1 p ( 'd10t C01or they '
Big ties' '()n] halt rices L.eatlnjr-Milo. falai. ' . mar► who is afraid of doing a little more . A"M 0011MA rr.
flew shapes and aha y p divine mannsdrlpt a`isd alk a thousand ldoNTREAt 70si 1.
,.1..x a• �ii� r A �'leli�s-.pstrdoft,
„ � than lilt share,
,r o .t il.d..
' .n►srrrtiit�..
.� 1— `C rte•