The Wingham Times, 1910-11-03, Page 6't r -rA .. _._.',;', ..........x...'4 +.. ft TIts WlbkiliAM TIMES,. X01VEUbLR Tho luaEer 440,114ii.gtotvu oats fArai the beater does it 0464d, ,he wiutart says , H,)ard/s Dairyruou, This 1,e. thiutt ie g� lgrgelY dna to the ipoanlation, l'bt n !' SAVLU t RU 11 ,m Wore the soil is impregnated w i'b th e ueoeesary betottris, the uvtra ti4,,r d IE the planta have , pd theretore the unort 1 r% l)+9 anoe,-ss,ully t'o they withstand lite oald, I� A, 2 It is j tat so with extreme hent, an, 11 m...._ _THE KNIFE I drougrtt. This was well shown last sutra 1" • � l UM- - U® CELT{" Tl�It C" P,. �° ■ $AYes", rnrr all tilt'• Hot;re's U.iryuuau iarm _ .. ■ Cul0d 6if ��1�'°a'" Where the Bull, was rich at, there th Spring the Befit 1,me �or Plarttt+0 AppendICRIS . 'Y pl3ura withs'oo,l the drauth brat; a'a This Variety e' �•, Tri;- we have noticed that vrhlre we by dost n,clng Ilie rn,lnttiwl) 111,11 propit NJVWIIURGH, Or7T,, Feb, 12th. 1910• suFp'it,d platy of ph+sphate and wrnnnr glttiul) ul the I,In,u, a bti,l.•tni „I lilt•t rJust about a year ago, our daughter Blla; (fourteen years),was taken with Iimastonn or kru inn li.na marl tliero tnt to>vn �IMts • ,:i! t, n v� terrible pains in the right side, 'l lie pain was so severe that we had to carry her plants ,itrusrr,ugest, I'he 1,Iliitt l)irt} 1,e pru;u Itsll t*bi-c Lobed, WeatoncePutherunderthecactofafirstclassductor;tvhopyonomced tit I,rnldUt, ,u out r1, ,r rnf'tn; !n it a case of Appendicitis and advised an Operation. Children �y We took her to a hospital in Iain Stoll tvliere she was again examined by an C 1 Y goverat pro•ttt•e the tut Inrt „ int• Inure erninent specialist. IIc said she Matt Appendicitis and vu46st be agsopeto eel on de FOR FLETCHER'S stieck"si il, the Work bell);, [lune at the once if we 2vanted to save Iter life, As Ive had taken knecried e to I�iugston to have A �- ' close et lite 1,c live Broil Idg period, this done we were ready but our daughter [vas �rapit filly, that 't a postponed begged ted R which is usually the fore port of Au It for that day, Lucl;ilyfor bust In top et thing the plum it Is - nsardforher anunq>ecante The Grand Trunk is applying agnin a in with some `%^pull -a lives" to have its charter amended so 1,e td to f < and insisted c1, Ella tawere tltetti, Good results were do array with the obligation to given .. # i, apparent, almost from the third two cent passaugex fair oLNO ; est lose and the continuous �r A " „ fir r its myiu line between Toronto and Mm;, tieatntent cured her. er our Fruit -a t `-tires' say trial, t. : dal) *liter front the surgeon knife tend to She ing y alDr. Chase`s Utnt '7 enjoyingthe best of 1.- lth. lmontis a cortain and guaranteed ><•.:^.;s Father cureforcaohand , W, FOX, (Father). Query f o r m of T,II+I,IAN 107, (Alother). itching, bleeding +t PlmLE = Wordls cuntot e:.press the 1 t iii?.s.r• )"¢ 1 If and pro ru n y�`;'.;'rsrsr.,.<>.. r i?�r; rat?tude t Mr, an ti is. P Seo tostlmonials in the presand as�r e r bon it. You can use it and ` ,�. 1. a 4 Fox. And Miss T;lla will dourneighbo sa t +•:.:::..:.:::.. `;'>'">'.a it :'. s .. „ . - came of in :::-:. -.:•:.,..::..s:: , bs s.``„?11'1..1•.:.. reit-a Ona little deed is worth r et3nuriuoncybnekirnotsatisaed. 60c,atall tz:;•.<�,c3;;::.,••:;..:::.•:;t S t always remember I 04� %- dorsetnents of big deeds, tattles.:; 3,1cnzAnsox,BeTns&Co.,Toronto. ts,v t lives"—tkte discovery of an He is a wise man who knows when to 3x �, ,. y, eminent physician, and the < s .,•� , •` ., oral tn.ricinie in the world 1 SOB. ThQ oldest oandidmte an any ticket it 7- , c;• k Y ]Local History of the oar y ba foolish. Y syv�� : � �r, p1i [,tale of fruit. 5oc. a box, 6• �� AGO 0 Items from the "Times" Tyles. New York Stara this fa.li is Cyros M• �- �r�';�E` fax 2,50, or trial hos, zgc, T ��� Today is the Gime t0 da things, to-trY i +�' p.' dealers, or sent, postpaid, morrow is Lha ttu,d- to do notbiog. Oram of Nyack. Ha is 86 years oll and f will stump Lha annnty for re-olactiau ai ' 1 c t receipt of pricebyFrurt•a- ti uvea I"Mited, Ottawa. (Ce om the 'r _ county olerit. He has held thtt cffra, rsEs of Oct, 31, 1890) Messrs. Beattie Brothers have Crap• ohsa°d the Iivery business of L H War et:act rur•2s leers, contiva •nsiy for 64 years, andalready om balt�nDIowa S ate college.] Loom NEWS. Shane, in Blytb. This firm now owns U+lr D I.T. Wasp r,, the popoln* drag• enju;s the distit?otion of being the old- Cr' v four liveries—one in town, one in Clin• git,r•, B-,iioviav, O:,t„ sold his firtlt box net county clerk in the United States, halon; nt that the the same stock a closely related not ou and speech, twhioh apprartuPon inquiry ryF 0 N -A' Ywrls lork to the affect that After a brava straggle for It -e, Philip McRibbon,of this town, breathed his last ton, one in Brussels and the one re. of herr o it ct Kulr+ey and d'h s Pillbiucs species, if this is not the case the the surface of social interc,orse, but a oormptim, fund of half a million cent; purchased in Blyth, q reeler ct h o♦ r,tury ++tzo, and hue Bina on Thursday, 23rd instant, to Piston Y p ineu noted m-L�y rtma.kable crapes, a* THE You rH'S union is apt to be unsatisfactory and the motive feeling which add iliea tate fight t had beau traced in \T it Yolk to Of Ontario, surrounded by his family and Mr. Geo. Sbaw has opened a butcher this rrrediuiue grow in pnpulatitr, TbF COMPANION IN 1911 the tree becomes poorly developed and aurfgee, fight the I lz4oli taco track bills. is short lived. For the American va- Jos•'pti pizani woe fir quires o1 dSabri abridge. relatives. Mr. McGibbon was for many shop in the shop formerly occupied by that tof O(MiDg in bit; Mark O atteittion ty Side — rietles stocks of the native species When a cold becomes eat'1 tin the years an active business man in Wing- him, a few doors north of the Bruns Ont , who was uured of serious a:,d tar• should be used. Miner is highly pec- iyetem, it will [aka aavarbl d-ya' treat- tLurd, plop Dantirtcrl i at Bracebridge ham, but was forced to relirgnieh bnai• wick House, taring kiduuy mud bladder trouble by Jost fi;ty•two good numbers, one nent to enreit. and the lest remedy to Ms'z••a and one of the,deeeasm's eom- nfter another. of only the best pewit g 0minended as a sto k for the Amerl- g pin!o ;s wrap rcuvictadof bhootirg at Piz - So use is Ohamberlein's C, ugh fL�twadv. mesa on account- failing health, some Mr, Lewis Ackerman left on Wednes use of this great mtdiains. enua plums by some of our Iowa grow- It will caro quicker than any other, and nu wall intent mud B_•nfi to peritentiaty four or five years ago day for Portage la Prairie, taking with — aeleatsd from the world's abundance of him a car loaded with furniture for Mr. ars. ,iso 1Ny co t ha eysRt•tn d m all dealers. and The first snow of the season fell on The taster ihq automobile goes the '•'very sort, UDder average conditions spring is healthy 0uuditiuu. Sold by all dealers. Your tan years.+ + Thee. Ball, and horses for Mr, Thos. Nearly three hundred of the most the best time for planting plum trees. Tuesday morning, when ground was sooner the ambulance may cvartake it, entertaining stories ever written—not Au inq-n-at will be hold at D,lhi into covered with the ' beautiful," brat it Gregory. In exceptional seasons, with a favora- Mr. J. C. Currie, of this town, who The by-law to raise $30,000 for water- the kind tbat are forgotten as soon at, ble moisture supply, fall planting whish Ilia death of t3enry Rvr'or, who 1t 1,i:arvl.a5 c:�I.aor izE Ot; rr D ,did not raisin lone.. Manitoba, for the by loc,-i rpplio•stiou., fie t•irey cannot has been in Brandon, works was defeated at Chippewa. read, but stories that one loves to re may be done with success, provided is said was Coshed downstairs dur- Master Joseph Hodgeon, San of" Mr• m:'mber and talk about. the work is done early, so that the ing a Pulioa Court teial, and died from Taer the dieeaeed portion a the ear, Ralph Hodgeon, of this town, aged peat three or four months, returned last Every girlowes it to herself to be good and that only one war to ours remedies, + week, He tpeake highly of Manitoba Than theta are the femorae men and trees rainy become re-established before the fall. and [hut i+i by eonatits.ttonal remedies, about 13 years, was in Mr. Thos. Belle and says that Brandon is a fine progress• looking—but some girls are unable to women who write for Companion read- winter' sets in. Often, however, the Many sobool children saff i from tori Daafneaa is caused by au inflamed con -- factory on Monday evening, getting psy, moisture supply in the fall is an un- rti atiao, which is often thou cause of d tins, at t}Ia torn -os linin of the Ease ave town. are. it is the oast beet thing to moat certain quantity; -and if the ground is p tt •,•t Tube When this tube is in shavings, and in some way he got his ing thtm face to face, for they ohoos,• eeming stupidity at lessons t3haa.ber and into a machine and had three fka• Mr. Jos, Macon, photographer, who at all dry the tree which bas been re- iaia's Stomyoh and Idver Tabl tf; fl Jon have a rumbling sound en - band r opief which are rare to be of imeres� Off. has been prospecting in the northern Iifry Years, Experience of an old Nurse cently disturbed Is likely to suffer se. . teal mecileiva to gtv., i, child, f .r silt >' t••,:, t i , t hearing, and when e a en- gars taken tole th it andionce of three million O:tm• verely during the winter. a» ,re mild and get.tie in their rtf' oi,. tt-d s...,tr •;Ina ,9, Deafness is the rabe sa taken: Potatoes have grown to a tvoudarful part of the Previc ee for the peat few bl.Rs, Wlxsr ow's SOOTHING SYP.L'F is months is home vicit•ing 'his family. the prs.scriptinn of one of the best fe• paui un readers. The distance apart to plant depends Fi71I " ,]I s;n�d rF chronic con.btipatiou puLeaei; t"ta tfihmrne�c Ffi t nitit no mea Eli, this year and fine samples were ninle physicians find nurses in the Thr. EAunouncemsat of th:i enlar;ad sontetvhut au the variety and also on coadid,tn, heariug will be dastruyed for• shown at 0611 the fall feirs is this neigh- l IRTus. United States,aud hasbeettused for fitty %r.d improv,ad Oompanion for 1,r xt y tat the type of soil. Generally eighteen to The 17„ited States Department of ever ; pine cases out Of ton aril call- borhuad, but the largFst we have, aeau years with never -failing success by will t:a east to any Canadian add.raa> - twenty feet apart gives ample room. Agriculture estimates the condition of by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in•. Mr John A McEvreu, of Fergnsod --In Tarnberry, on the 29th millions of mothers for their children As fruited at this station and else- this year's cotton crop in the United flamed condition o4 the mucous sur•. vera Brawn by It relieves the child :rem pain, cures free• and with it sample copies of Toe Morris. Forty -tight of th•im weighed iust,the wife of Mr. Edward Ferguson; I diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and Conip'tLi'm, n•esre iu lotG the plum shown in faces. a son the cut, the Gelded, is an attractive States at tis 9. This, The Springfield � we will give one Hundred Dollars for sixty pounds—one busbal. wind colic. By giving be,,Ith to the These in C-idade, who subscribe fit Republican figures out, means a crop any case of Deafnes-4 (caused by catarrh) >.vd+ley MARRIED ! child. it r„sts the inoth©r. Twenty-five once, landing $2 00, will rooeive free all golden yellow plum, rather large for not in exnaps of !2 UOO,GGO halos, while that cannot ba cured by F3,li's Catarrh„ Mr, Ed, Dingley will mt va his j its class. It is one o: the Pew varie Care, Send for oirnu are fres[. business into the shop recently occupied Smith —Mcdauley—At the Methodist oleate a bottle. he isru.sS for the remaining weeks of ties having .Japanese blood which ap• 14 000,OCO will be re q tir••d to maga easy _ �-�� F. J. CHc1EY Si CO„ Toledo, 0.. by Mr. E. F. Gerater, this week. parsonage, Brussels, oil the 22nd inst, 1910; also The Cornpanioo'a Art Colon” pear to be well enough adapted to conditions. The pr:BeLt condition is the Sold by Druggi to, 750. Mr, Win. Gallagher has waved into by the Rev, S. Sellery, B. D.. Mr, MOrti, Four Lund ed thonannd diamonds are day for 1911, lithographed is tfvelvt Iowa conditions to merit further test. ;ow 16t smca 1903, and it looks like dear Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstipa- the store on the e,rnar of Josephine and mer Smith, to Mies Martha McCauley, colors a.,d gels raw m,teriel for cotton menufaoturioF. tion. out every year in ,u Amstard tm factory .• s inn. The tree is vigorous, compnrtt- Vietoria streets and opened g general both of Wfngham.. since. TVE YOUTII•S COMPANION, lively hardy and rather productive. store, Jewitt—Errington—At the residence A web two ani s goartar miles long 144 Bs:kelcy St., B,,)B, Maes The fruit is sometimes badly injured of the bride's father, by Re. R God- by fruit rot. We nenleeted to announce last week vh is been drawn from the body of a Bid Now 5abetripriare received ` at t',lr l that Mr. Johu Hanna is in the field for Frey, Belgrave, Mr, Isaac G. Jowitt, to - gle spider, ofit,^• Farmers Buying Autos, Not Bonds. „�,.•-.:,,, �•, "" Mies Iaabelia Erringtou, both of Morris the Resvealtip of the town far 18'91 If hydrogen g%o be burned in liquid - Wall street has been watching with The Guy Bros. Minstreli appeared to DEATHS. frit it will produo; SSiiim is ttt2 form of growing envy the success of the auto- a good h0nao last night, but not as MoSnat, —In Pioton, 0.,4 , on the s„ow ���'�+ ®w mobile makers in disposing of their jar�e rs the Of lh, ahq u ehci�iu 23rd inatl Philip b4rl�:ribbon, late o} wares to the farmers. For the mo - merits of $ave drstrt 1,4• JVtnghat - (��■■.rte r{�■ter favor, at least, although,s kf [thea are figitresut just ri O ■ v ♦ I'ar fVinghRiii and enrronnding die• ic — -- is = For Infants and Children, t to eke ordare fog tmicultadeuIeblrega ding department owing pu -6ht Kind r t for Fall and winter months an el) argatic reliable agent Thu chasing power of the farmer may be The Kind You Have Always Bought nureery stook. taken as a criterion, after each farmer �.Bears theDoi Pay Weekly Oulfit Free, has his stable of motors there ought ONES ��,,,,�„ _ ��� �xcluSiVe Te�ritory to ate something left over r squander f ECUI T� � S� �CIU Signature of , 1 r on stoops and bonds. According to talo statisticians of the department, the this world 600 ACRES growth in average farm value per acre of Printin6 Every haud is ttentel in h for each crop covered is as follows: that can do n little genuine sincere Underrstock on ition and to Per Cent deliver stook in gcoi condition and rap • ' work. —GaorgeEliot. to contract Benda We o3u shoav that 1910. 1909, Inc. Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. In China a father cannot leave more there is good money it representing s Wheat ........ 15.20 $202 $6,13 16.4 property to one sod than to another; all well known reliable firm at thin time Corn Established over 80 years, write far Cats •• 12.29 7.63 4.66 sl.m The kind that is neat, 1ttCaCtiVe and must have an equal orate, ..:..: 15 07 11,39 3.08 82.3 a costs U ri0 more mon particulars. e „ 40 8 3L 608 1105 „• rPotatoes ...... 68.59 34.78 13.81 36,8 Up -t0 1 d Flay up-to-date, t y o ol e money registered against When the &tL+ma beak com>-a on anis caused add y PH NURSERY Co: Tea convictions were regi a wise dog goes out to kill extremely painful, I is canned by Toronto, Ontario. —New York Times• here than the inferior attic a does rheumatism of the muBcleo. Quick ro• Owen Sonud hotellteepers for selliatt I sheep be leaves his bark at home, lief is aff,trded by applying Ohamber• Corn In Mexico. elsewhere. liquor, Too pessimists are the people who lain's Liniment. Sold b3 all ceakra. - she cora crop is an tmttorttint factor analyze the game but never flet into ft. in lrexican agriculture. Nluch of the Rev Dr, Mackie,psaor of St,Andrew s, + It seems quite the thing that the v The old, old stop told times without land is farmed by renters. lM D1, $ingetonfor 25 _ acre, was with y Armleea wonder should be able to rnngo, for instance, the renter signs an address and a purse of gold by the number, and reputed over and over, do things in an offhand sort of way• it contfact to give the landowner one - attain for the last 30 years, but it is al•' congregation. ways a welcome stcry to those in search "Oh, Henry, I dreamed last night Are Youhalf the crop clear of all expenses of health --There is nothing in the world that ycu gave mo $Z5 to spend ” wall The corn is husked by men who get Quality Counts that aures coughs find colds as quickly done, little wom!ir 1 Yon can keep it," _ _ 50 cents each in Nlexican money per UIme������ �� es Chamberlala's Cuogh li;amedF, Sold ' �" clay. ClyUre [ the tithe all expenses are by all dealers. laid the renter ttr5 little mot's than Children Cry 1 The matt vrho wen born with n Silver + - enough corn to last hltu until spring FOR FLETCHER S Then he is compelled to buy of the in printing as In other things, and the senora in bis mouth daeen't envy the C A S ^I" Q R 0 A landowner at an advance of 40 to 60 Cost him $100.COtor medicines which fellow with a gala tooth. DR. CHASE'S The avora a man world not et; ore A gray and .witty cheerver of life says - 1 Cxn cure the Worst case of per cent over prices he receives for TTiv3E5 15 in a position t0 turn out first - failed -Cured by g p ; that the way to keep the boy on the ills crop of the fall. Prices in Dles- Y.IDNEY-LIVER PILLS. ltu Lure froru infancy Ca old age, himself if he pleaded! Ktlf,ty t0 thcohi:rge p too are around 'l)0 cents a bushel in class Work at very" reasonable prices: ,Nrr. James Clarlc, Maidstone, Sails,, of amonntfnr; +o but Irttle. farm is to board the schoolma'am, withoat Operation or loss of time, the tall rind 00 cents in the spring. - writes- "I suffered for four yearn with C The damage and waste o3nsed by ACT AT ONCE Try this office with your next order, rheurnatism in my shoulders and could ` smoke in the larger cities of the 'U'nited Harse Manure Best, Cow's Worst. ural lift my arms above the head, I t Children r y tried nearly all the advertised rami t FOR FLETCHER'S Staten each year ie estimated at $ 00,- .Ind remove the daily danger• Of It may be desirable to know the why dies but flare of them gave inn fol'! CASTOR � `.'.. O R t A 0 0,000. strangulation. Fill in coupon of tilt' Individual richness of the ma- lief, It cost me at least $100.00 for i -~ enol wild to Dopt: J/ Mures front farm animals. 'she horse rnedicines before I used Dr. Chase's Fonr hflasfocary fir ,tufLitfons will I is at the tots on thta account. That of Ititluey-Liver Pills, g' Makes the Hair Beautiful J $ SMITH talc hog comes i,ext, then that from the 'rSYfth the use of this medicine, I � establish a Clhriatian university in West � t of pylae Manure from the Cory is at � ! soon found relief. I follawcd up this C.nirta _� _. The treatment for sift months and was thea t 8$ Caledonia St, the battahs of the list, flits being due l quite free from rltauinatiflm. While ` The art of educating rd gaire; skill At last a remedy has been discovered to the etu lchdng substances in bar food r using Dr. Chase's Kidney -raver Pills I n fo9tering a love of mental activity that will positively destroy this poet. STItATGoltb, ONT. going to the forinntlon of milk, lean Chasm's ]3aCltaelco { That#landrufY i® causal by germs is Ilm the mannro comparatively wenit- , I _ also useol Dr. t end a desire for lrnowledga, Plaster when so_ stiff that I Could accepted by everir sensible person, `�1ame �' • • • • ` " • ` • : - : ' • • • . en cd, tjorce and Garm. WINGHAM °; ONTARIO geareely bend. They always found the General Manager Chamberlain of the androff is the root of all halt evils - weals spot and gave relief while the b Address ..... • • • _ . ' y . internal treatment was bringing about Gratis Trunk pw ifro says that in ten SALVIA will kill thb dandruff germs high# Wag #o Grout Sweet Corn: a fhorongli eure." year$ the West will dominate C7anada and remove Dmidrui� in tea dayi, or Shallow cultivation of sweet coin �igC. , , .. , 'Dime Itdp + • � . � '• ` ` should 1)06 practiced to preserve the T110 suceeNs of Dr. Meals matioy- politically, financially hod in every[ money brick. 60s n bottle, liver rills ball been phenomenal. other way. He Nuys that by 1012 through requi es of the soil, since this crop Ono ;till i< r'lmse, 2G Cents a `holey at ail Singles or doithle , ......... ♦ � • . requires a largo amount of [water in dealers or (logo, 210 Snatoa b x, $ill *rains will be ruts over the G' T. p; from, Its growth and is likely to auti`nr fCorn 3 Satisfaction guftranteed. onto. Sir. Cl,aao'a Reel will be sed[ , adtr tet to thou rookies, and to Plinoe Many a man liNklnit for, notice rretil l clrongiit, tree on request. , It'apttt in the following year. go to jail if he got whit he asked Sor. rA n