The Wingham Times, 1910-11-03, Page 511 TRIO V1'114%uAlK TIM, WOVE MOB R M. HOUT Mr, Hugh McDonald ot, 00 WOULD NOT'BE WIT -A K C r**W loot his bar ". 8, who, w4mbor was hold V N 11lJ 4 by lighkalilig A couple 9.1 BABYS OWN TABLETS 4k she Ole i*r'y1o`of4qQ0a0t1 meeting Rn�twas hold 4,e reaw linonsb4, Ago, together Wish she greater, CLO opt. 20b, minutes of last meeting road part Of the NORNOW0 OrOpl, had a very,, And Adopted wa mo4194 of Xellorq, T 4aOQQofal raising gooeatlY, mr, J. Abram bkvlp 41NDOWN" onoe used B$by"O Wheeler Ar -d •Kelly. Moved by Mr. sit little case would Of a9l][400 Will the framer And directed A , Rutherford, seconded by Ur,Uulvoy, Ot be Without them, T so Tablets 00 17041 Of raising the "a' T entire otypoturo I Are 'R or the little that we grant John MoGlyp A, never fAiiin remedy d Qmeq 19 b r r. there having been Jon no aides oho4eu, and ills much as ooliotipation, to,, NON-FLA$HABLE fill6b - bi or drain on 0 line And $5400 for dgaWing 0040eq'121110Y 40 race. A number of the 00144, etc,, that aftl1ob 0 tin Al tl' t tile And P410119 134 culvert On 8th and India# Of the neighborhood ones, And to t a a I THE SAFEST then, y on) .4, assisted Mrs. with absolute ite 0 0 9th con, line, Carried. Moved by Ur, the y a ON N MoDO13111d in OOrVIag A good mapper, obil or Rutherford, s000n4od by, Afr.K,311y that dr for $bay arae Under the 0 SUBSTITUTE lute RuArAntee, of A 0 vernmeut Analyst Mr,W heel to contain no opiate or a " be appointed to got 42 -inch FOR FLANNEL that harmful tile taken out of culvert at Jas, Powell'# RXIMOSO. Whatley thein Mrs, Chas. Whatley, Peterbord, 0 plAoo and put 18 Ino file in culvert on At his residence on the 2ail concession at.. writes, "I h When the Greatest Authorities,, have de have used Baby's Own elarod ZINDOWtT to be Tim Of Rialoos there Poissed AWAY 0 Tablets for my U4 line Carried. Moved by Mr, Kelly, )3,EsT substitute for Flannel, why us$ any other, . 0 r- Sunday,, little. girl and have, found them to be Of seconded by Mr. Wheeler that we pay oot, 23rd, Peter MOLs9d, aged. fifty Pont VAIIZO, Others to whom I have fo years. Death was due to cancer I of the recommended the Tablets any they r4004-laoh tile for drain on road Id not be without them. Sold by opposite lot 20,00ii. 7, RON. Hogg to put NOTHING TO BEAT IT. OsOm%ch, He leaves in hip immediate won Inm medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents drain, Carried, Moved by Mr, Wheeler, family to mourn his death, is wife And a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Modioine, seconded by Ur Rutherford that she Ladies who have tried ZINDOWN say that they WOU14 not o two daughters, as himself, was one of Co., Bra Ville, Oat, he 5 family of four—three None And one motion of Sept. 19th, 1910, to dog tax be without it as it. is $qQh re.clued no we find from the qolleotqr daughter—born to Mr. and Mrs. Angus that doge are very improperly gi0aidd McLeod. Three of these survive, John Talking About big toots and vegetableg And that We will not oQlleot dog tax A Wonderful Lasting, Anti tamiortable Mate And Alex. on t Mater al he old homestead,, and the lot line has not to take a back seat Year. Carried. moved by Mr. Relly, For all Kinds of UUnderwer. Non-Flashable the daughtert new home is I a Reacts. Coulter, whose Joseph Robb weighed six giant Lovinth. seconded by Mr. Wheeler; that Memare. Healthy, Pure, Warm and Safe . The parents, who 84 m1sugolds Oat scaled 96 pounds or 16 Rutherford, Mulvey And Reeve be a were Among the pioneer settlers of Kin. pounds on the Average, He 008 A fine Commitiee to get fenoing put up at loss township thirty-five years ago, are crop, Gemmill'o bridge. Carried. Moved by still living, aged eighty five years, The It Will be a matter of surprise to many Mr. Rutherford seconded by Mr. Mulvey late Mr. McLeod was for twenty five to hear that Reeve Neil A. Taylor bets that Clerk be instructed to notify the "ZINDOWN" years resident on one fatal. I I eased his farm on the 7th line and puroh. North Huron -Telephone Co. to remove need the. bakary and restaurant business their poles an loth and filth con, lines to has passed the Examining Board of the Incorporated Institute of YOU 'WIZZ- NOT KICK AT THE CLOTHESWEST WAWANOSH. ofJosephStotherom well known business proper place according to agreement. Hygiene, London, and has been awarded this Certificate for Archibald J. Anderson, one of the man Of Myth. He gets possession next Carried. Following accounts were SPECIAL QUALITIES AND MERITS. month and should do well tie he Is the passed and cheques issued;— ,SOV BUY FROM CrOV, 2IECA USE THEYWILLPioneer" Of West WaWanosh, Township, soul of geniality and is acquainted with Gravel—James McDougall, 860.; John and a former resident of Lucknow, died almost everybody. Many old friends MoNaughton, 25o.; J. W. King, $3.20; 'PLEASE yoUlt p,.Vp,. ANI) 2)ZCAU.TZ OU_R at his residence in, Milton, on Monday, it, Morris will wish Mr. Taylor the best Samuel Vanotoue, $1,92; Alex. MoDon., TESTIMONIALS October 24th in his 83rd year. For of success. gild, $3.15. H. Orvis, gravel and dam. PATTZIRN-V AJVD -VTYLES Alt.E UP TO THE nearly fifty years Mr. AndermotrRved on the farm taken up by him on the 18th Early Wednesday morning,Oct, loth a ages, $8.88; Henry Godkin, it., gravel, "IMSH SOCIETY" says:—;, 'Zindown' is soft and specialty suit—concession, Tea Years Ago he retired well known resident of she 2nd line &no, $L.08; Judge Doyle, Court of Revision, ed for invalids' wear. Those of oar readers who have not yet tried from the farm and took up residence in veered the great Roll Call, aged 46 years, $7.60; Jas. A. Bell, inspecting bridge, it should certainly do so, it is an experiment worth trying." Luc)kuow. Six years later he removed I month, He had been poorly for some 188; John Burgess, Voters' List appeal, OUR CLOTHES ' WILL PLEAXP, YOU. 33E_ to Milton, in the county in whlohhe time but was only confined to bed for a 417.60; John Burgess, selecting jurors, was born, and resided there until his week and abalf. A medical operation $6.00; T. K. Powell, Voters' List appeal DERBYMORE, LLARDRINnOD WELLS.—Dr. Gore considers flZin. ICA USE THEY Fir. death. He Is survivbd by his wife and was performed on Tuesday in -hope of re. $2,30,aeloodug jurors, ft Alex. Kelly: down' Non-Flashable Flannelette a most valuable improvement in nine of the immediate members of their moving the combination of troubles but selecting jurors, $3; Adam Clegborn, manufacture, and it seems most comfortable to wear—much more so OU9t CLOTHES ARE NOT SLUNC To- family. His funeral took place on his case was too serious. Deceased vin Voters' List appeal, $3 70; John Mo• than flannel, not so irritating to delicate skin. • Thursday of last week to St. Helena the eon of the late George Agar and was Glynn, drain 0. line, $6, culvert, con. 8, cemetery. born in Morris and had lived in the town. 0; John Musgrove, inspecting Turner IGETHE-R BUT ARE HAND _VC1_VSO-RZ2) ANDcemetery. continuously. He was united in drain, $5; Currie Bros., livery for bridge marriage to Miss Adm Falls who prede. inspector, $1.00 Wm. Baker, culvert, ■ 38 BENTLEY LANE, H. P., LEEDS.—Dear Sire —I have tested WAJVtO TAILORED. BLYTH. cemmed him 9 years ago. Three daughters Howiok to pay halt, $50,; Hugh McKin- 'Zindowal stringently for inflammability, and it appears to me to be Dr. D. Allison, Belgrave, has bought (Lois and Clara at homeand Ettmin Man. non, part payment, bridge filling, $100; the only safe fabric of the flannelette character on the market. I will WE SA T1_VY 0 U -R CUSTOMERS AJVI) LOOK- the practice of Dr. McCallum, Londes- itoba) and George at home survive. Telephone Co., tblephone messages, —na�; I have done so already—recommend it, and will suggest that borol.Mr Agar owned 200 acres and was a fine $1.05. our Leeds Industrial Cooperation Society stock it in their fifty or TO MAKE . MODE THANONEXUXT FORBaxter MoArter lefilmot week for man; is first-class neighbor and a very Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by more Drapery Stores. I consider the fabric most excellent as well THEM. Aylmor, where he has taken the man. kind father whose demise is regrett;d. Mr. Kelly, that we adjonen to most in as safe, FRED. LEES, M,R.C.S., &c., Surgeon. agement of 06 Photogr�ph Gallery. He was an adherent Of the Methodist the Clerk's office, Bluevale, Monday, WE REMEMBER YOU ARE HEALTHY The removal of the front fence And Church rind a Liberal in politics. Nov. 21st at lo o'clock m. m. SOHN BURGESS, Clerk. "ZINDOWN" MAY BE OBTAINED FROM interior fixing up At the Methodist par. The report of S. S. No. 7, for October. AJV7) HAVE MAJV.V SUITS To BUY. nonage have been decided Improvements. The standing based on weekly examinn. EAST WAWAXOsEt. Dr. B. Hamilton, of Belgrave, has vs• tions and general proficilericy. turned from England, where he was Sr. IV.—G. Higgins, S. Procter, H. The Council met at Belgrave, Oct, taking a Post -graduate course in the lead. Karr, S. Brandon. 24, pursuant to adjournment; members E. ���RD & COO ing colleges there. Jr.. IV.—M. Hopper, J. Kerr, J, Oamp. all present; minutes of IsO meeting read 4(;Cjee A Gampbell bell, L. Campbell. and confirmed. I --- Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Fear Jr. III.—Hi Garnier, R. Hopper, W, Masers. G. Irwin and H. Deacon were Preached at the anniversary in the Lon- present asking the Council to A --A back I deaborol Methodist Church, The ear..,YamVbal!: to Mr. Deacon the old road Allowance ;. 16 Sr. Il,;.- . Q�UUOS B. b"Ampbell L es here were conducted by Mr. Brig. Higgins, T. Campbell, . 1, V. Procter, I H. between lots 39, cons. 9 and 10, the road den, of Toronto, in the pastor's absence. Procter. in question at the present time and for Mr. Brigden is an old friend of the Wil• ford family, an enthusiast on missions PC, II.—G. Campbell, V. Hopper, M. some years previous, being not used and a g Ofteemore, M. GArnils. whatever as a public thoroughfare. ood speaker. Sr: PC I.—A, Hopper, F, Salter. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Z Jr. PC. I.—M. Campbell, E. camp. Chamnay, that the request be granted, f \ �� .� WROXETER. bell, oft condition that the above named part. Pupils enrolled 25. Average sttqn. les- assume all expeasen in connection Chile. Mitchell, of Vancouver, a danoo 15. with the transferring of said road &I. former resident of this vicinity, to the guest of his brother, Win, Mitchell, of NELSON BIGGINS, Teacher, lowanoo, and that the Reeve be empow- Howick. Council met At Township He n. ered to sign all documents on behalf of ."I MO the municipality. Carried. day' Oct. loth; members all present; 7 d Mrs. Goo. Lorimer and little daughter Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr, returned to their home in Detroit last minutes of last reigular meeting read Burchill, that the Clerk, along with the adopted. d ap. with the former's mother, Mrs. anSolicitor, be instructed to prepare it by. R. Proctor presented his bonds as Joo. Vogt. Collector of Taxes for 1910, Moved by law for submi8sion to the electors at the Toronto Daily Star says:—"Tile romi. next municipal elections, for the purpose I Queen street Went was the scone of a sasisfaosory.—Carried. the river Cons, 8 and 9, and 10 and 11 dente of Dr. and Mrs, Rowland Orr I W. 3, Johnston, Seconded by C. B. Wit• of the 69 building bridges t n e payfdo kinson that the gains be be accepted as oil TORON -Lwi DAILY STAR quiet wedding at half past two o0clook Accounts were.paid as follows -,—Thor. next season and to submit the same At Davidson, farm bridge on Smith drain, next meeting of council for approval.— SPORTING NEWS this afternoon, when the marriage WAO $15; JAN. Crulokshanks, furnishing light solemnized of their youngest daughter, at bridge$11; Jim Split, farm bridge Carried. The sporting pages of The Star are conducted by sporting Meta Meredith, to Dr. Gordon Park on Smith drain, $15; Jac, McDonald, The following accounts were presented news writers who are right in the game—men active in athletic Jackmon,of Wroxeter, oat. The care. material for small bridges: $10; Chas and ordered to be paid:—John McLean, circles—so that it is not any wonder that reported sporting mODY was Performed by the Rey. C Forrest, digging drain on Forest award, furnishing tile and putting in crossing, II Canon $8.99; A. Bryans, putting In culvert and con. 9 $6; John Cole, township share of events --no matter where they are held—are most reliable— Brymns, reotor of the Obul,ch Of Epiphany digging ditch, $6; Wm. Kerney, moving inthoprosenoeof only th6'lmmedlate grader $2; C. Frboter, repairing culvert, award drain, $5; Win. Deacon, putting newsy—and the fullest you will find in any Canadian paper. 75o,. W. Pollock, digging drain across in culverts, cons. 10, 18 and 14, 012 25; relatives. The bride who was given The Star sporting news is always readably written—and you away by her father, was attired in a blue road and furnishing tile, $3.20; Jac. John T. Coultia, cleaning oat creek bed Davis, cleaning out ditch, $5; Jas. Car• and widening road opposite lot 35, con. Will always find it fair to everybody. travelling suit and blue beaver hat and ter, gravelling on East boundary and carried white roses. Dr, and Mrs, Jack. furnishing gravel, $26.10; R, Nesbitt, 9, $7, gravelling on side line 36 and 37, You will enjoy reading The Daily Star sporting columnw son left later in the afternoon for a trip drawing and putting in cement tile cul- con. 9, $18 86, gravelling an side line 39 and there is many a timely illustration that gives an added Vert, $63; S. McCall, drawing and put- and 40, con. 6, $10; McKinnon Bros., across the line boforegoibg to their home sing In cement the culvert, $4; Elijah interest. in Wroxeter. Pease, underbrushing sideroad, between gravelling an east boundary, $52.53; 6th and 7th line, $65.74; P. Fowler, Wm. 0. Salter, inspecting gravelling on Mmcri6e now and take advantage of our special rate of gravel, $4.80; W. H. Framer, gravel, $616; east boundary, $6; Alex. McGowan, 4R 6X. R. Craig, repairing culvert, $4.50; ff, furnishing the and digging ditch, con. 2. A drive shed 42x52 feet, on cement Kirkby, part payment on Smith drain, $2, A. E. Quinn, gravelling approach to $1.50 a Year $450; H. Kirkby, assistant on Smith foundation, combined with pig and hen drain survey, $2; W* McCracken, put. Quinn,'@ bridge $2 50; Robert H. Thomp- house, hits been built on the farm of sing in culvert and tile,$5, Frank Smith, eon, drawing bridge timber and tile, This paper and the Toronto Daily Star together Joseph Engler, 81h can. inspecting on sideraod, $3 1, 0. 0. Camp- $4,50; Moses Champion, puttil)g in oul- for $,Q. 20 io MEN'S AND BOYS' O�E�C���s.' bell, cleaning ditch, $1; A, MoEwea,Vert at - B. Clark and wife, of Onkosh, Wis• selecting jurors, 44 00; Ni A. Taylor, ' eon. 10, $2; Harty McAllister, p This week we are showing special Black Overcoats, 50-ineh. oonsin, U. S., are here on it visit at selecting jurors, $400. sing In two culverts on weft boundary, long, Velvet Collar at $10.00, good Milton Cloth. David Olark's, 14th con., after An ab, Council then adjournod to bases Nov. $0; John Gillespie, attendance on drain - Men's black qailted�Lined, extra heavy Milton with Marmot menoo of 40 years, The men are broth& 21st at 10 a. al. A. MACEWEN. Clark. ago matters and fleldctiug jurors, $9; A shipment Of eight hundred. partridg. Collar, very dressy Coat, 9:11 sites, $20.00. This Coat with Persian erl. Wm. Wightman, selecting jarorn, $3: em from Chalk River to Montreal was Fire at Victoria, B C., caused a loss of Lanib, Colhir, -1422.00 ^18-­Turnbull,A. Porterfield, selecting jurors, $5,, Wm, seized atOttaWn and bonfigAA&AV One million dollars. I 10 con., IN away to i Buchanan, shovelling gravel, $1.25. oys' Overcoats in all sizes, the "Two Way" Collar. This #he Welt with a alit of well' bred teices. Asthma Catarrh Gravel: John Redmond, $6; Hugh Mo. TheMontreal Authorities are taiting not. Mr. E R, Wood was elected President sheep. He usually make# a trip each Asthma CRO P Coat is special COO which can be worn two different ways at a ter 1131IONCH! I COUGHS Co V3 Barney, $2.40; John Williams,$1 Do- liOnARsinNiffe'v6Bt8OtlPrOPfietOrBOtmOt- at the International convention at they fall on the Name mission.- Ing picture shows for Violation of the # reasonable Boys' price Alex, Porterfield, $2.90; Wm. 0. Salter, X. 0, A. of North America. building by-laws, 4 Uri. Isabella Killer, nee Stevenson, $8.70 Wm. Wightmaa, $4,95, 1 .41 died suddenly of heart fallureaweai the The following is a brief summitry as LADIESP CLOTHING. reold6nob of hor *later, Mrs. Elizabeth taken from the Collector's Roll: —Coun- Ladles' Far -Lined Coats with Sable Collar. Ladies' Quilted flash, of Godorloh, Oat., on 006. 20th, UNTARL161,196 late tykate, $2,431-91.1 Township rate, $2,_ and *am bailed at Molesworth cemetery, .1161MVIG, 5106 and effoctivetreakontfar bran- troublan, without doalng the stomach With 825.10; Railway tax, $219.56; Drain tax, Lined with Iskbella Fox Collar, Ladies' Qailted-Llned--*ith Cam. era U06d with huftess for thirty este, I aged 78. Mrs. Miller was the wido* of Ttfthr rendered atron e -ad $259.50; Telopnond tar, Dog tat, One Doctor—Only One. Sian Sable Collar. Ladloe Cloth Coats, Military and plain styles in with every breftth, maktavy antfsept 0. Intph the !&to Prenots Atiller, a former wall. the more throat, end at, hAthing *say, rootheo $249; Statute Labor tax, $19,, School blAcks, grays, green, red, which are stylish and up-todate Coats. the eon h, "curing 'ettful nights, CroolonO fS Ifivalua b a to mothers known resident of the Bed Once mob of Rtmh nil children vend it boom to a No sem ill running from one doctor to another! Select Prices tAnging from $10.00 to $65.00 in these different lines. I r, thms, frererm tax, $6,071.28, a total of $12,076 71. Okay, Mai was born in GleligRity do., send ta Postal for aekaffItIve booklet. 110 Ratepsyeri Are milked to note that the best one, then stand by him. - No sense either in Wng Oat., in 10t And Was the mother of AIL DRUGMsirs irl"s I I taxes for or this Yost odia be paid as form. this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefidly, delibero 'eat& crMoleee Al%tf.. 1 6 15169 06 childrehi $hold Of Whom survive her IZZ Throat Tablets Orly, At the 840161K Bank, Auburn, the atelY gelect the best cough tnedidne, then take it. Stitk thbirritatedthroaL o"Zo are: - W. W. Pierce, Of o1nolnumiti fT'h'v i1e; a , I the Bank of Hamilton, Blyth, the Dom- to it. ►)Uk your doctor about Ayers sherry pectoral for �y tre aErnt?o. ef- fective and OR Mortie, Ohio; Mrs. John Bryan*, of Olayo And of Your druggist or inion Bank And the Bank of Hamilton, HANNA & Co Mrs, Albert Vuok, of Clifford, Mrs. rtolnul. loolustampe. 1.. .1 ►. ffiroat arid lutig troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. Wingham. Miller well knOWA IAO tweottd tat and VOICN1011111 9t The Council thou adjourned No alwhol in this mgdicine. to We Want Vbar Trade, PHOXE 70, 9.460111ki-MU60 21;7 meet Ayetco..Lotoe. ♦ wide for hot tdoitentailowr prioltop, of v, again on Monday, Nov. -91A next at 10 i6y by, t 11 11 big thiftil. that thl416 f0f_Yftt 0016ilpl,�Ioft? why tW stkk to the chrilim viritles. at A. Portstirk9Lb, Clork, oM4dWtfttRily1&utivc.-wkW$PUh? Alk r it b yo &dot 6 ikvvtoosit . ......... ... .