The Wingham Times, 1910-11-03, Page 44 �. TAE WINGRA,M Tj] Rot XOVEHI�VtR 8, t 1Q TIIE - l'Ulsi-lCC SCH4Q11 REPORT. IMPOVERISHED BLOODNOW Stan of pupils of WInghaat P. 0, .,.^-,- ! 1, Domilliflion Bank FOR" for the month of October, � o M � ..i O #,♦, ARE YOU READY ENTRANCe CLASS, A Common and a Dangerous H�A'D Qf'k5gtt: d.'QRONTo Maximum 350, Honq;s 268. _ _ _ M. Oartwrigbt89 1V, Mclean, 107, I, roublepi"1:�u ���` Enrich 04001 Stoats tall paid up) $4,C00,QQQ,00 Allen 160, B. Johnaton046, E, Rash 146, the Blood to Escape deserve EPnnd and Um- D. Haugh 260, A, Reading 240, W. SLOPPY divided Profits... , .. $5,880,000.00 - Davidson 283,1. DangerGal DOP0444 Gibeou 2I9, J. Richard.WEATHER is R by the pnbllo $47 000 004 OQ So 245 '� O 343agk4al1048, E+ Pal;h 282, x fOI,200,004.00 E, Smith 308, F. Gannet 809, F, RoDon. AnnOMia is Simply A look of blood, - - You know we keep Rubbers, the ver nest lei Aid 279, A. Robertson 187, M. Robertson It is one of the moat Common and at the y kind, made of live s ria rubber, t s ' BaAptCaims AN atI6NTs throughout Can• acme !seas must dangerous dice ees it e 224, R. Hardy 078, 4, MQPheraOIt 267 a with P gy , . hese are the kind that give oda and the TJsttted states, , whtQh growing girls ewer. It is Cott, satisfaction, simply because they wear well. We think Gf, Patterson 218, M. fiiaroll 211, R. mon because the blood so often becomes ' A GENERAI• DANKINrx OilSIXFO$S Boyd 265, R, Rfntoal 178, G, Buchanan ' development, when Business y y , im poverfshed during develo unlit pays especially In Rubbers; true, you pay a !!tele TRANSACTED. 285, X. Rush 221, H, Hall 934, S. Ponder girls are toofregaeutly allowed to q over. , , e best is always the cheapest. Savings O!' 95, T. Lutton 240, N. Taylor 188, W, study, over•wozia and sugar from a look lTlOre UC t y p g p 1T1en of 0 eroiae. It is dangerous because of Hainan 182, usV. Sanderson 182, H, Dens the $y well noes pe its ore itsapproach,pr setae A ,MAMMOTH SALE OF GOOD FRESH Men's Heavy Rubbers, CFarrentRatanaf Interest allowed, and 217, J, Angus 127, A. Reid 206, L. being welldevelCped before its presence e y e s, the best On the market $1.9Q•$2.75 Deposits received of 61.00 And Drnmmond 246 S, Donaldson 298 A is recognized, and beoaase of its tender upwards, Lockridge 248, A.. Groves 204, R. Bloom• oy to grow so steadily worse, it not AR1 �11i1S ANDGROCERIES Men's Heavy Boots, adapted to winter wear 1, promptly Checked, that it may rnu into R VL/ 75• 3 0O field 260, M. Rogers 258, J. Holmes 260, consumption. Fortes' sale Notes Collected, and C4. Da 179 H. Willis 265, W, Irvine Men's Winter Cas a large selection with fur -lined advanges made on them at lowest y The value of the tottia treatment with p g rate of interest. ma H. Is E 166, G, 31, A 1W Williamson Bova• known nWilliams'ove!'inti Pr should be DRESS GOODS AND ear -laps, at only ^ - - 50C wan 162,E Helps 231, A. Willlamaom known to query mother in the Iliad. L1 <.i�J These Pills make new, rich blood, tone The New Shaped Muffler, all colors, only - 5oC WxNttsAnl BRANOII-Dornan John and 231, the organs and nerves, bring a glow of Josephine Streets. JUNion. R, TEWIMarks D.obtainable health to pale, sallow Cheeks, and drive FANCY GOODS Little Girls' Coats blue brown and greys nicely Savior section• Martie obtainable, 660. sway the weakness, headaches,. faint- , , , W. 1 , GEcRIE, MANAGE1t, J, Maxwell 600, V. Webb 666, O.'Ria. ness, heart palpitation and lose of en. tailored, Neatly trimmed - - $3,qo to �,�� R. VANsTONE, Solicitor. ergy SC noticeable in young Ririe who tout 564, E. Ers$ine k 62, S. Hamilton are suffering from anaemia, To all ARE SPECIAL 74ATUREE.643, M. Smith 533, N. Vualstine 483, such, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are anSACRIFICE Of Men's Heat/ Coats Sizes $ $STABLISHED Isla 0. Ieard, 479, M. Cassels 4'}2, K. Smith actual lite saver. Mies Mabel MoTay. y ,. 35r 3 , tab,��r 471, N, Haugh 452, E. Rogers 431 P. my Prince Albert, Bask fele: "In 40, something Warm and serviceable, large '� 1iINIS, my saga I can only say t t Iiia has last collars, and the quality is first class. �i Holmes 480, F. Cook 362, A. Taylor 850, its maglo; all works was trial, and even This greats a offer the A. DennisD348, G, Dear 198, F. Walsh pleasure only a bask, hen I went up people of Wing- o Coats far 2, 2 00 $.s,I4LL1oTT,PIIBLZeli1R ANDPROpZyI1,TOA 100 a flight of stairs I as ready to drop hale and the North t of Huron County an sopor- �4'S � 5 $7. Coats for $3.50 from oth shear wen, ass and I had begun tunic of getting just what the need at less than $•oo Coats for $4.00 $8,5a Coats far $4,25 Junior Section. Marks obtainable 625. to think it wo d e A continued bur- y THURSDAY, NQVEbiBER 8, 1910 E. Dore 545, H. 'Kennedy 540, A. den.. But all a is now changed, wholesale prices ---for this stock Crust be sold. On Blackwell M. R a ing 500, 504, T. Bat- thanks a Dr. Wmend e' Pink Ana Friday, November 4th, this store will be closed all Boys' Pea jackets, Sizes 21 to 31, well -made and ills trill 602, M. Reading 600, G, DenlelQn These were recommended to mg, and day t0 enable US t0 complete all. arrangements for , J g JARDINES UNDER ARREST, after taking them for about a month I warm just the thin for roughing it, $2.00 to $3,50 438, N. Christie 461, V. Peterson 430, found my health renewed. I could Edward is held for Murder of Lizzie A. Davidson 424, E, Hart 418, J. Carne sleep better, my appetite returned, and this startling, magnificent sale.-. Then on Saturday, Anderson. 869, E. Jarvis 363, N. McRitohle 826, I, I was so strong and well that housework November 5th, the doors of our store will swing wide Our line of Woolen and Worsted Hosiery is the Hewer 296, H. Angus 294, C, Argas 277, was seemed lunger a burden toe My sin- open at 8 Q'C10Ck to invite you to anticipate 1n the very best on the market, plain and ribbed worsted 25c to Edward and Thomas Jaeaine were ar• ter seamed longer be ening the same way y p rested at L4oderioh oil Wednesday of L. Ball 162. last summer and Dr. Williams' Pink greatest bargains every offered in Wingham. Wait 5oc, plain and ribbed wool 25c to 50c, We keep the Best. last week, on charges Of having been SENIOR SECOND, Pills were at once sent for and two responsible for the death of Lizzie An. boxes made her as well as aver. Dr. for Saturday, November 5th, it will pay you -then derson an September 20 last. Edward Senior Section. Marks obtainable, 824. Williams' Pink Pills are now the prized come early and avoid the rush. is charged with the murder, and Thom. Archie Williamson 827, Katilleea medicine in our home, and doctor bills UOW about FLITS, Stoles and Muffs in Mink, ae with being accessory after the fact, Mille 803, Chris Newman 802, Lizzle have been fewer since we discovered the The arrests followed immediately on Carrie 790, Well McCann 776 John rirlaes of this great medicine." Marmot, Fox, etc., at lowest possible prices. A few Fur the heels of a verdict by the Coroner's Nicholls 766 Fera Davidson 747, Jeaa Sold by all medicine dealers or sent Coats at sacrifice prices. Jury, pointing to Edward Jardine as the by mall at 50 tante a box or six boxes We want a number of additional clerks, young murderer, Both young man eat mutely Christie 742, Ruby Hewer 678, Phyllis for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- among the witnesses during the Closing Johns 664, Fred Sturdy 657, Charlie ofile Co., Brockville, Oat. women or men, who will please apply at once. FARMERS. --We want choice, fat, dry picked fowl, high - Holmes in the court room, and never Smith 620, Winifred Walker 611, Alice _ once took their eyes off Coroner Dr. Imlay 603, Loretta Sturdy 601, Willie There will not be an o est prices. Bring in your Wood Oats, Beans, Holmes while he read the lengthy deliv Rev, David Rogers, of Seaforth, con, y g ods charged during , , cry from the jury, which was remark_ Dear 586, George Allen 671, Teresa ducted the services in the Methodist this Sale. Good saleable trade or cash only. Onions, potatoes, Butter and eggs. Good prices able for formality and legal phraseology. Hickey 530, Vera Striaker 512, Stanley Church on Sunday lest. The pastor, for good produce. The juryman had hardly uttered the Bell 500, Howard McDonald 449, Claude Words "so we All,, in assenting to the Maxwell 444, Lottie Zarbrl 404 Ola - Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached anniversary Verdict when Crown Attorney Seager gg y sermons at Seaforth for Mr. Rogers, beckoned Chief of Police Postlethwsite ton Maxwell 370. Rev. J. E. Hunter, and instructed him to detain bole of the Junior Section. Marks obtainable, 867. the well-known a "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STOREY' Into thee. The young man were taken Margaret Piper 672, Linda MoLeod Evangelist, ll Orth give e Hauler, r a Do � into the barristers' private room where 670, Earls Huffman 626, Florence Die- been oOmpeIied to Rive up the work, they were gild antil warrants wereissuedSworn after 30 years of marked success, owin g by the Magistrate on information sworn wand 626, May AIlea 629, Frank RobGORDON in• to as attack of palsy, He ie living in out by Crown Attorney Seagar, when eon 617, Noel Drummond 603, Todd ie they were taken in charge. Neither March 592 Ooze Wild 560 Irene Patna Toronto. Thousands of trite friends offered any resistence. The !allowing ff will be a unit in wishing him a speedy KERR B1 RD the verdict o! the jury: -"Elizabeth 669' Henry Aitoheson 646, Florence Jane Anderson came to her death on the Hinacliffe 504, Charlie Isard 452, Harold 00nvalaecenoe. QbX. night of September 20, 1910, at the town Mann 449, Reggie Smith 404, May Pass. of Gloderieh. by her having her throat more 381, Eva Hayles 368, Willie Austin ,Sue stock markets. out with a sharp knife or similar instra- Toronto, Nov. I. -City Cattle Market meal, and the evidence submitted 199, Oeoti MerkIey 177. Receipts were 1061oads' with 2,100 head points strongly to Edward Jardine me tion.JUNIOR ssaoxD, of Cattle, 1,140 Sheep sad iambs, too hogs URS pay a highest prices for having committed the crime." Senior Section. Martie obtainable 616. - , Parol Joyal 474, Dora Laundy 451 and 183 Calves. The heavy offering of a urs and pay all express Grace Irvine 451, Dorothy Clark 444, cattle following SO 01090 upon the heavy Rockwell's Sunny South. Elizabeth Hamilton 426, Edna D[ue• ran of 160 care with over 3,000 head of urges. YVrite for price list. RAW -F This attraction, which is well and grove 423, Georg# Fry 414, Ruth Ander• day d the Union Stook a preg yeeler• J. YAFFE, 72 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO, ONT. e favorably known in this town, will ap- son 381, Evelyn Angus 367, Charlie Lloyd day find• the market at the preaeat time pear in the Opera 8ouae, Wlagham, in a rather overloaded condition, The Wednesday evening, November 96h. It $61, Hazel Misner 361, Harry AnQae balk of today's oftertage ocneidted of is about two years ago since it was here 365, Thelma Sanderson 863, James Dobie -` -' and since then it has been enlarged and 348 Leonard Jarvis 344 Role Sanderson feeders and rough etookere mostly lite strengthened in aver wit mudTong ods d 323, Charlie Pocock 301, Palms Johnston faller. conceded to be one o! the etrwn gel and • most capable colored organizations of The following are the gnoyations: ' 297, Harold Hamilton 292 Lily Case• Exporlerl wangle- Per ICO Ibb. ® Ci the dsy. The fnn which will be handed more 235, Carl Dickson 228, Mildred Choice,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' �� over the footlights ie all now and needs Walker 215, Charlie Bell 186, Attent >lfg,gum, ,�,� •.�. : $5 90 $6 16 _ 1 on no arrow to point the way to the tau he. 5 65 6 75 - s , -^ 'a'' g Brittle . . .............. 4 50 600 -". F - - :-,.�:,, It is bristling with new, novel and ea- Janisr Sewtfon. Marks obtainable, 560. terteining features and is brim full of 011ie Hamilton 493, Stanley Robtnsoa Light " • """""+"' goo, 5 IO laughable situations, charming musical 48O Laurie Duncan 43t, lClaraey R Hardy Feeders- ' 4 50 525 1 Here is the greatest chance of your life to get One of the numbers and excellent Specfaltfso. The 369, Senmegh Nichol 367 Albert Bloom. beet 1000 pounds and up. A deposit Of One Dollar may be � i � very latest,up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats. 0110 is composed of eight high-grade field 864, Elia Dobie 856, Aileen Re the foundation of a Competence --if ` Q We 11aVe JUSt received a shipment Of vaudeville ,tants, they are the hind that wards ... • • . ..... 5 2b 5 50 f _ o} not alone please but have merit all well. nedy 336, Lorne Blackwell 833 Kathleen st11 ockers oholwe 4 75 6 00 you commence now, to place your Comedy 3a all that is aimed at and Wilkinson 308, Catharine Adams 296 Butchery " 3 75 4 50 arVingg in the Bank of Hamilton. �logol Winter Butchers, - nothing el$e is reached bar some vary Joe Saint 281, Sarah Brown 248, Willie PickedNow Fall s e cia els, whi dancing sad thrilling Medium , ... b 10 5 75Small sums, as well as large, are i i a specialties, which will make the audience - DdoNevin 217, Chester Stapleton 146. • • 6 10 5 2b ' 6 9 � - Bit up and take notice. There is plenty PART SECOND. cows.... ' ' '......... 3 60 600 solicited and either accepted without Buila........... Of fun it the production, es only it was Sr, Sbwtion,-Harry Gannett, Alex, Hoge- ' + "" 4 4 76 any unncecessary formality. i built for laughing Purposes only and it a ' ig 90Cerally conceded to be one o! the Tsylor, Agnes Williamson, Alba Gal• Beat.......... .. , , ,. 6 25 Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 1 funniest shows since time bonen, The ' , Madeline Sheep- Owing to having given the order early in the summer brei%h Gordon Oraiokshanke Lights• •..... • ...... 6 90 and upwards, before Y had decided on performance is a musical one, wadded Walker, Gavin Holmes, Lawrence Len- p - Ca the most to, tuneful mnelC ova would nox, George Boyd, Marguerite Date• sn kgl eweR................. WINGHAM BRANCH 4 50 Care to listen to, fate Of gauger and life, Leigh, Madeline Danoan, Willie Currie, Culls. 300 3 60 with not a dullmoment' from start to "" ' '" """ C. P. Smith - Agent.finish, something is going on allthe Eva Rintoul, Johnny Tangher, Lily Sp�S Lambs each5 50 b So Going Calves, each............ out Of time the curtain lain is up. It you want to 3 b0 7 50 Bus! Ellaootl William Pocock, Irene Day, . Ross have o Rood laugh, enjoy the evening Annie Blackhall, John Davidson, and go home whiatlin ha Tom w=NtslaAas azs>gy� REy'e,RTd---..--____.� _�_... .,a. g, happy slid won' Ribh, Shirly Donaldson, Eddie Tangher, You W, this if the pert for yoe where Wingham, NOV. 2n4,1910, The wholesale house would not accept a concilation and You wfl! get full value for your coin. Isabelle Raid, Arthur Sturdy, Victoria Flor r Per 1001bs.. 2 66 i0 S 26 tilt•, the eft doge awl believe in par• Nixon, Fall VPheal ...............'.. sent the goods along, consequently you have ting th0 granter part of fele salary allot- Jr. Sectioh,- Mintle Reid, James Al, 0 82 to 0 85 Waterloo, the second tops to rgpaivb . , the new goods t0 select our Mari% into one Or two apt$ and allowing Bari y . + 0 30 go 0 power from the Hydro�EleOtrio Iline ver G r � � f 0 „ y Suit g len, Charlie Armour, Doris Fst1•, "Laura Pow ' ......... 0 45 •60,048 ceived its first service Monday. e o in Or Overcoat from Wile balance of the performance tC suffer .............. 0 fib to 0 $5 through the employment of cheaper ones EllaoOO, Clifford Robertson, Jeanie Butter dairy 20 to 0 fit Burglars secured about $�i00 ld nosh Which always disgast Cho experienced Ard, Diokie Madigan, Ie•belle Simmons Eggs 1e dolt ..,.. .. 0 25 to 0 .25 and $300 in stamps and regi 0 In lot. GENERAL AGENT phtron, but, he has found that expeadit• George Miginer, Edith Hatt, Edith Kew Wood lmr Cord . , are of money for the purpose of Makin Hay, par loo "2 50to250tiers when they dynamited the sate fn FIRE����g At1an GonId, Downsey Lynent, Rosin + 8 to IO 00 each aw%sad deyail complete pays !wine Potatoes, per bushel, ... 0 80 to 0 $b Essex Posn tj�0e. x,IFffi Oover in the box offlos receipt$. This Williams, Ne1wa Morden, Freddie Lard ,., Pro explains why the sonny South always Piper, Marguerlto Johns, Howard Huff. CRs, per dqt....... 6 8060680 0 %0 020 [�CUTDENT es Live 8 6 8b to 6 $0 Insurance' RAnI unbounded $atfetated The h. man, b'ranliie sparlfng, Jarvis is tor. � VVICAT EF, Suitings in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Blue OlAss "tion ftoert mpanted by a high. c � �EATtiER �w+>a!!� u , and Black, wlaee BoloCcaoerl band and a wnpgrb PART Jr. Richelieu and Dntario ' Serge$, Worsteds, Chevotts, and Vicunas: orchestra. The band Will head the Senior Seotion.-Verna Joynt, :eau Coupled with A REAL EsTATE and 8ocnlawn parade, whibh Will Cake plan• �anrtone, Clayton Zurbtigg, Harold R MONEY LOAI1INa Business. - atnoon, The psio•a o! admission have Mills, David 1i=errib, Sydney Holmbs, Navigation Company A'rrartn olv`>6 Overcoats in Black, Brown, .Green and Striped, Beavers been pleats at 2b, w end 60 sen%e, Res Rtohard Clark, Harriel Williams, H•ian Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Hiltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc. � breed Seals ore now selling an me Res, •--•• This college is, reaegnited as the boa $drug atone, Wilson, Willie Angete, Hart Wild, Kirk+ I great pr.Ctioal training school. of - wood Hnttont Viola Vbrlar, Car. Sleavaers "'Tei,3Nisrto'° .riled Western Ontario. It is the largest Office over M'alcolm's Grooery. Trousering, all Styles and prices, rle Hiageton, Charlie Heade"On, i`$iym,YbiVehr"� as well at the best. Our courses are practical, our teacher$ darts s Dickson, A to llB donkey, .Gitzbty Leave Toronto at S.06 p. mi. daily eye, expeEfettabd ins%ractors, but grada• • Es SMITH Time and space will not permit U Johnston, Aaxoa Brown, Eleanor Ir• obpl sandal up to Sept. 191h, stem succeed. Three departments: � say those Navin seek the price Ilse, sufire it to win, John Hayter, Eddie Hibk• T. , ,ver Monday, thereafter t to g. a goods and. the way y. y, Wednesday, .nit star. t BANKER ` Calvert, def, np to and inotlsdisr Optobbr lots Compile±rclal, hartlitatrtd they are made and trimmed, say it is . �nntar Bbwttan.--i'�tlf:del E1liWett, y,.��•�,y marvellous. Laara8e11, Marie Lpngh•ad, olarenti• �]g�lttl i1jJl Ji��lIJIlL1099 and Telegraphy. w><xaaa►sir, o�tT,rZtt► me and see is tidly. ea< fatln(tylrt�t>t ag Well HiasslifCd, 00reaa holds, Gordon iso• Lekres Toronto at 7,50 jff, nit, t►vety bannor: mbbtt Oa11s for yourself. �Vb have rooter of applipatl600 i►e ass 't 'N►irsib rerrie:d�r, . It Ritohib, Auaib 10641•, Dorothy Pivot, T one bf tYarlgkttott fnn 6061inq $46, has 'tilt: itarcta invi ra aril =needs nattt et i65 and 660 tlek month ante reu>rtltatlnl# ,� welt Robinson, Ciertlb titiaoan, Ifflatib BM, �aeo 4sitltb, . MOutteal and lntez� unffUed. Gist oar free totals b su Varinbri who want money ter buy anti( silrerigtia.t,ray�yic g e;t� t'e10a, Lorne Raridersbn, Olareaoe liar•- Eo. vlery low rates inolad• comtnbnab t t o count et oh til d hOtses, osttle, or hogs to fled torr marltbt f4 t !a ✓surd Iter a s in wititer. inure, C4bfrtle Simmons,Z�orttils rsaird, fug mettle and berth cis this likes, ban have 16 nit t'easodable terms. `Rob Try it is it little Cold built �� wat�,rt ! 1til�i• oorerm, Hel"is Dennis, ,tohh Vail foldete, rates, etc , apply to , A. 1f `` i r� ohsNina or isooatlted for tradesmen, mere Max i Af.L >Slitlo casamors, Fools cook, d•oi1 Cook, Atlee' �i ACR LAN Motif% on farorsbib terms, J PVilltAnri, !l'ltlrbf titl POetlokt 3bttlitiej+ l�. F'odTRH OR�;PFAID, A.Gf.B.A, trr� Tblrtltltb, flat. ,e Olt too ,conal# at the 16*e•t MERCHANT TAILOR. ,�, . raikst 1tpinr. ............... . w