The Wingham Times, 1910-11-03, Page 21.
dPclmal fractions and hence to a deoimal r , lesTAs�T,ieBitD 1a17a
should thee. tic thorotiRhip developed. • .
Ill* The uut step should consist of the [ s �,« [ . i,� �I . l 1 «,moi ii�r'rYN Antunaa-- ubath eervioau At THE �jTINS.
�" chanRinR Rf a fra4tign directly by a Aa a ur and 7 p in. Sunday School at Ii! I'lIIil0101I101r
dividing the numerator by the doxi min r p •�•• '► r� 2:h0 P UX. General }gayer meeting
atortntRadhoimal. Bible ,Si,rudy Qua} se« on woa,tesda ovuniuga. Re N t�1/�NkY THUK$DAY MOI1NIIVCt
mk! fife _AT—
Tho afternoon session opened with the L. 66odyoo, ptv, rur ii Y F 1Jyluuduy dv.u.o4rr,a q p,w W-0 P�tu„ie,
address of the President, Mr. Uharle$ $iltierat Points ifs the FAeSS311 f4V !4Rtslllyy, NOV, 6. XuSupexintondent, ebb Times 911104, Beaver !Hoek
Holland. who, to a neat find thoughtful a'iVeR III :t 8eriitag. pt' i ao4ttesifs b 4VINiiRdM, ONTARIO, tea lilZl�l` wean Holland. Y MxtxsODYe'rOnvlaox.-.-gnbbutha:trvu,ewl
Address. urged the t_aohhrm preaeut to Bev. Dr. JrAilsieott.. at li a m and 7 P.m aurlday Sal,oul at
to .. you flavor or strive to improve the status of the pro 2:00p= Epworth League every Ston. Tignmo Or suAhoar£mION—$1.00 per annum in
i Rd,.latered in aeoacdance with t is Uopyright4',ot, a day evening. General prayer ,,hosting dov%nae, $1,50 it not so paid. No paper Macau•
strength O T fragrant feselotl and to train their pupils so that Onued till all arrears art, paid, except at the
they may bacons good citizens, The The Lagt Supper. Matt, xxvi:t7 30, wrltin; by meulhars or the club. on Wednesday evenings. Rev, 'I ,ption of the publisher,
L.. Rutledge, 0.1) , pastor, F, Buohan• ADwAaITIBINq AMISS. — Legal and other
richness, Red Rose speaker rightly urged his feiiow•tegchere Golden Text --This is my body which is V zrae 21• •DIS J •sus knout that Jadag” an, S.S. Superintendent, p p�
:nsua#advertiseraenisl0o er�Ion arielline for
to give considerable attention to moral given for you, this do to remembrance was going to betray him from passing PRESBYTERIAN daV$as—Sabbath nor- first insertion, so per line for eaoli sabsequant
Tea is blended With z Vice$ At li A m and 7 noortion,
training of me, Luke 22:19, events, or Give your p m." L3urulay AdVeiMseueents to loonl eultunns are charged
I!z<r. Curtis then cave a very Interest, reyKom, School at 2;80 p In. General praiyer .o ets. per line for first inaertion, and 6 canto
such nicety that it is Verse 17—What was the feast of the meeting on Wednesday evenings. tZ v, oar line for each subsequent insertion,
ing to k on "The New Text Book an Passover, and what did it commemorate? V human actions are o3atingent, • and D, POrriet pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, L? S, ,r to Rent and tsimi similar. $i 00 far first farBale
the combincAtion of all Arfthmetio, a discussion on fractions not necessary, how can God know in Superintendent. • Neeks, and 25 cents for each AnhAoquenthin•
beth proper and improper. what purpose does the feast of the adv trice what they are going to be? ST. PAUL'S OIXURoia, 8P1$QOPAI, Sob• 'ertion.
three points of illif=Ylt• We should sabetitnte other work for Passover serve no evidence of Jikbtq V r,e 2'2 23 -WerA (Ile to al cited l -s bath sarvices at 11 a in and 7 p in mates fo she n Insertion . f advertisements
history? y p Sunday School at 2:80pm, Rev. E ,K'� forspeoified the insertion of adpertisamasste
Will you try a Package. too much grinding in Arithmetic Dis• aotaglly tti riuubt, s1, to whither they Urolp B A. Rector ; d, G. Via
Onsaion of the onrrfoalnm of studies. What is the practical benefit of au* were going to bete ty Jasus, and, whether stone S. S Superintendent • T oh E $phlox' 1 x111 a .aro, 81,io. 11,10
We should omit too Much work in reduo• nlveroAriee religious, national and p h. uneooiamu .. - . $70,00 $40.00 .$22.50 $8.00
B r 1,r not, what was their state Of mind? Robinson, assistant Sn erintendent Half Column,..„-_ . 40.00 25.00 15,00 6,10
tion• Reference was made to the frac• Pergonal? Are IIIr1 scale *eta which we may be SAl v trro� �tiAcv—sSOrvio6, at 7 ane 11 QnarterColumn -� . ao.00 12,50 7.50 8.k0
to One inoh .. _,,,, ,_ 5.00 8.o0 2.00 1,1.5
curate measurements in geometry in the Verse IS —Has Jeans the right today. absolutely sure we will never commit, a in and Li and. 8 p m on Sunday, and Advertisements wttbout specific directions
past. We must adopt our mental equip- as in that day, to invite himself sad or should we alwaya stand is doubt of every evening during the week At 8 will be inserted till forbid.and charged accord-
O'clock at the barracks, Ing1J• TranslAut advertisements must be paid
men$ to the present conditions slid friends to any man's hones? Why? oaraelves? Give your reasons. Corin advance,
A "iS OOd teS” needs of the pupils. Was Jesus' "time" for his crucifix. Vdrses 2.4 25—C.1uid Judas have r1,. POST Orrion—Oiitoe hours from 81, m Tim JOB DxPAgT11l1NT IS Oookad with an
to 6:80 p m, Open to box holders from extensive assortment of all requisite$for print-
A Statement was made that if we ion, a neoessary or a contingent event, framed from betraying Josue, and have 7 a In, to 9 p in. P. Fisher, postmaster, ing, affording facilitiesnotnot equalled in the
NEVER SOLD IN SULK could . Adapt ourselves to the decimal t e„ was the evdnt fixed . by Glad or been loyal to him, had he chosen to do PUBLIC LIBRARY --,Library and free °ypeend o turopr aout uts fora stolea�of arse
Your Grocer Will system, it would prove much more would he have preferred that the Jews so? G,ve your ranaone. reading room in the Town Hall, will Ere, Haan ills, oto„ and the latest •air a°sof
Recortslxlerad It gl beaeiioial than the present system, die- had acgeptod, and not rejected Jesus' V ,rees 28 28 -D A Jasna blessing of be open every afternoon from 2 to 1n o y type for ihri finer classes of print
cussed the benefit of different solutions the broad mad wine change its n stare 5:80 O'clock, and every evening from 5 g H. E. iILLIOTT,
• Verse 19—What are the advantages to 9:80 0 olook. Miss Lizzie Attridge H.
B. end Publisher
to same proof,
and it not, whit effect did it hive?
of making proper preparation, in ad. • librarian, f
Mr. Hoag continued his discussion on What was the preoise thought Jesus TowN OOVNOIL•—William Ralmes, -r P KENNBDY, M. D., M,C.P. S. Ory
TO ADVERTISERS the e, for red m ns services, that is of . « Member of the British MedicalAsscoia•
Learning to Read, Effort is aroused by the heart and mind, as well he for the `meant to oonvdy by the words, "this i$ Mavor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; ;ion, Ooia Medallist in Medicine. Special
Ilgtlee of changes must be lett at this luterest. Different devices in learning my node." and �'tnie tem blood?" J. W. ildlgibhou, H, B,Elliott, WlMarc Attention aid to diseases of Women and Child
office not later than Saturday noon. place And the services themselves? y B roe, D; R rbert O. Ri Pen, Office hoi re_i 10 4
the child to read—get the thought ba- VP Int reneone aro there to treiieve that d mond.p. m.: 7 to s p. ra.
The'copy for changes must be left Verse 20— Which time is preferable Ch•)in is G,-aC,ry ami D, H. Mol) Itral+i
not later than Monday evening. hind the symbol. We most make use for the most solemn and im reeaive teens m+int this sacrament, o! the Councillors; John F. GrovA9, CIerk and
Casual advertisements ao4epted ng of the nasnrart instincts and activities of P Lords supper, to bekept up perpetually? Treaearei,. Board meets first Mondai {}R' MAODONALD,
to noon Wednesday of each week. the child, Emphasize oral work to get service, the morning or the "even," What blessed purposes are served by 9-1111719 In each mouth at 8 o'olock.
and why? Centra Street
the store behind the character. keeping up the L rd's supper? Fi1GH 808UOL BOARD,—W, F. Pan
ESTABLISHED 1872 Begin with Blackboard Reading, Tench WOULD IT TEND TO SPIRITUALITY AND Verses 2930-- Wilt there be eaOu and Stone (chairman), Wm, Nicholr0n, J( hr wingham, Ontario,
�Tr p� il��+ CULTIVATE A SPIRIT OF LOVE AND UNITY drinking B Wilson, C, P. Smith, W. J. Howe(n;
�+glI11Ullt� t�1111LSmotion¢ words, nursery rhymes, faire gin heaven and, whether or not. John A MoLean, Frank Bnohataan , AGNEVIi
m , stories, making thein of interest sound IF THE CHILDREN OF GOD wERIC TO SIT what did Jesus mean by these words? Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. OcFei)6 ,
R. B.ELLIOTT.PIrRLISr3)ARANDPROPRISTOp and eight symbols used in Reading, get DOWN AND EAT TOGETHER, AT THEIR Leeson for Sunday, Nov. 13th, 1910. treasurer, Board meets second Mol dei Physician, Sturgeon, sto.
evening in each month.
the child to distinguish sounds, 3ein his ESPERIENCE, oR PRAYER iataETINGs? Worlds Temperance Saaday, Matt. 01100—Macdonald Block, W,MaKlbboa's
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1910 ear and voice, (This question must be answered in xxtv:82 51. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD,—H, E. Dare Oruastore, Night calls �answeredatthe office.,
(chairman), G. O. planners, Alex. Roes,
Thea teach Written Phonies after a JJAQ.G.*IbrarLh, W D Pringle, Wra.Moore,
month, then building sounds to make Arithmetic is one of the good subjeots Sha ie Toting At .Fifty. O G Vaastoua, P. Campbell; Secretary,R' ROBT,0. REDMOND, M. R, O, S. (Eng)
EAST HURON TZACHERS Creasurer John F. Groves; Meet L, H. C. P. London.
syllables. Then systematic Phonic for seat work, but it is not wise to give This Is said of the woman whose blood ince seoon.t Tuesday ------ teaching on a chart, keep record of problems for home work. Geography is rich sad red and whose complexion ul0ath y evening In eaob PHYSICIAN and SURGRON.
Annual Convention Held at Clinton sounds and words taught. Then begin and history are good subjects far seat has the natural healthful glow. You
can restore thy, hhahliful color of the HIGIi 80HOOL TEACiiERs—J.G. Work Office, with Dr. Chisholm,
~--~ the Primer, work. Dismiss your school orderly and skin by using D,. A. W Caas9'a Nerve min, B.A., principal ani mathematical
The 87th annual convention of the One of the most interesting numbers be vigilant every day to see that school Food, beoau•te it aotnalip Corm 1 new. master: J. C. Smith, B. A. olaseioal
East Huron Teachers' Association was on the program wits practical talk on property Is not inia,red and that the rel bloA. The forrn is rounded oat by master; H. A, Purcy, ShceOcMaster; DR, MARGARET c, CALDER
held in Clinton Collegiate Institute On Art, the drawing of trees, by Misr Janet pupils keep their desks neat and tidy, firm, healthy ft eh, wrinkles . dianppear, Kiss M J B bird, B. A., teacher e! Honor graduate of Toronto University
Thursday and Friday. Oct. 20th and Wilson. Atter,a very tree and original end tha glow ut `health reta:as w the English and 310derna; Midi Anderson Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians
Nell MoEsoheru, B. A„ opened the cheeks, fifth teacher and Surgeons.
21st. The, attendance was Iarge and the description of a number of our common afternoon session with an address on Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye,
convention interesting and instructive trees. Rise Wilson rapidly sketched on «PUBLIC SCHOOL TRaOHERB.--Joseph Ear,NoseandThroat. Eyes.thoroughlytested,
P Nature study, Children usually take Stalker, Principal. Miss Brock. 'Masser properly fitted.
GRANDAMS OF LONG AGO. MiseRe Oe'r1cr1—With Dr. Kennedy.
throughout. After the President, Mr. the blackboard, with colored crayons, a
greater interest in animals than in ynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mist ' ixice Sours -8 to 6, 7 to 8 p.m.
C. Holland, had conducted devotional Maple tree with all the glorious tints of plants. The child is free to study Na- Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miae
exercises, the following committees were autumn and for thr cleverness and tare without the reatraints of the $obool- 3 ~~ J
Hawkins. VANSTONH,
appointed:— bean$ of her work received the heart fClioa a Rsaard Herald. BOARD otr $RACY$ _. Wm, Holmes
Programme—Mr. Joynt and Misses y y room for the first five or six years of its Ah, where are the grandame I used to (chairman), Samuel B9nnett, Wm. ft 9
g applause of the convention. Miss WiL• life and in that time it masters a great know Fassalm Alex, Porter, John F. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTO
Roadhouse and Stevens. son further delighted the teachers Pres- deal as was well pointed out by the In the halcyon days of loo ago? Groves. Secretary; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
Resolutions— Messrs.. Stalker Cnrtis P g g g Medical health Oolong rate of interest, mortgNes, town and farm
+ ant by her drawings o! Elm, Poplar, speaker, Children shoatd be enooarag- With their smiling Estee in snowy caps, property bought and sold•
and Mies Reynolds. Apple and Beech trees. ad to have pets. Such children will be With their soft, "warm arms and caps• Office, Beaver Block, Wiagham
Reporters—Messrs. Hartley and Big -cions tape,'
gins, THURSDAY EVENING kind mod considerate and free from That were havens from childish, woes
crimes. Animals should be studied in and fears, A. MORTON,
Nomiusting—Inspector Robb, Messrs, The teachers of Clinton gave as "At fT.
„ such order as follows: Man, bear, cow, Where we told out our griefs and drop.
Treleaven, Curtis, Stalker, and Misses Homo h the tenHall of the Amsooia- ped our there? EMPLOYMENT �� � BARRISTER, Ao,
Harding and Conrtice, tion in the Town Hall tit which a most deer, sheep, PLR, bores, bird, fish. The Ah, whore aro the grandams • I `need to
speaker gave directions as to the study to know, Wissgham, out.
Inspector Robb thea made nems ean-xt enjoyable evening was spent. of birds and of the fox. In the study of The dear old grandams of long ago?
is in regard to new text The Clinton J. 11. Orchestra furnished suit- Botany children should be taught to for a reliable Load S ilesmau repro. E• L, DroxrxsoN Durmur• Homms
books, after which Mr, J. P. Hong, B. A,, able mesio and J. 1'. Hoag B. A„ gnus Ah, where are the grandame who used esntin
addressed the convention on "Learningan excellent addresron "The EdaOation plant seed and observe their growth; so to sit is g
study the shape and arran went of DICKINSON & HOLMES
to Read," after afew introductory re• of Today sad the Nation Dt To- P g Bx the evening Are ani e�temoly knit, Canada's Oldest and Greatest
marks the bpeaker maid that language is " leaves. The speaker recommended the Whiles they told us tales of goblin and „ BARRISTERS, SOLIoiTORS, Etc,
morrow, attar which refreshments following books on Nature Study; Stone p Nurseries MONXT To L01r(,
used to convey thoughts to others. It were served to all.present. Till. we shivered and shook from very
fa important n1, a means of social inter. and Cram, Cromatook and Bailey. fright? is Wiagham and adjoining country, OFFI4DX: Meyer Block, Wiagham.
FRIDAY. -J, P. Hoag, B. A . then gave his final The grandame with pookets deep and
course. To read is to get thought from After
devotional exercises by the address whish was On Reading as an mud. wide, You will. find there is a, good demand
printed symbols, and the attitude of the for nursery Stook on account of the ARTHUR J- IRWIN, D. D, S., L. D. S.
atosetnr the financial report ahowin a In order to read well we meet have. the where all aorta of goodies could snugly .
mind of the pupil should be, what does y P g hide? high their
f a that growers have realized
balance of $71.08 was read and adopted. thought and in order to have the thought Ah on their fruit this seat 1n. Doctor of Dental and Licentiate
of the of the that mean rather than how does it ,where are the grandams I need to Oar salesmen are turning In big Dental College and Lions at t the Ro_y1,1
The nominating committee then re- we mast form the images the thoughts know, g busi- College of Dental Surgeons of Ontsrlo. Office
Bound. The important thing is not the , Hees to as this year. Be one of them is Macdonald Bloch, Winghani,
ported as follows: convey. Gat the thought hold the thought The dear old grandame of long ago• and earn office closed every Wednesda
symbol not the sound but the thought. geed wages through the winter frown May Ist to Cot, lot. y afternoon
The foundation stone of makingPresident,—Mr. Andrew Scott. in mind while trying to give it to months.
goad We have grandams today (yet I speak Territory reserved. PA
int vice prem..—Mr. J. H, Joynt. your hearers. A thought can be got by y week!
readers in a short time fs interesting. with regrets) Y
2nd vice pees.,•—Mise Dora Smith, silent reading quicker than by hearing it Who are lenders of clubs and of social h'ree Write mple outfit, eco.
Proper images are neoessary to seers• Write for particulars. W J• PRICE, B. S. A,, L. D. S., b, D. S.
Executive Committee.--Mirees Mokay spoken therefore the reader should not sets;
oisto the thought. Teaohing should No longer the Licentiate of the Rona! college of Dental
grid Wilson, and Messrs. Holman Hot• read as hecau. Pay attention to rhetor• g y bit by the fireside bright 8T0YL � WELLINGTON surgeons of Ontario, and ( 011690to of ental
their from
from the whole to the Part and Weaving oat yarns far the childrea'e varsity of Toronto.
their from the parts back to the thole, land and Beatty. seal panmee. Get your poor read • delight. Foothill Nurseries OfAce : 'Beaver Block
In the phonic method, have the child Seo,-Treas.,—Mr. Jnn. Hartley. er to have confidence is himself. Imit• They are off to the.plasform, to pony In ECSONToF, CANADA. from stay 1st to oat (850) • OMee closed everys Wednesday afternoon
learn the sounds from words, and theft Auditors.—Messrs. W. D. Fair and 0. ation is valuable in reading. The tesoh- the ear
E. Dowding, or should read to the pupils, This add. Of the public the things that they think
build now wards from the sounds. The it should hear,
speaker commanded the Primer for Mr, Naylor gave an address on "The ress like all others delivered by Mr. Hong Beribboned, befeathered, bejeweled they � /� `
having In it nursery rhymes which in. New Teacher." The teacher should wag full of valuable suggestions to the go. FARMERS
�iVI RS ��� iham Ge�ieral Hospital
guard agitinat becoming rusty, make teacher, (Under Government ins
teres, the Stalker
tle. frequent use Of what you have learned, Ali gone from our midst, with their inspection)
q The resolution committee than report- ' and anyone having live stook or other
Mr, Stalker then gave a Per -v interpbt• quaint, sweet grade, articles they wish to disease of, should adver.
ing talk on "An Introductory Lesson o1, strive to make interest the Ponta of your ed as follows: Are the snowy cap and the kindly faoe; rise the same for sale in the Timms. Our large Pleasantly situated. Beautifully
Decimals." A teacher should start by teaching. The speaker emphasized the Resolved.—(I) That a hearty rote Of Gone is the firelight; aroand the wide circulationdelland ,imerll estrange
ti n ge indeed
i if n fully fur.
imp ortauoe of imparting to the child the hearth > g nfehed. Qpen to all regularly licensed
getting the pupils to understand the thanks be given to the Collegiatelast No longer flashes the household mirth; for thye n t Cie sl sbecause n it I Way th. g ade physicians, R&THS Fos PATIENTS--
raising of numbers to different powers, power to read air early as possible, the use Board for their courtesy in granting We have better things note in this glori• Your advertisement to the Tntss and try this (which include board and nursing), $3,50
The pupils should then be ted to see child appreciates securing increased the use of the Assembly Hall for our one day stables disposine at Your stook,.and other to $15.00 per week necordtng to location
the difference between vulgar and deoi• power to Co. Mr. Naylor's address was meetings. Of wondrous inventions, the wise ones addreee . For further information,
listened to with great interest and pro. e6y,, Dirsa3 L. 11SATT$Ew$,
mol fractious. (It) That a vote of thanks be tendered Bat, with all dor improvements, stilt
The changing Of vulgar fractions to fit' the Clinton staff for their hospital(ty and would I know, OUTSIDE SupOrintandent,
J. P. Hoag, 13. A„ gave his address oil entertainment Oh, where are the grandams of long Box 223, Windham out
"Reading as a meant." 'T6aoliarb ago?
b should be interebted very muoh In silent (IV) That the secretary 0 Instructed IT,o our ADVERTISING
�� �` ' `
$ to express to the Blyth W. C. T, T7. our ! RAILWAY TIVB xABb>fS
, �' �� ` o'� reading, begeaare nine -tenths of our entire sympathy with all efforts to pro- --a--
lawLeading is of that kind. We should Orders tar the insertion of advertisements GRAND
Ahe rimeart have mllent reading and then oral Com• mote social welfare, but we believe i such as teachers wahted, business chances,
ti thus Hygiene is mneil better taught thbn Suffered For Years From Pal mbohenios wanted, articles for sale, or in fact London TRAINS.....L]IAvi ten
... e.86 a.m.. 8.
i tInderful buret brought ekbout by CSR, theft oW Written
well 1,e Fending aloud and It would be as an examination trab'$ot. Ynykind of anadVt.i= ahyOf the Toronto or Taroat6&Rastil.os%.m.. il,46a,m.,� 2,4opazt,
A. W. CHASE'S NERVE i:o50D then written abmpdettieu. To read 7 other
kvrillreceive pfroamtipthAatention 13 tnisardina..Ii,601,.m.:, J.eB p•ni__ 0.15 pita..
7t Is obly by wateldu the s rrI toms menus to ]edunoil from boons and to (V) That th6 rbquelt of the Pnblitr (ice Back and Headache. and wilt sale people the trouble of ramitting gin a aRRl)a iron
g y p School Department of the O. R. A. for for slid forwarding advertisements. Lowest o rdias _x,46 a.m..II.00 a.tdi- ., 1.40 p,in
cit nervong exhaustionapplying` choose or sift the thought of what P rates will be quoted oil aT Mtbation. Leave London......,.......„ 11.64 a,zt,__ 7.86 ,m,
and you 2 00 to asmtat to carr Bain m the back is one of the first Gigns r eendJour no work of this kind n. the Nlmeroton,... ..... w p
regforilt%va treatment that you can ever road. Silent reading should alivaps ping on its work be showing that the kidneys are not in the ' Toroxltb.9t Eatt ......... 2.08 p,m., w 'p, 24 ,1,:i
hnpO to wfttd Off' 1000motair ataxia, and precede oral residing. Thera fr Sino!• granted, condition they should be, and it ebotild TIIR[i:� bFC1(b1G. aVirrsiltim o'' LkA011', Agent, Wiagham.
paralysis, be attended to immediately fort it ne-
Mrs. F1, 1. 'Vanderbnrgh, of Eastern pliae to silent reading. Children should (VI) That the thanks of ther Atsoolat• glected, serious kidney troubles are like! 7
Welland Ave., St. Catherines, Out., be trained to use reference books, as• ton be tendered Mr, Hong for his very to f4ow, There is no, way of getting
states:•--11'ror tweuty.oue years I was peglait the dictionary. in this address hbi inti Papers; bearia as this did dir• rid of the Backache except thtou h theCANADIAN RAINStLy TAIL4vxY.
p P g . ' kidnn s and no medicine so effective for Eb VEAR8 4et1 roc
bsely Afflicted with heart trouble, nervi- Mr. 1 phos kava manjf nmbtut mortar!• eptly upon Publtoandol trOtk. y + tr Teas ntn rand 8aet. .. 0:82 a,ra....
this ur . as Doan s Xrdne Pills, X0011ENC6 eVra er ...+...,,,,,,. 1.10 P-01 ,..10,17 p.m.
oitsiiess an(1 eranaps lit the limbs, also P pose yy y aRnivri trrtox
twitalizng cif filo xtiarves ai;(1 nervous tions As to lloti► to conduct reading lel+ = ]Hiss Ida J, Dorian, 28 Spnli St.; Teeewases.,.,-.
Charlottetown P.E.I.t writes!—" !,sive ."•'. e.�a.>tt...., e,18
l,edefaehas, I lraearne tcahllr (]el,ilitntad sons' In an tateta8ttnp( +w1,)►, � Toronto r,adilset
Croup is most preval6at daring the received most wonderful benefit front � J. H,BREMBR, Ageat,Whi ham .1,'n,
s ,
does ing an ate+T. s "I t(10 worseott
tuna disk A daprttAtian from the VW40 rig. - dry cold weather of the early winter taking Doan's Kidney pills.
tressitig and I was inadO worse throngs ChrtetiAn Tsmpbrlaoe b'nio11 w.s rig. -
worry gild lass of sleep. ' monthil. Parents of young children "I Antlered for yesra from headaches
"I tried a hundred rtintedics in 'raid. calved by the oeaveioti6a mind presented should be prepared. for It. All: that is and pain in the baelr, send ;C gneultCd
After halving used hili£ a dozen boxes A relointion lie regard 10 the terdhiog of needed h a bottle of 0hamberlaid's doctors And took every remedy, obtain, - .
Cough Remedy. !tan mothers �sre able but without an l %Att il►r466 is
pf Ili. Ghaae s Nerve � sad my old. iron.'Tempbranbb, This resolntton !i►xlt re+ a their taking � y relief until I begat! OtlatcNrs l
aver wfthout to in their homes And .11 kin Doan's Ridsk Pills.. This we* im ttialtiris
ble had entirely vanrsliod, and I Sivas tarred to the itemdluttan ednithftteb, - A �� I T S
rnjoying better health than I had sloes " has ne*er dt"006lated theta. Bold MY the Only medicine that ever did ire anyAntonbserldtaklaAlebtshsnddeseri t5ftMal
,,.. )Aril Audrb* 9d0tt 611611 (,ria $tit .,id. all dealers. real !f Oil ckrt' Aeoerteta �ar opinion w> bteer as
� ..1 ( l "iIi$oli
ilihaod, ( I r a{te# rain several bOZ+e$ invent on isproAa ty a n ommuntoa•
b Silos on*'it QAr's'Vilbtltiil�ilt &7dli06111�r 1 stn flow entfraly Fred from x11 my dread» iw°nn'tf`re.`O�'o3a00osti°enn�"i°f caeatents �� � t,�. �
Bush 416 eb bs t]rD Ilro�. the Clistser+ Bolos meetings Are arrangbd on the cul ht:adaehes gild bilcksch�ee. quem taken agerou be aaogeccrm u, A VERTLtoj„
fol' eflla9ien4y of Dr. A. W. Chasms sakbr advissd feadhsrs to be itt 11I will oliva s $tic m IV" t ken tents I!n A ea.ivs
r The rip y a mbrid your tnedn ► '
*]sive Food, It cured, in Stature rs way !Shoot fist half prl6 6tgllt, at Iliad Wotook thaotty thrt uitlety, i6ver oomplin jr, ;,,
1 �' Of my friends t►ho are troubled 11ft mq
by enriehing the b104d Brad for this res- the pupltl 1Llebiild lib ltn6d np and ncisiroll. Rt* potato grrtad avid applieit to A ac
R iib bekler al6d to tbitt !slat, .in drdet' to k66 -the turn will tit Pl1cb 666 pet boat, or g boxes tot St.26 a«1,e o�'+ma`rrZL sect at>w:06 I
rt � !shim$ 15beeteb r bat 1,]1 dealerrt, ,, ,, � g b illuldrt lnrtAllt 1{efts#. .. a�� .rordealers ter rakiled direct by This.trorl"t seet4'""ti ►yor Edniansdn, Imam ,k Cd., �dltdato. ,'001 bike'*bo opottitai r tirgid iliiteaoli• Anothba Hood retdedy fs bttttirr rind thimislliibdrn C`o. in6Ft tti kJ%ff tltihf6•itibli#olC,eM411 C1Qirrl, brtk;pgltbda, , IA itkd, Toronto, Ont.aW hen ordcritil direet t pcCify"Doan10.itrisyr i 4wit► s
r et. wr riisKeo� ,
Instructions For Growing of Vsgotabts
For Uso curing Orson Stats.
These cultural 1pstructious pertaiu tot
the growing of Pesos for use durblg
the green state or for sump shorts, 413
It is generally known, says the Iowa
It Is an old allying that laud which
will not grow any other crop may be
plauted to beans, However, this Js a
great mistake, kor in order to grow a
good crop of beaus the soll trust be
fairly rich or you will have a poor
crop. Beans will come into bearing
Qat'ller on flght, sandy soil, but larger
crofts and pods of better quality Ctin
be grown on hanvier soils, only they
will bt. it little Inter in coming into
bearhig. This point should be given
consideration when planting for mar-
ket, as the early crops d1ways bring
the best prices.
Beans are very tender and shwiid
not be planted until the ground is
quite warm or tiie seed inay decay tit
the ground. Planting should be done
about the time corn is planted Or a lit-
ittle Inter for main crop,
Plant in rows eighteen inches apart,
having the seed in drills every four
Inches or in hills about one foot apart
In the rows, Cover the seed about two
Inches deep. The writer prefers plant..
ing in hills, as they are easier to boo
and keep clean from weeds, As soon
as the plants are up commence to stir
the soil, and give frequent but shal-
low eultivadous until the blossoms up -
pear. After that till cultivation should
cease, ns'the blossoms are very easily
knocked off, and of course this would
greatly dlininish the crop of pods.
Do riot work among your beans
when they are wet from rain or dew
If the soil Is so dry that dust rises, as
that would cause the leaves to rust,
which often rules the crop. For it
constant supply of fresh, tender pods
make successional plantings until the
middle of July.
Beeping all pods picked while young
and tender will greatly prolong the
bearing season, Great Improvemenw
have been made in beans during re-
cent years, and varieties have been
produced which are absolutely free
from strings and tough fiber, At -
though seed of these improved varIL-
ties costs more than the common sorts,
you will be well repaid in the finvr
quality of the pods produced.
Effective at Same Time Against Plant
Diseases and Injurious Insects.
Fruit'irowers are desirous of uging
one spray that will be effective against
both plant diseases and Injurious in
sects so that all can be dealt with at
the same time. The department of en-
tomology of the University of Kansas,
therefore, recommends the following:
Lime, six pounds; sulphur, four pounds,
Boll together in a kettle of water for
an hour, Strain this Into a barrel of
water and add two pounds of ar•eenalte
of lead,
It should be applied now to peaches
to control the rot and to apple trees
to prevent wormy apples and to secure
smooth, symmetrical fruit Instead of
fruit disfigured by the scab. This i9
also an excellent spray against insects
which affect the potato, For fruit
trees' begin spraying as the blossoms
fall• then once each month until fruit
iras begun to ripen.
Bee Feeding Device.
When extensive feeding becomes
necessary in the apiary the device
shown herewith will be found very
useful. It consists of a paraffin coat -
[From the Ameriean Agriculturist.]
ed box with it perforated wooden float
almost as large its tile in�Ode dimen-
sion,% of the box, which in use is set
in a super. For convenience in han-
dling the feeder should be about tw0v
inches shorter in front, one-half inch
tit the back and three-quarters Inch ac
each side than the super's inside meas-
urements, and the front should be
partly cut away, as shown. In UAO thio
super maty be setbelow the brood
chamber with, say, twenty or twerity.
five pounds of sirup In the feeder.
This amount will be taken up by s
strong colony In about two days. It,
f9 essential that paraffin be used free.*
ly around the crack to prevent leaking,
—American Agriculturist
pertilmers f=ar Watermelons.
Where atAble nlnnurG i5 not avail.
able for wat¢,rroolon growlog tW
Gteorgia eliperptuebt ettitl6fl tecons-
mends the following mixtilre of corn. "
Iaeeeial i`erti Mt: Nittate of soda, 400
)bUudB, I11911 grade add pho phaM,
W pounds, Mtirlate or suipblito 49
itotash, tot) pomido. Tfilti should bs
nllted and applied 'at the • fate of 7110
hounds alaa upward per 'stem il►b!'
titer molond it tnuttwe�of X704 iiot►t N
It Cottoiaseei 'lbemiY,` O0 paiitilals at bho
made, raid phoopbAte atm Vi0 potatmisr
at k`fdfilt rtoris _WAy iffy toffs&
tatotsethia !Beed Bern i=r�arn Cteww
Add it tl blairpotinfol r>f' +ehlot3di st
Imo 't4 it 60helled Mora„ Wbtiiltf'
f *e1L it is * ♦eo *heap tAud iii o
why, 411d this OW, tl Trot* l#gt;ab1tbW
�S hatidl+'k.tttail "rrhein ,!stNittd 004th
41lter the *Aft �ttaottwti'w�►tltlt>tt, -