HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-13, Page 7�i
.here now.,, Alerrihew drew out a coin
"Call It," he cried recklessly.
The coin Flickered In the light, fell
and proved that all money Is perverse
by roiling under the Clavenport ulit,a,
'Which they were sitting. An amusing;
bunt followed. They ran their hands
over the floor, turned the rug, pulled
-out the davenport and looked behind,
burned innumerable matches and final,
ly rang for the attendant. The situa-
tion was explained, and he procured a
candle. Ile was ultimately successful..
"Here it is, sir."
"What Is It, head or tail'?" asked
'Merribew (Weakly.
"Head, sir," said the attendant.
"Iaeep it," said Merrihew generous-
ly, even sndly. He never got up a
.,game of chance that he did not get the
'worst of It. And now, Italyl All that
way from home! "Boy, bring up a bot
Ile of 196."
"And the lady In the mask?" asked
'Merrihew as they at length stood up.
"I must relegate her to the fog she
,tame out of. But it would be a fright=
iful thing !f—If"-- He hesitated to form
the words.
But Merrihew bad no such scruple.
"If the silver and plate were missing
;when the Sandfords return?"
"Oh, bosh! It's all some joke, and
I'm the butt of it. She was in that
house by the same authority she rode
the horse."
"A woman of that sort would have
Mo difficulty in hoodwinking the stable.
,Inen," declared Merrihew.
"By the way," he continued, "receiv-
Qd a postal from Kitty this morning
Srom Gibraltar. Fine trip. Visited the
;gun galleries and the antique furniture
shops. Says no sign of prima donna
as yet, but believes her to be on board.
'O'Mally's on the water wagon. But
Witty aggravates me."
"What has she done now, refused
you by marconigraph?"
"No, but she promised me her ad-
' AtrCS9:'
"Address her care Cook's, Florence,.
''Rome, Venice. It's the popular mail
4 box of Europe, and if she has given
them the address they will forward."
"That helps considerably. I'm glad
there's one Cook which can be relled
"In the morning rii arrange for pas.
cage. We'll try the Celtic."
'Tll leave the business end of the
.trip to you."
"The first Saturday in March, then,
it we Can get booking. That will be in
Jess than two weeks."
In the lobby of the club as they
were about to enter the coat room Hil.
!'lard ran into one of several gentlemen
"Pardon me," he said, stepping aside,
"Non importal" said the stranger,
with a graceful wave of the bands.
Hillard looked quickly into the gen.
ilieman's face. "I am Clumsy," he said
In Italian.
Then the other stared at him and
nmited, For a moment there was a
brief tableau, to which each took the
:other's measure and noted the color of
the eyes. 'The man was an exceedingly
handsome Italian, for all that a scar
ran from his check to his chin. It was
,all over to a moment, and Hillard and
Morrihew proceeded to the street,
"HandsomeAlifl'er;''vas Merriheves
.comment. "But you never cap tell a
man by his looks. Gaze on me, for in.
"Go home!" Hillard slapped him
yovially on the shoulder.
"Homel Ah, yell But shall I have
A home to go to when I get back?
►'Kon have roped me to nicely. lid
poor itttle tWentyflve hundreds But
>Swiss,Champagne at $1,4o the quartl
it ell, Ci*ery Cloud has its lining."
-As Hillard never received any an.
•sorer to his personal, he ollwoutinued
1t. Truly, she had returned tdr the tog
but of which She had come. But It
,rias no less difficult for him to take up
iRho'daily ad'aies Ogttinr Virhttt:�+tlEety
Yelled het? Whither had Jhe go>be?
Olovatint was delighted when he
Beard tiler news. He would go, tad?,
,gad tact as Yalet to the signor and hitt
#?lend till they put out for ltotne.
-When, of +course•, he would be obligati to
rt've 'them. 000wolhiny uWard
"Would reason with him tegordinAr his
144dly Vrojedte. gut when a Lath
12etlartut that its has seers throush
#ileod, persaasions, Argata tit8, e64
.**Atlee, tttrertsf do not prtev'alL 110
3"Inforted himwt aith the apinioa
iifiOwaver, that 410*AW0,10 hunt would
, webs to to suf soful e
a'�`ettt/titlilrl ettre% loll 'llitCl .ilr►8 it'Iidt!t�1►
' "Vftt; Odd *11ttr tomes tr'Ue. Idol
�y thl# funis they, ails here two
$at UP, It bail fie(n addressed to hurches and museuaa ati sufltE' "'Gqp - .�.
c your own way," 0014 11111ard, ,
1 the li0nso wild tU," arldr4'ss ty peivrittcu, onough, but MerriAew wanted Kitty, disunjgsiu� him, "I shall diener urge
l.uoit ill This"` hr� cried, Isilllgrew above ali the treasures o$ you again!'
G ,e
d r
i o. Van r �
d a.l it earth. s h
gasped, is io
. h ee Q
p f vu 1
t un ori 1
None, ani 1
, lard e u
>r a
oda a
ng ownthe last
Hillard tYaS b01(lill ll C Cara ClAIO h f to the Via � the CAg $ unuunnnniuuiuuuniuiUuuuuluVimm�ulowmnnu;a•�
1; p for his in• c .., with the full ewes of the elneut, The sun was brlghttbis
0oec#lona Crumpled black silk mask, magnl$ceRaG bII rat theirned tee p Iderr% 'morning, and the air was deur: He
p y tr could 13eo Naples distinctly, Below,
••-- beW'0 4194ppointment softened some. the fishermen and their wives,, their
CHAPTOR +trill, what, It was the fashtonable hour.. baro feet plowing in ilia wet sands,
The I baaziwAl piaYlDg near by irx the were 4lrawing in the nets, swaying , f Y,A7C Infants and C�IaFrBII.
Wdid r t<i(CttitlRgw Ilq iND,. AM0404ns were ev. .Heir bodies gracefully,
HIS great ship bad passed the isle erywhero, oUecAsioaali a stray grin. And tbeA Merrihew burst in upon.
Tof Ischia, and now the bay of cess or countess flashed by inert land him wildly excited And flourished the
Naples unfolded alt ifs variant =
listless against Fite CuSlliAng acid inva- hotel register, The t Your Have
beauties. Both Ile and Merrl+ i ,. ,
hew wore foremost In riably Overdressed. And when men ac- Look at this!" he cried breathless- Always
tho press comp agied them the men (if they were 1y: Fie dung the book on the table an4 —' „ "" "� Bought
against the forward rail. To the Iat-.
J, Iolled back oven more list. pointed with shaking finger, ,Wege6bleYreparationforhs.
�• l- Ma' Sk ter"0 impressionable mind it w ilk '
r J`
return with me when I come back to
the baskets of fruit and flowers, mes- ( landed at the custom house at ei er
as a
a dream -.yonder, the temples and
less. And beggars of all sorts- de-
seriptlons besiegedthe "very great
Flillard came forward, and this. is
what lie saw;
511111iaiin ttle> oodandRe ala -
Z. ]By
baths of Nero of the golden house;
thither, a glares of the 'I"i.
Thomas 019411Y
rihevv. It was from the consul at
home, a reply to Hillard's Inquiries
berius; beyond Pom a with GIau
' , p ll,
The were near! a week in Naples.
They They
t e gall ries the mus um •
Jafies Swokth mith
La Sig orina
La Signorina CapriGclgea.
{ Auj',
den was white and pink with roses
clic, and Nydia, the blind lrl,
and churches' the saw underground
r y g
Kitty 1s.ltltgrew
The dream, picture laded, and the re-
ality was no less fascinating the
Maples; they, made the weary and use-
Am. Comic opera Co., .N, Y.
�f0in0Yc$�i.e Che
t sawn, . erfut-
ascent of Vesuvius, and Merriliew
has been herein
nessandRest•Contains neither
white sails of the fishermen winging
across tide sAPPhlre
added a new smell to his collection
if true, But I wonder".•••
Q luln,MorpWtle fiorlTM'.ci�di•
confess regularly once a week,
waters, leaving
ribboned Pathways behind; proud
every hour. Pompeii by moonlight;
however, was North a thosan4 ordl•
about what?" asked Merril.
iWsight, 1908. by the Dobbs,
white pleasure yachts, great vessels
from all ports In the world, and an oc-
nary dreams, and Merrihew, who had
abundant imagination, but no art with
"Who La Signorina Caprlcciesa is.
Whimsical, indeed, Slee must be the
V ...
ihr peofGldlrS.11�G'FLI;'�
Merrill Co.
casional battleship, drab and stealthy,
which to express It, happily or unhap.
mysterlous prima donna."
%1,NpF,ie .frad-
,64,400 6
and the hundred pink and white vii-
pily, saw Lytton's story unfold in All
Hillard studied tine easy flowing
h Sot&-
Wild Strawber �'
Iages, the jade and amethyst of the
Its romantic splendor.
hand and ran his fingers through his
"But your Haat► might be dead."
islands, the ruintlll temples, the grim
They lingered at Amalfi three days
bair thoughtfully.
"$e is not dead. If he were some -!ant
g ash, heap of Vesuvius,
and dreamed away the hours under
"what is !t?"" asked Aterrew curt-
thing weuid tell me:"
"See that village on the elms to,
the white pergola. Merrihew, was
/nii�rrd rupar
"It Is a bad business, and I wish you
ward the south?" asked Hillard.
loath to leave, but Hillard was for go.
"1 am wondering where I have seen
no luck."
Tbat s Sorrento, where I was born.
!ng on to Sorrento, for which bis heart
that- handwriting before;'
Aperfect Remedy forConsfipa-
Giovanni smiled easily. Wishes gel.
Shl Look at Glovannilts
was always longing.
Another fortnight found the pair
tion, Sour Slomactl,Diarrhoea,
dom interfere with any one.
Merrihew looked at the old Roman.
A spring rain fell as they tools the
back in Naples after spending a week
"I will double your wages," said Ilii.
Tears were running down his Chocks,
incline, and It followed them over the
on Capri, At the hotel they found a
ness andLos s Ur SLEEP.
lard, "if you will go where Io and
and his gaze strove to pierce the dis-
mountains and down into Sorrento.
batch of mail. There was a letter
r J`
return with me when I come back to
the baskets of fruit and flowers, mes- ( landed at the custom house at ei er
trance to the faroir Sabine hills. Italyl
They finally.drew up In the courtyard
which field particular interest to Mer-
IacSimile Signature of
A deprecating movement. "Money2
Hillard leaned over and touched hila
on the arm, and he started:
of the gotel de la Slrena, and the
long ride was at an end. The little Sar.
rihevv. It was from the consul at
home, a reply to Hillard's Inquiries
Wild Strawberry' m
hew finally observed, "so many dirty
ones," he added. "Ilerod would have
had his work Cut out for film bete.
Thirty Years
It is nothing. I am rich after my
care, Giovanni"
den was white and pink with roses
regarding the American Comic Opera
Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy,
Pardonl I am weak this day, but
and camellias, and the tubbed manda.
specks before the eyes with dant circles uinler them,
=back, kldneys irritable, palpitation of the heart,
At the bookshop In the plazza they
found the home and 1• lorence papers:
" „
fire you still in the Lhnrch?
tomorrow I !*hall be strop Seven
ries were heavy with fruit.
"WWII now find out where your
Hillard went through them thorough-
pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy
andstrennth,tired mornings, restless bights, change.
confess regularly once a week,
Years! Have you Hat Ionged for it
this is March; said Merrlhew
� ,
charming hitt is, Hillard said
y ,
stop it,
relative to the dotagg of the Amerlean
Oh, I am. a good Catholic!'
yourself? Has not your heart gone out
his thought traveling back to his own
breaking the seal.
The sueeessfuI inion arta women gra
Brace up, Din, Who knows? Hitty
y be on the high sen�that Is, ti
aot know of Dr. tow'ler'e Extract of
"Take yourself oil. I Am displeased
many times across the seas to those
bleak country, where winter Is so long
But they didn't• On the contrary,
Wild Strawber �'
—keen and aotive but with too little
she has taken my- advice and got a
return ticket. I'll a dinner at
with you."
cliffs?" pointing to Sorrento.
and summer is so shout
the writer hadn't the slightest idea
= and ire will tell you whether you are eumble or not.
Eight years old, but I owe it to Dr,
„ , ,
Nothing, These parts are two
* + s • • e"Many
times, Giovanni. But remem.
'Their rooms were on the northeast
where the play actors were or had
� - . .,
weeks old,
It was a drizzling, foggy. morning
and control yourself. Presently
corner, on the first floor, and from the
gone. They had opened a two weeks'
the Via CAraee£olo. It will take §01110
of the dlias" intment out of our
the cart ri came on board.
windows they could took down upon
engagement at the Teatro Quirino.
� ?tato."
when they drove down to the boat•
you will see that
see oar luggage goes
the marina plecola and the tideless
There bad been a good house on the
But the atmospheric ei%ets made no
promptly to the Bristol once we aro
sea, a sheer 150 feet below, Every.
body welcomed the Signor
opening night. The remainder of the
b g
week did tot show the
p , . „, ,.,,,, ,, ,, I ,�,, ,,,; ,,,� 14
on the volatile Merrihew.
through the customs."
sale of a hun.
Via CaraCclolo twice when they esplcti
And he had an eye for all things, from
"Trust me, signor."
The hotel was his and everything and
everybodyin It,
dred tickets. The American manager
had shown n 'th f
a gage automobile, ultramarine blue.
oresi,, iL. nor com-
sengers with late orders from the 2 in the afternoon and passed without Later, when they were alone, Hillard mon sense, and his backer withdrew
stores, repeated farewells, to the any difficulty. began to explain. his support. The percentage demand
squalling babies lathe steerage. Iiillard obtained rooms pleasantly "They remember my father. He used ed by the managers in Florence, Genoa, Aor AW
At 4 o'clock they were on the high situated looking out upon the spar- to live Iike a prince In Sorrento. Ev. Milan and Venice was so exorbi.
Mao, heading for the Azores. Hillard Wing bay. Giovanni began at once to ery time I come here I do the best I tant (although they had agreed to a
was dreaming, and Merrihew was stu- unpack the trunks, happy enough to can to keep the luster to his name, moderate term in the beginning) that Is a General Nuisance, and Cause; Sickness,
Iioasly employed over a booklet on have something to occupy him till aft- Tomorrow I shall point out to you the It would have been nothing short of but it Can be Avoided b
tow to speak Italian in one day, Gia er dark. when he determined to veu- villa In which I was born. A Russian foolhardiness to try to fill the book- y Using
rannl, who had been arranging the ture forth. The dreaded carabinieri princess owns it now,,, ings. The singing of the prima donna,
luggage, came up on deck. He had had paid him not the slightest atten- $'A real live princess!" said Merri.
iwo packets of letters and telegrams. tion. So far be was as safe as though hew. "Is she beautiful?" US TBA NE
Use he gave to Merrihew and the ha were in New York. "Once upon a time." returned Hil.
other to his master. It was Set so early in the day that lard, laughing. i '"' a,l . „t, ,,s .',.u•.rl 1.1.,•I„A,,r•
Hillatd found among his a bulky en. the two young men sallied forth in Giovanni did not return till late that
velope postmarked Naples. Naplesl quest of light adventure. Besides, night, and on the morrow Hillard ons Weeping day. ``Dustbane," moreover, diS-
Aferrlhew was eery eager to find some questioned 4fm. � infects the room and restores Rugs to their
Roman and Florence newspapers, Tho 'I have_been to see a cousin," said v `~' ` OCi final freshness. The women swear by
American Comic Opera company was Giovanni, "who lives on the way to EI g
Deserta." "" "
somewhere north. They found sta• } Dustbane when once they have used it,
tioned outside the hotel a rosy cheeked AhI So you have a cousin here?",
cabby who answered to the name of "Yes, signor.,,
s" ( 'Tomasso, or Tomass, as the Neapoll- How old he looked, poor devill Hil- Don't have another dusty sweeping
lard had not taken articular notice day, but get a 35C package of
tans generally drop the finals, He P P $'
carried a bright red lap robe and blan. of him during the past week's escur. �� / "Dtlstbane".
ket, spoke a tittle English and was Bions. Giovanni had aged ten years / I a
verV proud of the accomplishment. since they lauded. 1 We are authorized by the manufacturers of
He was rather disappointed, however, Ana was this cousin glad to see "Dustbane" to send you a 35c can of their
�-. when Hillard bargained with him in you? And Is he to be trustedrl Sin Compound We want you t0 use
his own tongue. Tomass shook his "Both. signor. He had some news. weeping g p
r fingers under Hiliard's nose, and HII- She—the girl—is a dancer in a Paris this on trial for one week. At the end of this
lard returned the compliment. Flually este,"
r o I Tomass compromised on 1 lira 50:cen- "Would ybu like me to give you the period , if not found satisfactory, we will take
-� tesiml (30 cen(s) per hour, with so necessary money to go to Paris and - it back, and there will be no charge for quan-
centisimi (10 cents) as a pourboire bring her back to the Sabine bills?'$ tity used.
(tip). Crack, crack! Down the bill Hillard asked softly.
they went, as if a thousand devils "I shall go to Pars, signor—after." It Does Away with Dust on Sweeping
were after them, " What Is his name?" Hillard had p $'
"By George," gasped Merri iew+, never titl,this moment asked this quer- Day. You want it.
clutching •his seat, "the fool will break tion-
our necks!" "I know it. That is sufficient. He + ,
' hip. grinned t u cracked :his is IiJgb,e'll h signor, very high, net I shall ^^� Sold in bb1s., half bbls., and quartet bb's., for stores schools,
y M, reach him. If Y told you his name' --
whip. He did not understand, the
! word slowly In his own tongue or in "There would be the possibility oe churches, hospitals, banks, and public buildings,
any other, at least not tilt he reached my warning him."
the above. A dozen timet on the Vitt That Is why I hesitate." i . "�`G FUR SALE IN WINGRAM BSC
'You are a Catholic, Giovstnnl." ,+' ii�t A. J. MALCOLM
Roma Merr)hew yelled that they Giovanni signified that he was. , J. HENRY CHRISTIE,
A cru »pkd Metra &Mmach, would lose a wheel. But 'Tomass N - - .. - -- 1 ""Look at this!" he cried, WM. BONE, RICHARDSON & RAE.
knew the game. Does not the God of all Catholics, however, had created a highly favora. SIL_ Canadian ]Factories St .Toh n, N. B., ♦Vinnlpea, Klan.
Merrihew had never seen such of all Christians, In fact --does hQ not ble impression among the critics, but a+rtltilJlt>Il�twriE l
tV6 �, • shops; Coral, coral wherever the eye UY that vengeance Is his and that he she was unknown. The writer also
Children With roamed—where did they get it all, Will I*M?' put his
"But Air. Hillard not t0
and to whom did they sell It? Neck. But there are so many of us, si- money in any Iike adventure.
DIARRHOEA laces, tiaras, rings, brooches, en enough IImpo�many tha# l small and of alight "That's hard luck," growled bfethe ���� NEED
nncarved—were (here women enough e, t, likely enough, God, hew, who saw his hopes go down the
in the world to buy these things? with all his larger cares, .has not the MENhorizon,
"If I had a wife"— he began, time tbsremember us. What may hap. "But It makes me out a pretty good
t Lt tib "Well?" pen to him In the hereafter does not prophet," was Hillard's rejoinder.
Saved the SiX6[l One With "I'd feet devilish sorry for her hus- concOn me, for he will certainly be '.The angel's money gave out. 'Too
band at this moment," in the purgatory of the rich and I in many obstacles. To conquer a people
���s��+��pl� '"But Isn't the color great?" said till- �e.purgatory of the poor. It must be and a government by light opera= -it
R' V ■r. n 1 I .ow. Aowr ,
E�+r A,
ard. t was good to be in Naples
can t be done here. And So the Ameri-
Can Comic Opera company at the Pres-
The nerves control all actions of the body," that any
T thing that debilitates ,hem 1% Ill wealcen nil organs of
filo system• Early Indiscretion Excea.ei have
"I never saw so many bids; Dlerri+
ent moment is vegetating
gin some little
�J thousands of promising young mea. Unnatural
Wild Strawberry' m
hew finally observed, "so many dirty
ones," he added. "Ilerod would have
had his work Cut out for film bete.
boarding house waiting for atones
from home."
Merrihew gnawed the enol of his
r�•'� ainasaptlieirvigorandvitalftynndtheyhocertlecelop
� � to a propet condition of manhood. They r(main weak -
Hngs, Mentally, physically and sexually. How You feel?
Lane. All his pleasant dreams had
Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy,
Mrs. John Firth, Craighuret, Ont.,
where can we get Henle nevt'sptt•
pers? 1 must know where she is,"
� r
burst like soap babbles. Had they not
specks before the eyes with dant circles uinler them,
=back, kldneys irritable, palpitation of the heart,
"" children and
writes. ---Ill have had six c I
At the bookshop In the plazza they
found the home and 1• lorence papers:
ig �5��
always 'done so? There would be no
jaunts with hitt no to
y, pleasant little
'ft bashful, debititating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples
on the face„ eyes sunken, bollo,v cheeks, eatenorn ex•
lost them all but one. When young they
Hillard went through them thorough-
Slight ektrit ittr+ain "icaMs CbNbpHb••-'•
ercurstons, nC little suppers after the
pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy
andstrennth,tired mornings, restless bights, change.
Would get Diarrhoea and nothing mould
ly, but nowbere diel hit see anything
performance. And whats it Michel.
stop it,
relative to the dotagg of the Amerlean
angelo or a Titian when a man's in love?
a 'this is the c6nd;t;dnout New Method Treatment ;Y
As I lived in a badkward place, I did
Comic Opera company,
The sueeessfuI inion arta women gra
Brace up, Din, Who knows? Hitty
y be on the high sen�that Is, ti
aot know of Dr. tow'ler'e Extract of
a line, Van."
often of the high-strung .nervous type
five have treated Diseases of for almost a life -
Wild Strawber �'
"tilt there wast be something In
—keen and aotive but with too little
she has taken my- advice and got a
return ticket. I'll a dinner at
time and do not havo to experlmeut. Consult us
= PRfg bk CBA9t9
I saved my lest child, who is now
the iriorenee pApe!R They should be
playing there Set;?
reser to fore6.
A little extra worry and anxiety artd
give you
the Berlollnl tonlrtltt, ntid ;vott may
= and ire will tell you whether you are eumble or not.
Eight years old, but I owe it to Dr,
„ , ,
Nothing, These parts are two
snap goes the nervous systotn. Wpelo
have the Mikgnutn of any Vintage you
! _: -�_ we auarantte Cutable eases of
V'owler's laxtract of Wild Strawberry.
� - . .,
weeks old,
and ni�o�ntho are often required before
Iike, We Il 'ttnve Tomnsb drive us down
1 f �£�-�-3 N'ER` OUS bEitt'LtTY, VARICOSI: VMNS, bLObb
Md I known about it before I feel that
ilierrihew stared blankly -at the
anergy and vigor are regained.
Rest helps, so does fresh air and
the Via CAraee£olo. It will take §01110
of the dlias" intment out of our
I would have saved the others. I bhall
sheet. '11. should tike to kn?,tv.what it
oxerelso, but the blood imigb also be
� ?tato."
,r�l•• ' "' Free llooklat on Dkex4es of men, If unable to trill
forever praise and bless it and will never
wade rielt and red by use of Dr, A. W.
�,� " rrr;te toe
be without It tigain."
""We' will iwritt, to the conSuhtto In
home, if there lana beeri Any trotible
Chase's ?!verve Food,_
Mt. Will, Branton,Vietori:tat.,Strath.
They had ridden ftp and clown the
onderfu llprreussystem QU#ATION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT
t,- , ;,
YSr, Fowlers line been an the
be ew•!il certitinly notify ud l`!1 ?Trite
Toy, Oirin, writes:-�•lit'y, nervous system
Via CaraCclolo twice when they esplcti
market for over sixty-five yeams , and hnr
out ht. ho�v here`s 'ook`H tee dolor,
f t, xt r,
seenicd all unstrung. I could not HTeeli,
a gage automobile, ultramarine blue.
"' wide" r utation tot curing all
I4 world wid6 ep if
Bowel Cain faints,
, .S ' ._ �(
WWII li ask If there is Ant* tntill ttir Kitty
had no ap)tetite, tap digestion was
poor anti I had jerking of the limbs-
It Passed With a cloud of u
rumb£o which was tb bderoug, 9111ard
l's 1�i�C�lt alt Ave.HUri � fT'dit ilii lS.
E4 and SWO ii St., Detroit, C
Iso not be impolod upon by gay uta-
But there wasn't, icor hhd there
Ar. Chago H I�Terve Good ]rot ell nto And
I' continued until I had takers twetity-
halt rose frout his seat.
"Somebodyk " ;r
All letters front Canada must be a"1(lressed
Ecrupuloux deaibr rvhb wishes to tyub.
been, find the name tivaa net 66 'tie)
four hoses. .Chis treatment 11As mdse•
ybu now? asked 1►ierrl•
{ to our Canadian ,
tomes poudenee Depart.
atttute thti eo-e9lled Strawberry Coin-
forwardin books,
"Looks as if y otir kitty were fhb
a i"adicnl chahfle• in ni Condition build-
in' u the sterni and etr6it theniit
A` F s g
"The man at the 'wheel looked a bit
i tatett fit Windsor, If you, desire to
see us personailly call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and trent
pounds for "Dr. Powler`s.'" plate 36
needie Ill the, hayptdolk-01
. . r,ay ,
the tittvoo, -Dr. Chases Nervil I`oodt
like Sandford,,,
tab pi,ttiebts in out Witulsor atiites whirl} .are for Cnrres ittleirce and
r . _ po
olmo, Malnuittauted 'lofil b The T, ,
E y y
„ , „ It , ww .
Out Ill t6avai�P.iir
ti0 eonts a bolt slit a6a16rs or Vinttu-
'Bates fit Co, 11110tonto.
,, SandfoWl U Otor tits. would
be 9ollyl" >Y gee t
Laboratory .
Canadian t,uainess only. Address all letters as follows:
gam- lClriilNjtb'1" de iCSIVT"14rCty'" witiddor "
i�ilbtlna Co., 6mited,'porotito, bat,
tion , ,
, t"Itt:
tt.'o be 0ot�ithined),
W#ttefor enrlbr£ysteailrikcye.. i