HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-13, Page 5-. w.. ^wr..ir-nlrrwr+P.`:::Ma+• ..:::::a. _ ::.m _. „w:...__ _:...c »: .. a . t _
ter h �Tho Dominion Produos Oo., of Tore_e to, has fail d and left a goodly list of tsE
creditors and a very small amount of
Don't t does the babywith soothiq mqx � THIS
do11art, alsets. We understand that the Blue- tures and narBotios—they wive never
vale Cheese and Butter Co, are creditors
,. known to hAip env baby, You might --- • ,. �
to the amount of nearly $2,000 and just as well dose the grown up man ordress there are not very bright proepoots of Woman t will with opium or cocaine—the res. y
-� nit will bathe6ame—mpermaaanttojury recovering the money. Readers of the t mindnod bcdy, Wnen thebabyisill h TO GET
0�We �1
t> T;n>> s will be carry to hear of this ae the give him a medicine that will care—a
local company cannot afford to be at medioiaefreefrominj ousdrags, Such
each a heavy ions. a msdioiae is Baby' qu Tablets. They
are the babies re eat friend, They nev tt
-` erdoharmal good. Ceneerniugthpm ca LOTHING
Ufa., I�iohar Malloy, Lavigau, $ask:.
_-- GREY. writee;"Baby's Own Tablets should ba
The arbitrators in the Grey school in every home where there are small Q 4:
question that interested so many people children. We gaVethem to our baby when �= T�
decided not to grant the re gest for a he was teething mad they kept pini good
\ q natured and healthy," The tablete ars BECAUSE:
4 i naw section. Decision was a long timeor by mail at 250
sold by n edioine dealers
getting here a box from Dr. Williams 54edtoieo Co., Our goods are right.
Mra. Hoover, of E3moatoo, who has Brookville,Ont.
been visiting her son, R. J., 9th con., .---+--- Our pr10ES are right•
mud old friends at Blyth and Wawanoeh,
Intends returning to the West next
week. She wishes to get home before Mre. Pollock, of St. Joseph's Island i
l' Y the cold weather sets to. For on old was visiting at the home of Mr. D. Our styles are right. -
lady of her years she gets about portion- Sproat last week. i _
- .....-.•.,,, .••••• The clothes you buy means a considerable out ay the ex ends
larly native and enjoyably. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle have moved to - p
_ ture of a good many dollars in the course°of a year. It is your desire
their new home to Tillaouburg.
t0 get and our desire to give every possible cent's worth of real
Mr. D. J. Mo0a11nm, who recently
H, had his knee -cap broken is not improv, i value for every dollaryou spend for Clothes.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs George
ing as rapidly as his many friends wish
E. Henderson, John street, was the for.
scene of a very happy event on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh. old sad That we do give you at a store the mss; real value for the money y will prove to you if you
day, when their youngest daughter, will gine us the opportunity. Seo the Garments and you will be charmed by their attractiveness, Try
Gladys Rose, was united in marriage respected residents of the 9th concession them on and you will be fascinated by the way they flt.and hang. Wear them and you will then felly
;M R. SWELL DRESSER :-- of Eaat<Gilawanoeh, celebrated the Goth
with F. H.
J. Hodgins, of Lf th
realize their enduring ualities and their unsurpassed all-round excellence.
THE DOLLAR IS A GOOD FRIEJVD. Rev. F. H. Larkin, pastel at the anniversary pte of their marriage on Tara• _ 4 We have put forth our greatest efforts to gather together this season a collection of clothes positiv-
First Presbyterian Church, officiated, day, September 27th, Mr. and Mrs.
Mise Anon Henderson, sister of the Walsh were married in St. John's ely unmatchable at the prices we ask and New
think we have succeeded.
IF YOU COME TO US WE WILL SAVE bride, attended ae bridesmaid, and the church, London township, on Septem• JUST RECEIVED—New Coats, New Skirts, New Wrappers, New Waists, New Dress Goods and
groom was assisted by his cousin, Mr. bar 27th, 1860. Mr, Walsh is of Irish Silks, New Shoes, New Underwear, New Sweater Coats,
Rollinso! Lucan
'YOU DOLLARS, BECA USE, WE PUT EXTRA , . descent, and Mrs. Walsh, of Canadian,_ and both are still in good health. They a Ohave family of nine ohidren, five ISARD
DOLLARS UNTO YOUR SUITS WHEJV WE MORRIS, daughters and four gone, all of whom H. Es
new 2 story cottage on the farm are living. The anniversary was moat
Buy THEM AJVD YOU GET EXTRA DOLLARS of D. McLean, 7th line, ie well on to• happily celebrated. Mr. Walehwaepre-I IMPORTERS WINGHAM.
ward completion and will be a comma- sented with a gold -headed cane and
.IJV YOUR SUIT WHEJV YOU BUY IT FROM dious, comfortable home when finished. Mrs. Walsh with a gold watch and
C. A. and Mrg. Michie, of Hespeler,
chain. � �'-'-•-"J
The Annual Harvest Thank Offering The Engliish Language.
SUS. TO GET VOLLARS IS OJVE WAY TO are here on a holiday visit for a week e- service in Trinity Church, Belgrave, WHITECOURCH. CANADA PROSPERING..r
so. Mt. Michie is in .the shipping de- Oct.2nd, conducted by There are about 50,000 different words
partment of the large laotory in the Sunday, revenue
in the English language and the average
GET FRIENDS. town where he has spent the poet ten or Rev, T.,H. Farr, the new Rector of oar Irish expert potato growers arestatementThe educated person uses in writing and con -
,GET Belgrave, and Aabarn, was a digging and they report the Drop a good a d expenditure for th. mD)mIinth of Sep -
twelve about one teeth of that numb -
twelve years. Their visit here is most y tember and forth first half of the prey•
welcome to relatives and old friends. decided success. The cam of $100 00 one. or. But although we have 30,000 or more
EIS AND was ieked to meet all requirements for Mr, and Mr, John LWgatt, of Hollin eat fiscal year shows that for the six all but neeleoe words, we have not a Bait;
a This year the township -tax rate for miseiane from the parish of Belgrave months the revenue has totalled $56,148, -
local purposes is 3 2 10 mills; general were coiling on old friends and took to 193, or $8,794,373 more than for the oor-
!or the year 1910 and the earn o4 $97.26 the fair at Wingham. able one to express the relation between
MAKE YOUR DOLLARS • HAVE MORE echoolrate, 1 7 10 mills; and for Co. music at responding period of last year. For a maid to the man who is going to wed
purposes 1 mills. Total its for was realized.. Rev. Mr. Farr made a So pleased with the bagpipeher. For this and the motor -driver we
goad Impression on the people of Bal- the Wing tall fair was our local September the increase was $1,464,164• have to go to the French and with noth-
••SEJ�%-S•E•Morrie is $2,100,412, R. Procter, the grave and vicinity on his first Sundaywith an- Indications Point to a
hustling tax collector, will be in charge pipe player, that he was see dancing on for the second halt of the year, thuseag ase lug better the barbarous and clambsy
of the work this year again, amongst them and a successful inonm- other noble Soot publicly word "aviator", we seem to be in a eim-
benoy is forshadowed. Trinity coagre• the Lair grounds. gregating an increase of about seven- iliar difficulty to describing the flying
- gation is to be congatulated on their teen millions for the full year, and man or airman. The motor engine is
/� _ nits as lot of Dor❑ is still standing bringing the revanae np to about $1i8,;jam(■�GQe EAS r WAwAxosH. unity and liberality. on high land and the frost hoe not done 000,000. comparatively new bat falIiog ia love ie
117r The anniversary services inconnection mach damage. The corn is a Rood Drop Expenditure, on the other hand, ae old as the centuries although we have
with Calvin )Presbyterian Church, 10th "sweetheart"stillhave
and "betrothed" and c on
LOWER WINGHA3I. fisc year. shows a aomoaratively small inoreaee. we still have to fall bank on "fiancee".
concession,willbe held on Sanday,Ooto- John Webb had quite a time bringing On consolidated fund account the ex -
bar l6th,when Rev. S.M.Whalev, lata of The following is the report Lor S. S. penditure for nix months totalled $36,- As showing how great a part of the dict-
engine from Lower Wingham one ionary we could dispense with it may be
St.Helens.will preach at 2,30 and 7.30 p m No. 11, Tnrnberry, for the month of day recently. The wind was so strong 168,672, an increase of $3,545,279 as Born
On Monday evening following a tea. Sept. Thase misafnk any exam, 'mark- He ,pas compel- arod with the corresponding period of remembered tbat there are in the Bible
�♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦ •♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦.♦.♦♦.♦+♦♦♦: meeting and entertainment will be held. ed •. he could not fire np. p about 6,000 distinct words. Milton em -
meeting led to ran the engine backwards and last year. The surplus of revenue over ploys about 8,000 and Shakespeare about
♦ Tea will be served in Adam Robertson's Sr. IV.—Total 27 —Jessie eau 238 atter many diffionitiee he landed it at all ordinary expenditure for the six
residence from 6 to 8 oclock. The Alvin Groves 176', Minnie Saunders 15,000—Exchange._
O• Fred. Davidson's to cot cornWhile months hue been no less than twenty-
♦ program will be given in the church and 12Jr. going up the sideroad a spark from the one millions.
Hwill include n . MoB hr Rev. S. to Jr. IV Total 275—Saele Sheriff 243' engine Bet fire to Mr, Geo. Wilson's Augustus Wiltshire fell dead while
Whaley, Rev.Mr. MoEaohren,of White. Vernon Allenby 221, Myrtle Look, Expenditure on capital accusal for
Bello -
church and Rev.Mr.Darant,of Belgrave ridge 124'. fence and it was burning, fanned by the the six months has been $12,430,136 , a at work in the rolling mills at Belle -
high wind, and would have cleaned cut decrease of $782,92"r . Ville.
The choir of St. Andrew's Church, Sr. III,—Total 275—Francais Look- a few panels, had not a corn cutter who The Total net debt of the Dominion at
+ Wingham, will supply the musical part ridge 252, Milton Groves 249 Mildred nasi and
♦♦ of the program. Mercer 167", Ethel Finley 149. was passing, pulled down n p the end of the month was $323,318,465, J. F. Argue, divisional superintendent
o ♦ Jr. III.—Total 275—Wilfrid McGregor checked the fire. an increase of only Bevan and three. for the Toronto Street Railway, died last
G ♦ 251, Leonard Adams 86`. nnivthe f services were held in the quarter millions as compared with Sep- week of heart trouble.
♦ wESTFIELD. Sr. IL—Total 240—Winnie Ranson last. tember 30, 1909, notwithstanding an J, J. Crabbe, formerly editor of the
Presbyterian Ohurch on Sunday
Sermons were preached morning and expenditure of three limen that amount St. Mary's Argue, and afterwards man-
% We would like to have the pleasure of ShOW1t1g you OUC T We very sorry to beer of the ill• 206, Jimmie sell 182. Roy Forsyth lot, Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Port on the construction of the National ager of the Toronto Star, is dead.
Big Fall Stock of good values for this season. ♦ nese of little Oracle Hunter;graadangh- Ernest Johnston 143, Mary Austin 101•, evening by
♦♦• ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond. Isabel Austin SV. Credit, a former pastor, to large oongre• Transcontinental Railway- Capt, Walsh, Superintendent of the C.
♦ Jr. II.—Total 230—Sammie Lockridge dations, many coming from a distanoe P. R. Atlantic linea expects to gee a line
The people of Donnybrook appoint-
meat intend oDening their almost new 113, Hilda Adams 54*. and they werA well repaid me the ,ever• established between Canada and Argen-
♦ tins by the winter o! 1911.
Fur Lined Coats, Sable ♦ church on Sunday, October 30th, and Pt. II,—Total 160—G3rtie Groves 98, and gentleman seemed at his beet and Mr, Hays' request for work on 0
Ladies' Furs and Fur Coats, ♦ Monday, 3100' st, Eddie Shrigley 79, Tommie CJrnikshank the sermons were well received. Ua import Trunk
Asiatic labor s work on the Forty Chinaman, admitted with forg-
Ruffs - - - $10.00 $12.00�and $20.00 ♦ 76, Earl. Hart 55, Howard Finley 14*. Monday evening the annual ten meeting Grand Trask Pacific was refaced by the ed certificates, have been deported from
♦ The anniversary services of the West- Sr, I.—Total 160—Gordon McGregor
• �and entertainment was held. Tea was British Colnmbta Government• 'Victoria, B. C., and will be taken book
Muffs, Genuine Sable - $15.00, $16.50 and -$20.00 field church will .D held ,o Sunday, 105, Roy Finley 70*. May Hart 47`, Five weeks ago George D Clark of to China on the steamer Empress of
October 16th" R�p.Dr.Medd,ot Victoria served in the beautiful school room and disappeared on the day he was India.
Tommie Lockridge 44. the ladies provided an abnadanoe of Toronto,
' etreet,Goderieh,will preach in the after- Jr. I. -•Total 150•-Mandie Sell 145,Mar. The program, an excellent , to have been married to a young lady _
Isabella FOX Muffs, Ruffs and Stoles ranging roan at 2 30 and in the evening at 7 30. everything• After only 24 henna' illness Fred. Gib -
from - - - $7'50 to:$15.00 n freewill offering will be taken. garet Linklater 135, Lizzie Ornikehank one, was given in the body of the in Guelph. This week he was found on
♦ 113• Mayme Finley 83. 's eon night operator for the Grand Trunk
a country road near Brantford, fie can - at Oshawa died of infantile paralysis.
• There will be no entertainment on the Claes A.—Alma Lockridge, Freddie church. The choir of in Andrew remember nothing o: what happened
Presbyterian Church, Wingham, gave He was 21 years old and his home was in
This season we have a big range of Ladies' Fall Monday evening, as has usually been sell, Eddie Shrigley, Charlie Lockridge, several selections as well as solos and during the last two weeks.
8.50 to $20.00 the onetom. Napanee.
Mantles. Prices from $ - ♦ _ Calvin Crnikehank, Nellie Clark, Meg duets by members of the choir. This The 100th birthday of Thos Wray, pied. Martin, of Essex, seized three
gie Finley, Rath Holloway, George Fin part of the program, ander the direction of Whitby, was celebrated on Tharsday
0 Ladies' Quilte d• Liried Coats with Isabella Fox and CULROss. ley, Walter Lockridge, Itege Adams, of Mr. Cline,was very much aPPreciated, last, when he was given a public cele•
calves belonging to a farmer, in payment
Canadian Sable - $20.00 andg$25.00 j M. WALSH, Teacher. oration and presentation at the Metho• of wages which he claims are doe him.
Atter a long illness from consumption Miss McLaughlan, of Brussel and Miss He sold the calves to a butcher in
Gertrude Grace Thacker of the 10th con, Gordon, of Langeide rendered soles Chet diet Tabernacle Mr. Wray is yet in Windsor, and is now ander arrest
i session, Cnlroeepaeeed away on Sunday, were very pleasing to the andieucP.. good health and his trental facilities are charged with theft.
1 ♦ Oct. 2nd in her nineteenth year. Demonstration at Berlin, Rov bin Ferguson of Balgrave, gave bright and alert. lie came to Canada g
' a very interesting talk on "Optimism." The old Santa Fe -Teresa gold mine
MEN'S OVERCOATS # Sunday evening last saw the passing One of the greatest events In the hie• from England to 188J, and has lived at
Rev, Mr, Duncan gave a talk on the Whitby ever since. in Mexico, which was known to have
♦ swap of a very old resident of Teeewater tory of the Province of Ontario or of b sical been worth millions of dollars, and
in person of Mrs. James Whytook who any other provinoe took place at Berlin, necessity of general culture—p Y John Bagley, sentenced in Toronto
90 t0 CIlOOSe from, We have a large stock for ` had beenihtoreomotime. She had reach• Tuesday afternoon, in the presence of and mental; and the BE to of liters• to tour years for uttering a forged which has been loaf for manyyears,has,
Sl tare, There are too mane p according to an Associated Press dee-
ed the advanced age of 88 pears and two more than ten thoagaad people, w'en who develop oheque, is now at the KingstonPenitent.
' Men and Boys'. Prices $3.50 t0 $20.00• only one aide of tins, nature. He be. iary. Bagley has strenuously denied that patch, been rediecuvered,
♦ months and death was due to the Bator• the Hydro -Electric power, for which the only in the all round -an. Rev Mr' he was the celebrated W. L. Middleton, At the sitting of the Dominion Tech -
al infirmities of old age. She is survived Hon. Adnan Booion. and his colleagues Sr on lieveThompson gave a congratulatory ad-
1 ed by a husband nearing his 99th year, the commission. together with Sir James perrie, of Wingham, bigamist and promoter sentenced at ford, Prof.ol rtson eexp s Bra Ile
' PrRobertson expressed rho
= three gone --Dr, Joseph Whytook of Buff. Whitney and every member of the Gov dress. Rov. D+ Hd thought Woodstock !n 1398, but as soon ae h ford, P
UNDERWEAR ale, Jamas and William of Calrose, and ernment of the province, have been spoke on "Personality." entered the prison gates he wag recoq• opinion that, by a system of technical
♦? two daughters, an, Mre. James Reid end Mrs. working wiriest cessation for more than the People who make up the church con ntzed as the game crook who had spent education applied to agriculture the
Ladies' and Men's Underwear, Watson's 'Pen- : reciate the sermons seven yearn !n the penitentiary at Ports farm output of Ontario could be doabw
Jane Thacker. Mrs. Whytook'e maiden flue pants, wee earned on. People from gregatione do not study enough or read mouth. left is 20 year.
* name was Jane Watson. She was born all. parte of the province, as well as vis!• enough to fully app to improve
man's and other good maker's assortment at different • ant minds. It ip the mid that makes
i at i,oanhead, a suburb of Edinboro,Soot• tors from 8nffalo end Detroit, were they hoar, We should try
♦ regent to participate and to pay tribute
prices. ♦ land on July 26, 1822, her father p p p
being Wm. Watson, a woad mer• to the Hon. Adam Beck, who hes work- the man. Rev. Mc. Daaohi thea gave- 1
• chant of Loanhead a suburb of Edin- ed without compensation, in the face of h1s lecture on ' Beene" which was on -
client opposition, to bring aoubtediy a fine address, but penpte e►t - AYIEWS HAIR VIGOR
` : boyo. A few years after her marriage nk of the church could not hent
the vary g pp
�+ in 1847 the couple came ant to Canada, the Hydro -El power scheme to a the ba
^ Was Does not
Color the Hair r
staying a short time at Toronto before successful termination. A H. Musgrove, himtimes,
fhnd oongrntnlee d t hecmem•
Ladies', Men's and BOYS' Sweater Coats at '� coming to Cntrosg over 60 pears ago. M. P. P., of towB, was in Berlin or te .d on sbene of the congregation on another eao• ' gait tatting out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dreealise?
• _ day• ceestol year and anniverpnty- He paid
all prices. • Capsicum Glycerin. Alcohol.
Sodium trlund.
• gr C•r+•icum. Sage. Akohol. Water. Perfume.
' • Mr, C. C. Jnmes,.the,Deputy Minister that in forty gears they had bad weather Ingredients:
of Agriculture, supe nothern Ontario fe The Canadian Pacific Railway will
on only one occasion for their anhivete•
o great potato country. build a new' line from Stratford to sty. Rev, Mr. MOEacbern thanked all Ave believe doctors endorse then formula, or we would not put k up.
There is no trace of Superintendent of
Grand Bend and also to ,Linwood, Oat, who bad assisted in the program end AYER'S "AIR VIGOR
�� 0 • h ' leg Venning, who disappeared Sir Aemilioe Irving, who was made a after the lanai verse of finales auction s � Color �� �
. ,HANNA . Fi. Dae
• Ytout. The, 1idt3ahp Tet tear be has , and MasonUeen ninetp•two ]sore of tsgeRbwas honored close pe Proceeds of annivereaty and ten- J. a s;.,, norr.nnii, taw.►l, f
PHONE 70. •
We want your Tradd, = the nmotelr at Ot by his mother lobge, meeting amounted to $275.
+iii♦�1�+N��1�M11iN�ii iii,,♦♦?/��♦i�1�i� ,murdered.