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The Wingham Times, 1910-10-13, Page 4
THE WINGHAM ',vIMES. OCTOBER 13., 1010 T _. O >l l Angus , . , , . 26a WHEN HEALTH _ - _ THE Earle Angus ........ , ..... 264 THE LADItS Eerie Mills ,.., 284 U DOWN - 10 Bank Iiagh Aagas...,,.,.. .. , 2ld itl D N�:� e sENiolt saooND � � :+,— - -- - .w Dominion - _1 _ate. N=-�,--. Senior Section. Marks obtpivable 669, - rte'tiomlu 666 II' ams' , jOURNAL r rax: TORONTO I, zzie Currie ,•. •*,. C Such as Or. Williams' -•,• --- Sueu O 1 •..666 A Tonle Do you experience ditilculty in ; �r�. Arohte Williamson. C%pitml Stcok(alt paid up) $4,00,000,C0Nelle plea pA .. ,, :.6 $ Pink Pills is Promptly Needed handling your own personal finances? Reserve Fund and TJA- 000,00 Kathleen Mille.....,., ,,• ----- DO you not sometimes wish that divided Fraiits . , .... $5,860, . John Nicholls.., , ," • . • , . • , .580 lr e the .... •. $47,000,000 00 Jean Christie. ,..,...,. • • • •606 When theheplih ie randownfrom any you had a few dollars In the Bank D aposit by p 61 200,000.00 cause whatever a $onto is needed, A feel• to fall back uPan? �� Phyllis Johne.., .,.,•497 „ 'Total Assets, Over.... • • • • $ Ruby Hewer • • • • , , • • • 484 Ing of weakness, poor appetite, logs 41 BRANCtI$S AND AGENTS throughout can, Clayton Maxwell ... , • 473 breath aft@r slight exertion Indicates Deposit one dollar in the Rank of oda an+l the United States+ Para Davidson,.. , ..., • •478 that aoompiatebreakdown is near• f3ome- Hamilton t0 day-- a small sum, but + George Allen..,, . • • • • • • •,466 times these troubles are due to overwor§ large enough to bear interest; and it A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Vera Strtoker.,, ��� or worry, or again they may be dna to TRANSACTED. Loretta Sturdy . the atter effects of the lover or some will speedily accumulate more, once Alice Imlay ... •.440 wasting illness. But whatever, the cause p Y g Department. Fred Sturdy . , , . • . • • • • 483 the trouble ehoald not be neglected and you have commenced t0 save, Saving p Willie Dear ...... • • 425 for the purpose of gaining new health Current Bites ut let allowed, and Howard McDonald ., • •408 and strengththere isaboolutely no better WINOHAM BRANCH We Depoa: a racetved of 01.00 and Winifred Walker „ •8ss medicine than Dr. Williams Pink Flue, C. P..Smlttl Agent. upwards, Teresa Hickey , • •. •.866 whioh till the veins with new rich blood Stanley Ben... • • 848 which tones and strengthens every nerve �•, Claude Maxwell...... ...,.:887 and organ in the body. Mrs. Rose A i Smith, Roblia, Manitoba, Bays: ,Some - _ ._.. ,�••. - Farmera' sale Notes Collected, and Charlie Smith ......... • .. , 296 �� ... _ ..+. advanoes trade on them at lowest ears ago I had a severe attack of Ty tLy r,te of interest. Junior Section, Marks obtainable 608 y cid fever, when I recovered aatfioieatly WiNcssanl BRANCiI-Cotner John and Margaret Piper ., 618 to get abort I could not gather up my Noel Drummond , . 505 strength. I tried tonic wi es and other COMING Jodephtne Streets, Lando DSoLeod .. 498 medicines but without av il, For Mon • ..468 the I could hardly go u stairs and when W. R. GFJKIE, 'M&NAGER. Fronk Robinson „466 Ltook a walk. I was always obliged May Allen ... art .450 to take a friend with x(ie. to helpme home .• . g, PANSTONE• Solicitor. Earl& Huffman • • • • • 486 again. A dootor h d again been called Coxa Wild .. • 486 and Rave me or�medioine but jested rh C Florence Hineoliffe 410 0[ gaining I k P getting worse and suss f i DORENWENQ TO ADVERTISERS Wallace Aitcheson PRO • •377 st last oblig to take to my bed. May Passmore .... ' Eaa Haylee., ,... 846 One day while lying readingI chanced,,. X51 Notice of changes must be left at this Harold Men.. ...840$88 to Dome morose a cure made by Dr, will. � � ®F TORONTO office not latex ll than Saturday noon. ....... , 1 eve in The Dopy for changes must be left Charlie Ie i h, • • • • • • • 298 try them. at Pink PBlefore I had taken the i rove- h The "American Fashion" number now on sale, New Dresses, New Hats, new styles in Hair Dressing, etc, Don't miss this number, only 1iQc. WORKINGI MGN I a large stock of Solid Leather Boots for out- door work of all kinds.. Men's Solid Leather Blucher, strong ser- viceable shoes $2.00 Solid Leather Oil Grain Blucher $2.50 English Kip Blucher, well - sewn, best leather pegged soles See our range of Boys' Heavy French Kip Boots (solid leather) We guarantee these lines to give satisfaction in r y detail. 0 not later than Monday eve S• Reggie Sm • •292 jOng y. f Carnal advertisements accepted up Florence biamond ... ,.....286 meet and my friends a so said I was be, t the well•known Hair Goode ®� F �y to noon Wednesday of each week. Irene Paton•. , ....198 gianing to look like my own self again., Artist will visit WING �j "' LA .166 From thloon the improvement was steady �CBTASLI6HSD Isys Willie Austin ... • • but I continued to take it for a couple of HAM, AT BRUNS• Caps, Stoles, JUNIOR SECOND. months whenlfeltthatt'hecure was com• ° WlCggpTEL, ON Examine our Fur Goods, Coats, ' �INfi iM TIMES. Senior Section, marks obtainablO 480. ma red n sebeatlof health andamears since I vwar- "; Throw -Overs, Muffs, etc. Dora L th Ha ilio , . ; : ' 442 376 ranted in saying that the care ie german- n H. R.MLL1OTT.PUBAIBBARANDPROPRIATOP Elizabeth Hamilton.. •871 ent and I freely give this statement for Friday, L�Sf Harry Angus .. • • • • ,,364 the benefit it may bring to others," Oct.Y pU ��00D THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1S, 1910 Dorothy Clark.•....., • 861 Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all DV �OD' George Fry.........malllir R lr Edna Musgrove ......::.....350 50 at boo aabox pr six boxes for $2.6 y orn Evelyn Angne...........• •.850 Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brookville, TRANSFORMATIONS Daring this visit he will be showing the Have you ever tried Cod Steak—we have, its STANDLNGOF PUPILS.. Graoelrvine.......,•••••••• _ , James Dobie . ............. • 344 Ont• POMPADOURS latest Parisian and New York styles. YOU are ...x37 SWITCHES partioularly invited to call, inspect and try on any delicious, only 15c per tin, and its 'PURE - Report: of standing of papas at Wing• Perot' Joynt........ . • • CLUSTER -CURLS � of these oreptione. ham Public School for the month of Ruth A dersonhelma �n......... •SIS September, OharlieLloyd........:,*••••297 THE LEGEND OF SILVER ISLAND ENTRANCE CLASS- Leonard Jarvis.........,,.•277 _ THE OORENWEND SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE Maximum 300. Those marked (*) VellSanderson hon............277 For Gentlemen who are bald, 'is a missed one or more exams. Harold Hamilton..., •• •.::.2268 Outside Thunder Bay and just beyond . head covering, far superior in both V. Sanderson .,.......SEC. Charlie Bell ,.,.. • • • -••• • Thunder Cape lies Silver Island, so- , style and durability to any other D. Haugh. .. ............275 Hazel mjsiner....... • • • • • • • 196 celled because of silver deposits it is overman90,000 of. 8e .the present day '1. Allia.......... • • • -• • • • :::185 Charlie Pocook.............. • 187 over anal 0! these are to ase • thStagh• known to contain, on it ie a mine, 4�oN out Canada and the United States. R• Rintout • ..... .. 136 Carl Dickson ......... • , ....166 �� r • S r� r Call and have free demonstration. M. Cartwright ........ • 227 Lily CasPmore.............. 69 operated eaveral years ago but since do- F.. Boyd .. • • ... • • • • Mildred Walker ............ 41sorted, owing to water having filled in, -ri-es Ia• ONLY ASK ABOUT OUR PREMIUMS. THEY ARE FREE. "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE" M March............ 201 ing the mach nary pow REMEMBER, ONE DAY A Williamson............. . •208 Junior Section. Marks obsainable 500. render G. Buchanan 1267 Stanley Robinson.....,.....278 diati believe this to be a direct inter• W, Davidson...............270 011ie Hamilton............. •272 'ran of the Gods and tell the follow- THE DORENWEND CU, of Toronto, limited KERR N. Rash ..................236 Kenneth Nichol . . , ........200 Ing story reg " ,,, it. A, Reid .. .••••••••••220 Albert Bloomfield ..........226 Fana Bijou, the once great Indian 103.105 Yonge Street- A, Dear .. ....250 Sarah Brown...............210 J. Angus,. ..•.173 plate Hardy .......,•...196 God, and the Sleeping Giant, once ruled ,173 Lorne Blackwell ...... • • :::191 thio great lake and the vast torritortes C. V. Parker, Sheriff~ of the oonty of M. Brown •.,248 Under the joint auspices of Lnpdy's E. Pugh ' • .. • • • • • • • • ., 194 LaurieDuncanlke inland Tall, so that hie head towered Bruce, died at Walkerton on Tuesday A. Reading .• 171 A�leen'Kenaedy........ •. •.•186 above the.loads, he trod the land and Lane Historical Society of Niagara Falls from pneumonia. The deceased war 66 I. Gibson • • • . • Catharine Adams...........180 and the Frontier Landgarkfi Assooia- J Richardson.............• 267 Ella Dobie.... • • • • • • • • • • • ••178 water alike; a; he walked hie broad rare o! ago. J B'aokhah...........> ....282 tion, Baffalo, the remain o[ the nine y _ 266 Willie MoNevin........ • : 146 shoulders tossed the winds to right and American eoldiere recently found on the E. Smith • • • • • • • • • .. , • 260 Joe Saint • • • . •- • • lett; while his voice was as the thunder Y F. Gannet . • . • . • • • • ]Kathleen Wilkinson •...... • 129 rolling from cliff to cliff. The waters Lundy L the battle -grounds were re- SMITH F. McDonald ........... • .259 Chester Stapleton........... 81 interred at Niagara Fells on Sunday. R Hardy,..... • ... • •. • • . , .213 of the great lake were his treasury o! - * O, McPherson.. • ......... • .266 PART SECOND. silver, spread out before him that he A. Robertson .......... • : ; 198 Names in order of merit. might often look Upon their molten BANKER N Robertson........ • • • Lire stock Markets. G. Bowman , • , , , , , •, . , ., :::284 Senior Section. Junior Suction, stores. Oace as he paced up and own G. Deyoli................ he bent to catch more Toronto, Oct. 10 -Union Stook Yards Agnes Williamson Howard Huffman beside them, WINGSAIII, ONTARIO. J Holmes ...... °...........188* Franklin Cooke Edith Hart clearly the elfin sparkle on its burnished Receipts to -day were 111 oars, with G Day....................924 Harry Gannett Mintie Reid surface, but, as his breath swept its ex- 2,809 head of cattle, 715 sheep and M. Rogers • • •247 Alex Taylor Clifford Robertson ¢Use, lol a wondrous thing occurred. R. Bloomfield...............267 G. Oroickshanke James Allen p lambs, 69 hogs, and Ili calves. Trade A. Lookeridge..............242 Gavin Holmes Laura Ellaoott His passionate breath had kindled with was good and active for butcher Cattle, Farmers who want money to buy H. Willie ......... .........247 Willie Currie Doris Fella in that molten mass, the breath of lite, with prides steady to firm. Choice horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market S. Donaldson 269 George Boyd Downsie Lynett and tie bosom rose and fell to the pulsing bath r sold freely at $1.50" to $6.75, mud can have it on reasonable terms- S. Helps....................202 Lawrence Lennox Diokle Madigan heart bene %b. For a H. Ioard....- iso Ilene Dap Charlie Armour of the mighty apparently not an over supply. Good Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer - W. Irvine.. ..•132 Madeline Duncan Jennie Ard moment Nana Bijou stood spell bound butcher cows sold well, common at chants or agents, on favorable terms. H. Hall. ..,..190 Anuie$lackhall George Milliner and entranced by this unexpected Won- $S 50 to $4 and choice at $4.50 to $5. L Drummond... Thomas Rich Marguerite Johne der, but in a moment exalting pride The following are the quotations: Loans on roar estate at the lowest T, Latton ..... • • • ....284 Lily Ellaoott Isabelle Simmons Per loo &. rates going. H. McMannae ...... • • .... • 184 Shirley Donaldson Freddie Piper leaped in hie bosom, and his masterful Exporters' cattle- $6 10 $6 30 N. Taylor . . •...182 Eva Rintout Jarvis Latton spirit quickly asserted itself. His last Choice .. 6 26 6 76 W. Haines..................199 Madeline Walker Edith Hew for dominion still ansated, he sprang to' Medium. ' • : 450 Richelieu and Ontario E. Rash ..... 71` Barg. Dalgleish Nelson Morden BUS' >' 575 „ his feet, and his thunderous voice swells Light .................... B. Johnston .. • • 106 Isabelle Reid Frankie Sperling F. Groves .. • • 86' William Pocock Allan Gould ed out, as he laid ander eternal fealty to Cows. ,,, ,,, • , , , , , , 6 00 b 26 Navigation Company A. Groves ................ 67' Arthur $tardy himself, this spirit newly created. Feeders- JUNIOR T..... Alba Galbraith Years rolled on -the lather love grew bW�� pounds and n6-20 5550 00 l — Senior Suction. Marks obtainable 600. Johnny Davidson for this his darling creation, and hit Smokers choice. .. 475 PART I. sombre face was now often softened by „ bulls .. , , 8 75 4 50 Stealrtsers "Toronto" and Jack Maxwell ..........>. 440 Butohers'-- "K1nxsten" Miriam Smith........ • . • .. 407 Names in order of merit. the tonoti o! tenderness. One day as he • • • • 6 50 5 7b Picked child P ex - o daily this m Bolt ed 3.00 y Ot 0 Toronto bt -hen 25 Toro ids 5 Lave P b ee e 40 b it , BOO ... Walked Holmes.. Section. wa y Pat .e; „',404 Senior Section. Kantor Se D[edinm Olive Rintonl,. of his love, strangely stili in its cradled Cows. • ,, g 60' b 26 ce t Sunday np to Sept. 19th, thereafter Sarah. Hamilton.......... 408 Perna Joynt Wilfred Ellaoott Bello. > • • . • • • • • , ..+ 400 4 75 every Monda7, Wednesday and. Satnr• Clara Ieard ......, .... • .. • • 392languish- 'Kent ' • • • day, Up to and including October let. • • 886 Jean ©anstone Marie Loagheed depths, A tierce, noonday ern beat Hogs- 'Kent Smit•h........... • 871 Sydney Holmes Clarence Hinsoliffe upon its surface, and faint and languish- Nina HaaRh • • ,• • • • • • • • • • • David Perry Laura Bell Ing it looked into his face. Of the Beat... • ' tl 5Q STEAMER "BELLEVILLE" Mark Cassels .......... ...34U Harold Milts Dorothy Piper "" EffiK E*aki.a 388 Richard Clark Annie Forgto myriad laughing dimples which hereto Fights. . , 8 15 sheep- 60 b 00 Leaver Toronto at 7.80 p. nt. every Nallie �ianeljttne.... • • •3� Helen Wilson Gordon MaRttohie lore br►ghtened Hader hie gleace,., only Export ewes Ella Rogers .......... • • • ••2r2 Bucks, .. 8 ob 850 Soy of natal afore t 'navigation for • 270 Charlie Henderson Clifford Uasemore a few hod strength to gleet him ae of OUlia,... • • • • 800 8 50 Ba of urate. Montreal and inter- 14arvev Dennie .......... i7leyton'La►brigg Marie Polon yore, "where the Fier Spirit cannot Lambe each.. .6 00 mediate Porte. 'eery low rates inolad• 6 20 Vera Webb >..,..,... •.:•254 Kirkwood Hutton Corson Boyce reach and blight thy beauty, I will 'hide gpt3ag g 50 750 Ing meals and berth on this line. Fred Walsh.......... •.. 206 Carrie Kingston Lorne Sanderson Oalves.eaoh >. ......> onld that w hand t ed be the ha thee a nd alit 205le Duncan an th P Ella Oook.... • ',190 Zorra DicksonDiokeon Ger Gladys Dean . • . , , • 188 Willie Angus Gerrie Simmons dead thea forth beneath hie malign WINGHAN K&RIKEW 81CFORTe For folders, tutee, oto•, apply to Alberta Taylor.. , ... .. Viola Forfar Scott Robinson glance." So saying, he stooped, and Junior Sectioa, Marko obtainable 460. Lizzette Johneto s Fl etiemna Ieard ati lifting with one hand the faithful Wave- w►n3htim O ot. 12th, 1910, S. FOSTER OSAToro to, Ont .A. 384 Eleanor Irwin No ....... 2 82 to 3 25 _ Ada Blackwell......... • • • • Earl Wild. Melville Dennle lots of silver, with the other, h6 raised [+'for r Por 1001bs 0 82 to 0 86 , Tillie Bottril4 • •880 Elsie Rogers from the depths, a casket, and in it Fall Wheat . . • • +• 0.30 to 0 82 Heloise Kennedy ...367 Eddie Hickey Oate,,.. • 0 45 to 0 48 Sera '>fio%ean... • > • . • • • . • • : • 861 Aaron Brown John OaeemOre gently laid his treasures. It its cool Barley . ..348 T. J. Calvert Jack Coop depths, thea heat•tostated throbbinge Peas..................... 0 70 to 0 75 CEMAL Dore, ........... Delight Oloakey' Cecil Cook y ........ 0 20 to 0 22 u Nettie ' l�iettte Christie • , •327 John Haylee. Margaret Cook ceased. Still and pare, ani White and Batter lair 0 25 to 0 25 Edith Jervis ,.... ,•82? cold they lay. Almost reverently he E�gge�per dos .,.... •,, 2'50 t'LLo 2'50 May Reading .... ,.,307 VVoodperootd - lowered the ltd and over it threw %Hay, per ton.. '•`,,,, 800 to 10 00 'A T-01404 ONT. s Gertrude Oantelon .. ...807 r bushel. .. • . 0 45: to 0 50 ...502 green' mantle. The casket is Silver Ie• Potatoes, pe ale Davidson............ .... , ..... • 297 J. A. Dionne and J. L. Kieffer were.... , , , , + 0 20 to 0 20. I! you purpose attending. our land. Years passed, ant the time came Lard .... •. crud ail4y at Montreal last week of Nana Bijon'e own haughty spirit Live Bogs. per oM' "' $ hb to 8 40 school this winter you ehoald re• Jean Carrie ............... 287 ! g when' gaster on Nov, let. Spend two Victoria Paterson......... •276 a was forever vanquished and he laid to months with ns this term. Students Irons Hewer ..... . . ........261 death of Bessie Smith, who was run • o are entering eltoh week. we have manslaughter in connection with the n rentCs r Y f in three departments: over and killed by me automoblie driven Again ague tolled on and the daual. Co.V by Dionne and. Kieffer on the 4'iotorta leis Pille•teoo, whose tortn6e•hntiag Commercia;il; Shorthand Bridge, across the St. Lawteace, some spirit holds nothing snored, tore openENRAi AGENT SCO time ago. Sentence will be passed later. the lid of that emerald oaeket and with iy►kf Yni3 and Telegraphy - Western hie strange iron helpers greedily lifted Ii lit - n - e are taotioal. teachen The homestead entries in We to the light of day. 1C,Ii*ic..'insurance. A Out co roe p EMULSION 1! Canada tot the $tit eight monthe of the the silver trearare g ��e are experlenoed mad oat Amdaates Yost amount to neatly Bat though the heart of Nan% 81Iou was A'C01Diti4'r I nsur ... • . present oaloodat y snooped, The eesuppl upon it for OLASS t,A t tot, P 1 Write: ae the ii9 t�tC , only eliat1lttol+al annntted, hdlg renes supply. ��� ]rea►saotl � ����, 137,000, as oamppaced 'gwfth 24 ;0110 entries stili. lair madate was not also i and WBXTHEit 's�!u!$!!uIE attd + taloRae, tato t Coupled kith a REAL V a e t6 1Crtltiit. illicit' tot the eottes ondiu petlod last year. Jealously hit child the silwiles �fihen Itltlss. our free ea its the sookateh6wan came first With 24,692, an w%tahed the esoeilege. f 11ONRit �.OXN1Nll $tis its► 1$' Seot$yg'••"lt t the tiler of sloes over the rains period in ,�itb growIli wrath it tushad'ta, find MIT 4 MACOUIN ► sitrnclxircl fldlh 19013: Alberta dame 11614 With 14,019, an rising to t �.., . 0 of these' would-be iesllol di Mdrriagt' LW11 ft, vrvorid a i?+gtbtQLF'. tnoteare of 4,080, acid n[anitoba Iia$ biltlled the designs grin M t)k niriit:ear.,afr�u^s . tries, an Itforettte bt raori igion$ robber$. ; ,� _ . third with 2,049 enRtctuea. Office firer 1. i Mle n, Attention! Here is the greatest chance of your life to get one of the very latest,up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats. . We have dust received a shipment of McFall and Winter Goods Owing to having given the order early in the summer before I had decided on out 0fBusinessGoin- The wholesale house would not accept a concilation and sent the goods along, consequently you have _the new goods to select your Suit or Overcoat from t Low Prces same The At Suitings in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and. Black, Serges, Worsteds, Chevots, and Vicunas. Overcoats in Black, Brown, Green and Striped, Beavers, Milions, Cheviots, Friezes, etc. Trousering, all styles and prices. '$role and space will not permit price list, suke, it to shy those having seen the goods and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is marvellous, Come and see for yourself. Robert M. -m l MERCHANT 'TAILOR. I'