HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-13, Page 3A
T114 WING RAX, TIMES, OCTOD4R. 13, 1510: 0
The Way a Financier's Clock Extern- Various, . xpisfaatione of the origin of 1 He meant to insure high houses, buI to
minute � e Ttalks About This Expression. sa Tit *eemsas it I.dream,
1 we. �CY1,inut porizgd a Cipher, l� � � • • � Sit.
burned before he got around t
when wall street first caught the Many explanations hare. been given yet I hear that gentle tinkle, He Was Sart going to pay 06 note When
dowo and the pa0uree
lever for 'industrial rombinations'" of the' of the expression "raining A''d I,.oatoh a distant gleam tOIVgON, ONTARIO
and began, the reot'I ,tnl anon of every cats and bogs," One is that it is a per- O And thile e ow•pa ba leading home, it went to protest.
thing in sight one ul the vottu'fes of
version cf. the [french catadou e, a And all the hills and valleys Busruess & Sharthauu r+l ag to tend rorusl
p He Was just g
high finance found himself in Chicago waterfall -,."it is raining a catadoupes 'Vvhere of old I used to roam. SUBJECTS sowers to a tick fiat rd wbru it proved'
in extreme need of eommunieuting or cataracts, Another explanation Is
low with his New York• office. that the male blossoms of the willow Tinklel Tiukh l VOWiZeBicleitt And Mail COiursetr too late.
He, almost completed an arrange- tree, which are used on Palin Sunday The oows are tar away, Catalogues Free He was.pfit,gtintt to help a neighbor
ziall In the wooffland
menu for the consolldadQn. of several to represent the branches of palm, A just at the break of day. i• W Weotervelt, J, W, Wa•tervelt, Jr•. C.A., When, he died,.
NGEWestern enterprises, but in order to were called "cats and dogs" in Some Tbo d,+w la nn the bnphaa, Principal, vice -Principal,
get the final authority he needed from parts of England, where. they increase And the morn is hnehod and still, He was just going to reduce his debt
R. /� New York he must explain all be had rapidly after a, few warm April show- Save the tinklino of the oow•bells w_ hep his oreditcro. "'rltut down.'" on hien.
forGoal or Wood done by wire to his partners. era, and the belief prevailed that the Sounding from the distant b; EIa was jest going to step dtinMisg
J There was no time to. write. EEO had fain brought thein. What the North. Fought For,
no cipher code. For a long time be others trace the saying to northern Tinklrt Tingle! Tinkle! In' Goldwin Smith's Reminiscences," and dissipating: when bit, health brot•mg
tried to think out some way to send mythology, iu which the cat !s said to Up through the woods I go, nblished in the Se timber McClure's, wr.oked.
OU Can quickly get the the information so that it would' be have great influence on the weather, where chestnut Sowers are blooming, • p P
_ Y en read for the And the hneklc+barriee grow, there is given the writer's opinion aN to He was just going to provsrl,+ 1 *open
Pandora oven y plain to his partners and meaningless and sailors still have a saying, "The The air to fresh, and scented the cause, as it appeared to him, while protection for his wife and tau-rly when
- � It i$ made of Nickel to any one else. His secret was r4 val. rut has a gale of wind in her tail," With the odor of the pine,
baking, uable one and once sent over the wire when she is unusually frisky. Witches And no sound disturbs the silence on the spot, what the North was fighting his fortune was swept away.
Steel which is much more sensi- might be sold out to his rivals in Wal that rode upon the storms were said Save the lowing of the kine. for during the Civil lVar♦ "It was, we He was ,lust goinp to introduce a bet-
• street for a large Sum. to assume the form of eats, and the are told, "for the Union rather than ter syet,m into his boPinres when it
tive than a cast or gray iron At last he decided 'to take the stormy northwest wind is called "the Tinkle 1 Tinkle! Tinkle l against slavery that the North in gener- went to smash,
oven. It heats u more rapidly I mount old Besey'e back pp g. He was just Poing to call on a oustem-
p p y chances in plain inglish. Accordingly cats nose" in the Harz mountains And head my peaceful subjects ala eared to ma to be fighting. When
be wrote the message and gave it to even at the present day. Then the dog Down the winding, homeward track the people were asked the cause, the or to close a deal %hen be found his
® and thereby saves you many his assistant to send. Half an hour Is a symbol of wind, which in ofd Ger- The bushes whip against my legs, usual answer was "to uphold the Iaw." competitor had preceded him and Secur-
.. precious minutes, later, when the assistant came back, man pictures is Ilgured us the head of And lave my feet with dew. Slavery was the object of hostility ed the order.
• he asked him if he had sent it. a dog or wolf from which blasts issue. And old Bossy's sides are dripping
• "Not just that way," said the clerk. g chiefly because it was the cause of die.He was just going to quit Work .a
After ou've used the Nickel Tho cat therefore symbolizes a down. With the cooling vapor, too. ruptioo. This was the case especially
y "I rewrote. it -the first word on a our of rain the dog, .strong gusts o! while and take a vacation vv bin nervous
p Tinklel Tinkle! Tinkly 1 .with the officers of the army, among
Steel Oven for • a week you'll Postal blank, the second on a Western wind, which accompany it, and so a We reach the barnyard gate, prostration came.
Union, and so on. I sent half by each ,rain "of cats and dogs" is a heavy rain Where humble duties call me whom the feeling against Slavery was
congratulate yourself that you , not strong, It was partly a sense of this, He was just going to repair his aide,
company, and neither half meant any- with wind. From my sent of royal state, walk when a ntighbcr fell 013 it and
invested in a Pandora Range. thing. Then I sent a second message I hasten to the buckets, I believe, which caused Lincoln to heel
by one line, saying, 'Read both mes- A NIGFRI.AN. LEGEND. Haug upon a garden rail, tate in proclaiming emancipation. Gar• broke a leg.
Get one this week. Make up sages together, alternating words."' ____•�_ And soon the milk is splashirR risou, on the other hand, and the thor• He was just going to provide his wife
In the jingling, tickling pail, ough•goin Abolitionists before the war with more help when she tock to her
your mind you'll enjoy its The scheme was too simple for the It Tells of the Origin of Man's Sub- g p
high financier to have evolved, but it lection to Women. Tinklel Tinkle! Tinklel would have been glad to renounce the bed and rtquired a Puree, a dcotcr, and
many conveniences at once. worked perfectly. There is a quaint old Nigerian legend It seems os if I dream, "covenant with hell" and let the Slave a maid.
Our agents in your locality will that relates the origin of man's sub- Yet I bear that gentle tinkle, States go.. -
OLD TIME LONDON. jecton to women. And I catch a distant gleam
fill your order promptly. + At the beginning of things, the le- Of the meadows and the pastures A new railway from Ottawa to Brock -
The Days When Mon in tPillory gend runs, he Pillthe world was peopled by And the cow -paths leading home,
And ell the bills and valleysAbout 400 gallons of milk a year is the villa will be built immediately, to ba
Were. Pelted With Eggs. women only. One day the earth god, Where, ri boy, I used to roam. average yield of a healthy cow. operated by the Grand Trunk.
ryLondon in 1700 was a comparatively Awbasst Nat, happened by accident to -Sanford Allen McGaiven, in Farm
small city of about 600,000 inhabitants, hill a woman:' On hearing this the rest Journal.
Stands for Guaranteed Qualit the rough and ill kept main roads to gathered together and prayed that, if (➢!!!!ti!!!!!!!!!!!!lOtD!!a!t l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dl��t!(OYis!!
+ Y which had been but slightly improved he meant to slay them, he would bring
75 since Tudor times. The ghastly spec- destruction on all together rather than !
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg - tacle of many of the trees on the South- hill them one by one. ® CLUBBI
NG ,,,1 , ,,,-,,;,,,, ,,. Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary l tqurk road beading under their burden Awbassl was sorry for the grief he a!
ig and offered as compeusn• ABSOLUTE
of hanged men had indeed been slight- had caused •
ly modified, but none the less the de- tion to give them anything they should 00
FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART & CO. composing heads of "traitors" still fill- choose out of all his possessions. They • RATES0
ed the atmosphere about London bridge begged him to mention what he had to !
" and Temple Bar with myriads of bane- give and said that they would all cry SECURITY1
Bolting Our Food. ful microbes. ,Yes" when he named the thing they
GOLDENROD Our immediate forbears were evi• wished to have, + Y . J o •
Dr. Henry C. Ferris, recording secre' dently not overparticular about eights Awbassi mentioned one by one all Cenulne FOR11
tart' of the New York State Dental and smells. They were accustomed to his fruits, fowls arid beasts, but at a •
Society, recently presented an illumin• see men sitting in the pillory pelted each they shouted "No." At length
1 his world is full of baanty, sting report showing the effects of the with rotten eggs and possibly included the. list was nearly euded-only one Carter
� a �
Ard the, hearts of men are gay, bolting of food. Dr. Farris addressed a among their immediate circle not a'few titlog remained to offer. a
The obildreu Shout with gladness who lead been deprived of their noses -Will you, then, take man?" asked an The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the ratE: below 0
All throntth the runny day, latter to one hundred and fifty of the and ears for expressing too freely their A wbassi at iast. "I es!" they roared a Tj`'•• • a !
IiuE the days are growing shorter, and prominent medical men of this country g h Little Liver Pills
• y
my heart is fillyd with gloom, in which he asked them it they consid opinions, political and religious. in a great shout, and, catching old of • for an of the following publications
For th, chem, am n singing, and the The drains were in an appalling con- one another, danced for joy at the •
Kocricke s til In sin . eyed imperfect *chewing and salivating dition. The innumerable churchyards thought of the gift Awbassl was send. 0 Times and Daily Globe ........................ 4.50
of food an aetiologioal factor in diseases were so fall of coffins that they often ing Must Bear Signature of • Times and Daily Mail and Empire.............. 4.50
II of it•be Stomach and intestines, and, if projected tbrough the turf. Bear and Tbus men became the servants of t Times and Daily world..... 3,10
so, what pathological conditions result- bull baiting, dog fights and boxing women and have to work for them to •
It's swFet to see tin baanty, • Times and. Toronto Daily News.. .............. .. 2.30 +•
And it's �vsee to be to sad ed from such neglect? out of the hun matches were attended even by royal- this day. Times and Toronto Daily Star .................. 2 30
When the plax Ing of the children dred and fifty replies that Dr. Ferris re • ty as late as 1820, and five years later
Should make my old heart glad. all the "dandies" in London were pay- The Sense of Humor. see FaaSimile wrapper Below. 'j`imes and Daily Advertiser ............. . ...... 2:85
Bat my Jaye are ;growing Fhorter, and I ceived, 98 per cent, of chase physicians lug high prices to stand in the carts - A man has a sense of humor or he • Times and Toronto Saturday Night ............. 3.35
said that the chewing of food was an hay not. IE' !sd has not he: cannot ac• Yen ,matt and as oisy ♦ . , , , • , • , , , , • , ... , . 1.60
seem to scent my dorm, round Tyburn to behold twenty-two of �gtake aesugar:, • Times and Weekly Globe . .. 1.60 +�
For the katydid, are calling, and the important factor toward good health their fellow creatures hanged for mix- quire it; iE he has it by bhthright he Times and weekly Mail and Empire............
goldoured's in bloom._ and that the bolting of food frequently demeanors which in our time would cannot lose •it with tlhe passing of + FOR MUCHE. • Times and Family Herald and weekly Star...... 1 S5
III oaused cancer, eatarth of the stomach be punished with a few days' impr - years. The only change as life goes CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS, j limes and Canadian Farm weekl • . • • •. • • • 1,60
and gastric ulcers. It food is not thor- onment.-London Saturday Review. on in one who has this inborn sense is FOR BILIOUSNESS. • ( Y) • • , , , , • • 1.85
Awaho, my Ecnl, to comfort, oughly chewed and is permitted to that different things appeal to it from i VER FOR TORPID LIYE9. • Times and Weekly Wiliness ..
My e, my forget thy fear, reach the stomach in large lumps or An Ingenious Defense. those that excited amusement in OB`CONSTIPATION i Times and London Free Press (weekly).......... 1.80 +
youth, but ie. thin, it is irks other Pi) LLS • Times and London Advertiser (weekly) .......... 1.60 .y
If nig days are growing Shorter masses, there is no gneetion that it Nimble wits and a glib tongue fre• FOR SALLOW SKIN. •
Than heaven tc mora nFar; must s, t e the soft lining of that or• quently save erring "coppers" on trial tnentat facilites. As judgment met- : Times and Toronto weekly Sun ................ 1,70 +
It the katydids are calling, before the- deputy commissioner at lows and ripens, so the power of dig• 6��NOR THECOMPLEXION Times and world wide ........................ 2.20 •i•
And the cricket's ^ong is told, gan, producing many of the oases of Headquarters. Some of the "defenses" covering those things that excite a a, ptnetyYegetabloi6 e.." e.roG- Times and Northern Messenger.... .............. 1.35 +
'Tie a premise that the Springtime ulcers and catarrh that need careful and ,t -_ �„ „,.„.-�..,: 2.35
Shall follow VGinter's cold, consistent medical attention. Some put up by offenders are more ingen• smiles becomes more discriminating. its c• Times and Farmers' Advocate ..... , .. •
Then the sun shall shine forever, and no ions than convincing. Not long ago a . E3umor is not a physical attribute to auRE SICK HEADACiiE. ♦ We epeoiall recommend our reader, to subscribe
Heart Shall harbor gorev , further comments on this gnestion are giant patrolman, accused of being fade as the body loses its yonthful . to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine,
With the children ever Singing, and the to be found in the course of a review in about a quarter of a mile off his beat, elasticity, but purely mental. Alen • Times and Presbyterian ........................
2.25 :�•
goldenrod in bloom. botcher Busy Man's., evolved this excuse, .,You see, it was who possess it in goodly measure have Traded Baby for Pig : Times and Westminster . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
-Neva-, News. like this, your honor, I was patrolling been known to smile on thea death- The Winnipeg Tribune reports EHa ac-
my post when I thought I heard a beds over fie very comedy of life.- tion, of a Heartless man who found his Times and Presbyterian and Westminster........ 3.25
While cleaning a thoroughbred Leg- man up the street yelling 'Fire[ Indianapolis Star. ♦ Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) . 2.40 2
way to Winnipeg from a benighted Sao • ♦ Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly), • , , , .... 2.90
Sir Walter Scott, horn hen which had been killed for Firel' I ran in the direction of the tion of a Somewhat misgoverned Earop • Sabbath Reading, New York 1,95
supper, George Tyndall, of Chatham, sound, and, would you believe me, Mr.: The Flax Plant. • Times and l;
It wag Seventy,five years ago last Yonne inside the bird, not only eggs, but Commissioner, there stood a fellow out , Linen is obtained from the flax plant, eau country. Th9 other day his wife gave � Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto). • 2.15 +
two well-developed b ,nick,, wi h eyes. on the sidewalk trying to wake up A ' a small, delicate annual with a tiny birth to twine. He was greatly offended : Times and Michigan Farmer ... • ............ • •
Wednesday Pince Sir Walter Scott died,as the dual arrival, and without the con , • , .. f , . .
and the quotation from Carlyle is being beaks and wings.. 7 he find is believed friend of his on the second floor, and f blue flower. The plant is pulled by • Times and Woman's Home Companion . • • • • 41
be was yelling with all his might : hand in the summer, the seeds, known sent of his wife, arranged with a fellow �, Times and Country Gentleman ......... 2.60
repeated, that, ,When he departed he to be without a scientific precedent. •Meyerl Aleyerl"' ,Well, that's a in commerce as linseed, being removed ,i,
took a man's fife with Him." As a countryman to make a trade, giving one •i Times and Delineator ......................:.. • 2.95
The hen was about two years old.
It brand new one;' said the trial commis- and the straw subjected to various of the babies for a young pig. The deal •t• 3
writer he was incomparable is his field, bad given no evidence of ill health, stoner, the suspicion of a smile cross- I processes to separate the flbrons pare q. Times and Boston Cooking Sebool Magazine...... 1.95
which was largely a field of his owe . - Ing His face. "Complaint dismissed." which constitutes the linen. First It Is utas aotutlly poneummated to the great q, Times and Green's Fruit Grower................ 1.55 rt•
• steeped in water and then passed distress of the mother. A man of auth• Times and Good Housekeeping 230 '•P
creation; and as a man of character, -New York Tribune. 1,70
through a drying and heating process oritp stepped in, roshored the child to the Times and MCCall's Magazine ............. • ....
one who rose superior to defeat, he has linery at et bigitifreduction all I in new up-to-date
his season mil,
at on revolving wheels until all foreign mother, and administered a lecture to the Times and American Illustrated Magazine........
2,30 3
been the inspiration of many thousands- MRs GREEN'S, a Sumner's Ready Reply. matter is removed. It is then ready brutal husband, whose dense perception 't• 1,90 `
Through the failure of the firm of _ Charles Sumner when in London : for manufacture. .i. Times and American Boy Magazine.............
in gave a ready reply. At a dinner given of what constitutes ordinary humanity - + Times and What to Eat . ..................... 1.90 .t.
damEe Ballantyne and Campahy, where apparently, but slightly aroused q,• 2.15.
which he wee a partner, Sir Walter in in his honor be spoke of "the ashes" of Times and Business Man's Magazine..: •.... ,i.
some dead hero. "Ashesl What Amer,Not a Question of Etiquette. This is one of the unfortunate instances '>+ 2.15 •t•
1826 found himself burdened with a lean. English!" rudely broke in an Eng• Mrs. Hendricks (the landlady) -Can 'i' Times and Cosmopolitan ... • • • • 2.75 4
I help you to some more soup, Mr. say"be where the strict divorce Times and Ladies' IIome Journal..... .......
debt of over six hundred thousand dot • DIFFICULT TO SHOOT. list,man. "Dust you mean, Mr. Sum- laws of the land prevent a decent woman post... • .. • ♦ .. • ♦ 2,75
lays, which he heroically set himself to Birds That Test the Skill of the Best neo. We don't burn our dead in this Dumley? from separating herself from something + Times and Saturday Evening . • .... • 2.25 1+
pay off without aid. The story has Marksmen. country." "Yet," instantly replied Mr. Mr. Dumley-No, thanks.
often been told how he eat to work, and _� Mrs. Hendricks (engagingly -Dont resembling in appearance the human + Times Times and Hoard's•Dairyman .....• .. 2.40
We often hear the question as to Sumner, with a courteous smil your refuse, Mr. Dumley, because it Isn't being. 2.40
how he turned his pen to every possible which is the most difficult bird in the poet Gray tells us that 'Even in our Times and re's Magazine . • • • • • .. • 2.50 •
task of profit, making during the first world to shoot The answer is usually ashes live their wonted fires."' The considered good form to be helpedTime
S and 1:60
two years after the failure, the enor• given to favor of the pheasant de- American was not criticised again that twice to soup. We're not particular + Times and Vicks Magaznone ........ • • • ::::
mous sum of two hundred thousand seending with closed wings from a evening. --Argonaut people Mr. Dumley-0h, etiquette has noth- Times and Home Herald 2.60
dollars. }Sow he bore the loss of his higher level of flight, lhougb a few ing to do with it, madam; it's the HAD L A E BACK Times and Travel Magazine::. 2.25
wife, increasing. infirmities of his own, give the preference to the second bar• A Glorious Part. •i• Times and Practical Farmer........ ............
including strokes of paralyeie, all this rel shot at teal scared by the discharge "At last," exclaimed the low co- gelln- Was Almost Unable To Move. + , ' •' • •' • .' . •
of a first barrel and darting upword median, "I have a part that just suits + Times and Home Journal Toronto 1.76 Z
may be rend in the admirable pages of " She Learns, Too. 'I' Times and Designer ..... • • • • • • '
Lockhart. He was in his life what he and In any direction but that which I ins. There had been a family row. Two Boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills + Times and Everybody's....... • • • • • • • • • _ 280
„ 2xpecte`d "Good," said the first old lady. "You 10
told Lockhart to be -"A good ,man. A bird which we have never seen are the only actor I ever knew who "Well," remarked the alleged head Cured Her.
+ Times and Western Times and Cana than$P'iicctori 1 c ...ly, Winnipeg:.,... i co s
mentioned and which yet might take +t was thoroughly satisfied with his part of the house, "a man learns a few
and those who are best acquainted with things when he gets married. Yes, sir,
his life end works and are best gntslil3ed high place ie. the ca t,gcry is t ite 9111 nd What is it?" „ Mrs. M. B. Cairns, Upham, N.B„ writes: •i•
it Walter Scott one rouse, it is not to be rated as 'it, "Oh, the part isn't much, as far as a "I atima bed,"lretorted the feminine "I feel it my duty to drop you a few lines •t'
to badge, esteemS g but is famllior that goes, but I m supposed to be a y „ to let you i.now what Doan's Indite 4'
ble spirits in the worlds
English bid of sport, halt oP thio sketch, but the school of Y y •t' The above prices include IME ps to be en Amfin erican prican Ladd pp addI
of the most no p ,, it is : h•1t burglar, and I break into a pantry and „_ ash, Pills did for me. I had such a Laine + address in Canada, If the TIMES is to be sent blication Pore toaberirent to+
history, end one of the greatest writorR to shooters in the cast. where Back that I was almost unable to move, a SO cents for postatxe, and where American p
as e. Of his nntfr• as it comes fighting to water hubs to eat a real meal at a erformance."experience
gt neHerald. t bar . ads. ;incl my kidneys were m an awful con- !American addresses a reduction will be made in price,
in the English long g drink. Its flight is same(hing like 111:11 -Chicago Record -Herald.
Ing industry this remark of n student, dition.
of a pigeon, with very swift rarer•:= Overcharged. "After taking two boxes of Doart s ! We could extend this list. If the paper or maagive, yon vent is not e
Watching the movement of his hand and undulations, and in its case again He Worked On. j understand you to sag Pills I was completely cured and feel as : the list, call at thlr office. or drop a onrd and we'oaill titvA yen priors on the
from an opposite window, has often in that of the Virginian mosqult„ Wif"eorge, this burning of the Bell -bid „
as - that the dentist overcharged you? well as I ever (lid." ,paper you want. we club with all the leading newepappre and megez urs.
admired: 'It never stops, page said that those who havo candle At both ends -means an untimely - enough as ? well
as I Diane Pills are a specific for When premiums are divan. with any of above papers, Subscribers will
j been earn hawk, it Is s Nell -Yes, he gave me g g Y
finished and thrown up on the knack can kill it with o grave. It is nearly 12 o'clock. Conte
niter page is acquired 'in Join this tuflate a balloon.--Lfansas City dour all' Kidney Troubirs, They begin by secure such pi`eminms when ordering through tis, snide OF
orderirg d rpr ;
a of matiuscript, and still it comparative certainty' whlrb Is the d,� to iced. George --•But i g tial expelling all the poisonous matter from froth publishers.
that hep night work in order to find money .
h ill be till s air of the novice. the kidneys, and then heal tits delicate
These In* rate" mAnn a copolderable saving to eutiscribers, t+nth era
goes on unwearied and se t w p our heasnut Apro• enough to buy you it birthday present membranes and make their action regular
ATO brought in, and filed only Atter all perhaps p Not to Blame. STRICTLY BASH IN ATi VANCE. bend reinittancer by postal ttatA, popf
candles g , Pinning downward must stilt by aivpn Wit's -Wolf, >i you will persist in work- and natural.
lou after that. Quickly p g r It Giood The Elderly Lady -They say Itis Doan's Iiidne fills are entirely vege• office or express moneq order, addresalntt
knows how g , the highest marks for diMcnitp, for Ing of comrse I cant stop yy
as he worked 'the Stamp of his genius we hear of no one who i>resutups til, night, dear. Wife has money. The Younger y be n table, and may bo safely taken by young S OPPICE, i
was, nevertheless, on all that he did, riot isn't his fault. They've Only Haan and old. TIME 'S' •Cr
' credit it is tine say he has discovered any infalill,)tw married a short time. erica 60c per box, or $ boxes for t
stud to his everlasting , , knack by which !his Inose perplexing Daddotloh Ina Street Carr. � � $1.25,at all dealers, or mailed tlirect on 0 'V[ ONTAR M (
his writings Ino mind was ever and et a pnrently simple shot eon Tho $eavywelghtr-Pardon me, did nh"e le not truly perlortued,by receipt of price by The T,*'Alilburn Co„ o FVI�TGL A' '
that by p o r• ate bD your loot; Sir? 000gab-'r yell hbp<tfe Limited, Toronto, Cat. , ', BrM� r»tuatf�ll�iN
poisoned; no eottl wag ever contain in be brought otiP wlih any groat a,.n l) (Ito body of blm whose heart 10 dis• „ , ,
area,° lie war pure•minded and his encs. -Country Gift•. didn t, begorry, thea the ironf inlet hoot r11atitfled y-SfandL When ordering direct, specify Doan s. 6!!!Blt1BliRif
Work was pure.- 9011 real Witness. ��+.ra tw tall on ik�=hick,
a a.