The Wingham Times, 1910-10-13, Page 2THE WINGRAM TIMES, OCTOBER. 13, IV10 ," �- _ , �"-�—�-�-���� SILO BRINGS SUCCESS. i7,wN 11j.k1+;G'�'(11tY, ea�nl;rlarlsr, 1117E _ _ . THE WIMP '�O OUTPUT OF DAIRY PRODUCTS $�r1lsa Cavaoa-• • hOW.1i, servicer at a o fipvsa Stock During Dry Season and �� �1 �gM 4� 1 • 1 e,li�s pope r iEi 1'UBLltiliBll Lowers Grain 13111, I rite r Cl T4 1 11 a ui enc) 7 p n� Snudtcy $ahool at u through the heart o! a;gt, 1, Ill. (Icueral prayer raeetin THURSDAY MORNING on a trip P There are some who claim that the - on YVad: a8ilgl 100ntugt', Rev V, EVERY -AT- New York stats recently a daisy ac �.! was call - dairyiudastroinCauadaisonthewane Bible Study Course G ; dye, ;,•++tn H Y P U aiti-Itza".s Bible �l,�n;inv •� �:ti• a�- � N..n �'P.D 1'�ta �;et The Times Ofijce, Beaver Block ��t ��e��e�nhe found itis silo ed to etliera �fiab' beoense the exports d0 not show as in* S.S. 6UParlIlWW1auc tNiNQHAM, UNTdFtIO, way a general air of thrift About ed ry- al. oreas°, The value of dairy products es• Oct, 1(3. METHopIsrCHusois-;?gbh»rbgnrYtileB thing. The farm buildings would al• ported from Canada to cot a true triter* Sattent rotats in t1te Lesson for Sunday, 'Annda SU110"! at most universally be in $cod condition, Gtven it' a Series of Questions "by at30 am aE worth lir.»Kar. ovary h1°n• TERMBOIIf3aR801rlrxiaid� N paper diFloou kept up in rood feu of the conditions of our dairy Indus Rev. Dr. LinSCOtt. P P advaaae, 81.0 it not so p tarp, Speaking at n directors' luncheon day evauiug. Gonest:! prayer melting tinned till alt arrears are paid, except at the Well P the fields Would Appear trim YOU have pro- at Ghe Cautral Canada Exhibition this option o= the publisher. shape, '(Registered in accordance with „t re Oopyrighti&ot., I W ltld 0d0 D 9paecgir I� RBnOI-,+ n• ADVPRTISING BATHS. - Legal and other and in tine state of cultivation and the year, Mr. J. A. Ruddick Dairy and oasualadverttsemeIato rlinofr (ice suel line bsequent prosperous in appear - k. been In- Y " an, S,S. Superinteadet,t. first insertion, 80 per un• for �n�h� sabeeynent ones sleek the other hand, when he Cold Storage Commissioner, pointed out The List Judgment. Matt. xxv:31.40' heaven is righteousneas,epeaoe Band joy pRESBYTuRIAN CHouvct- .6libbath stlr- insertiou,lcoal arestruck a locality wipers the silo was tendin t O try e d that the value of our prodnate last year Garden Text.-Inasmaoh as ye have to ats. per lino tar stet inserst •n, and 6 ae.ttb was t25,000,U00 in advance of 10 ytara done it onto one of the sot of these in the Holy Ghost" do all those aeoes- vices at 11 a m and 7 p ut. Sprayer to cine for each r dronentl naertion.ahar8e not in evidence he could not help Lie - 0 Tea for some time ago . Barily inherit that kingdom who are meetSchoing on Welat 2-.30 duesmjrty o enings. prayer Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale ticing that there was a marked con- " �� That the export of dairy products is My brethren, Ye hava done it unto Mer loving and kind to everybody? Why? , or to Bout, and similar, i oo for first three trust both in the appearance o1 Lite - but from force of habit B D. Portio, pastor. i) .i I xis. ;t.s. # Matt. xxv:40. Why is it impossible for a selfish man Superintendent• weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in• buildings and in that of the farms not increasing, Mr. Ruddick attributed Verse 3t. -Are these words of Jesus aertton, themselves- have just Kept on using to inherit the kingdom of heaven? ST. PAUL'S CRl W;R, 1:?18UU1`GL-cl»b- CONTRACT RATas•—Thefoll0wing fable HhaWF to the great increase in home canenmp• to be taken as a parable, that is fignc jTarsee 37 40.-QVhY does Jeans take bath services at 11 a In and 7 h at. ourrates for the Insertion of advertisements Now, was tbia the result of the work another tea. tion and to the export of Marge gaanti- atively, or literally? Why? of the silo, or was the silo itself the flee of cream to the United States. ? an sat of kindness done, co a fellow- 3nudaY School at 2:30pm. O eGv, Fv .uH forspeoifieaperiods:— rosperons Con- _ When will be the day of j adgment. man, as done to himself? Croty, B. A., Rector ; SPACE, l YR. araC. o ,60 Imo - $resit the Habit The duty on butter going into the States Stone, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos E. OneColumn.----870.00 80.0 $a2•ao se.uo result ' the general p P How long will it probsbly take to ___ ditions. upon all the people FROM THE STANDARD HERE GIVEN Robinson, assistant Superintendent gHuartterO°lnma....._ 20.00 12.0 17.0 8,00 there can be buThis t one a sorer. a question t cess. silo and buy Red Rose . is rix cents a pound, while on cream it render judgment SALVATTnv AnXv-service at 7 and 11 one Inch _..-- 6.00 8.00 2.00 1.26 WHAT IS THE 1110ST I][POIiTANT WORK is five cents a gallon, Oce gallon of' that have ever lived? THAT A OIIURCH, OR AN INDIVIDUAL, CAN u tri Said 3 am' 3 P ro un Sunday, and Advertisements without specific direottouh Com spbefodre prosperity, not atter 1t next time. ; cream will tarn out tour or five pounds , 'Verse 32 33. -Where at the present ingl b Transient advertisements meet no paid The man who pros a silo can keep al - of batter. In order to take advantage BE ENGAGED IN, AND WHY? (Ehis C1a88• every evening during the weep at B will beinsortedtillforbld an ahargodac0O1 most as many CAttle again as the one r� •+e, r time are all the bad people, and all the O'clook at the barracks. for in advnnae. -`` � 1 '_T-. " i of the diffarenco is duty abaat 500 foo• i tion mart be answered in writing by POST orxlox-Office hours from Sm m Tian Jon DEeARTMVNT is steekod with an cod people that have died since the members of the club.) who has none, and be can make those tortes in Canada at the present Lima are ,birth of the human race? to 6:80 p m. Upon to box holders from jug, a$vordingtfacilities allrethe cows pay him better. I 11 shipping Dream t° be mads into butter Should the church have the same zeal, q a m, t , 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. county for turning out first Claes work, i urge iy By what rale or law, will the separa- pDBLIO LIBIte x -Library and free type and a roprinte Date Por all styles of Post_• Take it along in the summer, and on the other side of the line. •r and the same compact organization, Lor grass in the pasture gets dry and So far, thio hag been an Odvant5tte to tion of the bad from the good be made • oaring for the poor, comforting the sick, reading room in the Town Hall, will ahutooe fe cry ypo =ar tge an•r aloes latest oLynlrint hard. There is not nearly as mncli I ► ..15 Cf00(1 tE1" Will a man's orthodoxy have say Ing. farmers shipping cream, as they are get- weight with the judge in that great day? and making glad the and, as shy notfor 6530 open evening from 7 H. et ELLIOTT, bl substance to it Ip there was earlier to miaeiu°ary work? Wily or why ncE. Proprietor and Publisher ting abetter pride for their products why? Vorses 41 46. -Wast does the exprns• librarian. 9:30 o'clock, Miss Lizzie Attridge the season. Unless something is one NEvrR SOLD IN BULK librarian, M D , M C•P S o, the colds will drop oft in their milt than it the raw material were danger OOO• Willa man's heterodoxy, it he has Rion, ,,everlasting fire" stand for here? P KENNEDY, tared III Canada. Tilers 18 tlaOgeT OOn• g TOWN COUNCIL—William Holmes, �* Member of the British Medical Aeeaoia• Yield and away will go the chancesif the Your Grocer Will been ruled by the law Of love, in any Ia the punishment of the wicked ever. Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; tion. gold Medallist to Medicine, Special success for the season. Now, Recommend It 83 nested with the basine8e, however, for way prejudice the judge at the jadg• farmer has a good silo to fail back on the tariff may be rearranged at c ny lasting, because God would not be will• B o, OdaDr. R be B.Elliatt, William ranntOfficeahours i1 to d p m ; 7 to 9 D �,n hill he cAn keep up his flow of milk and Tent day? B rtte, Dr. Robert C. Redmond, Why may we hope that many, who jug to forgive in the future state, Or Thom•ss Gregory and D. E. MoDanald, time and thereby the shipment of cream because the character of the winked ie o""111'0, ) I LLt TO ADVERTISERS be made nnprot<table. Canadine Inc have never heard of Christ among the Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and R. MACDUNALD, 4 ;>r<J __ fiISOxed, having no desire tar forgiveness, Treasurer. Board masts first Monday D : , 'h z r�d'� it they heathen, will be found among the sheep �, x z^ Notice of changes most be lest at this toriee,the making o baster i ndlcheese t? or for both these reasons? evening in each month at 8 o spook. Oentr. str.•t 4 r< Saturday noon. far se t the 'ndgmen nt an formal sentence, why to HIGH SoaooL BoeRD.- W, F. Pan- Wtngham, onterto. later than S y a j Without y C)i:il ^..:4:::...:: .i::''P^�?:+t. office not me time to be the sire so are o1 Stone chairman), Wm. Nicholson, John : s.:::;<t>'<;..>r<+:: s; ora: i`' .: z. : 4:<.: •�* 0o for, mast be lett goes, would req Verse 34. -what ie the net The copy not a stingy, hard-hearted, close•&aced, " '`'`" ` nin !d oondltione for WlldOn, C. P. Smith; W. J. Howson, � + ` •';>' rc • not later than Monday evening- come readjusted to the o again. -farm and Dairy. kingdom which God has prepared cruel man, who pays no head to the pili• UR, AGNEW, Urinal advertisements accepted asp John A. 61o'Laaa, Frank Baohanan, to noon Wednesday of cash week. hie children? s 1nl cry of eaffering around him, arose• Dudley Holtnos, secretary. A. Cosens, The 'sequence o! canes and affect i Physician, Burgeon, rte. sarily in an eternal hell? troaenrer. Board moats second Monday , ESTABLISHED 1852 you Ca. see it work. relentless; for example, poieonkills, like Why does the identification o! Jeans avenin in each month. Drugstore. Nightc llsai swer d•aattheomoe . �' ° - g ! The beams of Dr, Chase's Ointment i begets like, sin produces suffering, etc. with hie people really make them one PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. -H. E. Isard +,: (chairman), G. O. Minoan, Alex. Roes, .. healer of the skin in eezama, 8511 ; In what sense is this law the eaplann• with him? Galbraith W D.Pringle, Wm.Moore, ```"11""` i"`"'' �IMEs. as a h old „ kingdom w Jno. R. ROBT.0.REDMOND, M. R. C, S. (Engl a" `> ING]D�M disease and o , nt the k g ' i .. THE �� °p rheum, itching akin a to � tion o. the stateme , `�`'''' " LIBUZR AND that on can see from d y the foundation of Leeson •for Sunday, Oat: 23rd, 1910 U ( Vaustone, P. Campbell; Secretary, D L. R. O. P. London. >. � H.B.tLLLIOTT.P�s , sores is t Y Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet- . `''''°" day exactly What It is doiva. `There is (prepared for you from Review. "' ''';•': 13 1910 no guess work, no experimenting. It the world? Inge second Tuesday evening in each PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. w,. THURSDAY, OCTOBER £'Ff''`'' �K simply heals the akin and makes it soft, month. - .. ' smooth and natural. It heals as it by TEMPERANCE COLUMN. BUYING FROM THE HOYIE MER- HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS-J.G,Work• office, With Dr. Chisholm. � NEXT HOUSE OF COMMONS. magic. Prove this to pont own Ruffs• CHANT. mtia, B.A., principal and mathematical faction by trying it. — master, J. U. Smith, B. A., Classical. DR, ""' ARET C. CALDER E W,� - master; H. A. Paroy, Satenos Master;rr%' .- Taking Be a basis an estimate of the From Woman's Auxiliary of the T ane M. R. The Dry Goods Record makes the Com• Mies M J. Bsird, B. A., teacher of Honor ata ante to Toronto University, , F -stir Association. Licentiate of Ontario Obllege o= Physicians ��:" �•• .'.": :` , population of Canada made by the can- AFTER SPEAKING. moot below on an advertisement of a English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, and surgeons. `� I The 23rd annual convention of Bruce Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, ens bureau, the Toronto Daily Star says Cornwall firm. The Wording of the ad• fifth tenches Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tasted.; c. that the next redistribution will work - 0o„ Women's Christian Temperance vertisemept is not given bat from the PDBLIO SCHOOL TsaoMiss Joseph (}lasses properly fitted. I, out as follows: The deoision of one of the big Ameri• I7nion, was held in Knox Presbyterian criticism it willbe Baan that an important stalker, Principal. Mies Brook, ,mice Homs- oto 5, 7 td'8 Kennedy, ; Quebec (flxed) .......... . .... .. • • • • can universities to establish a chair ofiss Reynolds, Mise Farquharson, Miss r . .. 82 church, Teeewater, on Sept.S§21st and point is an advertisement. ,ie to impress Wilson, Mies Cummings, and Miss O itario. ..... 82 "After-dinner Speaking." is a move- the reader with the line of goods adver• Hawkins. R PANSTONB, m.ent in t,h • direction o1 saving what 22nd' Maritime Provinces ....... ..... . . Uhes]ey. Cargill, Paisley, Walkerton, tired and the advantages following home BoeRD or HEALTH -• Wm. Holmes Manitoba ............ • • • • • • • ; ; 12 ie fast becoming a lost art. Of coarse, port Elgin and Teeewater anions were BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, BTC y the banquet, lanoheon or supper ie trading. The Record Says- "Every own• (chairman), Samuel Bonnett, Wm, a osatsNT moos stns. Saskatchewan ......... • . • • • • peasant, Atex, Porter, Jahn F. private and Company funds to loan at lowest 10 welt represented. The reports from er of property in Cornwall or in the lis Groves, Seoretarp; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, rate of Interest. ntortgages, town and farm kip more cows and keep them baiter Alberta ...... ............... • • 10 still made a book on which to hang trict is directly interested in the Medical Health Officer. property bought and soil. British Uolnmbia............ • • • • • •^ speeches by men in the public eye, but superintendents of the following depart OfSo•, Beaver Block, Wtngham ,than if he were dependent on the para -A menti showed progressive work during suggestion thrown out in that adver- ture alone. in these 226 the men who could get asp when chiles the year: -Flower Minion and Evang- tisemeat and it applies to every other '.Then, too, grain is coati] Total ........... .. T A. MORTON, days, whether we grow it on our own This would mean an lucre... of 13 for upon atter dinner to entertain their elistio Work, Lumbermen and Sailors, business in the town. When the STEADY tJ • farms or buy it The silo cuts the the western provinoes,l lose of 4 !or tel.ows with a crisp, bright and witty parlor Meetings, Juvenile and Temper• people of any town or district BARRISTER, &o. r�i Wlagham, ons. Bruin bill down splendidly And thug Ontario and a loss of lour for the Mari• epeeoh, are beoo ng extinct. Most Once M. S. S., Medal Oonteet9, Scientific send money to the departmental L®Y NT adds to ,the farmer's bank account time Provinces. There, may be some o2 those Who survive are Haat middle riod when post Tempo and Narcotics, Parity and stores of Toronto or Montreal as the Dasa the IIrst cost of a silo is most always. surprise and die in Ontario liraand ndialboratory was ae gift enjoyed by Mother's meetings, Press Tiainge, Fran• may be for goods that can be pnrohaeed what stands between the farmer and chile and Law Enforeyment, Work just as cheaply and much moresatitdaot. E. L. DICKINSON DUDTEy HOLMt1. building one of them. But if he p . over the fact that the representation is P among Indiana and Unfermented Wine. for a reliable Local Salesman trots diminished although the population has many- Drily at home, they are assisting in ba senting DICKINSON f#ODMS up A good one it will last for many, Children's meeting at 4 p. m. was Ing asp those pities to the dstrimsnt years without any expense for repairs• increased by halt a million. This due What a treat it was twenty-five to Greatest Oldest and Greatest BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. There is always a temptation to build to the fact that there has been a still years ago to attend even little informal largely attended. A paper on the dang• of their own interests. The value MONEY To LOAN. greater proportionate inonase in Qae• dinners, where one was ears ,, hear er of prescribing and using intoxicating of property in a town increases in Prop' Nurseries' a cheap silo. liquors for medical purpose's was read ortion to the business done in the place, OrrloE: Meyer Brook, Wtngham. That is the poorest kind of economy. bee It the unit of representation were short, pithy and witty epeeohee. large Anytbing cheap is always expensive. 25,000, Ontario would have mote than the present time any other than large by the President, and every dollar withdrawn from ciroul• in Wing harn and adjoining country. It wears or gives out soon; and we are Rev. Mr. Kennedy, B. A„ M. A•, of ation in a community detracts to that you will find there is a good demand RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D, S., L. D. s. 107 members, and Quebec 87. Probably, and formal events, where a special ave a very able and interact• /� compelled to go all Over it again. Ontario and the Maritime Provinces orator hes been invited, are little more Toronto, g extent from the business of that locality for nursery Stook on account of the Doctor of Dental Bur iryotth•Penneylvania would feel hotter satisfied Hader each an than a poor imitation of an "ezper• Ing address on Law enforcement, show- and consequently deproeiatee the value high otiose that growers have realized Dental College and Lgtaentiats of the Royal Peanuts Fatten Boys. OL every foot Ot property, not only in the on their trait this seatan. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office arrangement, although the relative ienee meeting," where the chairman- in that it was a very rasp matter to Experiments conducted by PrRed enforce the Local Option Law. town but in the neighbouring district. Oar saps this are turning n big bass- Infic close eve WWedns• strength of the province in Parliament who too often does not know too much g neer to ns this year. BeSe one of them from to Oct istWeanesdsy afternoon �1 farmers showed that many tone would be the eeme. It would produce about his job -calls upon everybody at The people of Teeewater appear to be The prospect of a slight saving in the end earn good wages through the winter of valuable hog go with the peanut the correct iSameeeioun, namely, that the table with a fair certainty that no wall pleased with the business prospeote cost of certain articles is the indneement months. crop and that atter the peanuts have of the easvilled under Local Option. that actuates most o! the people who send . Territory reserved. 'Pay weekly. In all are going forward, 'some a little "low- body has anything to ray, m who Free sample outfit, eto. ,16 �% J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S„ D. D. S. been gathered hogs can be turned The following Office were elected for their orders to the city stores. But it is Write for partiealan. t Licentiate of the Royat college of Dental on the ground and fattened for market er; whereat the present arrangement wit ke the trouble ato get asp a little Surgeons of Ontario, end Graduate of Uni• Oa what is lett of the crop without produces an nnplesssant, though false,the earning year:-Pre's., Mrs. Keeling, doubtful it in the long run there is any STOVE fit WELLlN6iTOY varsity of Toronto. other food. Several carloads of hove impression that some Are going back. epeeoh, illustrated with a witty avec Cargill; Vice Pres., Mrs. R. Scott, Pais• actual saving. The advantage of Fonthill Nurseries OfRee : Beaver Brook. Mrs. Hieooz, Teeewater; OtYce closed Query Wednesday afternoon fattened in this way sold at good The very rapid growth of Qnebeo dote or two to entertain his fellow ley bor.•Seo , seeing an article and being 'satisfied (850). from 6fay 1st to Oct lot. prices last fall after having been nearly half a million is ten Years, also guest at an informal dinner is a bene• ley-, , M a F. P. Moore; Rec.•Sea, before paying out money for it will more TORONTO, CANADA• rounded oft with a ration of. corn for make" the increase in the western prow factor of hta race. Even the average TraMies Helen Smellie, Chesley. than offset the difference in price that two weeks. It takes but A few months fusee somewhat smaller than was rapes• professional man of today who ie _ may be found in occasional instances, to mature a peanut crop, and it has tedtro somewhat the smaller than as ern of oal1, d neon for a epeeoh on an emer• while the circulation of the money in their � w ^A/� ERS WinKham General Hospital been found practical p follow it up the last decade. They will have 47 gency, mt,kes bat a shameful showing. DAIRY SUGGESTIONS. own community will add to the general /��"' M (Under Government inspection) t�tli a crop of Irish potatoes on the members instead of 34'. While chis in- Sue men as Sir Charles Tupper, Sir prosperity. Do not ba mislead by the same ground, and in some cases a Be(!- members i0 not sensational, it means that Hibbert Tapper, Sir John Thompson, tempting baits held out by the mail ord- and anyone having live stock or other and crop of the peanuts has been raised. west will have more than W per Hon. W. S. Filding, Mr. Justice Long. It, is not alwaye & cow that gives er oatnlognee. It yon are thinking of send• tree the enure wish axle isih• se of , s.o Ona farer. a Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur. As the peanuts will sell at from 90 the ley, and others of the passing genera-, g Oynt. of the representation oWHI f the Hones, the largest emanut of milt` that is mak- fag an order make out a list and take it you do not tette end it will bee can't indeed it niched. Open to all regularly licensed cents to $1.25 what per bushel and hogs instead of 16 tion, who became noted as fluent and Ing the most money for you. Teel her yondonot I sell because You m askmore physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS— fatten on what is left After gathering alit scants even more than gaan- forceful speakers, learned to lace nn and be certain. to some of the local merchants and give that on will Bell tockt yon may ae. Send (Which Qa y them an opportunity to ligate on it. In for the article or stook then it le worth, Sena (which include board and nursing), X3.50 the peanut crop, it makes this one of your advertisement to the Trrma and try this to $15.00 per week acoording to location the cheapest foods for the South that thy in representation. Those provinces audience and be unafraid as after din- The care given the heifer calves dor- nine oases ont of ten you will. find that plan nlof disposing of your stook and other of room. For further information, can be raised, and it puts on weight which are not eatieflad with the regnits nor speakers in their youth. The great Ing their first year has much to do with you can do just as well in regard to price address fast enough to suit any hog grower - of the, census ought to make a special gift possessed by snoh mestere ae the lilies L. 15perintende their inters neetnlnerN. right at home and yon will have the Superintendent, t ff ort to elect rapreeentativee of such a late Lard Dufferin and Chenaoy M. Seep calves sleek and growing, and great additional advantage of knowing ��� D r Boz 223, Wtngham Ont. Relief From qtlyHeare kind as to command attention at Otta Depew, may not he acquired, and per erectly whet you see to get before pry t Heaves can be greatly relieved or we, Phe nominating conventions of 'hope the effect may not be worth the give enough glover and alfalfa hay to Ing pony good money. Try it. temporarily removed by medicine and both p::rties Should make special efforts serious treatment of a college oonr"e, develop a o changes for handling told. _ ADVERTISING RAILWAY TIME TABLES. special management. In Summer $raise to soloct the beet and most forceful men but most Young men can learn to 86p Sadden changer in feed should be should form the only feed, and to win- t3 n.+mii dates. ' something pleasantly and well it they avoided, as the digestion sheald be kept The Days of Youth. RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. ter Wet cat straw should be preferred try, and ft is worth While trying.- strong and healthy. , Orders for the Insertion of advertisements G --•' to cry hap. Fowler's Solntf0n of 8P- business TRAINS LAAVA roe Montreal Star. The beet cows are never cheap, and Let ase labor in the morning, for twill meohanies wanted, articles' for sale. a ih feat London _ e.16 O.m_ _ 8.80p.m. sonic 1n half ounce doses twice daily • _ -------- pays to give noon be afternoon; !et ae hurtle in the any kind of an adv t. in any or the Toronto or Toronto JhEae4 i1.08s.m...08s a.m . _ .15 pp.mm, lessens the distress. Commercial rued- _ are seldom for tale; so it p y vineyard, for the night I9 OOmiag soon, other city papers, maybe left at the TIY68 Kincardine 11 69 a.m.., 2.08 p•m__ o.1b Troubled wrtb► Heart the baiter salves the beet of Dare. y office. Thiswork will receive promptnttention ARRIVE fAOY P.M. pCine" are alio useful w filet extent Every dairyman ehonld rtudy the When the old and weary dotards sit be* nndwiueeyepeople the troubb1 oft remitting Kincardine 6,45a.m_11.00a,m__ 1.�0 Biggest Elevators in the World. for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest London...... ... ._ _... ..11.64 a.m 7,85 p,m. Keep the Bast Ewes. It b really astonishing to read about market end o! his bneineee, and govern Bide the flee and croon -and time ie rates will be quoted on a plication. Leave Too often ewo lambs born after the marching On. Let's improve the Bolden or eend;yonr next work of this kind to the Toronto ds East .....».... 1.08 p.m.. _ D. 24 p.m. WERE ALL UNSTRUNG O. L&MONT, Agent, Wingliam. regular lambing season are retained NERVES the way the wheat Crop of Western himself accordingly, moments which cavort upon their way TIMES OFFICE- WinRham --- Canada is poured each fall through the More cows should come in fresh in there'll be time for idle dreaming in old for breeding ewes because they are not CANADIAN pA02TIo RAILWAY. large enough to market. with ;the !".set )Are. Oscar Hamilton, Forest Glen, elevators of the Twin Cities on Like the antomn: age's wintry day; while the morn of life - - - TRAINs LEAVE Volk of the flock. These develop into twee 11.5. writes:-" I can truthfully say that Snperiot--Fort William and Port Aeth• Do not let the rammer milkers run it with ase let ng pat ap lots of hay, for Toronto and East.. .. _ e,82 a.m.. - x,17 p.m. 000 bushels out of .60 YEARS' Teeewater ,... 1.10 p.m. _10.17 p.m. that are undersized and late breeders Milburn's heart and Nerve Fills have Dr. Last year 43,000, down in condition, and go into Winter time is marching on. I have seen a EXPERIENCE ARRIVE sROrs and hence are detrimental to the build- county poorhouse whore the paupers Temwitter ..-.,-•-_-,e.82a.m._- e,13 p,m. been a great friend to me. A few years a Crop of 126,000,000 bushels, Went uarter@ thin in flesh. It will take a lot Toronto and Eaat _ --1.10 p.m --10.17 p.m, fog up of good Stook. ago i was very much troubled with my through the big terminal elevators to q Ind m nerves were all unstrung, eighty days. The real eignifioanoe of of feed to set them bisok 'into prying sighed and wept, for the waited years , Jr.J. H.BaHMER, Aseat,Wingasm. heart y of fee on it they are . allowed to get behind them, when high carnival they l � Lumps on Hosts' Lags - I had terrible pains all through my this is made clear by T. M,. Balston in thin, kept, when they held their late Carousal On the appearance of any lamp about I was weak 'and had frequent sari file course of a remarkable article ill cows a chance to get under white the weary toiler slept, and time is the legs of a horse it should be bathed body, diligently with water as bot as can be severe dizzy spells, and was continuously October Busy Man's, entitled "1'onring the night no*. If too gold, marching on. I have teen dead r ti Tttaer MltsIT Iwrtie. What might develop into ,•a having to consult doctors. I had Mil- Grain throng h the Big Fannol. He planted without sign of tears ' or , Dretame urn's Heart and Nerve Pills recommend- points .out that during the past year keep them in the stable.;,; they were hustled to the boneyard like a Caudde d ,a !a• spavin may sometimes in this p� hoe b p0 actual money value nyoaesenatn ta4etchandeesortgttnmaf Checked at the Mott. ed to me and after having taken a hoz they � h T continued elghty nine million bnehels were hand- Fresh air has an • yiiithont trerh air box of junk, in tooth ; fad alley always tla otrt; aµ•rt•I our opinionf s• wm q faai. 7►�,i - appeammd to help me so mus led by the Twin Utt> blevatore, that it the dairy farmer tar•ut on from, T I r ' „ �Q ADV [�,1RT S to take them, find tvaS soon able to do my nd oars to sow can not digest as mach food, were the people who iiadw tooted away l n tre+witha t alancyto 6pss at; w PoinNrs in $tllecting the Cow. I ve rateful a aired etghtynine thon,ea the their youth; and time ie matching on. }frau tat• i ioror h �lenn'�'CO3ffew" work again. For thi" I am very r q and without plenty of Iced she cin not aaeta.wlthwltirn+ fast THE If you are baying a tow took ttbr • slid would advise all people crit weak hold thir quantity and that this involved nor as Rood milk, Ah, in youth the golden moments seem I 'long udder lengthwise of her bbdY, heart or unstrung nerves to give them • make s0 mnoh g a boolidlers, budless store, and we warts % R1► tirtirougli trial." the despatching from Winnipeg of thlry Very elastic, as this invariably Insane The -� milk; a soft skill, large, toothy d and Nerve 1'itis are the teen tratnr of ae/enty nar'd eaoh. , tib �- them as the children waste the pebbles A nt +ti►y ;a,.aets is 1ililburn s Iicart cure atld are sold manner of handtisig the stela ill dew , ,i `r• ti'm ot"lli , with btolli fibs WW A woman may bit able to maltd money nn the shgrdl Oae by one the moments -,„, w origlnOi heart and nerve �tlkealsr'>fe' apart. at all dealers for hoc per box or 3' botes ed in intersaling fashion anti a deeortp• 6 vve M T I . . . - ... . tion of the mammoth el6YAtors-the o farther! than a man bntrhe can't make leave its, earl•;hby comb to us no mdre, for i],2ti or wail be mailed direct ou w g and time If marching OnI---Wait Uslon. urit,. IJ receipt oft price by The T. Milburn Co., I Isrgest in the world -10 given, It go as fact. I,! Umited, Totouto, Ont, r � . } f. _ _ _..__ _ - �..r . _,�_