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The Wingham Times, 1910-10-13, Page 1
• I Read Willis & CQ.'s stdv Qn paire 8, A11f N SALE, THOUSANDS HOMELESS, HIGH SOH OR. NOTES, 11115 p A1cuAuRNATIONS Rexall Blood CHRYSANTHUMS Animpgrt ntEvent, Mr. John 0o40, concession, 8, East Wawaga6ll sell his farm stock Rainy River Fire Worst Disaster The nomivattpxle r the ofHoere of the FLORAL DESIGNS Atter lana P#forte a definite promise and implementpublic auction, on in Is ears. Literary Sootety we held an Tuesday, Oct..4th, and the va one candidates out- t Ili has been secured th the Ontas• VQednesday ooq, Ootpber I9'h From bOQ to 800 ad, 6,000 homeless, \ I T. C, GRAHAM & SON hibftgf Tnberpnicei will b6 `ri Wing Mr, Cole has rehis farm and every. 2.000 missing, six t wits destroyed, and lined their platform on Thursday, On '1 J Tablets a Property lost o Monday the election were held and they. PHONE 101. ham On Manila , Tuesday and thing will be Joha Porvts, case• $S,000,000, is the Wednesday next. It will be dia tioneer. frigbGfal toll dema ed by forest fires following officers ele ted far the coming in the o e -a house during the term:—Hon Preside t WF,VanStone; ' 8nbbelee Played p _ g which singe Friday s ight have deva6tat• Pres 1 Wear freer a Shoes Bud dgye and avenin ed the whole Minnee-ta•Manitoba hqun• J J 0 Brothers tits Vice, Mise F, ` p' Prize hist aorrectio g ' dews will be Gat bargains in new np•tq.date mil. Price; 2ad Vice, W nehanan; Score• I i'ol eanstxucting and building dare and still are bur ting. t1 the blood. These do not ns 6hown and the exhi fit is a very interest- linery at big re notion. all this season ar tory, P. MaaBwen; reasuxer. G. Dde Ing one in every war, On Tuesday even. MRS, GRERN's The fire zone aov re an area of 85 �>> cost you One fent nit they do In the prize list c- the Wingham fall .ung, Dr, Kennedy ill give an address miles in length from he gravel pits spur Lf -hu; Press Reporter , miss X. Jewitt, you good. We cheerfully refund fair published las week there were pas "Prevention o Tuberculosis" and Honor Ce ificates Presented, wast of Warraad to rattan, the fourth Dgra, Executive Form IV, Miss �!!' the money, several errors owin to the cards being Dr. Redmond an a dxees on "The Treat station east of Rally River, and in M Ff'' H. Thompson Form Ili, Miss eavra,�7,g ii net marked oorreo The ohan e6 are Laet Sunda the officers and teachers ; 0. Carrie, H. Mutton; arm II, Mies O, g meut ot, Fabere Ionia." Tha eghoot of the Wingha Baptist Sunday School width abort thirty r�ileP, covering al Irwin, 4 Hamilton; tm I, Mise N A. WOMEN'S „rr(� i t� (�(j as follows: —Slap or bine grapee—J. ohildrpu also are t be interested in the the territory between Red Lake and the fiUM S W a{ltJ .('iljj W, Pearen first in place of Wm. Max' had the pleas a of presenting eight of I,ako of the Woods. Phe devaa an area Oarrie' O. McLean. SHOES KQdaks, Gameras, well; baster in or k, should have read work' and everyo is urged, as a public their scholars with Honor Certificates. And social duty, both see the exhibit The school h a been using the Home is 2'978 miles equare. ”— At this popular Shoe price;, we and UrU Iles, Mies Anderson, 1S , Mrs, Jac• Menzies and hear the lett res. Where will be no The towns wiped ut by the flames THE FOOTBAL MATCH, chow the best Shoe value the money 2nd; herd of beet ante second prize.to Study Iasaramtfonal Leeson Leaflets H. T, Perdue in p ce of Geo, T. Robert• charge for admi ion, p Superintendent are: Baudette, Spa or, Graeeton, Pitt, Oat Saturday last a High School will buy, repaxed by tItaa General Sa Swift, Roosevelt, edar Spur, Myron football team journeye to Listowel to The woman, who wears `Three son; red fall IN at, first to Andrew of Baptist So ,.day Schools in Ontario and Malcom, compete in a Hough O Schmidt in place f V. Rettinger; two, WANTED—A &,and general servant girl, and Quebec. kt the end of each quare The catastrophe the p g P game. They Dollar Shoes, will m,iFs the best Walton McKibbon ter they are fn niabed with examination p greatest that had played the Lieto el team in the Three D illar Shoes, it she does not year-old C grade fifer, second prize to Apply to Mrs R, Vagstone, Minnie St. a Minnesota has exp danced since the spring season and pro v most worthy buy them litre, W. J. Carrie in ace o! J. B Tyerman, papers and a -ah scholar who wishes, Hinckley horror fifte n years ago, opponents. This fall the team was writes on thea without any aid what. Soenes of horror ar reported on every thought to be ruperi to the spring The new Modwia are hanrisom% 1 Special Co�icit Meettn ever. One ho r i the time given, The The Kid or Cloth top, ant in the THE �RUGCIST Fresh fish every, week -end, at T. g hand, People lost t it heads complete• team and greet eapecta one were held. new sant style is vary popalar papers are ex mined by the General . , ,� ,,, Ssb FELLS' butcher shop. A special meetii of the Town Court r I and are aimlegel wandering about in view. The game wa called at 2 48 Than, theca are the regular Lata, Superintenden , Rev. B, W Merrill of cit was held on Mo da avenin with all bewailing their to . Streets of the and both teams began r work, In the Button or B!nober Models, Toronto,and ` +ertlfioateS and sAals are the members present except Conn. Me towns were strewn with personal be- first half our boys had s ightly the ad. The best of a variety of good Macdonald Block, PViu ham, Gentlemen `mho are Said. awarded as fol owe:—For 100j a gold leathers g Donald, The Sewe= Committee report- o longings which we thrown away in vantage. Ansley made wild rush and Investigate. and : ee for yonrseif the ed that owing to u forseen expenditure seat, blue to �9,� a Silver seal, 78% to their flight, kicked the ball through the goal, over Short vamps and Oaban Heels. Art covering in !gs toupees, Prof. to connection with a main sewer and 84/4 a blue sea and b0,O' to 74X a red the fence, and into the ' istowel creek Expert Shoemaking in every DorenwendIs paten :on eesarenowworn Sewage disposal arks, more money settle. Three if the a holars received detail. IYITSS SPARLING P P g p gold Seals; th -ae, silver seals; one a Wanted —A TP e score remained 10 br the remain• on over 90,OQ0 be g by all classes in would be needed to omplete the work, goo pI ' cook at the der of the first half. In .see second half GRAIIAUTE Or TORONTO all Stations of life. blue seal and o .s, a red seas. The euo• Wingham General gpi$&I. Appip to If we fit your Shoes, Madam, We CONSERVATORY 01+ MUSIC After considering t e matter for some oasafuI etndens; were H. R Mabk Ma the Snperintenden n the evenings bet• both teams Sot for t win and the will guarantee you In this partici structure the vantit- time it wag decided, n motion o! Conn. ' x• ween 7 and 8 o'clock, game became exoeedin p interesting, faction and comfort, perfoet ea Is• And authorized teacher of the Fletcher ,.tion is Perfect; a Tight as a feather; is Redmond and Reev Irwin to have the Hie H. Pocock, Annie Wilson, Kathleen MacEwen took a vary ice earner and Music Method Simplex and Kinder- Securely adjusted to the head; can be Clerk prepare A An sial statement of Pringle, Fiore• ae March, Maggie March, Ansley happened to b leaning against GREER gArten. Teacher of Piano and 'Cheorp. combed jest es your own hair they Eha expenditure on t is work cad make Caeorge P0000iattd Teddy Ma:oh. ' Esther, the dutiful Queen " the goal post as the ri t time and soot• yW� i4 Pupils prepared fox oonservarory ex make cap man long tun years younger; apglioation to the O tarso Railwa and Tha famoaS o atorical praduoEion • f • V • y Foil SALE OR RENT- Good seven room hearing the above t tie, which waS iven to another goal for Ingham. Things aminatione, besides the prof =prion you get from Mnniofpal Board Yo permission to Josue g looked pretty good sh n and the Hough THE SI30ER Catarrh,Oblds,No ralgia, etc. Call and debentures to the amount of $2,800 to wa water and goodsale garden.rent; Apply atTimns in the Wingtram o era house last June Cup appeared lost to a Listowel fans, — Theory by correspondence to out of sea them at the 3runswipk Hotel on order to obtain an lent funds to oom• office. will be repeated is the Opera house on town pupils, P but, right theca -and r en, luck changed—Representative of Perth Couasyand Friday, Oct. 21st, 1010, plate the work. Friday evening, O ober 28th, under the for our team besides t e referee who de of the city of Strst ord mit fast week to CLASSES OPEN SEPT. 1St, olared that one pf oar o s had made a Ery to divide the a at of etre new registry anapfaea of the Yo ng Men's Christian Apgly at Miss Sparling's home, Deet of A. R Smith. Association. This is a high-class pr o• y Minnie street. Figure a Surprise, On Friday, a tember 30th, there Pas- Penalty• Liatowet Soo ed on this, mak• office building for Orth Perth between • In ord r t h No person who ever buys shoes here, p P lection and Cher are more than fifty ` in the o 2 1 1 e o av some infoxmatiou to day .before the D inion Board of Raii• w iil ever wear poor shoes. Felt styles are ready, $4 QO to $5 00. W, J.:GREAR sad away, in he hospital at Stratford, a well know former Wfnghamise, in characters, besides a large tshorng The g eo xe N t many minutes g later the Listowel b qe scored again, t is ;,1ty and the c nty, The city rep. resentativeo sag ested that the city Way Uommiseio ere at Hamilton' this --__ _..._.__.._ _ the person o A, R. Smith, in his 66th young people pro foe to make this an tertainment bests than the last making the score a tie, 2-2. The score Should pay 26 per cent, and oounty rep - week in oonneo on with the -appliea• tion far Josephine Grby Towns -4p Wedding, year. Pneu onia wtts the cause. The one Keep the data fr and encourage the remained the same d i the finish, and the Listowel boys still retain the Hough resentatives offs d +,a accept 27 per acre Dant, the proteoE n at the street crossing the G. T. R., Mayor On Wednesday; If last week, the remains we a brought to ,Brnsaels and the fnnarat t ok tAt�o'rom.:Dr, MaKeI p good work of the M. C, A. FnII ar- p tiuulars ba OnP Mr. MaOntoll on of Stratford, of coat, a they not agree the inspector of registry offices will Holmes on Sat day Iast placed a man home of Mr. and Ira. Jas, McNair, vey's, deces ad's .brother•in-law, Mon• will gi rii in our next issue, refereed. the Hama. T Wing,ham Iine•; have to decide be ten them The .Dost at the crowing o keep tab on the num- 14th can., Grey, a the scene of a day mornin •, October 3rd. Mr. Smith cantly in St. John, One of the firer to attract attention o entering the main asp was as follows:—G al, G. Work, "of tbebn#ldin is g Peoted to be about ber of people ho crossed the railway happy event when t #r dao bter Ma ie ha g gg in his earlie years bad carried on met- GRAIN WANTED—We have secured man' backs' J. Wei , R. Gallagher; $12,000. tracks at this p int. To the Mayor and was united in marri ge to Alex, Petrie, oentile bus nesses at Ethel, Brussels, the elevator at the G. T. R. station and ball -backs, G. Hamil n, P. MacEwen, Councillors the figures were a surprise. During the d 1,796 toot gree a popalat resident o •thti 0th can. The , Wingham ,nd Stallard and was as honorable will pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain. H. Treleaven; forwar e, W. Ansley H. McOrostie, S. Mellor her, O. McKee, J. e Girls Wanted may be loathing of A rath• , , they would lose t air benefits under g the man who's mak�br; this country great Roy I; Willis of ria ti La Praire, or nature grooms brother, Rev: Tl. Pe;:ie, of nen, conscientious to the last HOtiVSON & BROCIiLEBANli• uestl#ng ought out at the Man„ Miss Alien Ma a, Mica Eves Pat• is net a fellow of h gh estate. lie does. their Bell esteems , that is, long•dis. inquest on Friday ev ing, So far the , tanes connection nd a Percentage tersou, hire. W. H Willis, Joseph rat ride in a palace -or and tell trip crowd p ge of Agnew Lloyd Awde Mills crossed the ern sand some three hon• ban- Win r' y Rev. D. B, McRae cent. He took a great interest in the _ O Stothers. Among base who went to of rhe was residents of that town, died sudden y on Wednesday y dyed vehicles th upwards of b00 nae• One, of 0ranbrook, pert •mad the ceremony, Temperance -,.Anse and was a generous : What Listowel to encourag our boys were—' J. C, Smith, H. H P.roy, For Biscuit and Candy Depart. stingers. cold not think so many bliss Joules Perrin of Wingham, neioe supporter of the church. Deoeased was Our R -ads Cost F. Sturdy, C meats. Wages for smart grown up People would ass the tracks At this of the groom, play d the wedding match unmarried. His sisters are Mrs. J. R From the last Anna J report on High- McLean, N Geddes,- R. H. Lloyd, H. girls $4,75 per week to commence point. while little Mise #die melon of Smith, Mrs, -(Dr.) McKelvey and Mrs, way Improvement, famed by the Oatar• Thompson, I Fargo on, 0, Pander, S. with, Hours for work 5.00 a.m. to that Mothodist Obuto as Is being held bast he can. Ile one the holed of the agreement the Selves without an order, 'via Grand Tr k, Railway System to day to the 'Pee ,.ter Methodist h etas flower the bride, noted b r part as $borer girl, Wright, of rascals. Jno E. Smith, of in Government , we ieGrn that the actual Elliott and our janitrt Mr. herr, , 12 00• 1 00 p.m to 6.00. Apply WANTED—Girls for linin room The invited gas tits consisted of the Brandon, f merly of Brussels, le A cash expenditure on mads in the County Below is the stand}ng of the four foot promptly before vacancies are R and asp -stairs work. Apply at the Exchange PP y g near relatives of t e oonsraotfn g parties. „ „ brother, S ndp as he was famtiiarly , of Heron, tixa.nsiv of the amonneg ball seams in the Hi0h School:— filled to Hotel, The wedding gif were valuable and called hada penial gift in basineae in spent by the counts- council and the town Won Loot P, O. Ironsides 3 0 1.000 D. S. I'ERRIN & CO.,' ulY artibuls it from Granii w#I# � h for boons pan, but we are trot #n it ' delivered od In W etas, it w#11 pay yaa well chosen. Mr and Mrs. Petrie are the clothing apartment and was excell• and village conwiis, for the year DODside aghte i ! 600 td . East Huro Teachers. well and favors y known and have the ed by few. 1905, amounted to $6,: 940, while there Iroquois 1 2 ,333 LONDON, qNT. The annual con ration of the Eaet best wishes of a Ido circle of friends for a he;ppy we ed life. TRUNKS AND VALISES—If yon want a were 48,"r63 lane eta •ate labor, These were divided as follo.s: Ashfield, $2.- Veterans 0 2 000 TEACHE WANTED Huron Teachers' ssociistion will be good Trunk, ;Snit Case, or Olub Bag, 998, 3,410 days; Colb no, $2,233, 1,790 held in the aesembi hall of the Clinton came here. We Olin save you mouey, days; Goderioh town hip, $2,2$3, 2 090 Telephone 'onnection. Applications wits a received for the Collegiate, on Th today and Friday, RETIRINOrR BUSINESS. --Mrs, Green W J• GREER. days; Grey, $2,460, 980 days; Hsy, The Ontario Rail By and Mnnieipai poses ,n of reacher S. S. N •. 7, Tarn. October 20th and 2 t. A very interest• is offering b© new fall millinery at $4,082, 3,70 days; H ick, $7,349, 4,098 board held a sitti g at Brussels an berry Riad ,ser wa &.nosh, fair the year Ing program has be n arranged, Mr. J. about cost all this season. Call early Succe sfut Services. days; Hullett, $7,0 C_ 2,792 daya; Me- y , Tuesday of last wee to hear an applies- 1J11' State gnahfi arions and salary ex P. Hoag, B. A., of London Normal and get chole - , The congraga On of St. Paul's Church K1Iio P, $3,399, 3,400 --2 days; Morris, cion by the Breese a, Morris cf gray erred. Defies to amnlance Jan. 1st , i,ill. Applioatio to be in by Oct. School is down or two interesting — was favored wi beautiful weather for $6 9.40, 3,181 days; St bley, $7,193, 2,080 Telephone Compnn The application 15th, ItruO. Papers and on T tureday evening will boder l h Murder Case, their Harvest H me services on. Sunday days; Stephen, $3,600=b,887 days; Took- was for an order of he board to compel MES GODRIN, give an address a , "The Education of and Monday laa To large congrega• ersmith, $11,104. 3,10 days; Turnberry, the Wroxeter Rural Telephone Company winpham, P. O. Tq.dsq and the Iti,�iioa of To -morrow." when the i ,quest Into the murder of tions on Sunday Rev. C. C, Purtan of $1,134, 2.323 days; U orae, $3,917, 3862 to grant oonnectio-, and enter into a The following tee +berth of East Huron Lizzie Ander n resumed Friday night Witchell d days; East Wawa_ working agreement with the BrusseIB LAID I+dR SALE are preparing: paprs for the oonvensiaa preao two excellent set. sh, $2,386, 2,OG9 Crown Attox y Seager said, that upon mons, Tha ohu oh was veep beans#full daps; West Wawan sh $900, 1,800 da s Company. The Br -seels Oompany plaa deliberation, E e Y , Y ' "" -- Qaart6r 6ecEioa of IAnd in Saskatche- - Christie's Grocery viz:—Joseph Stil ter, Miss Janet Wil son, Andrew Soot., J. T. Carrie, Neil Brawn oSiofals had decorated for th occasion. On Monday ed befcre the Oonsinissioners evidence decided not to all further evidenoe for evening, the aura at Harvest Home Sap- that the two comps les were doing bnei• wan, twenty acres broken, thirty acres fenced, five acres bush, small house and MOEaohern, B. A. W. E. Vanvelsor and A. A. Naylor. a few daya, and a requested an adjourn- per and entertain out WAS held and was Our splendid School Shoes at $1.28, news in adjacent ter itaries, and that all mentfor a wee This was Agreed to $1.60 to $2 00 are much cheaper shoes to that who asked w a rural connection g vary largely dad. The stable, good water, 0, N. GRIFFIN, PHONE 59. - efts ladies of buy than any Bort of °'Bargain Shoes," The Brnossls Com any declared they Coroner Dr.Iiol es said that he thought. St, Paul's are ex erts in preparing for W. J. GREER. the delay was fre- the purpose of learning to into Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. At the Dom-nion Exhibition. the wants of the inner man and this were not attempting get oonhec• the attitude of ;he provincial ofijcinls part of the progr M was very success, tion with the Bell 0 pang through the Quite a number of firms who are well known to readers It the Maritime Mar. and submitting -41 the evidence to the fully carried out n the Sunday school The Goo Citizen. Wroxeter Company, ut merely desired deputy, attorney general at Torouto,for room. The Some is before the connection for to al service, The ` Was Winghani chant had very at active tixhibit I At she J7bminton Exhibi n, which oIgsed re• enter ainment wets held In man alws crowd, rhe purpose of a cortainig whether or the uatiaa'B hero of hem we're Wroxater Oompany s owed to the darn. she Paxish olnI an here too was an• prondt a Valves cantly in St. John, One of the firer to attract attention o entering the main miesioners that the not counsel will be appointed for the other very plessin part of the services, Weyellanddance w nwebearbianame y ere not unwilling�/+•�y�{.Lspecial Purguanae of t inquiry. Inspector , to have connection w th Brussels Com• ��y tJ4 building was that T, i3. Estabrooke, G.raer and Inepeo r Boyd have returned Mr, H. Davie Doan ed the chair In a they Swear he's Hath ed immortal fame; pony tins that Etreir a raemerat with the vary we find hes • !/ `�While who bad a. Very arti 4lo booth with 011e P attendants, to Serve Red Rose Tea and able manner a a vera planetng and cloture every passe whoa to Goderioh from Toronto to OOntinue entertaining d our Bell Company preola ad them from on. g Progra was carried ens. Papers dome to our Armitage, an boif'ee to all comets Needless to say it their Investlgatio , Although it op. which included add esu from Rev. E. IL heads swell asp tot half a mile 'if the ferias into a world g 9 agreement with who always filled. daritime Merchant Sept.29, P pears that the dete Ives rare workin iii the Brussels Comp nq. They feared g Croly and Rev. W. Sieves; solos by great man Rives no a leasant ensile, But vain, there Ask any of the following. Every letter of the alphabet sage may be loathing of A rath• , , they would lose t air benefits under g the man who's mak�br; this country great Roy I; Willis of ria ti La Praire, or nature yao« Reeve Of £meter Dead. uestl#ng ought out at the Man„ Miss Alien Ma a, Mica Eves Pat• is net a fellow of h gh estate. lie does. their Bell esteems , that is, long•dis. inquest on Friday ev ing, So far the , tanes connection nd a Percentage tersou, hire. W. H Willis, Joseph rat ride in a palace -or and tell trip crowd p ge of Agnew Lloyd Awde Mills TOILET William 8awdaa' cove of Exeter and one best•k inspectors have #net sewed mora Than the re ei . c Es fr m n Stalker and Harald ebb, of London; what his pspedres as are. He doesn't p o g diatanne bneinass, fifty people who ere at the fair hold that the carne rook of Government a6 the Wroxeter ompliny "ware noting instrumental solo by Miss Flood Bell Met+ean BenneEtt Nichol 0legg Orr of rhe was residents of that town, died sudden y on Wednesday y and ie ae f talk I s as agents for the Ali Company At Wrox• groandaat C4odarioh the night thelittte instrumental and vacs duettB by SIM• a m B o e doe hts wark,lse P Cunningham Pringle Elliott Of last week, Mr. B wdea had bosh girl was murdered, ud they now ata mons Bros, Saws his woad; Is` life is pure and his star, The Boar intimated that by the working On b tsngib a story which,. it h Irivisions of th 1910 amendments Qneen's Hotel t,•laid Ritchie Ritchie Around town in the m rning and about iialf.past elevea he le i for his home, bradit good; loves Fite home re• their expectations at realized will lead. , latin to rural t laSpotton CHURCH OTES, find be loves his its and he doesn t g Phone companies, the Graoey F3a11 Tamlyn SOAP 0n striving there it w e found that he to e e tattling Inf ruistibn, yearn for circus i a; he pays debts find Brassele Oornp q were entitled to con- . Hams Union Factory Irwin pati expired in the b P ggy. Just pro, motion with rh �prOxerar Com he goes to church,' ad helps his neighbor pony on The 14th annual a nvention of the , . , terims and co ditlons in lura Ha down VaasaOne Teard Walker vlous to going home r. Bawdea was with the road ineii no the ToWb Hall, who s the t lecture , orad Suggested Nurtters' xeu�rsirsrts, Bpwbrth xreagaes at E a VPinglii►us T>iB• that the two ampaniae come to an bra fptiow man wh 'a doubtless tiding the John,ton Young g ' Ken Lurbr a;t lid was alone In th buggy rind it is that Mothodist Obuto as Is being held bast he can. Ile one the holed of the agreement the Selves without an order, 'via Grand Tr k, Railway System to day to the 'Pee ,.ter Methodist h Xarr 3 for supposed that Iia was Eriolteu with ,.lib• when hal SEugle late for to d trip, 0ot. 10th to world's applause; his handa are busy and inthnMed hat it they did not coma Nov. Path to Palo in Temagamt, pointe Cnuroh, and not his jaws;. o walks through lire to an agreem t, on Order would be g :. . platy ,.boat way home rir his hit was found a littl north of the Met• Petewawit to Por Arthur and to a num. Rev. 1.- W, Orahs D. D,, $00retary with a fearless tr d and dies at last like made by the a Missionera. We under bet of points res hod via the Northern the Educational These anti cobras of otherK bey good in Win ham and , e made g you can do ropolitan Hotel and little farther a p of a artment at the stand that the it aerii of the two Com• KaVigation do party, also to dertain p a thoroughbred, alt Mason, polate in �u do, X161 Bttinrwiok, Methodist 0hiirah, ill next Sunday paniea nlmedi rely. got together the tame, he was :saaii leaning vor in the buggy. HIS horse carried h to the door of his house • � and sra- NOVa Seatia au itialne. bates tot the proaoh motnlag a Ovehing in the Conning to an a reeniout in the matter, deet hunting to Tito will be dtinounood Methodist Church, a `thir ib the first Fowl:', WANTED, -moi Will ShI Ileo fowl The ]Brussels C m pony has rondo Appli• later, p ed T� 0 0 0 where it wa found that lite was : 0ittinpt, The deo ased lead not been Return Imit i3eooiriber ilitii e�• . Viait of br. Oraha to Wiughdm 130 Qa Tuesday and Thutsdap of each week, oatiibti to theov sept to troth Saahpd by steamer, _kov', The hi hest pr�i�ce will be aid for rth f#aron TelephonyGStar' g fowRitchie doubt many of our O tizene htake the fib, �iY Gowns e11 for 11` a few ley+: bar; liotiiitig reriedb ulY artibuls it from Granii w#I# � h for boons pan, but we are trot #n it ' delivered od In W etas, it w#11 pay yaa _ web atltioipaed, Trunk Aged or addresb 1. A. Mbbbit• opportunity of be ring this hrilliaist before to bye Iles beibre spilitlg, fiorltlOa to ba what will be daily in the e . brblltb, pia, D. F, A, � ruobasrar to Rev, b , Potts, A, it, WiLrouts, matter, RgAL 99TAT9 AND INSUItAN09 - . .amu_ •,-_ •-°