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The Wingham Times, 1910-10-06, Page 8
J *a THF, VING11AH TIMM QC'TODER 64 j WINDOW W PF-RSONAL.' G@orge W. Patten, brother of the ADE OUB. FORTH IN millionaire grain manipulator, died in. HINC'S. FOR BARGAINS 1 W F WANT YOUR TR Obioago last week, He left a fortune o1 r"sR SHOWING NEW STYLES i Mr. Alex, itoBe left last week on &sew $5,000.000, the greater part of which, weeka' trip through the West, it is said, will be left to public charities, KING'S Mr. Alex, Davidson was home 190111 including a large donation for the ' - HELP Galt for a few days visit. farthergnoe of the anti tuberculosis Mr. and Mrs P, 11rown,of Oliftord were campaign. • " visiting fora tow days with Wingham_TO - - frienda, THE B SHO Vill.-1-Might Have Been Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Malcolm are visit ing atlMr. Maloolm's parental home near Business hangel There are a number of exceeding pretty styles, in fact theMayor Mitchell, - ladies. of GVinghain and vicinity have Ghe satisfaction of knowing that'Blida tits Helper now and than wu via tea with Wiigham relatvaexand they can buy exactly the same styles of shoes as are being worn tomeront to say to women, xet frieoda for a few days.''day in the big A111erican cities. COATS1.1100•DPERATE WTS MEN and J. B. Elliott, of BanClaire,Wis., Having puraha.ed the Grocery r 1 AD SWe wish to make particular mention of one line, a cut of be right in the swiln]nin' "• was visiting for a few days Rith QPiog- and Confeetioliery business from , • which is shown below. l, • Mrs. D. Rush we are now in a ham relatives ana friends. ham and Mrs. Agnew, of Fos. position to supply the very best inDr. ` taria, Ohio, were visiting for a few days all kinds of o with the former'e parents, Mr, and Mrs, r'Nli n John Agnew, Lower Wingham. GROCERIES AND I _ ..••► ' IN ti yp Mr. Arnot Brock, who has been em CONFECTIONERY O ployed with Mr, W. G, Patterson for tp Y r the past few years has acoepted a poli• We will be pleased to meet all , '¢ A beautiful range of these garments THIS , • tion in a jewellery store at London and old customers and many new one3 now fills our stock and we wait your I left on Saturday last for the city. Arnot and promise, y Ou good goods at ; ;I pleasure to show you through. is a good workman and he bas our best honest prices. I . ,; ONE t i 1 . wishes. Also a choice lot for the Child- . DIFFERENT i,._. r,,n and Girls in all the new x { The Grand Trunk Eagioeere'committ• Orders promptly deliverEd. Pro i '6C i1• t ee, oho were in Montreal interviewing duce taken, ! styles and colors. STYLES the manegement have returned home. SHOE 5o pleased were all the men with% The report is that the demand for a 12 I j her -they saw SHE WAS b per cent. increase has been granted, a ey said, if she did STAYER--thR! T Son not demur, they'd like to mage Traction Engines and Bridges. 1 FURS I FURS I FURS her mayor.Several munioipslities have been hay- LEATHER jug trouble with owners of traction eng- MADE OF THE VERY BEST PATENT ILII) The largest and most complete stock in town. lain toe No. 2 --Heavy sole with toe cap But Hilda had another plan in help, ines who pay very little attention tow a■ , ', ►!! g No. i--IIeavy sole, p fulness to mingle, the which con' avis protecting bridges over which they s j We buy from the best makers only and our guarantee T plain toe No, 4 -Light sole with toe cap drive their machines. A decision hand- goes with every garment. No. 3 -Li ht sots, cerned a single man who wouldn t ed out recently by the Court of AppeaHUNTERS T T i S No. 5 Light sole with ci avenette top long be single. atTorontois of importance, In effectit v COON COATS. -This is one of the vital parts of 3 widths C. D. and E. holds that no traction engine can go on a Return Tickets at single faro the fur business but we have the goods to withstand the bridge without laying plank. If one OGt. Tett to Nov. 12th S. damage resulting will be I hardest criticisms. Let us show you• Prices $15.00 to the DRESSY,There iSENSII3L7:tdCLASSYdy or tF00TWEARrenae about ,,ANDeen QTHEY PIT MINOR LOCAL does so, any g Points points in Temagar11i, po poii chargeable to the owner of the engine. p To To poi to Port Arthur, and a $90.00. TO PERFECTION. -Monday, October 31st, is Thanks- In the case in question the Goodison number of points reached by North- giving $3•rJe. $9,00 AND $4.50 giving Day i Thresher Company brought an action ag• ern Navigation Company, also to UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS. - -Regular meeting of the Public sinst the township of MoNab for dam• certain pointe in Quebec, New Bruns Let us show yon these lines, compare values and we can you cannot buy Queen Quality Shoes at any other store in this locality , wick, Nova Scotia, and Maine. School Board next Tuesday evening. age to an engine of eight tons weight by interest you every time. _ -Regular monthly meeting of Wing- the collapse of a bridge. No plank was OGt. 20th t0 Nov. 12th y New Textures, ham L. 0. L. on Friday evening of this laid but the plaintiff contended this was To Mnskoka Lakes, Penetang, DRESS GOODS. -New Goods, week. unnecessary and the only reason for lay- Lake of Bays, Midland, ,11agan9ta •ing p auk was to preteot the floor of the New Colors etc, in fact everythingnew and up-to-date,WILLIS I 1 wan River, Lakefield, Nadawaska to ' -The meeting of the West Duron STAPLES. --Always a complete stock. Teachers' Association has been postpon• bridge. The court held however, that Lindsay to liah bnrton, Sharrbot Lake ed from October 6th and 7th, to October without laying plank such an engine hie to Calabogie via S. & P. Railway, pith and 11th. no right on abridge and must Buffer the pointe from Severn to North Bay in- THE SHOE STORE. consequences, sad nut dismissed the. elusive, and certain pointe reached by PRODUCE. -Vale want large quantities Butter -A meeting for the organization of a plaintiff's action but gave the township Northern Navigation Company. and Eggs for Which we pay big prices. ^ j, Canadian Club, will be held in the Pia 90 for damage done to the bridge. Return limit on all tickets Dec. Sole Agents 6? for Ladies. t Business College on Tours- 15th, except to pointe reached by C HEAP GHoE! vPingham November 15th, 1910. . clay evening, Oct. 0, at 8 O'olook. All steamer linea Nocemb GOOD E., P}ZIOEinterested are welcome, HoWs. For tickets and further information GOODSGo- Many friends will be sorry to learn Mepnrasox, -inCulross, on sep'wnber call on G. Lamont. Depot Agent or that Mr. Fred Johnston is again con- ward, to Sir. and Mrs, John McPbersou; a son _ address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A•, , HARDTNU,-ln wroseter, on Sept. 23rd, to Toronto. fined he the hoose and hat it was neces• Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Harding; a son. ' STY to amputate two more fingers from !i CwaVttei ,Y• 9 !►3 74, M.SRRIED ! + vsri r®r7 f! 5t . his injured hand. FALLTB-EvAxs.-At the home of the bride's x -Ritchie & Uosene report the Bale of parents, on Sept. lath, by the Rev. J. J. Fer •u i t ,, ' I g , ` is EW 1ldr, Sohn Allenby'e property in the sou, M. A , B D , uncle of the bride, assiatedy .. _ i ' the Rev. R. T. Ferguson, B A„ de, . also an its JUST+. ®Ol 6!♦ 0i®$ ®♦♦♦♦ ttss►' ♦ ♦♦ si °• 4 Town Plot to Mr. William Sutherland, uncle, and Rev.. , W. Hibbert, Mr. Elmer 4 FaMr, of For Mrs. to Evelyn, third daughter WHITE- of East Wawanosh. Bir, Allenby in, orDlr• and Mrs. Wm. Evans, of Gerrie. c T _ ♦ tends moving to California, DIED E. v • -Y'or the third time in the twenty DinFFOGnx•_At his father's residence 8 ' +o, D. J. McFegKen, <u HIGH CLASS.. ♦ •' faOtOr of the Olen Morris street, Torol;, ♦ ..., ®T years Of its history the Y late of the Dominionx Youliill iformerly of rsil, ,, ♦' • FACTS husband of MissLydia. and J 1 7f sGoderich Organ COTllpany was B0ri0nBly Wingham, in his •list year.4 ++ ,n .a Gents' Tailor damaged by fire on Saturday night. MAc,uinE.-InHowlelc, on September 20th LaC le.79 { The loss is estimated at upwards of Mrs. zz hos.dayMaguire, aged OS years, 10 months ' ♦ • $50,000. CLARic.-At St. Helens, on Sept, 28th, Janet + ♦ ♦ STORE • , OUR 1: Arcriox ,SALE. OF , ther •-At Jelin- Mrs. Petery Clark, agedtl8 yearse7 months. and ; _ ♦ You get here what you like, and like what you k Aon's hotel, Biuevale, there will be sold - get at E. C. WHITE'S. Oct. 10 at one P. m , forty gTOTTTEns. 711 Ashfield, on September 10th, 10 A on Monday, John stothers, aged 55 years `- 0 one head of cattle, good Durham, one •' N and head %r•olde; will make good feed HAatTT•mox.-In saltford, on September 24th, BV the Barrel or Sack ' John Hamilton, brother of Mre. M. Beckwith, s No other tailoring establishment oilers such a r GrB or to keep over, Six months' credit, of tin Hamm, n, broS er of n s. months, You'll find Radinor Flour equally • wide selection of very fine and fashionable ♦ We are now showing a very attractive assort - or 6 per cent. discount for cash -Geo. PETTST TECF..-In Kinloss, on September esoellent. it only comes in one , Yeo, proprietor; Jno. Purvis, auctioner, 28th, Richard Pettypiece, aged 83yeaxsanda grade -the very befit. ♦ woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with ♦ meat of New Fa11 Suitings and Dress Goods, . months. such style, precision, individuality and refined containing the correct material for the seasons All- -Settling up time is drawing near, •a Ross.-Inl3intoss, on September 2ittn, Don- taste. •Nowhere else are prices near as love for Wool Diagonal Ser es in popular shades,contain- and if yon wish to collect your bills ens aldRoss, aged 34 years, 4monthsand adays. A Sack of Radlllor Flour such values as we offer. + g g, ily get your bill heads printed" This Goes so much further, makes Bo ► ing style and durability, , olass of work is neatly and cheaply ex -much better bread, oake, and pastry, • eouted at this office. \N'e have in stock TOWN OF WINGHAM that those who have the room always ♦ We are doing a High -Class Tailoring Business different sizes and shapes of bill heads l buy it by the barrel afterward. Try on a new plan.- BUYING FOR CASH! = Venetians, 54 inch wide, good weight and staple I a Back, any way. ♦ SELLING FOR CASH I being business'in ' and etatementB. 'Our commercial print yOTERS' LIST COORT I .1 1 colors, at only 50c. per yd. ing is neat, correct and in accordance _._ this way I can save you dollars. Come in and with the prevailing styles, I•The best is '- • see what I can do for yon. ' ]n, wide. - %otireisherebygiventhata court will be Ezra Markley ; 5 All -wool Shepard Plaid Suitfngs, 54 the cheapest." held pursuant to 'The Ontario Voters' List provincial Act'.' try His Honour 1lie Judge of the County LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. Basket Weaves, Broadcloths, Satin Cloth, Cash- --011 into laid by Pr Court of the County of Huron, at the Town • . Constable Phippen, License Inspector Hall, wingham,on the 14th day of October, • to -date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. meres, Plaids, etc., at prices to suit all. 1010, at 12 o'clock x}oon, to hear and determine ; ' • t Clegg had John McLeod before Police the several eomptaints of errors and omissions • • the Voters' List of the Municipality of the -' • ' Magistrate Morton on Monday morning Totivn of wingllam for 1010, ` 2 All persons having business at the court are \. v WINGHAM, ONT• : This will be a good Velvet Season, and in antic - on the charge of being drunk While on rr quired to attend at the said time and pace. 4 E. C. 1W HITE the Indian list. The charge was proven Wingham, Sept. 20t1i, TOTi V 13 DROVES, ' I IN !fliE. JoliN WILSON BLOC.Ii a pation of that, we have imported direct from and McLeod was fined $15.00 and costs Clerk, Town of Wingham. • • England a good range of shades for suits and tuY of 5 20. From the evidence it W48I •• e•N•+♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦.♦ ♦ .i♦ C ♦ ♦ ♦a* gowns. .4 learned who Supplied the liquor and we _ e understand ail. effort will be made to " - .. Y',. arc YNL '(• .....• .. _... Y.r Mme_-........ .-r._.r.- prosecute the of£endere. '''(ia ny: oe, rE5 : a. W e have a nice range of silks in the fashionable I • "a, .,M1 y Saft French Pailettes, 40 in, wide, at $1.75 per ms -Among the, students vabo arrived in Newspaper , a affet , Ffench Woli] town this week and last to attend the Spa yd. A splendid Black T a ' 1 - e163 Wingh9m Business College are, M160 ,.' `• `i , r \, , N S . • ease, at 75C. ,` .. Bargains RO8{e Hetherington, St. l:Ielene; MT- ,,FACED TENDERS aderessed to the under , "' . ,.,,, • 1► Barry Torrance, Lnoknow; Mr. Daniel , signed and endorsed "Tenders for adds• pe,vrt,.K ° tionvandaiterationsto the Public Bnllding, BEST SERVICE TO Sillz. Elastic Belt, Fancy Beltings, Paisley Neck 3 Falconer, Culross; Miss Lizzle McIntosh, Doderieh, Ontario; ' will be received at this _ Holyrood; Mr. Wilbert Wraith, Lang` o Ueilei tlirwo n, onttMondad, October 24, WE'VE GO SOMETHING TO Frills, Bows, Linen Collars, and beautitul Fancy` side; Sir, Harry Mahoney, Bellmore; Plans, specifications and form of contract Ribbons in Paisley designs, the newest thing for ; Mies Lizzie Henderson, 'Whitechurch; can be seen and forms of tender caned CROW ABOUT. 1r15k o k a The Jan. and The Weekly Globe ' this Department, on appticatio , caretaker i1 to Jeri, 1912, tot $1.60, C girdles, Trimmings, G etc. Mr. Ohhe, Nivens, Dungannon; Bertha public o F7iJ iLnsnb,'IlEe(1. h istri"otnEngi eer, Our new stock of choice groceries Shackleton, Ashfield, Miss Gladys London, Ont ust received is the fin9at to be had Fouts Trains from Toronto lyd Shack , Per8on r ten:lerl kg are tilted that tonders . J The Tlati✓s and The Weekly Mail ; Brandt, liensall; Mile Lunieo McIntosh, will notbeeonsidr-red nless made on the anywhere. 0,40 a. m. 12,15 p. ni and Empire to Jan., 1912, for $1.60. Come In and see our splendid line of new impor- Whitechurch; Mr. EdgarEokedswiller, printedformssunni'd, ndsignedwith their n u n ted Moreen underskirts, they are generous in actuntAi{rnatures, n ng their _occupations FLESH PUCE, CIiOItJE 6.05 p m'' 10 lop m, , Kiniou h; Mies Margaret O'Connor, andpldecs of reside n thecasc of firms, i Bala Sleeper carried on 10.10 The Timms and The Weekly Globe g th0_aCtualaignatur. the nature of the oceupa i width and beautiful ill CIeSin, well made and will : ,ti{ngebr{dgtl Miss Nettie Inch, Wing- tion a ctualN cel ofrestdenee of each member of GROCERIES p. m• train V111days to Jan., 1911,.for 250. , e We have them ill all and give satisfactory wear. } ham; Mr. Johnston Little, Lucknow; !thafirm t nasin at be arocm panted lay au ae- Mr. aeliarteOm ank, ayabtoto Costydttnomorethanthemouldy, o The Tlitis land t he CVeekty Mail Staple colors, frotil $1,25 t0 $3,25 111 price. Mr, John Dettmann, LakdOt. ceptadchequoon musty, stale kind -•which we dost Ellloy thG Cool Breeze Sydisey Inch,''Wingbam. the nrdor of tile ifmiorable the Mimstor of and Empire tt1 Jen., 1911, for 250, ,"..,.. . " Publir. worles equal to tenger cefit t10 lr•e.fl of handl© ur' cell, We never lot onr the Greet taI<es I I amount o the tender, which will be, or•d.ThopticoswebreLarge quantities of Butter and Eggs Wanted, feited if the person tondring doolit b'daoe enter stock gBni lhilr r6Ceties Within athe S ,11111 a dally except l:riday The Tigns bind The Family HOWIld, ' into a contract wheft eaned upon , to fix g g , ti[elviu Forrest, former manager and fall to ii 'ttnta eptedtheclaifgtewill:be reach iii• and Sunday from bwro tot 00 and WeeklyStarC to Jan„ 1911 thtl a .r. Special tvalrifrom Toronto 1 00 fax Viso. , teller` of the h"etfxiers' Bank at Atheais, returned. Am iO do artittoat doer not binditself to aceopt p M. sailing days. ci ,,Gb Tt n MILLS out, pleaded gtiiltq to theft 3 'the lowest or sap teaser. M +CILLIVRA Meals Aridberth inclrided on boat w-- ---• r eehttltic^, By order. find hes been VC-M6lided fel g, p88IkOCitERs, 1 i GHAM Maroons, who is at present In, Argen• secretary, CUNNi C GHAM 'The most pleasant and ehee>ipt gt `These Speeiai Offers ar+s 1' #ON . W 1 C i3 11 t T` `. + sefnll re: m{vett tviteleah Dc-parhuent of Public work+, route to Wiariipeg' bt d W Ona, line• et1CCe y Ottawa September 21, 1910, and Clif Now papora will tot be pald for thle adver- Phone 54, 1VNad to New Subscribers 0 ` signals from Glace BAY" X S,, tivr•nientif they insert it Without authority +f, H. 13FEM1>Yi, Alrant, t fngha> C ,► ;IiAlt iiC? If1 I;r ► /►XON A L t rlM 1 ,► M A1►Ai XA r a 'am, ,Yrelmd, A, disiance of 5,60 piles, from the I)eparttaent, y ,-, w,,, ,+,,,,,,,, .iii,;,