HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-06, Page 7�t 4 T11V WtN;WAid, T1,N,E0, OCTOBER E IfIri 7 — �- �4� �af>+ ! oN ��N* She reached out a firm round white Thera was little sleep. for him that "I fga't know, Dan, lint flail! • No arm. nlgb% and in the morning the flr t taken so strong A hold on me that I "One moment;' rte .said. "Let us un• thing he did was to pick up, the wine• shan't forget It soon, Imagine it your., a , derstand each other thoroughly," glass. It was all true, And then leis sett, Oh, but she could Afagl I am a "S�Uut da you mean i"' bar arm pots. Brod resolutions melted and vanished, roan not to be held In the leash of An he re ed in midair, Qe must .have one more word with her. adventure like, this, but she held me. . "To touch a cigarette you must Cress �appom what lnlghk So at 10 e'.clock How? By the hope that one day I the line to this side." he called a cats and drove rapidly to might see her face, with- no veil of ' She withdrew her arm slowly, the Sandford place, Snow bad fallen mystery, to hold her o0t at arm's "I shall not smoke. If I crossed tie during the night, and many of the length," T Lau theline I should establish a dangerous steps were still spgtless'wilite. Impos nierrIbew was greatly excited. He i precedent. And I must have that ldea.'+ Bible! He leaned from the cab and was for ordering a second bottle. but Hillard stayed him. ... , : ;� •. .. �.:. , , : ; ,: , "The mirror over the piano confused tabbed bis Byes. Absolutely impoasi• „ tge. i have seen it somewhere before. blel For what did be see? Wooden By Goorget And you are sure that The Wind. You Ifave Always Bought, and which has been ' ;`hen there IS that old copy of Botti. shutters over all the lower windows It was at the Sandfords'?" in use for over 30 years, has borne !Ire Slane, ceW. The frame is familiar, but I and the Iron gates closed before the I am positive. But there is a puzzle . n tare oil' Mask me not place It. This stein, bow, doors! And not a footprint anywhere that I have failed to solve—Sandford's and has been made under his per. t bverl" He laughed. The laughter was `Phis was extraordinary. He jumped able and the caretaker's declaration. Bonal supervision since'Its Infancy. c boyish, even triumphant from the cab, ran up the steps and t know that i -was in that house. The Allow no one to deceive you in thio. B y "Well, that stem?" She was n(Nw rang tits bell—rang it ten times with Patrolman says that he has seen ng All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as good"are bat+ a I 4.. leaning, across the table, her fingers minute intervals. And no one an. light In the house since the family Experiments tllat trifle with and endanger the health or "• t HAROLD tense on the cloth. swered. Then he heard a call from sailed for Africa. It Is no -dream, but Infants and Children—Experience against Experlrnent We wish to warn the public against have put temptation In my {lath. how. There he stopped arid ' turned. Did the curtain move? Ile wasn't "I bought that stein two seasons I T11V WtN;WAid, T1,N,E0, OCTOBER E IfIri 7 — �- �4� �af>+ ! oN ��N* She reached out a firm round white Thera was little sleep. for him that "I fga't know, Dan, lint flail! • No arm. nlgb% and in the morning the flr t taken so strong A hold on me that I "One moment;' rte .said. "Let us un• thing he did was to pick up, the wine• shan't forget It soon, Imagine it your., a , derstand each other thoroughly," glass. It was all true, And then leis sett, Oh, but she could Afagl I am a "S�Uut da you mean i"' bar arm pots. Brod resolutions melted and vanished, roan not to be held In the leash of An he re ed in midair, Qe must .have one more word with her. adventure like, this, but she held me. . "To touch a cigarette you must Cress �appom what lnlghk So at 10 e'.clock How? By the hope that one day I the line to this side." he called a cats and drove rapidly to might see her face, with- no veil of ' She withdrew her arm slowly, the Sandford place, Snow bad fallen mystery, to hold her o0t at arm's "I shall not smoke. If I crossed tie during the night, and many of the length," T Lau theline I should establish a dangerous steps were still spgtless'wilite. Impos nierrIbew was greatly excited. He i precedent. And I must have that ldea.'+ Bible! He leaned from the cab and was for ordering a second bottle. but Hillard stayed him. ... , : ;� •. .. �.:. , , : ; ,: , "The mirror over the piano confused tabbed bis Byes. Absolutely impoasi• „ tge. i have seen it somewhere before. blel For what did be see? Wooden By Goorget And you are sure that The Wind. You Ifave Always Bought, and which has been ' ;`hen there IS that old copy of Botti. shutters over all the lower windows It was at the Sandfords'?" in use for over 30 years, has borne !Ire Slane, ceW. The frame is familiar, but I and the Iron gates closed before the I am positive. But there is a puzzle . n tare oil' Mask me not place It. This stein, bow, doors! And not a footprint anywhere that I have failed to solve—Sandford's and has been made under his per. t bverl" He laughed. The laughter was `Phis was extraordinary. He jumped able and the caretaker's declaration. Bonal supervision since'Its Infancy. c boyish, even triumphant from the cab, ran up the steps and t know that i -was in that house. The Allow no one to deceive you in thio. !that he should by chance recognize he asked curiously. npposite side and kissed the rim, of adventurer ' . Sold in bbls. half bbls., and quarter bbls., for stores schools, 'anything familiar in thWhouse. "A line, Mr. Hillard. The, monseaal "I shall keep this glass. 1 roust have "I'm sure I don't know where It to. churches hospitals, "May I ask you one question?' he you noes that line that mgment yw zome visible object to make sure that Shall we finish the game?" , p banks, and public buildings, 'asked. 'leave*this.�s;• On iNarQt" A"►'� 1+i this III been a �dreRm" "Not If you're going to throw 1t like ° ° "No," promptly. There was some- "Dome, tLat !a~sot brave. You can "sou may kiss my b• rid, llr. Hillard." this," declared Merribew. � FOR SALE IN wINOHAM BY thing in his eyes that made her groat' ntrrat till your shoulders touch the "Ten and a string against your halt , \l �s A. J. MALCOLM, J. HENRY CHRISTIE9 stat, but I must stand this ,tsido of the He bent quickly and kissed not the a string,'+ said Hillard, studying the i� WM. BONE, RICHARDSON & RAE. lin unable to reach y nand, but the wrist where the marks score. "I'll bet a bottle that I beat -----• 0. you. And you ,� _. Canadian Factories St .Toho, N. B., 'Winnipeg;, Mian. of his fingers still rttmined faintly, you.10 i have the advantage of the, mask be- _ •. •• •w,. •, � ■Its „ He squared himself hrtd -g&AW long "Done!" said Merrihew. Being oa �•' � ssdea. You are not a �fa1r' Yenc'er. � - B y "Well, that stem?" She was n(Nw rang tits bell—rang it ten times with Patrolman says that he has seen ng All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as good"are bat+ a I ing for that check, Jack." leaning, across the table, her fingers minute intervals. And no one an. light In the house since the family Experiments tllat trifle with and endanger the health or "• t HAROLD tense on the cloth. swered. Then he heard a call from sailed for Africa. It Is no -dream, but Infants and Children—Experience against Experlrnent We wish to warn the public against have put temptation In my {lath. how. There he stopped arid ' turned. Did the curtain move? Ile wasn't "I bought that stein two seasons get round. You will always have that thousand, so don't worry about that. it begins to look as if I were the vie.. "Bid Satan get behind thee." 1uie, but he raised his hat, settled it �• I_ ' t: MAC GRATH a ago, This b the Stuidfordir place, and you are the veiled lady Who hats'bees �' s' tam Of soros fine heaz," "It is more than a boas, in. my opin- Ion. r ` r ���� � `s �A TO I. .K t lees preparations designed to b0 imitations P g f riding Mrs.. Sandtord's favorite hunter doing the same thing—not that he was Walt till Sandford returns and ■ ■ overfond, but each bottle temporarily In the park!' They stood up simultaneously. in •1berry, the wonderful Bowel Complaint finds his silver gone." Hillard started. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor O1I, Pare• weeded out that efop of imperishable debts. To him the world grew roseate "This -41l agree to take not a penny ,.sure. Pharmaceutical concerns are flooding 6 y matter of this sort he was b far the Y Worst Case „ �• And his gold plate, continued Mer - Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 1VIorpIrine -she market with these cheap and worth- least never so deep as you yourself can Copyright. 1908, by "the Bobbs. quicker. In an instant he had caught ber by the wrist; at the time hiving a rihew, pleased with the idea. "My boy, that's what it is—tbe best dodge nor other 1V'arcotics substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worrmo Off tables, "Now, then, Jaek. i've Merrill Co. same drawing her irresistibly round the ta• Once she Lose :and approached the I ever heard of. It will make a good . and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Windt r `°�e�++�• �•o+weN bre toward him, „ , On trig word, 1 cion t-knoivl' r story for the Sunday papers. You Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ? "But, If are nueupy wary of a sudden. "I must see your face. I shall never i woo't be in it unless she ropes you fa ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the a you uut tn:ad, why those fortunes?" dnhluutity, „ Then I shunt ask it. r shall not be at peace if I do not." ., montes old, is daughter Mary, when or months old, contracted eczema and for as an accomplice." "I'm Stomach. and Bowels, giving healthy and naturhl sleep. Are you willing to Halt your health-- great. "At a cert;tin age a fortune ;a (ills ask you u you are married. "And Certain! y' y you will never know an I peace If you do. Be t' i` a romantic asst" Hillard sighed. Leddy Lightfinger! if this turned out The Children's Panacea—The Xother's Friend. moat. Her case 'ivas one of the worst country he bles[)art !f th without Puy pt fort I shall not say one way or the other." careful." His free hand stole, toward the I. "Ten ale, why do you do that?" : to be the ease he would never trust a GENUINE ������'� ani Swiss champagne At ti.4t) thn Strawberry Exttacts? , ,.. _ r'�her� `has an ans:toas note in iter e oil the part of the t)it uer. 2't•iv of She smiled, and he laughed quietly. I strings of her mask. She moved not Y N i have Idea.! But let us proceed human being again. " t» i" lri9nklp ,. 11 t II, the lady ill the mlwif. "And then" 11111ard add "there's . �• 'Kitty Mtry has a reputation extending oven ALWAYS as marry for"tuouey, and when we d0 -we at least have the tn;tnhs,od to keep A running conversation; a fencing His face was very close to hers now. 1 If only she would stru lel He re- gg silty -five years, therefore when you buy i't Let's take, that ride on the horses," , Alerrihew urged. "That'll clear your Bears the Signature of ""t ob. ntask'r Two of tlfaw;•" ,the letter of our ba •;riai." ;, match with words and phrases; time leased her wrist / brain of this sentimental fo g•" word sho a singing.', "Can it be done for twenty -tire hull• It cures Diarrhoea Dysentery, Colic, "And when you marry ;'" tihe qw rie(l. "Woll, It is after time she touched him, but with all his skill he could not breakthrough I "No; I haven't the courage. If I take i !red?" "No!" Hillard struck his hands to- = "I've s •Ont., Ana as not a symptom has shown itself generally the wouean the 6 her guard. that mask from your face it will be / getber. a better Idea than that. i 4111d'Nterrlhow dtsapiNltlttetlly. duel fierceness, He kneW very well love. I)uirraes are not colistdered• There is no sueial law willeb furbids "And that interesting dissertation on the end. And I do not want this ever I to end. If you will not let me see your is Neill, 1 ofk ., ,, the whole etaa•yY Jtlek. tletrltts anti I sball go to Italy, and you shall go with me:' Alt, a doweriess girl to marry a flowerless the American gentleman?" she said face of your own tree will, so be it. I "Impossible, why, I'm all but i O t1n notlaln eelsetttlal. lie sten a►dd�d g � man," laughing. "But over tht•re it is and eternally a business Coll- tract simply. You l•now that" felly "That's the trouble with posing as ti moralist, One must live up to the shall see it some day, mark me. Fate does not cross two paths in this man- /ick broke:' "I'll take you as a companion. I'm n man, Dan. 'I'm ralways The ,� � gateAlways +�fio., %irailod lhttin . ' Ili. R fou ht Author of the IsIrsoual thq'ittry to nettle this Argument rl ht g ner without a purpose." He stepped -- likely to jump f�`o be poutinae6h "Yes, a business contract," listlessly, back slowly. "You do not understand �i overboardsome one Isn't watching ' "But they talk of nobility on the f I the lure of that mask. �,Qy---� V every mf In Use For Over 30 Years. other stip. That is it; they tall., talk— I "Perhaps i .do. I am beginning to `1 "I'd lik0 to go, Jack. Heaven and THE CENTAUR CUMPANV. 77 MURRAY Italy, Prance, Germany: «'hy, l had 1 admire your self control, Air. Hillard. "Be careful!" earth, but I should] But I can't possi- STREET, NEW YORK CITY - '- rather be the son of an Bnglish farm- But I am tired now, and 1 must ask across the street. A man stood In Otte bly go to Italy with a letter o! credit er than a prince on the continent. And you to go," of the areaways, no more than twenty-five hundred, and I had rather be what I am .'tan the I "Once more, will you let me see "Nobody home!" he shouted. "Gone that's all there Is in the exchequer at greatest nobleman in England.', I your face?" to Egypt. t "Go on, go on! I like it. What do "No. If, as you say, fate intends for "But there was some one here last "Between such friends as we are"— YOU call it—jingo?" she laughed. " Call it what you will. Look at the t , ,or , it us to meet again you will see It. But I have doubts. night," Hillard shouted back. „ Dreaming. That "Teat racket won't work. I could not take a moment's pence if I did not men we produce. Three or four !tun- ., - J1P)i ' ad< ! "" my So it is my will to pass out of life as completely as house has been empty since November. I happen to feel Independent." „ p , . dred years ago Europe gave us great ''� ; =t t• though I had never entered it—from „ be the caretaker.Y But I'm not going to give it to you," ,® poets, great artists, great soldiers, p�� �, j) ;�: `moi r s !one tog into another. No, I am not I illard went back to his cab dazed. Hillard r protested. "I am going to lend , it toYOU." great churchmen and great rascals. I admire a great rascal when he is a r •'�� ;1 -'•� �` .•; ', ' happy woman. i am not happy in my friendships. Listen to me," and her No one there last night? Come come; there was a mistake somewhere. He ,. YOu. pay you back ft I And could I ever a Is a General Nuisance and Cause; S1CkileSS, Napoleon, a Taileyrand, a Machiavelli. But a petty one! We have no art, no p �., �� !: . - ;; .. `-' voice grew low and sweet. Let me " would soon find out whether or not he had accepted the loan? humorously. "There's Monte Carlo. You might , but it Can be Avoided b Using }' ,music, no antiquity, but we have a race of gentlemen. The old country is ,, 1�_ '� appeal to your imagiai�ntion. This light adventure shall be a souvenir for your old Lige. One night romance stepped dined there the night before. "A cable oflicel" he cried to the cabby. "Hurry]" y ry pull down a tidy sum," said the tempt - er' "That's D USTBANE mel breeding them nowadays „ �C into life Once there he telephoned downtown the way, you beggar. Hit "Signora, dinner is served," the maid your and out of it. ?bankl There will always be the same charm, and secured Sandford's cable address. me on ltie soft side! But Merrihew id was still obdurate. announced. "Signora!" thought Hillard. ! the same mystery, the same enchant- Then he filled out a blank,which cost him $10 Late that night at the club "Now, listen to reason, Dao It you +IiRti�t�e "After you, Mr. Hillard," she said. U r� I local. I shalt always be Cinderella or the sleeping beauty or what your he received his reply. It was terse-- wait for the opportunity to go to Eu- rope you'll wait in vain.' You onsWaeping day. ``DusCbane," m3reover, dis- He bowed and passed on betorw'her, ' but not till he had passed did he tin .. fancy wills. Do you understated me? You are crazy. House absolutely empty, must stake the opportunity. One must have infects the roots and restores Rugs to 'their .derstand the maneuver. To follow her "Snthiug," she proceeded, "nothing SANDFORD. youth to enjoy Italy thoroughly. The original freshness. The women swear by would have been nothing less than the I lasts so long in the recollection as a CHAPTER VIL desire to go becomes less and less as "Dustbane" when once they have used it. temptation to pluck at the strings of pleasant mystery—in other days, in THE ROBS OF 1 COIN one grows older. Besides, It completes Iter mask. Would he have touched it? other owes, q'ell, on my side 1 shall' ILLARD mode an Inexcusably every man's education. I'll put the , Don't have another dust sweeping y pD g He could not say. t That dinner. Was he in New York? recall .this night pleasantly. without kliowing ;t you base given me a new s careless shot. He grounded his da but y, get a 35c package of Was it not Bagdad, the, bottle and the ��` foothold to lite. 1 did not believe that cue and stood back from the table. That was the way ev- "Dustbane". f genii? Had he ever, •even In his most i romantic .dreams, expected to turn at there lived a single man who could keen to the letter of his bargain. erythtng seemed to goat tennis, at squash, at fencing, at billiards, it was We are authorized b the manufacturers of I page so charming, so enchanting or so +' t Good ulght! And do -not lean out of I any more windows," she. lightly: all the same. "Dustbarie" to send you a 35c can of their dangerous to his peace of mind, a �• game of magical hide and seek? She deitbetYront drew a lilts cuross tls� added "Yon are right," he said reluctantly, g y ,. , I say, Jack, what's the matter with „ Aferrihew, Sweeping Compound We want you to use l� g p Y And she? A whim, a fantastic, un- center of the t¢bla precepts. Would you believe pie If I � .•, something to dream over in my old And you anyhow?" out of S y ow? asked patience. � 1 this on tclal for one week. At the end of this .accountable whim—the wbim of a wo. ;man seeking forgetfulness, sot .count• told you that at the age of three and age. certainly I shall dream of it—:1 bash of suniight In the window." "it was bad" Hillard agreed. "Per- haps I am not taking the interest in ,- per.od , if not found satisfactory, we will take !!ag the cost IiOr caring, simply ;1 thirty'I am•still heart whole!" She I trust 'then slow) tie reached down to- y the game that 1 formerly took. it back, and there will be no charas for OSI!- w'hfn% ' On the little table was a Tuscany parried you will not spoil that excellent record by making ward her wince! tss. Sloe . understood wineglass. his purpose and essayed to stop him, "And when I make a proposition;' pursued Merrihew, "to ride to the Cat• ' - lily used. Iitass lamp of three wicks, fed by olive soft. It to the Ca- love to me. She reached for the matches, touched of one watched ib I'Do not deny me this little thing," he said. skills and back, something you would ) It Does Away with Dust Qn SW ee�ing was sufficient light d le, but the rest of the room was:stwk burn for .;a moment, extinguished It Che let her hand fall. He took the have jumped at a year ago, you shake your head. Think of it! By George, V . s• Da ;'. A Olt Wa=it lt. flin darkness. He half understood that 4there was a definite purpose IA this and then deliberately .drew a Ills,glass,g across the center of ttie tablecloth. Now, held it against the light to see where het' lips had touched. 1L Care- you bad A bully time last year! You swore was the best trip we ever !semi -illumination. She had ho wish .what might that represent?" fully he poured out the twine from the took on the horses. Where's your spirit on !that he should by chance recognize he asked curiously. npposite side and kissed the rim, of adventurer ' . Sold in bbls. half bbls., and quarter bbls., for stores schools, 'anything familiar in thWhouse. "A line, Mr. Hillard. The, monseaal "I shall keep this glass. 1 roust have "I'm sure I don't know where It to. churches hospitals, "May I ask you one question?' he you noes that line that mgment yw zome visible object to make sure that Shall we finish the game?" , p banks, and public buildings, 'asked. 'leave*this.�s;• On iNarQt" A"►'� 1+i this III been a �dreRm" "Not If you're going to throw 1t like ° ° "No," promptly. There was some- "Dome, tLat !a~sot brave. You can "sou may kiss my b• rid, llr. Hillard." this," declared Merribew. � FOR SALE IN wINOHAM BY thing in his eyes that made her groat' ntrrat till your shoulders touch the "Ten and a string against your halt , \l �s A. J. MALCOLM, J. HENRY CHRISTIE9 stat, but I must stand this ,tsido of the He bent quickly and kissed not the a string,'+ said Hillard, studying the i� WM. BONE, RICHARDSON & RAE. lin unable to reach y nand, but the wrist where the marks score. "I'll bet a bottle that I beat -----• 0. you. And you ,� _. Canadian Factories St .Toho, N. B., 'Winnipeg;, Mian. of his fingers still rttmined faintly, you.10 i have the advantage of the, mask be- _ •. •• •w,. •, � ■Its „ He squared himself hrtd -g&AW long "Done!" said Merrihew. Being oa �•' � ssdea. You are not a �fa1r' Yenc'er. � - BLOOD DISEASES CURED. Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years tw'NO NAMES USED WITH. • t� OUT WRITTEN CONSENT �•�` H a lsurprlsed at how tile' mores e healed— I took your Nsw DIETHOD TREATMENT for a serlouab.lood- disease with which I had been Int9icted for twelve years. I had consulted a score ' a ,p, y J of pliysicians taken all kinds of blood 1 ' R mefileine, visited Hot Springs and other mineral water resorts, but only got tem. .f porary relief. They would help me for a thne, but after discontinuing the medi- cines the symptoms would break out again—running sores blotches, rhoum• me pains, looseness of the hair swellings of the glands, palms of the hands scaling, WGRETREATMENT itchiness of tho skin, dyspeptic, stomach, AFTER TR[ATM[NT etc. I had given up n despair when a friend advised mo to consult yov, as 5on had cured7iiin of a similar disease 8 years ago• I had no hope, but took his advice, In three w eek,' time the sores commenced to heal up and I hecnmo encournRed. I continued the NEw hf ETROD TREATMENT for tour months and at the end of that time every symptmn had dtsnppeared. I was cured 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since. My boy three years old, is sound and hent! y. I cer- tainly can recommend your treatmeat 7rith all my heart. You rah refer se,qq parson to mo privately, but you can use this testimonial Rs you wish. 1P. H. S, We trot NERVOUS DEBIMY, VARiCOSF VMNS, ViTAL. WEAKNESS, BLOOD. SKIN End SECRET Diseases. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men and Wome". EAD Are you a victim? Ilave ou lost hope? Are you Intending to marry Ned Your blood been disease l Have you any weakness? Our NEw METHOD R.EATUENT !sill euro you, what it has done Cor othersit will do for ywim you: Censultad` Fret. No matter who tuts treated oilwrite for an honest opinion Frew of Charatw. Charges reasonable. BeClu'Frew—(Illustrated) on diseases of Men. NO NAMM USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everstlitne confidential. Question list and cost of Maine Treatment FREE. C n,V ICED'&KENNEDY Cor. Mich' an Ave., and Oriswold SL, Dtstroil, Mich. All letters front C'anadA trust be addressed ' NOTICE to Out CanadiaCorrespondence-- . ... n e z Depart- rt p !neat in �VitteL4or, Ottt. If you cleeire fo , see us�ppeerrsonally Call tit our Medical Institute in Detroit its We see alta treat tate► 041111 fits in our Windsor otntes which are for Correspondence stud Laboratory for Canadiau business only, Address all letters as follows DRS. koftby k KENNgDY,'wiltl604 Oat, WMA hr our private addtesd ,. "The odds should be in m favor. I and ateadfaetly Into her Oyes There WAN a flutter in her heart •that' the his mettle, he made a clean score ot twenty, five to go. "I can see you par- am a woman. M wrist is not so y am as yours." g. y u'gs unable to define. On his part he ing for that check, Jack." WARNING "Physically, of course, I -may pasta realized the sooner he was gone the utter. There was a limit to his Reif But the odds tingled Hillard's blood. He "settled down to a brilliant play ear -ran f;'m his cheek to hos chin 4a, -- the line, to reach the salt. for. instance, Will that be against the rules?" You control. He gained the street some- and turned sixty-one in beautiful form, proposition Inway you can't possibly We wish to warn the public against have put temptation In my {lath. how. There he stopped arid ' turned. Did the curtain move? Ile wasn't Later the two passed upstairs to the secluded alcove. Merrihew filled the get round. You will always have that thousand, so don't worry about that. hieing imposed on by unscrupulous tical- "Bid Satan get behind thee." 1uie, but he raised his hat, settled it glasses with the air of one who would You have twenty-five hundred on hand, .ere who substitute with cheap and worth- „ I wish I knew': the color of your firmly,16n ;tis head Arid walkied rapidly like to pass the remainder of his'days you say. With that you can see Italy lees preparations designed to b0 imitations P g eyes. Behind those holes I see nothing av(jay, doing the same thing—not that he was like a prince for three mgdths." "What's - P , ,,of Dr. Fowlers Exttact of Wild Straw- but points of fire, no color." "They are blue. But supposing I overfond, but each bottle temporarily the proposition?" Merribew drained the bottle. •1berry, the wonderful Bowel Complaint wear this mask because my face Its weeded out that efop of imperishable debts. To him the world grew roseate "This -41l agree to take not a penny ,.sure. Pharmaceutical concerns are flooding 6 dreadfully scarred?" "Vaal yes; but scars, never. At b. y , Worst Case and kindly viewed through the. press of the ttnarklirag grape, and' invariably more than twenty-five hundred my. self. We'll go on equal terms. Why," confidently, besides like -she market with these cheap and worth- least never so deep as you yourself can he saw fortune beckoning to the card hiving a ?tees preparations, some of which are even "Extract' Wild'Sttawberry," tusks. You wear that mask'but out of nmbrcy to me." Off tables, "Now, then, Jaek. i've Prince you'll have four hundred to throw away at roulette, Boy, .you ,labelled of I. Once she Lose :and approached the d 'Eezenia got you where 1 want you. \Yho'ts etre?" bare never seen Italy; therefore you ."Wild Strawberry Compound, etc., but they dare not use the name "Dr. Fowler," window, slyly raising the mask and Cure only came when deetors7gavrup „ , On trig word, 1 cion t-knoivl' r do soli know what beauty is. When in the hope that the public may be de- breathing deeply of the cold air which to through the crevices When and DR. CHASk1S Dffd"tf NT "Then theft 1s a 'fireman'!'' dried afar• rahew, t ltnew 1'c. Nothing glee would " we eventually land at 13ellagto, on Lake Como and I take our lily white y y .ceived and led to purchase them, thinking they are getting the genuine "Dr she turned she found that be, too, had we,. used. . Mrs, Wm. Miller, St, Catharines, Ont., so detnorailize �•oll. hrhIk a health to and in mine and lead you up to the terrace of Villa Serbeltoni and or. r Fowler's." , licca. $e was looking at the steins g ' one Of which he held in ifs hand, montes old, is daughter Mary, when or months old, contracted eczema and for Itpr.f, R „ 1311tatcl rat, pd his gl;liRR and lou, bed der tes, then you will realtee that you have Are you willing to Halt your health-- Moreover, -he returned and Lletthe stein three years -the diseaso baffled all treat- that of his comrAde, ror the peape of "tell only begun to v . y g i e—gardet,s, tow - tiring Alps, the Lecco on one perhaps even your life, to these no name, doNlt beside bis plate, moat. Her case 'ivas one of the worst his lilInd 6e detertnl'tird to Sterri green side and the green Como on the otter fro reputation like! dangerous sod Y , I. "Ten ale, why do you do that?" that had ever come under my notice, hew lite whole adventure. "To ani Swiss champagne At ti.4t) thn Strawberry Exttacts? , ,.. _ r'�her� `has an ans:toas note in iter and she apparently ;suffered what no tht tail I h fo t" y n the s. be said• "Po quart! Eh? �,.oalled Dr. h`owler's Extract of Wild Straw- Y N i have Idea.! But let us proceed en could ewer describe. I had three p. ditfefent doctors attend her all to no " t» i" lri9nklp ,. 11 t II, the lady ill the mlwif. "And then" 11111ard add "there's . �• 'Kitty Mtry has a reputation extending oven I . _ dinnell: this salad Purpose, T'Inally I decided to try Dr. Killlgrew tinging her heart: out silty -five years, therefore when you buy i't . � ,the l I alta Itiore Interested in the idea. „ chase fig Ointmont 'and to my surprtoo stip immediately began to Improve and ""t ob. ntask'r Two of tlfaw;•" to a' people who can't understand lr you are not expotitnenting with a new and untried temed Y' fibs pushed aside the salad and took it sip of the ruby burgandy. Had he was completely cured of that ]Ong standing disease. That was four years Xu, only tine. !ince 1 atNt her lei tl:.• fog, and then I wet l,vr fli the mask'' -I'll word sho a singing.', "Can it be done for twenty -tire hull• It cures Diarrhoea Dysentery, Colic, tdtetovotted somethin$7 r�io when we lived at Cornwall, drUsk to her, but I ui, huo%fKl lr !red?" Stomach Cramps, Soaslcknegs, Cholera "ma'y I stooko?" he asked. •Ont., Ana as not a symptom has shown itself 1 don't lraltei•a' J•l,u re rflddlln • life,' !, '•Ilily . literriliew cheated his cigar with sub - Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer I -my all y," since, the taro must be permanent." 4111d'Nterrlhow dtsapiNltlttetlly. duel fierceness, He kneW very well •_ .•Cti n m fat t and a Boar, 11 Looseness of the i >� tette as at tf 1 bled a cigarette d t>re ga p INtao nes►r . The recotd of carte Which Dt. Chasett Ointmdnt PAs to fie crtdlt !lave piaetd Ito is Neill, 1 ofk ., ,, the whole etaa•yY Jtlek. tletrltts anti that be was destined to go to Europe. 1{itty I:iltigreW, whm had promised to Alt, it alone tit the stAnattrd cure tot 'tete• Ina and„ all forms of itchin skin ilia- g 111; lit) halt Portiolis," Millard told the Yarn Rlnl ll , onilt I y mall the route they were to play And • Pain tl ._. _ease. Do >uot bo eatistitd withlmita• t1n notlaln eelsetttlal. lie sten a►dd�d g � "K It 1s varltten, Dan, that you shall )l snufactured onl b ' ite'C, sY u H b yfdtt "'!Viii lot trot tiav'e oris?"` Us 1tM44 tions or substituteg, 60 cents it boat at all dealers or 'Bdnikkiwni Bates �t fid;► that for three Wl*ks be JiAd brt'n the 'its o faith me. to +�fio., %irailod lhttin . ' Ili. R l� 0W troll �ltlte 0 tb# 11ael.. Toronto. Author of the IsIrsoual thq'ittry to nettle this Argument rl ht g _ -- the whereribonts of one lime. Angot, f�`o be poutinae6h BLOOD DISEASES CURED. Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years tw'NO NAMES USED WITH. • t� OUT WRITTEN CONSENT �•�` H a lsurprlsed at how tile' mores e healed— I took your Nsw DIETHOD TREATMENT for a serlouab.lood- disease with which I had been Int9icted for twelve years. I had consulted a score ' a ,p, y J of pliysicians taken all kinds of blood 1 ' R mefileine, visited Hot Springs and other mineral water resorts, but only got tem. .f porary relief. They would help me for a thne, but after discontinuing the medi- cines the symptoms would break out again—running sores blotches, rhoum• me pains, looseness of the hair swellings of the glands, palms of the hands scaling, WGRETREATMENT itchiness of tho skin, dyspeptic, stomach, AFTER TR[ATM[NT etc. I had given up n despair when a friend advised mo to consult yov, as 5on had cured7iiin of a similar disease 8 years ago• I had no hope, but took his advice, In three w eek,' time the sores commenced to heal up and I hecnmo encournRed. I continued the NEw hf ETROD TREATMENT for tour months and at the end of that time every symptmn had dtsnppeared. I was cured 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since. My boy three years old, is sound and hent! y. I cer- tainly can recommend your treatmeat 7rith all my heart. You rah refer se,qq parson to mo privately, but you can use this testimonial Rs you wish. 1P. H. S, We trot NERVOUS DEBIMY, VARiCOSF VMNS, ViTAL. WEAKNESS, BLOOD. SKIN End SECRET Diseases. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men and Wome". EAD Are you a victim? Ilave ou lost hope? Are you Intending to marry Ned Your blood been disease l Have you any weakness? Our NEw METHOD R.EATUENT !sill euro you, what it has done Cor othersit will do for ywim you: Censultad` Fret. No matter who tuts treated oilwrite for an honest opinion Frew of Charatw. Charges reasonable. BeClu'Frew—(Illustrated) on diseases of Men. NO NAMM USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everstlitne confidential. Question list and cost of Maine Treatment FREE. C n,V ICED'&KENNEDY Cor. Mich' an Ave., and Oriswold SL, Dtstroil, Mich. All letters front C'anadA trust be addressed ' NOTICE to Out CanadiaCorrespondence-- . ... n e z Depart- rt p !neat in �VitteL4or, Ottt. If you cleeire fo , see us�ppeerrsonally Call tit our Medical Institute in Detroit its We see alta treat tate► 041111 fits in our Windsor otntes which are for Correspondence stud Laboratory for Canadiau business only, Address all letters as follows DRS. koftby k KENNgDY,'wiltl604 Oat, WMA hr our private addtesd ,.