HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-06, Page 6TUN %i1\WAAX TIM, OCTOBER 6, IVIQ
- --------- 41 1 1 mined I a .1 In I I jnj$qdj States aimmfi mu CURED To Restorg Linlithgow Palace
The *PR VWR (Court balrual)
was found Pont Richmond, VA, QATIY In There are two , schemes A.0 a. memorial
.4140 eighteenth century. ram auk will RIVO Y914 relief In -, the Im. t UL I I ITI I I k I I
$0011antl 0Q Ring 04WATO
Tho street moolderitt of London Ism, pr , vemput of I191y1r4)O4 plamoo And the
ouq% to about 3 1500 A TeAr-Ilearly ton 0
When you have Any deep Reakdd Palo roll;OTAtion of Diallbligow Palace, Tho
cloy, ilk the j6lutd, the OaCII, the wriess 01 former poomli to find Mq4t, favor, P.Mail)•
vQ Chingford Tjord9gle new reslor r at oloswhpro, place a hack,
ly boompop of tbo, idea $bm$ with
will be capable of holding 0.000,000,000 Zuni pul; on the flogers or on Oe hly hobi table ill " King And To R'�Yoo a f"818MORt
of 113o Iierd AL4 tab it ill. Tile PODO' 7004
11sljous of Water. ,rating power of this "embroontlon Queen ralgIls 440 she ancient pnimoo for
in and n brief period
Is ki,la PA each year, In Regard To 'Fruitpesawfives9
Claildrgiii Cry to 1prouoeo Wyatt, ..-Uj H.11yroA to In a fair Onto of PrO80tvil'
FOR Fl.. a -S of 25 Gay Avanuo. kuntraid, 1108.
MOVS loqtbing nod tihoroat, LiodittgowPolboo, 04 the nAR`bwICXU, MIRAmicux,$,B., Jan. x7th, 191q.
n AS _r0 R I A have ttlasta Z.w Bqqj ion, wvaluable in a very, bad ca fa of rhotimm- shore of the benutiol sheet of water of 0, 1 feel it my duty to, give to yon and the world an unsolicited statement 1*
Bd Also M-1froses of joiallo and y that name, Is in jr.uji4p, and this befog respect to the wonderful cure I received by taking I Vrilit-a-tives,' Chronic
eavev 010h tOP1180 601 turbans either d8m, anatAl
console, I "Offared long mrd no
malt or velvet trimmed will be extensive' I fhsum,%jj.m, and tried one lint the o&99 P"rhaps the better plan would Constipation was the collifl4int. I suffered with for years, My general health
from ration of Linlithgow, Who V�as miserable as a result 0 this disease, and I became depressed and alarmed. I
j after muoiller ill vate.. I also took be the restoration It, and I tried.
ly deep this fall and winter. men was treated pills
without the slightest permanent benefit, totArlintiv, but 11 r6-ftirled palace, whish Is somewhat rqustro mud
marliplinpa all kinds of pills and tablets. but nothing did me any good.
0, Vosse'R are leaving Montreal empty for Z,.tn Bak to f ifoot F4 Cure. I boo" heavy looking, was the birth place Of
on a000nal of golinomea refusing 10 applying this balm whenever I felt the I saw the strong testimonial
Mary Queen of Soota; in Lialk$1190W in favor of 4 Fruit,a-tivesO
eall at the low prices cffaring In the Bd- solles and pans or rheumatism coming IV, of Scotland Was fQro. by New Brunswick's 'Grand
tish markets. on, 0ifejt any Ofthe otlffne,a. The to- Okurch Jamesthe Roll. John '2
Maw, t N. to
Bak warned by the AI)Parit1011 Of the coming Old
Bolt was truly wonderful, Zara knew that
to the very seat of Costigan, ana I
nod to penetrate diim,tor at Floddep Field; fit its tie ds
Children Cry seer anything he stated was
the p*il)a. driving them oOMPILt()Iy 01101 the Regent Kurt was shot; close by slid give
,By honest and true
FOR FLEMER'S slid I am cow quite cured." one the to hell his fellow, men. N
dinary embrocations town Edward 1. had two ribs broken only to h
So many of the or ives' and
CASTORIA prepared by his horse the night before Valkirk, I tried bruit -a -t
and liniments are ImperteotlY
tly refined to penetrate and on its loch a chancellor of the Ex the effects were most mar -
not suffloien
the skin - much less vellous, ana nowiL out chronic
the underlying
The figures 6f the Sanitary Bureau at and sued in.
obequer,banton economy, is
DR the pres- totally different. well from all in suffered i
St. Petersburg show that during muscles. Zom-Balt is
out obolers epidemic there have been 191, Zam-Buk to so rellued, and its essences struotions that the royal swans should Constipation that I sulter-A
from for so many ycars.
concentrated, that be kept down to a dozen. My general health is once
075 cases with 88,716 deaths throughout and juices are 80
when , rubbed into the muscles for then, Though a building with little to Ott r.
Russia, re excellent and I cannot
rain, etv., its effect
mfttiom� solation, op tans the eye, Linlithgow Palace is a say 160 much to express my
Charles Jones and a companion ualll- is very quickly felt. benefits
e cheat and between most attractive place and many People thanks for the great
ed MoCannon,who left Kenorm on a It rubbed on to the derived from taking 'Fruit -
the shoulders in ones of bad cold on would like to see it carefully and judic
hunting trip some time 590, have not re. a-tives.,
chest, Z.%m.Bttk will give relief, lonely restored. The oldest parse, the A. G. WILLI$TON
drowned, will -
turned and are believed to have been from itfound it care for all ordinary s use all an embrocation, Zam Bak east mud west sides, were built In, the 11 Fruit-a-tives is not got.
forms of skin disease and injury. It fifteenth century; she newest, the north ten up by druggists or expert
cures eezima, rashes, ringworm, cold elde, in 1620. The original entrance chemists-w1m, know nothing
Years, Ex-erjence of an Old Nurse 1 11 -- -banned hands, h a. h... abilut disease and the needs
Fifty sores, oleate, a , was by a urswurlQ88 013 9 of the hiftman body -but
MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP is piles, varicose veins, onto, bruiseseto.
ir- IMP- W-- the prescription of one of the beat fe- All druggistg and stores at 50o , or post is an archway surmounted by the royal the scientific discovery of A e only medicine in the world made of fruit juices.
0 . - Buk Co , Toronto for arms and three towers,,- remains of an wea known physician, and is ill
male physicians and nurses in the fr6 from Z%m i for $2.59 or trial size, 25c. At. all el.alexa, or sent, postpaid, as
Refuse harmful imitations. older building. Sec. a bOX0 6
Local History of the early 80S. United States and has been used for fifty pries. swipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa.
Items from the "Times" fYI09: years with never -failing success by On entering by the preaeut doorway
TWENTY YEARS AGO millions of mothers for their obillren on the south aide the . guard room is on
It relieves the pchild from Pain, cures THE UPS AND THE DOWNS.
diarrhoea, griing in the bowels, and She right, where the Regent Murray THE GOSPEL OF STAY AT HOME.' Frontenao and elsewhere, and Induce.
wind collo. By giving health to the died; in the contra of the quadrangle Is ill so unfortunates who have been try -
(From the Tiyns of Oct. 3, 1890.) Mr. Strathdoe has now one of the finest child, is rests the mother. Twenty-five (Ohtomgo Record -Herald ] %fountain erected by* James V., Of Ing to get blooi from a stone, to settle -
residence in town. cents a bottle. which that In front of Holyrbod in a The trip to Northern Oatirio taken upon the great fertile clay belt to the
The Northwestern Fair was held in Jack and Jill vent up the hill- copy, The Kitchens have a fire-plaos as by the Catindian, Press Apsow-ition last north, NOW, they are simply dragging'
LOCAL NEWS. Wingham on Tuesday and Wednesday, During the list two years
the oil prod- The hill of matrimony;
While they were on the upward way big ma railway arch and the pisrlim- May, opened the eyee of tho members cunt a wretched existence, with no hope
Mr. W. K. Snider, conductor, has and, being favored with glorious weath- notion has doubled in America. The prod, She was his "awness owney." ment hall is 100 feet long, with a note- to the possibilities and resourw!a of that for the future. This area, It turned into•
leased the large cottage on Minnie or there' was a very large turnout of notion is $16. 000,000 greater in value than He helped her where the path was rough worthy chimileypiece restored. It portion of the province, and in oonse, a forest reserve, would in time become
street, near the iron bridge, and will people on Wednesday.
the output of gold in the United States. Shestill was and slender; young had a minstrel's gallery, and a long queues the gospel of Stay in Ontario a e:)urce of great wealth to the Province.
move his family to town in a abort Mr. Wm. Black returned from his trip When James Carson, John Newtonand His words were never abort or gruff, passage from its leads to the chapel. has been insistently preached ever singe "But the fertile lands of Ontario, and,
time. to Detroit on Monday. Dan Welsh were arrested at Oak Lake, His every act was tender, The room in which Queen Mary was The editor of the Kingston Standard in there are hundreds of thousands of
The flag staff which was removed Miss Johns too I k advantage of the Man., they had in their possession the At last they reached the top, and there born is a great contrast In point of size a recent editorial says: acres of them, offer fast ust me great induce•.
from the Town Hall and taken to the cheap excursion to Chicago. greater part of $4,000 worth of jewellery A little while they tarried; to that which witnessed her son's birth ,Is it not time we begau to remind oar menta to the thrifty, hard-working far --
park to being overhauled and will be Mrs. Clark, of Seaforth, is vi.iting at stolen from a store in Hamiots. A preacher said things, and the Phit in Edinburg Castle. At the northwest young men that O.itario offers as good a mer be any other in the world. The,
Were then securely married. corner a spiral staircase leads up to field for the farmer, the mechanic and young man who leaves a good Ontario�
erected in the course of a few days. Mr. John Elder's this week. As soon as they found out that all Queen Margaret's bower, tile moat per- the ,laborer, as the 'North-West? We farm for a wheat form in the North,
A large amount of grain has been de- Mr. Wm. J. Roo, who has been with A Bilious Headasho. Their wooing had been ended, feet little room in the palace, Equate have free land in the great clay belt to West, is making a mistake. Life here
livered in town during the past week. Mr. W. H. Macdonald, dentist, for the Bile in the blood is poison and causes They hastily went down the hill, within, hexagonal without. There is a than it onu
t year, left on -Monday last for Philti- pain. Mrs. Thee, Covert, Highland And fought me they descended. fine lookout, and here the Quren Is said the North; the silver mines of the north is far more comfortable
Prices are keeping up well In Wingham Pas ern country are among the richest in probably ever be in the North West and
delphia, where he will take a course in Grove, Out., writes: "For years I eat- to have watched for the return of bar
this season. fered with biliousness, stomach trouble husband, James V., from Flodden, the world; and old Ontario reruns vrill in the end jas, t as much money will be
We understand that Bell's Factory dentistry, and terrible headaches. Having used There are also those adjuncts of the probably make as good a return tot mad-) here sethere. For the landleas
Dr. Chnqe's Kidney and LiYPT Pills will Your cough annoys yon. Beep on mediaeval fortress, dungeons and a tor -
Band are to have a new conductor in say nullesitatingly that this is the most hacking and tearing the delicate mem- Lure chamber. labor spent on them as the wotitern. immigrant from the Old Worlds the
the person of Mr. Whiteley, formerly MARRIED. f your throat if you want to be wheat fields. North West or the clay belt of Ontario
Small-Raby -In Win ham on the effective treatment obtainable for these braves o
bandmaster of Bruncls band, troubles." annoyed. But if you want relief, want "There are certain sections of Ontario is the pisses; but for the young farmer
let inst., by the Rev. F. W. Hughes. to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough HOWIS TUIS?
We were favored on Wednesday lost David George Small to Sarah Elizabeth Remedy. Sold by all dealers. -and the countw of Frontenac Is not with a comfortable home, old Ontario,
with ass,mille of some cherries, which Raby, daughter of James Raby. Victoria, B C., is jubiliant over the ward for any case of offer One Hundred Dollars Re -
Catarrh that ean- fr6e from them-whioll the young men should be good enough."
were picked that morning, from a tree Smith -Gilmore. - In Wingham, on announcement that the Bullen Brop., not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. should,'leave; these never "should have
on the premises of Mr. Chas. Martin, the 1st inst., by the Rev, E. W. Englies, Esquimalt, have filed plans for it big dry- FAIRNESS OF LAND VALUE TAX. F. J. OHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0 been settled upon -bat should have been
near Whitechurch. Mr. Martin says understood We, the undersigned, have known F- -held as forest reserves for all time. It Cha mberlain's Cough Remedy hall be -
Thos. Smith, of Grey township to Sarah dock costing $3,000,000. It is J. Cheney for the lr7t 15 years, and be no me famous for its cures of coughs,
this fruit is a second crop as the first Gilmore. the financial arrangements are well ad- lievo him perfectly honorable in all would be a wise and gonerouB not, in -
[Sidney J. Phillips ] deed, for the Ontario Governmeht to colds, oroup and influenza. Try it when
crop was all picked in the cherry season. DEATHS. vented. business tranzictions, and financially of in need. It contains no harmful sub -
Next. Guest. -In Wingham, on the 25th One hundred dollars in silver coin was A tax on land values is a tax on the ablt to carry out any obligations made buy up the laud, or rather rocks, stanoe and always gives prompt relief..
Mr. A. C. Stratlidee has ]eased Mr. ult., Septimus, seventh son of Mrs. found buried in his hcuso by a man value of land along, not a tax on the by his firm. some of the Ifarmers in the county of Sold by all dealers.
John Hanna's fine new house on John Alan WALDING, KiNNAN is Tied,
Charlotte Guest, aged 19 years, 3 named Oliver, recently sent to peneten. value of improvements. Any v Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
street, and moved into it on Friday last. months and 22 days. tiary from Petetburu'. Oliver revealed that is given to the land by the expen. Hall's Cataith Cure is taken internally
the hiding -place to the high constable. diture of the owner, such as by drain• aotirg directly upon the blood and ran -
age, manuring or the erection of build- 00us surfaces of the system. Toast.
moninle sont free. Price, 75c. per hot-
iugs, is improvement value and cannot tie. Sold by all Druggists be I A be called land value. Laud tends to in. Take Hell's Family.Pills for coast
For Infants and Children, crease in value with the rise of popula- tion.
and around it, The demser'the
KERNELS f ROM THE SANCTUM MILL The Kind You Have Always Bought tp'ooplol &" tion the greaterthe necessity for
Bears the the use of land, consequently the higherWANTED NOW
Signature o the value of the land. Where there is
no population there is no land value. For Wingham and surrounding (]is -
The value of land also tends to increase trict for Fall and Winter months an en -
South Wellington Libsrals nominated as streets and improvements are made, ergetio reliable agent to take orders for The Ri6ht Kind
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Mr. Niohol Jeffrey for the Legislature. parks are laid out,
water, lighting and nursery stock.
It is reported that the Indian owners sewerage schemes oarried out, and other Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free.
refuse to give up poosession. of Fort public services are rendered, the need
Exclusive Territory,
George townsite to the Grand Trunk and provision of thesis services growing
Pacific. with an increasing population, Evi. of P r i n t i n 6
Under cultivationi We guarantee to
average price in this country, will ralpe Lady De Rothschild, widow of Sir Ano DRI A. Wo CHASE'S abounds everywhere. In towns and in deliver stock in good condition and up
ton tons twelve feet high with a ormue thong Do Rothschild, in her 90th year. CATARRH POWDER fif the neighborhood of towns land bite in, to contract grade, We can show that
in less than a minute, Deceased was a veritable lady bountiful, ■is sent direct to the diseased parts by the creased in value in some instances to a there to good money in representing a
The kind that is neat, attractive and
and also a well known agriculturist. improved Blower. Heals the
Hoarseness In a child subject to croup ulcers, clears the alt passages, remarkable degree, doubling and trob- well known reliable film at this time.
permanent y cures Catarrh and , with the rapid costs you no more money
i$ a aura indication Of the disease. It Her herd of Jersey$, which were her, stops drogings in the throat and ling in a few yeard Established over 80 years. Write for up-to-date,
Chamberlain's Cough remedy is given chief favorites, were dispersed last Hay rover. 25c. blower free. growthotthe town and the necessary particular$,
less, Acccpt no substitutes. All d klem FELHAM NURSERY CO.
at once or even after the croupy cough April, mud brought very high pr or Ildmanson, Bates & co., Toe improvements and services. Toronto, Ontario. here than the inferior article does
has appeared, It will prevent the attack. ronte,
ot 4 - On a ride of 1,250 miles, at an average L A plot of land on the foreshote of the
Cclitairs It poison. Sdid by all dealers. ' It k in time of sudden mishap or acot
dent that Chamberlain's liniment can be a in 1866 - who sold for $41,000. elsewhere..
In 1870 she Victorian Embankment was
A shovel with high sharp sides mud relied upon to take the place of the fact. of 44 miles daily aRnAslan cavalry officer
fly dootorL who cannot elwaye be found lost only 6 pounds in weight while his
with n, binged t -Me that lifts away at, the moment. Then it to that Chain.borso-nearly twenty years oldlost 45 built at the expense of the ratepayers
from the front bas been patented by 5 berlain's liniment Is never found went• the following year this same plot
and bruises, Chamberlain's Liniment pounds, One day 80 miles was covered. and In
New jersay resident to cut and lift sods, In cages of sprains, onto, wounds of ground was sold for $18Z,100 to the
'sDAre You
London school board, the value being
take out the soreness and driven away Ar
Vain. Bold by %11 dealers. more than trebled In nix years owing to Quality Counts
As is factedy for elid attacks of the Ren Sleen the building of the Embankment, The
house fly and the mosquito the Depart. 11- landowner did nothing to liring about
this increase., it was the expenditure of
Bad Blood y itured I
Means Bad Realtht went of Agriculture recommends a mjx� Fails ou the community, and therefore the earn* 'as in other things, and the
lure of oil of ceder, oil of citronella, and DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD will mollity, should reap the adV&DtllgO% in prititingL
BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS - oil of camphor, placed upon a tog mud bring rest, comfort and vitality by Which it could do by taxing land values. I can cure the worst case Of TINIES is in a position ,t0 turn, out first -
laid across the fade. A gentleman who building up the nerves. All the people share in the expense of Rupture from infancy to old age,
MiLkes Good Blood and GoOd has tried it says that the smell of the _.fir. Jas. Wesley 'Weaver, A voteran down, own, naltiti
pnnnIng and lighting without Operation or 1609 Of time. lass work at very reasonable prices,
reventive to worse than the bile of the of the Venian Raid, Pott Dalhousie, C
Blood Mesta! Good Hoalth. Ont., writes: .. JIFor years I was af- the streato, of instituting and Improving ACT AT ONCE
fliets�d with notvousncog and dreaded water atipply and drainage schemes, Try this office with your next order.
In Now York Episcopal places of Wor- insoinnial so that I never know for
Mrs, !-rod Bj'ggg, Kingston, Ont., slalp are Worth $25,840,00; Presbyter- throc years What a full llolftt�g 13100D They pay for the acquisition and upkeep and reMove the daily danger of'
writes—III was completely run down, Jan, $1.6,400,000, Methodist, $10,500,000., was, never more than dosing far a of parka and open spaces, for Are, bri- strangulation. triangulation. Fill In doilpoll
my blood was out of order, and I used , $9,400,000; Reformed, $7,000'. few minutes at a tittle. Heart pains glides and police force#, They p I my for and send to Dept. J.
th get so weak I would be compelled to BaPtlat 1114 heatl4eheq m museums,
stay in bed for weeks at a time, 000., Luthetill, $6,800,000, slid Congre- . almost drove me Wild. ttalaW6ya, houelng ache as, useumo,
could not eat, slid wad pale, and thins I had spells of weakness and 6ralaPs in libraries and many other things. The 3, S. SMITH)
I Rational. $1,260,000, The rains of StOrliaek and 6 -As.
everyone thou t I was going into church property in New York to $1113,- "Tbonq1t I tried say6ral doetore, It effect of every one of Woo services is to
consumption. f tried everything and VinhIly Lend Up thO y4loo of laud, yok the lalid- 88 Caledonia St,
advised 953.740, eloluslue of PItSonaged, h6sPIt- �vjo money uselessly spent,
differatit, doctors, until it friend Zvi brought owners, as istjoh, pay'nothlog towards STRATV0111), 09T. The Ti m, e s
as to use Burdock Blood Bittem, els and neylume, The debts in New Dt- Chftge',% IN."VO F00(1 wa's
t6 mo qua eight boxes rured In(,. it the o:gpolijes. on the one h6nd the pob,
"I did not have ane bottle used Wheik I York otd,$10,062,419, OrAbout 12's per
Iq appetite began to improve. is simply wonderful what benefit 1 10 '06 to Increase laud YMUO bad To- AtIld *4411**
.cont. Bodonbsoinvededin chfIvollbi have obtained from thig tteatracrit-ft 16 y
11 bod'slit bottles, sness and headaches are o6tyb nothing, sad on the other' hand WINGNAM Y ONTARIO
"I gAiped ton pounds in two Weeks. $27,000.000, With debts Of 7 Pat coot of SV� tacelve Addtfts
When I I*gan to !A'k# it loply welthod their value, Ohloago has the italne sarin of approaching netvoug col- the landowners pay nothing find
'd� You Can Positively remove theso the Increased land IVA10, This Is it
ninety-th,ree pounds. It just seenic to Idveat6d, with 15,11 per cent debts- Bal, IftPqAbe. ..... Tithe '91ap w 4r
pull me from the grove, as I novot ex. syniptonis and prevent prostration or Injustice, mad, the taxation of land
1*6tbd to be strong Again. I will tell timbre, $14,106,MO. 'With debts of iqj paralysil by the use of Dr. Cliftso's gross
06fe6list; Philadelphia, $415,000,000, With Nerve Vo6(1, 50 tenft it box, 6 f6f yisluell would adjust matters by eftb- Sifl$tjo ot double
Bitrdock B16W Bitters Is manufactured 9 per, cant debts, sad Washington, Vot .1 at 411 dealers or r,,(Jrnangon, ling the o6lotatifilty to pattiolo to in the
Drily by the T. Milburn Co., LitAtted, 00 Mo With lox,, of cent INU111181 & Oo., Toronto. Writo for free ViLlue Of Iftfid due to Its presence, sotiv. satisfaetion gavLrantatil.
See that their Idguttiti dopy 0.12, Dat. chaso's Recires, ..........
'Toronto, Ont. Sty and tXpendituto.
Appears on every bottles, Christian Herald,