HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-06, Page 5TIM vv AN'�JAAX TIMBS OCTOBER E. ��rU ' axxivl4os», Rl~IJQATE BAKE$ NEEM you Cant ■ ,, i k atf IaLL Siulop4 loci another of its old cost. . OACiES' OWN TABLETS_ ' dents last week in the person of Mr.: - t - Hugh McIntosh of the 601: conoes'sion. ! Par the .baby who is Gelioate, who f THIS IS, uE , - T _ Deceased had boon in poor health for enffers from constipation, stomach and l some time and his death on Mondays , • bowel treableo, warms tar d;tilcnlG teeth, wn T0 September 19th, was not anexpeoted• le �` n They can a PoSitiaol Be ou e� Or aha hP /'i '✓ He had reached the. age of 76 years and little ills of ahii4hood and can be given t ~� O GL / • had. for many years bean a faithful to, the new born baby with patient safe• .. � ' / • O­PUR, , medber and supporter of the Press .ter• ty• They are sold uu;er an abe4late 1 iqu Chnroh, Muoh e m nthis felt for gngrautae of a government analyst to % y P y contain no b.armful drur, They cannot the bereaved wife and family. possibly do barn;-theypnlwaye do tipod. II oQ Mre Geo, A. Windver, Rookoroft.Oat , ►1 I� LOP, H • • write.- "I would not be without Baby's ! il' '' . PQo - o • Cis. Own Tablets, My baby was emelt and � that r4quire dellcate and nevor grew until I beg The four iron bridges un es .�•'' ° , R giving her. the Tablets She, is nine paiatiog are to receive their new dress months old now and tbanks to the Tab BECAUSE: SL: f _ from Fred. UoCraoken s staff, Brussels lets is well, tat and racy I will certain ' ly recommend theta whenever I gat the « $100 being the figure, opportunity." The Tablets are sold by medicine orotate or by mail at 26 pante Our goods are r. fight. Henry Alcook was the saodesstai ton- a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine darer for the 8raater drain, his figure On,, Brookville Vat• ' t _ l Our rices are right. '�. being $886 00, R. C Armstrong gate p the Looking drain at $398. >3r.�H. Our styles are right. Louis Steles, 14th can,, sold his span of roan colts to John Denholm, of Blytb, On Sunday, Oct, 9th, St. Andrew'o ' for the sum of $600. They were three Presbyterian Church here will celebrate The clothes you buy means a considerable outlay -the expenditure of a good and four years old and raised by Mr, rte 60th annfvervary: Rev. A T+ Gaggle,' "� � many dollars in the course of a year. It is your desire to get and otic desire to give Steise. It pays to rates horses to sell at of Parkdale .will preach. rro;alas and lever ossible cent's worth of real value for every dollar you spend for Clothes, that price, They were certainly a band- evening and the choir will be directed y p some well -matched team, by A, E Cook,, Rav, Dr. McLean, of --''' _ cpderigh, s.expeoted to be present and That we .do give you at this stere the m)3t ratil vatae fir the diary we will prove to yo>x if you take pars in the services. Monday even- ortunity,. See the Garments and you will be charmed by their attractiveness. Try r CULRoas, will give us the opp ing a tea•meetfng will be held, Sapper them on and you will be fascinated by the way they flt and hang, wear them and you will then fully E LIKE KICKERS. WE BELIEVE KICK- The week's mail has brought to our will be served from b 30 to 6 p. m, to,_= realize their enduring qualities and their an all-round excellence, WE desk an account of the death near Pitot lowed by short addresses. . ' we have put forth one greatest efforts to gather together this season a collection of clothes. positiv Mound, Man., o: Mrs, John"Campbell, Rev., Mr, Farr, the newly appointed - el unlnatehable at the prices we ask and we think we have sueceeded. .E,R-V- CLUBS SHOULD BE 0IRGA VIZE2 a former resident of the 4th line of Cu!• rector of Trinity ohurob, and family, y New Wrappers, N p , New waists, New Dress Goods and rose. She died on Sept. 14, at the ripe have moved to. town from Gorrie. We JUST Ii.ECF,IVED---New Coats, New Skirts, old age of eighty. Mrs. Campbell was welcome tha'm to Blyth for the good Silks, New Shoes, New Underwear, New Sweater Coats. .EV'E1QX WHERE TO KEEP THE PUBLIC a native of St. John, N, B„ but remov- name. they bring with them and for the ad, when a child, with her parents to beneficent work we believe they will the County of Middlesex. She, was render here. The reverend gentleman COO •FROM BEIJVG IMPOSED UPON; yOU ARE married there in 1850 to the late Mr, conducted the icangural service of his HO Campbell and in 1856 came to Cnlroes. incumbency last Sunday evening. Rev, E9 U She moved in 1896 to Manitoba, where Mr, Farr and family will find many JVSTIFIED LN KICKING ON HATS AND she since lived with her eon, John. Oar warm hearts and willing hands in Blyth IMPORTERS WINCsHAM. correspondent says that "in religion she mud community. ,CLOTHES y0U BUy AT SOME STORES. was a Presbyterian and met the call of death with cheerful resignation,"1 HOBBIES, P -BUT yOU CAJV'T KICK ON OUR GOODS s rind Ras. p be o vast improvement both in ap• Council met at Council Hall Monday, The pleasant purgative effect exper• the violin. Only the immediate reeaS. Messrs. Ogee and Ernest McAllister pearanoe and usefulness. • fenced by all who use Chamberlain's Sept- 19th. Members all pridePresent, Reeve gives of the bride and groom were prThe ant, The young oonple were noagtend• have gone to Work on the new elevator Institute will meeting of et the t a homeof 'SZCA U,S`E WE CA R-RY JUST ONE ICI,1VI)--- Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the in chair. Minutes of last regular pteetfaR ed, The bride carried a beautiful bon- in Goderiob. healthy condition of the body and mind read and adopted, which they create, makes one feel Jag- Adjourned Court of Revision on Nioh• net of bride's rosea, carnations and Mrs. Thos, Phillipe has returned home Mrs, J. McNaughton on Thursday, 13th. THE BEST. COME AJV I) SEE. COST MO RE fol, Sold by all dealers. g of drain was reopened. maiden's hair fern. Atter eongratula• from the West. Her son Herman came fast., at 2.30 P. m. The subject: "A, Moved by J. Shortreed, seconded dy J to the din- with her and will stay until next sprin Thanksgivin dinner will be taken by R g r, tions, the bride led the way Mrs. J. M00racken • while "A dinner BUT IGVOZLT,Bf MORE. WBOXETAR, H. McOrakan, that nesesement of J ing•room, where a dainty wedding ra• Last Sunday the English Church held for four, for one dollar" by Miss Oollie, Broadfoot be lowered 5$ for outlet liab• past was served. Many Presents both their Thanksgiving eervfoe- after which both subjects shall be open We regret to be culled upon to record fifty, and the same be assessed against Mr, Dave Tharlow hoe •gone to 65"ift costly and useful showed the high ee- for dieoaeefoa. A!1 ladies are ocrdially the demise of one of the early settlers of municipality, that the raid court be now teem in which the bride is held by her to work and may move there in the this place in the person of Mrs. Geo. closed and Bylaw is now read be finally invited to attend and a goodly attend - many friends. The young oonple loft near future. once is hoped for, Brown, reliot of the late Rev, Geo. passed, Carried. ontheafternoon train for Toronto amid Mre, Chat. Darnin is home after�GVv A Gampbe'll Brown, why died at the reefdeaoe of her Tender was received from H. Kirkby showers of confetti and best wishes of a spending a month with her eon, John- son -in-law, Thoe. Gibson, in Winnipeg, for McCall drain at $4,600,ourney riday, Sept. 23rd, Mee.. Brown was hoeE of friends for a happy j Miss Roxte Heatheringtoa went to WEST WAWAivosH. on F Moved by J. Sbortreed, eeoonded.by 0• through life. Wingham on Monday to tate a course The Sudan death of Joha' Stothere of M���`♦+♦�`���♦��♦�����a�� ♦�♦��♦����iN��+���♦ANN♦ loved by all who knew her. Her lite B. Wilkinson, that we do not accept = in the Business College. of Ashfield on Monday, September 19th, was a living testimony -of the truth, tender as we deem it too high• Carried. purity and n^Mlity of the Christian Following accounts to be paid:- RASr WAWANO5H• Perot' Whitfield was colied home on ae the resblt h a stroke of paralyei s '-.CO2 faith. One eon, G.,orge, of Ottawa, .and Edward Garvin, inspecting on East The anniversary services in eonneo- Friday owing to the death of his mother. shocked all who knew hi,n w was HANNA♦ two daughters. Mrs. T. W. Gibson; of 5.62• JobnCook farm bridge;$15; , Mr. Will Todd returned to Cargill bora fifty-five years ago in Wawanoeh, 4 Bdy.,$ . rtion with Calvin Presbyterian Chnroh, but had resided most of his lite on the Toronto.. and Mrs. Thos. (iib@on, of A. Proctor, work and mitterfal on 3rd line 10th concession, will be held on Sunday, after spending a few days here. Winnipeg, survive to mourn her, demise, bridge $1.10; D. Pi e, work on the road, Mr, Jae. Baker was unable to thresh old homestead on the , loth concession of p October 16th, when Rev, S. M. Whaley, Ashfield. His widow, who was Miss a nal es The funeral took plane from the Presby- $1.60 ;Bell Telephone Co., 260 ;'Russel late of St. Helens, will preach at 2•S0 for a few days, owing to the ledger plate Barbaric McMillan, has the Sincere F � 1 Mtartan Church,., where a service was -00n, Fair filling in approach to 8th line brid- and 7.30 P. m. on Monday evening going through the cutting box. sympathy of the entire community. in ♦ ducted by Rev. L.Terria, Mondayefter- -Rea, Zee of stringers, $9 70; N McCaul- following a tea -meeting and entertain- Oa Sunday, Oct. 9th, anniversary,,, ear- We are this year showing the largest range of Ladies, Maids noon, Sept. a6th, after -the arrival of the ravelling on roar boundary, $3).00 ; this. her Sodden bereavement. I Sys g ment will be held, Tea will be served vice will be held in the Presbyterian Their died at the Nits, on Saturday. and Children's Fall Mantles. The most up to -date, stylish, best i noon train, interment taking plana in Gen. Pollard, inspecting on East Bound- in Adam Robertson's residence from 6 Church here. . fitting Mantles ever shown in town. Prices for the high class Coats I the Wroxeter cemetery. ary, $6,00 ; J. Watt, cement oroasing to 8 o'olock. The program will be given in tSeptemberpens 24th, a well known resident $10,00, $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00. Call and get our popular ♦ = Rev. and Mrs. Mole have moved into in the arson of a had a Currey, is $1$; W. Christopher, drawing and put- in the church and will include a3dreeeee P g y, catalogues. by Rev. S M Whaley- Rev. ➢fir• me- the new manes. his 72nd year. He had been ill about 2 ting is tile, $3.75; W. Christopher, put- WHZTEaHURCH. ting -tu the drain, $2.25; H Kirkby part Egoitren, of Whitecharch and Rev. Mr. Mr. Donald Clark, of Durham and rix months with canebr and was a great Sunday, Ooi, 9th, is 'the day chosen I payment on Smith drain, $4 b0; Duff & Durant, of B@lgrave. The choir of St. John Clark, of Toronto, came home to sufferer, but he bore it with true cont• for the anniversary of the Presbyterian Stewart, work and material on culvert, Andrew's Chnroh,-Wingham, will sup- attend their sister's inneral. age and Christian resignation. Born is $' Church here. Ravi G. P. Duncan, a 2nd line, $18; Ohio. Pollard, gravelling ply the musical part of the program. Armagh, Ireland, he Dame to Canada on Eaet boundary, $38 07; W. Oakley, in 1867, and took up and cleared a farm former pastor, will.preaohat it A.M. and The Council met at Belgrave, Sept. 26, Mr. Alex, Davidson of Galt spent a in Ashfield, and later did the same with tp 7 p. m. The choir will be assisted by gravel on East boundary, $6,40; Geo. pursuant to adjournment. Members all two farms in West Wawanoeb. After Laagsidetalentand MiesJeeeieMoLangh- McDonald, gravel and damages, $9 70. present. Minutes of last meeting read few days with friends in the berg, this he bought a farm on the 10th of For gravel, Geo. Peacock, $6.37; W. � lin of Brnesele: On Monday evening. a and passed. Paul &Jewitt shipped a car o t hogs Colborne, on which he lived for about a ton -meeting will be held, and Rev. G. Oakley„$210; John Barr, $2.10; Chao. Wm. Watson, Belgrave, presented as on Wednesday. gaarter of a century and then moved in. P. Danoan will deliver his lecture on Pollard, $1.44; Thos, MOCJaI1, $3.15; Jno' itemized statement of the cost of ooa• Wm. Watson and Jan. McCallum of 1 Rois, $2 52; David Somerville, $3.71; struction of a cement bridge opposite m the village to live retired. He was a �t t • , Robt. Bayne; there will be addressee Belgrave were visitors at Mr. J. Smith's dao of many good qualities, a sterling Wm. Oakley, $4. Wm. Thuell making . and good music by Wingham Presbyter- lot 36, nose, 8 and 9 (thio being the on Sunday. citizen. j fan choir and other talent, tile, $30.50; John McDonald, cement, structure that was built by day labor Rev. W. J. West and Mrs. attended $16 10; Gerry & Walker, odment, $10; under the supervision of Mr. Watson) Council metas per adjournment on Another of the sturdy pioneers of this the wedding of Mise Evans in Gorrie Sept, 19th. Members all present; Reeve , . Robert Moblurray, gravel $L 89; Nelson the same being accepted as satisfactory an Wednesday last. ' % district has been called to his eternal Thornton, work on sideroad, $6. by the Council, Medd in the chair, Minutes of last J home in the person of Richard Petty- Moved by J. H. McCracken, seconded A by-law was read and passed author- Thieves were at work in the village meeting read and approved on motion piece, of Sinlose, who passed away on by W.J. Johnston, that Council adjourn izing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow during the past week and Mrs. Wm, of Watson and Wilson. • �' �� Thursday last in his 84th year. Mr. Oct. 17th. Haney is minus about fifteen jars of The treasnror'e statement was filed as to meet at Township Hall, money for township purposes. Pettypieoe WAS one of the earliest sett- A. MAeEwEs, Clerk. Debentures were issued for payment frnit. read on motion of Wilson and Thomp• J lers in this district. He was for many of the following accounts: -The Stand- Mrs, E. Rodgers was called to the bed- son. .' years a Director of the Whiteohuroh . 0 Theo.. By Law No 9, re the Blyth Rural Creamery Co.and had always taken a noWICx•. Hal Blyth, adng contract, $t., 1 nide of her mother, near Lucknow, who y J / Hall, part printing ocntraot, 1910, $26; is seriously ill, Telephone Uo„ was soused on motion of deep interest in everything that was in The death angel has -again visited this Geo. Simmons, banking river bank with Messrs. Robt. MoKeroher and J. Per. Wilson and Watson. Q - the beet interests of the community and township and has taken to bar reward, stone coo. 10, $12 00; Wm. Love, re• Cheques were leaned to the amount of cin of Wrosetar, visited with Mr. andent of accounts. his death will be deeply regretted. To Mrs. Wm. Hubbard, whose maiden pairing river bridge,00n. 9, $10,00; Win, Mrs. VauVelsor on Friday. and Satar• about $230.00 in paym t` the bereaved is extended the sympathy name was Elizabeth Hanstoo, a noble Love, balance contract building Qulnn's Council 1 then adjourned to meet on hik day Hist. October 19th at 10 o'clock. / of the community. The funeral to Tit- woman cherished by her family, and bridge, $124.004 John T. Ooultes, widen- Mrd. Joe. Smith spent Sunday with t fia'e cemetery on Saturday afternoon loved by all with whom she came in ins approach at M6Lesn'S bridge, $30 00; . W. S. Mc01t3sTis, Clack. .. Iter son, Watson, at Mt. FbreeE, who , 1 war largely attended. contact by her winning ways, glia was George Taylor, balance contract build- is r a.on, with au attack of typhoid born in the township of Cartwright to , 125 00; Wm. ti This community was chocked on Frig tug McLean's bridge, $ Nver, and reports him doing nicely. 1844 and died here on the 16th of Sep • Wigbtmaa, drawing cite end patting to An armory to cyst not lass then $100,• day last when the news spread that afire an excitement was caused Snn• Mr. Donald Rose, living north of the teuaber;and laavae, to mourn her loss a otilvert on ea,tern boundary, $6 3b; Wm, Q 006 to to be'ereotad et E3monton, Alta., : I the township of Kfalosr, had hush&ad and eight children, who all live Watson,building bridge opposite log day, while Master John Tbynne' was by the Government as eobn, as a suitable 1 village, in P in the township Of Howiok, the two etting his horse out of the church shed 1 committed eaiaide by lunging. He lett 36, cone. 8 and 9, $163,20; Wm. Watson, R rite can be provided. I youngest, Robert and Mary, reside at $32,50; McKinnon It got away from him and ran out home, The Paoiao Whaling Company, of home early in the morning, presumably 9 g onpervieing bridge, ' � _ --•- �, neighbor's threehtn Later home with Choir father. The sympathy Bros•, Rravelifag on Iona. IO and 11, fortunately no damage was done. k , to attend ag of the whole neighborhood go cut too Vtbtoria, B. C., so far have hid a vary it was discovered that he was not there, $119.66; Joseph Kerr, gravel and shovel• The work at the manse in ng pushed snooesefal Seaton, having caught 850 and on Search being lnatitnted, hie dead ward the bereaved ones in their mourn, ling, $15 45; Robert Scott, gravel and with the now verandah is being pushed whales, each valued at $5,000. lag times. Her remains were laid shovelling, $7.95; John Williams, 63 afena and when it is completed !S going body war found hanging by the nook In the at away to rest n tgraveyard Lakelet from a beam in the root house under alis yards of gravel, $6 s0; Geo. Fothergill, � barn. The deceased was in his 36th to await the resurrection morn. 16 yards of gravel, $L.50; Ei;, O. Mar' year and no motive can be assigned for On Wednesday, September 21st, at Glowan, 25 yards of gravel, $2 60; Wm. LI :. .�. . R o� the deed. He was a young man of the residence of the bride's parents in G. Salter, 26 yards 'Of gravel, $2.50; -� n •to date Men and Boys.: cheerful disposition and DibnkIon, Mies Adeline Stewart Became Martia0'Oonnor, 24 yards of gravel, • 7'- • tip to -date Suits and Overcoat# for the p = bright and bheee p 2.40, Wm. Walden, 65 yards of gravel, Not Cough in ���Q7 w ' of Men's and toys Suits and O% ercoats in Dia• would be the last person one wbnld ons• the wife e, Rost. J, kedllaoe of lib in $ , Wnhave i big range Prices which every • -. Fie' had a The bride, who looked thsrminpt in a ' dtvtl Green, Black and Blues. pact of taking bis own lite. $6.50; Wm, )obis, 77 yards of gravel, 1 prepared M gonal Striped, Brown, Overcoats, rd of white ilnchets satin, entered the 7.70, Yet you may cough tomorrow. Better �3e {Ol^ it . ble to affbtd. Agency for Presto Collar 0 large circle of friends and all spook of are $ ne and ' . k our doctor about keeping Ayer�S body have should a a " ,, .- Special measure _ upright room on the arm of her brother and the On motion of Oounr, Cham y when I�. COmes: A5 y the agency 'for elle "Fit Reform high class ape him xrbeing eu honorable and np g n ad'cnrned to hen when the hard acid . Wb Have E g o ue. i mother bridal party took up their position be' Scott the Council the ts. Call and get on fall ental g nuns' dun, Besides his aged Cherry PCCtOr11 lli the house. ,,. tallor•made.oarman y Ross of ginlon, and tween two banks of libwors. The care•' .meet sarin bit Monday', Cot, 24th -next, or cough first appears yO11 have'ti doctor's 'IiledlCltle At end Mr. Mao , tyro Sisters, at home, he is out- dont' was performed by the Rev. Mr, at 10 b'olook e. m. band. Your doctor's .a proval of its lase will CrZrta111� vived by four brothers who are living Ferguson, pastor of the i'eerbyter' tan A PolifituaFlxf.b, Clerk. Do as he Saes. He owl. in the Wert. The bereaved will hate Church, of Which, the bride bee dinbooSet all of in at rugs: . , ,AyerCo., tittle 1, atS: -H 'ANNA COO # the coMmUnit in their 096blOt for Some years. The wedding 1 e alcohol ill this, cough h niedltlne. the sympathy o y Regina local W kid , ha Itmil taken bv, of dap.... pfiligtloc. Thtl #anrrr<t ineroh watt pidyed by Mise Pearl Stew. Xing Edgard e► half million dollar :bbnst heath is a grcaf safeguard against attacks of fhrooe and later Aye tft but hoalr p- y r doctor about y s PNir. took place on b[opday efternoort "10 rite wit, litter et the 'yri�ie, eoaompmnied by or fhb R A All hinds of Produce talft ag Cash. PT301 E '7b'. alt ton will dettro the best of healtft. Ask yott ��ifi, !1��#i.�i�li!�!�1'�is'`�E1i 13 mors cemetery. $it. 'Sitnpgen of G1ae5uw, Scotland, oil. heteittt%it Will ran It without 1► bar.. i. ..Ar. _ ,ate." -ice-_ i - +.r,... L. ,r+,., • .r,..- �. - - i _...