HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-06, Page 3TAPO WMGUAX TIUSOO oOT48 R 6, 181Q LIST OF aot4n ,Mi � ul Netting, o� ldl a � tt trent, Mrs, McKenzie, R' r THI WINTa R FAM, Voted to ethor � � # ����� ���N��� � TH!~ PRf�ar Lt4i' OF H ref9rf{r► #>ad � berdeerl•Ansna p!tltl9t+ Q Min f.` u t Talks %,, � page - ..,,...-„ an i Devpnr, The later broad # � 1�y0' ����'� n ie, Panel. fancy) _ dropped �a �►. ala fila fisalloaraylt made by girl under 1a years, Mice Mrs, Tamlyn Mrs. Menzies, Photo beltp. ND Schmidt, $est eight articles of food, � ra,�me, Mloss; IAYtngst;one, Mrs. Tam. 410,000 In [rhes, pp . from Abe list and ails romaiplog y I.OIVApN, ONTARI Aires broods .each boa too •awn 01"S. _ suitable for a vvarirtng man'A suppers yn, '; i w allaucls, Mrs, Twml n, O In the TOV11100 of the prize list for thea Pin cushion, Mias Livingstone, Mrs, • ocquing tA'iotar l+'air, the I+'zocntiva The sootiapa Are be ,parte ao Ia/t yeAt,`, Mrs, id $, 'Ostogtc Mrs. E, (V. 4ry a, 1� ��t and the FAI? Board. gives $12890 ir. FINE AST$, Tamtyn. Purse or handbag, Mrs, �11S11i�SS � �hQ�t�atld Ootnmlw6ea made Many addition with a 01kA Tamlyn. Pyrography, leather, Mise 8X1 J6C view to Ouconrisobw tzhibitora ti? llrlag Prizes to each clasp:. The prizes ,far Oil Painting—Aniinale, grouped or -Livingstone, Mrs, Menzies, I'ytq• l3. rs out still -be esthtbitg and ea to. ibring efordb arc AQ400 very 410r000ive. fay single, Miss Agnew, Mies Livingstone, graphy, wool, Miss Linin .atone, Mrs, aha Winter pale 0f 1910 roster 0 oda• the addition of $00 00 from the Amerl• g lltexidetit and IV�alrtl 4u>~stt; 8 Dan and Canadian. Hereford Brsodo o= Fruits or Flowers, grouped or atagle, Tamlyn, Quilt, (hazy, Geo. Orvis, C.t.loart.s Fr., oatioaal vAlns and Attragtivaneaa .than Mies Agnew, Mass Livingteope. Land. Quilt, Patched, cotton, Mrs, McKen. J. W. westervelt an of its AG4001atl000. The .C;loadfau Horeford A. soaps or Marine, Miss 1 W, Westervelt, Jr,: C.A., y predecessors. , Agnew, Mils zie, E, W, Orvis, Quilt, patched, PrinciP40. Vise-Ps1nciPsl. Q4100hing through the new priz9 list Sreaderb A440040010s alto Prepared to {0 U ] , r�j�Q Livingstone, ttity giber subject, bile# woollcla, Mrs. Tamlyn, QSO. Orvis, and' baKlnafgi{ with spa bgrse depart. Add bq per cant t4 nli the p.iz q wen by J l Wood Agnew, Mre,'1'amlyn, On Gltass Mies Qalt Q Anignalp.alred by i3grPtard bnl�q fp alta , pieced cotton Mrs. Tamlyn, m041 it Will bre noticed that two. new epo4 gtaba for Arades and Crosses The AgAOw 1 do 2. On Plaques or Traye, E, W, Orvie, Quilt, pieced, woollen, A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER oaotions have been added t0 the, 01ao4 for holt TwhQ HE Pandora Range is for those Mise AgnOw, Mies Livingstone, On Qeo. Orvis, E, W, Orvis, Quilt, silk The Qb)be has trieddurin ll . CAnadian•bred Olgdeedoles end htrea ar prix o fox beef f3holtharn4 h%Ta desire to make a permanent Silk, Satin or Velvet, Miss Livia or velvet Mrs, Tamlyn, u. W, Orvis, Ory not to lane eight g a its at S bban, ianreased by $7 im rash of the investment. The high unlit of stone, g• y Bh of the twat that A one section to for stallion foaled in 1910 eo, three sections. Ji quality Mies Agnew, Collection of Oil Quilt, any other, Mrs, McKenzie, E, newspaper can play on important part in and the -Other for mare foaled in 1910; the materials and the superior method Paintings, Miss Agnew, Miss Living- W Orvis, Sbawl, lady'ea wool, Mtas the nation and em are bn11d n the prizes in Oaoh Sect on oras --1G The :National Lincoln 13haON 18rrHigra' t, $!5, A4900 ttoa has doubled the mm,)utit of of Construction assure 10I]g life, atone, Water Color—Landscape or Livltigstone, Mrs,. Tamlyn, Shirt, ever important national aP anal work or world 2nd' $12; Ord, $8; 4th 6. A section tq The Body of the Pandora is verb . Marine, Mrs, Tamlyn, Mies Living• man's fine, Mies Livingstone, Mrs. Mc- events fn Svhioh Cuuadiao were added for 13hfx1 mares # alae -O o f sPeOtal Prizes for Ltucoln Sheep, b,ing• heavy. The Rods and Bolts are on stone. Any other anb'ect Mra. Tam- Kinzie, ' s e e concern fit or leg the total up to;;00 00. J Shirt, mans coarse, Mrs. Me- ed were taking place or where pioneax Jan. gat, 1809, with prude of, -.•let, $15; Tb9 roost noticeable an a the outside where they cannot burn lyn, Miss Livingstone, Collection, Mise Kenzie, Geo, Orvis. Shirt waist, em- davelo a e„ t was i and, $10; Ord, $5. There are now two: oh g in the or rust out. The Expansion Rings Agnew, Miss Livingstone. Drawing— broldered, P m fit progress es there the Dairy Cattle Departmeut is tbn inoreab. $ _ $ g— Mise Mulvey, Mre, Tamlyn,. Globe comuoissionere have been report- oegti0ne for Standard bred mares. in, ed grant. made by -aha e . of the cooking section provide ample Pen and Ink sketch, Mise Livingetone, Shopping bag, Mrs, Tartli,,9Yn, 2ad, ins with intelligent dtsaOrnment ter aha stead of one, they are for mares !naiad - Rol tela F erlan allowance for extreme expansion and Mies Agnew, Pencil, Mies Living- Slippers, pair Home-made, Mrs. Me- benefit of this coantry. Previous to Jen. 1st, 190$, with prizes Association of Canada, They bava ad, contraction and eliminate the possi- stone, Mrs, Tamlyn, Crayon Portrait, Kenzie, Miss Agnew. Slumber robe, This policy has rarely been more gen • af:—let' $25; 2ad, $lb; 8rd, $10, and for sed $$75.00 to the rogalar pvlggm for bility of the metal cracking, - Miss Mulvey, Crayon Landscape or B. W, Orvis, Mrs. Tamlyn, Sofa pil- Orally practiced then At present, To day mares foaled on or atter Jun, let, 1908, Holsteins So shat exhibitors of this The COOkIng TOP is Burnished Marine, Mrs, Tamlyn, Miss Living- low embroidered, Miss Livingstone, the is Editor of The Globe is fn with prizes of: --1st, $20; 2nd, $15; 3rd, breed will now Minpoke for $510 vo. which toughens the surface of the stone. China Painting—Cups and Sofa pillow, needle-worlt, Mies Men- Mexi40 where a celebration of the cent- $5. Additions, have been made to the The Canadian AyrgbirO Breederq' Ae- metal and increases its strength. Saucers, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Tam. ties, Miss Mulvey, Sofa pillow paint- enerp qt the republican Govern will Pony class for Shetland Pony stallion, sootatfc4 has also increased their grant McCla.ry Oil Gement is used between, lye. Plates, Mise Mulvey, Mies Liv- ed, Miss Livingstone. Sofa pillow, be bald and neon his return will oontwill any age:—let, $20; god, $10; Ord, $5, and and have added speuials of $50 in ea, the joints. Unlike cheap, ordinary ingstone. Ornament or Vase, Miss any other, Mrs, Tamlyn, Miss Living -for Shetland Pouy mare any a es—,let, of the three sections it animals making uta a Country of skOtghes on that interest- g the highest Scores are recorded in tbelr cement, it will not dry out and gleed Mulvey, Mies Livingstone. Any stone, Box, pails man's, woollen, Mrs. 'in e0ontr $Ib; 2nd, $lo; Ord, $5. The Champion. replacing. The Nickelling , g y — e uquutry whose relating p Herd Book, g Will not other, Miss Mulvey, Mise Livingstone. McKenzie, Mrs, Tanilyn. Stockings, to Canada Are becoming very cless, all class includes new seotlow i for The Conntiag of Wellington, Halton, tarnish and is many times more C�-llectioti, Mies Mulvey 1 & 2, pair woman's woollen, Mrs, McKenzie, Capt, Jaffray Eaton is representing Hackney mare, any age, and for Ston• Brant, Norfolk and t3elling aro Halto durable than the single coat of nickel PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Tatting, Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Tam- The Globe with the Q,O. R. in England, dard-bred mare, any age. Grand Cham. special prizes in the diffrrtia lsvt, amok on ordinary ranges. lyn. Tea cosy, Miss Livingstone, Mrs.. the only exclusive press correspondent pica awards will be made for the bast departmeuaa to etmateuc e$nibttgrs rosi• The Semi -Steel Fire Box Linings Asters, John Menzies & Son, Arch. Mre, McCarrol, Toilet meta, F, An a° Paterson, Dahlias Arch, Paterson, on the trip, ydasdaie Gtailion and for the best d,1nt of their respective acautir.e, Cly Prospective f xnibitnre arel reminded are twenty per Cent. heavier than demon, Mrs." Tamlyn. Tray cloth, Mr. Clydesdale masa. Winners of Cham• that the dates of the Fats are D,oember cast or gray iron linings. Sulphur Mrs" H. B. Elliott. Gladioli, Mrs. y W J. Jeffers, another member of A Burwash. Pansies, Jos. Henderson, drawn work Mrs. Taml n Mrs, Mc- p pioneering pionahip prizes will receive special rib• 51h, to 9011, 1910 The prfz-9 Asts are The Globe is at resent on a now read for distribution and may be fumes, $0 destructive to Cast Iron, Carrol. Tray cloth, embroidery, Mrs. trffi in the 4ow bone instead at Dash prizes, y cannot penetrate the hard, smooth as So Paterson. Petunias, R. Scott & McCarrol, Mrs. Tamlyn. Underwear, Banda and Elk Lzke, Mr, Important changes have been made in had fres, on application to A. P. West- Son, H. E. Isard, Phlox Drummon- suit of lad 's Jeffers ie eahavinly pent sev for eaoh an eroron Secretary, Pgritamant ButidinKe, glass surface of Semf-Steel. The fill, Mrs, Burwash, R. Scott &Son, lady's, McKenzie. Whisk expedition having spent several years in the Beef Cattle Department, Formerly Toronto. Grates have Three Faces, which Phlox Perennial, Mrs, Burwash, holder,, Mrs, McKenzie, Mrs. Tamlyn, the miuing damps, Amerion sad South allows the wear to be distributed on Sweet Peas, A. Paterson, Mrs, Bar, Wood carving, Mrs, Tamlyn, 2nd, Africa. three sides, insuring triple durability, Workbag fang , Mr, M o Hammond, Editor of the g p Y• wash. Stocks, R. Scott &Son. Mrs. y Mrs. Mckenzie, Mrs. :atpatl�aatla���i�Nf/�aaaaolt� tlNrtptitl��tltl�tl�t1��N•�IsO#!� If you want a range of guaranteed Burwash. Zinnias, E. A, OrQig, A, Tamlyn. Yarn, homespun, Mrs, Men- Illustrated Magazine Section of The s quality get the Pandora. It's built to Paterson. Marigolds, Mrs. Burwash, mics. Collection of lades work, Mrs, Globe, is contributing lettere on the �;�� give you lasting service. Tamlyn. Miss Livingstone. A. Copeland. Floral Design for ceme- political situation In the United States. f tery decoration, Mrs. McCarrol, Mrs, CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. These will be continued during the next 0 � Burwash. Floral design for indoor Darned Socks or Stockings, Mary few weeks, Mr. HammcuVi instructions i � � decoration, Mrs. Burwash, Mrs. 'Me. A. Currie. Pencil Drawing, Ina Me. being to travel wherever good ..copy" . SO �S Carrol, Basket o£ Annuals, Mrs. Ritchie, Harold Henecliffe. Sofa from a Canadian vteppoint can bMe s. our RAT • Burwash, R. Scott 3c Son, Bouquet Cushion, Jessie Currie, ed. It goes without saying that not in ; as Stands for Guaranteed Quality table, Mrs. McCarrol, Mrs, Jae. An- School Children's Competition.—let fifty years has so much interest been • derson. Bouquet 'liand, hard plants, Book—Gertie Groves, Thos, Oruick. taken in Uoited States politics as is the • London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg 73 Miss Agnew, Mrs, Burwash. Bouquet shank. Ord Book—Ethel Finlay, Mil. ease at the present time, : F O 1 1 1 s • Vancouver, St, Jotn, N.B., Hamilton, caigary hand, tender plants, Mrs. McCarroI, ton Groves, The blade is trying to live up to its Mrs. Burwash. • Geranium, single % record in the manner of keeping its read - white, Mrs. Burwash, A. Paterson. ers posted, altogether from the ordinary FOR SALE 1E3Y I G. STEWART & CO. PttyxheEab,ea, The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the setts below= Geranium, double white, Mrs. Bur- courses of local and telegraphic news. • � �^ wash, A. Copeland. Geranium single All babies whose mothers do not • ' • know about Dr. Chases Ointment are for any of the fallowing publications scarlet, Mrs. Burwash. (uranium, truly to be buying and selling double scarlet, A. Paterson, pilled They are sure to Was Troubled With His a Times and Daily Globe ........................ 4.50 If You Take a Few Doses d g g anything ogee. Had Mrs. have to a pities of one kind or aa• land not offered him his opportunity, Burwash. Geranium, single any other such as ohafing, skin irritation, = Times and Daily Mail and Empire.............. 4.50 PIG PILLS something else would. It is pretty other, •H. E. Isard, A. Paterson. scald head, milk rash or baby eczema Liver For Four Years. 0 Times and Daily World..... 810 • mash up to the man hfmselt I h Geranium double an -the A p t and nothing can bring them comfort so All Bsotache and Distress from Out of•Ordei Kidneys or Bladder Trouble will vanish, and you will feel fine Lame Back, Painful Stitches, Rheum& tism, Nervone Headache, Dizziness Slespiessuess, Wornout, Sick Feeling ned other symptoms of Sluggish, Inac tive Kidneys and Liver disappear. Smarting, Frequent Urination and al Bladder Trouble ends. FIG PILLS R At once to the disordered Kidneys, Blad- der and Urinary System, and complete a caro before you know it. At,all drug stores; 25c a box, or fin boxes for one dollar. GIVING BOYS A CHANCE. When d boy reaches that crisis in big life when he quite eohooi and begins to "do something "-although in attending school he was doing one of the most IMPOttant things of his oareer—there is always much serious talk In big family to to what his aptitudes are and what he is out out for. There is nearly always one oacupa- tion, at least, denied him. The father Of the family Is generally resolved that rho son of his $hall ever be allowed to endure the hard work and earn only those small rewards that are obtainable In the calling in which he himself has been engaged, The clergyman will make his eon an engineer, and the en- gineer dreams of one day seeing his son in a pulpit. So the world goes around, But to there not a great deal of need• lose worrying done by parents in a Conn- tiny litre Canada about the aptitudes of their goner Lines are not drawn bard and fast in Able country, a rid It is easy for a grown man to follow his aptitudes when they ere fully developed. Very few of the men who have earned great success in business began as boys in the particular 'line to which they excelled later On. Usob man has to find himself. It tray be true enough that most men have suo• needed in business, began in business of come Gott—in some branch of the work of making money, breed and multiply— but with moat of them "the time came when they saw Off oamStvhbre On the side au opportunity which had escaped other men's obsottation, 13011 ly Speaking, we believe it to be generally true that the read Who no• coeds In any anti lino of 6frort would hair0 been bu0oobpfal in almost any other lino, VP`s do not lnsdn to Say that the Inau who hike trade a fortune In real estate could have won saobeee ae a patut• er Or A Ging6r, but that slid quali'tie# *hioh mads him a molipy.maker in buying add selling land would havo made hits a m6ney-mak6r hod he been Times and Toronto Dail leader or a follower? Does he thick for eon, Mrs. Burwash. Be salsa in quickly as Dr. Chase's Ointment. It -- = y News.................. `2.30 g stops itching promptly and barge the Times and Toronto Daily Star .................. 230 1 himself, or does he need instruction in bloom, A. Paterson, Mrs. Burwash. skin beautifully.',.,' Doctors Gave Him Up. s Times and Dally Advertiser .................... 2,85 all he does? Fuchsia in bloom, Mrs. Burwash, H. _ • Times and Toronto Sattsrda Night . i In a Toronto office there are two mea. E. Isasid, Ferns, collection. H. E. s ._.__ • y g • • • • • • • • • • • . 3.35 Isard MILBURN S LAXA-LIVER PILLS • Times and Weekly Globe . .................. 1.60 senger boys. One of them always comes , Mrs. Burwash. Hothouse IN THE BONEYARD. • Times and Weekly Mall and •Em ire........... , back with his errand done in a satiefso. plants in bloom, Mrs. Burwash, Poll- ---- CURED nM • Y P 1.60 tory way. The other nearly always age Plante, collection, H. E. Isard, Some blamed good follows lie asleep Mr. Harry Graves, Junkine Alta. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star..... , 1.85 writes;—"I can not sa enou h ' • limes and Canadian Farm weekl � comes bank to report that the mea he Mrs. Burwash. down yonder where the tall grass waves y 8 in regard • ( y) • • • • • • • • • . • .... 1,60 ; bet no one ever comes to •wee or lana pi to Your wonderful blflburn's Laxa-Civet : Times and Weekly Witness .... , , , ,:: ; : • , , 1.85 Was sent to see was out of town, or that LADIES' WORK, P, P pills. For four years I was troubled Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1,80 his office was closed, or that the man rosebushes on their graves. Tbey calmly with my Liver, and at times it would get • Times and London Advertiser (weekly)..." ..,,•,, 1.60 o Apron, fancy, Itilra. W. McKenzie, bad moved away, Or that the elevator root to nrPauper's bade and wait the jndg• bad I could not move around. At • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun.... , ........ • in the building was not running and he Mrs. Tamlyn. Apron, kitchen, useful, meat, in a row, no shining tombstones last the doctore gave me up saying it was • Y . , . 1,7¢' not ornamental, Mrs, Wm, McKenzie, o'er their heads impossible for me to get cured. Times and World Wide ........................ 2.20 acrid go book Inter, One has plenty of Mrs. Tamlyn. Button -holes on nasi- ao requiem but the My father got me four vials of your = Times and Northern Messenger........ . a resourcefulness: the other none.' One winds that blow. They were the Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, but I told , • • • • • • • • 1.35 g, sus material, Mrs. W. McKenzie, Mies • Times and Farmers Advocate...... .......... „ 2,85 Will tnepire confidence in all who leave shiftless, trifling lads, upon a weary him there was no use trying them and • Livingstone, Cap, fancy Smoking, world turned loose; the that it was onlya waste of money, • We specially recommend our readers to subscribe a• dealings with him. The other will Mra, Tamlyn, 2nd. Centre lace; Mies y saver 19arned to however I took hem and to -da afx • to aha Fdrmera' Advocate and Home Dldgazine, end his life framtng excuses and nom• Livingstone, Miss Mulvey. Counter- nail the spade, and salt them down far months later, I am a well man' and • Times and Presbyterian........................ 2,25 plaining of hard look winter Pea It's pretty tough that weigh twenty-four pounds more than I Times and Westminster ...................... . . 2,25 pane, crocheted, Miss Mulvey, Mrs, some must sleep i i When a bee starts ant in the world pin unmarked bargain d•d. would advise all Livereufferers to , ' McCarrol. Counterpane knitted, Mrs, counter use them." • Times •and Presbyterian and Westminster........ 3.25 enooess is about t qui -distant from bim Tamlyn, A. Copeland. Crocheting, graves because their planks they Milburn's hexa -Liver Pills are 25 cents (Toronto) Titres and Christian Guardian Toronto 2.40 ,•t• in whatever direction he may turn. Be- g+ oannot�eep; the honors for the mrn' a vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, •• Times and Canadian MHgazine (monthly),,,, , , , 2.90 ,'+•t• tween him and it there is just as much cotton or silk, Mrs. Tamlyn Miss Mul• who saves. A man whose eyes are wide or Rill be mailed direct on receipt of price • Times and Sabbath Readln ,New York vey. Crocheting, woof, Miae Agnew, a b '^ !s• hard climbing in one direction ail aaoth- Mrs. Tamlyn. Dresser or stand cover, part' whale hands are r reaching is his 8 rhe T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, i Times and Outdoor Canadag(montbly, Toronto). , , 1 85 er, and about the same necessity for y jeans, who listens rather to his heart Out, Michigan grit Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss Mulvey. Darning, than to the teachings, s Times and g Farmer` .. , • • , , • • • , • 2.15 ;•b good nature, and, the well wishes plain, any material, Mrs, Tamlyn, ant to join the pe' of Ilia brains, r, - • Times and, Woman's Home Companion .........,. 2.25 Of those whom he enooantere on the Mrs. McKenzie, Doylies, Mise Livin peeper crowd. and per. ADVISE TO CANADIAN MANU• + Times and Country Gentleman .... , , , „ „ 2.60 Why. It some seem to succeed without p g• sail after many knooks, and wear a FACTURES$" �• Times Red DeIineator.,.... •, 2 95 atone, Miss Mulvey. Drape, mantle ohea olA•faabioned shroud,and slumber • • • • • • • . , .. a ...... effort, do not trust appearances. It or sideboard, hand -made, Miss Living- in a misfit box. Whereas, if he is shrewd — • Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine...... 1,95 + some men seem to have no hard luck it atone, Mrs. Tamlyn. Drawn work and wise, with lips that close up like a Times ,and Green's Fruit Grower............ . is because they never talk about it, Men Mrs. Tamlyn, ' basp and hands.that hang to what they tottawa Tree Press l , . 1.55 14 •moi• who go around relating their woes often. Orvis. Dress, child's grasp, hiedeath rvi11 "tilt Lite town with More advertising, rather than more • Times and Good Housekeeping , ., .. „a , , , , , . , . . • 2 80 fancy, Alb1rs, McKenzie, E. W. Orvis. gloom and mourners will bewail the day, tariff, is what many Canadian mannfao• Times and McCall s Magazine ............. 1.70 k i nmuch themselves to others who are Dress, girl's cotton, Mrs, McKenzie, IP. and be will bave a oorkink tomb in which tures need. Times and American Illustrated Magazine........ 2.30 1 re much *ores Daae, but who find no W. Orvis. Embroidery, Delph, Mrs. to loaf the years away,—Welt Mason, Imports from the United States keep Times and American Boy Magazine... , ......... 1.90 It relief is s gabbling. Tamlyn, E. W. Orvis, Embroidery, •i• Times and What to Eat ................ . ... . . . '•t• It ansa not seem to matter much Eyelet, y , mounting up. The invasion 4i our man. � 1.90 • E elet Mrs. McCarrol, Miss Living- v ufaottsrfng field by Americans goes on Times and •Business Mans Magazine. .......... . . 2,15 where s how n boy starts. If he has Stone. Embroidery, Jewel, Mrs. Tara. ^ apace with the invasion of the prairies + Times and Cosmopolitan ............. a , , . , . , , , 2.15 the substance in him he will arrive; it lyn. Embroidery; Mt. Melliek, Mise ARTERS of the west by farmers from the United 'f' Times and Ladies Home Journal...............2.75 not, ao merit in the start will count for much fit the finish. Livingston, Mrs. Tamlyn, Tmbroid• States. Times and Saturday Evening Post. . • Ii`i'"i.� �, g .. 2.75 ery, Roman, Miss Livingston, Mrs, ' r , The advertislag of the Americans is Q• Times and Success ... , ................... • • • 2.26 Tamlyn. Embroidery, cotton or lin- r distributed through Canada by the peri. 'i' Times and Hoard's Dairyman ........ TWO GIRLS. en, Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss Livingston." P1 LAS. ' • ' • ` ` ` ` ` �. 2.40 • g odidals of the United States, as well as •t• Times and McOlure s Magazine ....... 4 ....... , 2,40 ♦� The cost of that new dress of here Embroidery, silk or satin, Mra, Tam- by our own newspapers, When the d` Times and Munsey's Magazine........ 2 50 V I'm told was Something quite im• lyn, Miss Livingston. Embroidery, American comes across the line he em. * Times and Vick's Magazine ....... • • ....,........ 1,60 - mease, dressmaking, Mrs. Tamlyn. Etching, ploys in Canada the shale methods of i• Times and Rome Herald .. , a .... , . , .... , , And whether jewels, dress or fare, • • + • • 2:60 p Mrs, McKenzie, Mrs. Tamlyn. Fancy advertising which have built his bast• Times and Travel Magazine.............I....... 2.25 it Shedo$eatnsodtos htooc ease, work, novelty, Miea Livingstone. Sickxroa!achy, 11 VoRE nesb at home. He employe the adore • Times and Pr>"Ctieat Farmer,......, I Saw her, and the th4aght 0ocnrs. •1• . • . ... , 2.10 w That girl Iooka like thirty seats; Fascinator, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. MCCar• Dizziness,bNaua aat Aroj $mous Distress after complete sales organizations, •i+ Times and Dome Journal, Toronto,... . . . .. . . . . . . While 1.60 Iblr Five ,Clock tea sloth, drawn; eattn ,raminthoSlae fie. hmynitheirmost - Ile is accustomed to large advertising .i 'Times find Designer.* A 5 I know a girl who works all day.... reniarr'Ynble aueCcse bag Mon. shown m oaring .. 7. Her salary is not immense work, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs, Menzies. eltpeaditurea across the line. 13e hoe 'f' Times and Everybody's...... +.... . . :......... 280 i She'd have to work till she was pray Vive o'clock tea cloth, embroidered, assn firma, insignificant in size; located Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg.. ­1,60 l• To purchase furs of great expense, Mrs. Livingstone, Miss Mulvey.Viva ' ` in small oehtrcb of population, grow to Tif1es and Canadian Pictorial.................... 1.60 And yet she'd wIn$ome, bright and say. o'clock tea cloth, Idea work, Mrs. 8cadache, yet Carter's Liitlo Liver P111e garb national tame axd importdnae through And never looks like thirty Dente. Livingstone. Vootstooi, Geo. Orvis, vonting this antidyfno tongiritnnt whiletneynlso the agency of publicity, and so he u • We think that things uneveu are, Gloves corroecaltdteorderaot�Oes� omaci,, sumuD.atetha l' y' uses The above rtes$ include to n Z Pair woollen, hand -made, liver and regalAtotheboivels. Evenutheyow the sante methods fn Ca4ada and gate p #SDG are o American publieationg to onv♦ Because bar braise 'ate thick and Menzies, Mrs, Mckenzie, HandkAr• cnrcd y ,1. address In Canada. If the TlnMS in to be sent to an American nrldredR, adrl �► dense, . the btiGtn an to 50 cents for postage, and *hero American pnblicatione are to be stint to � Herb taro two girls, divided tat` chiefs, hand•mado fancy, Miss Living- Many Canadian firms are jitbt as well American r BY wealth and drays a great star, ee. Ston, MrS. McCarrol, •$Hitting fancy, I►chothe organized and just as nggreasive. Many addresses a reduction will be !made in prise, ywauldbaalz»aq�stprlcekeatbthheowhb of them are extensive advertitere is We could extend this list. It th Arid one Other to like the evening Star, Mrs, McKenzie, Mies Livingstone. suffer from this distress thgcom Taint- butlortn. orb a paper sir rdauaztne Von want is 11ot it The other look$1fkO thirty cents, Lac netelytholegoodnessdoesnotendher,i nnilthoso partlou to the size of their field, Many the list, call at thio 4f16be, or drop's cw.rd and We will give ori prices Lace, battenl�nrg, 1VfrS, Tatniyn, 2ad. Who once trythem)villSlndti-evolittle'prllevald put Out advertising just as e>rectfWo and paper on went. We club all the leading k y p Das ten tli< t5ophetna loved hill her#gar maid, able in ab tnnny wi Y's thut they t ill not ho Wllr y e d ng n6wepaper$ and Masrozines. Lace, Brazilian, point, Mrs, Tamlyn, iingtodowithoutthem. 8utatteralleiCYh brainy ae any in the United States. The He loved her with A leve disma a brandb and fl#m nameG bf men Clan : 'When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers +will. Lace, duchess, Mise Livingstbit, Mrs y a His high'oonrt lad were cellonoo d dian Manufaoturets have b000me houso. ee0nre Such premiuMN when order{ug through ns, $amo as ordevirp diroot. Iter each oneaa and her a ed j d e, Tamlyn, Labe honitOn si' Volnt, Mra. hold words through the eaoelleboo had from publishers. But eabh one was a Jeweled jade, '.I`airtlyn. Lace teneriiiit, Mrs. `,!'aml'yn, continuity of their adverttsiu , And looked, to"blm, Mo thirty cents, 2nd, Laundry fe rhobaneofeoinenp llvoe that hero- to tbhere tf These low oaths Inett" a cotthiderable Savlog M subscribers and t n ry bag, MrS, 1 dXdnzie, Weraahoonrgrestboask our illeouteltwhue But Oanadidn manufacturers as a STRICTLY" OAS$ IN ADV?ANOR, 'Send r remittepoSe try postal ttetA, bntyt y ='1'hd )khan. Mrs. 'L`aoiulyn. Mat hbol<ed rag, E, 'other do ant, p whole are not as aggressive as they 011400 of eftpreaS money order, addressing Carter's Little Liver 1'111e esti very email end should be, '.There It a tondenby at, the W: b#vie,, A. PattrSdit. Ma,t fancy 7'he a Qetrial[0. Ono orWoppillaatakeadose. %Wof titan towards ^Iettln �•�r y et Vegetable end as not ��it,e or P y g the tariii' V � ' 1 d -r e n , Cry table, Mrs. Tamlyn, Cleo. QISVr d, lmree, bet by thvoir gontle action Ploaseer who take care of us." Their ,goods aro �` `� (" . OMUM'S S` Mitts, pair risen a W,,popen, Mre, 11t:'O. atoshom, brandod, pethapdt, but the make#GdO not I TIMES 0""' PI""'y""`"r OAST1.Kenzie, Miss Livings One. Mitts, pair tutu unlong do., bkt � tell the pmOplo wthy that' ihould ""demi%nd � ` Q ice" A . vromaln'S woollen, mus - mviagsta'rio, Ate! the btand, it'Would pals them to pay r more attdlatidn !o their publioltyr 001"t ===rr,. 4