HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-10-06, Page 2W 2 I 1 flavor m tea must be dis-, t netive, pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous u s e. T h e flavor of Red Rose Tea is all its own; and it never fails to win and hold ap- proval because it never = fails in quality. Try it. i A ' "is_,FOOd tea" NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer WW 82 Recommend It TO ADVERTISERS Witice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINOBAN TIMES. H. B. ELLIOTT, PUBLISHIR ANDPROPRIITOP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910 LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS AT THE WINGHAM FALL FAIR FOR 1910. THE WINGHAM TIME13, 00TOBEB • G, 11110 to ceded t R J. Sanderson, fat and 2nd; sheariing ' ' ewe, R J. Sanderson, let and 2nd; ewe white, W. R. Ferrier, Jae. Henderson. well, T. M. Henderson. Rhode Island r Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. we r are n o was ou the system, some of this being era )ell, J. A. Brandon, Miles McMillan; foal, Miles lamb, R J. Sanderson, J. B. Tyreman, _..... TO�PN DIRECTORY . ESTABLI68$I) 1872 SALT NECESSARY spring McMillan, H Scott & 3in, J, A. Brandon; r Interna rnat Tonal Newspaper Alton. Small White Pea, W. R, Ferrier, Jae. Afton. Peas, an other, y BAPTisr Onusga-Sabbath at THE WING119 TIMES, properly fitted. Ot+FLCE—With Dr. Kennedy. ')Mee Houra—s to 5, 7 to 0 one-year old fitly, T, A. Brandon, Jas,. Elliott; two year, Menzies & Son, W. R. Ferrier; one- ram iamb, H. T. Pardue, A. Copeland; aged ewe, H. T. Perdue, A. Copeland; R. Scott & Son, Jas. Alton. White services 11 a m and 7 It m, Sunday School at iii PUBLIblii{J) HE C FOR THE FLOCIG old fill or y gelding, J. A. Brandon, R. {- f able Study Course. 2:80 p m, General prayer meeting THURSDAY MORNING ! Hawkins. BoASD or HIALTH —• Wm. Holmes veNSTONs, Re salt, which serves a doable purpose In supplying the sheep's need for salt and on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. EVERY son. Black Oats, Andrew Schmidt, J. B. Tyreman. Barley, Andrew Scott & Son, W. R Farrier; single (chairman), Samuel Bennett, Wm, Feoeant, Alex, Porter. John F. d L. Sweves, pastor. B. Y, P, U, meets -AT- 2nd. Fat sheep. —Ewe, or washer, A. Uope- Iriver,W. A. M(Evers, R. E. McKenzie, Rettinger. Hyslop Grab, Jas, Hen- Groves, Secretary; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Monday evduiage 8 p.m, W.D Peluglel, The Times OtBe6, Beaver Block Sheep on pasture are often neglected Thos. 11, Taylor; team in harness, J. C. N altettt Points in tiro Lessner for Sunday, Oct, 9. S,S. Superintendent. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, as far as salting is concerned, Thea Johnston; pony in harness, Weir Elliott. Given in a !Series of Questions by METHODIST CHURon—Sabbatheerviops are either salted Irregularly or not at Special for telt roideter and Barri- Rev. Dr, Linseott. at ll a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool at 2;80 p m. Epworth Lbague every Mon. —.00 per annum to Timms or SVatiOUIPTloR$1 all. When salt is not supplied to them age bores, J. A. Brandon. i fte,,istered in accordance with -the COPyright,Aot.l day evening. General prayer meeting advance tinned till $150 if not so paid. No paper discou all arrears are paid, except at the in sufficient quantities they crave it In. CATTLE, The Parable of the Talents. Matt, hies when we are faithful to the original on Wednesday evenings. Rev, W. L, Ratlelge, D,D , pastor, F, Buchan. option of the publisher, Anv1RTISING RAT18. -- Legal and other tensely and, as has been demonstrated make fife Shorthorn—Breeding cow, Jun. Web xxv: 14 30. opportuhittee which God places right an, S.S. Superintendent, casualadvertimementsloo per Nonparlet line for inset insertion, Bo per nus for •ao eabsequant by experiments, will not the wool they will it eter 1st and 2nd; two-year-old hetft r, Jac. Webster, Jae. G. Fyfe: one-year- Golden Text. His Lord said unto him, ""Well done, thou faith- before us? PRESBYTERIAN Onuaoa—Sabbath ser• Verse 18—If a man with one talent, ,vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday insertion. line nfor ts a of ine�un, and 6 oe ;� gams nor grow • i properly salted. Salt to often old better, R, Scott & Son, Jno. Web- good and ful servant: thou hast been faithful over representing limitea opportunities, had School at 2;80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. 10 eta, peAdvertr per line for each subsequent insertion. of of t-1 arae a seasoning for the food of ant- , ster; heifer under 12 months, Thos. H. a fear things, I will make him ruler over used it, what to the reason for believing D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A J. It win, S,S. Adverilsomente of Strayed, Farms for Sol, or to Rent,and similar, $1.op for tirst three mals and not an essential. It Is the only mineral which ordl. s Taylor let and 2od; bull under 12 many things; enter thou i ito the joy of that he would have doubled his origin- Superintendent. weeks, and 26 cents for each subsequent In - needs to be supplied to ltr� menthe, Jae, G. Fyne, R. Scott &Son; �� thy Lord. Matt. 21. al capital as did the others? ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL--Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 m. sertion. OONTRAOTRATIs—The following table ahowb narlly ball 1 year and under 2 R Scott& Son; Verse 14 —Who does the ' man travell- What sin was this man guilty of? Why do men with one talent, so otters p Sunday School at 2:50 m. Rev. E . H P our rates for the insertion of advertisomeutl for specified periods:— ing where the more careless man sea aged bull, R. Scott & Son. Grades—Breeding Sow, Jno. Webster ? Ing into a tar country represent. a bury it as this man did. Urolp, B. A., Rentor ; O. G. V +u• Stone, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos E. sPAo>,, I Ys, s Mo. 0 MO. itau one0otmmn....__..$70.00 $40.00 $22.60 $s;o(r s P � y _- , lot and 2nd; two-year-old heifer, Robt Who does the , stand for. Which class of men as a rale, are the Robinson, assistant Superintendent. HaILColumn»_..-- 40.00 26.00 16.00 6.uK You will Sod there is a Rood demand Harrison, J. B. Tyerman; one -year-old What dose the cods represent? "goods" B muse faitbrnl, inose with two, or flue SALVATION ARMY—tlervioe at 7 and it quarterColamn_-- 20.00 12.60 7.60 3.0( one Inch ... 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.'d: r heifer, J. B T3ermna, R. Scott &Son; Verse 16—Wnst is it whi )h God divid- es among his servants represented by Galante, or Chose with Duly oneY Give a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 Advertisements without specific direotiuuc will be inserted till forbid and charged accord heifer calf, Jno Webster, J. B. Iyer- ..talents"? 7ont reasons. Verse 19—Whatevidenoe is there that o'olook at the barracks. ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for inadvance. x man; steer calf, Jan. Webster let and 2nd; one-year old steer, Jan. Webster WHAT RULE D)ES GOD ADOPT IN civ- there will be a reckoning day for every POST QrrIOl—Uiiice.honre from Sam to 6:80.p.m. Open to box holders from Tin JOB DIPARTMINT to stocked with an extensive assortment of all regntsttesfor print ' in harness, Jae Forster, Thor. Davidson let and 2ad; two-year old steer, Jan. IxG OUT HIS TALENTS? (Tits question one of ns? 7 a in. to 9 p in. P. Fisher, postmaster. ing, affording taointtee not equalled in th. c _ Menzies do Son, Jno. Webster; fat cow, In be answered in writing by mem• How son balore or when, will the B PUBLIC LIR — RASP Library and tree conntytor insulag out first class work. Large type and aypropriate cute for allst les of Post - f. steer or heifer, Gee. T. Robertson; Spe- here of the club. reckoning dap be? reading room in the" Town Hall, will b0 open P� every afternoon from ere, Hand B1na, etc., and the latest styles ar oholoe fancy type for the finer classes of print ; ' x 3 ? i anal by Jae. Henderson for 8 rade calves, 8 What is the evidence which shows Verses 20 23—What percentage of pro- 2 to 5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 Q. W, Orvis. Graham Biscuits, Jno. J. Jno. Webster, that God gives one or more talents to fit had they made, and which of the two to 9:80 o'clock. Mica Lizzie Attridge H. B. BLLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher x :' F a t F' :• Jersey—Breeding cow, Weir Elliott, everybody? men were deserving of the more praise? librarian. —by W. Maxwell for brood mare and three Mrs. Tams n. y Dose God give an two men precise. g Y P Verses 24 27—How do on account y TowN OOONOIL—William Holmes " M.O.P, B.O. •� P KENNEDY, of t e British ti • Member the Britleh A -:'s'- Herefords—Brno T. Per -either ding cow, H. in kind or San- ly the same gifts, q for the taut thin those who are nntaiCh• Mayor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; J. W. MaKibbon H. B,Elliott, William tion eeool " Mo Medicine. aid ofNWomc:a Ohilal it`^;tc.`:�•'r:;:-�:;<--=zs��==�';'�-;=:-:r- �:a.�?.�u`.-?ice due let and 2nd; ball, H. T. Perdue, W. tity? Give your reasons. fns generally pat the blame upon God, Bane, Dr. Robert O. Redmond,' attention to and ren, Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 0 p, m. !WS J. Currie; heifer Hader 12 months, H. How many things are there is nature, that is their "chances," their 0 ortun• pP Thomas Gregory gory and D. E. McDonald. � WELL BRED DOBSM T. Perdue lot and 2nd; two-year-old mind, or matter, precisely alike9 ities, mud their lack of ability, eso.? Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and Potatoes, J. W. Pearen, Jae. Hender-; stock. It furnishes chlorine''for the^• heifer, H. T. Perdue let and 2nd; one- What rule and method does God adopt In what way did tkis man add insult Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. R. MACDONALD, D digestive juices of the stomach, It yemr•old,heiter, H. T. Pardue let and 2nd. � in giving men different abilities. to iD'ur ? 7 y Verses 28.29—Why did God create the HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.— W. F. Van. centre Street aids in transporting from the digestive tract into the blood vessels the albu- Polled An as,—Breeding cow, Geo. 8 The man in the parable went on a law that those that have get more, and Stone (chairman), Win-tNiobolson, John Wilson, C. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, Wtngham, Ontario. minolds of the foods, it helps to regu- T. Robertson, lot and 2ad; buil, any age, journey and left his servants, all alone, be hie to ex- those that have not generally lose even a John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, Dudley UR, AGNEW late the density of the blood and gov- Geo. T. Robertson, sat and tad; one- each to own master: what Ghat which they have. Holmes, secretor A. Cosens, y y, + erns to a degree the activity of the year-old heifer, Geo T. Robertson, let tent does God treat men that way? Verse 80—What ie the natural unish• p treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month. Phyaician, surgeon, eta, cells of the body. No sheep can do and 2od; herd of beet cattle, Jao"Web- Verges 16 17—What do ohristlane ment which comes to men who have no. PUBLIC ,SCHOOL BOARD.—H. E. Isard Office—MoodonaldBlock, over W.MoRibbon't Drugstore. Night calls answered at theoffioe. its best without enough salt. eter, Geo. T. Robertson. Special by have to do, to be equivalent to a man gleeted their opportunities? (chairman), G. C. Mgnners, Alex. Rose, Chickens—Andalusians, Jae. Hender- bantams, F. Salting every few days is sufficient H B. Elliott, for beet general purpose trading with his money? Leeson for Sunday, Oat, 15th, 1910, Jac. Galbraith, W. D. Pringle, Wm, Moore, R bert Law, Dr, Agnew, Jno. Barr, for the needs of the sheep, but 1t Is cow, Jno. Webater. About what per cent of new opportua- The Lut Judgment. .Matt, zx7: 81.46 O.G.VanStone, P. Campbell; Secretary, R. R. R.0..iP. London, M. R.C.B. (gags D L. R. o. P. London, ft not as good n method as keeping sail Henderson, A. Copeland. Tomatoes, < Short Bread, Geo. Orvis, E. W. Orvis. Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet- before the sheep all the time, for when SHEEP, Hinderoon; ducks, P. Gibbons, T. M. Henderson; dorkings, Jar. Henderson, any other, J. W. Pearen, Jae. Hender- eon. Celery, white Jas. Hen. ings second Tuesday evening in each PHYSICIAN and SURGHON. a rush of work comes or a visiting GRAIN AND SEEDS. P. Gibbons, P. Fowler. Fallawater, month. TABLES. time comes salting the sheep is one of P Letcesiers•—Aged ram, R. J. Sander. Timothy, Jas. Alton, R. Scott & V. Rettinger. Maiden's Blush, Wm, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHEss—J.G.Work. Office, with Dr. Chisholm, the things neglected. When salt Is Goo, Robt. Oarrie; shearling ram, R J. lot and Maxwell, Weir Elliott. Mann, P, man, B.A., principal and mathematical Orders for the insertion of advertisements riven after a period of neglect the Sanderson, let and 2ad; ram lamb, J. B. Son. Clover of 1909, Jae. Henderson, Jae. Alton. Fall Wheat, red, V. Ret- Fowler Jas. Henderson. Northern ' master, J. C. Smith, B. A., classical master; H. A. Percy, Science Mester; R. MARGARET O. CALDER sheep are so eager for It that the? Tyreman, R J. Sanderson; aged ewe, tinger Jae Henderson Fall Wheat Spy, Geo. Orvis. Ontario, Wm, Max- Mies M J. Bsird, B. A., teacher of Honor Graduate of Toronto University take too much, and large quantities *! h it t HORSES. R J. Sanderson, fat and 2nd; sheariing ' ' ewe, R J. Sanderson, let and 2nd; ewe white, W. R. Ferrier, Jae. Henderson. well, T. M. Henderson. Rhode Island English and Moderne; MissAnderson, fifth teacher Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. we r are n o was ou the system, some of this being era General Purpose—Brood mare, W. R P Ferrier, Samuel Phillips, Geo. T. Rob. lamb, R J. Sanderson, J. B. Tyreman, Spring Wheat, Y. Rettinger, Jae. Greening, Geo. Orvis, Jas. Henderson. Ribston Pippin, V. Rettinger, .Wm. PirsLIO SosooL Te�Ot;sss.—Joos h li Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses from the tissues of the body to •the erteon; spring foal, R. Scott & Son, Jno. Downs.—Shearling ram, A. Copeland; Alton. Small White Pea, W. R, Ferrier, Jae. Afton. Peas, an other, y Maxwell. Russett, Roxboro, A, Cope- Stalker, Principal. ,; Miss Brook, MisoReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss properly fitted. Ot+FLCE—With Dr. Kennedy. ')Mee Houra—s to 5, 7 to 0 detriment of the sheep. Rock gait is preferred by some to the Menzies & Son, W. R. Ferrier; one- ram iamb, H. T. Pardue, A. Copeland; aged ewe, H. T. Perdue, A. Copeland; R. Scott & Son, Jas. Alton. White land T. M. Henderson. Snow, Geo. ' Wilson Mies Cummings, and Miss p.m. coarse stock salt Many use medicated year-old filly, W. R. Farrier, Wm. Els. SOD; one pear -old gelding, Wm. Woods, shearling ewe, H. T. Perdue, A. Cope- Oats, Andrew Schmidt, Jae. Hander- Orvis, Jae. Henderson. Tolman Sweet Geo. Orvis. 20 Oz, Pipped, Wm. Max- Hawkins. BoASD or HIALTH —• Wm. Holmes veNSTONs, Re salt, which serves a doable purpose In supplying the sheep's need for salt and Wm. Elston; two-year-old filly or geld- .land • owe lamb, H. T. Perdue let and ' son. Black Oats, Andrew Schmidt, J. B. Tyreman. Barley, Andrew well, Jae. Henderson. Wagner, V. (chairman), Samuel Bennett, Wm, Feoeant, Alex, Porter. John F. BA$BasTB$, SOLICITOR, HTO In preventing worms. When it fs de - ing. R. Scott &Son, Wm. Wao3a, E. B.Schmidt, "tV. 2nd. Fat sheep. —Ewe, or washer, A. Uope- W. S. Linklater. Rettinger. Hyslop Grab, Jas, Hen- Groves, Secretary; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, prtvateana0om 7 rate of interest. met town olwnn and t farm sired t0 clean out a' patch of bad weeds as Canada thistles, the sheet', Jenkins; team in harness, H. Roane, F. J. Moffatt. land, R. J. Sanderson; pen of sheep, R. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES, derson. Other Fruit.—Pease, fall, Fred Har- Medical Health Oflloer, property bought and sold. Office. Beaver Block. Wingham ' may be salted on them and will keep, Agricultural — Brood mare, McLeod J. Sanderson. Beans, small white, Y. Rettinger, die, Jas. Alton. - Pears, any other � them gnawed down to the ground and e'rentunlly kill them oat. Bros., John Webster, Sas. Barbour; spring foal, McLeod Bros., J J Kerr, A. p;GS• Jas. Henderson. Beans, la a white, winter, R. Scott;A& Son, Jas. Alton, Plums, blue, Miss Isard, T. M. Hen- STEADY A. MORTON, J° However, the man who loves hiss, Berkshires.—Boar of 1910, Jas. Alton; P. Gibbons, A. Schmidt. Beans, any Schmidt. BAH$ISTAH, tin. sheep and who therefore has the first Fitzpatrick; one pear•old fill McLeod P s' Bros., Jno. Webster; oue•year-old geld- boar prior to 1910, Jaa. Acton; sow of other, V. Rettinger, A. Schmidt. Field Corn, Dent, Jas. Henderson, derson. Plume, yellow, A. y Plume, any other, Mrs. Tams n, T. M. EMPLOYMENT Wtngham, Ont. requisite of a eq good shepherd need not to be reminded to salt them for 1E lag, Geo. T. Robertson, G. G. Moffatt; 1910, Jas. Alton, 1st and 2ad; breeding Jas. H. Casemore. Field Corn, Flint, Henderson. Grapes, white, W. Max- will be done without fall, just as a two-year-old filly or gelding, Alex. Me. Sow, Jae. Alton, lot and 2ad. W. S. Linklater, A. Schmidt, Beets, well, V. Rettinger. Grapes, red, J. for a reliable Local Salesman repro• 13. L. Dmstttsoir DVDLIT HOLMEH hundred other thin are dose, for the Donald, Jno. Mason. Thee. H. Taylor; ZorkshireE.—Boar of 1910, Jae. Alton; boar to 1910,FJar. Alton; son blood A. Copeland, J. W. Pear- g P W. Pearen, Wm. Maxwell. Grapes, P senting ► DICKINSON HO MES good of the sheep. P. Watchfulness >• , that mane and valnabie reset: teem in harness, Andrew Schmidt, Jas Forster, Jae, Barbour. prior sow of 1910, W. J. Carrie, Jar. Alton; breed. en, Beets, any other, A. Schmidt, black or blue, wm. Maxwell. ar "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Bes$ISTs$S, SOLICITOR$, great and he sees Haan " y things that need do- Heavy draught— Brood mare, Jae. Ing row, Jae, Alton. 8 Jas. Henderson. Carrots, field, Jae. Henderson, A. Schmidt. Garrote, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS, „ Nurseries stn. v a4ONIS TO LOAr. ing where the more careless man sea Barbour, W. J Pomeroy, Wm. Elston; spring foal, W. Cruickshank, W. J. Tamworths —Boar of 1910, Jar. At ton; boar prior to 1910, R. Scott &Son. table, short, J. W. Pearen, Jas. Hen- derson. Carrots, table, intermediate, Bread , white, baked by girl under 16 ears, Andrew Schmidt. Bread y in Winghsm and adjoining country. Orrlor: Meyer Block, Wingham. none. x "` Worms In the Pigs. Pomeroy, Geo. Churchill; one -year-old S eoial.—B P y the Canadian Bank of Commerce, A. Schmidt, J. W. Pearen. Mangold- brown, W. R. Ferrier Jno, J.,Moffatt ' Geo. Orvis. Bread, white, homemade, You will Sod there is a Rood demand RTHU$ J. IRWIN, . When the ova young pigs get worths filly, H. Halliday, Geo. T. Robertson; a silver medal, to the exhibi• Wurtzel, son g Jas. Henderson, A. Theop. Finnen, Jas. Henderson, A, for nursery Stook on account of the high D. D. S., L. D. S. there 1s not muco use attempting to one -year-old gelding, Jae. Elliott; two- fill for taking the largest number of prizes in Jar Alton. Schmidt. Mangold-Wurtzel, inter- Copeland. Plain homemade Buns, E. prices that growers have realized on their fruit this seas an. Doctor of Dental Surgery of*be Pennsylvantt Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal fatten them until relieved of the aw- year•old or gelding, J. A. Stewart, t' 8 Joe. Webster W.H Cruickshank; team pigs, mediate, Jaa. Henderson, W. R, W. Orvis, Mrs. J. Anderson. Homo- Our salesmen are tnrnin in big bast- g B College of Dental Sar� g•ons of Ontario. of ace inMacdona1d81ook. Wlnahaa. ate, A simple effective remedy 1s tar- pentfne fed in milk to pigs in a own- ' in harness, Jae Forster, Thor. Davidson POULTRY. Ferrier. Parsnips, A. Schmidt, Jae. P made Tea Biscuits, Jno. J. Moffatt, noes to us this year.- Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May let to Oct. 1st. tion of one teaspoonful once every day & Son. Bantams—D. B. Anderson, Jar. Hen-' Henderson. Radishes, Winter, Jae. Henderson 1 & 2. Sugar Mangold, Mrs. McCarrol. Homemade Scone, months. rel to every 100 pounds of weight. "w Colts aired by "Drambarie Chief", A, Fitzpatrick, Fred Churchill, P. derson; ducks, Jae. Henderson, lot and , Jae. Henderson, A. Schmidt. Tur- Jno. J. Moffatt, E. W. Orvis. Bread Dough Cake, Mrs. H. B. Elliott, E. Territory reserved. Pay weekly, Free sample Outfit, etc, w J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. treatment, may be continued for three 'days and may be more beneficial it the Gibbons; colts sired by "Mascot", McLeod Bros. 2nd; games, any variety, F. W. Angor; -nips, Geese, any variety, D.B.'Anderron, Jae. ' Swede, Jas. Henderson, Jno. W, Orvis. Graham Biscuits, Jno. J. Write for particulars. Ltoenttate of the Royal College of Dental pigs are not given other feed for a J. J. Kerr, W. H. Cruickshank. Special Henderson; Hoadans, F. W. Angus, let', Mason. Turnips, any other, Geo, Or- vie, Jno. Webster. Potatoes — Rose Moffatt, E. W. Orvia. JohnnyCake, STONE 41ii WELLINGTON Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni• versity of Toronto. period of twelve to twenty-four hours Wore the treatment Is begun. The —by W. Maxwell for brood mare and three and 2nd; Hambuegr, Jar. Headereon,:Type, Jae. Henderson. Hebron Type, E. W. Orvis, Jno. J. Moffatt. Layer Cake, light, Jno. J. Moffatt, E. W. Foothill Nurseries (850), OMce ; Beaver Block. from closedevery tir1stWednesday afternoon lilarters should be -kept Clean and san- of her progeny, of any of above F. W. Angor; leghorns, brown, Jae.: Jae, lienderaon, P. Gibbons. Long Orvis. Layer Cake, dark, E. W. Or- TORONTO. CANADA, Mary, and the pastures should be three classes, Samuel Phillips, Geo. T. Robertson; best animal shown in heavy Henderson, lot and 2nd; leghorne, white, D. B Anderson, Jae. Henderson; minor-' White Type, Jas. Henderson, P. vis, Jno. J. Moffatt. Fruit Cake, with changed frequently. draught, agrloniturai and general par. one. A. Paterson, F. W. Angne, Orping- Gibbons. Round White Type, J. W. Pearen, Jae. Henderson. Collection eggs, Jno, J. Moffatt, E. w. Orvis, Fruit Cake, without E. W, Or- FARMERS Wingham General Hospital Canny For Sheep In Hot Weather. pore horse classes, McLeod Bror. Roadsters tons, F. W. Angus, 1st and 2ad; ply Potatoes, J. W. Pearen, Jae. Hender-; eggs, vis, Gen. Orvis, Ginger Bread, Jno. N (Under Government inspection) With the, high price of both wool ttd lambs it is important that —Brood mare, E. B, Jen. kme, A. Patterson, J. J. Fryfogle; month rocks, barred, D. B. Anderson, T. M. Henderson; plymonth rooks, any son. Onions, yellow, J. W. Pearen, J. Moffatt, E. W. Orvis. Pie, apple, and anyone having live stook or other we should give the sheep and lamb extra atten- t•pring foal, E, B. Jenkins, J. J. Fry. other, D. B. Anderson, Jae. Henderson, R. A., Graham. Onions, red, J. W. Pearen, Jae. Henderson. Onions Theop. Finnen, Jno. J. Moffatt. Pie, articles they wish to dieposa of, should adver- ,tee the same for sale to the TIMIr., Our large Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur. tion during the most trying seasons of fo11•+. A. Patterson; one-year old filly, McEwen, Fowler Bros; Wyandottee, black or white, D. B. An, derson, 1st and 2nd; Wyandottee, + white A. Schmidt, J, W. Pearen. pumpkin, Jae. Henderson, A. Cope- land, Pie, lemon, E. W. Orvis, Mr circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if youdonotgetaeustomer. Wcan'tguarantee that you will mail because you may ask more niched. Open to all regularly licensed physicians, RATaS FOR PATIENTS— the year. One of these trying seasons is during 'the latter part of the hot one -year-old gelding, A Patt irson, A. Schmidt, Geo. any other, Jae Henderson, N. W.:, Aagiu; Onions, Dutch or Top Sete, R. A. Graham, V. Rettinger. Onions grown H. B. Elliott. Pie, any other, Jun. J. Moffatt, E. W. Orvis. for*he article orstock than ItI•worth. Send your to ur �att000t inn oth r plan ofvdispossiingt (which include board and nursing), $3.50 to $15 00 week months, when the weather is extreme - ly warm and pasture short T. Robertson; two-year old filly or geld any other standard variety, F. J. Hill; from Dutch or Top Sets, A. Schmidt, Doughnuts, E. W Orvis, Mrs. Tamlyn. Oatmeal of yo articles per according to location at room, For farther information, tog, P. Gibbons, A. McEwen. Miles Mo. F W. Angne. R. A. Graham. Onions, any other, address Millen; single driver, L9vt Lott, Jas Heffron, GOO Keys; team in harness, Chickens—Andalusians, Jae. Hender- bantams, F. R. A. Graham, V. Rettinger. Tom&- Cookies, E. W. Orvis, Mrs. McCarrol. Mrss L. MATTi39ws, Snperintbndent, DAIRY NOTES.,, R bert Law, Dr, Agnew, Jno. Barr, son; W. Angus, Jar. Hen, derson; brahmes, D. B Anderson, Jar, toes, large red, scarlet or pink, Jae. Oat Cake, E. W. Orvis, Geo. Orvis, OUTSIDE Bo: 229, Windham Ont. Henderson, A. Copeland. Tomatoes, < Short Bread, Geo. Orvis, E. W. Orvis. CnrtfawA—Brood mare, Arch. Uamp - -�� Hinderoon; ducks, P. Gibbons, T. M. Henderson; dorkings, Jar. Henderson, any other, J. W. Pearen, Jae. Hender- eon. Celery, white Jas. Hen. Jelly, E. W. Orvis, Geo. Orvis. Maple Syrup, P. Scott & Son, Jae. Hender- ADVERTISING RAILWAY TIKE bairyman• Should Be Prepared. The dairyman lot 2nd; plume, . TABLES. should always lir I AD HEART TROUBLE and gamer, ray variety. F. W. Angus; hondans, F. W. Angus, derson, R. A. Graham. Celery, any son. Maple Sugar, A. Schmidt. Honey RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTBM. ready for any emergency that arises. lot and other, R. A. Graham, J. W. Pearen. in comb, Jae. Henderson, Jos. H. Ogee• Orders for the insertion of advertisements With her first calf the young cow of- LIPt WAB A •UNDEN 2ad; hamburgs, Jail. Henderson, :rt Cabbage, Jersey Wakefield, Jag. more. Honey, extracted, Jos. H. mechanicswa teff wanted. ieesforsale or in fact THAlxaLaavl noir ten has trouble- Caked udder or *hat. UMBiTRN'S HEART AND VERVE PILLI and 2ad; langehans, Jar. Henderson, lot ' Henderson, J, W. Pearen, Cabbage, Casemore, A. Copeland. Wine, home- any klmd, of an advt. in any of the Toronto or London .. » ............ _ a 85 s,tn_ _ E.90p.m, other otty papers, maybe left at the Tnix Toronto JtBget1L09a.m.. e.45s.m— 2,40p,m, ever the trouble may be should :b& CURED HIY. and 2nd; leghorne, brown, Jae. Hen. derson, lot 2nd; legborns, Winningetead, A. Schmidt, V. Ret- made, unfermented, Mrs. McCarrol, office. This work will receivepromp•attention Hino•rdtn•..11.59 a.m... 9.08 p m__ 0.15 p.m. and will save the trouble o! remitting ARarvr irRotr lxretally looked after. and white, tinger. Cabbage, winter, Jae. Hen• Wine, homemade, fermented, dark, mpDle for andrortnrdfagadvertlsements. LoV►est Kincardine__e.4pa.m_Il.00a.m_..9.40p,m,' The Holland Dalrymmn. Mr, Eletander McKay, Port Philips, „ , N. S., writes:-- Seeing testimonials rl D. B. Anderson, Jae. Henderson; min• orces, F. W. Angor, A. Patterson; derson, A. Schmidt. Cabbage, g , pick. Jae. Henderson, 1, 2, Wine, home- rates will be quoted on • lication. Leave London... __......_Ivus.m—_ 7.95 p,ln. r sen our nest work of Mitis kind to the Palmerston..,.---..- 11.2 a.m, � The cows of Holland live t¢ their Owner's bones. But don't lamene the B.B.B. Almanac of ho* manyy Pool. sufferers had been helped by Milburn't or- pingtoor, F. W. Angus, lot and 2nd; ' ling, A. Schmidt, Jae. Henderson, Citrons, Jae. Henderson, A. Schmidt. made, fermented, light,Mrs,McCarrol, V. Rettinger. Collection preserved � TorontoarHast.......-1-08 rent»_ g9. 24p.rn, TIMES OFFICE. Wilgaha as G. LAMONT, 0-r, Wtngham, ° the stalls fire filthy like oases. They as'y as Heart and Nerve Pills, I thought mina plymonth rooks, barred, T. K. Hander-, Cauliflower, Jae. Henderson, J. W. fruit, Mrs. McCarrol, E. W. Orvis. _•_ neat as your sitting room(. It it hard to believe that part of the floor` would not be amiss. I am a man of years, and have a family of fivt son, let and 2ad; plymonth reeks, any other. D. B. Anderson, lot Pearen. Cucumbers, Jag. Henderson, Tomato Catsup, Jas, Henderson, V. !^t !'tANADIA> PAtiCIVIO R *bx AY• T*Afifty-four is covered with matting and the win• children. About two years ago I was heart and 2nd' epaafeh, Jas. Hendeeeon, 1st and 2od; V. Rettinger, Table Corn, J. W. Pearen, Jae, Henderson. Musk sides- Rettinger. Catsup, any other, E. -W. Orvis, W. S. Linirlater. Pickier, t>o YEAlta• Wooronto and $Set..,.... s,a2 a.m.,.. 4.19 p,m. Teamster —_.......» 1.10 p.m—..10.17 p.m. Bowe have 1aea'curtains j a auflerer from trouble, and life wan a burden to myself as well to others. 1 'some. wyandottes, black or white, W. J. How. one, Jae, Henderson, J. W, Pearen. sweet, E. W. Orvis, 1, 2, Pickles, EXPEIIIEN (K Axn;vi irROK - Teeewater»••--••..•»»a.82a.m.-_ 1133 p.m, file Caw Without Nanta. A dairy eow is better without Wefts. could not lie on my left side and times I would nearly Choke, and was son, D. B. Audanoo; wyandottes, any Jar. Henderson Pumpkin, yellow, J, H, Casemore, Jae, vegetable, E. W. Orvis, Jae. Hender. _ Toronto lila Nast,_ .._i;10 p.m__10.17 p.m, J. H. BaHMSH, Agent.Wlnsham. i But whet You take them oft make a very nervous and run down, My father, a Other, 1st and 2ad; any Henderson, Sunflowers, Jae, Hender. eon. Pickles, fruit, V. Rettinger, Gen. neat jolt of It -•40 other worIiK to 'aft very old man of eighty-five years, told ma other standard variety, D. B. Anderson, son, J. W. Pearen. Squash or Main. Orvis. Pickles, mixed, Mrs. McCarrol, approved instrunWItt'atad ne till wok t that he often heard people recommend J. gill; four cockerels, bred for ex moth Pumpkin, Jae. Henderson, Mrs. V. Rettinger. Pickles, mustard, H. tight Mfiburn s Heart xtld Nervd frills to be a chat Odra so thought it would do no = port, W, S. L.nklater, W. J. Howsbn, Special --By the Canadian Bank of Corn' McCarrol. Watermelons, Jas. Hender. eon, J. Alton. Collection Garden W. Orris, V. Rettinger. I doz. Hens' Eggs, Mus 'f`teiltilt 101111 ' tkim S IT Ha"kV Crrttrn itatwtt�tttb It is not the t6rm to give them ►trial, but I t19rd very mettle to the ezh(bitor Lakin the larplest R of Produce, Jae. Henderson, Mrs, Mc• Anderson, E. W. Orylei. Butter, catty , , 44 � amIV* this h little fait ill therm. Iffy wife went to number of sizes in p poultry, a bronze Carrol. l0 lbs. in crock, Mrs, Jas, Men- Q�, Ar� �Baasra 1•rk•tatr�u►�da�atro'�. a •.t •t*dett•f,ieiirapimoa r whrtaee a it U. lit• died situs being papa t4 that store and got me two boxes, and before I had used the itiat of the first bo: medal, Jai, Henderson. FRUIT, zfes, Mrs. Jae, Anderson, Mrs. Jas. Henderson, Butter, 5 lbs, in pound ; . tn.•.'$i'tio,• _ arcarbiy. st'e°rai�ii, °�rtAre� TO ADVERTIS�i 'whets do. �� � st �>� k 'Mia I patieed a things, and before the second box was done I was, ¢aced and ala a well DE D OTHER i Apples, -.. Alexander, Jas, Render- rfnt6, Mise Anderson P , Mrs, E, W rrit� t� air , Ili THE It is RNOW 1t Will wtUce V"r w�; n t0``k`I"," 50 cents per bolt, of 3 boxita tot MANUlACTUit$S. eon ,Weir Elliott.. Baldwin, V. fist- tinger, Jaa. Henderson. lien Davis, Orvin, Mrs, Geo. Orvis, Butter, orna- mental, Mute Anderson, Mrs, E, W, TSA � � At all deniers, sir mailed dii'aat lit' Set Double Harness, Thoe, Kew Orvis. Butter, A y I► Fitt tlilNtilt flat Y" frlrll+tirlti The T. Mflburn Co., Llmit44, Toronto, I & Glen, Orvis, Wei,. Maxwell. Blenheltn, 5 lbs, In 1 lb'. printer - to WWN til :ati 1sifE'ttuf tlGlli �iilil it ii' ria Ott. 2, Set single 110teo, Thos. Ittiv I 4,1211174 Peter Fowler, Jas. Henderson, Can-:. oda Red, T. M, Henderson, Culvert, (ddntlntted on page II,) � � T � � tit k +tl� tr 1'ssMlfi res YssH� iielsi Irt<:d�r't'�':... : r��� � e . Al