HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-29, Page 8THE WINQUAR TIMES, SEPTEMBEU 29, 1910 Alice Annie: Barber left on Saturday -,STRAY SLEEP. ® for Stratford where she will attend .�,�„�,� 74, THE Normal, We wish her every. gngoesa in KING'S FOU 8.�.?ci(1'AINS ! W I�^ PANT YQUR TRADE 00 ONE''11 ' � There cams onto the premises o! the IAQher studies, Undersigned, Lot 1G, Concession I, HERE KING'S "HELPER { Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Jenkins of the Tornberry, (Bluevale road,) on or about i�,�%I it tixe 20th of August, a breeding ewe. Blnevaleroad have returned home after Ownerpan have same by proving pro spending several weeks with relatives Bud petty and ppyiag expenses.. DEMANDS friends in Michigan, E. 13 JENKINS, Mr. Jae Flatt• of Wiarton, is V1601ng- R • O. 8TORt t v1 '—kHer IYMa •jiia Touch with old frlenae in Wingham and Easy Win ham P. THt BU6Y GOOD Wawauosh, Mr. Flat$ lived in this die FALL - W4a, the Helper went along about trot. a. number of years ago. Business Change herdaily duty, singing a 11e1pfUit h l, Mr, Ben R Fralicas returned. to _ cheery song and radiating beauty. his home in Brockton, Mees., after SOLID 4� ! spending a couple of weeks with his : Wingham_____ Falb Fair WEATHER uncle, Mr. A. M. Fraliot of town. 1.00** kk4� Having purchased the Grocery and Confectionery business from • • .. FOOTEWAR C„ j Three -Fourths Reinstated, Mrs. D. Bush we are now in a V 3(� President O m, Hays of the G. T. R.' position to supply the very best in Sept.jJ (, o asked as to to the attitude towards its . all hinds of eriking employes replied that accord- Dont forget the date and remember we want to Especially for Farmer's Wives and Daughter$, i ing" to the agreement the Company GROCERIES AP see on. Make our store your centre and if in need of was t0 reinstate the men within.. Y , 90 days. Three-fourths of the men CONFECTIO RY anything in our many different lines, obliging clerks are have allready been taken back to work. at your service. _ The above Cut i an exact reproduction of Our and all would be reinstated before the; We will be 1 ed to Meet all old epustomer �_ d g an ngew ones T stock Of GENERA expiry of the period agreed neon, and remise T ou cod cods at � e carry the most complete sto - HAND -MADE CALF SHOE FOR WOMEN Y i honest prlces. MERCHADI$E in town but should p there be anything you And this 1s an ideal Shoe Mrs. Lancaster, of London, Out. jump- ,for those who. have out - ed into the bay at Hamilton at the same ' might want that we have not we will try and procure same side work to do, such as milking, etc. (LOU spot where two other yonng women haveor lately committed suicide in the some way. Orders promptly delivered. Pro fyou, VL lately taken, This Shoe is made especially for us and yr a can the __ buy it at no other store in Wingham.. HORN. Come and look through our stock It is made of soft but prim calf skin, double toes, y Mr. n d rs.Jo n $. Cr, on September 12th, 1 Hindell A oto Mr. and Mss. John S, Oraig; a sen, \V � solid leather counters and the best grade. ofsole leather in ABRIEDIT WILL PAY YOU. the-, soles and will easily wear two pair„ of ordinary ,ase JENICe-PENDER,-At the home of the bride's factory shoes. ERSparents, on S ogtember 24th, by Rev. D, Perrie, Mr, Laban S. Jenks, of Buffalo, to Miss Leah aM M. Pander. dapphter of Mr. and Mrs, Law . 1 tr THE PRICE IS $2.15. IN' ALL SIZES, 3 to 7. rencePelder of Wingham. ���'►i���fi���f,lh � ;e a GEDDE6-PORTEREIELD-At the Manse, Bol- ������ �D ��� 1�� North Dress Goods, Trimmings, Staples, Floor Cover - grave, cn September 27tH, by Rev, J. Ferguson, lj u F stat e ties, of B ggrave, toiiAio Pour We have the same st le in factory made at and't e�}} (�mg �+t Ings, Curtainiags, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Y Porterfield, of Marnoch. Country at Shall Cost s P P1rARCY-REEB-On Wednesday, September Shoes Hats Caps, Furs, Etc, Etc. - $ AIR 1.35 PER P 21, 1910, at Port Colborne, Ont., by Rev. J. L. o Small, B. A. of Blyth, Della Irene, eldest In order to Rive the farmers and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reeb, Port Col- residents of Ontario an opportunity But for a good solid shoe that will keep your feet bourne, to Rev. Walter T. Pearcy, M, A" Londs• O f seeing the great possibilities o! the ,bere',ont. dry and at the same time will Beep soft, we recommend ones North Country, speoial excursions Special COLLTBUN-CHI78 Shaw street, the home. of the - bride'spparenta,778 show street, Toronto, on will be run October 3rd and 4�n at our $2.15 line as being fully equally to the band -made _ soptember28th,bp Rev. James Wilson, Wil- the following low rates from VPtag• kind at $3.00 per pa's, lrnor Liam Giies 28th, M D., of Lindsay, to Miss ham: wilhelminaAlba Jane, only dauthter of Dr, To ReturII Fare Thos Chisholm, M. P. and Mrs. Chisholm, for- ' rt at merly of Wingham, New LISHEARD . $11,05 loco yards Wrapperette, light and dark colors, v SMITH-MACEWEN.-At the residence of the COCHRANE $1450 suitable for house dresses, children's dresses, etc. Regu- bride'spa Alexander ls. Smith Morris, on So Miss ENGLEHART $11 65 WILLIS coo I,am ber 21 Una Rev. W. J. West, e t, M. Detroit Blu Mi s DAILEYBURY $10.90 lar 12 c or i 5c per yard, your choice far. bac per yd. this Helen, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Proportionate rates to other points. MacEwen, Morris. The Temiakaming Board of Trade will show visitors the farms, etc, the n>�v Return Limit Oct. 15th, 1910, ` Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. y Peer M. Dean , sons of oMr, and oMrs r Peter 'naa Deans, of Wingham, HUNTING TIME. New Laid Eggs 22c. .Tub Butter 2oc. THE SHOE STO>s2E. , HURBARD-On lot 20, concess:on 12, HCwick, Is drawing near. Ask nearest Above prices for No. I stock only, ?le2�t Over Hubbard aged BO years, Agent about the _ for Ladies. $ Grand Trunk A " Sole Agent September 10th, Mrs. Hubbard, wife of Win. the g MCCONNELL-In Laltelet, on Sept. 19th, Bob- Hunters eSOnrelOn, _GOOD CHEAP art McConnell, in his 80th year. , U� For tickets and farther information GOODS KING. PRICES amen• MCIR•-In Wingham, on September 23rd, call on G, Lamont, Depot Agent or G Ea opera Joseph Moir, of Culross, aged 70 years, months and 10 days, address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. McCuAtt#,-In Walton, on Sept. 19th, Dun - ,hated can McCunig, in his 84tH year. ngton ins Baumignilydi n er onSet of Pt. Tato August 'scant Vogt, aged 82 years, 10 months, r )own STArronD.-In Wroxeter, on Septa loth, - i1 James Stafford, aged 80 years, 5 months: ik9���p0if;�#4tv�b®SGD011��004i �.•�@1i1���0��• •®l��wi4. JUST FEW new V. • com• RAILWAY TIME TABLES. - r fOOR V. E. C. WHITE HIT ! i `• �j r ones RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, -1 ♦ �. from G - TRATNe L- 6 l'OR - : HIGH CLASS...... • FACTS ABOUT �' London................._ 83.3 a,m.... 3,80p.m, ;• ,,iri' � , • • _� . y Toronto &East11.03a.m.. 8.45a.m... 2.40p.m, / d� � : � ' • t Of Kincardfne..11.t9 a.m... 2,08 p -m_ _. 0.15 P.M. y Mrs, eRRlvg 11.00 i:; , f _ Ladies and Gents' Tailor Kincardine _-.8.45a.m�11.00s.m_- 2.40 p.m. u �_ � s • h sir. London.....,._.».... -.-.11.54 a.m. 7.08 p,m. S {77 • a 3 Palmerston... 4•.T,Ag11.24 a, ,' � �' ,� • i STORE ,., e0II Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.. Tees- G. LAMONT, Agent, Wingham. �4•��;"�"'.,, -+� - ' �' You get here what you like, and like what you • 4 of the TOWN OF WINGHAIVI get at E. G. WHITES. Gen- THE ,COOK'S DELIGHT T g •. Ztio Other tailorin establishment offers such a onday • • We are low showing a vee attractive assort- , . With a sack o! Robin Hood Flour . • wide selection of very fine and fashionable ♦ g Y oanoil VOTERS LIST C T will be equalled by your own when ► • nested -- yon find how much batter thjngE woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with � meth of New Fall Svitings and Dress Goods, such style, precision, individuality and refined containingthe correct material for the season All - Notice is hereby given ata court will be t0 eat you get. 9 held pursuant to 'h Ontario Vetere' List taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for Wool Diagonal Serges in popular shades,contain- l0t of Act"by HisHonoul eJudgeof the County ROBIN HOOD .FLOUR • such values as we offer. • g' Court of the County of Huron at the Town • • in style and durability. qne Of Hall, Wingham, on the 14th day of October, • • g Y y 1010, at 12 o'clock noon, to hear and determine Bakes more good loaves t0 the • num- the several complaints of errors and omissions' sack than any other, bakes bread that • We are doing a High -Class Tailoring Business • i m The the Voters' List of the Municipality of the stays moist and sweet, bakes biscuits : • on a new plan:— BUYING FOR CASH! - Town of wingham for 1910. that mother in her palmist days could • p • Venetians, 54 inch wide, good weight and staple m the All persons having business at the Court are • SELLING FOR CASH l Doing business in • j in the required to attend at the said time and place, not Equal. ♦ 0 colors, at only 50e, per yd. wingham, Sept, 20th, 1910, • this way I can save you dollars. Come in and , made JOHN GROVES, see what I can do for you, Clark, Town of Wingham. Merkleg� ; in. wide. Ezra _ ► All -wool Shepard Plaid Suitings, 54 J. E. • LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. •• a Basket Weaves, Broadcloths, Satin Cloth, Cash - in the STRAY SHEEP to -date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. Z meres, Plaids, etc,, at prices to suit all. cit on Carve onto the promisee of the under - is and• ' • signed, lots 13.14, concession 1, (1st line) \ ing and Morris, on or about the let of August, E. C. WHITE - WINGHAM, ONT. This will be a cod Velvet Season, and iii antic- , Lis sea- three breeding ewes and six lambs. `~ d • • g Darkey Owner can have same by proving prop•: I� IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCK ► pation of that, we have imported direct from arty and paying expenses k � • � • � England, a good range of shades for suits and winter D. H. CAMPBELL; ; ♦N••♦♦0��•OOw.•���1♦0•�` o��Oq•�i�l���S�i�Oi��•�r� Wingham F. O. gOW11S. ' r ,%.-i have a nice ADMINIST ATOR S SALE , q W e range of sines in the fashionable O'6 - ALTIABL-9 �_. ✓� •' `"' ' ` - - .. Newspaper ►' Soft French Pailettes, 4o in,. wide, at $1.75 per REA ESTATE .. 6e yd. A splendid Black 'Taffeta, French Wolil- 11 tendinl{ , , ► • g s TN THL• VILL- E OF` W111TECHURCiI - - ' u� ' f Bargains: ease, at 75c. . The Adminietra or of the Estate of David 1 GO for a L�•r.^"c , GVingham, Coas,'d will offer for sale to Public ilitttoul, de - Auotioa at'the f�' en's Hotel in the town of BEST SERVICE TO Silk Elastic Belt, Fancy Beltings, Paisley Neck ith tela' on y 7E GO t' SOMETHING TO • Frilis, Bows, Linen Collars, and beautitul Fancy s Saturday, t I st day of October WE • Ribbons in Paisley designs the newest thing for left last A. D 1010, at 2 cloclt in the afternoon the CROW ABOUT. Musko �, The TIMES and The Weekly Globe � ' �a following valnab proyerty that is to say:-- to Jan. 1912, for $1,86, girdles, Trimmings, 8� etc. Lots numbrrs 8, 10,11 and 12 on the west aide Our new stock Of choice grooeriee l' of Queen treat in Hamilton's Survey `net received is the iin9st to be had pour Trains from Toronto ' Pfeffer in the vill go of Whitechurch in the The TimEs and The Weekly Mail , township f Kinloss and Count* of anywhere. 9.4o a. m. 12,151 p• M. and Empire to Jan, 1912 f p p tingbam 11rude, co taintlIg ants acre of lana p , , or X1,80, Come in and see our splendid line of new irn or� i• more or le a, p n n` c 6.os p m. 1610 p in• ted en Underskirts the are generous in Thispropertyi hve118ittiatFdintllereaiaen• FRESH, PURE, CHOICE Y .lbert i8' tial portion of th Village of Whiteeliureh, Balt, Sleeper, earned on 10.10 The TIMES and The Weekly Globe , Y There arooYi t o ptoporty a good frame GROCERIES p, M. train FrldAY9 to Jars., 1911, for 260, •+ width and beautiful in design, well made and will t friend house,shee'edWi i painted metallic siding, ; give satisfactory Wear, We have them in all is x za, and kitche attached 13 x ie, contain• Oast you no more "than the mouldy+. n. _ j� Breezes lug, in all 7 rooms, na A goDa Gement Cellar Enjoy the Veal 'Breezes Uf The TignS and The Weekly Mail ; Maple colors from $ Y 25 to $5 ''5 in price. under man Nous ; &frame stablo 1s x musty, stale kind—wbioh we dont , + �� reek for 24: a ni%mber of fr t tree s and a good wti 1 handle or sell. we never let our 1 L and Empire to Jab., 1911, for 260, + position 2hobiilwo sateft fence itloodregaaaldr,w bhie,% stockgotold, Thepiricesweareable the Great Lakes y nearly new. to fix put our groceries within the Sailings daily BXeept Friday The TittEa and The Family Herald, ` Large quantities of Butter and z•;gge wanted, T99 reach of all, and Sunday front i0won Sound, and 'Weekly Star to Jan„ 1211 George - Trn per Brut of a gfeliase money iia the Special trainfront'Toronto 1.00 for 250. ayD with dap of raaloand th baleneeln 80 days there- ill• selling days,, j after The proper III be offered Knbjmt to ToA ,ded ort boat' LS a Fu th rbiri ticula and eonalt{ofi of sate Meals and berth incl - n hIICGILL VR Y & ll�e� >x hope ft- W111 bo macro known n the day. 6f cam or may lka't+isit. bobis i°tihallezito, i to the'oloesianed. CONNlINCHAIVI The most pleasant and'eheape9t `These Special Offers ate PR0N3 80. �Ci'IN4RA,M, OOT. in Provt 110�i� T. 1,1118 h its, route to Winnipeg and West 1t, �'�'sthbNtiif, phone 54, `� t- 1 whtteehuroh; �Vln{11iam, 4, H, H1tFM 11, Agent, Wingham, 1V�sir�e tilt New Sub$crlbers Administrator, vend�r'sBvfloittsr „• , A�;1"i►'i,►yi�iClii�M1iCI►�i�ril►+aii�ll�l►�rA��A1A/, j