HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-29, Page 4r kRI+. � i ,1M45, SEPT— A�'4BBIt. 4 0, 1910 WINGIdAI►t -- THE p ^ . RHEUMATIC Pl rive Staoit idiartsots. _� -- l i R R AV Toronto, Sept, 80. •-» U•AIOn Stook Yaxd4 ••-•llooetpts were 140 card with U11 DO . rate of in arse . U Q01A, w (j'1 j�{ �jp , 2 922 head of cattle, 1,020 sheep and A _ � C; � Q WING134�L BRANGIi—Carnes JJhn and 47HE PEOPLES, POPULAR STORE" - }n �jpg �}4 not !'Qt Q lY Q1Ut 114 �1 Biu ll�+l limbs, 94 hog@, on(i g� calved. ' lie ex. _✓ best 1000 pounds and up, HkA17 Qrrcor; '�pitQN7;Q ry 11let Trouble is Rooted In 1? ort market was dull and slow, prices - — - �,_- -- - , . Stockers choice ...,, 4 76 5 00 ,. R. VANST02M S3li0tt0r. of Mrs. F. X. BOisseau, t. Jerome. being quoted 104 60150 lower than last 75 4 60 Qce.. who saps; "Aima two years ago I was a terrible anile r from rhea- neswr lStack (ill poli up) $4,000,000.00 {, Blood. she BlaQd. week. While the quieter trade for e% port Rattle affected the whole market to Do yon save?KERR _ - BIRD lEt:saxvannd and Uu" divided Prafits ,. ... $5,880,000,00 Matt e g y people believe that the twinges and tortures of rheumatism are due to some extent, there was still a good un• dertone to the hatcher market, which time will came when your fin• ancial resources will be strained to - a I -. and walking a%cessi sly diffTOnit. I p Deposits by the publl9... $47 000,000 00 TAtal Assets, over,.., , $61,200,000,00 cold, damp, or wet weather, and treat themselves by rubbing with Ruimentd showed itself in a quiet but steady de. meet some unexpected demand, 9 10 ,. and lotions. This is a serious mistake, mond for anything of fair to good gimli- Will you have to suffer the cons e. : not later than Monday vening. alp out avail. The t ole was ooaetanti y growing worse, and the pain more and $it4NC1I98 ANDAGENTS throughout dun^ ado, w4d tare U ailed $sates, And one which allows the disease to pro, seas. EO such an extent that it is Often let impossible to Ret it out of the system. ty, suitable for the local butcher trade Nur were prices in this class so percept- low in quences, or will yea be in a positlan9 to turn to your beak account, for aid. i Ji .-Handsome New Hand ,.Bags. " lmpossi comet from f the gs acid p ably as the export class, choice Deposit your savings 1n the Bank +� t \ i couraged, thinking I would be a sufferer A 09"RAL BANKING BUSINESS T`Rl�NSACTED,g in, the blood, and it must be cured through the blood• All the liniments, butcher heifers selling firm around $5.50 to $6,65, and extra ghcl0e butcher or of Hamilton now, and when the da , y of emergency comes you w111 be re Y Y p — I'`_ -: Some of the daintiest goods ever shown. SPECIATE SiME of IifL+ �T �t'{��(�* TIMES* and rubbing, and so-called electrical treatment in the world will not cure light export at $5,75 to $6; but not many at the latter figure. A choice load of pared, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and Idecided handsome black leather hand bags, largo siza, neave3t metal trimmings,*containing Savings laepai*tirlet�t+ rheumatism. This is a medical truth which every sufferer from this exom butcher buffers, weighi11g an average of WINGHAM BRANCH 28 th, 19t0, shape, with either gilt or Hua a shall purse, regular �2 00, for $Y.Zg Current Rives of Interest allowed, aad Dvosit9 reoeived of $1.00 and elating trouble should know. Rheum.- tism can only he cured by driving the 1,130 lbs, brought in by Mr. Geary, w" sold by Doan and Lsvaok at $5,90. C. P. Smith - Agent. al weeks I could see that the painful Fall Wheat.............. - We have the largest and best assortment of Haud Baga in upwards, p4is0uons sold out of the blood, and en- The following are she quotations: 0 32 to 0 84 VFinghatn at from 50c to S.OQ Barley .... ........... raohtnR and purifying it. There is noExporters'- medicine will do this so speedily and cattle Per 100 lbs, $625 $6 40 _._._.._:.. ,�,.., • .. __ ___ _' 0 70 to 0 75 FarinArA' sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them tut 10 sett t t surely an Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. Vhey actually make the new, rich, red, 1_; t- h ib i Medium.. , .......... , 5 25 6 7b Bulls..... ............. 4 60 500 0 19 to 0 20 Women's—Real French Kid We Gaya the best yQ°pi,QQ Kid Gloves, every pair gaaran - Glove on the market, Blacks, ted, $1,25 Browns and 'fans. New English Capeskin Gloves, tan only, one clasp, outside seams, gusset fingers, only $1,00 Women's comfortable Swede and Doe Finish Glovss 25e to 5ce. New Bows for Woolen, a neat, smill, silk bow, very stylish, two tassels at 25c. 41.31 ... New Paisley Collars and Frilling, new Elastle and Leather Belts. Ladies Sweater Coats in white, navy, khahi, neat stitch, with pockets, $2.25 and $3.00. In fact all the stylish I)Rms Ac@ssoams are here. Heavy Mantle Cloth, for Tall Ladies Home Journal --The and Winter Coats, neat patt• Marriage Number, intensely ern at $1,50 per yd. interesting, containing many 1? new ideas at 10c. Headquarters For, Men's and Boy's Woollen Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Province pnbltshed by the Ontario $4,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Government. A comparative statement Co., Brockville, Ont. Woollen Sox, New Fall Gloves, Etc, _ A. E. • SMITH � The Grand Jury at the Baxrie assizes Rev. W. R. Roach a superannuated _ of grants by the Legislature to the so- The a true bill against May Dolan minister, died at Hamilton, aged 85 years. cleties in Huron county for 1909 and - for child warder. 1920 is as follows: CHURCH N071=5. BANKER R Harrychar arrested at Peter- Underwear For Everybody iJOa 1910 A Finn Sammanen. was arrested at boyo' on a chargea of bf embezzlement laid East Flame ...,,,,.,$243.00 $23900 -- " Sault Ste, Marie, charged with stealing in Philadelphia, Hawick ...... ....... 12300 139 00WINGIZAh1, ONTARIO, Blyth ............... 16100 17300 Rev Li, R. Jones, seater o! the Godes- ora from the Cobalt ulnae. Fudge Bazin dismissed thirty inform- This is the store for first-class, Wool and Union. Underwear, South Huron., ....... (Spring Fair only) ioh Bapttet church has resigned and has The Landon corporation consists of a aJone against Montreal hotelkeepers for Zurich .... , • ........ 12100 130.00 accepted a nvanimons call from the Farmers who want money to bay Lord Mayor, 26 other aldermen and 206 violation of the liceace law, as th a wit.and it, a almost time for Woollens now. BapflAd ............. 1 800 11800 Ridgetown Baptist Chnroh, horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market nesses failed to a common councillors. ._ Exeter .:........... 19900 251.00 can have it on reasonable terms. spear, tr� Senfortk . . ........... 21800 The ruble Class of St. Andrew's Pres West .Huron........., 23200 .290.00 byterian Church will be re -organized Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer• ' Danganuon ....... 18600 18300 chants or agents, on favorable terms. Winghnw .. ,. , 19400 20400 next Sunday afternoon. All the young $irkton ... 157.00 17'4.00 people of the congregation are invited Loans on real estate at the lowest0 (The East Huron Society holds its to become members of this class. rates going, fair at Brussels and the West Huron Rev. D. Perris preached at the re- Win gh a" M` Fall Fair Society at Goderloh.) opening services in one of the Presby- $ The following table shows the gate re- terian Churches at Fergus on Sunday co N. G r i f f i n Me n ceipts at the exhibition, total receipts last. Rev. Mr. Brown, of Fergus, con. SEPT. 29 and 30 and total expenditures for 009, ducted the services to St, Andrews GENERAL AGENT I Gate Total 'Total Receipts. Receipts Expenditures. Church. Bast Huron $342 $1,014 $ 928 Cbildrens service will behold .in St, FIRE South Baron Spring Fair only.Howick 175 525 611 morning`s Presbyterian Chnroh a Pthe LIFE # 1 uru11ce ' Attent* ion Blyth • 536 1.236 1,181 Acompmr A chance of your life time on these dates at W. G, Andre service next Sri Chu when the LATE GLASS Zurich 198 653 553 pastor, Rev. D. Perris, will preach a -IMPATTERSON S Jewellery Store t0 buy all Baylleld 32 388 520 special sermon to the children. The WEATHER �°°�° kinds of up-to-date Jewellery cheaper �; Exeter 6 6 1,238 1,264 children of the congregation are request' Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and than Qu ever seen bought Sesforth 450 1,044 958 ed to occupy the centre paws at this p y ` � � Here is the greatest chance of our life to et one of the West Huron 710 1,629 2,174 MONEY LOANING Business. before g y g Dungannon 590 1,188 1,087, service, r very latest, up -to -the- min u te Suits and Overcoats. Winghnw 108 653 825 Xbox Church at Goderich has extend- Issuer of Marriage Licenses. We have just received a shipment of HfrkSan 100 786 110 8 ed unanimous call to Rev. Goo. R. P Ross, B. D., of Charlottetown, P. E. I. Office over MatoetiT>'s Grocery. DIAMOND RINGS A Mother's influence. He is a graduate of Dalhousie Univer- Now Rsityandof the Presbyterian College at Richelieu and OntarioSTONE RINGS�ll �nd W� It is hard far a Soong mother, who has Halifax. He was ordained in 1996 and nter oods notyetovercome her wayward tendenoier, was for several years engaged in miss- .3 Of all kinds of her own youthful nature to realize iounry work In Damerarn, British Got- Navigation Company a Owing t a the ioiaenoe she exerts over her ones O having given @ ane. 8e became pastor of Lion ()hatch, -•--••-- :� :� g g g en the order early in the summer She (aconat$ntly sncroanded by imttat• Charlottetown, four years ago. Both « „ WEDDING RINDS before I had decided on ors who copy her morula and manners, Sfean kors Toronto fund F Mr. and Mrs. Ross are natives of Hali•r'Si>tigsten" The New Style As a wether is so are her eons and fns. caughtera. If a family of children is Rev. Wm. Lowe, formerly rector of Leave Toronto at 3 00 p, m, daily exG- blessed blessed with an Intelligent mother who cept Sunday up to Sept, 19th, thereafter LOCKET- AND CHAINS out of Business g St. Paul's Chnroh, wingham, has r@• every, Monday, Wednesday and Satnr• +� I is dainty and refins0 to her manner, who signed tie rector of St. Matthew's day, up to and including October lot, PENDANTS S RA a-rIrETS is a true mother and alwaya a tender Church, East London, and has accepted �* charming Woman, she will invariably see the Par teh of Lucas, tendered him by ATEA JIiE) "B�''.Ll[iEy ILl.E" The wholesale house would not accept a concilation and j her habits of @pNech and perfect mauner,, Bifthop Williams. Since going to Lon' sent the pods aloe consequentlyOu 7 f repeated in her children, don, Mr. Lowe has reduced the church T Tuesday Toronto at 7 30 p m. nfo '� P ARL QR%"ti/' CHER � g� y have ..aeeday .aril close of navigation for PEARL a..t L vvv the new goods to select your Suit Geoat'muRh men and noisy busy boys debt nearly $2,800, and assisted in build. Bay of Quints. Montreal and Inter- or Overcoat from will always tone down there their voice@ Ing the mission in London Junotiou At a mediate Porta. Very, tow rates ittcind• � D PAINTED BROOCHES and try to be more mannerly whin HANDN in she coat of $3,000. During his live years in Includ- ing meals and berth 411 this line, she atop@ to gibe thim a kion ward and a London, Mr. Lowe has baptized 127 per* Pot folders, rates, eta., apply to pleasant smile. For a true woman will sone. There were 76 confirmed, 76 H, POSTER CHAFFEE, Am 1!. A, � CUFF LINKS At The Same never fail to any or db all that will to acy mareidgee and 67 deaths. Low Prices Toronto. Oat. way help t0 lift up and cheer those whose _ �- •.,�� , lives are shaded with care and toff, The - � - EAR RINGS Suitings in Fancy Tweeds and 'Worsteds, Blue and Black, mother of today settee the woad of to, A Snake in ilia Grana. � � $ Yuji Care weAr without piercing the ears Serges, Worsteds, Chevoits, and Vicanag, morrow. Thli is told because of the light it » thmWe on pioneer methods of dgaling : /^�� T �+r �t�i Overcoats in Black, Brown, Green and Striped, Beavers, airs. ]ices ofGyprereRiver, man,. was til'!th tattternateek. The pioneer hes been STRATFOp0. ON x• � i,►W T GLASS �.rLOLrR1S struck by au electric motor at Merrittoa oommentins on a oertoin very able Pub- The leading practical ttaining Miltdns, Cheviots, Freezes, etc. and killed, lin men who has not beets prominent in school in Western Ontario. All am - the affairs of his party for some time, bitiona young men and yo'nng women RE 'Trousering, all styles and prices. - should read out fres catalogue. SI I wish you weal 3 throw an aoosslotiai are doln� ., Learn what our gradatates + pari gash M plat ast to %tit him," he and yon. will be interested. Time and space will not permit price list, sufice it to sold. We have three departments, "What do you lneanPI We have the largest and best stuck of Watches at the say those having seen the goods and the . wa Gomtmercial, Shot'th4nd lowest rices ever sold in this count We also the are made and trimmed, say it is y 'well. when I bleared that ecus k#ell P �• � y ken the largest assortment of Op tical marvellous, Cottle alts see A few years a#at ilynittg over there It wos salt of tattleantalres. and'alegraphy. . ' p g machinbs weltQ hxt'clXy zfevex feted to ktii theta benanae x. 'Each department is In hands of ex. Supplies in the county, dame for yourself, tit -6u Iii ot, not W"warn t too fond of a romp with is yard at Ori6doed inettnototd. Individual In 4nd get your eyes so of colla$ htll•fire. It there hoppetwil instrnotion is given ? tested and see, - kc be a tr►ttlesnaice dear where I war This it the beet time of the yeat ohopping, l didn't feel n bit+toated as tang for students to styles, �,.. , - ' i write at 6906 for on* ftee oatelogue. Roburt In t'tttghllKeest', l�Taw Scat! � t►r ha wvwi tNttltng, burr ivhan he etdpped Mawbrrleil. W# $alit. _ rra well me a ` wn a say. t would bt that, mra wolve• been taltt. tii An i �t t �tt�t WeG.PATI EIf►S Nrt#1e latus with tb i��� _. irA�itR ��i11 L11 • . sc~i a dict it» . xll flh+a,ts11.1i dei t be 'v 0 tY li atoll t kttbw whrthe . ot'#�Ost E Y11EfgI$ �S >i#+C 219L, V�tr1`Gl x>wat MERCHANT sbirtg i begat � faetwotzied " PytikI+IC1tP�R�, OR. , ,r. _ tiYrwYYrr+i.+.�.,i.l.,.. i5i2ed�i81i5tdiGlibiB�idpi�ilbdtio6nd'rd'iiC6ifiidiidldr�'' �dibMiYi�lid'rdoiitied�idrdrttiolii'iiieo�leiibY$sfrwV _ �� TAIL z ... .' •...giibiD�iYiEi;t1;MU , ,4, 14: drives out a po 40110.5 acid, upbuitdo the system• and makes Light .. . . .... . ........ Cows.., 5 75 Goo 5 00 WING134�L BRANGIi—Carnes JJhn and , the sufferer welt and strong. It is be- ...... , ........ Feeders-- 5 26. `J.)sephtue Streets, cause they do thin that Dr. Williams' best 1000 pounds and up, Pink Pills have oared thousands of cases wards ,. • .. 5 25 660 W. R. G1;IIiIE, 11i1L�TAGER. of rheumatism after all other treatment had failed. As proof we give the case , . Stockers choice ...,, 4 76 5 00 ,. R. VANST02M S3li0tt0r. of Mrs. F. X. BOisseau, t. Jerome. bulls. , ......... , S Butchers•-- 75 4 60 Qce.. who saps; "Aima two years ago I was a terrible anile r from rhea- ,Picked ................ Medium 5 50 5 8 5 00 5 256 TO ADVERTISERS matlem, The trouble fir located to my ............ . .. Cows .... .... 350 525 right leg, rendering all ork impossible. ........ Bulls ..... , 4 00 4 7b Notice of changes must be left at this and walking a%cessi sly diffTOnit. I , , ,.,. Hcgs-- office not later than Saturday noon. tried to cure m el by me%us of all Best 9 10 The coy for ohanges must be left p aorta of liniments loti011e, but with• ................... Lights 8 75 : not later than Monday vening. alp out avail. The t ole was ooaetanti y growing worse, and the pain more and ................. Sheep— Casual advertisements a006JAed Casual to noon Wednesday' of each weok. more unbearable, Finally th,) disease Export ewes........... P Bucks 4 50 4 75 300 350 spread to my other leg, and I was all but helpless, and I was completely dis• ................. Culls ............. ... 3 00 3 50 couraged, thinking I would be a sufferer Spring Lambs each.. 5 85 615 ESTABLISHED 1574 for the rest of my life, At this time I Calves. each. ,.......... 8 50, 7 50 IifL+ �T �t'{��(�* TIMES* read an advertisement in our home paper, of this trouble being cured by WINGRAM WARREIT REPORTS vi' lliUI31I+111 iDl 1'+v i'a 1!aES Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and Idecided H,$,.ELIe10T11..eII8LISHARANDFROPRIRTOP to try them. I first got fonr bones of Winglima, Sept. 28 th, 19t0, the Pills and after using thein for sever. Flor r per 1001bs.......... 2 75 to 3 25 al weeks I could see that the painful Fall Wheat.............. 0 90 to 0 90 THURSDAY, SEerEmua 29, l9lo rheumatism was graduallydisappeariog. pate ...................... 0 32 to 0 84 I continued taking the Pills however, Barley .... ........... 0 45 to 0 48 until I bad used about a dozen boxes, peas .................... 0 0 70 to 0 75 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. when every symptom of the trouble had Butter dairy .... ........ 0 19 to 0 20 disappeared and I could walk as freely Eggs per doe ............. 0 19 to 0 20 ----` an ever I did, and do my housework Wood per cord ........... 2 50 to 2 50 The following statistics regarding the 'Without the least trouble. I have nogay, per tan............ 6 00 to 8 00 agricultural societies of the count will y heeitation in rea0wme11ding Dr. Wit- liams Pink Pills to every rheumatic Potatoes, perbushol....... Lard 0 45 to 0 60 0 20 to 0 20 be of interest. They are taken sufferer. ' ... ....... ....... hive Hogs, per owt....... 8 60 to 8 60 from, the annual report of the Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box. six boxes for - Gloves, every pair gaaran - Glove on the market, Blacks, ted, $1,25 Browns and 'fans. New English Capeskin Gloves, tan only, one clasp, outside seams, gusset fingers, only $1,00 Women's comfortable Swede and Doe Finish Glovss 25e to 5ce. New Bows for Woolen, a neat, smill, silk bow, very stylish, two tassels at 25c. 41.31 ... New Paisley Collars and Frilling, new Elastle and Leather Belts. Ladies Sweater Coats in white, navy, khahi, neat stitch, with pockets, $2.25 and $3.00. In fact all the stylish I)Rms Ac@ssoams are here. Heavy Mantle Cloth, for Tall Ladies Home Journal --The and Winter Coats, neat patt• Marriage Number, intensely ern at $1,50 per yd. interesting, containing many 1? new ideas at 10c. Headquarters For, Men's and Boy's Woollen Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Province pnbltshed by the Ontario $4,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Government. A comparative statement Co., Brockville, Ont. Woollen Sox, New Fall Gloves, Etc, _ A. E. • SMITH � The Grand Jury at the Baxrie assizes Rev. W. R. Roach a superannuated _ of grants by the Legislature to the so- The a true bill against May Dolan minister, died at Hamilton, aged 85 years. cleties in Huron county for 1909 and - for child warder. 1920 is as follows: CHURCH N071=5. BANKER R Harrychar arrested at Peter- Underwear For Everybody iJOa 1910 A Finn Sammanen. was arrested at boyo' on a chargea of bf embezzlement laid East Flame ...,,,,.,$243.00 $23900 -- " Sault Ste, Marie, charged with stealing in Philadelphia, Hawick ...... ....... 12300 139 00WINGIZAh1, ONTARIO, Blyth ............... 16100 17300 Rev Li, R. Jones, seater o! the Godes- ora from the Cobalt ulnae. Fudge Bazin dismissed thirty inform- This is the store for first-class, Wool and Union. Underwear, South Huron., ....... (Spring Fair only) ioh Bapttet church has resigned and has The Landon corporation consists of a aJone against Montreal hotelkeepers for Zurich .... , • ........ 12100 130.00 accepted a nvanimons call from the Farmers who want money to bay Lord Mayor, 26 other aldermen and 206 violation of the liceace law, as th a wit.and it, a almost time for Woollens now. BapflAd ............. 1 800 11800 Ridgetown Baptist Chnroh, horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market nesses failed to a common councillors. ._ Exeter .:........... 19900 251.00 can have it on reasonable terms. spear, tr� Senfortk . . ........... 21800 The ruble Class of St. Andrew's Pres West .Huron........., 23200 .290.00 byterian Church will be re -organized Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer• ' Danganuon ....... 18600 18300 chants or agents, on favorable terms. Winghnw .. ,. , 19400 20400 next Sunday afternoon. All the young $irkton ... 157.00 17'4.00 people of the congregation are invited Loans on real estate at the lowest0 (The East Huron Society holds its to become members of this class. rates going, fair at Brussels and the West Huron Rev. D. Perris preached at the re- Win gh a" M` Fall Fair Society at Goderloh.) opening services in one of the Presby- $ The following table shows the gate re- terian Churches at Fergus on Sunday co N. G r i f f i n Me n ceipts at the exhibition, total receipts last. Rev. Mr. Brown, of Fergus, con. SEPT. 29 and 30 and total expenditures for 009, ducted the services to St, Andrews GENERAL AGENT I Gate Total 'Total Receipts. Receipts Expenditures. Church. Bast Huron $342 $1,014 $ 928 Cbildrens service will behold .in St, FIRE South Baron Spring Fair only.Howick 175 525 611 morning`s Presbyterian Chnroh a Pthe LIFE # 1 uru11ce ' Attent* ion Blyth • 536 1.236 1,181 Acompmr A chance of your life time on these dates at W. G, Andre service next Sri Chu when the LATE GLASS Zurich 198 653 553 pastor, Rev. D. Perris, will preach a -IMPATTERSON S Jewellery Store t0 buy all Baylleld 32 388 520 special sermon to the children. The WEATHER �°°�° kinds of up-to-date Jewellery cheaper �; Exeter 6 6 1,238 1,264 children of the congregation are request' Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and than Qu ever seen bought Sesforth 450 1,044 958 ed to occupy the centre paws at this p y ` � � Here is the greatest chance of our life to et one of the West Huron 710 1,629 2,174 MONEY LOANING Business. before g y g Dungannon 590 1,188 1,087, service, r very latest, up -to -the- min u te Suits and Overcoats. Winghnw 108 653 825 Xbox Church at Goderich has extend- Issuer of Marriage Licenses. We have just received a shipment of HfrkSan 100 786 110 8 ed unanimous call to Rev. Goo. R. P Ross, B. D., of Charlottetown, P. E. I. Office over MatoetiT>'s Grocery. DIAMOND RINGS A Mother's influence. He is a graduate of Dalhousie Univer- Now Rsityandof the Presbyterian College at Richelieu and OntarioSTONE RINGS�ll �nd W� It is hard far a Soong mother, who has Halifax. He was ordained in 1996 and nter oods notyetovercome her wayward tendenoier, was for several years engaged in miss- .3 Of all kinds of her own youthful nature to realize iounry work In Damerarn, British Got- Navigation Company a Owing t a the ioiaenoe she exerts over her ones O having given @ ane. 8e became pastor of Lion ()hatch, -•--••-- :� :� g g g en the order early in the summer She (aconat$ntly sncroanded by imttat• Charlottetown, four years ago. Both « „ WEDDING RINDS before I had decided on ors who copy her morula and manners, Sfean kors Toronto fund F Mr. and Mrs. Ross are natives of Hali•r'Si>tigsten" The New Style As a wether is so are her eons and fns. caughtera. If a family of children is Rev. Wm. Lowe, formerly rector of Leave Toronto at 3 00 p, m, daily exG- blessed blessed with an Intelligent mother who cept Sunday up to Sept, 19th, thereafter LOCKET- AND CHAINS out of Business g St. Paul's Chnroh, wingham, has r@• every, Monday, Wednesday and Satnr• +� I is dainty and refins0 to her manner, who signed tie rector of St. Matthew's day, up to and including October lot, PENDANTS S RA a-rIrETS is a true mother and alwaya a tender Church, East London, and has accepted �* charming Woman, she will invariably see the Par teh of Lucas, tendered him by ATEA JIiE) "B�''.Ll[iEy ILl.E" The wholesale house would not accept a concilation and j her habits of @pNech and perfect mauner,, Bifthop Williams. Since going to Lon' sent the pods aloe consequentlyOu 7 f repeated in her children, don, Mr. Lowe has reduced the church T Tuesday Toronto at 7 30 p m. nfo '� P ARL QR%"ti/' CHER � g� y have ..aeeday .aril close of navigation for PEARL a..t L vvv the new goods to select your Suit Geoat'muRh men and noisy busy boys debt nearly $2,800, and assisted in build. Bay of Quints. Montreal and Inter- or Overcoat from will always tone down there their voice@ Ing the mission in London Junotiou At a mediate Porta. Very, tow rates ittcind• � D PAINTED BROOCHES and try to be more mannerly whin HANDN in she coat of $3,000. During his live years in Includ- ing meals and berth 411 this line, she atop@ to gibe thim a kion ward and a London, Mr. Lowe has baptized 127 per* Pot folders, rates, eta., apply to pleasant smile. For a true woman will sone. There were 76 confirmed, 76 H, POSTER CHAFFEE, Am 1!. A, � CUFF LINKS At The Same never fail to any or db all that will to acy mareidgee and 67 deaths. Low Prices Toronto. Oat. way help t0 lift up and cheer those whose _ �- •.,�� , lives are shaded with care and toff, The - � - EAR RINGS Suitings in Fancy Tweeds and 'Worsteds, Blue and Black, mother of today settee the woad of to, A Snake in ilia Grana. � � $ Yuji Care weAr without piercing the ears Serges, Worsteds, Chevoits, and Vicanag, morrow. Thli is told because of the light it » thmWe on pioneer methods of dgaling : /^�� T �+r �t�i Overcoats in Black, Brown, Green and Striped, Beavers, airs. ]ices ofGyprereRiver, man,. was til'!th tattternateek. The pioneer hes been STRATFOp0. ON x• � i,►W T GLASS �.rLOLrR1S struck by au electric motor at Merrittoa oommentins on a oertoin very able Pub- The leading practical ttaining Miltdns, Cheviots, Freezes, etc. and killed, lin men who has not beets prominent in school in Western Ontario. All am - the affairs of his party for some time, bitiona young men and yo'nng women RE 'Trousering, all styles and prices. - should read out fres catalogue. SI I wish you weal 3 throw an aoosslotiai are doln� ., Learn what our gradatates + pari gash M plat ast to %tit him," he and yon. will be interested. Time and space will not permit price list, sufice it to sold. We have three departments, "What do you lneanPI We have the largest and best stuck of Watches at the say those having seen the goods and the . wa Gomtmercial, Shot'th4nd lowest rices ever sold in this count We also the are made and trimmed, say it is y 'well. when I bleared that ecus k#ell P �• � y ken the largest assortment of Op tical marvellous, Cottle alts see A few years a#at ilynittg over there It wos salt of tattleantalres. and'alegraphy. . ' p g machinbs weltQ hxt'clXy zfevex feted to ktii theta benanae x. 'Each department is In hands of ex. Supplies in the county, dame for yourself, tit -6u Iii ot, not W"warn t too fond of a romp with is yard at Ori6doed inettnototd. Individual In 4nd get your eyes so of colla$ htll•fire. It there hoppetwil instrnotion is given ? tested and see, - kc be a tr►ttlesnaice dear where I war This it the beet time of the yeat ohopping, l didn't feel n bit+toated as tang for students to styles, �,.. , - ' i write at 6906 for on* ftee oatelogue. Roburt In t'tttghllKeest', l�Taw Scat! � t►r ha wvwi tNttltng, burr ivhan he etdpped Mawbrrleil. W# $alit. _ rra well me a ` wn a say. t would bt that, mra wolve• been taltt. tii An i �t t �tt�t WeG.PATI EIf►S Nrt#1e latus with tb i��� _. irA�itR ��i11 L11 • . sc~i a dict it» . xll flh+a,ts11.1i dei t be 'v 0 tY li atoll t kttbw whrthe . ot'#�Ost E Y11EfgI$ �S >i#+C 219L, V�tr1`Gl x>wat MERCHANT sbirtg i begat � faetwotzied " PytikI+IC1tP�R�, OR. , ,r. _ tiYrwYYrr+i.+.�.,i.l.,.. i5i2ed�i81i5tdiGlibiB�idpi�ilbdtio6nd'rd'iiC6ifiidiidldr�'' �dibMiYi�lid'rdoiitied�idrdrttiolii'iiieo�leiibY$sfrwV _ �� TAIL z ... .' •...giibiD�iYiEi;t1;MU , ,4, 14: