HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-22, Page 7iZ k ` Hifi VviNS11AM: TIMICH, SI PTt<*Ait514.3 22 Ivtu N�NN��t�4���A�N�♦��*.., +�ooa�oto���tr�N��HN� er You were. There are half a dozen to, say that the rehearsal will be at 4 London, among tQleraAt t ousiAe. fel' J. ll.'s at the club L tell you truthfully titin Afternoon, It is now after 12." over MY own natio that Your voice star. Is L' tied Inc. So late? We must be Off," 1" was startled becauso my thoughts "And the letter upstairs on the floor?" [t4w r e weed tar away, t was dreamfn6 of truly, "Some day, Bettina, you will enter wooed t was born, though there Is no the forbidden chamber, and 1 shall more Italian blood In my veins than there G Is in Yours, have to play Bluebeard, This time, "What made him think that, I won- however, T do not mind. Leave it there der?" or burn it," indifferently. 1 therefore write this in a tpnguage fa- Bettina knew her mistress. She yt tbe millAr to us both, certain you could not draught best to leave the letter where i afar; Z,ecocg's songs in. Italian If you did it lay, forgotten for the time being, not speak and understand it thoroughly. ;',: �• : R... , a` �.�. .,�..w �.a�iv ,�...-..:Pill signora or signorina, whichever it may be, have We no mutual friends? Are you (CHAPTER IV. � � The IC nd Toll Have Alivirys Bought, and 11 xtas been not known to some one who knows me- BLIIrDF01,I)ED. s ill use for over 30 years, i;aS borne lite Signature114mai" some one who will speak for me, my, character, my habits? Olt two days the Club steward , and has been made 11Y1(1('#' his per - Mask t "It is rather a dull letter so far" , r only nodded when Hillard came r �\' l said the lady. ' in, He had no letters to pre•,IY;d ��ar Allow• supervisio a since its infancy. �i R Tort say you sang because at that mo- sent g, p ala P.no one to deceive you in thio, f went you were happy. This implies that "I am thirty-three years old," Hil» �.,. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as»goo(1" are but; s d you are not always so. Surely with s lard mused as he sought the reading i� per. �; �t(� Experiments that trifle v itll, a�ndcndang•erthe health ort' i Voice like yours one cannot possibly be tr :/J ✓},IyWF�y � Inth its tints. Children-I'x )erxence against i room. "Downtown i am looked upon ) 1 • ,,1 rye.. / 1. 71heri:nent. HAROLD as a man of affairs, a business man, S7 , MAC GRATH with the care of half a dozen fortunes What I Cr��T R'A G oil my hands. Naw, at- what's the m ♦ �`r ter with me? I begin to tremble when 1 0 _ 1 look that sober old steward In the � � � w _ Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, pared I's ` face, if he had handed me a letterI ;'oric, Drops an. Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It; Copyright, 1908, by the Bobbs• i tonight I should have had to lean �ri contains neither OpiuxnN , Aforphine nor other arcotie 1 against the wall for support. ThisSite was prettier than her pitotograp7a sttbstitnee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms1 Merrill Co. will never 'do at all, I have not seen" and aLays Feverishxtess. It cures Diarrhoea unci Win ilei Pace; i do not know her name. Italy and in Germany d r C►00d'�6sp�®®@�O�i00d�Se a,oa.- _..Germany thele is always Colic. It; relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation +i�1�i'�0��3�rvN�Oei I ✓.7. For till 1 know she may be this Leddy so much red tape -blundering' confus- ' t 1 y lug red tape, custom duties, excessive `tad I'I tttllelacj. It ass1111ilates the Food, regulates the to l,i)r�ue, catnntnn sense nntaitlt might amuse her. ,�'� f.ightGngtr, No; that would be impos. r5toxttaE�lt and Bowels g y{ standing. The vein of romance to hill) _ Bible. Leddy Lightflnger would have charges, But our manager must know , -ivilt health and natural sleep. % Was str•on and all the cummertial This man was in all probability a y The Children's Panacea -The 210ther's Friend. g• ��� made an appointment. What possesses wit, he is doing.' gentleman since he was a member of blood of [its father could not st)bjn ' , �•t ate to dwell in this realm of fancy, "FIC has everything in black and a gentlemen s club. But roved thought white, l believe. But 0 E N U I N� �'� A�WA�� gate it. Re ran„ for pap�t and rr g. which is less tangible than a cloud aP your advice is Wesseuger and wrote: •'Aline, Angot Meniare often nced her tcall dhat lgentle en ouroved tot � slttokp?" Etc smoked thoughtfully. sensible." -There is a letter for you in the •'Or ata I romantic? To create romance Do you know anything about Italy Bealu �1llE' Signature 0 compliment to their ancestors, Still, g -I used to do tins when Germany?" mail department of this otiiee.' '1'1)i•; � out of nothin m• German ?' I g if this man only saw the affair from y y g "Only what 1 learned in m time t)is Initials were not necessary [ arcs a bo But I'm a bo uo ton mar, y geogra•�- r her angle of vision, the grotesque hu- �/ , •Once the message was on its tea}• he s ♦ Or am I n boy thirty-three years old? pl)les,' laughing -"Rome, I+lorence, mor of .t and not the common vulgar Uenoa, Venice, Nice, Milan Strassburg sought ltlorrihew, whom he found She does not answer my letter, Sensi. ,5, knocking the balls about in a sf)irluess intrigue! She hesitated, as well she ble woman, Well, well," reaching for Cologne and on to Berlin. It is like a "> ntanncr might. Supposing that eventually he the Laudon Illustrated News "let's see II story come true." "A [)undred to seventy-five, Dan," found out who she was? That would , ' ,vhnt the society folks have been do. "Who is your prima donna?" he ? never, never do. No one must know C%L! ilia•" asked, �{ T 9 Iro1 what." Bought "Fo)-the wort full of• the: game, ofthat she was in America, abou to step LIe dro) ed the "Ahl" Kitty's face became eager 1i Have Always I p paper. There was course." into the wildest of wild adventures. � really nothing new in the world. If with excitement. "Now you have put Make It cigars, just to add inter- No; she must not be found out. The i � °ui"i-t xiovanni returned to Italy in the your finger on the mystery that. is � king, who bad been kind to her, and In Use For Over 30, Years. QS:t " ' ' She held up the card in triumph. sprang I.te was of a mind to go with bothering us all. Not one of n$ has THE. CENT... CI MP.NY, T7 MURR.y STREET, NCw YORK CITY. the court must never know. From ph him. He looked up and was glad to seen her or knows her name. She has r not rehearsed with us And will not till ` ``' '' :Y"" `? "«'`:q:' ty -�'R'� xi•+,:�+' i'�aI,�' c Nus, then." their viewpoint they would have de- unhappy. if only 1 might meet you. see Dlerrihew !n the doorway But they beth played n very iudif- Blared that she was about to tarnish + Fill you not do me that honor? Isn't ferent grime. At 10:30 Merrihew's there Just, a little "Been looking for you, Jack. Want we reach raphes, where we rest a s eyes begun to haunt the clock, and Hit- a distinguished name, to outrage the waiting to be given pure, healthy romance your company tonight. Ditty Milli• week. when we speak of her the oldest aristocracy in Europe, the haunts me. Out of every silence it conies grew is giving a little bite to eat after manager smiles and says nothing, and tWL.Iq;ml a. -lard grew merciful for various rea- court of Italy. But she had her own I to me -"she is so innocent, so youthfull" the performance and has asked me to as none of us has seen the backer bir. ttons. JOHN HILLARD. Worth thinks that she herself fs the opinion; what she proposed to do was bring you along. Will you come?" "What* time does the performance in itself harmless and innocent. But The letter fluttered into'her lap. She °� ••\`rith pleasure, Dan. Are you din- prima donna and backer in one. We end?"he asked. this gentleman who leaned out of the leaned on her elbows. It was not a „ think that she is some rich young wo- ,c g tag with any one tonight? Hillard At 10:00, but it takes about twenty window? She had seen the match bad letter, And she rather liked the man who wishes to exploit her voice. minutes to scrape off the makeup." boyish tone of it, Nothing vulgar. was lonesome. There's a lot of them in the world, I ® ,t flare in the young mans face. Was "Yes. A tittle bride till 11," Ivierrihew put his cue in the rack. it the face she had seen in that flash peered out from between the lines. '� wish I knew her. LitCle has been said •� _ "You're hopeless. I can see you in He made off for the coat room. of light that interested her sufficiently � Did he really lore music? IIe must, about the venture in the papers, and Hillard laughed and went up to the y for it was not every young man who limbo, matching coffin plates with I'm'glad. -writing room to fulfill a part of his to risk the note? Against the dark of could pick out the melodyof an old, Charon. 1'11 hunt you up at 11." We may prose a perfect _ Is a General Nuisance, and Cause; $IC1iQeS5, the night it had appeared for an In- "Heard the tall.?" fizzle, and the less said the better. As but it Can be Availed b Using -destiny. He took the letter out and forgottcu opera. Rather tban tempt we can't walk back, I must learn to ' y g Stant, clean, crisp, ruddy as a cameo. fate she decided not to answer this "About what?" swim. Lunch is ready, every one)" read it again. He replaced the letter The face warranted confidence. "Why, hy, some one in the club has beenA& MW A04h in its blue covering, and then for the tetter. it would be neither wise nor The mummers and the outsiders -a AF BMW first time his eye met the superscrlp- She had sung because she had been useful. rising the agony column. The J. H.'s flocked into the small dining room,fisw ,tion. Like a man entranced he sat happy' happy with that transient hap• Itomance! The word came back to tyre being guyed unmercifutly, and '1'hete was plenty to eat; peer, soda, D u -ir-BA :there staring. The steward hadpiness which at times was her portion. tier With an unmusical laugh she you'll come In for it presently. It's a whisky ' and two magnums• of chain - Could she ever judge another man by stood up, shaking the" letter to the case of wine on the man who did it~" pagne, Alerrihew's contribution to the first excitement this bad made no im- his looks? She believed not. How floor, Romance! She was no longer Hillard felt oP�Gis'collar and drew feast. `Hillard listened with increas• Oni,VwCptn, d•ly. "D1;tbin2," rn)reover, dis- pression upon his mind. He had seen she had runt Tb,,% man, bareheaded, . a girl. She was a woman of •five and flown his cuffs. "Probably some joke, Ing amusement to the shop talk, It g giving chase and it,* burly policeman ' twenty, and what should a woman he ventured tentative) infects the room and restores Rue's to their nothing peculiar nor strange. And y was after 1 when they returned to the ., a across the street! know of romance? AU, there bad been "If it isn't the man who would stoop Original freshness. The women swear by here it was, not his initials, but his P sitting room, where the piano stood. name In full. She stepped down from the alcove, 'A 'lite when all the world was ro- to such tommyrot and tack the name The wine was now opened, and toasts _ "Dustbane" when once they have used it. She knew who he was! wound thin gritty yell round the riding , Bance --romance: when the night of his club to it must be an ass." were drunk. O'Mal[y told inimitable In a fashionable quarter of the city crop and tossed them into a corner. hreeze had whispered it under her "No doubt about that. Odd that this stories. 'There was something exceed- Don't have another dusty sweeping � Rvu• 'there stood n 'brownstone house, with Somehow in the daylight the magic I eni nt window, when the lattice is the first time I have heard about it:." Ingly droll in that expressive Irish .grotesque turrets, winding steps and was gone from his face, for she had clt'nhing roses bad breathed it, wben But silently Hillard was swearing at face of his. day, but get a 35c package of .glaring polished red tiles. There recognized him that first day in the II (he moon and the stars had spelled It. his folly. Worth did not drink, but Hillard did "DUStbane". was a touch of the gothic, of the part,. He rode well. She touched a ! Ilon)anee! She hated the word not "I may depend upon you tonight, not like his handsome face any the T renaissance, of the old English man- bell. A maid appeared. I loss than she hated the Italian ]an- then? said Merrihew, more for this virtue. He sang re- u e are authorized by the rnanufacturers Of or; just a touch, however, a kind "Bettina, you will go to the oMee of ' ;;uri:;e, the Italian people, the country "I shall be pleased to meet Miss Kit- markably well, however, and with a « of blind man's but& of a house. A this newspaper and inquire for a letter (itsolP, fihe spurned the letter with llgrew," which was a white one. Hit- willingness Hillard had not believed DUStbane" t0 send you a a jC Can of their -very rich man lived here, but for ten I Ger foot and fed the newspaper to the lard would have paid court to a laun- he possessed, He wondered vaguely Sweeping Compound We Want you to use addressed to Mme. Angot. And be file. dress rather than offended Merrihew, wh he disliked the man. Otherwise this on trial for one week. At the end of this months in the year he and his family y fluttered about the social centers of the quick, for I may change my mind." She went downstairs to the piano And promptly at 11 he went up to Hillard enjoyed himself vastly. world. And, with a house like this on The maid was back in a half hour. it)(] played with strop feeling. Pres- the card room and dra g period , if not found satisfactory, We will take dragged Merrihew. "Dir, DIerrihew has been telltng* me y !His hands, one could scarce blame him. there was A letter, then?" The curly :he began to sing a haunting, away Dlerrlhew gave up his chair all about you," said Bitty. it back, and there will be no charge for Quan- IWwice a week during this absence a points were dancing again in the blue melancholy song by Abt, She was reluctantly. He was winning. The "You me -in, of course, my good quali- tit used. Paretaker came in flourished a feather eyes' mistress of every tone, every shade, amateur gambler never wants to stop. ties," replied Hillard. y duster and went away Again. Society "You may go. Perhaps," and Betti- very expression. On the way to the K1111grew apart-' "To hear him tall: one would think It Does Away with Dust on Sweeping !reporters always referred to this house na s mistress smiled -"perhaps I may The door opened gradually. Crash! ment Merrihew's moods varied. At that you possessed nothing else. But p g las "the palatial residence." let you read it and answer it after t The music was over. one moment he was on the heights, at I am sure that you have glaring Day. You want it. , This morning a woman stood In the am done with it. That would be "Bettina? Bettina, are you listen- the next in the depths. He simply' faults such as a man might pass over ,alcove window and looked down Into rather neat" Ing?" could ,not live without Kitty. Per- and a woman go round." ;%he glistening street, `The venetian The slight nod was a dismissal, and "1 am always listenhtg.•' Bettina haps if this trlp abroad turned out "I believed that Merrihew had a se• the maid went about her duties, which squeezer] into the room. "It is beauti- badly she might change her mind. rious fault till tonight," lie said. Sold in bb1s., half bbls., and quartet bbls., for stores schools ired of her hair trapped the reflected Q , were not many in this house, ful, beautifull To sing like that! Seven thousand could be made to mus- She looked at hien quickly and col- churches h sunlight from the opposite windows, and two little points of silver danced Meanwhile the lady with the vene- There will be kings and dukes at your ter, Twice Hillard came very near ored. , hospitals, banks, and public buildings, Hart hair toyed with the letter. Club feet!" making his friend a 'confidant• of his "Has the foolish boy been telling FOR SALE IN WINGHATNI BY in her blue eyes. Ah, but her eyes paper! Evidently he was not afraid to "Enough!" own affair, but he realized that, while you that I refused to marry him? I A. J. MALCOLM J. HENRY CHRISTIE were blue --blue t spring water In the trust her. But would he amuse her? "Pardon, signora, I forgot. But Ii& Dferribew was to be trusted in all like hien very much," she added grave- � ' morning, blue as the summer sky seen The contents ave her a WM. BONE RICHARDSON & RAE. -rave- -through a rheic in the mountains, blue g genuine sur- en, I bring a message.. A boy came things. ft was not yet time, ly, "but I shall never marry ;thy mai � � as lapis lazuli, with the same fiberp of Ianpri! ItShe nasan to wtittenhin Italian, with �window. Ital--He - - company found There'easing and was Dlere Iiilli diverting rew. stn ll not ahave wi>ted to less estrar�laantgtUAn �n. Canadian 11 FaetorieSSitt,N. ., Winnipeg, hflaat. gold. And every feature and contour 6 f g of the face harmonized wonderful the mar- i She turned to the signature -Hillard. HAS USED ®R� IaDU�dLER Iter daughter's oCgupat on,Ubuteadmit, on an in the a himself admits All the flourishes of an Italian born. he Is. How velous hair and the wonderful eyes; a II rtYod�7u�t � ii 'beautiful face, warm, dreams, engag- So he had signed his name in full? ted that without her success heaven that he cannot live within? A month Ing, She ruminated. How came such a EXTRACT OF only knew how the would have got after I tem gone he with forget all VARIC005FEVEINS CURED ing, mnblle. It was not the face of a y woridly woman; neither was it the nave to belong to a man who wrote along. There was the genial Thomas about me." Italian so beautifully? She looked at O'Alally, a low comedian of "Merribew Is the most loyal man I face of a girl. It was too emotional WILD STRAWBERRY genuine the signature again. John -Giovanni. ' AUiIIt whom IIi11Ard knew casually; know," Hillard declared. NO .NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. for the second, and there was not y enough control for the first, She would call him Giovanni. She Smith, a light comedian, and North, a "Of course he is loyal! And he is But the prophecy of laughter did not had been rather clever. To have moderately successful baritone, ta. always in earnest -for the moment." Confined to His Home for Weeks. had the wit to look in the library For Over S0'J9Elt26q 1'oarS And then they both laughed. whom Hillard took one of those ii.� •' come to pass. The little wrinkles faded, "Heavywork, severe straining end rd thbits lu govth brought on trig month New sad, and the silver for the blue book and the club g0I2 DIARRHG� 1, DYSENTERY, start and unaccountable dislikes. It was outrageously late, nearly �}, Varicose \ Crus. whoa I worked hard tier) nchtng would become g list -not ever woman would have when the revelers tools leave. \Terri- severe and I was often laid up for a weelc at a tune, try family y These three And Kitty were going % pli ,frena told me an Operation points no longer danced to her eyes, thought of that. Then a new inspira- SUMMER COMPLAINT, ETC. abroad. hew was happy with that evanescent f' ,... Itreclseveralsl)eelalisttoiifo udout llilevw me dreaded • GChe pain In her heart was always tion came to her. She sent Bettina Bitty fancied Hillard from the star happiness which goes hand In glove 1 +r• nines. Un©dn Mmy ecldiu o 100.e moat all doetors as little better than shadowing. She bad seen her fairest t. b y, y I ,vas orr work so much and dream beaten and crumpled upon the for the bard basket. She scattered the Mrs, Holliday, Box, No. 80, Wroxeter, and he on his side found her well edu- with late suppers and magnums. � �, I, told him my condition, 110 advised mo to eonsuttI)rs, Kennedy& p p contents upon the floor and sat down ,e Isn't she a little wonder•, Jack?" rr°+I Kennedy, as lie had taken treatment from them himself and kt,ew reef Of disillusion. p Ont., writes;- Y faint Say that we have CatCd, witty and unaffected. She was „ they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Thr: Ns,v Turkish -wise. She sorted the cards used lir, rowler'a Extract of Wild ti:av,._ even prettier than her photograph. Yes, she is, Dan, it might he a good �. D1UTaoDTREATMrN'T. 11typrogresswas somewhat slow and during Yet again the smile renewed itself. carefully, and, lo, she was presently re- S , thin for you to marry a sensible little thefiestmonthstreatmentI,vasson,c,vbatdiscoutaged. however, 'She was a creature of varying moods. - berry for over seventeen years, and tiave nferribew s face beamed upon them g y I continned treatment for three months longer and was rewarded warded. She held up the card in tri both in a kind of benediction. He had Woman like that. But she'von t have withac6niI tecure. ICould only earn St. a week in a machine .She twisted and untwisted the news- utnph. He had called at this house on found nothing to equal it for alt Sun,n.er known all aloe that once Jack saw y011," ; Ihw wish Allore aUfi Catment, now I nm earning Czt and never loose a day, paper. Should she? Ought she? Had '1'llanksgiv[n dA He was known, Complaints, Diarrhea, Dysentery, el g w „ T „ � erersknowofyourvaluable treatment, g y ``e• Bitty he would become a good ally to No, she won't. Alttrihew reached HENRY 0. LOCUST. She not always regretted these singe- then, to the master and mistress. Very Our house is never without a• bottle of fighting down her objections. for his watch. "Four a, tn." lar impulses? And yet what harm to good. She no%gave her full attention the 'Extraet and I can recommend it. to "Think of singing in Ital r Cried " HAS YOUR BLOOD OtEN DISEASED? •� Italyr, Say, what do you think of dint than -readthis letter an return it ; s d to the , t e _ t "Isn't o the letter, which she had not a ma k n , r b kept t eve )tome especially )all where � Worth?" r y C Ee p � p 3 xitt . sLoon � f �; Inn t it just wondert a S0. s are re thio mast Prevalent y j Neva en ,rid most; serious dis �.. 1 p e, nes. They sap thio . -tender? She was so lone) here. It �, „ "Very good voice, but he's 't00 hand- very life blood of the victim „lid unless entirely eradicated f,om the system wLil oanse y perused: there are children. And has McmheW told you to eta Ver y ! strimis Complit atiotis. Beware o£ 3Lercur It may suppress the symptoms -oar NEW wAs like being among a strange people, To ti,e tlteiy to the I'or3: " �'• Y pit -so long ago was It that' her foot had To begin with, let me say that 1, too, You run absolutely no risk when t•atl return ticket before you sail?" 'with some. , XMIOD cures all blood diseases, have laughed: But there was some degree buy Dr Fowler's I'" half a jest 4.Oh, go obl You're as An(% n looking YOUNG OR MIDDLL AGM) X .W-lmprutlent acts or later ececsses have broken touched this soil. Was it possible that g Y .'_tract of r. ,lc, „ , rha as there is in ATew York. But this do,an your system. You feel the symptnms i:ttaiing; over von, 'Mentally, tt,hysieally and 0he was twenty-five? Was there not of Oil' rin in my laughter, On my ward Strawberry, as it has been a standa:•cl Dont you think it wall be succeed- p vitarlyyouarenutthemanyouusedtobeorshouidbe,�FillyoixheedthedangersigDals? or hemi, it was a distinct shock to my a int?' a shade of dlsappointrnetltt. t'Van Worth has the looks of v. Indy Aro rnt a victim? Have voix lost ',,,,some miscount, and Was It not fifteen 6enso o! dtgnity when L saw that idtattc r 1.Cdy bn the nlarkCt fbr 0i*Cr a;aty• ^"""' ' "---' - Zf t Y v hope? Are you intendin, to marr ? Ibis personal di mine in the (,aper• It is my killer. IIe s been eying I Kitty, bt t tt READER your blood been disea,eci? Bare You any wcaknes:? erne Nt:,v Irrnon li atead? Would not this War of wls Gve years. i &Vt8N7 will Ones you, What it has done for others it wail do for you. Consultation first offense Of the kind, and I am really 'There will be thousands of lonesome down t go, .Bang it, l cant see whs Free, No matter wl,o liar freaied you write for an honest opinion Free of Ch r e dom ani. folly be decided ere long? ashamed. But the situation Was not otdt- A few doses have often cited r her, Americans over there, Out of patriot, " Bo6k*Free=• Boyhood, i)lahboodi riathe;l ood,,I (Tllastrated) on 1)lseasesof lien, e ¢ ' She Opened the paper and smoothed nary. Ordinary women do not sing in loetois' )reser! )tiJa. and ti h r r she won't mthly e p Hien, r l l s t b re, a ism, if for nothing else, they ought to -,You irtust have patience." NO es NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. allo na,nel alt Out the fold,. "Mme. AAgot.-There the streets after midnight. As you could have failed, its efl'ects tato nInrvei,•:uo- come to see us," p , FREE ar envcloET EverMENg Cadf,dcnNel, Question List and Cost of Treatment Is o letter for you to the mail depart- not possibly it ordinary, my b poen has It act:. like a chant. l:t'in't is a;n)�s) " Or more tnvncy. Can't U Afally tell FREE FORHO6fETttEATMENT. 'invent. of this otHge." It was so droll. ttoaater sentlewomant A thousand n donst iwta:tiftneous. an hey certainly ought to. lint I'tn a good story, though?" did kill jot. It wits unlike anything she had ever I doubted that It would ;come under your We wish to warn the public a r irt�t "No n rd "s es, but l should c Untc to turn him notice, and, even if it did, I was sure that . , F a . • o,- 6 oil and tell the rill your inose in my wine cellars. I Imagine ORSOKENNEDY&heard of a personal inquiry column, you would ignore it. To find a woman bcurg unposed vn by u,r.,,:,u tt.;xt•i a r„• doubts. lou have boon over tilers so � KENNEDY ,where Cupids and Vtrches billed and with an appreciable sense of humor le era who rtul)stitute the so•ctcUcd 5tl'rt",- tin uv irue: „ (to will braise anything good to drinit or. 0- . rare. .Ta [Ind ane who Couples trill with herr Co:nnounds for `cl7r, 1'ortlet's," r t y' but rvntCt." C' . Ch gan Ave. and Griswold .St.t Detroit, lunch. rooed� Tho merest Cha tee had thra+Ivti initiation fag rarer ttin. How you found "\i"ell, seri posher ' t <nrr tt,urlsts are A oerlhe v roared. the original himilry txnddt' her nottct. out m name confuses mo Ask or "Dr, l+owler's," and inr,tst cr. titt+rl after having a 1 y te .All letters from Canaclainustbeadilress t- _ Y on 1• rrl6rd all dry •'�t\ell UervS ������ $or answer Was an impulke 'tb Which rt " ettin[ tt, 'As the cheap ilnitations may , E thl-ou glt tit 1,111117-110.-4 . nlorr statlbn, Dan, to end Canadian , Out, onclence D ire t o Indeed! murmured lite lady. �an ervus to life , 1. • 1,imei {.,alk. t IE:t, Shall l Bee $ou tomorrow?)r night irk Windsor, Out, If you desire to Oho had given •no second th6tight till Daubtiebe you have the club list In your s thtr star a rthr tri t;a ro )red t•arly. ,. see us petsbnally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat too late. She ought to have ignored house: Do you know, whett'the letter was 'Thr original is manufactured onlyby Ilat' Toll llever el r I+lght that ty lel the part*. Nothing 1) led) till tv+u try rr no patients in dirt 'tVindsor oti`ibes 'cvliielr are for Crnrregponclence and It. but Che WAtt longi.' the e6 1e bht broukht are I saw frothing unusual about The T. Aiilburn imited Toronie , • ,, , lite it horse for a headache. Laboratory for CAnadiair business only. y, 11 p Co.,, , hitt n)rt 1'N r,ltu the t)i a rtrt tilt, ton• J' ly. Address all letters as follov<s. kno* Were out vt town and tilt jest the address. It wAs only when I began Cat, Price 360. title it %vt Nom • Ililtai'd arrived home tired trod DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont, thiel letter titAt I: comprebendecl how clev« l,u 1uty the tt:etmy s sleopy, but a5 he Anw mar y rt,e +. cowilry, It fign't the sellllw ll, griller; to rtteloti btiY At Vitehdttros .. ITo 119 Ii61tt1iAnedl, _. , AL IW r