HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-22, Page 4THE E, tide.. To our IQU are 5115 rOVIoN vcou�,- 4,+...... -- _.---. .. w 41 into miriade of tiny waterfalls. It is, Picked G 60 G 00 ..,, ,..,...,•• 600 625 • - . _ ... ___ _ ._ .� .., ..,,_ -- ' --- -- � - "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORVP .. _ M Sank of course, to avoid these, that the looks have been construoted for traffic. Down canoes are darting, manned by Medium , Cows , Hulls..... • ... , • . , • .., ]Bullsthem 3 b0 4 00 5 26 4 75 D e � � ®- CR tion st icing. g; ere Merc a Merchants' c Bak � in light Fall Gloves. The copy not later than Monday ¢vening. f t' Casual advertisements pted up agile, keen•eyed Indians. Forty miles Hogs- noon Wednesday of each week.aresident over ne0eesary information fleet hand. tendering a notified that tenders will not be considere unless made on the THURSD THIS IS THE STORE TO GET UP -TO -DA TE READ Ol rio4: TORONTO of the St. Mary River are stili before us, Gradually the shore again with, Beet ..... ,, Lights ......... ..... 9 00 ti 76 ESTABLISHED — - - the actual signaturo, a nature of the occupa- tion, and of encs of each member of , E wirvau A m Timm draws herself, sad by evening we are sheep- INVITE INSPECTION. 4 85 THRIFT 1s ri htl described as s y n, K capital Stookiallpaid UP) �4.G00,000.00 afloatonLake Superior. Superior, the. bnmutifal, the glorious, but withal, the Storms, midden and • Export ewes,....... ,,,, Bucks ....., ..,., culls 4 60 300 8 00 350 3 60 "Ecomical Management." - Reserve Fund and Un- Profits $5,380,000,00 treacherous. newer. change her dimpling smiler into lower. . , , , , , ... Spring Lambs each„ 6 'JO 3 60 625 51 A shrewd business mac is spoken he saves, Q divided ...... Da cella by the ublio. ,. $47,000,000 00 P fug scowls, Passeugere on board are, as always, calves, each. ,.......... .7 of as thrifty because 11 t a time- $�q W Yerha soil ado al a ++,, Total Assets, over ... $61,200,000,00 varied in temperament, mud more or less WINGHAAL MARKET RL''PORTS p y ���� �h �� • of a study. One in partioular, was a 9Vingham, Sept. 21 at, 1910. perhaps more--bnt the real secret decided change from the ordinary. His gust,Arrive Sii4NCf1&S eND AdENTs throughout Can- mind was deranged to some extent, lr1oT r per 1001bs..., ...... 2 76 to 3 26 of his success lies in the principle Of ado and the United States. There was nothing in his expression Fall Whom ... 0 90 to 0 92 a, a apart from a marked morosenema that . •, savlpd Oats, , . 0 32 to, 0 84 _ . r A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS would attract attention. He electrified Barley ..... 0 46 to 0 48 One dollar will start an account TRANSACTED. us at our first meal, by halt -rising from Peas . .............• • o 70 to 0 75 with the Bank of Hamilton. A shipment of dainty Lace, Jabots and Collars, his place and with clenched fist, forbid. Butter dairy .... ........ 0 19 to 0 20 dingBRANCH ding anyone to order what he did, As Eggs per dos ............ . 0 1S to 0 19 aew patterns and colors. New Belts and Gloves, also a tI Savings Department. the menu was presented to the diners he wood per cord .... ..•.... 2 60 to 2 60 - Agent. very special line of attractive Sill: Bow Ties at 25c., these repeated his demand, but in a moment Hay, per ton.... ... 6 00 to 8 00 C, P. Smith Current lZstes of Interest allowed, and subsided and during the meal took no potatoes, per bushel ,,...•. 0 45 to"0 60 - are the very newest styles and very dainty. Ladies, this Deposits received of 51.00 and further notice of anything or anyone Lard ... ....... ........ 0 20 to 0 20 �' is most decidedly the place to get the moSG up -to -dote upwards, but his own immediate concerns. Hie Live Hogs, per owt...... 8 60 to 8 60 brother told us this outbreak was an eu- - --- " - —" --- wars accessortes: tirely new departure, and though he Farmers, sale Notes Colleoted, and appeared at table regularly afterwards, advances made on them at lowest he made no objection if our tastes coin alyw t` rate of interest, sided with his. Sweater Coats There were a couple or young women, w1xGSAns BRANdii—Corner Jilin and going to the Sault for the first time to THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON Josephine Streets. take positions. They were strangers to the plane, but a woman whose home -,� s` New, all -WOOL, Sweater Coats, for men and boys, W. R. GEII�IE, 11IANAGIJR• had been there, took considerable trouble mo assorted colors, lowest prices. to cloud their outlook try telling of sup- SEALED TENDER addressed to the under• I R. QANSTONE, Solicitor. posed adverse conditions. The sum- signed, and endorsed 'Tonder for Breakwater Autu ming up was masterly and 9yate n he, Glld14 p, m., Tuesda ,October 9, i9io,d at lforfithe C 1 to the extent of ticking off items On her construction of a eakwater at Goderich, Men's �+jOVes TO ADVERTISERS fingers. When evidently gratified with Huron county, out, h , t and form of contract Notice of changes must be left at this this 6II0009e, she encountered in t e saloon, another, going to the head of the lakes, she forthwith expatiated on the ennlbe seen and form ec ca 0 of tender obtained at 0 this department a a at the offices of �, q• sing, Esq , Distr t Engineer Confedera• 'Life New Swede Gloves for men, the very newest style office not later than Saturday noon. for ohanges must be left backwoods conditions which reigned in tion st icing. g; ere Merc a Merchants' c Bak � in light Fall Gloves. The copy not later than Monday ¢vening. f t' Casual advertisements pted up Port Arthur, but was disappointed to find that her supposed victim had been there a year and had all J3uiJding, at. Thymes treet, Montreal, P. Q•, and on application to a Postmaster at Goder- icPerrsons �� PT1 22to noon Wednesday of each week.aresident over ne0eesary information fleet hand. tendering a notified that tenders will not be considere unless made on the THURSD THIS IS THE STORE TO GET UP -TO -DA TE 1872 But we are nearing the head of the lakes, In the distance we eight Thou- printed forms so lie annd e signed with their dplacesofresideuc tmnothecaations se of firms, And ollowing Days. GOODS IN EVERY LINE, WE ESTABLISHED der Cape or Sleeping Giant, so-called its mno0 t0 a giant the actual signaturo, a nature of the occupa- tion, and of encs of each member of , wirvau A m Timm humsbecause Of resemblance root human figure in m reonmbent position, place iv the firm must be giv aniea by an vee• INVITE INSPECTION. JUlu its feet washed by the waters of Than. Each tender must accomP opted cheque on a chartered bank, ppayable to H, B.ELLIOTT, PDALISIIERANDPROPRIETOp der Bay. There is a legend of Indian the order of the IIo1 orable the Minster of We particularly invite our OUt-O origin, that long years ago dense clouds Pahl lie or �� for ,s which will be forfeited town Customers to visit our perpetually ' shrouded the mOantnin. if the person tenderil g decline to enter into a HAVE YOU SEEN THE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 Within these, raged fierce storms, so- eontreotwhencalle upon to do so, or fail to showroom durinng Fair week. compauied by death dealing thunder dermtpie not ncceptedo�i'e chequof viii be i eturn- and lightning, while mountain waves Pugh Brand Under -skirts SARNIA TO PORT ARTHUR. revelled in shipwreck below. The oThe Departmentdoes not bind itself to ace - Thunder God was angry, hence this mad apt the lowest or an tender, Reynolds. havoc. By der R. C. DESROCHERS, They are the most perfect skirts made to -day in The following very interesting article, At length, a noble young chief got Secretarv. Miss describing a trip from Sarnia to Port permission from the gods to take up the Departtmentaoff P a is Works. fit, style and quality. Fully guaranteed. Arthur, has been sento the TIMES by a gauntlet in defence of humanity. He Newspapers wrpl not he paid for this adver- t was assured that valour would save his tisement if they insert it without authority former young lady resident of Vying- people, but for himself it must be death from the Department, ham:— for his daring. Alone, grasping his The picklingseason is still here and we sell Pure Travelling b9 rail on a hot day is weapon, h9 ascended the mountains and Gabriel Marchand, M. P. P„ Quebec Montreal police raided a dog fight in, 4 either to be rooted and grounded in dust disappeared i n t o t h e stormcloud. A• E. SMITH died suddenly, a theatre, and attested twenty-five men. Vinegar and Pure Pickling Spices. and coal cinders by an open oat window, Sounds of awful con fliot fell on frighten- A plan for a railway from the bound- Alfred W • Young was killed by fal- or baptized in rivulets of perspiration by ed ears below; it was a death -grapple- BANKER ary to Peace River is now before the ling from a building at Port Colborne. a closed one; but on board a lake vessel and from it the gallant young chief re- In London there area hundred mar- Cucumbers already pickled in pure vinegar at only the circumstances are different. turned not, however, showed a Alberta Government. Taking steamer at Sarnia, our first Next morning, ria sable epinstore toninetp•seven bash• Ic each, Just as cheap and just as pure and good as you ;concern was to find the stateroom, prey cloudless mountain top, with dimpled WINGHAhI, ONTARIO. The pnrehace of the Northern Gravel g ously booked; second, when there, to wavelets kissing its base, and the Great road bythe Oxford committee was comp- elore, could pickle them. ash off the stains of travel and with it, Giant in repose from which he waketh leted before the Oounty Solicitor saw the The Department of Mines will ee11 _..-perhaps, the memories of discomfort on not, till the last gurgling wave is stilled. Farmers who want money to buy papers and it turns out that the title is peat for fuel in Ottawa this fall at $3.26 ` r a previous land trip, Then we berried Onward we move to the Welcome worthless. a ton delivered. on deck for, having forsaken the Islands reaching out the glad hand. On can have cattle, ve iton reasonable able terms, s to feed for market oti��oM�o�o�o�dr roti oiob ��� land as a discarded lover, we still the summit of a rock we spy the peep- cast curious glances in his direction so Ing Squaw -m rock which looks striking- Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer• long me he remains within our horizon, ly like a woman with a shawl over her deiyoNm�6Do�6mo����odoti������!`��°`v�°p�obo5m' Sarnia is a bright town, quietly watch. head. Past this till we eight Port Ar. chants or agents, on favorable terms. •� _ ing her airier, Port Heron, across the thur and Fort William the twin cities,- r The ferry hies book and torch one vigorous twin, climbing the hill ratesLoans real estate at the lowest river. y Fall Fairl between the two plaoea, like a ball toes- aide, the other, left.11 The grain el m• going. � � ed by two maidens at play. the valley to Slowly the boat moves ap the St. tors. largest in the world, are also on the Griffin Clair river, past Pt. Edward and thence lett, as also Mount MacKay, r see t the �• N. SEPT. �9 and 30 into Lake Huron. Evening is drawing • near, really distant. Onward past the on; and we, who have before enjoyed breakwater mad in a few minutes, our evenings on deck, and know the pleas- beautiful vessel, ever dignified, reaches GENERAL AGENT ■ ■ are in store, are loath to quit it in obed- the dock. RECLt1sE. fence to the call of supper below, Al.C meet, -tor a few hears of in -breathing _ FIRE ` o�oA+omoOo Sa- the oxygen which our Great Lakes brew LIFE © A chance of your life time on these dates at W. G. 3 is sufficient to fill places at table. Mr. W J. Whalen, of Ottawa, has ACCIDENT Insurance PATTERSON'S Jewellery Store to buy all - Big Evening on Lake Haron,-it calls up the contract for the new post office PLATE GLASS a vision of heights -measureless heights 0�17e kinds of up-to-date Jewellery cheaper of blue above, fathomless depths of inky buildings at Elora and Fergus, which WEATHER p blue beneath -symbol despair below, of are to be completed before Ootobsr let, than you ever seen bought IN FULL SWING hope outreaching and unbounded above; 1911, Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and "before but even morose the black waters a shin- MONEY LOANING Business. :b ing path leads up to the silver queen - throned in the sky -despair crowned Issuer of Marriage Licenses. with hope. Oa this night the stars GOOD HEALTH FOR BABY DIAMOND RINGS were out in full force, the upper sphere Office over Maicolm's Grocery, 0 was profligate of her aro lighte. Calm Al VERY LITTLE COST ('� ly, unblinkingly, they looked down, STONE .RINGS following the queenly vessel moving up — Do not delay t0 leave your order for her trackless path. On our left in the B%by's Own Tablets only c 20 oe nts Richelieu and Ontario , distance, the American coast line is m box. A box bought n may emva Navigation company Of all kinds • dimly visible, but our decor Ontario shore baby's life, Sommer co plaints come that Suit Or vercoat• Re- a our westtul gaze, suddenly, and carry aw thousands of WEDDING RINGS About noon of the following day we little once every year. /If stomach member the watchword reached Sault Ste. Marie. The shore and bowels are kept in order there is hid been closing in neon ns for some little danger fro the a troubles. Baby's Steamers "TOl Onto" and The New Style time, and it seemed like reunion with a Own Tablets is he est remedy in the "Kingston" friend. For miles there are few signs world for prove t g and caring atom. LOCKET AND CHAINS of life oa either side. The beat timber ach and bowel troubles. They can be _ Leave Toronto at 3 00 P. m• daily ex- has been taken from the forests, and as given with perfect safety to the new- cept Sunday up to Sept. 19th, thereafter D o NOW yet little use has been found for the born baby or the well -grown child. An every Monday, Wedneadnv and S-itnr• land. An occasional aback appears but occasional dose. of the Tablets will revs- day, up to and including October let. PENDANTS BRACELETS seldom any sign of life. The speed late the stomach and bowels and prevent limit for traffic is strictly enforced in summer complaints. The mother who cyTEAMER "IiELLEVILLE the St Mary River and the channel keeps these Tablets on hand mac feel Delays " are dangerous for al - plainly indicated by beaks of stone and . assured her little ones are safe. If yon Leaves Toronto at 7 80 p m. every �',a PEARL BROOCHES clay, dredged from the river bed. Oar have not got a box of the Tablets get Tuesday until Close of navigation for first call is at the Amerioan Soo -a die- one %ithout delay. Do not wait until Bay of Quiute, Montreal and inter- though we have a big stock we might mal, ooal•beaped. Inmber littered dock, trouble come@; it may then be too late, mediate Porte, Very low rates Inolud• HAND PAINTED BROOCHES To the notti,ted, our stay here is need- gold by medicine dealers or by snit at ing meals and berth on this line. leesly long The soiled iinen is handed 26 cents a box from the Dr. William.' sell the entire business if the right off in l:tirge bags, and fresh supplies for Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. For folders, rates, etc„ apply to � CUFF LINKS stateroom and kitchen received. Then _ H. F03TER CIiAFFE), A.G,P.A. for the locks. Fortunately lake traffic - Toronto, Ont. ,per man comes along. - Those•who have is not congested now, so we had the Live stock Markets. right of way. Slowi9 our beautiful EAR RINGS "Hawonic" mows is and permits her. Toronto, sept, 19 -Union sleek _ .1 been in say we should not be long lett to be looked in. Ropes from lower Yards: Receipts were 129 care, with 2,•ea CEIVTRAl. You can wear without piercing the ears deck to sboro curb her movements, the b94 head of cattle, 1,099 sheep and great Kates at her rear swing to and she 2%%ate R in selling o>E t at the prices quoted• is a voluntary prisoner, The water en• lambs, and 570 calves. CUT CLASS CLOCKSterm from below and gradually lifts the Trade was slow. Cattle offeringsATFORga ON r. , ship t[ii the level of Lake Superior le were moderately heavy, and included The leading practical training reached. Automatically.emiof t the gate a, several loads of choice quality heavy eohoolin Western Ontario. All ani• SILVERWARE ARE THE MAKI � AND TRIMMING the forward extremity f the locks open, and the great ship, treed from her Cattle for export, but the average gaalf• bitioue young men and young women moo logs, rides out on the crest of the ty of this week's offering of export Cattle should read our free catalogue. w Learn what our graduates are doing was not up to last week. Buying was and you will be interested. ` not very keen at the opening, and deal- We have three departments, We have the largest and best stock of, Watches at the -A is just the S ins &� at the Original ere took advantage of this fact to try Commercial Shorthand lowest rices ever sold in this county, We also and get prices down a little, succeeding p CoM'bk, and be Convinced, to the extent of loo to 15c on export and Telegraphy. keep the largest assortment of Optical prices. oattl�. Supplies lit the county. Come Esch department ie In hands of ex. ; The following are the quotations: in and et our eyes Exporters' Cattle-- Per 100 lbs. perienced instructors. Individual g y y is now at summer its '=veli Choice .............. • $6 25 $6 75 instruction to " given � tested and see. ss ai winter remedy. It Medium....... ..... 5 26 5 75 This it the beet time of the year for students to enter. Bulls, ...., 50 600 Robert Maxwell has the same invigoratingg Light 575 Goo write at once for our, free dntalogae, and strength-produciaig ef• Cows • • • • r 4 50 500 W', �O� PATTERSON wATcOGDOCTER MERCHANT TAILOR, feet in summer vas in'tviriter. . ' . , ." "' .' . . Feeders ELLIOTT & McIACHLA Try it in � ]title cold milk or beet 1004 pounds bled np• water. warar ..... ......... 6 26 560 o> PoSITE OTYEEN'S HOTEL, WINGTIAM, Alt. DRUCGlSTS tftookere oiioioe.... , , , 4 60 5 5 PRIN(7iI'ALS. ?5 4 60 dtaeSiDittodciGitiiriEi66ioiri0�iii$ri8ii8ii51'riEbebod ad�Gemremihohdeoda�obiy+GnbdraboGioGr•�mroGoib u .... .♦o... dIL6iCG�LGi