HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-22, Page 3TUM WINGUAR TIU98, SEPTUDBU 22, 1910
Ilew1pappro of the Dominion long ago Fig Pills
Two,Minute T
alks About j..A the confidence a Not Often din n. h.. f OX Z
-+Acq Ant; qAPPQrq Q If I " - k, �F-01 ."U. ly 014 44 046 ArAgrAloceil
F OsuaOians, but the magazines have had AtiOxt being 0014 with a guostantois to He breathes about him no, be, goes, In referring to the fgbdbit; of pigs At
0 Clear eyes $bat look at d the rkifl;t Lrxbjbiticrk at Tosopte, 01
06, border lot, We Arq therefore especial- core Y94, An Abooltite gilar4Os,39. goes
And in his cheeks the w1,14ing rose, LONDON, ONTARIO writer, wLo ;;ojtFgfo jq to an Auttpir,,
ly pleapEo at the 011cceog of Our native with box of FIG PILLS. They
The growth of Canadian re The Run, the
, @u4 hitiltiolf Will stain
publications. will on �enwatjpi4 3� okoobe, Wad,
HA The country face to. his own red, Business & Shorthand says;
kslderit Cleelinan. of The Ontario
Home Journal has be .hie, VP i1nout Urinating. Bar4�, The d
been an example, not der Trop re_ gold, of the ripeolrig grain, $UBJECT3,
only of material progress but, of steadily 409 P4datul, swohea, t3loggish And blonoli to white the curly held. rad Oolloge, in,ppeaking sorti.0
itiorepoic . g quality I ality until I$, OQ . h Trouble, Rosident and Mail Courjlosi time Ago of the which
Liver and oil $,Qmao It not, 'He rises to the morning lark,
RA in had been wrought in the Canadian bog
favorably with any woman's magazine yQuriq043yb4jk. A�aljdra4ialdtp, SWIPA With the evening primroses CA 10RU04 Free
in Amerioa,,� Certainly at the price of Before the otixtAiu of the dark X J. W, wagarv;lt, Jr.. when the Ontario former determined to
rj - C,A,, -
coffers by for the beat va) no. LWo down its splendor, starred with Principal, Vigo-Pripripal, go in. for tbA bacon typo. said the bog of
$1 0rj it The wpirld's annual output of fle gold bees. $a day would not recognize his own
With Sf Pt(mber number the gig
for CO(al, or Woodpa line is worth $1 intlitoilp, and the British I-10 slaepa Go sweet. without a dream grandfather, Th I e a - hAuge was broutljt
been greatly increased and the magezine
starts the sixth year of its existence Empire svpplep 61 pi-jr cent, Under brown cottage eaves and deep, THE,RVOLUTION about In the main by the general intro.
Hie window holds one stray moonbeam,
RAINY stove experts designed much larger than ever before, ex.ejlent_ Two Mi0i)n ehpep wore ohs-tred in As if An angel kept his sleep. OF THE ENVELOPE, .duction of Yorkshire blood Unph of
Pandora Range, They ly printed and illuktra0d, and with Utah this 9-49"Dn 111a clip to. between the change was tMoted by selection to
introduced a new He feeds on honest country fare, Berko for length. This (,hsvge IN still
IN System of tittraotive covers, September being 12,000.000 and 14 000 000 pf)na(le, Drinks the clear water of the spring, (Harperla Weekly,)
construction so that the draft for FaBbion Number, naturally there is A There are trade secrete in the, Owoese Green carpets wait him everywhere, There are many persons now livi woing on, moot of the Berko on exhibit.
cooking would also be the draft for wide range of choice in women e, girls, vermillion industry ceuturie4 all, which Where he may run, where he may 119 too being of the portoct bacon type.
baking, With the Pandora you can sing, who can remember the days when let.
aud children's clothes, The h0000keep- no foreigisor ever h,.S been able to lath- In Yorke there is acme little Udios,
He hat fere went through the mails in the form
have the -kettles boiling over every pot era' departments are excellent with Din. h his country lore by heart, of a folded sheet of paper seal . tion of a danger of sacrificing oowtitu.
hole at the same time the Oven is bak And what is friend and what is too. ed At one tion for fineness of finish. In moot
ing pies and roasting recipes, ouggeatiouB for different depart, A few paper olipq are invaluable in Hath ootined Dame Nature's book apart, edge, for envelopes were not in common
asilng beef, menta of the household and for the the sewing basket, for they may hold Her child since7he began to grow. use until about 1865. oases,, however, the repreventotives of
Just think of the time that this dressing table. aps, Pieces Of patterns, . and When he to old, when he goes sad, In that year a machine was patented this breed Are perfect specin!;ena of slie
Perfect system of flue construction together soi t type to which they belong, In the Tom,
"Jeanne of the Marshes," the serial, bits of lace, Hobbling upon a twisted knee, producing these now indispensable the weak points . are being. gradually
will save for You when You're hurry- is one of Oppenheim'o best novels. The He keeps somewhat of joys he had, covers for epistolary correspondence—&
ing to get a big dinner ready. Just opening chapters picture vividly some Saskatchewan furinoto vvarjt more Since an old countryman is he. machine which, compared with hand bred out and most oftbe representatives
think how much fuel the Pandora very interesting characters, find lay the help, and have aBlwd the' 0, P. R. to run He keepa his childhood's innocenoes, labor, did the work of five gi of thts breed at the Fair, kave nothing
will save for you by doing the baking nuotheroelieflot hairvthteral (-Xcunionp Though his old head is bleached to girls. A bat- to be desired, the ham being well filled
foundation of a story that promises to from Toronto. Snow, ter maollice WAS Produo,d to, 1862,
and cooking at the same time. And have no look of excitement from begin out and conatitution and general t,,.;Po
Forget -me -nota still hold his eyes, which performed the work of seven
well preserved,
remember, no other rang,," has has this ing to end. There are four short stories bellboy and a bartender in the Roy And in his cheeks old roses blow. girls. Three years later came the
perfect system Of flue -construction, of different Styles, but all of the kind al Alexinden Hoial bt Wiijuipeg brve whOhiue with the device for gumming In the last year or two a rew breed
Send for the Pandora booklet. It that you must read'at once when you're been Arrested on au,piuion of having
tells of other conveniences designed once Started, and they make any resting stolen the Countess of Antrim's Jewel the flap of the envelope, which did the —the Harripshire-:1tas been irtrodpoodo
Do work at ten girls. Next came another and there is A strong showing in this
by our brainy stove experts. time PARR very pleasantly. lery. I line this year. Why this brecd. should
CARTEn9si machine of American device, which did
What stomps the Journal as portion. It has been found that, by the use of wm" the work oftwentygirls, and isatilllarge• be introduced and boomed it Is difficult
oil as fuel, bat one boiler is needed to ITTLE to say, It is not the bacon type, If
larly Canadian are the interesting and ly used. This has a rival in an inven,
instructive sketch of the harvest in operate the auxiliary uasownery on is IVER tion which, gums, prints, folds and that art of hog in waDted, the Durgo
ME.Clarys Western Canada, recreation days At the warship in port, wh4reAs two are needed . I counts the envelopes, and binds them ',Tergey, Poland China, or old-fashioned
when coal is barued, because of the PILLS. with a paper band in packets of twenty Berk would fill the bill quite se well.
Stands for Guaranteed Quality Conobiching Camp of the Y, W, 0. A., I
notes of the Canadian Woman's Press more sluggish draft.. L five. This machine supplants the labor la hogs Ontario breeders will act wisely
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg 78 Club, and of the Woman's Institutes of thirty girls. in keeping to the bacon standard.
Vancouver, �31. John, XB.. Hammon, Calgary that are - such a pleasant and profitable
part of the social life in many parts of U sistE
THE REIGN OF TERROR. alcielreadachound relleveall the troublealnel-
Ontario, British Columbia and Mani. dent to a biltov.1 state of the system, such as
FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART & CO. Dizziness, Nauom, Drowsiness, Distress after •
tabu. Career of Robespierre., Head of the eating, Painir the Side &c 'While their most •
A page of music, literary sketches, the Revolutionary Tribunal. remarkable success has bce� shown in outing
striking figures in off
A SOULFULNESS.' THE LAST MESSAGE. children's page, Garden Chat, and One of the most sti : LUING
Household Daeoratiou complete is num- the French revolution was Maximilien
bar which Canadians, who Are anxious Robespierre, who was born on May 6, Headache; A•
[Washington Star.] dac! a Carter's little Liver Pills are
cqu;" ly 'v uyao'l e n onstipation, curing and prL-
The following is the last message do- 1758. He was the head and shoulders - I I
My soul strew Bad one gloomy to Bee Canadian magazines Occupy the ating this annoyin c plaint, while they also
my dAy, of the French revolution, frequently evoorrectiL]Idlsord(�rBofilomtomacb, atimn.atethe • RAP"ES
And fretted through the night, livered by Sir Wilfrid •-Laurier to the place they should, will read with A great remaining in the background, how. liver and ;cgulate the b o1wLels. Eveniftheyonil,
It clothed itself in shadows grey, people of the West in the closing address deal of pleasure, ever, leaving the work of carrying out cured
And shunned the golden light, of his tour delivered at Medicine Hat his plans with Danton and Marat. Do- M M
There had been turbulent political am
It trod the great t3tFraml strand, on the 3rd of September. He said: "I
Where time's vast billows beat; now say goodbye. I hope some time to Sir Wilfrid's Task. times in France for several years. The Ache they would be alraqat priceless to those who •
repeated concessions nately the! r goodness does not end hom,and those
And saw life's aspirations grand king had made suffer from this distrossibg complaint; butfortu. FOR 1909 AA 100 •
In wreckage at its feet. come again. 'It must be soon, because I Sir Wilfrid Laurier is back from his to the Republicans, while he cherish- who once try themwill findy.cso little pins vain. a •
cannot have many more years to live. nteresting tour of the West, and Al. ed schemes -for escaping their control able in so many ways tat
theiry,ill not be ivil.
My soul fared forth on'tragile bark, ling to do without them. But after all sick head
Wb_ere mists their pallor flIII could see the completion of the though wherever he went in that'great but each month added to his humilis-
dmi, 0 N W=
And J)auf;ed a little while to mark Grand Trunk Pacific Railway I would eye-opening country, his thoughts doubt• tions and to the boldness of his ene. The TimEs will receive slubscriptiOns at the taick below:
mies. Finally in September, 1792, the
The songs that siren® sing, ba only too glad to come back by the less turned to home, and he was fervent- national convention was organized, AUHM g. for any of the following publications
as he himself said, "to get the monarch abolished, and France we make our great boast. Ourl Iscuroitwhila,
It-strugRled 'gainst the waves and beat Grand Trunk Pacific. One and all, ly "glad, Is the bane of so many lives that
here is where •
Against the rocha so grey, though eeparated in politics, we are back," still so he also said, hie Western was declared a republic. ot do not. Times and Daily Globe ........................ 4.50
The convention was divided into two bzs
And longed for not,hioguess complete, Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small sail
making for the sama�end— the glory, the tour ban increased his pride in Canada, very easyto take. One or two pills make a dead. 0 Times and Daily Mail and Empire .............. 4.50
parties, bitterly hostile to each other, They but
vegetable and do not grife or 0
I and air gentle action please al who 0
Yet was compelled to stay. prosperity and the bip—piness of Canada, and he has learned intimate things about one called the "Mountain party' purge, but by Z Times and Daily World ..... ................. 3.10
My doctor then I went to Beer- the land of our birth or the laud of our the West and its people which cannot the, other the "Girondists." Of the use them. 0 Times and Toronto Daily News. ............... 2.80
And told what I endured. CASTES Rmlows go., NEW 703L
Denton and Marat, noted for their, III SM11 Doll. :M111 I& Times and Daily Advertiser .................... 2.85 . +
A livar pill be handed me adoption." fail to be of the utmost value 'to him I, former the leaders were Robespierre, 0• Times and Toronto Daily Star .................. 230
Arid, lo, my soul was cured I "I have learned &uoh in these two the coming years. One among the wickerness and cruelty, One of the L 00 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ............. 5
months. Idid not know Canada nsitis many things which have pleased Sir most eminent of the Girondists was 3.3 •
Wilfrid mightily to the evidence he Vetg0niaud,,d1stinguishe4 for his elo- • Times and Weekly Globe . ..Empire.........,
.................. 1.60
GOOD HEALTH. at the present time. I have been told '
that I was too optimistic, I accept the found of the Abounding loyalty of 'the quence. TAXING THRIFT AND NEATNESS. 0 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire ............ 1.60
The Mountain party having tri •
A fresh complexion And a clear,
a aft impeachment. But gobacks true itmphed in the convention, the Giron- newcomer of Canada, whether he came Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star...... 1.85
Smooth akin are promised by a writer in Westerner, and not only optomistio bat from the United States or from farthest dist leaders were guillotined. The The Kinoardine Reporter gives this • Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) ............... 1,60
inaugurated, Times and Weekly Witness .................... 1.85
rho Honeeke6per to those who will enthusiastic. But that is to say that I Russia; and in this pleasure all can join reign of terror was then in concrete example of how taxing im-
persist in eating certain vegetables am a true Canadian. East and West hearifly, as Canada to half made up Of during which the revolutionary tri- provemente works: — •0 Times and London Free Press (weekly) .......... 1.80
should not exist, it should be simply in recent citizens, and it is in the intimate bunal, controlled by Robespierre, taus.
It is bard." says this authority, '-to ed thousands to be seized and hur- 1A, resident on Q aeon street last year • Times and London Advertiser- (weekly) .......... 1.60
Select the most valuable from nmo emulation as to which shall do more for amalgamation of the new with the old ried to the guillotine. Among these fixed his house up, brick veneered it, Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ................. 1.70
ng +
tomatoes, oarrote, lettuce, onions and Canada, our common country." that her future welfare largely depends, victims was the unfortunate Marie did , little painting and made it look • Times and World Wide ................. +...... 220 A -
Antoinette (October, 17,93). 'A.
The Liberal party, with Sir Wilfrid neat and tidy, The assessor popped 0 Times and Northern Messenger .................. 1 . 35 !4
cucumbers. Laurier at its head, h&o been in power Alison in his "History of Europe 0 Times and Farmers' Advocate ............... 2.35
"Tomatoes noting upon both liver and says: "Night and day the cars inces- along th's summer and told him it made *
just fourteen years on June 23, having santly discharged victims into the a great improvement. In fact, so great • We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
kidneys, will clear the skin wonderially. THINGS WORTH KNOWING. won its great victory over the Conserve. prison. Weeping mothers and trembl- •to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. 4.
If the oyeballa have that annoying yel• was it that he raised the assessment
Lives on that date in the year 1896, We ing orphans were thrust in without ♦ Times and Presbyterian ........................ 2.25
lowish tinge that comes from a sluggish mercy with the brave and the power, $600. That same citizen was going to
trust that Sir Wilfrid will remain at the Times and Westminster ........................ 2.25j.
liver A generous breakfast. dish of raw When making salmon salad, add a bead of the state many more years, and ful. The young, the beautiful, the put in modern conveniences And make a • Times and Presbyterian and Westminster ........ 3,25
tomatoes will soon restore the clear unfortunate, seemed in a peculiar few more improvements. Now he says •
hard boiled egg or two, carefully sliced. that the last years will be his chief Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... .... 2.40
white. This juicy vegetable applied manner the prey of the assassins. he can't afford to do it." #
crown of glory, renonued for the lasting Fifteen only were at first placed on Then it comments: "Can you blame 0 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly).... , , .. , 2.90
directly to the skin readily removes - To overcome the habit of biting the le ,,jet. the chariot, but their number was♦
stain and sunburn, and even freckles if finger -nails, Book them in liquid quinine. Rood they will bring to the peop , soon augmented to thirty and gradu. him? Put a little more tax on the land Times and Sabbath Reading, New York ......... 1.95
ly in making a harmonious nation of so Times and Outdooi Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 1.85 +
ally rose to eighty Persons who daily nod less on the improvements and then .1+
not of long standing. Underwear should be ironed on the many diverse elements, a task which it, went forth to the place of Times and Michigan Farmer ................... 2.15 14 -
execution. •see how much more beanti,ul the town•
"Carrots, viw and cooked, are invaln, Jiglit side; colored clothes on the wrong seems to be the special study of some of When the fall of Robespierre put a • Times and Woman's Home Companion .......... 226
able, for carrots make good red blood, side. his detractors to frustrate.—Montroal stop toy the murders arrangements had will become. As it now is a man hates
the most beautiful clear, creamy oom. to Paint his house for fear his taxes will Times and ()OUTAtry Gentleman 2.60 4:
been made for increasing it to 150, + +
plexion directly traceable to a carrot Green peppers, stuffed with fresh Witness. An immense aqueduct to remove the be boosted. L's not the assessor's fault. + Times and Delineator ......... 2.95 +
green corn and baked, make a dainty + Times and Boston Cooking Sebool Magazine...... 1.95
diet. Even a naturally pale complexion gore had been dug as far as the Place Got posted on this question and assist +
luncheon dish. St. Antoine, and four men were daily Times and Green's Fruit Grower ................ 1.55 .1.
takes on a faint undertone of pink. the tax reform association In their en + 14
The Hot Day employed in emptying the blood Of the 2,
Many find cucumbers - difficult of Cold Blow, served in green popper deavor to have a better mode of assess. Times and Good Housekeeping ................. 10 +
Oh yes, in y* friend, it's mighty hot I victims into that reservoir. Times and McCall's Magazine .................. 1,70 01.
digestioa,'iind perhaps their beat result, shells, is a suggestion for a dainty lunch The cruel and wicked men concern. mint adopted." 1+
No man whose head is right could doubt 1) 9
addition. ed in these atrocities almost invar- Times and American Illustrated Magazine.. -00
follow outward applicatiou. They it. The sun in on his job, I wet, but fia'bly met with a violent death. Murat Times and American Boy Magazine....... ...... 1 90
make an excellent whitener and soften A fine grater is better than a knife for 'twill not help to talk about it. Men as assassinated by Charlotte Car. A homing pigeon has establioned a Times and Wbat to Eat ....................... 1.90
w +
and refine the skin. Peel, out in long removing the surface of any thing that, chaae along and fume and sweat, day. The faction of Robespierre, tri -
over that of Denton, caused Times and Business Man's Magazine ............. 2.15
rliceo and rub the juicy slices over face, is burned. and roast the climate all together; they him record flight of one thousand miles in $ and Cosmopolitan ....................... 2.15 +
neck and arms, Allow to dry into the and his adherents to be guillotin- five days. The feat was accomplished + Times
To prepare horseradish or cocoanut might be cool if they'd forget to think ed, and a few months afterward this without breaking a propeller blade. + Times and Ladies' Home Journal ............... 2,75
skin, washing off afterward with clear, quickly, pare it and put it through the and talk about the weather. Some fellow dreadful period closed by the execu- + Times and Saturday Evening Post .............. 2.75 +
tepid water. With frequent treatment chopping machine. stops mein the shade, and of the Bizz, tion of Robespierre himself in 1794. It costs more than twice as much to + 4
+ Times and Success ............................ 2.25 .4
in this manner the skin develops is most When sleeping, keep the head as low ling sun he preaches; and all the time When Robespierre ascended the live now as it did a hundred years ago, + •
2.40 1
delicate satiny texture. no possible so that the blood may have my thoughts have strayed to Eskimos fatal car to go to his death his head but it is worth the difference. 4. Times and Iloard's Dairyman ..................
Lettuce and celery are excellent for was enveloped in a bloody cloth, his + Times and McClure's Magazine ............... 2.40 0
unimpeded circulation. and Arctic reaches, I'm thinking Of color was livid and his eyes sunk. + •
Times and Munsev's Magazine ................. 2.5 *4
the nerves, eaten in quantities they the ice up there, of snowy trails and tir. When the procession came opposite + 0 0
brighten the eyes and help clear the A mixture of cream choose and dates ed 0,Xpl6rere, who eat A slice of polar his house it stopped, and a group of HAD TRIED MANY REMEDIES FOR + Times and Vick's Magazine ........... , ........ 1.60 0
makes a delicious filling for !% b women danced around the bier of him Times and Home Herald ....................... 10
skin. Onions, poor plebian onions, have brown bear, and wash it down with hair re- 2.60
the name effect- and are beneficial in is bread sandwich, whose chariot wheels they would have Times and Travel Magazine....... 2.25
It is much easier to climb stairs If the 11torers, I'm thinking of the sledge and ill" day before over a thou. CONSTIPATION + Times and Practical Farmerj ....... i ........... 2.10
head to held erect dragged
dozen other ways. raft, of storms with which brave men San Robespierre mounted
-If one needs flesh, building up the and deep keg- have reckoned; I'm thinking of gum. the scaffold last, and the moment his Times and Home Journal, Toronto ............... 1.60
eotive meth alar breathe are taken; 1 71IN
h e- head fell thea was tremen- FOUND MOM TOE Times and Designer ...........................
general health to the only off drop graft, and heat can't bother me dons.. +
oil. Plumpness depends largely upon Pecans and atmq (a In some cases the event was Times and Everybody's ........................ 280
vas •
maybe chopped +
&second. Moat human Ills contrary announced to the prisoners by the ffillburn's Laxa-Liver Pills + 1 60
digestion. Potatoes are recommended— up OO5r8elY filitl'aprinkled over dressed + Times and Western Rome Monthly, Winnipeg......•
or cionderntied, as the requirement may lettuo y ejor a4r�cper salad. are; And if we coddle 'em and pet 'em, waving of handkerchiefs from the + Times and Canadian Pictorial..,.... .............1 6p
t hey')l stick like forty kinds, of tar, but tops of houses.
Constipation is one of the most
be—as A fat producer. Bat it All de. When lrorjlja fine Billie or muslins fade away when we forget low, prevalent troubles the human race is +
6 Actress' Jewels.
ponds upon one's facility for digesting place It plfj� of fine cambric between WALT MASON. Guarding a subject to, and' is the greatest cause of The above prices include Postage on American ptiblicatien-P tn rLy#
I . , `V b
that particular starch. the ran&' j$ a material. E ach night Miss Fanny Ward, the niany of our ailments. Keep the Bowels + It the Timics is to be sent to an Amerfeari addrotv. odd 0
, famous English actress, makes her ap. open and you will very seldom be sick. address in Canada. 4
"Those who fatten on potatoes Us. + 50 cents for postage, and Where American publinations Are to be scht to
0 ted oohro mixed with earal 'it the Palace �jrs. Af. Bell, 407 Harris St, Van- e- V11
lually have a tendency to acquire flesh rice.Athletic World. on the stage American addresses a reduction will be made in price, se
r jina,tubbod on Ince will give it' Reatre, Shaftesbury avenue, in that couver,B.0 writes:—" I had trica many
anyway, Rice furnishes it More easily the rearfty Out so much desired, The September number of "The Atli. clever sketch, "An Unlucky Staro" she remedies fokonstipation and never foun d Wk) vould extend this list.
digested starch, and sweet Potatoes and office, or drop a card and we will Rive yc.n pricfe on The
AIV60 Alldpagitsh Walnute,ground , to, letio World" magazine has just, reached wears jewels worth $2,500,000, miss any so satisfactory as your Milbuin's the list, oull at- this
parsnips will be tar Wore likely to fatten:. this ofade. In up.&O.d&tO sport Agaira Ward employs an armed detective,L.Aa-Liver Pills. paper you want, We club with All the leading newspapers and 1 waga7ill.ev.
the Verfthin girL Deep breathing wit oe getter laididtolled with mayonnaise make And illustrations, it Is strikingly stronger who takes her jewelry to her drdsSing• We always keep them in the House a,,. Whenpremiums are given with any of Above papers, subscribers will
W a tasty lunchAdfi afttidwioh� room every night, and after the show 'Would not be without them. secure such premiums when ordering tbrangh its. same as orderit g ditet,f
do wonders for is hOI16W chest a Handles oftablo knivesihould never than the I August issue, which Mated carries it back to th4o depositary at "I recommended thein to a neighbor from publishers,
throat, such a favorable inipreast6a as a Cana, the bank. Once, When Miss Ward re- and she is highly enthusiastic about thein,
evolive oil t6kea internally has a t la. ba emmero6d in water, or they will in' Man athlotto ard outdoor peridifeal, turned froth a tour, she left her ba no lier'sjs a very i lei t Case, and s "o These low 'rates moon it considerable Mtring to subscribers, find Are
denoy to fill Out and 0106th rhos n. OvItablo, discolor and become loose. covering all branches of apart in Cana containing &H her jewels and $10,000 e11,PeCte a goodresults front thern. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVAVOR. Send remittances by ropfalhote. paml
You 9, im. gine her surprise and Wonev bt(1610, sAilrPROPP
under. a seat in the public dining- office or express Sometimes there is a Sort of scaly rot i igh To freshen stale oake, dip it far a do, with A liberal untriber of short lisp- hall of an American. hotel. Luckily gratification when the foull that they
111bild on one's skin that Stubbornly reslato moment In cold Milk and then rebuke it Penings ever the world goilerally. We it witg founcl by a waiter arld put in completely cure cr.)'
all local applinationi. A teasticionful of in an OVOU at -low tofilpeftiukle. predict 4 fall m6sento of success for the Safe. "But," says Miss Ward, . n,1,CO3 at all )
Tilbufnls Laxa-Liver ills a 25o per TIMES OFFICV,
olive oil oil jakAlone or With lethide or . When a recipe ohlIA for 6 cupful I 'The Athletic World,, it, jig able efforts "you can flgum for yourself just hate vial,
aftred I was." will be mailed direct on tdeeipt oflrice y fa
tomatoes once a day will entirely its, of anything, 11 means A hililf-pifit—an to espouse the cause of good apart In this The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
.move this condition if used faithfully,"' ordinary cup filled level. Doinfialbij. Ont.