HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-22, Page 2T#V WINQUAM TM14h, SEPTEUBM 22, 1910 CANADA'S: PROGRESS, ...... OT11. — -1111.1.111, .111 � ­.­. - ' ' . TOWN DIRECTORY, The mog apartment International Newspaper BARTIST OUVROW—Sobbath services at THE WiNaw� Tats. CARING FOR COWS *UT thly report of the d P in. Sunday ,School at IS PUBLI13AND General prayer meeting EVERY THVIRSDAY MORNIN.. 00446044 0041moroo for done, 1910, 11 a " and 7 Q -ALVING TIME just Issued 4:00 p 14. coubigns a otatia;J044 re0or Bible Study Course, on Wednesday AT C .4 evenings, Rev. W. of the prcgrass of QAuad%. since L. Sseoved, Pit astor. B, Y, P. which shows exp►neion iq mooday evenings 8 P.M. U' me"' The, TiMes Me* B04VOr 01904 everyeraticnSalleat Poluts lot the Leasott folL, Santlay, $opt, ori, WJ) PCLL1410, The cow that has been given the department of activity, 0,0, Slaperlitteudient, WINGEAM, ONTAU10, Pro QIV014 ist a $04"104 of Quesottoull b paratory feeding does Perhaps need In 1806—to go book no farther—the HOV. Br, lAinseett. 11 a in And 7 .bath services closer attention at calving time, foe I'll like the fine 04undiaM, Onange that passed $hrouglj p in. Sunday Ooliool At TaRUfs Or SUASCRIPTION-41.00 Par armum in she will be In better flesh, and tho_- W_ 2;00pm. Epwortli League every Mon. advance, $2.50 if not so paid' 0 discou. The oauals amounted tet. 4,Q$9,113 tons; '(8a 4isbaroA in aca:)rdittill all arrears are except at fleshy cow is, of course, more liable itt Q � PQ 74th the CoCopyria t,Acto day evening, General prayer meeting "nue" psYd, Vapor I the e. .1 flavor of Red Rose in 1008 the tonnage had tooressed'so, Temperance L -soon, GO, v: 15 26. be Poshible of commission? on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W, option a the publisher, milk fever than her thinner sister, so*,i 6 II.Rutledge, D.D., pastor. F_Bii AnviiaTiomo RATIOS,.– Legal and other a well known , dqiryrA It .78Q,789, It Is in the steam railway de- Chou., oasualadvortioemouts loo per Non,%arlel line for .an. it proper Golden Text,–If we. live In the Spirit, 1i drunkenness, for example, a eta of an, %$- Superintendent. ilratinnartion, go Per line for coo ilubseq I however, m Tea. It has the CUP pertinent of tram3t however, that by lot no also Walk in the Spirit. Qat, V;pa. Lbs body, or the soul, or bath? PaUSBYT-HRIAli 0HURO13-19abbath ser- insertion, uOut precaut Qns, are !;ekes, fit. the greatest increase in ebowu� In Advertisements In local columns are charged great danger- from milk fever Is to: lwp goodness that comes I r When a drunkard to Illisrated from V1000 at 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday 10 ate. per line for first inse apprehended. .896 Canada had 16 270 miles of railway Verse I.O.–Whab should be our atti, and 5 cents the body does he still have a 00hool, at 2;80 p In, General prayer per line for each subsequent =04. on only from Red Rose in operation, the total gross earnings of tude toward each other.? oravlug for meeting , on Wednesday evenings, Rev. Advertisements of Strafed, Forms for Sale thirteen to fifteen bad milk fever Out of twenty cows on test from drivikg, D. Perrie, pastor, Dr. A. J. Irwin, S.S. or to Rent, and similar, $ .00 foi- Arst three Slightly. During the first two nightij which amounted to $50,645,569, algI the Why is it that, even among professed What is the best oure for a druaken. Su arrokoand 20 cents for each subsequent I.. quality—the reason net carniags $15,002,010, The amoutit. OhrlstiAna there to so much evil speak, , tendoul. ti.. I an attendant was always on up$ ? ST. FAUL'o OHUROHj EpIS0OpA1r_.S&b. CONTRACT RAT88--The following table shown bund, and why. it holds first place of freig it carried wets 24,266.825 tons, ing of those who are absent? our rates for the insertion of advert I . oeme,ts every botfr or so a Wisp of bay was TrOW long would a drunkard Crave bath services at 11 am and 7 P M- for specified periods:– offered each cow. If she declined thio, an the number of passengers carried What rule should govern our couver. strong drink, it he could not procure Sunday School at $,sop m. ReV.E a SPAOX, or her eye began to look dull them' in thousands. of Cana" 14 810,407. In 1958 the mileage had in, ootiou about our follows? an) ? Cr6ly, B. A., Rector ; 0, G, Via. on I Ya, a Mo. a No. IMO Steno,-lumn – – .,;70.00 $40.00 $22.6o $8.0o were symptoms. enough to indicate that creased to 22 906, she total 'gross and net Why is it not legitimate to discuss anS. 8, Superintendent ; Thos, E, HatfOoluma-__ 40,00 25.00 15,00 6100 than homes. Will you Why to it impossible for those who Robinson,O'lassistant Superintendent. QuartorColuma..__ 28100 12.50 7.60 B.00 earnings to $146 918 314 and $39.614.171 evil report about the absent, even If We are ooutrolled bt, the fl Deb, to inherit SALVATION AUMY–Servioe One, Inch 5,00 a. - at 7 and 11 00 2.00 1,28 W Advertisements without specific directions try it. respectively, the amount of freight to have reason to believe it in true? the kingdom of God? a In and 8 and 8 p in on Sunday-, And will be inserted till forbid and charged accord. 03,071.167 tons, and the number of pas, Verges 16,17.–What does it imply to Verses 22 24. –]Eiaw miny, or how every evening during the week as 8 Transient advertisements must be paid In A� seagers to 34 044,992. When the returas "walk in the Spirit?" much, of theso fruits of the Spirit, rip. O'clock at the barracks. 101M advance. POST OFFIOII–Office hours from 8& in THA JOB DaPARVanT is stocked with an for 1909 and 1910 are available It will ])a Do the natural and legitimate appe-, ens on the day e found that these figures have been ex- fifes, and, desires a or we first commit ourselves to 6:80 P In. Open to box holders fro axsen 1v Boo an of III r q sites for prlu of,the body, neoes. to be "lad of the Spirit?,, 119� equalled oeeded. eerily war against the Spirit of God, or 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster, to rt is t ares 0 a A flower garden needs At least two PUBLIC Linit ante Ora I at 1013, 1 1 a ART–Library and free 0.1• The total tonnage of vessels entering to the reference here to the flesh, or things, viz., to be free of weeds and for *reading xoom and 0 too 13 lea, I cod15 tea in the Town Hall, W choice f o type t 0 and leaving Canadian ports in 1896 was sinful mind? r Boats of. hint the flo were to grow, the one being end. be Open every afternoon from 2. to 49,302,220, of which 11,459,824 tons. were Does Gad expect every man through deg and 5:80 O'clock, and B. BLLIowT, the other gradual; does this every evening from 7 NIEVER SOLD IN BULK sea -going, In 1909, the total tonnage the power of thy Spirit, to succeed in fairly represent the needs of a soul, and to 9:80 o'clock. Proprietor and Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . librarian. Miss Lizzie Attridge Your Grocer Will was 93,371,801, 19,401,271 being son- resisting every sinful temptatiou, or in If so spaoitythe process? TOWN. J P KUNNHDY, M, D., K C.p s, 0 THREE 01, A KIND, going. that the id COYJNClr,–WLIIIMUI Holmes, Member of the British'Moitoal 1880018. Recommend it ideal only? Verse 25 –DO T905 -E WHO RpoElvim Dr. A. J. – o Gold Medallist in. Medicine. Special perhaps milk fever might be coming The figures as to trade and commerce –To what extent may we THE SPIRIT HAVE TO LEARN TO WALK IN MaY01 Irwin, Reeve ; 13 -t -Lion paid to diseases Medicine. and Ohild Verse 18. T. W. oKibbon, H. B.Hillobt, William ran. Offloo hours–, to 4 P. m.; 7 to 9 P. M. of air Into the udder, was applied. show treman0ous expansion. The total take the Spirit tq direct us, as to what Him, AND Ir,• so, How IS IT DONE? (This Boas. Dr. Robert O. Redmond, on, and the usual treatment, Injection value of imports in 1896 was $118,011'. we should, and should not, do? Thomas Gregory and D. E. McDonald. Within thirty minutes the cow would TO ADVERTISERS•' 508; the total for the fisord year 1909 10, question must be answered in writing Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and M.&OD01%TALD, be In her natural condition, and Verses 192I.–How many, ot the by members of the club.) DH- , as a was $391,803 386–an increase of more sins of this catalogue, are sins of the Treasurer. Board meets first Moiday rule, no further trouble would occur. Notice of changes must be left at this Verse 26 –It a Christian, out or loves, evening in each month at 8 O'clock. Contra street In case she bad a relapse the trentQ of not later than Saturday noon. th&n threefold. Ia the year the Liber- body, and how many the sins Of the is engaged to good work, is is right or HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.–W. F. Van. Wingliam, went was again applied. There Is no The copy for changes must be left els entered office the exports totalled soul? wrong for hiat, to desire to know that Stone (chairman). Win. Nicholson, John Ontario. risk in the treatment If the air tube In not later than Monday evening. 6121,018.852; for the last. fiscal year the How many of those sins are impos- his work is apprleointed? Wilson, Q. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, kept well disinfected. John A, NoLoan, Frank Baolinamn, DR. AGNP-W, A good rdtion to start with Is about Casual advertisements accepted up total was s301,358,529. Notwithetand• sable of commission if we had no physt. It one Christian worker is j islons of D to noon Wednesday of each week, t,= Holmes, secretary. A. Coseng, Physician, Surgeon, eta. four or rive pounds of the same mix - tag the lowering of the tariff and the - cal nature? another worker, how would You chair r. Board meets second Monday British preference, there has been more It the use of the appetite and passions acterize such a person? evening in each month. Offloe-Macdonald Block, over W.MoRibbort's ture as was fed the cow prior to fresh. ESTABLISEND 1872 than a threefold increase in the amount of the body, and the desires of the heart Lesson for Sauday, 04t. 2nd, 1910.— PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.—H. E. Isard DragStore.Night OBIIS answered at the oinoo. ening. Two or three days after freak - (chairman), G. 0. Manners, Alex. Ross, ening the cow should be put on a sniall, of customs duties collected, the figures and mind, are fully under the control of The Wise and Foolish *Virgins. Matt. grain ration In conjunction With her for 1896 and 1910 being $20,219.037 and the Spirit, how many Of these sins would xxv: 1. 13. Jac. Galbraith, W-D.Priugle, Win, Moore: PR, ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. B.C. S. (Engl lit ftcifta TiNES. $61,010.487, respectively. 0 G VanStone, P. Campbell; Secretary R. 0. P. London. corn silage and alfalfa or clover bay. R. B. ELLIOTT, Punwouzu AND PrtopnxmTow In 1896 Canada had 9"108 pont offices, Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet. Now, the purpose Is to gradually trans - Field Crops in Canada ings second Tuesday evening in each PHYSICIAN and SURGROX, for the fat from her body to the pall. with a revenue of $4.005,891; in 1909, A POSITIVE CURE month. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. This Is accomplished by the use of a THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 the number had increased to 12,479, and The Bulletin of the Conans and Sbatis- HIGH SCHOOL TRA0IIBRS_j. G.Work. small nitrogenous ration. If a heavy the revenue to -80,927,914. At the name tics Office, Issued recently,. says that the man, B.A,, principal and mathematical ration rich in carbohydrates Is given time the department line been able to reports on field crops at the end of Aug. FOR INDIGESTION master! J. C. Smith, B. A.. classical Dlt- MARGARET 0. CALDER the cow will be further encouraged to EDITORIAL NOTES. show substantial annual surpluses, in net are more certain than at the end of master; H. A. Peroyq Science Master; Honor Graduate of Toronto University lay tat on her body and will not re—Miss M J. Baird, B. A., teacher of andBurgeons. of Ontario College of Physicians spond at the pall. English and Moderne ; Miss Anderson, The twenty ninth anpual report of Tables are also given in the report month has improved. In the older It Von have indigestion, your food fifth teacher Devotes special attention to diseases of By Weigh the milk produced on a four Pro* ferments in the stomsch and bowels It Bar, NOSe and Throat. By a, the Canadian Paciflo Ritilway Company showing the txpausion of the banking vines the grains have matured well and does more; it decays, and th-1 nutritious PUBLIO SCHOOL TgAOHERS.—Joseph Glasses pr?prlyllfted. as thoroughly tested. pound ration and the following day In- , I for the year ending, June 30 was issued and insurance business "mineral produo. have been harvested and saved in fine Stalker, Principal. Ok"'1010- ith Dr. Kennedy, crease your ration one-half pound. matter which should go to make new Miss Brock, ')-'Ace Hours -3 to 5. 7 to 8 pma. . recently. The statement shows gross tion, etc., the whole jelling a story of condition. The estimates for wheat, blood decays With it, and this leads to MisoReynolds, Miss. Farquharson, Men The following day again weigh the oats and barley is 445,420,000 bushels, nervousnegs, billionsaeBs, constipation, Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss Milk. If there has been a sufficient. earnings for the year of $94,989,490, and progress such as Canada has never ex- Hawkins. 7AX$TONB, Increase to pay for the food, and a working expenses of $61,149,534, leaving perlenoed in any other period 'in her which is 129,188,000 bushels lee than siok headich8, bad breath wbich dig' BOARD OF HEALTH _. Win. Holmes Re profit thereon give her an additional net earnings of $33 839,955 After de the final estimate for last year. 8 Spring g a ,end," 'and other disagree. (chairman), Samuel Bennett, Wm, s ne's y "' " 'ea" 0 a BARRISTRE, SOLICITOR, RTO - history. able d attlons. halt pound, and thus continue raising Private and Company funds to loan at lowest the ration half a pound every other wheat is less by 45,608,000 bushels, onto an all Rup 9 trot V , 0 s Felsornt Alex, Porter, John F. rate of interest. marts duoting the Axed charges there is a our- Loon o And th bl caused by the Groves,'Seoretuy; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Property bought and got day, and on the days when the ration After the payment by 70.219,000 buithels and barley by 16, an 040th �t do's"t digest) but ferments Medical Health fat 60, town and farm plus of $27,258,728. ' THE WORLD'S MINERS 010,000 bushels; but fall wheat shows d rt.es rot, I. the stomach. Office, Beaver Block, Wingh,3n Is not raised note the amount of milk of dividends there is a net Surplus for And fermentation is caused by, the given. If she Is a good cow and yet the year of $18.896,615, The working an increase of 1,649,000 bushels. The stomach not being strong enough and A. MORTON, does not continue to respond .,to in - expenses for the year amounted to 64.38 In a blue book on mining statistics it eastern provinces show gains in each energetic enough to thoroughly mix the J. per cent, of the gross earnings, and the appears that during the year 1908 the to. one of these crops The increase of food with the digestive intoes. BARRISTBR, &0, Crease In ration UP to twelve or fifteen net earnings to 35.62 per number of persons engaged in mining Wheat is 8,633,000 bushels, of oats 23 M -I 0 N -A is ragponRible for tons of STEADY pounds of grain, then perhaps some. r cant., as cow - thousands of cares. In fact, it is guoh thing is wrong with the kind of ratlo% pared with 69 92 and 30 08 per cent re- and qnarryiug at home and abroad ex. 219,000 bushels and of barley 625,000 a Posirive care for indigestion and all Winaliam, out. Wbeuever a cow gives Indication of opeotively in 1909 oseded 5,800,000; 1,108,215 of this bushels., The loss In the western- prov. atom%oh.troables that it is guaranteed EMPLOYMENT becoming too fat, then a portion of — number were employed in the United laces, exclusive of British Columbia, is by J. Walton RoKlbboo to care or mon. B. L. DioKiNsoN FOR NOT KNOWING BETTER. evback Th.)prioe of a large box of for a reliable Local Salesman repro. drawn and its place tilled with foods; third in a result of the great drouth of Jaly, Bit O -aa tablets is 50 cents, and, they are seating DICKINSON & HOMES rich in protein, the milk stimulating Kingdom and more thsa one ; I DUDLAY HOLMIMS the fattening foods should be with British Empire. Note than one. which redaces the area harvested by 22 sure to promptly relieve the worst ones ii SOLICITORS, Etc. part of the feed. On the other hand, half of the total number was employed per cent for wheat, by 24 per cent for of Indigestion of gastritis. Try them.. Canada's Oldest and Greatest BARRISTERS, If a cow begins to become poor cam I did the beat I knewl" protested In getting 0041 alone; Great Britain em- oats and by 31.5 per cent for barley. MONRY To LOAN. the dressmaker's apprentice sullenly, ploying over 972,000, the United States The estimated production of wheat for Nurseries" Must be taken not to feed too heavily OFFICE: Mayor Block, Winghom. of protein, allowing 'more of the fat�. when she was sharply reprimanded 'for 690,000, and Germany 367,000. The to- the whole of Canada is 122,785',000 bush. The Witty Farmer. in Wingliam and adjoining country. toning foods. a Valuable dress and vexed a valuable 1,068,000,000 toile, valued at over 2409, barley 89,888,00o bushels, as co RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D, S. L. D. S. After the cow is on full feed CM apiece of ill-judged Work that ruined tai amount of coal produced In 1907 was els, of oats 283,247,000 bushels and of To an Egremont farmer belongs the You will find there is a good dem,7,nd A compared credit of solving the question of the for nursery ftok on must be exercised at all times not to customer. "I don't see what she's 500,000. This to a decrease of 49,000,000 with 166,744,000 bushels wheat, 853,466, account Of the Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania overdo her or sicken her by feeding automobile nuisance, at short range, at highpricas that growers have realized D eedIn blaming me fort" tons on the previous year. The gold 000busfielsDate and 55,898,000 bushels all events. "Bain eng on their fruit this sextan. Celleental 0011090 and Licentiate of the Royal' too, heavily. So long as she cleans u ge of Dental Su aged one day late. Oar salesmen are tanning I in Macdonald Block, rVinqham. a big busi- one of Ontario' office her feed with avidity, the digestive "I'm not blaming you for doing the Output amounted to 21,069,593 ounces, barley in the final estimate for last year. ly drawing Out manure Office closed every Wednesday . tive 1_ with a InStiure nese to ad this year. Be one of them from May tat to Oct. tat. afternoon apparatus remains in good order and beat You know how 1" said the employer, the value Of which to estimated at near- The estimate for Manitoba, Saskatche- spreader, and having occasion to travel and earn good wages through the winter She to apparently lively and thrift overhearing and turning on her crisply. IY 289,600,000. The British Empire wan and Alberta is 99,890,000 bushels on the public road to got to the field, a months. there Is little danger of feeding her "I'm blaming you for not, knowing an # supplied nearly 60 per cent. of the out. wheat, 92,201,000 bualiels onto and 14, party in Ila auto can ht Territory reserved. Pay weekly, y t 'up. Having Ffe8 Sample outfit, etc. 1- PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. betted You ought to -you've been put, and the United States nearly 22 per 723,000 bushels barley, being an average three horses , attached t W too heavily, especially if cath be -College of Dental two Pounds at each feeding. here long enough. You mean well, but cent. The death rate for coal miners of of 11.89 for wheat, of 20 96 bushels for which was becoming somewhato the spreader, Write for particulars. Lic'entfate of the Royal combined with the feed at the rate of unman- Surgeond of Ontario, and Graduate of Unil compared with L32 -in the United King STONE WELL]INGTON veralt Of OVI'­ U the feed is thus carefully raised Of y or good Intentions aren't enough to Carry foreign ociantriesgenerallywas 2.84, as oats and of 14 49 bushels for barley on ageable, he beckoned to the driver to Oli.. , IT3. Vr Block. f on the dress-Inaking business." - the area sown, but of 15 24 bushels keep back Fouthill Narserioo f fi.. ptosed ,.I. W the cow Will be stimulated to produce - Instead of doing so, the t�, r.. asy 1. ad y edc03dsY afternoon (850). t to Oct 186. the very greatest amount of milk that They aren't enough in any business. dem, The report enolades interesting wheat, 27 91 bushels oats and 21.22 bna- auto persisted in coming closer. Finally TORONTO. CANADA. Hes within her possibility, while if the It is an old proverb that good intentions Particulars relating to an experiment in hels barley on, the area reaped. Corn- me a last resort, the w itty farmer pulled feed Were raised by large amounts at Pave a place of very disreputable char. 00 Operation between owners and em- Pared with the same period last year for the lover of the manure spreader, and a time there would be no greater noter. "He meant well" is about the PIOYeellfttacoal mine in Terra Haute, the Dominion the average condition of got the machine agoing, which, in a Wingham General Hospital Indiana, The miners formed a comp. spring Increase froth the large amount of feed poorest sbing one can say of a person, Wheat on August 8191 4is 79 05 moment, gave the auto� party a complete FARMERS (Under Government inspection) than from the small amount. short of actual detraction; unless we 6x any with a membership of 85, and 4 to 84.30, of onto, 80 08 to 84 89 and of shower of barnard fertility. W , 6 can As for the other general care-milk- ycept that other phrase of mild apology: capital of only 985 The mine was at barley 80.51 to 83.54; but compared Judge human nature close enough to grti and anyone having live stock or other ing. etc. -It goes without saying that oleo they wish to dispose of, should adver. Pleasantly situated. Beautifully far. R COW should have warm, dry quarters, "H0 did the bast he knew haw, ,, When. fall work when neighboring concerns with the condition at the end of July it fancy the Cunning farmer chuckling to tise the same for sale In the TIMES, oar lar niched. a ir of these Iyou kno roulation tells and It will be strange indeedgiT Open to all regularly licensed a well bedded stall, be kept out of the ev,3r you hear alth W were running only three days a week was 79 05 to 77i06 for spring wheat, 80. himself at the sorry plight of the autor Olau do not get a customer. Wecan'tguarante physicians, R&TES FOR PATIENTS - at Once that It is a failure oil somebody's for on do Cold in the winter time, given plenty and, in Worst periods of. depression the 03 to 79 57 for date and 80.51 to 79 62 o dadei.—Hitolinage. , u will sell because YOU may ask more (which include board and nursing), $3.50 for t article or stock then it to worth. Send to $15 00 per week s000rding to locationof fresh air and sunshine and, warm part to do the right thing at the right wages were twice 59 much as those barley. Peas, beans buckwheat, mixed youradvertisementto the Tisnisand try earned in Other mines. this moment, and usually, if you look Class. grains, flax, corn f'Ir foddei, potatoes plan of disposing of Your stock and other of ro�W. For further information, water to drink. In the summer time IY enou,4h, th-are was f,%nit behind the and alfalfa have declined In coudit' Aco, The village of Wbi to Rock, B C', was articles I address she should, be sheltered from the heat fallum Tido the best we know to not• but iiess, mixed grains and flax only almost entirely wiped out by fire. Miss L. MATTHEWS Of the Sun, the hot winds and files and . Superiutende�t v given every opportunity possible to do enough wlieu we might know any bet. Rod and Gun appreciably; whilst corn for basking, T ioniss R,3i!ly was oommit6d. for trial Box 228, Wlg&bfiW&QaL her best work. ter -Kind Worilp. With tW opening of the bird shooting turulps, inangolds, oarrots, sugar beets at Cobalt III connection with the silver OUT%SIDE IMOPWR.UW"'T� 805960 the September number of god and pasture have improved. theft. 01 ,afoAoiri of Animals, Hoofs. and Gun in Canada, pubitebed. by W. RAILWAY a , ofs are important parts ADVERTISINGV The horse's 0 0 mI Taylor Ti -I&A xw grL 'zkgus. a i rw lura lea, Had Eczema Treatment prescribed had � ho effect– DA. CHASE'S OINTMENT rnad6 thorough cued. Urn. Oscar Vitheott, St. Antoine; gaelt., writes—Ill ha found Dr. ChAse's in to be a permanent care for Nezema, and other skin dis- eases. One 8033, while nursing, broko Out with running watery sores all over M4 head and around the care. Many salves were Prescribed to no effeet. The dhilill's head became a mass' of scabs and he suffered. agoby untold, Ile became weak- and frail and would 1'ot rant and we thought we Would lore bim. "Providentially wo heard of Dr (Base's Ointment and it soon flior,• out, ,hly cured Win. Ire is seven years Old now and strong and well, An older' boy was also cured of L%azonia by this offitinont and we Notre atovd People will learn about it mit that t1left tittle on(s may be saved from suffering. I I As a cure for eczema n1l"I itelflng 01a d3seR86 there is no treatment to bo 'contpaved to Dr. A. W. atitiso Is I Ointment, 90 oents It box, at all deal *ft of 'Ps'din4nsop, Bates & Co., Tor onto, Dr. '( 0lidso's Reellies sent feet. I . I 0OUBSOCK, vat., given 1% number of delightful stories dealing with days amongst the duoks, geese, woodcock had prarle ohlokens– experistioeo which will cause msay & thrill to sportsman reading them. Num. bets *111 be able to duplicate., in remain• branoo, many of theme Published exper- fences, and this way live over ngaill red letter times in their histories, Var.' itity marks thin Production, every lover of the outdoors, whatever his particular tante, receiving attination, the story of two young moose, one of it Pot racodon, the efforts of an amateur to trap & bear, Particular$ of the American bison, the Alpine Clubs last Car* and some dog lore show the manner in which the mag: hiltio Covers the Wide variety of Cigna - Man Outdoor life, The v6rodi in this utunber are dxoslloat, andthe Bohemian ting Of "Plibifi'd Good" Will find an echo With many 06h of the molt itald " "My LIM6 Vishorman,I with his wonderful story of the nififiet6if 1hiiii got &WAY Appeals to the AympathfilAt of all While the 119,06hing Chorus" to i6iiastly good. The Wild should be fdAnd with every shooting p6r4y thiel torinov, Forest Fires Cost While Canada has not for several gen. erations experienced anything like the ravages from the forest flees that Idaho and idoutans, have recently been so ffet• tag from, nevertheless the damage goes on steadily on in thin conutry. In Brit - Ah Columbia In the mouthof July 401 forest firos 000tirredd All but a score of these wets disotvered in time and quickly extinguished but from the small remainder serious Ices of life and prop: ertY resulted, the loss to standing tim. b6r Wag eatimatep at $40,000; to buildw 11196, farm stock, btlikts etc,, $817,000 The Government had nearly 4,000 mon 'at work and spent $40,000 In gappregs• Ing the ficer. Seton iiveg were, lost. One hundred Bud fatty of theme firoa were Canoed by locomotive, sparks. and 18 by donkey drigidas'. Campers Caused 66, settloks 20, lightning go, Bud of Ill the Cause *so unknown, W611 -110 06d Wall *A# totirld load In the ViVibif at Atuhmtbarg, with i guh in the heod suid brotass: 6a the body. Suffered from Heart- Troubli and Neryou . sness for Six Years Lost All Desire To Live. WAS FINALLY CURED BY THE USE OF MILBURNIS HEART AND NERVE PILLS. Mr. RI Ile t4vallce, Sorel, Que., writes: OfFor six years, at least, I suffered from heart trouble and nervousness which took from me'all.desire to work and even to live. "Whitt I found myself in this condition trad getting worse I took the medicine theP resetibed for me but without nti,7 = , One evening I was reading the paper when I saw your advt so Out it but and the next day went to drbgglat and procured A box, and since thAt.ilina ray nervous system had been it, perfeit condition. "Be itasuredl gentlynen, that I willnever be Without Milbuthe Heart Bud Nerve Pills for they gave mo strength to work and support my mother, who in an Infirm widow and ofivh6fti I am the only support , to milbilth's Heart and Netvo Pills girt 86a per box, at 9 boxes for at all diollim at lkis'lled direct tin receipt of Vice by The T. Milbbra C6,t tifultodo otollt6, Ont. BAND TRUK of the animaj. eep the feet of t4io Orders for the insertion of advertisements Gl kmWAIr SYSTEM. Such as teachers Wanted, business chances, London _ TRA� —I -•work horses Well t ` liamed Or shod 'AS 11160118hicS wanted, articles for sale, or in foot ... 9�LIIAVk4fdn the case demands. COIts feet inust any kind of an advb. in any of the Toronto or Toronto &Bast -* ...... - 6 860-m- - 8 -ft other city papers, maybe left at the Timms . .08a.m., o,46g4a%_ 2.40p.m' Kincardius­1 - an be looked after as s000 its It Is a few office. This work will receive orortattention 67 a.m_ 2,08 weeks old, WheretheOlt It C010 - had will save peo be trouble Kinaftardine ARRIVS NIROM t a 0 -tomt Iled to remain in the stab remitting pe most Of for Aud: forward ag advertisements. Low I London. A.40am_lI,o0s.m_ " rates will be quoted on palmerst6o the, time and not allow to fo W the agli.ption Lea'v' � 46 p.ra, . Or sead:yOur next work of thio kind t� the 0 Toronto &_.. 10.90 a.m. wave Its feet are apt to W -ry het, 2.08 p.m.. 9.15 p.m. 01IFF101M. Wincham q W. RMIRY, Agent, Witigham. long and become crooked, Kee feet In she by tegulat- tr thing EX- CAXAW 6rcise on hard or rock land will wear AN PACIFIC RAILWAY, them even. Toronto d* TRAINS WILL WOR ARRIVII =A 111 P.M, 10.17 pan, e 18 P.m. C` PAYS TO ADVB UTISE IN TI -W 7z.1i;pm 00- T I 4 Pilistura Should 06 89ided. Where there are no tftea in the pas- ture which will furnishOle shade for the stock during the hCaW mointhmt,; of tbd summer some kind of shelter should be provided, It nothing more than a shed made of tittles, and thatcli, ed with straw or moldy hay, A number Of lJostantm were reported during July of last year Where many head of ftt= tie died from the htit, WaIg found piled alp In it seeming iittomot to gain the shelter of a little patch of sbadd, 16 care Hefts Llac For 11ee on horned take halt a Mt of kerosene In trio git'notio. of water and Wfth the hot wiles, with an In- terval of two or 'three daylr betwCen the tippitotitiong h, , Jk