HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-15, Page 8is 8 HILDA THE HELPER $#.. agent ti V.—She Is prpgressive i1da the Helper always stood for El EWMIIING PROGB $SIVE. Whenever any plan was good her zeal was quite excessive. ..-The Godelrioli Telephone Oo• lice its line completed to Westfield cad Sr, Angnstt le and people is than dietttet eau now have oowmunioation with the people of Goderio4 ou the Belt lines. —Aulong the students enrolled in the W inghew Business College curing the hast week are: --Miss Fenn McKenzie, Luoknow; Mee Nellie Totten, Gerrie; Mica 141ary Peal, Drayton; Milo Annie Houatou, Holerood; Mise Trove Degtr, Tiverton; Miss E11a Ryon, Dungannon; Mies Hutton, Teesweter; Mise Grace Dixon, Lool}alsb; Mica Margaret. Dixon, Ashfield; Geo. El. Free, Aeliileld; Elmer Buckingham, Kincardine; Piererce Torrance, Listowel Alexander Bell Kiucardine. The Tlates welcomes these young people t0 town and wishes them a Tory sueces8fai course, '41 v4 She urged the cleaning of the streets, improvements in the pay= ing. "Such things," she said, "there's nothing beats, for SPENDING HERE IS SAVING." She made old Skimps repaint his ' fence and Scrooge repair his sta- 'hie, Ser zeal for progress was immense, and this is not a fable., PERSQNAL TILE !lel IGi 4M T1117 . , r EP`IEt EKEGUTO 91f YA Alia� REAL ESTATE The Executor of t e Will of George A. Main- toah,deceased, will .92er for Bele by Public Auction at the Que n'e elotol in the 'Powe of Winellani,enSAW ay, the S SALE 17th da of September, 1010, at the hour of the following vela, Parcel No. 1. Lot ofrWhite Bruee. On this propert edheu e20x25 14 x 2¢ aid frame framestable and hard and soft we Parcel 1st concis loss in th; 50 aures o On this proper frame house as fr good well an,. Sli The property is the village of Wh school Miss Ethel King is spending a few' days in London. Mrd, Geo. Spotton is spending two weeks with friends in Detroit. IV Ir. J. It. Millet& of the Dominion Bank has returned to Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Simmons is spendinga few days this week, With friends in. London. I MINOR LOCALS. —Get your entries in early Wingham fall fair. —Teeswater'a tax rate for this year is 20 milia on the dollar. —Leave your next order for job print- ing at the TIDIES office. —Morris Council will meet in the township hall next Monday. —A number of people from tile sec- tion are attending the fair at London this week. Mrs. John A. McLean and Miss Mag. gie McLean are visiting with friends in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, C. N. Griffin are spend• ing a couple of et eeks with friends in London, Mies May Fryfogle is spending her holidays with relatives and 'friends in Toronto. Dr. P. Maodonald, of London, was calling on old Wingham friends during the past week. Mies Mary Coulter, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her parental home iu town. Ten per -cent o day of sale and thereafter. The propertie jeot to a rtsery Further parti had on applteat Dated this 29 for the FRANK HEN Whitechnr. ,, Executer.. o'clock in the afternoon le properties,, namely 16, 17, and 18 on Queen rrio's Serve in the village oroh, in the County of are situate a brick veneer• ith vrlok veneered kitchen voodahed 16x 20, and a good the houso is supplied with n• orth half of lot • 23 ie the ion of the township ofStn• County of Bruce, ooutaining land morteor less, are situate a comfortable pit earn about „4 x 49 and a ng creek, miles from itueto about 2, echurch and one mile from a IVIS OP SALE the purchase money on the ie balance within 30 days will be sold separately, sub. filers alld conditions may be h to the undersigned. August, A, D. 191Q. B. VANWinghain, Vendor's Solicitor, —Wedding invitations and visiting -cards printed in the latest style at the TTZES office. --Turnberry Connell will meet in the Olerk'a office at Bluevale on Monday, Sept., 19th, —John. Devereanx, a Huron county pioneer. died at his home near Seaforth in his 05th year. —Jimmy Fax, the old time favorite at the fall fair concert on Friday evening, September 30th. —Winghata fall fair on September 29th and 30th. Get a copy of the prize list at the T13IES office. Mies May Lloyd. left on Monday for St. Thomas to resume her studies at Alma Ladies' Oollege. Mies Annie Griffin left last week for London and has entered Victoria Hos- pital in training as a nurse. Mr, Percy Tenor, of the local _staff of the Dominion Bank has been transferred to the branch at Gravenhurst. • AUCTION SALE 01' vALIIATiL 1 FARM PROPERTY IN TEE T0W18E1IP OH' OULIIOSS. ICING'S YOB BAlit*A;NS i 13VR 151 191.0 . W E WANT TOUR TRADE Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will bo offered for sale by public auction by John Farquarson, Auc- tioneer, at the Grand Vision Hotel in the vill- age of Teeswater in the Couuty of Bruee on fiaturday,the 24th day of September, 1910, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow- ing valuable property, namely ;— —The West Wawanosh Council will meet in the Township hall, on Monday, Sept, 19111 at 1 o'clock p. m. —It is said that the aggregate atten- dance at the Toronto. Fair this year was 550,000. a gain of 100,000 over last year. --The regular monthly meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sone of Scotland, will be held next Monday evening. Members are requested to attend, —The Times and the Weekly Globe will ba sent to new subsoribers for the bal- ance of the year for only 25c. Address Tun TIMES, Wingbam, Ont, .--A meeting of the A. 0. U. W. will be held in the 0. 0. F. ball on Friday evening of this week, September 10911, All xnembero are requested to attend. Mrs. Thos. Agnew and daughter, Mies Pauline, of Chicago are visiting with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr, J, S. Lyons, editor of the Gorrie Vidette was in town on Thursday last and gave the TIMES a friendly 0511. Mies Mande E. Mann, daughter of Rev. 3. W. Mann, of Listowel, is the guest of Mrs. W. L. Steeves, this week. Dr. Margaret 0. Calder, who has been in Toronto and Montreal for a few days retained home Tuesday night and has resumed practice. Miss Bertie Haines of North Bay, spent part of her holidays in Toronto and 18 now•vieiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haines. Miss Jennie M. Oampbell returned to ,her home in Berlin on Monday, after spending two months at the home of her uncle, Mr. Alexander Kelley. The west half of Lot number 53 in the 7th concession of the TownBhip of Culross in the County of Bruce containing by admeasurement 50 acres of lend more or less. There are on the premises a frame house with stone foundation 22x 24, a frame barn 28 x 30 with cement well and stable underneath, and a small orchard. good state ofacres are cultivationred and iandte h land is wall watered, well fenced and drained. The property esteuaB to the -village of Tewarnd in a good fanning community. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent of the purchase money on the The of property will be offered sin ubjeatl toga trr.e- serve pace. eoplttoeundersigned. conditions of salapythand Dated this 20th August, 1910. JOHN FARQUHARSON, R. VANSTONE, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solliiciitsor. Win KING'S THE, DUSY STORE NEW FALL GOODS. --For the past two weeks we have been receiving regular shipments or our NEW FALL Goofs. We are now prepared to show you one of the Lt1.MWEST and most complete stock's of GENERAL NJ ERCI1ANDISE ever shown in Wingham.. DRESS GOODS, BLACK•—Ntw Wool Rossetta, Saten Royal Henrietta, Crispene, Tricotine, Broudous, etc., etc. DRESS' GOODS, COLORED. --New Worsteds,- Dia- . gonals, Venetians, Plaids, etc. SPECIALS. ---4 pieces new Plaid Dress Goods, all pure wool, 54 inch. wide, reg. price would be $i.75, Our price q 5c, 3 pieces nice neat stripe Venetaians, wide, reg. price $1.25, for 89c. 1 piece Navy Stripped Suiting, 54 inch. wide, reg. $2.0o for $1.2 5. Come in and see these snaps, 54 inch. —The TisiEs and The Family Herald and Weekly Star will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of the year for 25e. Addrees Tate 'ante, Wing - hale, Ont. —Mr, Chas. Masson, who was brought ti the 'Marmara hospital from Lticicnow several weeks ago, passed away on Mon- day last. Deceased was 60 years of age and his old home was at Ottawa. The remains were sunt to Ottawa for burial. BORN. LniARD,—At Otterrille, on September 4th, to Mr and Mrs, W. 0. Lepard, of Wingham; a daughter. Ho,.onn—In Turnberry, on August 17th, to Air. and Mrs. W. C. Homuth; a son. Kits—InWiugham, Sept. 6th, to Mr. and Sirs. H, F. Hicics; a sou. 3011EASTON—In Turnberry, Sept. 2nd, to Mr and Dirs. Bobt, Johnston; a son, DIED biessov—InWingham, on September 12th, Charles Masson, aged CO years, SNEATii—In Wingham, on September 11th, Gladys Margaret, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Sneath, ogee 8 mouths and 21 days. STRAY SHEEP Came onto the premises of the under- signed, lots 13.14, concession 1, (1st lino) Morris, on or about the 1st of August, three breeding ewes and six lambs. Owner can have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenees. D. H. CAMPBELL, Wingham P. 0. --Miss Mae Moore has taken an excel• lent position as stenographer with the 05ti0,de Furniture Company. We un- derstand that Miss Moore, in four months at the Business College attained as high a speed as most students who tape a six months' course. --St. Andrew's Manse, I1ipDen Ont., was the scene of a pretty wedding on: Wednesday, September 7, when Mr. J. 5. Grieve and Mite J. N, Oninmings of - t marriage in ma by ra , ni-od g Egmonlville wb .. Rev. .john Richardson, B. A. The young couple will take up their abode in Egmondville. STRAY SHEEP. LAWE$' KNIT COATS One of the largest ran- ges shown,in all the new colorings in plain and two tone effects and the very latest styles. See our special 4o inch. Coat, its a beauty, price $5.95. New Flannelettes, Towel- i n g s , Wrapperettes, Linens, etc., etc. Fresh Eggs 20e, No. 1 Tub Butter 20e. We are not buyers of No. 2 roduce. 'SING. 0 HEAP ' GO O D PRICES, GOODS G.a of�t�� m °W Y^�>i ®1-)1-11...W:4,It . �-S ia mit zwli'N.1! .f irif Annanitrtmtnt T YL R S better ' than ever. Factory equfJiiied with new machinery throughout. 411 meth- ods of manufacturing d . 50% st 1e irrt�rrove . y in direct firofiortion --'value too. Smart—Stylish and Flex- isle to the last degree. The new models on disi lay today. You re cordially invited to ins1iect them. I 1 I WILLIS & CO. There came onto the premises of the undersigned. Lot 16, Ooneestion 1, Turnberry, (Biuevale road,) on or about the 20th of August, a breeding ewe. Owner can have same by t,roving pro• perty and paying expenses. E. B. JENKINS, Wiugham P. 0. ®iiia. TTM'11 gos'w.':.2den ,s3okis • 9331z7.4.100 • s 'u1 --A good quality of envelopes on hand at the TIDn:B tate whielt will be sop• plied printed ted at a reasonable rate, The post•ofiice I epartnlent will return all Uncalled for letters promtly that have a printed address on corner of envelope, thus saving the sending of them to the dead tetter office. Call and get priori. —The I11dgetown: Dominion, says:— r thltd p e for "There is some talk of p 1 Fling ilAm. The gentleman n book of the Idea is said to be a principal of a bust. 21888 college. He should know better, or lits business training W not serving him. "W'e thought that only fool print. •~'a raid + niers ever started third pApere in townie like Wfbgharti, of even 1a towns four times ite.eise." YOU'LL OPEN YOUR EYES wide when yon see the kind of gra• aeries we sell. You'll be both amazed and delighted at the absence of all trashy or inferior qualities. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE UL' vA1,UAiLE REAL ESTATE TAKE OUR TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES for instance. Yon will find them strictly high grade in everything ex• oept price. That you will find die• tinctly low. If' you intend to do any canning or preserving why not get your epices now. We have every kind neoeseary. McGILL1VRAY 86 CUNNINGHAM Phone 54. ket*.*♦•11.•vo4•.♦•iee&•••••••o• eeett•lti♦eetmoelineE40•0.4t.•••4 • • • •e E. C. WHITE HIGH -CLASS...... t• Ladies' and Gents' , s -ix run viLLAGE OF wnl'rECEUIICif The Administrator of the Estate of David I3intoul, deceased, will offer for salebp' Public Auction at the Queen's Hotel in the town of Wingltam. on Saturday, the 1st day of October A following valuable pppropk erty, that isrto say:— Lots numbers 8, 0,10,11 And 12 on the wept side of Queen Street in Hamilton's Snrbey in the village of Whitechnreh in the township of Kinloss and Countyof Bruce, containing one acre of and more or less. This property ie Won situated in the residen- tial portion of the Village of Whitcchureh• There aro on the property it geed frame house, sheeted with painted metallic siding, 18 x 24, and kitchen attached 14 x 16, contain- ing in an 7 rooms, and A good cement cellar under main house: a rame Eatable 18 x 24; a number of fruit trees and a good well. The buildings bre all in good repair,and the pro' port 9 well fenced with a good Wire fence nearTERMS OF SALE n Ton per sant of the purchase mono* o the day of c,o10 And the balattco in 30 days those• after, The property* Will bo offered'eubieet to a reserve bid, Further particulars and conditicna of bale will bo made known on the day. of Mala or shay be had on application to the underelaned. Dated this 2nd September, 1910. JO11�TT.TIOL:Viif:1,R•VWiinsOmlt' whiterhntch, AdtniuPant Orr Vendor's Soliettot, Annul Western Excursions SEPTEMBER 16, 16, 17 iaaR0111 WINGHAM TO Port Huron, Mioh.......... , . $4 10 1 etrolt, Mich ` $1'65 50 ahleago. Iii Bay Oity, Mich,... ., t6,66 Oleveland, 0.,utvi19 to and C $8.55 Cleveland, 0,, via Detroit and D. and '0 $6 65 Gracie Itapids, Mich, . , . $8.35 Saginaw, Mich.. 0 G.4 St, Pani or Miflneapalts,all tail $29 40 5t. Pani or Minneapolis, via Satniaand N. N. Co 90 Return limit Monday, Oct3rd Tailor• Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. 01 ♦ • A ►, • • ♦ • ♦ a st • • • • • los es >ti s >,R You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WRITE'S. No other tailoring establishment offers such a wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with such style, precisionyyindividuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for • s such values as we offer. • • • • •• • • • • • Western Fair 1.ontlon Retina issued from W1tghfni toLondon follow i and 16. i4 , $2 25 Sept.1 , 11, 2 1.75 Sept 13 and 15th. Return limit Sept. 191h. We are doing a Iigh•Class Tailoring Business on a new plan :— BUYING FOR CASH SELLING FOR CASH 1 Doing business in this way I can save you dollars. Come in and see what I can do for you. LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up• to date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. • E. C. WHITE • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • for Ladies, JUST A FEW WINGHAM, ONT. WILSON i IN TIIE JOHN YIILSOiI BLOOIt • ••••••••t•••••••: ••••:••••;• ,B'ot tickets send further Information call On G. I,athent, Depot Agent or address I. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. CANADIAN PAC I roc. BEST SERVICE TO Muskoka Four Trains from Toronto 0.40 a.tn. 12.15 p. 6,05 p 111 10 10 p M. Bats, Sleeper carried on 10.10 p, m train Fridays .. 1 Breezes of Eno the.. Coo the Great Lakes Sailings Baily except t'rtda y iSYIS Owe n 5 oun d. ii dit gildSn y tr Special trainxrom Toronto 1 00 p m. sailing days. Meals and berth included on haat The most pleasant and cheapest route to Winnipeg and West ,'t. 1T. i#I E2.IF.IM, Agent, Wingham Newspaper Bargains The TIMES and The Weekly Globe to Jan. 1912, for $1.60, The TIDIES and The Weekly Mail and Empire to Jan., 1912, for $1,60. The Tons and The Weekly Globe to 3an., 1911, tot 260. The Tints and The Weekly Mail and Empire to ,7dn.,, 1911, for 25e. The Toms and The h'aintly Herald., to an. 19 11 S eokl Btu , undW y S fo1• 250. These Special Offers are Made to New Subscribers FACTS ABOUT OUR STORE We are now showing a very attractive assort-. ment of New Fall Suitings and Dress Goods; containing the correct material for the season, All - Wool Diagonal Serges in popular shades,cointailr- ing style and'durability. Venetians, 54 inch wide, good weight and staple colors, at only 500. per yd. All -wool Shepard Plaid Suitings, 54 in. wide. Basket Weaves, Broadcloths, Satin Cloth, Cash- meres, Plaids, etc,, at prices to suit all. 4 4 • i' This will be a good Velvet Season, and in antic- pation of that, we have imported direct from England, a good range of shades for suits and gowns. W e have a nice range of silks in the fashionable Soft French Pailettes, 40 in. wide, at $1.75 per yd. A splendid Black Taffeta, French Wolil- esse, at 750. Silk Elastic Belt, Fancy Beltings, Paisley Neck Frills, Bows, Linen Collars, and beautitul Fancy Ribbons in Paisley designs, the newest thing for girdles, Trimmings, & etc. Come in and see our splendid line of new impor- ted Moreen Underskirts, they are generous in ,�d will 5 n well made an beautiful 1n design, w ndb scut , width a a We have them in all gyve satisfactory wear. 'n rice. from i � to 2 1 rs , colo , 5 5 p t le � Staple � 5 p � Large quantities oft and Eggs wanted. ea 4' 4, MiLLSITN A MILLS rm i 89. VllT11l 1 y ONT. , tot 416**AAASAAMIKAAWAVIAAkkaah disci r►, Au► ►►4s4AMU