HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-15, Page 6LITTLE DIGESTERS
positively care Dyspepsia. Promote
Mention. Money back if they fail, to
6 PYbrePaIN.
At all Druggists or direct trove
25c, a Box'. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto
1 11--- li--. —IC iw- ii.. i--. .-.. ig- - i•--
(Front the Trams of Sept. 12, 1890 )
Bell's factory band discoursed musio
for the immense gathering at Lnoknow
ou Wednesday,
M', F. Bircey has disposes of his
bouse and lot on. Dire. Sadler's survey,
north of the G T. R. track, to Mrs..
Saint at a good figure
LEE t5, 1140
*Two millitu agree in New South Wan,
et have been ref/Mimed by irrigation.
Velvet may be freshened by holding
over a rteamirg kettle and oleaned by
dipping into gasoline.
Now custom allowe Any woman to
whom the fashion is bsoomsug to berg'
her neck for every wafting hoar.
Whop a woman prays fora hat the
Lord may answer her prayer, but it's
het husband nits pats for it.
James Deaden, who yeas aooi<entally
snot by his son while the boy wan oleau
fug an old gun, dual in Viototie Elospitel
et Montreal.
Children Cry
Weak etebrowe and eyelashes oan he
strengthened and darkened by the appli-
es deo
ppli-cation of cocoa butter, vihich sbould be
rubbed on at bedtime.
church, on Sunday next, morning and
Mr. and Mrr. Dixie Watson have re.
turned to their home in Regina, N. W.
Mr. Jae, Wilson, V. S , of Lincoln,
Ne bretka, has arrived iu town and will
take °barge of the practice of his brother
during his absence.
Mr. Wm. Alpine, of Rapid City, Man.
Arrangements have been completed 1 arrived in town on Monday on a visit to
nificent in all parte of that province,
and that the frost did but little damage,
and that only in the case of late sown
for Highland pipers and dancers at the ! his
parents Ho reports crops a g
Wiugham fall fair.
Messrs Hastings & Ritchie have tbeir
steam cider mill in working order, and
are now prepared to "turn" apples into
cider at short notice.
The new boiler at the Union fnrnitnre
factory has been got in plane, and the
addition to the engine house is nearly
Mr. H. Davin received a postal card
from Mr. P. MoKibbon on Wednesday.
They reached Denver in good time, the
journey having no bad effect upon Mr.
The Wingham gnoiters who competed
at the Lucknow tournament were ono
easeful in carrying off honors. Wm.
MoOlymont tock the first prize in the
heavyweight class, a championship med-
al and $15; F. Paterson, second prize,
$10; S. Leggatt, fourth prize, $5.
The Rev. Jae. A. McLachlan, M. A.,
conducted the services of the Methodist
church very acceptably, on Sunday last.
The Rev. F. W. ()revile, M. A. will
conduct the services of the Methodist
When troubled with fall
diseease apply Zaany
I3uk! n
Surprising how quickly it eases
the smarting and stingingt Also
cures cuts, burns, sores and piles.
name Buk is made from pure her-
bal essences, No animal fats—no
mineral poisons. Finest healer 1
Druglista and Stomp Everywharo.
nit mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely dernuge the
whole eystem when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such artioles
Should never be used except on preSerip
done from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good yon oan pcesibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Onre, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O , con-
tains no mercury, and is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be Sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Obio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Price free.
Sold by Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Piles for constipa—
Dore—In Wingham, on the 2nd in -
Amin the wife of Mr. William Dore; a
Nicholls—In Wingham, on the 7th in-
stant, the wife of Mr. Alf. Nicholls; a
Culbert—In Wingbam, on the 4th in-
stant, the %life of Mr. Samuel Culbert:
a son.
Steele—Beaton—At the residence of
the bride's brother, Whitechurch, on
the 10th inst„ by the Rev. Crowle, M,
A., Mr, Steele, of Ripley, to Mise M.
Beaton, of Whiteohuroh.
Scott—In Tarnberry, on the 3rd inst..
Ellen Rock Scott, mother of Mr. G. B.
S.ott, aged 85 years.
Gabler g0 Newe]
If you Neer teel litre clippie' into clime,
dust think of Orippon. If you f,el
your foot a slippin'
9'hink bon email the world has growl•';.
We have cookers that are fireless, we
have motors swift and ter€lees, but
forge t them—think of "wireless,"
And let ebady wet Mons.
Y, a, pant up the way tbat'sshady, be a,
g,+ot►eman or lady, erre not ter
such jeers as "Freidw !"
On the uerrow way you ought;
Confideut as you ate plodding on yo,.r
° wav from which no prodding can
d, flint yen, that, wh' u nodding
Off 3 atm guard, you'll not be naught.
Really. there is no appliance one hie li
yon oan place reliance. Yon , sun
bid the inw dtfiaeoe,
Whosoever you may be;
On the desert wide and glaring, or
where mountain peaks are staring,
though you by yourself are faring,
On the land or on the sea.
If yoursafe ate reds
any minute. sin,
ute.Why, the
sinner is not in it,
He's a failure all his days!
Now, the wireless keeps a.eendingwarn"'
into, warniugs, never ending, to
prevent the world's befriending
Any man of wicked ways.
Brace up and the game play fairly, meet
the world and meet it squarely,
on the level, though you barely
Make a living for a time;
Honesty and strong endeavor, plugging
steadily forever, never loses out,
never, never—
They will find a way to climb!
As a motet tooth btnth will not
oleaneefhe teeth properly, have several
tooth -brushes, hanging them from little
pegs so they can drain nicely, says New
Woman's Magnzine, In this way you
will always have a perfeotly dry brush
ready at hand at any hour,
The month bhould be carefully rinsed
with an antiseptic wash immediately
upen arising and before going to sleep.
A good wash is made by adding one or
two tenepooetels of Listerine to a glans•
fel of tepid water, but this mustnot be
used too constantly. Anotber excellent
mouth wash is: th3 mol, eeven and a
half grains; borax, fifteen grains; dis-
tilled water, one pint,
It is said that dlacolored teeth oan be
bleacbed to a milky wbitencse by brush-
ing tin m arse a week wish a tooth
bruth dampened in apple juice. A not-
ed medical writer when suggesting per-
oxide of brdrogen as a mouth wash adds
tbet it whitens yellow teeth until they
Iotk lite ptarle.
"Women are clarions things," remarks
the Maneyenk Philosopher, "We can't
live with them and we can't live with-
out them."
A jury at Gretna, Man., returned a
verdict indicating murder in the case
of 0.. Hiebert, who was found dead in
his house with a wound in his head.
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Tramps never deliberately go to the
Life is not long. and too much of it
meet not pass in idle deliberation how it
shall be spent.—Johnston.
Eczema for 20 Tears.
What is so annoying and disfiguring
AS itching Eczema. Mr. Fred W. Clark,
Petworth, Addington Co., Ont., writes
that his mother suffered from Eczema
on both lege for 20 years unable to get
relief or care from doctors or medicines.
She found that Dr. Chase's Ointment
brought great relief and it soon made
the cure complete. He states that no
one could have the disease worse or suf-
fer more.
When a man says ho wants to have a
private talk with you it means that he
has an axe to grind and he wants you to
turn the grindstone.
Children Cry
Before yon reprehend another take
hoed that thou art not culpable in what
thou goeet about. He that cleanses
with blotted fingers makes a greater
blur. --Quarles,
Those who are quite satisfied At still
and do nothing. Those who are not
quite satisfied are the sole benefactors
of the world. --W. S. Landon.
If we will take the good we find, ask-
ing no questions, we shall have heaping
measures. The great gifts are not got
by analysis. —Emerson.
Many persons do not drink a EDffioient
supply of water to maintain health. Six
glasses a day is sometimes necessary to
help carry off the impurities of the hu-
man system.
Severe Pains In The Liver,
Had Several Doctors.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
— CRe4W11A P 1110N-0-10
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Wages are going up in New Yolk
with the other advances, and house ser-
vants are receiving an average of $2
more a•month than they did one year
Over $600 was spent by the London
England, Jewish beard of guardians
last year on the recommendation of doc-
tors, so as by this meane to prevent later
illness, states the board's anneal report.
Wingham People Should Know How
to Read and Heed Them.
Sick kidneys give many signals of
The secretions are dark, contain a
Passages are frequent, scanty, pain•
Backache is constant day and night
Headache and dizzy spells are fre•
q ent.
The weakened kidneys need gniok
Don't delay t Use a epeoial kidney
Booth's Kidney Pills ogre sink kid-
neys, backache, and urinary disorders.
Wingham evidence proves this state -
R. Leary, of Minnie St, Wingham,
Ont , says: "My back bad been weak
and tender and a severe, grinding piste
would catch me across the kidney region
if I would stoop over or lift anything.
The kidney secretions had become un-
usually irregular and frequent and the
urine was highly colored and filled with
brick dust sediment. I bad tried several
different kiduey remedies but found
none of them to benefit rise, I learned
of Booth's Kidney Pills through an ad-
vertisement and procuring n box at Mr.
McKibbon'a Pharmacy, commenced
their wonderful onrative merits. My
back soon strengtheued and the pains
and tenderness left it; The kidney
secretions wore reduced to normal and
the urine cleared. Booth's Kidney Pills
are a fine and reliable remedy and I will
always reoommend them."
Sold by Dealers. Price 50 Dents. The
R T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents.
' Can be depended upon" is an ex-
preteion we all like to bear, and when
it is need in core(cticn with Chamber-
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy it means that it never fails to
cure diarrhoea, dyaentcry or bowel °cm-
plainte. It is pleasent to take and
equally valuable for children andadulte.
Sold by all druggists,
A Lumberman's Backache.
"The pains in my back were dreadful
and the kidneys failed to do their
work," writes Mr. L. 3. McKinnon,
Orillia, Ont. "Dr. Chase's Kidney and
Liver Piles proved to be exaottly what I
needed, brought relief promptly and
cared me. Sorry I wasted time experi-
menting with other medicines."
Is On The Outside Of Every Box
for All The World To See
Figures That TernStories.
(Toronto Star.)
In locking over the nationalities which
are emigrating to Canada, fairly large
movements are noted from France,
Austria, and Italy, but a very inaignifi
cant movement from Spain and Portu-
gal. Emigration from Spain, neverthe-
less.is just .as active in proportion as
that from the neighboring European
conntries, only it is, very naturally,
directed toward the Shtnish countries of
South America, Thus in 1909 Spain
sent 86,798 emigrants to Argentine,
Italy 93 523; RUasia 16,4751 and Syria,
11,750. Oanada'a emigrants come from
quite other sources -103,984 from the
United States, 63,757 from the British
Empire, 10,296 from Ansria•Hungary,
and 9,532 from Ramie. Immigration to
the Argentine is heavier than to Can-
ada. For the last fiscal year Argentine
received 231,084 immigrants compared
with our 208,794. From 1901 to 1909, a
period of nine years, 1,474,463 immi-
grants were admitted to Argentine,
while in the ten year period from 1900
to 1910, Canada admitted 1,453,391.
Italy has contributed 1,398,700 immi-
grants to Argentine since 1857, and in
the same time Spain sent over 882,000.
France has sent over 192,000 people.
Britieh settler° in Argentine in the same
period number 44,800 and those from
North America 4,153. In' 1909, Argen-
tine received 2,206 British immigrants
and 420 from North America. Canada
received from Spain last year 42 immi-
grants, and only 213 in the past decade.
The Municipal World is supposed to
be an authority on all questions arising
from the munioipai councils and in rep-
ly to a recent query on the subject of
deg by-laws they have answered as foll-
ows: "The council bas no authority to
pass a by-law imposing a tag on dogs.
The act passed last session of the
Legislative imposed the tax mentioned
therein on dogs in every municipality,
and it is the duty of the council to coll•
eat it, and by -lave that have hitherto
been passed by councils under the au-
thority of subsection 3 of section 540 of
°eneolidated Municipal act, 1003, and
Ants will carry loads 40 or CO times as which were in force when the repealing
heavy as themselves, The beetle can section was paseed can, of course, have
move a weight 112 times his awn weight- ne force or effect, as their provieicns as
The hones fly gives 660 atrckee of eta to taxing dogs have been enperseded by
wings in a second, and this enables it to V those of the statute."
go a, distance of 35 feet,
}.very user of " Vrnit-a-tives" knows exactly, what is being taken. The
formula of this famous fruit medicine is printed plainly on the outside of every
box, Weo hve statedies1many
apples, orangnd es, fiw gs s andte prunes, withtat valuable iheart and.
is made of the juices of app , g
nerve tonics and antiseptics.
Everyone knows that fruit juice is healthful --but perhaps some do not
understand why this is true, o of sweet llrinei le, and I/ of a
fruit juice consists of about 91 % water, S%
bitter substance. It is the quantity of bitt
r tinciple in of Ottawa aftt gives the
fruit value as a medicine. An eminent p Y
experimenting, found a method of increasing the bitter principle in fruit juice,
thus increasing the medicinal or curative qualities.
The juices are first extracted from fresh, toms are orranges,
figs and
prunes. By a secret process, sone of thesweet
principle. Then tonics and antiseptics are added, and the whole made auto
tablets, now known far and wide as "" Fruit -a -fives," s
of fruit
", it - ver " is the f the few remediesdicine in the that have let their that is i be known
juices, and is one of
from their introduction to the public.
" Fruit-a-tives " is nature's stimulant for the liver, bowels, kidneys and skin.
In cases of obstinate Constipation, Liver Trouble, Indigestion, Backache,
Rheumatism, Headaches and Impure Blood, this wonderful fruit medicine cures,
when everything else fails.
"Pruit-a-tives" is sold everywhere at 500. a box, 6 for $,e.5o, or trial box, 25c.8
Of will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa.
tre...tomoon444,1,4sroomm44.4444..444.,.....411444,4..nompotranommooree, .3,7,444.er.arom**.roantli WOW 4.....11114
Rabbit furs have doubled in value
within -the last few yearn, white some
skins have advanced 500 per nein
Mr. F. If, Wood, Crystal, Ont., writes:
"For several years I was greatly troubled
With severe paint in the Liver. I bad
several doctors attend me but 'without
any success. At last I was advised to try
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. and after
taking a few vials I Was completely
cured, It is, now, about six months
since X took theta, and I have bad no
return of my trouble since. 1 can hon,
catty recommend them to every person
who is troubled the Sante as I was."
Milburn's Lata-Livesfills are.25e per
vial or
5visla #a
tallde l
ers or
*ill be mailed direct, on receipt of price
by The T. Milburn Oo., Limited, Toronto,
Don't teaste your =easy buying pias !'i
tere when you can: get a hones of Obann,11
borlain'e Liniment for twenty file Mitt:
cents A. piece of flannel damp nedf! s �
with this linin,¢ tk fa sup rfar to any µ
piaster los lemi c ba •1>:. pa ga tri tl ei�?tr E eunlat'isni
and cheat, and rrcnch ol,.ai;er *Sold by j•Ith
all drnggiste.
In six yearn the rlty'3 pet;ertag ci° Una/no to work or steep --Six years of
uu.rcring—Cured by DR. A. W.
stretreilway reesipta has rr; :e than' CHASE'S NERVE FOOD.
doubled. City Treaenttr C 3y re!.,SiiVOi: fifes t lyy., schen, .Tr., Clarence Creek,
a obeque from the Toronto l;.ilar�y fi ' held l'o.„ Ont., writes:----' `Il:y nervi•
Oompany 16r $1'7.311,10, the aS t;t dk , < enneeta wars run down to such an
the airy for August. r nes.,; 10;42t,1 sufaercd a great deal front
i ere :r.A et of tier•, nerves and scutes
Mr. ()mid daoobson, Norwegian Cort-1,r`•arc,: u ;a3, :tn'1 at titles was lil:o ego
and at nfontreal, warns his feilow•conn i 1 r.:lyzed, 1 eenld not work, was un-
tr)-men against corning to Canada tp' r'„a; to aileept and had no appetite,
work 00 railway construction, ou diel 'inIfi,';rc;, monied to build in m7
ground that contractors do not treat; r+r,c:es erntil 1 made ntic of Dr. Encase s
'rs,•e 1'r,oel, 1'iftrr having; usi;d al;cut
their men fairly, and the precaatfone a .32.0 worth of this medicine I feel
against accident are not properly obserr l;,r a raw than. T. can walk ail right,
Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is to -day the beat
known medicine in use for the relief and
core of bowel complaints. It cares
gripping, diarrhoea, dysentery, and
should be taken at the first unnatural
looseness of the bowels. It is Equally
valuable for children and adults. It al-
ways cures. Sold by al1 druggists.
The present fashion for the hair is to
avoid the Sat braid and swirl recoiling
from neck to forehead; to build hair
high at top or in the middle by other
hair than your own in any epeoial way
lar shows
u p
yo like. The pompadour m
slgn of returning, the tiny fringe re.
mains. The bandeau of fillet it a5 fags,
tenable as ever.
do a great deal of work, have a good
appetite and sleep well every night.”
When you have tired of experiments
vet can turn to Dr. A. W. Chase 'a
:terve foodknowing that persistent
treatment ins bound to be rewarded with
lastingly bonefic'ial results. But you
got the
genuine,bearing portrait
must1S I
and signature of A. W. Chase, M. D.
Co ets, at all dealers or I;dmanaon, Bates
£W Co., 'Toronto. Write for free copy
of Dr. (.'htiae'a Recil,es,
,Dr. Chase's Oint
Mont is a certain
and guaranteed
cure'srroactl and
evory f or m of
italitng, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
r 'neighbors
ti money back if not You 6^o at all
sears . r ED.IMANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto..
A young Rennin woman, Mile, Ban,
durin, is auperintendent of a big engin-
eering firm. A graduate of the Wetu-
en's Technological Institute in St. Pen
ersbarg, she is the only woman in Russ-
ia, who has proved her ability to practi
cal work.
Not a minute should be lost is hen n
child shows symptoms of croup. Chem.
berlain'e Cough Remedy given as soap
as the child beoomee hoarse, or even
Some Uses for Salt.
It is well to wipe up floors with salt
Matting should be washed with salt
water and wiped dry.
Olean willow furniture by a good
scrubbing with salt water.
Sewer gas in counteracted if a hand-
ful of salt be placed in the basin.
Enamel may be oleaned by an appli-
cation of salt moistened with,vinegar.
B1aolr and white goods may be safely
washed if salt is added to the water.
A smouldering or dull fire may be
oleared for broiling by a handful of salt.
Copper and glass may be cleaned by
dipping half a lemon in fine Balt and
then rubbing the soiled article.
William Gosion of Port Hope, was
found dead beside the Grand Trunk
track at Oobourg.
Harry Brundage, a St. John, N. B..
boy was shot and killed while looking
into a shooting gallery.
Sunflower Philosophy
Ia the summer hotel there's always
room at the top.
Innocence is sometimes used as a syr
nonym for ignorance.
Score men bate conceited people be-
came they dislike competition.
Oar idea of a smut man is one who
maintains an average degree of common
sense during the period of his engage-
Speaking of nerve, there is that peter
eased by the man in a small town who
will parry a Dane when he doesn't really
need it.
The best thing in the world is a good
woman; and there would be more of
them if it wasn't for the suffragette
The seientista are having some trout
ble convincing the public that the com-
mon housefly is more deadly than the
During et dry spell when the heavens
are overcast, and thunder crashes, we
long for it to rain as hard u we want
our oletb to win wiien it is behind in a
ball game.
Are You
I can cure the worst case\ of
Rupture from infancy to old age,
without operation or loss of time.
and remove the daily danger of
strangulation. rill in coupon
and send to Dept. J. •
anter the creepy •oongh appears, W
prevent the attack. Sold by all drug-
A oo•operative bank for independent
women has been founded in Berlin.
The main object of the bank is to fin-
ance women wbo desire to atart iii bust -
nem on their own account. Ordinary
banks are reluctant to grant women the
mane credit as men.
88 Caledonia St,
Name .....r...r,,.,.,
Age..... r Time sip . r ... • , +
Single err;.
{�q . r r .
i 1
e or double r
r .,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Beneete the 0 ohard'a spreading boughs
sue stands,
September, rosy•cheeked, so like the
She gathers from the heavy•laden,
Into h Ir apron with eager hand
The autumn darts rays like golden band
Down through the boughs, as though
to cheek the loot,
Awl prison the fair thief at her pure
Bat gay she laughs, and monks at his,
The grass and trees and shrubs begin to•
Their vivid green, and slo-slyturn to
And brown and orimeon, as though
fain to choose
A brief resplendence e'er Death's,
arms enfold.
But sweet September siuga her harvest
Ansi Death's forgotten as she trips
—Donald A. Fraser, in the September
Candian Magazine.
Children Cry
'three men lost their lives in a fire on
the United States battleship North Da-
kota off Fort Monroe.
The Riht Kind
of Printing
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more money
here than the inferior article does
Quality . Counts
in printing as in other things, and the
TIMES is in a position to turn out first-
class work at very reasonable prices.
Try this office with your next order.
The ,Times