HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-15, Page 4THIii WINGUAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 Dominion Bank UICA.D, OFFICE I TORONTO Qapttel Stook (ell pail up) $4.G00,000 00 Reserve Fund and Ua• diei'ied Profits .. $5 380,000 00 D posits by the public, $47 000,o00 00 Total Mote, Oyer $61,200,000.00 $RANCXXES AND AGENTS throughout Qan- ade and ted U,iited States. A. GENERAL BANKING -BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Current le aces of Interest allowed, at d Dipastts received ot $1,00 and upwards. Of enthnitiasru at the Ale I!R he was at: the beginning, we only speak for the people of the whole Province, whe will jolty with tae in the hope that he may have a safe journey homeward and ld bog spared to play a part in the public) Itte of Canada. --Victoria Colonist, Con. setvative. Next to agriouiture, experte qt the for- est rank liret in importance, In the last fiscal year, Oanada exported wood, man- ufnatured and unmenufaotared to the value of $53 522000, beteg an increase over the previous year of nearly $9,000,000, Of this, the bulk is maontaotnred wood, whioh include(' loge, lumber of vatigne kinds, agaare timber and pulpwood, represent- ing $17,427.000 of the foregoing total. Plank and lamber, $23,000,000; spruce and other deals, $6,460,000, and pulp. wood, $6,000,000, oonstitute the prin- cipal single items whioh form this total. All of the pulpwood, by the way, went to the United States. Mannfae- tured wood fnrnishee $6,094,000 of the total exports, and includes furniture, doors, sashes, and blinds, matches and match splints, and wood pulp, whioh. last is the largest item in this oategory, representing $6,204,000, and most of whioh, or $4,000,000 worth, went to the United States, Oatside of Great Brit- ain and the United States, the Argen• tine Republic was our largest customer, taking over $2,326.000 worth of plank and boards alone. We also sold to these, among other countries, New- foundland, the British West Indies, France, Mexioo, Australia, and South Africa. F,trmera' Bale Notes Oolleoted, and advanoes made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINCULLM B ephtCJohn and ue Streets. W. R. GETIUE, MANAGER. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of oaoh week. ESTABLISHED 1872 TIIE WINfiu&M TIMES. .Q. B .ELLIQTT, PirprasuaR AND PROPRIETOP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 EDITORIAL NOTES. Statistios of homestead entries in the west for the eight months ending Aug- ust 31 show that Moose Jaw, Swift Current and Saskatoon oontinne to be the chief centres of activity. Moose Jaw's total for eight mouths is 9,375. Swift Current's 6.442, Siskatoon's 5,322. The total for eight months is 30.913, as compared with 21 311 for the same per- iod of 1909. The revenue of the Dominion for Au- gust was $10,176,930, whioh is over a million and a half more than during August, 1909, Daring the fiscal year so far gone the revenue has been $45,- 830,370 as against $33,500,160 in 1909 The expenditures $37,546,017 on consoli- dated fund and $9,161,450 on capital as count. The total net debt of the Do minion is $327,345,552. With the return of Hou. George P. Graham to the capital a majority of the Government are now there, and frequent Cabinet meetings will be held for the next two months in preparation of the estimates and the Legislative agenda for the coming session of Parliament. No date has as yet been fixed for the open- ing, bat it will probably be either Nov- ember 10 or 17. ST, VITUS GANG. A Striking Example of its Cure by rhe Tonic Treatment. St. Vitae dance is the cooxmanest form of nervous trouble whioh ailiiote child- ren, beoanse of the great demaud4 niede on the body by growth and develop went, and there is the added strain by study. It is when thesedemands be come so great that they Impoverish the blood, and the nerves fail to receiv°. their full supply of nourishment, that the nervous debility leads to St. Vitus dance, The remarkable anomie of Dr. Wil - dame' Pink Pf11e in outing St, Vitus dance should lead parents to give their ohildren this great blood -building medi- cine at the first gigue of the approach of the disease. Palos, listlessnee, inat- tention, restlessness and it all symptoms whioh early blood and nerves are fa' demands made upon Winters, Virden, M my little girl we ai ettaoked with followed by St. Even the farmers of the United States, and some in this country, mort- gage their farms to buy automobiles and their homes that they may listen to the music of the piano. Many business men end is bankruptcy, not from the strug. gle to exist, but from the effort to main. tain a country residence or seaside cot- tage or automobile because their neigh- bors do likewise. The oorrnption in the large cities is gross as a mountain, open, palpable. Corrupt corporations and dis- honest direotors who buy franohises are to often favored, making honesty most diffioult. Oa every hand, as this fiery preacher (Father Vaughan) notes, the gratification of the `senses seems upper most. Oae hopes he will be able to con- vince the people that there is something after all in being just a plain. decent citizen; that this is much better than being a plain ,money -grabber, putting chicory in coffee, sand in sugar, using dirt instead of cement, and getting money hook or crook, fair means or foul. Father Vaughan and all other prophets prove that indulgence of wants does not satisfy. Oat of the past comes the story of the eastern king tossing upon his splendid conch and groaning in spirit; his Vizier sake what he may do to bring him pleasure. "Oh 'Pieter! I am pursed for a want," and the perplexed Vizier wrung his hands in despair as he gave back answer, "By the beard of the prophet, 0 King, thy case is a hard one."—St. John Telegraph. Ottawa is delighted to have the Pre- mier home again. It is more proud of him than ever for the sturdy Canadian - ism and the sane Imperialism whioh he has preached wherever he has gone, whether on the plains of central Canada or in the western Province by the Pacific. Sir Wilfrid Ieft Ottawa our first Canadian; he returns greater than ever, with the impress of his personality, his determination to treat all sections of the Dominion feirly. stamped uponthe minds and memories of the people, and we alt rejoice, without political distinc- tion, that he has acoomplished his great national miaaian with so much dignity and with such dip'omatic skill.—Ottawa Free Press. . . What is even of more importance than the effect of his tour upon the price ple, is its sleet upon himself. He has been frank enough to say that he has been greatly enlightened by it, and his vision has become broader, that his love ot Canada hae become more intense and that his real'zition of the potentialities of the country has beoame mere pro- fou..d. Is is of the utmost importance to Oanada that the etateeraau, wbo pre- sides for the time being over its destin- ies, should receive the inspiration to a bold. generous and agreeeive policy that Su Wtitrid Laurier has received during the past two months. When we ex. press onr pleasute that hie tour has been. such an enjoyable one, that it has prov- ed to ce instructive as well, and that he was able to journey for so many days and remelt' sound in health and as fall ONTARIO LIBERALS. ability are ow that the ng to meet the them, Mre A „ says: "When years old she was rletina, whioh was ria' dance. Her limbs would jerk and twitch. Her epeeoh be. mune affeoted, and at last she beoame so bad that she oonld scarcely walk, and we hardly dared leave her alone. She was under the care of a doctor, but in spite of this was steadily growing worse, and we feared that we would lose her, As Dr, Williams' Pink Pills had oared her older eider of anaemia I deoided to try them again. After the use of few boxes, to our great joy, we found they were helping her and in the course of a few weeks more her power of epeeoh folly returned, and she could walk and go about as well as any ohild and she has been well and healthy since. When illness comes to any of our family now, we never call in a doctor, but simply use Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills, and they never disappoint ns." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont. "The Liberal party in Ontario Is not dead," said Sir George Roes in the course of a strong address before the sixth annual gathering of the General Provincial Reform Association in the Temple Building at Toronto on Friday last. "A Spartan band of twenty or thirty men could revolutionize that House in a short time." There was a large representation of well-known Lib- erals from all parts of the province at the meeting, and in addition to Sir. George Ross, rousing speeches were de- livered by Hon. A. G. McKay. Liberal leader in the Provincial Legislature; Hon. Geo. P. Graham, Minister of Rail- ways: lion. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture in the Province of Alberta. Mr. MoKayin his address said in part:— "Temperance people will tell you," he declared, "that local option is the beet meaanre of temperance yet offered in the Province of Oata io. They are well satisfied with the progress that has been made, with the results that have been achieved, and at the present time, on that issue, Liberal candidates will find safe and solid ground." In closing his addreae, the Liberal leader came back to the necessity of getting the party candidates in the field at the earliest possible moment, and made a promise that roused the Liberals present to enthusiastic oheere, "If the Liberals of the Province do their part in placing candidates in the field," he said, "I will undertake to addreae every riding of the whole 106 between now and elections." All the officers of the Association were re-elected for the netting year. SUMPTION In the cure of consumption, nourishment is necessary. 'o>i 35 years 1< Scott s Ernolsion has been the standard, wrorld wide treatment for torsum • tion. All lerasteett NEWS NOTES. The feeling of Ease which comes with the possession of a bank book is something not to be despised—no Matter what your position or pros- pects, A bank account eliminates worry and care --causes you to feel that you have something to fall back up- on in an instance of emergency, One Dollar will start an account. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith - Agent. •. FALL FAIR DATES. (4ingham• .... Atwood Blyth.... , Brussels Sept. 29 30 Oct. 2-3 Oct. 4 5 Oct. 6.7 Dungannon -..Oct. 6.7 Fordwioh Oot. 1 Goderioh Sept. 19 20.21 Harriston,......, ,.... Sept. 29 30 Kincardine Sept, 21 22 Listowel Sept. 20 21 London Sept. 9.17 Lnoknow , .Sept. 22.23 Mildmay . ,.. Sept. 26 27 Ripley ,Sept, 27.28 Seaforth • , Sept. 22.23 Teeswater Oot. 5.6 Tiverton Oct 4 Walkerton Sept. 15.16 The Interoolonial management will spend $200,000 to rebuild the burned buildings at Oampbellton. Rev. G. B. Gordon has accepted the rectorship of Niagara Fells, in . sno cess- ion to Dean Houston, who is retiring. The O.P.R. night operator at Indian Head was held up by an armed man and robbed of ten dollars. Twenty doll- ars was also taken from the till. Archie Smith, a cashier of the Cana- dian Northern Transfer Co., at Winni- peg, is under arrest charged with being short $3,500 in hie a000unts. The Salvation Army barracks was re- cently vacated, after being occupied by officers continuously since 1891. Gode- rioh has been an army station for nearly 2G years. Capt. Brown was the last officer at. Goderioh. The census 'and etatietios office esti- mates the produotion of wheat for the whole of Canada at 122,785,000 bushels, being an average of 11 89 bushels to the acre, being 43,957,000 bushels less than last year, when the total production of wheat was 166,744,000 bushels. Orvid Jacobson 'Norwegian Consul at Montreal, has warned his fellow -coun- trymen against coming to Canada to work on railway construction, on the ground that contractors do not treat their men fairly and that precautions are not taken against accident. A company of which Sir Robert Perks is the head hae undertaken to build a $4,000,000 dry dock at Levis. The dock wilt be capable of accommodating the largest ocean-going ships. The fly in the ointment consists in the fact that the taxpayers of Canada will pay for the dook while the Parka Company will own it. Twenty-eight men on Friday lost their lives when a big Pare Marquette oar ferry, en rotate from Milwaukee to Ludington, went down in Lake litchi. gun. The ferry was loaded with freight care, and when a few home out of port a heavy gale was encountered, the boat pitched and tossed, and the cars on the deck became loosened from their moor- ings. Be Loyal to Your Town. Don't permit anyone Oto outdo you in your loyalty to your community. By personal effort and words of commenda- tion set up a worthy standard, live up to it and aid others to attain. Some people are always disposed to give their home locality a bleak eye, but the far off fields wear a beautiful green to them. It's bad polioy to quarrel with your sur. ronndings and many an individnel, be. sides the oft quoted prodigal son, has found to their sorrow that there were worse planes than the old home. Have ambition for worthy promotion and make preparation every day for the years to come so that both body and mind will be stored with the requisite for a happy, useful and snooessfnl life. SEALED TENDERS addre • to the under- signed, and endorsed' ' end= for Breakwater Goderich, Ont.," will re• aved at this office, Until 4 p. m , Tuesday • • ober 4, 1910, for the construction of a b water at Goderich, Heron County, Ont, Plans, specification and form of contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this department and at the offices of .1. G. Sing, Esq , District Engineer, Confedera- tion Life Building. Toronto,Ont., .LL Michaud, Esq District Engineer, Merchants' Bank Building, St. James Street, Montreal, P. Q., and en application to the Postmaster et Goder- ich, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their Bettie' aignatnres, stating their Occultations and places of residence. In the ease 01 firma, r of the ocen s• nature she actual signature, nature the p g m n and lace of residence of each member of Lion. firm must be given Each tender must be accompanied by en act - elated cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the Order of the Honorable the Minister Of Public Works. for tae aura of seventeen thou- sand (817,000,00) dollars, which will be ferfelted if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fall to complete the work contracted for. If the ten - Cheque will be return- ed., not accepted the der beeq ed., p The Department does not bind Itself to acc- ept the lowest or any tender. By order R. G'. Dit8ROOElilt8, Seereteri', O tawa,, Septelmber 910. Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tisement if they insert it without authority freta the Department. Mr. It, J'. Kinler was kilted by a /all at Cobalt while supervision the erection of a new mill at the godson Bay mine, The will of the late Professor Goldwin Smith was filed for probate. The estate tae a value of $832,859, on which there is $83,285 enocesaion duties that go to the Provincial Government. There are var, lout behests, which total up to $60,000, While the residue ot the estate goes to Cornell University, and amountsto. $689,074. The Grimm his Tate rest. denoe, gees to the art mnsentn with plc. tures valued at $5,000. Stockers ohoioe 4 50 " bulls..,..,..... 3 00 Butohers'-- Picked 5 60 Medium..... 5 00 Cows.... .... 3 50 Bulls 4 00 Hogs— Best 9 00 Lights 8 50 Sheep— Export ewes 4 25 Bucks 3 00 Culla „ - 3 00 Spring Lambs eaoh., 5 75.. Calves, each 3 50 The Oppressed Toiler. He gazad out through the prison bars, while strangers handed him oigare, and big bouquets, and things like those, and said he: "Thus oppreeeeion grows! The humble toiler's in the soup, and no one seems to Dare a whoop. The heartless tyrant sits in state, and puts the poor man in a crate. I held a city job for years, and earned enough to buy my' beers, and shoes and snoh things for my wife. I thought I had that job for life, bat then a tyrant mayor Dame in, and I saw grief and woe begin. He bounoed me, comrades, from my plaoe! He said he didn't like my fade! Beoauee I didn't earn my pay, he shooed me from my job away! He had the nervnto lay it down that people working for the town would have to earn the bones they drew: I balked at that, and so would yon! He wasted and destroyed my life; he robbed my ohildren'and my wife; he stole my biscuits and my jam; I shot him then, and here I am! My doleful plight should give yon pause; I am the martyr for your cause. Shall tyrants ;:rash, with iron boot, the faoa of every poor galoot? Shall tyrants say that men must earn, the boodle that they like to burn? Ah, they may rob us of our rights, and put tas in distressing plights, and from oar children take the bun—bat we your brow!—Walt Mayon. The new Grand Trunk P50143 elevat- or at Fort William, said to be the larg- est in the world, is open for business. 6 00 4 50 6 00 5 25 5 26 '475 diummimmiwassrum—TINsmiosammamsaimmil.sems 4, "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STARE" 4 75 3 60 3 50 6 20 7 50 I Agents for the Ladies Home Journal, price 10c, copy, on sale on the 9th and 24th of each month. & KI3RR b BIRD- wiNGHAal MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Sept. 14 th, 1910. Fier r per 100 lbs.... 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat -, ., •. 0 95 to 0 95 Oats, 0 35 to 0 40 Barley .... ..... 0 48 to 0 50 Peas ,... 0 70 to G"75 Butter dairy 0 19 to 0 20 Eggs per dos 0 18 to 0 19 Wood per oord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per,ton 6 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 60 to 0 65 Lard .., . 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per owl 8 60 to 8 GO Onlift net C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER NnoNoArotu Insurance IANNT Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and • MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grooery. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, oattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. 'Ave Stock Markets. Toronto, Sept. 12. Union Stook Yards— Receipts fcr to -day's mar- ket were 133 oars, with 2,766 head of cattle, 616 sheep end lambs, 36 hogs, and 62 calves. The market was the etroogeat for eev- eral months past, and though the ran of cattle was heavy, the weighing com- mented immediately on the opening of the market, Indicating a very active de• mend for everytning offering Prominent among to day's bnyere were a large number of farmers looking for feeding cattle, The demand for this ohms of cattle has grown quite acute, and though there were 17 to 20 loads of Western cattle in today, these were fat from being equal 80 the de. mend. The keen titsyfor fee dere has given a stronger tone to the whole market, and both oxport and btttober battle were 103 to 153 higher than last week. The following are she quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice .$6 25 $8 7 Medium.. , ......... 5 Bulls 450 600' Light .. 5 75 600 Oowr.............,... 4 50 500 Feeders— best eeders-- beaty �1000 pounds and up. warda ........YY..... 4 50 5 50 CENTRAL. Adfrh STRATFORD', ONT. The leading praotical training school in Western Ontario. All am- bitions young men and young women should' read our free catalogue. Learn what one graduates are doing and you will be interested. We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Eaoh department is in hands of ex- perienced instructors. Indtvtdnal instruction is given. This it the beet time of the year for students to enter, Write at once for onr free oatalogne. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Fall Quarterly Y�'�� Style Book 105 pages The very best style book published. You cannot afford to be without it. It really costs you only 5c. Price of Style Book 20c Pattern given with book 15c All for only 20c Total 35c Ladies Home Journal Patterns have no equal. They give perfect satisfaction. New Patteras every month. They are right and up-to-date. Price l oc and 15c. Regal Taffeta Underskirts These English Taffeta Skirts are all guaranteed. We have them in'all styles and prices. We will be pleased to show you these goods. Now is the time to buy Blankets. Flannelette Blankets, grey and white. All Pure Wool Blankets in white. • Wool and Union and Flannelette Sheetings. Our prices are right on these goods. Special Clearing Sale Prices All White Shirt Waists at Clearing Sale prices. All Ready-to-wear Suits for men & boys at Clear- ing Sale prices, All Boy's and Men's Caps at Clearing Sale prices. Farmers: -- We want Ripe Tomatoes, Onions, Apples, Eggs, Butter, White Beans & Etc Bring your trade here. We give you good prices and we guarantee to give you satisfaction. - The Profit Sharing Store. Ask about it. amomnsuiommmiNrsmellsmimmmsllmlooummM Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" Leave Toronto at 3 00p. m. daily ex. y cept Sunday rip to Sept. 19th, thereafter every Monday, 'Wednesday and Sstur• day, up to and inoluding October let. STEAMER ' RELLEVILLE" Leaved Toronto at 7 30 p. m, every Tuesday until close of navigation for Bay of (biota, Montreal and inter• Mediate Porti. Very low' rates lnoind' lug meals and berth on this line. For folders, rates, etc., apply to H. FOSTER ortAFFBL•', A,G P. A. Toronto, Ont. Maxwell's Big Clearing Sale IN FULL SWING Do not delay to leave your order for that Suit or Overcoat. Re- member the watchword DO IT NOW Delays are dangerous for al- though we have a big stock we might sellthe entire business if the right man comes along. Those who have been in say we should not be long in selling out at the pricesq uoted. THE MAKINO AAD TRIMMING is just the same as at the original b prices. Come and be convinced. Robert Maxwell 1VMERCI-IANT TAILOR. 1