HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-15, Page 30
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• About
aha dog la onrled ap �faeG aolaap"
f 1?xoareAR Magazine ]
The pat Ilea lathe sun,
Never give up,
iQhioaat NewA,)
The ea nos r no grows more wide arid deep. et ran.
He IS 4 Cattle Thief and Even a
Qua do tbluge,
- I
Queen Ullzabatb, In the last year of
the hall there tit no cry,
l�iurnan Dein Thief.,
have ebaraotar,
her reign" was nrpob .auncerlled aA to the I.9N1?t?N, �DNI`AttlO
racket anywhere,Are
Add so I !ay my ped. by,
never Idle,
Cannot be bought,
expenses of Ebe royal household, Aq.
cording to a docutnelpt in the BuskesS & Shortha'd
* soul oppressed with core.
Seo Opportunities,
record oflloe, she ordered A compsrtsull u r cxs
It was not very long ago
Can Pbow reeultr.
to be made betwetrl the *xpelgdttAre to
He used to alsko thloga bum?
lie used to to fro"
Have original Ideas,
carred in the third snd tortythlyd yt era IE, itiont Anel Mail couiarsto
patter and
need to ao and Dams,
3bixet Its Prey by the Throat when
Neper get laic a rut,
of her .reign, when „ Ctttxlas4aa Front,
�Yt WAA found that
'file doors would creak. and ttlanl upataira
Clings Vil'rth its Claws until !t
Are not afraid, of wont,
In bread, haute, wyne, wood, coifs, wax• 1• W- Wettarealt, J, Vit!, Wsrtarvalt, jr., C,A,,
The oat would he a streak
Breaks the Spine of las Victim or,
Never repoRniz,3 defeat,
lights, torfhes, tallow l OW$ and meetesr Pt,naipgl. Visa-Ptanclw4
a QZ,, T]lj(�a.,7
Wood („(
Of flying fur behind the ObAit•e,
The dog would softly sneair,
Stranolos It,
Can not. without orders,
anti other aliawaucea of inoteents, nacos
But now the house la very still
Less in size, but even more ferocious
the leopard pas a worts character than
Carry out au agreement,
AdvoOate a [quare deal.
sariop, aa; ria gee and wages, £12,000 Kee r
($GO,Q00) per aunnm at leatG more was p -t Out of the Paper.
YOU can quickly get. the
And my suspense is great,
Oft, atmy beart I feet a chili,
the tiger or lion, Living mainly in.
Do something everyday.
spent, and no sulboleut warrant for the "'geeP it out of the paper,''" is Ills cry
Pandora oven ready far the
I sit alone and wait,
trees and very nocturnal, this, fierce
See their duty and do it,
, which the local oa\vsAapsper pgblibher
increase The queed a majesty being
daily haste,
iia has beau still so la, g --so longi
and dangerous beast is less often seer[
` Acoolliptish what they begin.
informed of this difrererce said, `I will To oblige often ocat+l eon+
-"* baking, It is made of Nickel
My pulses seem to Ptop --
than far rarer animals, It Is widely
Are not afraid to be leaders,
not suffer this, dishonorable spoile and siderable, though the party who makes
Steel which is much more send-
I have a premonition strop gt
I'll spotli§ear something drop.
spread over the world from the Cape
Merit the confidence of others.
increase that no prince over before ala the regdaet thinks the [;ranting scarcely
'Give than iron
—Qhicaao Daily News.
of Good Haps, to the Atlas mountains
pan originate as well ss follovy,
did. But my speedie order far reforms• worth say Ing thenk you far A new4•
a cast or gray
and from southern China to the Slack
Have ability, honor and integrity,
ciao shall satisfy my 14ving sub�aote, Asper is a peculiar thing in the public"A
rt oven,
It heats up more rapidly
sea, where it is sometimes met with in
Are not frightened by competition,
for I will sad as, I began with my eye, Tye news gatherer is stormed At,
and thereby saves you many
Less Expensive,
the Caucasus,
Profit by the mistakes of otherF.
subjeota' love,,,, beaaugolie gets hold of cue Item and I
A North Country young roan resident
Any one, who has frequented the zoo
Do today the things that would wait
Old-time acts of Parliament in Great abused because .he does riot get Another.
Britain Young men, and oftap woman,
a p
in Landon married to lady, and
for an time wast have noticed the
until to marrow.
aimed to atop Sunday travelling, young
aft went to visit a bachelor
difference in size and color between
Iu 1669 for example, two men were as well as older persons, perform. nota
a After you've used the Nickel
uncle in Scotland. When uncle and
leopards from different parts of the
found nil which become legitimate items for
guilty of the crime of walking R pub.
Oven for a Week you'll
nephew were over their walnuts anti
world, On some the ground color is
from Brietol to Bath on a Sunday and lication and then rush to the newspaper
wine the old gentleman remarked:
almost white, In others a clear nut
were at once fined 20 shillings $4 SO
t } cfilae and bet( the editor not to notice.
yourself that you
Wee], Bobby, ye has gotten a wife!"
brown. Others are let black,
each, All business was at a standstill their escap4dee, The next day they con.
in a Pandora Range.
"'Yes, uncle•"
Wherever they live leopards are cat-
demo the some a for not havin
on,a Sunday, Nothing f; was allowed to 1? P g
Get one
this week. Make
,What can she do?"
tie thieves, sheep thieves,. dog thieves
be sold except milk For, of all the Published another party doing the some
thtug they
- „ "
Dol What do you mean?
and human being Though not
traders of the milkman, and were guilty of, forgetting
mind you'll enjoy its
'"Oh, can she sew button On
formidable In appearance, they are im•
the milkman alone, was allowed to nr• tspparently their late visit to the Print -
conveniences at once.
a .yet
eark, mak' yet parritch, or do any
mensely strong, and it is not unusual
fur then) to turn wan eater. Both in
sue his calling for the whole seven. days Ing office,—Galt Reporter,
Our agents in your locality will
India and in Africa they have been
at the week,
_ There is talk amour the husbands
fill your
order promptly,
at all, uncle. The servants do
to set up in tills line as delib•
erittety as any tiger, They have four
-' who button their wives' dresses of bring•
all that; but I tell you what it is: She
Your complexion as well as your Ing snit against the dressmakers for not
- hatat the loveliest votes you ever heard,
or five young at a birth. The cubs cantemper
be kept tame for some time and are
is rendered miserable by a dis• making as many holes as there are but,
liver. tons, The dressmaker may claim
She's a grand singer."
ordered By taking Chamber- she
.Man, could ye no' has gotten a
v„_ g
canary. Tit -Bite,
amusing pets, but it Is extremely dun-
gerous to have them about.
a e e
!aid's, Stomach and Liver Tablets you does, but the really doesn't, even, and
can improve both, Sold by all dealers n0 mar, can make thein come out that
In Hongkong an Lingtlshmao hada
LIM Pills,
Stands for Guaranteed Quality
tame levnard, It `vas brought into tate
Fifty rears' Experience of an Old Nurse,
dining room by a coolie to Ile exhibit-
ed to the owner's guests. Lxciled by
Must Boar Signature of
��••�•���•!•�•/rw��r���>e ktii�r��A/�w��0�+•=lavr�O�tir
louden,” ToroJ h Montreal, Winnipeg
Vanoocver, St, Johrt, N.B„ 8amrltox, Caleary , ,
the. WINion o Sone
the preeeriptioxi of ons of the best fe•
the smell of n otn the leopard refused
to go out. when one cf the women, who
mate physicians and nurses,,in the
United States,and haebeenused"forfiftp
diel not like his looks, exited that it be
pears with never•tailiug success by
rumored, The coolie took held of its
millions` of mothers for their children.
, ••
cull ft and began to battl it out. It
gee Fac•$Imtte Wrapper Below.
• i
tbnt their employees have not shown
It.relievesthe child from pain, cures
seized him by the neck, bit It through
in the dying,
v,� amau and as env
negligence in oondoolug t'd the starting
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
and a minute coolie was
of the fire, and that they have main•
windoolio,. By giving health to the
covered with blood,. ou the dining.
Wned an efficient and properly equipped
child; it rests the mother. Twenty-five
conte a bottle.
room floor.
The Chinese leopard ranges as far
Daiiug the putt summer forest tires
ileo" been decouiing
staff of fire•raugers, In other words,
'Vie Committee proposes to lesson the
_ ""�
north as the Siberian titter and, like
the latter, to larger
• FOR 1 .,
tbe•growth of Den
Fourteen Mistakes of Life
seems grow khe
u .
turies with ruthless rapacity, Northern
number of fires caused by sparks from
Almost any man of fourty will sub-
farther north it Is found. The color
leopards is
• •
Ontario, Manitoba and British Coluuttia
locomotives by baying the railways
scribe to the fact that iia has fxi his own
of these northern very pale,
the spots are large and the fur is very
have sufirred most, rine tracts of mer.
chautable timber worth millions of dol•
fined for the damage the do
y , unless
they take every possible precaution to
career made most, it not all of the mis•
" '
• c �
• ills TIMi~S Will receive $itb„CriptlOnS at the iotE: 1)eloW -
]are htive been de�rroped, (quare mile
revent such damage, This is obvious]
P R y
takes which Judge Rentoul, of the oily
of London Court, recently stated !n a
'7'he natives of all countries are untin•
it)vuti f) declaring that the Itop;u•ti is
cmavdfw=mu.T,uvc NATUMC.
�'fiCO"� oegerable, �•�
lar T
for an of the following publications
• y i
upon . Fq+aare mile Of yor;ug grewtb
coming on to supply the demands of the
a fair recommendation as regards bath
the railways and the public, and the of.
public speech he considered to be four•
„ „
more dangerous than the Ilon or tiger.
't'hry hove )o fear uP the lion, provided
" A_1__....411.
• Times and Dail Globe....................,...
♦ y 4.50
future have beau wiped out of existence
fort to have it made law is worthy of
teen cardinal errors of life, And,
added the Judge, "I think I have the
they are not hunting fur it, for it will
0 Times and Daily Mail and Empire.............. 4.50 ♦
In Na:tberuOritarie,where but a thin
public support, Every Canadian is
greatest fituese for speaking on this sub-
not "tttac•k unites provoked, but a
♦ Times and Dail World..... .............,.... +
3' 3.10 ♦
layer of vegetable mould covers talo
protection of
deeply interested in the r
because 1 have committed suety
leopard never to be trusted.
♦ Times and Toronto Daily News.. .............. 2,30
rooks, the soft, oozy forest floor, the an
our forests; for each forest lire means
one of them." The list is well worth
]n Africa a number of natives were
tiring the reed~ along a stream. One of
. •
♦ Times dna Toronto Daily star ................. 2 30
ly hope of vegetation and equable stream
that he and h1s children will have to pay
the serious perusal of young and old--
them, a buy, being, thirsty and hot,
Times and Daily Advertiser .................... 2.55 4
flow has been oomplete)y destroyed,
higher prices for every foot of lumber
they use. Such a meaenre, for
the former that they may perhaps ea•
stooped down io drink. He wits imine-
In connection with the fasting regi-
mens that are the fad, much at.
♦ Times and Toronto Saturday Night ............. 3.35 ♦
leaving a cheerless rooky waste for gen•
cape making some of these very mistak•
diately seized by a leopard. The buy's
Times and Weekly Globe . .. ..... ........
♦ y ` ` 1'60
eraticno to come. Even if no thought :
p reservation of Dor forests as that reo•
es; the latter that, they may be humbled
brother, with tut admirable aim, buried
tendon is gain aid to the curative and
g P
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire...........,. 1.60 -
be given to the nnmber of dives lost, ft
commended by the Committee on For•
by realizing how many of them they
his spear at itis hrupard while tits buy
nourishing qualities of pure, rich milk,
♦ ♦
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star...... 1,85
must• be admitted that the lose occasion
eats of the Commission of Conservation
like wise have made. Judge' Rbatoul s
was in his jaws. The point separated
One physician advised a patient who
• ♦
• limes and Canadian Fara (weekly) ............... 1,60 �+
td tbis year by forest fires has been
should, therefore, commend itself to
list to as follows:
the vertebrae of rite neck, and the
came to be built up to starve himself for
Times and Weekly Witness 1.85
xiothin short of spelling,
g P
every pubifc•spi:ited citizen and news-
To attempt to set up our own stand-
leopard fell stone dead. But the buy
could not recover. 1'he leopard's fangs
three days, then begin an a milk diet,
♦ .......... . .... . . . . .
Times and London Free Press (weekly).,,,,,,,:, I,Sp ♦
().in nothiutr, be done, then, to prevent
paper in Canada.
and of right and wrong, and expect
had torn open his chest and injured the
taking a cupful first, four Inmos a day,
• Times and London Adgerilser (weekly) .......... 1,60 H
this less? The answer is that much can
everybody to conform to it.
lungs. The lancer were exposed to
every three hours, then every Lwo
• ,
♦ Times. and Toronto Weekly Sun ................ 1,70
be dtae, The solution of the problem
The tallies of Wingham
To try to measure the enjoyment of
view tbrou;'h the cavity of the rills.
hours, then every hour until four quarts
• Times and World Wide.....! .................. 220
i3 indicated- in two words —public semi•
menr. The two principal causes of for.
May Now Grow Beau-
ethers by am own.
To expect uniformity of opinion in
He died during the night.
Leopards are essentially tree living
a da was dra,k.
No solid food was taken with this re-
� Times and Northern Messenger .. .. .............. 1.35 .
Tithes and Farmers' Advocate 2,35 d
Fat fires are oarapers and railways, and
iful Hair.
in this world.
and nocturnal animals, Sleeping in
tees yr cove: by day', they are seldvnt
gimen and Headless to say the milk must
be sipped not gulped. The milk dirt
♦ ..... ; .. , ....... , .
• We specially recommend our readers tosnbscribe ;4
• a
public opinion must be brought to bear
To look for judgt ment and exporlence
disturbed. - They db all luvredible
was kept up for four weeks
to the Farmers' Advocate and home Magazine.
Times and Presbyterian......,...... • • • • 2.25 t
upon these. The to6ri t•camper does
not at all realize the exteyt of the dam•
F. J Bind, backed up by the manu-
in youth,
To endeavor to mold all dispositions
amount bf inNebicf among cattle,
dogs, being especial•
Milk is also mush need in the ante of
♦• • •, • • • •
Times and Westminster .................... . . . . 2,25
faoturere of SALVIA, the Great
eah s,5, sheep and
nervous disorders, It draws the blood
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster........ 3.25 a
a ewhich his unextia •unshed cam tiro
g b P
may do, Laws against 'leavin'g camp
Grower,�guarantees it to row hair.
SALVIA dextro s Dandruff in ten
Not to pieldin nnim orient trifite.
ly fond of killing :and eating the utter
They seize their pray• by the Utrvat
from the bead and soothes the nerves of
♦ ,t
• Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) . , 2.40 a
♦ •
fires burning are already on the statute
g y
dace, •-
To lock for perfection in our own no.
and cling with their claws vutil they
the stomach.
.. •r
M Times and Canadian Magazine (mRnthly).,. , , , , , , 2,90 d
books but It quite evident that their
The roots of the hair are so nourished
succeed in breaking the spine or ill
Women who are subject to great
♦ Times and Sabbath Readlil , New York .... .. 1,95 't
ig' .i
observance testa main! with the tent•
and fed that a new cru of hair a rids
P springs
.•, y
to worn cprselvea and others about
strangling the t ictiut. They have
habit of feeding on plitrid flesh. 'Phis
strain or who are given to sudden Dol•
lapsee of„strength, will find !lot milk
• Times and Outdoor^ Canada•(monthly, Toronto).. 1.85 •t
♦ ) '•t
Times Michigan Farmer 2.15
tat himself. He must be impressed with
up, to the amazement and delight of the
what cannot be remedied.
t tdctlotcvl tel�tt'entgit
sipped slowly the best sort of stimulant.
and ...... , . , , . , , ... , , , .14
• p 2 25
• Times and Woman s Home Com anion
the very serious nature of his offence.
user. The hair is made soft and fluffy+,
Not to alleviate, if we can, all that
or claws lj'l�l�iuti�
If milk faits to digest, which rarely.
, , .....
Times Country Gentleman 2 60
If a man sets fire to a building, he is
Like all American preparations SALVIA
needs alleviation.
Nothing 10 the wny of prey conies
happens when sipped, try putting a little
and ...... . . . . . . . . • , .
'+• Delineator 2.95 •P
convicted of arson and sent to prison as
felon, but it his
is daintily perfumed, It is hard to find
Not to make allowances for the weak-
amiss to thein, from a cow in the pas•
ture to fowl up at roost,
salt or a tablespoonfat of limewater in
;. and ,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , •
+ Times and Boston Cooking Sebool Magazine...... 1.45 4
a unextingulehed camp
fire butne down millions of dollars worth
an actress who does not use SALVIA
continually. A large bottle for 50o.
nesses of others
To consider anything impossible that
In the great mountain ranges of, een.
it. One reason why milk disagrees
Times and Green's Fruit Grower ................ 1,55 4
of timber and perhaps destroys human
we cannot ourselves perform,
nal Asia the bat:utfut snow leaparti is
with souls people is that they take it as
� Times and Good Housekeeping .......... . .. • , . , 2.90 4
life as well, he is, at beet, made to pay
Dutch Farmers and Self Help.
To believo only what ,our definite
found. it !s a large creature, with
thick, woolly coat and a long tail like
n beverage, instead of as a food.
When one is subject to insomnia a
Times and McCall's Magazine .................. 7,70 •f
� 't
a ,mail fine, when public opinion
The motto of faimtis lnlhollard is
minds can grasp.
a fur boa. The color fS wlitte, clouded
cop o. hot milk slowly sipped after gat-
,� Times and American Illustrated Magazine......., 30 a
,� Times and American Boy Magazine 1 90
views carelessness o4 the camper as
says The Irish Homestead, "Help U
To live as, R the mometit, the time,
with beautiful gray, like thalt of au
ting into bed will frequently induce
............. .♦t
• 4
Times and What to Eat 1,90
a criminal act and frowns him
Zalf, which dose not seem to require
the day, were soim important
Angora cat. 'tile edges of the cloud
alae A
+ ............4..........
accordingly, considerable progrete will
” „
translation. Nothing, says a writer
live forever.
lugs and spots are marked with black
The eyes are very
Slowly sipping of hot milk will often
't' Times and Business Mans Magazine............. 2,15 �
't' Cosmopolitan
♦ Times 2.15
been made in lessening the number
of forest fires from this Dense,
quoted by The homestead, "is more
To estimate people by some • outside
for it is that within which
or darker gray.
targe, bluish bray or smoke colored.
stop Paroxysms of coughing wheu all
and ........... . , .... , , . , , ,
I. Times and Ladies' Home Journal............, • 2,75
But it is the railways that spread the
refreshing tot me in Holland than the
trade endent bands -off attitude of the
makes the man.
It lives on the wild sheep, ibex and
mountain quintals. in captivity
other remedies have failed.
Snow that hot milk is not boiled milk•
+ Times and Saturday Evening Post .............. 2.75 ,
most destraotion. Traversing, as they
farmer of the State. He did not call an
it is far the tamest and gentlest of the
The latter ie in'nricus.
,� Times and Success,,,,,,..,....,...,. 2,2a 3
Times and Hoard's Dairyman ......... I 2.40
y r
do, the great Ione stretches of nhfnhabit• _parliament
to suppress butter fakers.
large Catnivorat, not excepting the pv-
.♦i, .......
Times and McClure's Magazine ............ 2,40
ed timber areas, the sparks from their
He started that marvel of rural Ingenu•
Didn't Give Him the Chance.
ma, Unlike the latter, it is a sleepy.�1.
+ Times and Munsev's Magazine... ..... 2,50 i
locomotives start numorous fires that ;
ity, the 'Boter Controle,' It is a sya-
Schopenhauer, when staying in Ge,
quiet animal, like a domestic.
gain great headway before being detect-
tom under which surprise inspections,
neva, used to go every day to a table
The West African leopard skin is
Times and Vick's Magazine .. .................. 1.60 4
ed, Too often the right-of-way, Piled
registrations, and analyses are raised to
ti'hote at which now and then ap•
more handsome than the Asiatic, the
spots being very distinct and clear. tie
.♦f. Times and $orae Herald...,.... ...+......... ,60 ♦
Times Travel Magazine..... 2.25
thick vrith infiaihablil rubbish, fnrniehee
for these
& fide art, The 'Borer Controls' has
geared other Visitors.
Lady Byron sat nest to him.
---they couples—
and si, they usually go in coup
+ and .... .....
•p Times and Practical Farmer..... ..... ....: 2.10
a none.
owns o property
The owner of destroyed property along
t might have done,
dorso, what stopped
Oompletely stopped the exportation of
.,Doctor,'" said the host after sho had
are fond of hunting Cantonments and
towns, where they pick
Was Almoat Unable To Move.
+ Times and Home Journal Toronto.. ............. 1,60
the line has found it almost impossible
adulterated butter. Even the dairy in-
lett, with a twinkle in his eye" .doe•
tor, do you know who sat nest to you
.around native
up a goat and note and tbcn a baby,
Two Boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills
•t• Times and Designer....... .......... .... 1 75
Times and Everybody's........... , ... ........ 2 8rt
under the present IRws to get damages
struotors In Holland are appointed by
at the table today? 1t was Lady By-
One night I was camped In a native
Cured Her.
.;, 4
Times Western Home Montblyy, Winnipeg...... i
from the railway+ oompanv, so difficult
agricultural societies, though the Gov
town and after I had retired the na-
and ,6t1
is it to iia the responsibility, and so es•
ernment helps with, their salaries. Not
"Why the deuce did you not tell me
tives, as was their custom, were sitting
Cairns,� writes:
Times and Canadian Pictorial ................ . . . 1 60
piiuslve i'r the prooese . of litigation. In
is the Dutch farmer Indebted to the
this before?'" replied Schopenhatter; "I
about a great lire asking Guy caravan
w feel iit in t: y u of
y y p you a few lines
order to lessen the number Of fires 'due
Government for the remarkable cattle
should have liked to be rude to her."
"That feared,"
all sorts of questions, for the African
is the In the
to let you !:now what Doan's Ridney
Pills did
,'1I, above rices include postage on American nblicati(t»a to rn
Ili this 4ane9, the Committee on Forests
Commission Clonesrvation has
breeding societies whish have so much
was what I said the
host, "and for that reason I kept it
savage greatest gossip
world. Suddenly a child's cryrah„
for Inc, I had such a Lame
Back that I was almost unable to move
•t• address n Canada. It the Thiers is to be sent to an American riddrerp, add*
�" where American are to be sent to
of the of
proposed to make the railways peouniar•
to do with bid success in the butter
trade. Government money Ilan been
quiet< ;,
out, followed by a great Clamor. hush•
and my kidneys were in an awful con.
♦ 50 Cents for onstage, and publications
ti American addresses a reduction will be made in price,
ily responsible. It had redommended
more than once refused by Dutch Agri
Ver 'l'horoti Ir.
Ing out to discover, the cause of alarm,
Z was informed that a leopard had
"After tatting two boxes of Doan's
� We could ektord this list. If the paper or magazine you went iP not in •
thatthoro be addpdto the Railway Act
oaltural' bodied! In England the ad•York'sy
collector of customs
1 from the darkness stud c uIck its
rills I was completely cured and feel as
s the list, call at tk,ia o�ca, or drop card and We 'will give ycu prices cn ibe•i
We all the leading newspapers and meps7lnes
a cleoids making thorn liable to a fine Of
Vice constantly given to farmers is: Or-
was talking abbot stnuggliIig.
a Sash had grabbed. a fnur-y ear•vid
well as I ever did,"
Dcatt's Kidney
! paper you want, club with •
f 4600 reemrabie by taumtnarq prose-
$, A
anize an the tate will help you. 'I
g d S py a
-,Smuggling' must cease'r be said.
it and made oft with it. The chili!
f'�ils etre a specific for
all Tr!d'iey Troubles. 7'ltey bcr;itr by
When premiums are given with any of above papers, anbseribers wit ■
secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as orderirtz direrta
tiution before a stipendiary magistrate
p y g
f Holland h .
those provinoes o la Where ra brga
"We'll make it cease If we have to bo
w seated In the tnldst of the grown
axpelhng all the poisonous matter from
or two justioes of the peace, for every
nization is strongest,' saida, high Dutch
as strict acid thorough as the French
linen and women. Tile latter could
the kidneys, :Intl theft kcal the d6i(nte
e acted b itparka from their lao4mo•
fire t y pa
agricultural authority to m0 "Elie &SBO•
g y ,
customs 011irer, This strict officer,
only lament thele loss. l buy !+new !t
tnrmbranes and inakc their nation regular
'1r110Pf+ ln'dv ratPa mean a Oons3dPrable say na to subsc#iberd, and are
k d o diff t n e Whether
dives. It ma e n e c o w e
oiations are opposed to financial awls•
standing on the pler,,fr6wiled on a
was useless to try to put',iie the beast
and natural.
STRICTLY CASE IN ATMAXOR. Send remittances by postal »bre, post
than fire begins Outside the ri ht•(if•yvtt
g g y
tunes from the C>lovernment.' 1 recall
the romnrks a'Dutch MinistAr: "R is
tourist with 4 swollen cheek.
tnti`o the dense bosh.
Donn's 1iidne Pills are cntintl,
pp Y vege�
table, and may be safely taken by
# O>iioe or express mnnPv Order,, aAdredPintt ,
Gtr eptdade thersftOhi to 50 0101111? laird,
easy[ for the State to d0 more harm thaw
have, you got there?" he said,
poietin , to the swelling.
the leopard is s0 hotel ftnit etou In
daylight he will wander tibottt a town
and old.
• �•/+y•�
The ra are exoinpt this Sud
good. Farming which is not on » help
myself bAsla is on an luteoare basin.
""'An abscess, sir," was the reply,
or a 'white man's prettilser It Is not
41 ZFicat �0e per box, or 1� bones for
Ill dcalera, mai-cd c,trCet on
• I
If tliej+ Dan draw that they have the
1 armerb it theyr know their busineeb at
"„ veli,' said tits ofileer Impatiently,
at all unusual to et tl good shot ata
4 e:' Or
reo ipt of price by The T. irlill vrn Co„
� 1VT�7GI�A111, �h't`Al� i U
l m •
belt mode#n appliances on their eco 0
all know more about it than the State
t ",
open it, pleaso iya5btngfon Star.
`"� �" ,
*p'ard from a bungalow veranda or
, Limited, Toronto, Ont,
When "Doan's."
, s
tiV•eb to prevent enlliblon of bparktl,
can know."
' to brit door,•-Itlttsbtir$ Dispatch.
ordering direct, specify
7 1