HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-15, Page 2It t I I . . A I I , I P A , 2 . THE WINQUAU TIMES, 8r2TE111I3F-R 15, 1910 . 4 I I I - 1... . I I I . . - I I 9STABLI8IXD IsTa _I:_ CARE­ �­* . ..I . twenty years on township reads slope TOWN DIRECTPRY. 1.1 i ___11 of $3U 435,103 The cash, expeuditum of uld 130 Vpqo Properly and Kept 11* ( townships h I so more than. doubled since * -Internationai Newspaper B"T;s.z onlul%,09!-SAbbath services fi r.h,, Special Room. . -r-d� 11 A In and � 7 p , m, Sunday School at is PUBLISHED ,_ often a fartmer $0 obliged to use S, I . 1889, in which, year It was $677 564; O.'so p M. General prayer meeting Very 400(t , . 00- . Rev. W. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING s on Olffei.,ent horscA while in the Year 1908 to Amounted to Bible Study Course . -0- the same harries I , . , o 1 on Wednesday evenings, -- - . I I . $140+1,211, With statute labor At one, I L. Steeves, pastor. B, T. P. U. rnaet$ Times oMceg Beaver .Block pays a well known horseman, and If dollar a day, the total township expondi 13pt. Iss Monday evenings 8 p,m, W,P P001910, The , . I makes the change in It burry ten _ tare in 10108 had a value of $2 645,187.. SZ11011k.1; Patnts 111 the LOSS931 for suitLilay, S 8,8. Superintendent. WINGRAM, ONTARIO. 110, . . . . veit to at $erlax or QQ614tloav by METHODIST 0HUItCu-Sabbath services chances to one be does pot readjust tea is, the result of $3vauteen counties have taken 44vau- Rev., Dr. JWAI%cott. at I1 a m and, 7 p In. Sunday School. At SOMPTION-0-u0pep the harness to the second horse. It a , I � tage of the opportunities for road im- 2: Opm *. p or saga" every Mon- Miami or Sun . annum It harness is taken from a large horse' _ opportunities. I I I ' advance, $1.50 it not so paid, No paper d1soon• care and 4�mperience prevenient given by the not of 1001, I . , I P t) 4i9torei La wianil"Moo wIth.bhe Qopyrtghtli.�Qt. I I d - evening. General prayer meeting tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the end then used on 0 small horse with I � , on adneoda, evenings, Rev, W, option of the publisher, out readjustment there is not only I In blending—Must be - whioliprovides Government. assistance for -Legal and other I . . to muoloip-ztlities making improvem � auto Three Q-iestiOnG. Witt, N;15 22, Verse �2 -Why was it .great folly , Rutledge, . ,pastor, , Buchan. Aj)VERTIHINQ SATICS. b . I• oa . sualad,vertioementa loo per Non ariellinefor clanger of Injuring the beast, but the , It I the combination of fine Expeaditnre ander t xxxiv-.46, thi'm to suppose the Gould entangle Ja- an, S.s. Superintendent. first insertion, Sc per line for too subsequent harness is sure to surfer as Well, he not since 1902 Goldau Text -Render therefore unto sus in hie words? � PRESBYTERIAN OMnort-Sabbath oar- insertion, I .. very Injurious has been $�. 128,122 90. . I vices I at I I a, m And 7 'p m. Sunday Advertisemenfor s in local columns are charged Another thing that to I ' 10 oto per line for first insertion, and 6 cents to the harness Is to pile the heavy flavor, smooth strength Of this amount the counties have. Caesar the things which are Caeosv* C.An you cite the o%js of any who hive School at 2 = p In. General prayer per line for each pubsequent insertion, I . . Because . 'pent �1,418,743.63. The Provincial ex. and note God the things that are God d, opp,)fiedG3d, without bri,igiag dlaist meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Advertisements of Strayed, Forms for Sale parts on top of tbO bridle after It has and richness. pRuditure � , extending over eight years, Matt. xxii�U,, upori thems,31ves? V D. Porrio, pastor, - Dr. A. J. Irvin, S,S. or to Rent, and similar, 41.00 for first three been hung on the book, The safest I Superintendent. weeks, and 05 cents for each subsequent in. thing is to have a separate book for all these elements are has been $709 374.30, the Province con- Verge 15 -Why did ths Pharisees Versed 84 40 -Why is it that man still sertion. the bridle, for this Is the part of the . . I I . ? ' ST. PAUL'S OHUROH, EPXISOoPAL-Sab. OONTRAfC.T RATES -The following table shows ;tea the ., I So generouslY included tributing one-third of the total, or one want to entangle Jagus 'a hill talk persist in opposing Q 4, - when his tory bath services at 11 am and 7 p in. our rates r ,'t' harness that should be cared 9 � dollar to each two dollars. raised by the Why is it that christiaus of Gas creed the insertion of advertisomen R , shoms that every man who has done, 00 Sunday School at 2:30pm. Rev.E ,E1 for speoifled periods:- best. A stranger always notices this in Red Rose Tea it counties. Combining the items of road Often feel bitter towards those of has suffered lose, dad that all wh) per. OeOlY. B. A., Rector ; 0, G. Van, SPAOM. I Ya, ago. a go. Imo first, and'a bridle that is fastened tp- construction and supervision (the latter suOtlier creed, and sometimes try to Rieted have b3on destroyed? . Stone, S. S. Superintendent, ; Thos, E. OneColumn- --..$70.00 $40.00 $22.60 $8.00 gather witb pleceg. of wire advertises well merits the term "entangle" them, as the Pharisees Robinson, assistant Superintendent. Half Column " - - - - 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 about $75,00), the total cost. of road I Wa %t is the oh 9f 01)j Ict in life? Quarteroolumn - - - 20.00 12.50 7,60 8,00 the driver as a shiftless fellow. 1`0 - didJosus? . I I SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 One inch - - - - _ 5.00 8.00, 2.00 1.25 The Ideal way to care for harness is I "good tea. construction is $1,404,497 88. With Verge 16 -Why did not the Pharisees What oara we d4 or what must wa be, a in And 8 and 8 p in on Sunday, and Advertisements without specific directions to build a harness room where the �!-­----__-_4_r-,'_-�g� 1,125 miles of road built, the average go to Jesus personally? to Attain the Ohio( obj jot in life? I every evening during the week At 8 will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- - �� I 1-1 ingl;r. Tranotentpdvortisomenta must be paid loather can be kept free from mots. I- . - cost per mile has been Approximately - A with all Ills o'clock at the barracks, for in advance. J� .1 .. I Why did the Pharisees associate with If it man does love G taro. A good way to build this Is to , .., .1 POST OF)PICE-Offloo hours from 8a in Tan joil DAPARTURNT to stocked with an 1 $1,150. :This, as previously stated, in their own disciples the Harodians, in powers, and his neighbor as himself, t line it with building paper. There � @," 1 1 L I , $ detelaud o 6:30 p in. Open to box holders from, extensive assortment of all requisites for print- . oludes a large amount of incomp . their attempt to ensnare Jeans? I . does he perfectly please God? 7 a in. to 9 p in. P, Fisher, postmaster. Ing, affording facilities not equalled in the Should be plenty of room. If It Is tin - i t . countyforturnin out first class work. Large ness closet the I _.:1 scattered work, so that the average coat possible to have it bar - �V __; - .., Licari? -Library and free pe oats for all styles of Post. . oun"!ro into 0 N " .1 per mile w Do in the Town Hall, -will type ill.1,'ret.., and the latest styles of pegs should be as fnr away from the I ,7 - . I . 't", Why did they Pay Jasug the groat If the domiaELting power in PUBLIC) LIBRa.ay-Libr 9 I I - would be less. - man'A life, it makes the and toe reading Too f i . '� is stood tea — ' i I A I compliment, seeing they were so opPos chole an type or the finer classes of print manure as possible, for the gases and , � � W I ___ motive perfect, and thus God is pleased; be open every afternoon from 2 to Ing, , � ad to him'? - from manure piles . "�,� 4 . . . I __ Is it ever right to lie for a good cause? but does Jesus teach that love - 5:30 O'clock, and every evening from 7 1 H. B. ELLIOTT dampness arising . OUR INSANE POPULATION. I gaaran to 9:30 O'clock. MIA Lizzie Attridge . Proprietor and Pubilpher rot the leather faster than anything NMVZn =)LD IN BULK Why or why not? ' tees perfect actions? Give your reasons. librarian. P KENNEDY, M. . D., XC.P. S. O. � I know of. : may we learn from What is a proper self love, th it what Towiq Oolz�QIL-Wllliam Holmes I Yo-.ir Grocer Will - Aoontemporary with a penchant for What good lessons in ? is Member of the British Medical Associa. Every harness should be well oiled I Ima . Ccomia-zend It - statistics • has been delving into the Too. these bad men? Jesus says must be the standard of oar Mavor, Dr. X J. Irwin, Reeve , tion. Gold Medallist In Medicine, Speoial at least twice a year, so that it will 1 -.� t attention . , 1-1- - . ards of insanity, and finds that in Caus- Verses 17 21 -Is these men had really loving our neighbor? J. W. MoXibbon, H,'.B.Eiliott, William tion paid to diseases of Women and Child be in shape to give the service that - ----- - I , TO LIVING Bane, Dr. Robert 0. Redmond, ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in., 7 to 9 p. in. is expected of It. The oil works Its do the certified insane make up 31. 1 in been truth seekers, how -would Jesus MAY EVERY ONE ATTAIN Thomas Gregory sud'WH. McDonald, , I way to the surface, and when the har- . TO ADVERTISERS every 10,000 of our population. It pre* have probably answered their question, GOD WITH ALL THE HEART, AVD Ills Councillors; John F, Groves, Clark and D It. MACDONALD, ness Is exposed to a rain this oil Is sents this table showing the proportion as to whether it was right for tha. Jews NEIGHBOR AS.HIMSELF, AND HOW CAN IT Treasurer. Board meet's first Monday washed away. If the oil Is not re- tTotioe of changes must be left st this of insane in the several oocu"patlona to pay taxes to Caesar? BE DONE? (This question must be an- evening in each month at 8 o'clock. Contra Street moved from time to time the leather office not later than Saturday noon. named: What difference is there between the swered in writing by members of the HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.- W. F. Van. Winglism, Ontario: will soon dry out and crack. t Stone (chairman), Win. Nicholson, John The copy for changes must be left Occupation. I Per. 10,000. moral obligation for a man to Pay his club,i ' Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, 1 don't believe in washing a harnes% not later than Monday evening. Civil and mining engineers ........ 52.5 legal taxes. and to pay his butcher bili Verses 41 46 -Why could not the John A. McLean,- Frank Buchanan, ' Washing does little good unless there Casual advartisomonts accepted k up Warehousemen ...................47 1 for example? Pharisees answer Jesus' question as to Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosens, DR. AGNF-W', Is soap used In• the water, and most to noon Wednesday of each Week. - � Ironworhere ................ .... 46,0 own practice as to W11096 sea the Christ was? treasurer. Board meets second Monday Physician, Surgeon, oto. soap has lye in it, which Is hard on I :1 I General laborers ................. 39:1 What was Jesus' . Office -Macdonald Block. over W,MoXibbon's the leather. The oil soaks into the Pensioners .......... � ............ 80 4 paying taxaa? (3ee Matt. xviii:24 57. What is the answer to the question of evening in ouch month. � . PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. -H. E. Isard .DineStore. Night calls answered at the ofiloe, ESTABLISHED IB70 . Costars and street sellers, ....... 28.5 Jeans rebaken these hypocrites sharp. Jesus as to how th6, Christ could he (chairman). G. C. Manners, Alex. Ross, i I I harness much more easily If It is dry ' Artiste (painters, sculptors, eta) :: 27.3 lye to what extent should we follow hie David's son and also his L -)rd I than It It is dame np. of course the har- Domestic servants (female) ...... 25.2 1 Jac. Gal braith,W. D. Pringle, Win. Moore, D R. ROBT, 0. REDMOND, M. R. 0. S. (Eng) ness must be cleaned, but this can I THE WINMAX TIMES. 1 : example in this. What do you thing: of Christ? 0 G.VanStone, P. Campbell; Secretary, L. R. 0, P. London, J Livery stable keepers, 20 0 Point out wherein the remarkable Leeson for Sunday 83pt, 26th, 1910, Treasurer, John F. Groves; Meet. L . I easily be done without moistening It. H. R. 8LLlOTT..PUaLlsH3@ RAND PnopRIETOI, Architects .....................•.19 5 Inge second Tuesday evening in each' PHYSICIAN Sod SU'RGEON. . I I ShoplIeepers and dealers.., .. 19.1 skill of Jesus, answer oontisted. Temperance L-ason. Gal. v:15-26. month. 1� , . I . Domestic servants (male). ...::::172 : . THE IDEAL SHETLAND. : ....... 16.9 . HIGH SCHOOL To,konnIts-3. G. Work. I Office, With Dr. Chisholm. THURSDAY, SEPI!EMBER 15, 1910 Merchant service ......... . . Ili . . Musicians ...... ................. 16.5 in return for gilt-edged securities to per- erage, 19.4. man, B.A., principa,land mathematical I . Can Be Raised With Profit When - . Commercial travellers ............ 15.5 petuate and promote qar, trade, he ex- Beana-49.778 mares, 909,936 bushels, master: J. 0. Smit4, B. A., classioal'T-JR. MARGARET C. CALDER . Properly Cared For. CANADA'S POPULATION. Lawyers......... ....... ........ 152 master; H. A. Percy, Science Master; JL -P I presseswonder atouilaokOfnOt only or 18 3 per sore, me against 45,029 sores, Honor Graduate of Toronto University Breeding Shetlands is a very profita- . Miss M - J. Baird, B. A., teacher of I Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians - There is another presentation of Go- local patrotism, but also at the apathy 826,344.1inaliels,and*18.4inI909. Aver, English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, : and Surgeons. I hie and. important industry In seveirat ' oupations in which the ratio is so small displayed by ORIZ3119 in tolerating each age, 17.2. 1 fifth teacher Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, sections of this country. The little According to Mr. Was. the Govern- ' Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, animals seem to thrive much better In ment statistician, Cauadians have been as to make the calculation difficult. It a policy of colossal centralizition of Ray and clover -3,204,021 acres, 5,-. IZ8- PUBLIC SCHOOL TRAOHEIRS.-Joseph i GlasseF Properly fitted. inolades these classes: ,,Roman Catho. Canada's financial resources. 476,420 tons, or 1.71 per sore, as against talker, Prinoipsl,',� Miss Brook� OFFLon-With Dr. Kennedy. the northern and middle western decidedly modest in .their estimates lie priests, monks, nuns, church officers, The Oanadi'm National Banking Sys- 3,228,445 acres, 3,285J45 tons and 1.20 Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquhar3on, Miss 1 Office Hours -3 to 5. 7 to 8 p.m. states. They get along better In the of the country's growth• Most of us chapel officers, cemetery officers, den, tom in its present shape can scarcely in 1909. Average, 1.45. Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss; I northern states doubtless because of Hawkins. - R VANSTONH, their origin in the rigorous climate of have been estimating the present pops, tists, authors, editors, journalists, re- survive the Additions of five millions to The acreages in other crops for which BOARD OP HEALTH, -- Win. Holmes R. ration at seven. millions. Last week the porters, shorthand writers, scientists, our population, Oar currency is un- no estimates as to yields have been made (chairman), Samuel Bennett, Win, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR,,RTC : the It hetland islands. This Is true only offi-ini statistician announced that on with reference to their breeding. for . literary men, veterinary surgeons, cook" doubtedly -'elastic". But the non-olso- are as follows: Baoirwhost. 194,913; Fessant, Alex, Porter, - John F. 1 Private and Comparif funds to loan at lowest - Groves, Secretary; Dr. J rate of interest. Mor , the full grown Shetland is a true cos M%roh 31st last the population was T. P. Kennedy, 0 go � ffes, town and farm (not domestic), bill discounters, brokers, ticity of the losuing pokra tit the head- corn for husking, 320,50; corn for silos, Medical Health Offlony. property bought and sold. . mopolitan, at home in all lands and in seven and a halt million. It this esti motor car drivers, navigation service of in Toronto and Montreal -the W- 326,627; potatoes, 168,454; mangel- , 11 Office. Beaver Block, Wingham . all climes, and is perhaps unequaled mate is correct then Canada will have (shore), tin miners, lend miners, lapk- stitutious that pay so much attention to wurtzuls, 68,972; sagar boats. 26,879; . by any other animal in points of bardi- . I - nearly eight million by the end of the daries, u-idertakers. �, their Now York customers, who have carrots; 3 551; turnips, 108,360;; mixed It J A. MORTON, t,j year, and considerably over eight mil- Itis also noted that farmers show a borrowed money saved in, this and other grains, 497,936. 0 ...'. ...... , , lion when the declinal, census is taken STEADY . BARRISTER, &o. . . relatively small proportion of cases of Canadian communities -is something to : There are 3.159,712 acres of cleared ....... . . .. next June. la the meantime it will be Winsham, Ont. ; . . . . . . an to general paresis and delusional insanity, make tradesmen shudder at timee. And lands d,.,votQd to pasture, 254,038 in .. . .. safe for all enthusiastic Cansdi, I summer fallow, 288,317 in orchard, 24,. EMPLOYMENT .. hencefortit qaote the population of "t but higher proportion of mania and that is where the shoe pinches, .. . his dementia, especially senile oases. There . 1 384 in nmall fruits, 11,890 in vineyards, .. - H. L. Dioxissox DuDriEY Howins ... I country as eight millions. are more women than men among the 57,982 In farm gardens, 4t,052 in rape, for a reliable Local Salesman repre- .. . senting - ...... ...'... I'll, ,�., i Business conditions in Canada are so . DICKINSON & H011VIES . . .�.�... . lassos, and mare sin gle,parson" than ' 12.021 in fim, 6,394 in'tobacco. . '. � ��.,,*. - , .t ,.... . .. � ..much saparior to business conditions in married or widowed. The death rate NOW SOLD IN CANADA The numbers of live stock on hand on " Canada's Oldest and Greatest BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc, ...... . ... .!,� the United States at the present time � I .. ... .... that one is inclined to feel that the Do- among the mentally afflicted is more — July 1, 1910, were as follows: Nurseries" . MONZY To LOAN. . minion statIstiolsm is correct. One may than six times as high as the general in less than threre years, Parisian Horses, 724,384, against 7-28,308 in '. OFFIOR: Meyer Block, Wingham, ,*.- death rate. Twenty five cases of sui- 1909. � in Wingham and adjoining country. ­.�.....'­��, .. �111 `4..11..1. " .. be very wiseAn ocoaseioually discount. Sage, the Splendid Hair Tonic, ,, - .. . . . .. .... ... . L' cede among patients occurred Iset year Milob cows, 1,052.796, againat 1,075,- , �. . .�?,-.. .:1 x t'„��-'. ... .,. . , ._Im�. . Ing the reports of enthnsiastio immigra. is sold all over Canada. 496 lost year. You will filid. there is A good demand A RTHUR J. IRWIN, 1), D. 11, L, D. S. �Il�...:Iz, "'.. Xn4--. 1 There is no ground for alarm as to the for nursery Stock op Account of the .a .,� "..... ..W.1­ tiOn Offl31518 and equally enthusiastic — L Othereattle, 1,514,3U, against 1,593.- . . . �.,.-. ....... ZIFI� rumored great increase . high prioles that growers have realized Doctor of Dental Surgeryor the Pannsylvanin .... I''...",:N. � . _ , ...” "i ,. ,. , :� ;­ .. I. I �:�l..� � . .. .. .. .. 1, _� railway officials. Also it is usually safe . phenomenal 088 last year. Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal �....... R. ��,�.. proporsion to population. There is a reason for the pheno on their fruit this sessan. College of Dental SuL gooni� of Ontario. Office ';,-�%,N`.� ... to discount the glowing descriptions Of sale of Parisian Sage in Canada during Sheep and lambs, 1,066,101, Against Oar Salesman are turning in big busi- in Macdonald Block, Wincrwim, ....i ­­ ... the professional descriptive journalist. the past three years. 1,130,667 last year. ness to us this year. 'Be one of them Office closed every Welnesday afternoon . '.-�,�',,'�l-,'.�k�%��l":.L,�i";7..��illi�VY.'�,"91�.�.�-.'.t I ", -� THRIFTINESS, THE BANKS, AND And the reason is plain to 811. Pari. slid earn good wages through the winter from May Ist to Oct. lat. �,�ln.lv;­­.�'..'� ...... ;�I,:... 1�1;1 ,,..l1W.f&.§�g ',,J,,-;.�. �­ Nevertheless, the great expansion dur. Swine, 1,561,042, against 1 551,187 . UW­-��--;.. . , . '-,s.,.,,,'-'�t�..�",�*"..��'.���....-.;- I . . .�,.�.".�-.,.-i-.,.�.��...,..t,..., . . . . . . . . . ; . BANKING OPPORTUNITIFS elan Sage does just what it is advertised months. -X - ,".M...'.1. �X.­ . ,.�..,'�l;.�.,.,� � Ing the past twelve months in banking last year. " Territory reserved. Pay weekly. . : � ... —_ , to do. �. I.P.. - . I , ,r.<"`' deposits, clearing house returns, railway Ask Walton McKibben -about it, he Poultry -Turkeys, 629,313; geese, Free sample outfit, ete. W. J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. ­ - ­_ - . earnings, customf revenues mad in gen- The negroes at Richmond have estab• will tell you that he rigidly guarantees 347,705; ducks, 378,969; other fowl, 11,. Write for particulars. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental A S7UI1DY SHETLAND READ. oral business are all additional evidence liahed a bank known as the Mechanics it to ours dandruff, stop falling hair or 104 800; a total of 12,460,787, :against STONE & WELUINGTON Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni. Saving Bank, with a capital stock of itching scalp in money versity of Toronto. that the population of the country is 12,026,580 in 1909. Foothill Nurseries Office ; Beaver Block. ness and endurance. A prominent -$1000,00. The bank` owns its own home, baoi. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon breeder writes as follows in d,escrib, growing very Past, -Canadian Courier. a handsome building . 'with thirty-five There is no reason whatever why Any The numbers of live stock sold or , (8r.0), from May Ist to Oat 10. 1-7 1 man or woman should fail to take ad- slaughtered in the year ending June 30, TORONTO, CA.1-TA.DA. Ing the Shetland's due points: office rooms, in addition to the hand- vantage of the above generous offer. . . "The head should not be too fine, . . 1910 were as Jollows: I BUILDING GOOD ROADS. some quarters for the bank itself. The Bat one thing that has made PArL6l%n I . I and the eye should be prominent, the - offloars and directors are all prosperous sage so famon 9- to its peculiar power to Horses, 97,900, against 76,461 in 1909. Wingham General HOSPItal ears of good size and set well forward. turn the harsh, unattractive hair that Cattle, 817,239, against 800,228 litat FARMERS- The neck Is thick and crested high up, The splendid progress of the good and thrifty vegroes who have made many women possess into luxuriant and yehr. � (Under Government inspection) so that the impression is conveyed movementroads ring the past few their money in that city by industry and radiant hair in a short time. Women Sheep, 512,909, agaffist 533,441 I&Et d anyone having live stock or other — that the crest extends right up to the years is recorded in an interesting man. thrift have wisely saved it instead of of refinement the country Over are U13. year. I - arttalem they wish to dispose of, should adver- ears. This gives appearance of great nor in the annual report on highway: wasting It. It is this Glass of negroes Ing it and it never disappoints. ham by Swine, 1,844,405, a V inst 1,9886,432 s the same for sale in theTzmas. Oar large Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur - Sold everywhere, and in Wing r circulation tells and it will bestrange indeed if nished. Open to all regularly licensed strength In the neck and, added to the improvement just Issued. The report vihich devotes itself to business and ser- Walton MoXibbon for 60 cents a large last Year. I youdonotgetmonstomer. We can't guarantee physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS- broad shoulders, enables the pony to that you will sell because you may ask more was prepared -by Mr. W. A. McLean, ions Affairs that is doing much for the bottle. Poultry, 4,101,715, against 4,218,475 for the article or stock than it is worth. Send (which include board and nursing), $3.60 draw great weights. The neck should 0 E., Provincial E agineer of Highways. race and raising it in public respect.- - last year. . ^. your advertisement to the Timms and try this to $15.00 per week according to location be of good length and the back, Of plan of disposing of your stock and other of room, For further information, course, short. The rib should be very According to, the report townehip, expeg. Danville, I I ,Boo. CROPS IN ONTARIO. The wool clip was 594,529 fleeces, or articles . address . diture In th3 twenty years, 1889 1908, Commenting on this item the Gait — 4,040,300 pounds. . I Miss well sprung, any Indication of slab. Such a bank,would be ' Ws sidedness flavoring of the Icelander. ' has amounted to $19,015.343, and statute Reporter says: I MATVHE Superintendent, . a inspector Box L�u am 0, The quarters should be as round as Edit, impossible in Oanada with oar banking '2 parinto labor in 1908 was 1, 141.976 daye, The following statistics Of the prloci- *' Mil David Horn, chief grain , 23. Wingham t, At Winnipig, has resigfied to take the OUTSIDE . . . ­ � all apple and the tall set on moderate- miting statute labor at one dollar a day, enterprises centred in three or four cit- pat field crops of Ontario for 1910 show management of an el . ly high. this would be equal to a total outlay' in iia -and the country dictated to by the moorage, as compiled from individual Arthur. . I RAILWAY TIME TABLES. "Ili selecting a pony look,, for one _ ,--- boards , of directors and general mans- returns made by farmers to the Ontario . ADVERTISING - that Is short legged, sturdy fn build, gets Who know Canada by the map. in bureau of Industries, and the yields as I � orders for the insertion of advertisements A14D TRtrNX'hAILW,AY SYSTEM, thick, In the chest, strong in iblo neck, Waterloo dounty, we have industry slid estimated by a large and experienced quote as teachers wanted, business chances, TRAINS LAAvz Iron 1, round in his quarteis, pleasant faced m0d1yul uri rt thrift, in abundance, but our banking to staff of correspondents, who give prob. Troubled Ab Hart mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact London ................ - 6 85 a.m - - axop.m, and with a nice mane and foretop. , an n I .tj ki d of an advk. in any of the Toronto or Toronto &HRst 11.0811-m.. 6.456,m..- 2.40p -In. The foretop, should come between the n done for us in Toronto and Montreal. able yields according to conditions On . — , or city papers, maybe left at the Timns Rincardine..11,57 a.m... ... 2.08 p.m__ 0.15P.M. , . office, This work will receive prompt attention ARRIVE room cars from the top of the crest, and tile ho 7 hreshle r A United States system would bate giv- Aug. 15, 1910. NERVES WERE ALL UNSTRUNG and will save people the trouble of remitting Kincardine x..8.40 a.m-11.00 a.m - - %do p.m. pony's E tood pot so n set I n -Great suffe ri ng - an ,do poesibly a German Canadian Fall Wheat -743,473 acres will pro for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest London...... - _.......,11.54 R.m legs should be sound and . rates will be quoted on application. Leave Palmerston...,.. _...... 10.80 a.m- - "" P'-' Won-, The pastern should be springy, Cure effected by DR. A. W. Bank, a Scottish National Bank, a Men. duce 19.705,837 bushels, or 26 5 bushels or send*.your next work of this kind to the Toronto & East.......... 2.08 p.m..- 9.15 P.m. 0 CHASE'S OINTMENT , nonite Trust and Loan, Company and per note, as against 663,875 sores, 15,- Mrs. Oscar Hamilton, Forest crest Alen,� W. HE gay, Agent, Wingham. and the action as smart and trappy as Mrs. C, itopkins, St. George, TIMES OFFICE. Win ham possible." . writes: -"L feel like shoatingont" half a domn other financial institutions 967,653 bushels And 24.1 to 1909, The N.S., writes—III can truthfully say that — the I NO — -- ()AXADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Stalk Saved In the Solo. I praises of Dr. Chnso 's Ointment. While conducted by men animated by a desire Annual average for 28 years was 20'8. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills -ve' . t; BY placing corn In the silo the stalk threshing grain, my son got badly hurt, to servo local interests and in touch with Spring Wheat -199,319 acres, 2,433,456 been a grant friend to. mt. A few ye TRAINS LIAVII Won One, of the nion W116 was p , . Toronto and East.— - 6.82 it.in_ 8.1�a 13M itching local conditions almost every hour of bushels, or 18.8 per sore, as against 135,- ago I was very much troubled with MY , Tesswater _­;:j,,,,;� 1.10 p.m -_10.17 p:m: as Well as the grain Is preserved for sheaves, inissed Lbe sheaf and ran tlie .60 YEARS' VROU feeding purposes and the whole corn Prongs of the fork into my son's log. the day, Oar great and able bankers 161 acres, 2,928,667 bushels, and 16 6 in heart and my nerves were all unstrung, EXPERIENCF. Teeswater.................0.82 a.m.-.. 11.18 P in pl 31P. ilid not take riuch notice of it and may derido the United States National 1909. Average, 15.9. 1 had terrible pains all through my � � . Toronto and East - --1.10 0.1_..10.17 V:M: ant becomes available. About 40 per , in .I day or two It got sore and very Staking System, but it has many good Barley -626,144 mored, 18,214,183 bush- body. I was weak and had'frequent and I J. H. BVEMBR. Agent"Wiligham. cent Of the feeding valuo of the corn itelty and blood ),Toison get ill, is Plant Is In the stalk, leaves and husks - . We did point@, the chief of which io iti hupport 011, or 29 1 pet more, as against 695,202 revere dizzy spells, and was continuously A . I .- ­ � nud. the other 60 per cent 19 Ili the eat. lweiythiiig for rt it would lical one . wo and Ureal( out it another and of the localities served by the bank* in sores, 18,776,71T bushels, And 27.0 Ili having to consult doctors. I had Alit. 1 burn's Heart and Nerve Pills recommend- In handling corn as commonly prjer 1.11"lit on this way for three months. operation, what, you tell an American MOD Average, 277, 'ed to me and after hiving taken A box tb6 ThADc MAP198 ' ticed much of the 40 per cent is lost, "renally I tl]�01191A Of Dr, CII'Mecylf that to this rich Industrial oounty, with Oats -2,157,088 acres, 100,004,428 bush. OkIppeated. to help the solffiuch I continue I . When corn is cut for ago b6fore, lo*er ointment awl in a week'A thno we no- I Drelake . I T PAYS fler-il It woylilerfal Change. Ply the use I% population of 70 000, one cannot 'had els, of 86.8 per sore, as against 0.6K685 to take them, and wag soon able to do my C0PVR1614T11&& leavee are dry there Is no waste. About of t1aco Boxes 110 WP.S completelythe head offido of & single banking lusti. acres, 00,236.570 bushels, And 88.6 in works din, For this I'Am. very rabbful Anyom m6nding a ok6tbb and descriOtlon met twice the amount Of dry matter Can - , cured I and would advise all p6ople wil weak 1411'ek',T, ascertain our opint�n free Whether an . tin(] the womi(Is boaled lap. There bas ration, he opens his eyes in altiazoment, 1909. Average, 86 6. , Divot, on Ii lDrobftb be stored it the form of ollago as Ili e.yl heart or unstrung fier;6 to give them a tions atfiotg conad.'-'t?-al.t,'I'f�AtAt?60f*-'- VIVI'T'it's TO ADVE IRT r0 li,,,oti ,I sign of a spot on MID diner." 14h6fadoAllyoorklivings go?" he ,Rye- 06,801 acres, 1,608,852 bushelog sont,ire& idosta Lw JL ISE the form of fodder. It has been deter, $� 1 1 1 thorough trial." 1� throe tor pecurink.patOnts, a patents Uken torolgi Munn a o. reoel" , mined thOt a cubic foot of bay in tho, Wherovor there 31,4 itrlking Of irrifit- I I ,W,1,ottc4w1tb no fir Inthe I npyj H - firm of the shin or a Soto tlatt tefoloo etiquires, When you tell him thev, are or 16 0 pat sore, at agalhot '04,661 Acres, Milburn's Veart And 96rVe Pills: are tho . IN L JA mow contaillis about 4.8 pounds of ft, to heal volt can npply Dr. Clyfoosg bint• handed over to branch banks twd6t the 1,678,991 b1lihals,'And 16 gin 1009. At, original heart i%ridnerveLcute and Ate sold 0 I I boxes - ­.. C mAtt0r, 'While A cubic foot of ifflip nwnt W411 every ar'llimp" tl!flt the to- nikhhgomont of b6todi of ditedlotis to - stage, W.4- at all dealers for 600c pot box of, a JL I'danomip'll utfftf�d 6Ire er!Arg6st Olt - sults -%v1A lin promph and tafisfaetorv� for $1,25 or will be filsileA direct on , n Be tino Write for contains About 8.0 pounds of dry met - Toronto# 9dritrMl Ana Hamilton, find Pe68-408,414-imorei, 6,718,980 bushels, ftaeip�o? price by The T. Milburn Co.. Ln safe 0 td, Sold by teft OL dubld foot of iokeb In a silo be - (0 emiN a. bo*,, nt all dpalorm, or Dl- . 11 Ja to 0 � lraw�crn, llnfes & Co., Tormito� Write that the business mon of the coud4y, to. or 16.7 per Mrs, Al 49A1111% 881,660 Aotdos JAMIted, Toronto, "Oat. Ing worth more than tW106 M eq1W , , tdvabfily 6 portioll. of the Was sk,tidge ,618,686 btlibelt, isfid 20.6 In 1909, ,kv'- � 0 . 0 selefead", Newl0k I evade in the MOW, for fron roily Dr. cham's Recipes, odkk h V ot's wasliGgion, A.K . TIMESO I . . ­.- te I I • , * 4 *41$ , 1. 4,, �11 � I � ...... l' ,, ,e � g Ahl, 2,*L . , " A& , , 90H 1, - ,L.&�,% "494— � ,