HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-08, Page 8IP IF 1 +f•1.41, W11404AX TBRI 3, 17EF JMMB,<<:1.R 8,*01 SUMMERTIME �. .. . T �� A EXECUTORS SALE •�. ' Ok! vAi.V•d,iiGE . J31 IDA TIME of A1VG R FQ3 BAR6tAINS a WJ$ WANT YOUR. TUAD� REAL ESTATE B l p y x goA•MoIn• KIND d School Shoes For, • ii Sn tt a;tpwpQ and Dtimib ea whets rthe A ofion at t#etQueeiea klotol in the by Pnblio alk babies but mx,ore as aoiall to. thoso teak deceaead,will otror for anis beat s aQ c�oeeaive as to make mt alw4et Nvingham, ap satnxany, ttie Krol. of omPQ, ondit ibi� to keep baby's food in Oxo onGirls and Boys111'e ... sniYaxs from timQsa 001411oh And bowel 1010, at the #out of 2 o'nloolc In September, NEWS ocndition• It is thext that the liths our 17111 day of THEB U SY 1 the fol2owin he, aftoknoop to rile PBPQx trcubiea that carry Oft so maup pre4:qus g vaIuabme praiiarties, n»ntaly:-• _ .. , little lives. Duriolq the knRlnier this Parcel No, 1, Lata 10, I7, and 16 ou Queen ltilF W FA l 04a, the Rolper never let a single mother must be speoa y careful StrPPtinPurria'ssurva iu the v ue,,;a LL GOOKS, ---For the past two weeks r There Are %cri' few parents but wal)zt lli�cn bad di fi to keep baby's stomach a et and pure Brucvv iteohnrch, in the County pf 1' We hate f c,41ty Ill been receiving regular shipments Qf our Nv procuring School Shoes for the girls and toffs tl.at eve s ti f ° 4ltilAc$ escape her . piece 0 and tits bowels movie regularly, No On thin property aro situ»ka a briok veneer- tory }year• g a .s aC r ,e other medioi a will b Pd Muse 20 x 25 tvit# bkiok ve11 1, 11 kitchen FALL Goor)S. We are now prepared to show you t:?t10MIIlg news to et and SEND n such great aid id x 2i and fra,t1a 1 I1dshed lex 20, And a goad t0 xn4thexa iii a qi r as B+bq's Ow4 trema stable and thehonso is supplied tvittr one of the LAI:GIrS and most complete StUCI{$ Of In ease 'o a e tl ' IT TO TIDE PAPE, R. r, ;i Tablets, '.rhes I• a Tablets never fait PaccgI No �fG 4heeuorkh so Is int• 23 in the u 1 re t f t[,cse echo bits llnd the difficuluy we G1,NI1.�#L Nl El;t'IIANDISE ever S1tgwS1 in W1ng11 m. refer to, we beg to infurn, vc u tt;Gtt wf• slat's v i e , 1•' M .l t0 regulate th : bowels; l sweeten rite 1st aoncasaian of rho toN°naluP of Nin^ stomach and make baby well and happy, IossIuthe 0ouoty of Bruce., cautamning several lines made A2xa, D, Devlin, St. SvlvesterEast, QOe., 60acrasoElaudmoroorlesa, DRESS GC10AS 8.11, CK,_ jVt W t7tTOOI v specially for our trade, ti3+I ell tt•e gilrttltutee t4 eve ' Bays.: "Ithio Baby'e Own Tablets are Ona. Ihia property arc Hitttate a comfortable s yt Ro$S tta Satelj Yon perfect good well se, aframe barn about 4s a0 and a, satisfaction, We herewith sir's 1'( 11 a shOCt descriptiont the beet medicine for little sues. Tor goad welt and apring oreok, Royal Henrietta, CrispenB so N The property ,, , Trtcotirle, $roudous a e no N6 stomach beand halal trophies aitri I would h , issituata about 2; miles from few Of these. - soldbe withOnt them» " The'Tablets are the e,114;e of whiteohurchandonemimefroma etc., etc, sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents school a 7FIRMS or SALE DRESS s box from Tha Ilr. Williams' Medigiue Ten per cent oZthe pnrehasemoney on the GOODS, COLOREb,-New WgiSted9, Dla- Co., $ro0$g11ie, Oak.. day of aalo end the balance �O T� GIRLS - p g�o� THE QOYS. Box 0 If Bluohers-ha d thereafter. within W day$ ,•. 7[ho properties sold separately, sub, p Ygcd - (r+ai , Qaif Sleaher-dorible toes-- , erre' I ct o ar reserved and conditions xray lea ,�� Venetians, Plaids, BtG. cans S A correspondent of The New York had an ap lParticulars to tan conditions SPECIALS pieces new Plaid Dress Goods, all solea -doable mass 1= adud ec,i 1 leather 4ountars-oak San, who has operated an automobile Wg01 inch, pure ' leather o0nulera, tan insoles. Hated this 29th to the, A, >a.191oe , 5 4 wide rc rise fcr two years, places the total cost of rRANN$ENRy, ' Ii, VANSTONE, g• p Would. be $1.75, Prioe-sizes 11, 12, 13 .., al.If,i- Price-0•zis1 2, 3,.,..... ., $1 g5 Whitechuroh, Wingham, our price 75c, 1, 2,,...I 7n 4, 5 .. $3,90 0 � partition during that period,. within Executor, Vendor's boliaitor, trifle over seven cents per mile. , Leas wide, nice neat stripe Venetaians, 54 inch,' --=� whish he has covered 42,009 mites at q 3 AUCTION SALE re rice I. a g• P $ 5, for age. Heavy Dongola Blnob�ra-bents ^e E',ur, pit B'nohara-•heavy talus. than two cents a male, he says, has coy- ° or vALtrAnr.P I tete Nay Stripped Suiting, Ped aolee.--•double to*s-oulLd g gtd Bales-soiid leather ocun- ered the cost of tires, tubes and repairs FARM PROPERTY p y pp g, 54 inch. wide, leather CQULtox•. ttr+l-double toes, tree never let a chance go by to to same. The cost of oil and gasoline is reg. $Z.Oo for $1,25. Come 1n and see these snaps, Prl4p-sizes 11, i&, 13„„ . , , , , ' oonaiderabl leas than 1• o. INTiIETolyi(SHIPok`CULuo$s. $l f!5 Price--bizes 1, 2, 3, 4 5..... boost the place; she'd grab it and } per mile. i, 2 • $1,' 6 The balance of the seven Dents i9 made We have Par P, it $2 00 poke it in the public eye --THE up of depreciation in the value of the Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a ',i'$ING $EC9NiE $ HABIT, Oar, certhe time mortgage fere will b be produced le LADIES' these lines also in srntlller and larger sizes itis time of sale there ohn be offered for sale KNIT by public auction by John Fargnaraou, Auc• ""� •- - ' tioneer, at the Grand Union Hotel in the will-Hildathe helper helped herself' and a Re of Teeswater in the County of Bruce on A Good Position fiaturday, the ,' , likewise all her neighbors to 241h day of September, ,�� _ << COA16 �. Can be had by ambitions young ladies `, r Q o profit i11 the way of pelf by res- in the field of "Wireless" Or aiiway 1910, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow. J ,`\��\ telegraphy. Since the S -h0 law be- tug Valuable property, namely;- , �� �, 41 r son of her labors, cae eective, and ain0e a wirelese The west half of Lot number 83 in �e7�' Companies are eetablo ng stations rho 7th concession of the Township _ r".• One of the largest ran- Any 'tilt will of Culross in the County of Bruce geS SI]OWri,in all the IieW t throughout this country ere le a great coutalning by admeasurement 60 Of ' shortage of retests a Pcaitians pay acres of 1eod more re mess, , colorings in plain and 1 ,rw Cs1V@ .° beginners from 7 Thera are on the premises a trema 1V11lyQR LOCALS, g $90 per month, house with stone foundation„2x24 '' two tone effects and the The i j ^I a<f with good chance 0 dvanoement. The a frnme barn 28 x 80 with cement --- NationaI Telegraph Institnte operates well and stable underneath, and a very The Styles, ,l t Perfect sig official institutes In America, under small orchard jj / --Magwell'a 1?ig Sale in full awing supervision 4f R. R. and Thirty acres are cleared and in a �1re1eBB Ofi1• good stere of cultivation and the i See our Special 40 inch. See advt. Dials and places all graduates into post• land is well watered, well fenced Above .'. tions. It will a and drained. 1 Coat • its a beauty, �� Satisfaction -The Town Council will meet Hast pay you to write them for p , rte'`,°rr fall details at Cincinnati, O., or Philo• tohthee village of Toeswater and1eIn 'ti I price $5.95, f Monday evening. dolphin, Pa, a good farming community. -The High and Public Schools re- TERMS OF SALE opened on Tuesday. Ten per cent of the purchase money on the BUR1Y day of eels andthe balance in 30 days thereafter. -Regular meeting 0Y the Public The property will be offered subject to a re- -Regular and wingham, a August 23rd, to serve For New Flannelettes,. Towel - sale Board next Tuesday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. H. Cooks; a dna titer, Por further partioulai•s and nonditinne of g sale apply to the undersigned, t n g S , Wra erettes, t 'The Brussels Post Btaff is holiday. SuiTa•-In Bluevale, on August 29th, to Dir. Dated this 29th August, 1010, = pp WILLIS ins this week and no paper will b4 is and Dirs. Milton Smith; a daughter, JOBN PAR UHAItSON, Linens, etc., t✓tC. @ R, VANSTONto MARRIED Auctioneer, Vendor's Soltoitor, : Co • fined. FORSTER-VANSTONE,-At the home of the Wingham. -Get ready for, Wingham fall fair. bride's parents, on September let, by Rev. E. H , roly,Xiss B. A„ Dir, R. H. Forster, ,Charles• Fresh 1' g S `�QC, INTO, Tub Butter 20C, We are not buyers of Na, THi., SHOE STORE. I'rlZe stats can be Obtained at the TIDIES ton, Missouri, formerly of Winghain, to Miss ........... """�t•'1<S't............. ailice. Plo .ence Olive, eldest daughter of DIr, and dProduce. Diss. SV. P VanStone, of Wingham. +I, + -: -Tho Toronto Fair has been attract- Ross - ScoTT. At the residence of the R O YA L C R 0 C E R Y GOOD Sole Agents bride' parents, "The Maples," Morris Town• GOADS *. C REAP � for Ladies. log a targe number Of visitors during the ship, on August 31St by nev. D. Rogers, Mr PRICES '�OLrI+ past week. Donald (l. Rosr, of iIIansas, U. S.. to Miss Mary ,; t KING* Edna, daughter of DIr, and Mrs. Thos, Scott, >I° -Andrew Darlings the well-known •h ♦ wholesale merchant, died suddenly last na�u OUR STOCK OFMI�M. ROSH -In wingham, on September Ist, Dav- •i• week at Toronto, id Lloyd Rush _aged 75 years. 11 months and 22 -RegaIax meeting of CourtMaitland,GIIroth OnA-Ziuid1, at the residence of d Grocet Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday herbrasher,.r g,Gut f t RosedaleToronto, Bate, eldest daughter u the Rev. J. R. Gundy, ,f. Evening 04 this Week, of Grace Methodist Church, St, Thomas, Ont., ;.1. + M and formerly of winghi es am. �+�'�•P��O`d�!'��!•b'tr0•��M! �•���!!P• �� ' ' -Peter Mcliwan, of Turnbeiry, last p • 1 S NEW Vt/ AND U P- y ~ � � ���O.O.#••• to BAames -In fit. Thomas, T n temben 3• !' 'week delivered fifty-three hogs at Gorrie 5th, James BaIIagh, formerly , n September er • + !► J1 TQT A for which he received nearly $1,000. his 85th TO -DATE. + ' , y.• C. W, Nam . -In Lu tit dan an August n Gcr• • -MLS, T. H. McCurdy, of Stratford, trade Jesake, iufnnt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '� � � - wife of the well-known bowler, known Robert A. Imrie, aged Il months and 2 daps. e• HIGH -CLASS ,,,,,, • FRESH GROCERIES ' 4' to many of our readers, died on Satur• Fj do daughterio vcr, nu t M sn F uF,Free.ARRIVING - 14 day, man, aged 14 years, 2 months and 26 days, A R R I V I N G a � � • ABOUT AUSTIN -In L+stowei, an Au o WELLY '1' ����� and eats' - Tailor : '� Mr, Miller, of Toronto, formerly Of garet Jean In Ll t relict of the It 2 John r •i• the Dominion Bank staff here, was Call. Austin, in her 49th year, + • .` log On old friends In town far a few OohzET-ln Lindsay, on August 2sth, Rich �' q�• days. and Corley, formerly of East Vlyawanash, egad Highest price paid for all a y 04 years. ♦ You get here what you like, and like what yon i --Mr. Percy, the new High School HIICLHuck--In Goderich. on August 2Sth, kinds of produce. get at E, (;, WHITE'S, teacher has moved his family to town Blyth, in his 78th year. of T. J, IIuckstep, OUR STORE and has taken up residence on Frances ,; No other tailoring establishment offers such a street. McGltliVRY & wide selection of very fine and fashionable STRAY SHEEP +®j We are now showing a .fiery attractive assort -Huron Orchards, Limited, with + .t• woolens, Nowhere else are clothes made with p headquarters at Goderich, has been in. -�-�-- CUNNINGHAM such style, precision, individuality and refined ��hjjjj meet of New Fall Suitings and Dress Goods, aorp4rated with a ca ital Stock of game onto the premises of a under. taste, Nowhere else are prices near as low for M containing the correct material for the season All - with signed, lata 13:14, co ncee o (tat line) •I' Phone 64. �. ♦ such values as we offer, 4 $50,000, Morris, on or about the of August, + •� • • Wool Diagonal Serges in popular shades,coritain- +� -Mr. Thos. H. Taylor has been three breeding ewes d sig Iambs, •t• Successors to �' • • ins style and durabiltt r Owner can have same b We are dOin a • seriously ill for the past taw days, but y proving prop. � A. .♦I. � g High -Class Tailoring Business ♦ , S ' erty and paying expenses. ,r J. MALCOLM •1• ♦ on a new plan :- BUYING FOR CASH ! ' •amp aro pleased to report that he is now D. H, CAMPBELL, .I...•1,4,3„� X4,4„ ....,I„�,�,�,�....��� t � i Venetians � ' improving, '� i S11I,I,TNG FOIfi C9SI3 . Doing bnslness in , 54 inch wide, good weight and staple wingham P, O. this wary 1 can save you dollars. Come in and A colors, at only 5oc, per yd. ° --bit. B. C7ochrane this week pnrohas• • see what I can do for you. • • ed Ir, A, Dnlnlage's hones and lot on STRAY SHEEP. Centre g d prop My Cochrane has ascot• in, 1 ar� � • • a +, •' x � All -wool Shepard Plaid ' Suitirl 5 oda cod property. -� n� rjt�tr ♦ LADIES GARMENTS made in the Latest up, g•, 54 in. Wide, There acme onto the pre ,sea of the to -date sty lea, and satisfaction guaranteed. Basket Weaves, Broadcloths, Satin Cloth, Cash- --A npav improved Roger's typeset- nndersignatl Lot 1 ly tin machine has been installed in the y ( eneesaloa i, ►1 K Turnberr Bluevale d,) on or abont ARM Western il7ereS, PIalds;etc,, nt prices to suit all, Clinton New,,Era cfilae. This machine the20thof August a breading ewC+, • Owner can have sante b r • E. C. WHITE ♦ , will save a groat deal of labor, y proving ♦ This will be a good Velvet Season, and in antic- perry arta paying exppnsaa, I# Pro• ♦ WIIVGHAMf ONT. --Adam McMahen, one of London's E.8 JENRINS, Excursions • IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCN leading wholesale merchants IB dead, 'win ham P. a+ ' Patton of that, we' have Imported direct from g h 1 C i••H��ii������l�l�•�!l++t• �l��b��ia�«����50�1��1��, g r He was in the early days engaged in the SEPTEMBER L�B�R !:l � � �'j England, a good range of shades for suits .and 1a', private banking business at Brnssel9. ADMINISTRATOWS SAL FRdirC W#I�GHA)1t TC . gowns, •a -•Last Monday, Labor Day, was gen. ob' VALVAnr,E Port Baron, hatch, ... , .. $410 _ _ '3 Detroit, Mich........ - !e. eralty dbtlervad ae a h4Iiday iii Wing. REAL ESTATE CJhioaa4, Ill $5'66 ' W e have a nice range of stilts in the fashionable Maui. There being no sports in Wing, IN TILE VILr,AOm) aa'wnlTecutr i y City, Mich $11 Gil 1\+ " Sipa ]3a $6,60 $P ; Soft F1�ench Pailettes, 4o in. wide, at $1,75 per ham, the dap waseppnt rinietly by our -�-� 016veland, d , via Buffo. and townspeople. C•andB,,,,,.,; $s.t5 , yd. A splendid :Black Taffeta, French Wolil- The AdminiRtrator of the ate of Davi$ f r Iiintoul, clereased, will ober or sale by Public Cleveland, d„ Via Detroit trod Biargali>RSs esse, at 75c.` - ildiB. Austin, next senior tpaoher to Auction at the Quetan' H el In t" town of D. and (j > $$ �6 wingham, an BEST SERVICE TO , the principal In the Listowel public Grand Rapids, Mich ., ,. , .. , .. $x.56' ,.. ,•, Saginaw, Midh>. ,..... ,...,„ $6.40 . galtool, died do Monday of last week. Salurdayo the st day of October St, Paa1 dr MiuueapattB,att fail $$6 40 -�- Silk Elastic Belt, Fancy Belt* s l'aisle Z- Tlio deceased lady Rewe the TIMES editor A. b 1010, at 2 o`clnc]c In the afternoon the St. Patel or Minneapolis, via ► Frills BOWS Lirieri g , y IVecic Wr his firstMasons at school and We were foloWingivaluable proprettyijthatIstosay:w. Muskoka , r Collars, and beautitul Fanc 5arniarind X. 9. Co. , , .. 31.90 The Truts and tie 9i+e � i y 'r very sorry Wheat of her death, nn thetvsu side ,Return limit Monday, dot, $rd. to Jan. i9i2, for $1.60 ekly f lobe Ribbons to Paisley designs, the newest thin f 'Q' of puaen Street in Hamilton+s Hervey to thevilla ga of CVhitechtlreh in the pour Trains tPoM Toronto ' girdles, Trimmings, <tL etc, g or '° -� A i3rp at the ricins of tyird. Small, On - tawntliip of lsintoss and C;ouitt of .1 *Victoria street, gave the firemen a run Brune, ipgg, ning one acre of wand 9.40 a. ml. 12,1 M, The TmEs and The Weehl Mail more or leas. _ and I+'ii:1 i$1,60, This y,roperty is well RittiatPd in the reeiden• 6.06 p irt+ 10 3 0 p rim, pre to Jan., 1912, xOr - on Satrirtiay ei'2ning, Fortunately it: tialportionnfthaYillat;eo!whitac)ntroh,�Come in and Sto our Splendid line o ' was not necessary tK, title the water tie Thera era nn the pro7ierty a goad frame Fair $tilt Sleeper carried on 0•i iy f rlevV' ttnpot`� a hones, sa Ito Phi ted 4 x 16in . AI The Tftbs and The Week ted oreen Underskirts, t12 . ilia' lire heli been Alit out by neighbors, la x o. and kitchen l taehed i� x 10, eantatu.3, 1 ril traits ie d on to ly Globe - , , ey are generous in , mainailarnhou ansa ood tement cellar Jan,, 1911, #or25o, width and beautiful indesl n, well s -i "'• COnbidert►ble damage VmaB ddnp t0 lied• uhder math ]roues; ararne stable 18 x Londo,�'�� , made and WIII tt' ring apparel as the fird was 24; a uumber of fruit trees and a good Nell'. Enjoy Goof Breezes of ; gyve satisfactory wear, x l . , y . din and lea Penni iweldin lfenced w with a. gpair,andth(yprn• Retarn tickets avitt be ibbned ixniSO 1 The TIMES turd The �V"eekl Mail y vv e have thF'tt1 in all Odu Mr n 1t bedroom' next rtq ne s fenced with n gond wire fence `(�linghAid to London bA Jo'llcwis: the Great. Lakes add Em ire to Jabs, 1911 for 960. + $t6tI310 CCflorS, itrCfiTl $`I,25 to $�, � in rice. _._ qtr, and Mrs. W. G. p'owaer, of Teem. � + 5 p "TEAM,4 (iia sA1;Is Sailings daily exeept Vrtduq abater, OIIt.,;�nnonnCe the .enga�elnpnt TerttlerePutofthe lnrnhasa me 1r 12'r 14, and i6, rind Sit a , Itt $ 25 Sept. ill, 1 nd from �weri sauna. T`h6 TIX s And The Famnily 96tald, , Lhrge gaitailties at Batter anti E clay of tale and the balarrCe in 1)0 des there. $1, 7f, Sept. 13 and 15th, Speelal train YisOm ?,O'reorito 1 �ti !ted 'Weekly Star to Jan, 1 Ass whlitoil, of their eldebt dangbter, I�tiBs L`velyfl a#tet. The ragertywill be Offered sul,leoi to #tettlrtr lilnit Sept, 19th, p saittilg do ys. tot 250, 911 �t7saie, to Iter, i i award >tiatverr d1 ribs Ti(erbi tienlar's and conditlonn of gale .e n1 0 1111 Iiertll Iilo]uded Art boat , 'Walrteti, Pennbylvanaa, V. S., only soft will be maga known on the day of nate or roar t+ bo had on ti f)p1lonlion to the pnd0tsitrned, Par tlokAl and iukthgr iii#oY itiatldi ^� a the Ixte tar, Vo alter Malv9frl of Dated this 2ud September 191 . AN o er ll do 0. L The littler pi048gi rt aria obea MILLS C;ralabhialB ;dnatlan+l rlinarli;, �e eat Ant A0119 i�r p The faiaihriage tUntr t f hors , 1k. VAX8tO,.7�, address J. D. MoDobhld, D, p, A•, 3?b11te to `vVinnlpeg &rid West 7`l�t se Special i7ffers etre �y rMitt' take lllgo9 iii exYtetl2l ars whiteeRtta o Wlttitham, Toronto, ! Most 0� yM A LT q Mt + Lr Xdmiaistrator, veftdnr'8SOTO tor, 7. 11, DBIWER, Agent, Wins#ham ' .. :. ... "-'iF.f•,d' , ,,..: +Wr1�.wWir Made to New Subscribers �' 1