HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-08, Page 6p. r WitV.URAAM 'a,WES, SrFUMBE.rl 8, Iy1.41 ' t s rent of the ttan CUCp OFFER Shelton hoe completed forty - The. White Man's. Road oharpoter--and all• h e A GENEROOS 4FFE1i: to reform it, THE SWETY � yaws veoEk is the Dad estimates tes he are The white ulau'a rase i pd til to ;oliow;. ;aotory,Rinoardiaa, end estimates hehas Our feet are bruises and bleeding, >a�ut. Do your Baty and 1 -to Of paopla k i 1 Local History of the early 80s, made $400,000 worth of furniture, who shall heed our cries? think you, are maliiag quRre+-it tniahty � �"VyY14RS ,�•� 1teTils from the "Times" #yles• Walton McKibbon Will Refus Yt r �,load o.Y aleike seed sold to i3. Glenn The white man's code--shat has it been conspiououA• "FRUIT' —RIVETV 1.AGO i Money if Parisian Sage D _ en _ Banish Dandruff. - netted David Belanger, A rsinoourt fur• but hollow? mer, the neat @Ant of $543,37, At that No ears have caught our, pleadings un. !!``enn r prr��!Y 9Q Q °Q -^ --^ rate, Kent Ccunty land is worth. $40 Per hoard the red man dies. Your complexion ns wall as yonr 1112 Be Ta111111 of Years (it'rona the TiniEs of Sept. 5, 1890.) m , temper is rendered alis, rable by ri. Pis g11�1[[it Mr. Jahn Wilson, V, S., and wits, Pretty strong task, pprhapa you'll say, - acre for one eeason'sloue. Tho white man's creed is lost in white ordered liver. By t;;,Lkutg Onamber- • _^ Lincoln, Nebraska, but ft's honest talk, every word of it A few years ago alfalfa wee enarcely man's stnnirlgr; loin's Stomach and Livor Tnbleto loo I+OCAL NEWS. left on. Tuesday for Lin ln, beemiise if WA.ton MoKibbon was not 'Mr ikon's practice beta will las look• abaulotal o•rtaiu; if he did not know p;cown at All to New Jersey, while this Qarisith ie slowly tirg►rin8-^no door can improve both. S:�;p by all rleslara, ThC .�Ci„a0 Fiel'Y'tirGly F01' ti The brI k work of the town hall will . W p the --._._._. young and Old be Qemplated. this week, ad atter laq his brother James, o; Lin, qU6 zralteaal rVilults Fas nch, A gens roost cfferto oca.d crop on ono thonsandyeAr 17i to 200 tacres QY IaA(1s Are g and �+TUne a Dal olar hard, though fast our ` l I o Mitchell an antploYee in coin, whsle he will attend to hie broth Piriaia,u S•rga, which eau tiow be ob SUGGESTIONS FOR ` Mr. R tit• er's practice in that city, it to predicted that nest year two thous ranks are thianiug— Nature's gifts do us good, if used l Mr. Thos B-Ileo factory, had the middle P Gained in evar,v town in Canlidti, is elan And acres are duvoted to this crop, Ode The weary feet are lagging; that wear THE NQIISErVI.FE, ttdiciously. We eat bread from baby, finger Thee his left hand taken off by a Mr and Mrs, Alex. Ross left on Fri- guaranteed to atop falling hair and itch man in the sante has 73 sores, two 'hsve the moccasin, ------ Mood to old age lvitltout ever tiring of it, ink "KIP We drink water, year iii' and year out, machine at which he was working!, on day last for Leeds, Megautao county, I, is the ideal, deligbtrul, rr javenat- 50 and a un Luber has much as 25, Ole Milk is excellent for c.eaning cticlotb Quebec,tto visit Mrs. Roes relatives. ing brit drPseinp that makes bale know pian who is salliu alfalfa gets X22 a tan The white man's word •-what with the greatest benefit ea otic health. >: Monday tt but broken? Velvet may be freshened by holding So'too, we eat fruit in season and are r Philip McKibben, wife and son, They will spend a few days In the cities to abundanov, Parielan S-ge is a• prima for it, and raises (l torso to the acro, better for the change'of dict. This is M p Colorado. oY Quebec, Montreal, anti Toronto, be. favorite with woman, because t keep� Our lodge liras low are burning—with- over a steaming kettle, Ana cleaned by true, because surahtliligsare the natural left on Wednesday for Poublo, 0 Of they return, the hair brilliant and fascinating, out the air is cold; dipping into gasoline, The j urney is made in the expectation daintilyChildren d r e n C r foods and drink of uleatktive Itis for perfumed,. and is not sticky or �% And than unheard with sorrows dee of benefiting; Mr. McKibbon's health, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson arrived greasy, , , p When cleaning{ a rarest, Gatto rut this reason allot j correcting e- ill f home on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. The rice for a large bottle is only 50 FOR FLETCHER S unspoken, grease spots with gasoline, and t th r . used for years in correcting so`xue ill of Winghom will be represented at the p the buds. As is well known, ]unites• Ferguson is much better than he was cents at Walton McKi�bon s, who guar C A S T O R A All hopeles^, are we turning—wo who spots with borax water. fives" (!;made of the juices of apples, > gaaiting ton at Lucknow on g ' antees it. Sold everywhere, or direct, were itlogoof old! Tuesday noxi, by Messrs. Wm. McOly• but is still very weak, all chargee prepaid, by Lha Onnsdiaa On Thursday, Aagaet 25th, the = Fine sand tabbed an wi h u hrnvy oranges, figs and prunes, wet rag is the�best thing for an iron Just as fresh fruit may be eaten at wont, F. Paterson szd Samuel Leggatt Mr. Gardiner, of Mount Forest, spent makers, Giroux. Mfg. Co , Fort Erie, death of Kenneth, McKenzie, aged 77 every rneal, so Fruit-a-tives clay be a con le of clays this week with Mr. A. STOMACH AGONY saucepan. taken every night for 20 years or more Messrs. Jae. MoLauchlin and Jas. p years, occurred at the residence of his ' Haugh have leased the building lately E. Smith, banker. t son-in-law, Mr. Angus Derr, Nelson St , Cotton crepe stencil], rt with oil pint with alio greatest benefit, A laugh is a good thing—if it is on the or stencil dye will watt b• Hutt-ally i'+ Tile absolute safety of "Fruit-a-tines" neve as s billiard hall, next door south Mr, and Mrs. Clegg returned from g Kinoardine. Deceased was born in --- lies been a great factor in its success. of d no a bill'sliard next will open their trip to the coast on Saturday last, other Yellow. Asayenr., Sutherlandehire, Scotland oastile Eoapeude, Those who suffered with chronic trou- Abolish the Cause, and Misery and a boot and shoe shop this week. While sway they visited St. John, N.B., The earth's fertile area is estimated He oama to Oannda with hie par• Distress of Indigestion will Vanish. A corrugated rubber bath mat is an tiles such m Constipation,etc.naturally lyo kDyspepsia, out Halifax, Boston, Portland, Montreal and at 28,269,200 rquare�miles auto in the year 1847. They settled in excellent thing in the nb, se it Cella Rheumatism, etc., �natnrally took a Mr. Tbos Gregory arrived home-fromnumber o£ boxes a Fer, t -eaves Monde last Orin ing with Toronto. And also spent some time at And many a mans race prejudice is Zorra, Oxford county, Here, in 1848, he Cao indigestion be oared:+ Hundreds save slipping and possibly dangerous As they became better, they found Manitoba on y g of thousands of people who suffer from �k Old Orchard Beach and on the 'White due to his having bet on the wrong woe married to Mies Flora McKenzie, belching of gas; biliousness, sour stem• falls. that instead of being compedci to• 4 him two car loads of cattle. Mountains, horse. increase the dose in in most medicines, 'Mrs. Rosa, wife of Mr, Jap. Roes, of and a family of five boys and two girls soli, fullness, nausea, shortness of To keep berries fresh, spread them as they were decreasing it, and gradually• ver suddenly of Mr, D. Stewart shipped a oar load of Automatic machines have been in• was born to them. In 1864 Kenneth breath, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, much as possible on a large, flat dish, taking fewer doses, Victoria street, died y y vested which w11i thoroughly clean nervonsnessand other distressing symp• oc.abox 6for$2.50,ortrialbox,25c. 'Wednesday evening. She wee in her oa*ale to Toronto on Thursday, per McKenzie, his brother William and tome, are asking themselves that ques• and vet in a cool, dry place, 5 r 3,600 fish an hoar. their parents came to Kincardine town- tion daily. At dealers, s sexton receipt . price by Wena] health in the afternoon, and was G. T. R. _ Soiled window shades are best clean• Fruit-a-tines Limited, Oktawa, ship where they all took up land, Ken. And if these same doubting dyspeptics ed by rubbing them with stale bread talking with Mrs. R Akins, who realise IDEWARE of OINRatIENTr, VOR CA- neth odttling on lot''28, 9th oon. He was con d only read the thousands of sincere or fuller's earth, with moderate prea- next door, at • three o'clock. She was BIRTHS TAIiR13 TBAT CONTAIN MERCURY. a n adherant of the P Presbyterian church .lettere from people who once suffered as esdming some plume that were growing badly as they do now, but who have sure. THE HOURS OF SLEEP. in the garden, when she was suddenly McLarty.—In. East Wawanosh, on the Be mercury will surely destroy the Benae and a staunch Liberal in politics. BO' ,been quickly and permanently cured by loth ult., the wife of Wm. McLarty; a of smell and completely derange the g To keep the whites of ogage from stricken down with apoplexy. whole ayetem when entering it Lhrongh sides his widow he leaves two daughters the use of biI•o•nn, the mighty dyepep daughter, the a pyste surfaces. Such articles and ions sone, sis remedy that cures by ren oving the falling, after being whipper', try adding, There is an old saying, which in its Misses Jennie Elder and Maggie Car- should Haver be need except on preacrip cause, they would go to Walton M°Kib• while whipping, a pinch of cream of too literal application has done an infin- gill left on Monday for a term at the DEATHS. Hogg.—In TDEATHS. on September tions from reputable beed physicians, sa the Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and bon this very day and got a large box of tartar, ity of mischief and has prevented a good Clinton model school, damage they will do is ten fold to the Diarrhoea Remedy is today the beat Mi•o•na tablets, and start themselves on Equal arts of turpentine and am• many people taking the teat that is need- Mr. A. K. Cameron returned from 3rd, Jobn Hogg, aged 54 years. good you can possibly derive from them. known medioine in use for the relief and the right road to henhli at otos. q P P Hall's Ontarrh Care, manufactured by cure of bowel complaints, It curse The price of Mi o no tablets is only 60 menta will remove paint from old the . fnl to them: '•Nips hours' sleep e, f Beaverton, where he has been spending Ross,—In Wingham, on September F. J. Cheney & Co„ Toledo. O , oon- gripping, diarrhoea, dysentery, and cents, and Walton McKibben guaran• Soak the spot in the mixture and than enough for a fool," That is as may be, has holidays, on Monday. He is now 3rd, Agnes, wife of Mr. Jae. Roos, sr„ tarns no mercury, and is taken iotas• should, be taken Lit the first unnatural tees them to cure indigestion, or money rub it hard; Blip in ooap suds Had rub it but it is none the less true that many occupying his old position in the post. aged 68 years and 11 months. nally, noting directly upon the blood looaenPSB of the bowels. It is squally back,Viaor lean or scrawny people will again. Almost any paint Et n can be who are by no means fools feel that i and mucous surfaces of the system. In valuable for children and adults. It al- find in Mi•o•na a maker of flash and removed in this way, they rt q.aire quite that time to reeuper. bnyingr Hall's Catarrh Cara be sera you wase euros. Sold by all drnggiete, blood, because it onuses the stomach to , ate themselves. Different constitutions get the g ermine. It is taken internally - To make candied cberieo, olip halt _ and meds in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. extract more nutritious matter from the -y p require different , amounts oY sleep.. ,. Cheney d On. Testimonials free. Millions For Luxuries. food, which quickly enriches the blood. the stem from each cher. rick a hole Sold by n. Testimonials Price 750. per _ in each with a clean needle, place liberal What is enough for one person is total- bottle. General Howard Carroll, returning to quantities of crushed rock caudq, fill ly inadcgnate for another. We are be- { KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL ti Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstipa• lienors in sleep, and 1t the of it, and New York from Europe last weak, is with brandy, and Beal, the first to make an estimate of the the probabilities are that the originator amount of money spent abroad this g, of the phrase, "Nine hours' sleep is, A hot spring—Jumping from the try. Bummer by American tourists, He has lame Back PaIQf11I StIfC11�S anongh for a fool,"• was a philosopher Ing pan into the fire. placed the total at $250,000,000. Thisff(�i/l ' D ///6l/-O Mf i and a cynic, end erred is making hie' l Switzerland has a total population Of CURES CATARRH ASTHMA, The moment you suspect any Kidney own frugality in this respect the stand. represents, of reuses, only a portion of Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. 3,500,000, and there are 1,384 periodicals the great invisible trade balance againat „ or Urinary diso-der, or feel Rheumatic era for the rest of mankind. in the country, or one publication to this country, the constant drain of mon- Broachstis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or phi , begin taking y e, It will be conceded by 'all thoughtful` every 2,715 persona. eye abroad for foreign labor employed money 0 IBBOtN. by FIG I L,St children that the vin n veryours back Sold and g t brain i young here, the interest on. American bonds WALTON IYIcIZ BB P L children regattas quite twelve beam' Dia. A. W. CHASES and other investments held in Europe sleep and this period is shortened grad.. Detroit, Mich., has now n population The statistics of the Canadian Depart- CATAHHH p® rfDEH Fig Pills are sold with a guarantee uall until at fourtagn years of age a of 906,706; a gain of 60 per cent. meat of immigration show that ]nstyear �0 and the payuienta to foreign ship own• POINTED PARAGRAPHS. y g is sent direct to the diseased parts by the to care all Kidney, Bladder or Liver boy is found to need only ten hours. A web filament two end cue quarter 06,000 people passed over from the U. S Improved Blower. Heals the ere all going to make up a total which _, ulcers, clears the air s has in previous yeara been estimated as Disorders, When fall grown and in good health e passe es, miles long has been taken from the into the far western provinces, and this pe anent droppings curestlC throat and high as $400,000,000. Consideration of A daaahter in the kitchen is worth six At all ding stores at 26e. a box, or man may find that eight hours are quite year the influx wi exceed 125,C00, a in the parlor. five for one doliar. body of a, single spider. 1} Hr y Fever. 25n blower free. this subjeot is of timely interest, in P sufficient to render him thoroughly re- - A art of 160 members of the Sona Accept no substitutes. All dealers freshed and invigorated; tint i4 he finds, party or Edma soon, Batas & Co., Toronto. view of the recent figures o4 the Gov- Any man knows he can marry any Wooten Have Ducknelle, of England, who went touring to the Old on the other hand, that the period is not Many -women have it disease Oountry are back in Canada. One man Never shake a mat or rng. Remove ernment neon the state of our foretell girl he wants to—until he wants to. HOUSE TO RENT—Oomfortable house View. to the yard, hang them on a lino, trade during the year ended Jane 30 What every man knows—that he is a on John street. Apply to JAS WALK- many thou by all means if ho can, and do not know it, because they attrib• brcuebt over twenty-five of his fxiende, let him take more.—Health• ute backache to other causes. The use who will settle at Brampton. and beat well; afterwards lay them on last. These figures showed that accord- very good-looking ohne. ER. of Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills the grass and brash thoroughly with the ing to the known balance of trade'some Hope is a hot brick for the care of u makes short work of backache and pre- On August 17th, at St. Andrews broom. They will last as long again, $250,000.000 bad been spent by the cold feet. vents serious trouble from deranged Church, Vancouver, Mr. Wm, F. Find• and look brighter and fresher after this country last year upon luxuries. kidneyF. Ask your neighbors about a son of Mre. Htfferuen, Kincardine The roan who sows wild Oats very meat. often makes n tame finish. this great family medicine. was married to Mies Nancy A McMiil• _ " on. The bridegroom is sporting editor Being ti good guesser is a fine thing tree Toronto's population, judging by fig- of the Vandonver World and prominent °'-"" " - " " " ' "Can be depended upon" is an ex- for either a gambler or a doctor. pression we all like to hear, and when tares of the seaFsament department, is in yachting; circles. it is used in connection with Chambsr- Talk is like rain. A certain amount r now about 370,000. lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea is welcome and necessary, but who A Marconi wireless despatch to the Children Cry � Remedy it means that it never fails to wants a deluge, Globe Days that the opium habit is rap•5 care diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel com FOR FLETCHER'S I laints. It is pleasant to take and Being lazy is so comfortable that it to :z idly spreading in London, especially C A S T® p I A LONDON, ONTARIO p 1� f-'► aqua?]y valuable for children and adults. small wander that it is is general die• amongthe "smart" women of society. ' Sold by all druggists, repute. • V This year there are 1,660 new teachers Bushilu & ShorthandTho, ��t!Don't waste year money buying plea• in the Province of Ontario. This rate There are persona who really like to ht Kind tern when you can get a bottle of Oham• SUBJECTS work. and everyone should conspire to berlain's Liniment for twenty-five of supply, if kept up for a couple ofSOME HOME REMEDIES. cents A piece of flannel dampened more years, it is thought ought to rem. Resident and Mail Courses keep them at their choice. with this liniment is superior to any Catalogues Free After a man has been married a year plaster for lame back, pains in the aide edy the shortage that has been fall for + and cheat, and much cheaper. Sold by some time, despite the influx to the J• «• Westervelt, J• W. Westervelt, Jr., C.A.. This is good for colds and soughs. el forgets that he was ever anything O PrintinA west. Io a recent interview the Minis• Principal. Vice-Princ,pal. else. all dxaggistF. ,, • , One cup of syrup and the same of vine. ' ter of Education urged strongly the A Seotohman who had survived three � - gar (pot loo strong), two large onions Abney man is not bast' with his own - wives and who had a fourth in oontem- necessity of salving; salaries of qualified A number of those who have grown sliced. Cook together until the onions work; hie principal task is getting rid of plation decided upon a delicate method teachers if they are to be kept in On• are clear and ths• syrup thick. Strain bores. trio. alfalfa this year for ilio first time are of proposing to the la•eat object of his very likely to be tempted to pasture and bottle. Dose: From one to two No use telling trouble to keep out of The kind that is neat, attractive and affections. Accordingly he took her for their fields in the fall. A great mistake teaspoonfuls three or four times day if your way. It is up to you to side-step a walk one afternoon, and before she Tlfty Years' Experience of an old Nurse, will be made if this praotieo is resorted the cough is severe. Heat the syrup old trouble. up-to-date, costs you no more money realized where their footsteps tended MRS. WINSLOw'S SOOTHING SYRUP is to. Alfalfa is very sensitive at the and take'as hot as may becborne. A It takes thirty years to form a man's the prescription of one of the best fe- slice of raw onion laid upon the tongue - here than the inferior article does they had arrived at the graveyard where male physicians and nurses in the crown, grid the tread of heavy animals, his lost loves lay buried. Standing be" United 8tates,and has been used for fifty together with the constant cropping of will quickly allay the tickling cough, which is most troublesome at night. - elsewhere. fora the three tosibstones he said:. years with never-failing success by shoots at the crown will be warp likely - "There lies Jennie, there lies Griesel, millions of mothers for their children, to either prevent next year's growth, or 'Croup often yields readily to one or there lies Maggie, and," he added, point- It relieves the child from pain, cures leave the stand so thin as to be value- two;teaspoonful'e of pure glycerine; it diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and ing to the next vacant space and taking wind colic, By giving health to the lees• cute the phlegm and heals the throat. hold of her hand tenderly, "how wad child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five Capeioum vaeeline may be applied to Are You you like to lie there?" cents a bottle. � throat and cheat in case of sateen , ��Ed U �YOU� stricture and pain, It burns without Quality Counts Breathing exercises to develop the F.P� blistering, and in better than a mustard bust are very beneficial Take a deep Amplaster in Nein always resiy for im- Bad Blood Means Bad Nealthr I breath through the nostrils, keeping; the Bare mediate use, Alittle put on cotton is RU Itu red month tightly shat; hold the breath for fain, Helplessness and suffering are good for earache• in printing as in other things, and the BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS several moments, then breathe out a• ov©raorno by DR. CHASE'S A good worm cure is tour or flue drops gain, slowly and steadily. No tight` KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. I can cure the `worst case of Timr,,s is in a position to turn out first- of be ex- turpentine on a lump of sager, ad Rapture from infancy to old age, Mdke9 Good Blood and ecce •,Ira. Frank Bloom ll'ar4wood Lake p g ' ` Ont. writes: "I want to tell you of minfetered four mornings i>< succession without operation or loss of time, class work at very reasonable prices, Blood Matins Good Health, striae. the great benefit I found in tc use before breakfast on an empty stomach. p of Ili. Chase's Iiidney-Liver Pills, I It has never failed, worms love sweet$, ACT AT ONCE Try this office with your next order. suEercd so badly with kidney disease and they are hungry in the morning. Mrs. Trey .Diggs, Hingston, Ont., � �� ' A that Mien I lay clown I could not ;et cep the turpentine can easily do its. and remove the daily danger of was completely run down , •� writes:— p y nl. vs.thout help. I was completely laic! strap alation. Fill in sou on rrry blood was out of order, and I used For infants and Chililren. up with lame, aching back. I react work, g p to get so weak I would be compelled to , al,out Dr. Cliaso's Tiiriney-Liver Pills Sudden choking while eating may be and send to Dept, J. stay in arse for weeks at a time. I i the Kind You Have Always Bought id the alinanae., got thein and they relieved by instantly holding the hands could not eat, and was pale end thin' ney diseaso and back, J, S. SMITHt # everyone. thought T tuns cin into Bears the w far u in the air, Nyith an infant, hold • going g t f,� 'tphcl idem oi' ]cid Q. l on5uni,ptaon. I tried everything and I ' ,(h y 88 Caledonia St. Signature of w , fritslrand liar$ slit itriuZ 11(tur9 itl h6t4i thA little haud8 lip 6E 71tlfi6 until i Siderent doctors, 'until a friend advised his Biles awl obtained euro by tt iltiir the coughing and choking have oeaesLlg The Times me to tiso Burdock Blood Bitters, lir. Chase's XidnevLiver Pills. These STRATGoltri, ONT. "I diol not havo Qne. bottle +,:Seri when which will be very soon, I Ili altlA11,tt be!gah to liki;irove. T`nokbil foiiit Baena a me dgaln in orad I:illri mre the best ori rho ninny yet and I ythe are like! to ata for the summer, ani glad to recommend tltenr, Soft corns maybe Cured by keeping Name ... , ++ . + _ + • : • •: + • + • Y 1 used six bottles. y y y 'rI gained ten pounds in two weektr. In South American countries it ie ntl I`it•. Chase's Ttrirlrtpy-?.fiver Pills a"`o between the toes a bit of abeoebant .. W INC,�HAM ONTARIO When I began n take it I only weighed c?efinito alill eertain in aetioa, onliveu Cotton wet with turpentine. Address+.... + . „ • . • . • . • • _ • • • iiinCty-three pounda. It lust seemed to uncommon thing; to sea boys of ten or the liver and bo*e1s as well as the itid• _ _ pull me from the grave as i never exy twelve years of age or even younger 11oi i are lastingly Iain he and etc• ltA dye, , , . , , Time Rup .. • • . . pected to be ntrong again. I will tell carrying rifler and marching to battle vntr in t Ktet taro ornu ne ter r1xesu every sufipr�r of ;four wonderful remedy: with the brmlm which fight in the Civil Ciiaae Is Iiidney-Liver Pilin. One -rill a C �1 l � � �" � �, � � � Single or t101ible • • w • • • • � , Burdock Blom nr,ters is manufactured l:0B FLETCHER S Milburn Co.,vVars of thoto laude, rl'hedo boy i6bldierg (lose, g, ce+tt!t n box, a.t all rloalprs, Cr Satilifa(:tioxi guaranteed, tartly by the , 'Ldmanson Dates & oronto. Toronto, ()ht. :yeti that their signature are usaallq of Indian blood, and ''they r Co.,, ti en ail ever bottle, �► /D► ` pis y figilaL quite ae well ott the eldest veteratt, t