HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-08, Page 19 1. VOL.'%XXXIX.—NO, 2012. WINGRAMl ONTARIO, TUIJUDAT, SEPTEMBER 8 1910, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Read Willis Co.'s lkdv on page 8, The Thirty -N th Year. Borden Tou Postponed, PERS L Who Wingham Aijoe last week en. who local oon�ini too of the CouservA. W. J. obal A CUT FLOWERS M of Aoton, visited Girls Wa AN15 Another FI wing Well. tered its thirty-ninth year• and for five Association re eived word on Tues. WIagham1rIo::,,, inweek,- THE 'REXALL twelve,yeAro the paper as been edited dayattertroon this Mr. R L. Borden B for Biscuit and C y Depart,, Miss Etta M J 'FLORAL DESIGNS The drillerslower town plant. by W. Hall, The pspo.-, is pne of the had cancelled his atarto tour And con. Min cry, of Detroit, is struck. nuother flo-Zing well on Friday visiting with friend in town. meets, W for smqrt., best weeklies in West: a Ontario and sequently no Me ing will ba held In T. C. GRAHAM & SON afternoon last. rhe Oommtesionero Grown-up g h has grovirn in public fa r since Mr, Hall Wingham, on ptember 20th. Mr, Mr, Will Daver port of Broutford S, $4,75 per week RHEUMATISM FEIONH 101, Ave had excellent :ucoosa in the matter took control. The Tins wishes the Borden will visit astern Ontario later spent, Sunday with: riends in town, to commenc with. of securing a good �apply of pure water Advance and its editor, any more years in the Beeson and' ill be Ingham. Mr. and Mrs. The 1. Kew are visiting D. S. PERRIN & CO,, Ltd, for domestic purpo as as two good flow• of prosperity, in Toronto and Attending the exhibition Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers ing wells have bee secured. This will LONDON,ONT. CURE make it possible to ave the water and WANTED —Girls room and - Miss Ruby Jenne. of Guelph, visited ly at electric light pla a under one roof GIRL WANTED at 0 ce 6 do house up-atairo work. ly at the Exchange for a few days with old friends, in town. 'V1 or Rheumatism only, This . work. Goo . n wages; asking, Ap. Hotel. LAND FOR SALE does clot cost you one cent unless Bakery BUS ass Change. which should me &'hig saving In ply to Mrs. R. Knox. Mrs. W. B. Elliot -was visiting for a Mr. J. 0. Leckie, he has been in the wages, etc, The gromisdouers have few days at her par tal home in Mark - it does good. We cheerfully re• bakery business in Ingham for BOMB met with h did encase Happy Fa m-ly Re -Union. dale. Quarter section of laud in Saakatche. fund money, 11"o I a in the Bad Weather on elephones. wan, twenty acres broken, thirty a ores time has sold on to Mr. Carter, of well drilling that th decided to have Mrs. W. A. Or; ham, of Weedmann Dr, J P. Kenned has returned home forced, five sores bash, small house and a The severe electric I storms of the is visiting with hox sisters, Mrs. Jdfin from the West and resumed his prno. stable, good water. Fori�gt, who is now in possession, Mr, the third well put `dowu and work on ugly past mouth has been h d on the dinar. and Mrs. James M 'Gee on the 10th of tics. 0, N GRIFFIN, Laohie has not yet Ily decided on hie this one was start .this week, The ant telephone compau a.' The North E,'Int Real Estate Agent, CAMERAS future plans. He has made a good work of rebuilding t .e dam was nom- Wawanosh, ive sisters are now Harry Dore is open in a week in Tor- Wingloam, Ont. KODAKS AND old Hurou Telephone 00., a had 9, num. having a happy isit together. They citizen and we w old be sorry to see menood tfiifl week an swill be done un- onto and seeing the a' hts at the exhib- him leave Wivgba, We welcome Mr. der the supervision o -[Mr. John Glenn. bar of "noises" lines, b other than that are,—Mrp. John nd Mrs. James Me., ition, to rent 25c per day, they have escaped seri a injury. The Gee, East Wawa sh; Mrs, A. Monroe, Oarter as a citizen . f the town. company has not had telephone des. A,doch; Mrs. M, ea000k, Lauark and Miss McDonald, Luoknow, was BULL FOR SERVICE Big bargains in ladies and ohildrens troyed since going into usiness over a M,, Graham, W dmann. This is the visiting for a few days with Miss Olive Fresh fish every week -end, at T. slippers and oxfords at W. J. GREER'S Year ago. The compAn is endeavoring first Gime th 'ate have had a re -union Knox, The underFigned will keep for service clearing sale. to give the subscribers ood service and in thirty-five elate May they All live Mr. John MoNev% and family left on his premises, lot 41, concepFdon 18, FELLS' butcher shop. ty-five year with the storms abo t over for this a a a DR a 0• U in a d a and Ca fol . " V.o. h has gi P 113 0 t many more years nd have health and last Thursday for t, air new home in East W w na h a thoroughbred H r .Walton McKibben 0 season there should be o further tron. 0 ford Bull. Ladies'Accident t Foundry h v prosperity is the h of the TIDIES. Dundas. Terms, — $1- 00, payable at time of Per, uxillary. his. They now ve nearly 150 . or THE' DRUGGIST The next r,-gu I t meeting of the' Mr. Robert; Maso met with a painful Mr, Chris, Mandowi, of Guelph, was vice, Ladles, Auxiliary the Wingham Gen. and what might b ha a been a serious no- Babsoribers and it num or more will be visiting with Winglarn. friends for a W. J, CURRIE, 7A. je%am Sime 0 added before the close f the season. COW TO ExcHANGz.—A good Jersey few days. i oral Hospital will 11 a held on Monday cident at the Weatiln Foundry on Fri. Grade Cow to exchange for Holstein, or i Wingham. afternoon, Septea*er 12th, at 4 day morning lost. 11r, Mason was mov- other heavier milker, Apply to L. W. Mr. Job n M. Fisher returned this week Macdonald Block" Wingliam. in material, on the hoist and when con.. Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 Spa/..,sve , HANSON, National Hotel, Wingham. from tho West, wher be has spent the .,. I 0 clock in the . Council Chamber. Toronto, will be at the ,Qu , Etc WINGHAM All members are re nested to be present siderable distance f orn the floor the cab- Win ham, all day, Frip p n a Hotel, past few weeks. qdl, Sept. 16th, a business of impactance is to be trans- le broke, letting thcAhoiat go to the bott.- for consuliatiop in dice es of Eye, Ear,' A Pretty H e Wedding. Mrs M. Small an Mr. F Colgate, CHOPPING MILL. MISS . SPARLING as om floor. In the fr I Mr, Mason had Nose and Threat, Glasses fitted. A pretty home ddiug took place at of Sr. Catharines war visiting in Wing - one OF TORONTO one of his ankles ba y injured and was Having contracted for Bran. Sbarts, the residence of r. and Mrs. Thos. ham this week. Flour, Feed, etc., to be shipped in car CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC considerably bruise He was imme- GENERAL CONFE :ENCE NOTES Gregory, Centre at at, At noon on Wed- Mr. John A. Day, of Southampton, lore, I will be able to supply these at all WANTED—An a prentice or an im- diately moved to bin home and we are nesday of this we , when their daugh- was visiting for a few sys with Wiug• times in any quantities.' Also all kinds And authorized teacher of. the Pletcher ' r of Chop for sale in large or small quan. Manic Method Simplex and Kinder. prover. Apply to C. White, Tailor. pleased to report he i= doing as well as The general confer�mce of the Metho- ter, Mien Edith E lly, became the bride ham relative,, n,� ftie do. could be expected, I tities. igarten, Teacher of Piano and Theory. diet church was brou tht to n close at of Mr. Ernest G. . Button, of Shel- Mr. Goo. 0. Man ere has returned I will exchange Flour for Wheat on Pupils prepared for conservatory 6X- Victoria, B, C., On Th raday lost, bourne, a former ell -known Wingham home After a few we ke, visit in Wel• the usual terms. amiliatione. A Pion er's Death. Low One-way Sec d.clas Colonist The minimum ion of ministers young man, Th ceremony was per, land, Buffalo and London, Marketprices paid for all kinds of grain. Mr. James Ba agh, who for many L and probationer decided as fol- formed by Rev. . Rutledge, pastor of EZRA MERKLEY Theory by correspondence to out of years was a reeld nt of Tnxnberry, died Rates. Sept. I 1h to ct. 16th. a Miss Georgina Phi)pen is spending a Proprietor. town Pupils. at The home of big daughter, Mrs Me. Via Grand Trunk ail ay System to lows; Ordoined mart ad men in tbd the Methodist a uroh, in the presence week with her uncle in Toronto and al- elsot, not less than $900 per annum, un. of the relatives a d intimate friends of so attending the exh bition. CLASSES OPEN SEPT. 1st. Kenzie, in St. TMmas on Monday last. Nelson, Vancouver V* oris, Westmin- home, The dooeased wa: in his 85th year Seattle, Tacoma, married men, $700; prAbationers, $500; the contracting parties. Edna Camp- Miss Joan MoGilli f Evanston, Apply at Miss Sparliug's and his star, B. 0,, Spoke ordained married men n the west, $1,. bell, niece of th; bride, made a pretty V"Y' 0' Sale by Tender ,ply farm was at who is known as the half. Wash., and Portia Ore., Also to San Ill., in visiting wit her parents, Mr. Minnie street. a" Portia unmarried, $80 1; probationers, little flower girl. Mr. And Mrs. Button I way corner betwwn Winiham And Tons- Francisco, Los A ale', Sao Diego, Oal. 000; left on the at tern -.on train and will have And Mrs. Arch. co water. Mrs. Bal gh passed away a few and Mexico City, ctober let to 15th. $600. :8, c1=1 former It was also decided t take steps to. the hearty good shag of a large circle Mr. F. S. Gal Sec c d ail c 0 las d r JH w d at ,a el er nt I or, Vancouver V O"a, Seattle' a '0 "., Al' ale '. San D 'tober let d ticket. to ",4 ­ . . ., ndig a w d,� years ago. Ther sins will arrive on Full particulate a d tickets from any ly of Wingha Bpi We will receive up to Sept. 13th D a. Herron, tenders for A the pi don ol,,opew Ohurch Of trier on behalf of Mr e. with his f rion via, the following properties: — the noon train t day (Thursday) and Grand Trunk Age -d' or address J. D. war 6. . an , I T"Misr, Wingham b and were ap interment will b made in the Tees, McDonald, Distrbt Passenger Agent, hymn book, Miss Annie M. Cum ings has returned Frame house, Edward St , pointed to report to t a next General Pretty Sep/Imber Wedding. a' good an new. water cemetery. Toronto, Ont. home after spending two weeks' holi- Conference, A new ition of the Can- A very pretty wedding was solemniz 14 Double house, John Sr., good Business adian H) mnal will b prepared and pub- ad on Thursday, September let, at the days with friends in oronto. investment. Will pay 8 to L ' Miss Annie Elliott left on Monday for 10 per cent. The schoul children need the beat of C. F. Blair amoing to Regina. lished as soon as poss le. Local preach- residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Van- , I shoes. Try our School Shoes. I- Stone, when i,heir eldest daughter, re a a has taken a posi- Goddriob is to Joe, at least temporar- era to be appointed I the future shall be Orangeville where a Codege W. J. GREER. ily, one of its rominent profeasioDal expected to take a c ran of study, upon Florence Olive, vas united in marriage tion as head milliner in one of the stores. IS a link in Canada's Great- men, in the pers(�� of G. F. Blair, .who which an examiva n shall be passed to Mr. er, of Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Wei- Haines, of Owen Special Bargain For me Mr, before a licence can issued. "t, est Chain of High - Grade Wingharn StIclent Successful, leaves in October or Regina. Sank. Missouri, young Of MrB, J. For- Sound, were vieiti ig for a few days ings, Mo., formerly of with Wingham rein Ives and friends. Private Sale. Ont., and son of I f - r. J, H. Linklater, of firm of Balfour, wom to its courts. Prail John Allenby's property, *town Colleges founded during the Mr, W. F. Li,klater, of Mattaws, Blair has been AV d to join the legal The Conferenoe v •ad down the pro star, of Sweet S :rtin & Casey, of that poral to admit wom p past twenty six years. This Wingham, .6 sely at one o'clock, Misses Mamie an Pearl Cartwright, plot, just the place for a retired far - chain is the largest train- Turnberry, has be -n successful In pass- city, and purpose o spend at least a the bride enter the drawing room. of Wingham, are opcnding a couple Of mer; immediate possession as Mr. the -J tolt ars of young People in Canada jog pt. 11 (Boa) of the Entrance to Fac- year in he , y find possibly to GIRLS WANTED— or work on power leaning on the ar of her father, to the 'weeks with friend in town.—Clintou Alleupy is going to California Price and it is freely admitted that' ulty of Eduostio - He has Also been locate t "eye per raptly. Mrs. Blair odwing machines in nitting mill or on strains -of—_Ken elsshon's Wedding Now Era. right. , will its graduates get the best posi- re-engaged as to her in the Mattawn and family I re sin in Goderich in day work Olean, steady work, and March played by r. Arnold Miller, of Miss m Clarke, of Winnipeg, was Good wages, will pay railway'fare, pro - tions. There 13 , a reason; school at a con datable inorease in the meantimo,— oderich Signal, Mr. 90 x months Toronto. The bri a looked charming in visiting for a few days with her sister, t 0 vided Applicants stay with us six T HOUSES TO RENT write for it. A diploma from a many of our I salary. Mr. lAulil ter is a former Wing- Blair is well k own t Apply, THE WATSON WrG. Co Limited, a gown of very in nation satin entrain, Mrs. Gavin Wilson, Crown Hill Farm, Good Dwelling suitable for Board - the Commercial Educators' ham High School wilent and many old readers And lived n Brussels for a num- Paris, Out. with tulle veil an carrying a white Turnberry. - Association of Canada is a friends here will a pleased to hear of ber of 'years. prayer book with a bower of lily of the ing house. Central. passport to success. his success. Death of D id L. Rush. valley. Mies Nor Vanstone, sister Dr. Wilson, of ' Naw York, formerly Three rooms with summerkitchen Principal of the Wroxeter Public School. on ground floor, hard and soft wat. You may h coon Wingham friends er, good locality, study partly at To RENT,—First cl as arm to rent, The death coon ad at big home on of the bride, acted is maid of honor, was calling on old a arm 0 / during the past wee Two good Cottages at $5.60 per home and finish at the College, lot 2, concession It, 1rbe' , y. Apply Thursday morning net of David Lloyd gowned in white silk with large picture Enter any day. HOUSE TO RENT—Comfortable house JAwrs WEIR, Wingliam. Rush, in his 76th y ar, Mr. Rush had hat jovering Richmoid roses. Mr. G. Forbes and fam- month. -on John street. Apply to JAS. WALX- . Mr. and Mrs. W. been III for Only a hort time and was O. Hilborn, of Toronto, performed Simi - Fall Term Opens Aug. 291h ER- t able to be up and I% and the day previ- lar duties for the grooiA.. The ceremony sly left last week to their new home in WINGHAM Wingh im Fall Fair. jeoeased was born in was performed by R , )v. E. H. Croly, Kingston, where . Forbes has been Ritchie & C o s e ll s'. The Wingham fall fair, to be held on one to his death. ged as one of the teachers in the BUSINESS COLLEGE Escaped 8 tions Injury. Thursday and Ndday, September 29th the township of K ng, Simeon County, B. A , rector of St. Pa We Church. The 8119a Dr. H. E. W. We lyn narrowly esoaP- where he resided intil he was twelve groom's gift to the 1--lde was a pearl High School. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CHAS, W. BURNS, Principal. ad serious injury a the 0. P. R. station and 30th, protai Is a to be one of the best And -'-nen moved to the vil- pendant; to the maid A honor a pearl Mr, and Mrs. J. S, Davenport and SIVOTTON, President. ever held In Willham. The list of at- years of age, a little son, Walter have returned to on Thursday After cop, last, In OOM- trootions.iho I lude . farmers' horse race Inge of Wellesley where he spent the ring and to the best in n gold cuff links. pany with a num r of people he was green horse raort potato race, tug -of., next thirteen year and here learned the Daring the signing of he register, Miss Brantford after sp3ndiug the past two bidding fafewell to r, and Mrs. Forster war, The Wh gliarn. Citizens' Bond carpenter's trade Following this he McAdam, of Now ork, Being "Life'e weeks visiting Mrs.Davenport's parents, and in running a ng the platform, and the LaoknovLT!po Baud will furnish moved to the vi age of Belmore and Lullaby," After a da ty luncheon the Mayor and Mrs. Holmes. A Bad Sho,e Missed his footing a fell between the the music for he afternoon. There engaged in the gei oral mercantile bUBi- young couple left for short trip before CHUB NOTES. Christie's Grocery train and platform , The doctor came will be a parade f school children from uses, remaining in the village for leaving for their no home in Charles- rio th 0 wester a 0 f el� a 0 r An b a COLLEGE Principal. President. r f d W h off lucky in having bruised face and the Public Soho to the fair grounds, twenty-two years. Twenty-nine years ton, Missouri, the ide travelling in a like a bad tooth, can give dis- PHONE 59, one leg 113jured. A ew, Inches more and headed by the b uds. On the evening ago he came to W righam And has resid• navy blue taffeta w th long fawn coat Rgv,'p. F. Sint0air, of Chester, has comfort enough to spoil all your fan. he would have lost both his legs. Dr. ad here during th i t time with the exceP- And hat to match, The bride received declined the call to become pastor of the Tamlyn is congratu Aiiig himself on his of the 30th in big class concert will be tion of two years ooently spent in Tor. many beautiful pr ;Rents, among them Presbyterian Chtxch at Goderich. fortunate escape fro a serious injury, hold in the oper house. For fnII par- onto, And has, d ring nearly all of -his being a out glass bc--3 bon dish from the Sacramental a rvice will be hold in I'NV"1CT'US SHOES titulars gee advt in another column. time inWinghn been eugaged in the members of St. -aulls church choir, St. Andrew's P esbyterian Chnroh on give pleasure to the feet, Th��'s the Season grocery and o)nfeotionery business. The TumEB joins with the numerous Sunday mornin next, Preparatory ser. Our Splendid School Shoes At $125, Wingham P;stor at Kincardine. Deceased was bcld in high esteem by friends of the youi�q couple in extend- vice will be het on Friday evening. delight to the eye and P-50, and $2.00. Cutdown the Shoo The Kinoard ne Reporter in last his wide circle 0- friends and was hon- Ing hearty t 1 dons Friends economy to the purse. bills in every family where they are gr u "the Wed.one week in McKel. When every housewife thinks worn. W, j, GREER week's issue thni refers to the popular orable and uprig it to all his dealings. from a diatnX, After an illn Be68 Of 0 tended t William, during most about her,pickling and with that pastor of Wingb Methodist Church, He was a mendber of the Methodist ding were Mr an ro. T. J, Johns and lir hospital, F was thought his oondi- lit hurch and was daughter, 0 r. Of which time That's cuough! comes the Spice and Vinegar ,The Rev. Dr. utledge, chairman of 0 Conservative in Poll ston, MO,; Mrs, Fo purchase, Death 0 Miss Gundy. the Wingham dis riot, occupied the pul. ties, For upwa! do of forty-five years star, of Sweet Splings, Mo.; Mrs. and tion WAS Imp ving, Rev. R: W. Mill - Many old frie de in Wingham and pit of the Method t church at both Par- he had been a E ember of the Orange Miss Bugg, of Lo don Mrs. VanStone, yard, aged 69 Yeats, of Forest, Ont., THIS YEAR WET101 GIVEN district were sorr to hear Isfit week of vices on Sunday a d preached two Gx- Order. Dating lite residence in Bol. of Southamptoll; Miss VanStone, of died late Tung ay afternoon. Rev. Mr. SPECIAL ATTENTION To the death on We eaday, August 31st, ceedingly able Be one It WAR the more he was i iarried to Jana Scott, Fergus and M1011artliff, of Clintou. Millyard, who as president of the Lon- don confereno was taken ill while an SPICES AND VINEGAR, AND of Mies -Kate Gan y, daughter of Rev, firth time Dr. Rutle ge had been heard who, with two d ughters and one son, route from th Victoria conference to 11AVE B 0 U G 11 T ONLY Dr, Gandy, panto of Grace church, St. here and large on gp.,ogatidns greeted survives him. a children are: Mrs. Fred Poster, of Caldwell, Renfrew his home. M . Millyard died eight Thomas, and a f mer pastor of the him on both docasio a in the evening E. B. Hart, in ham' Mrs. V. W. county, was e-�gaged in uphitchinga months ago, at orest. Decenaod to our - GRADES 010 UNSURPASSED - vived by Svcs 9, one of whom is Rev, Wingham Math let Church, Mile his wtbjOot was t a ',Perspective of Mertens And Fr N. Rush, of Toronto. team when the �xorses bolted, And Foster Millyar of Hensall, Ont. The QUALITY. Gundy had been I at the home of her Right Living." a pointed out the Three sisters, M . F. Clegg, Of GOrtie; was entangled In the wheels of the ne closed a successful dooesoOd last ,'alae perspective of life. Mrs W. B Pu y and Miss Margaret vehicle and brother in Toronto or some time, She tendency to wined around until his four years At G derich. M d 0 f0 f I to C I poppet (ground and Whole), 0 1 eat streoii The had intended Won parrying her father Laic! great stress u on proper living and Rush, of Wary also survive, nook was broke -i. Foster still lives, And The different enominationa in Cana - whole Miked Spices, Ginger, to Victoria to the eneral Conference, physical health. He tolloMil on the bereaved relativ a will have the oymp.. ohwaco in a thonsand of his da Rave to into Do In 1909. according there is one Cintiamon, Tumeric, Mace, Curry, but her oobdition 5, - I looking, drinking and %thy of the oommunitv In their sudden to figures comp d by Secretary H. R. 1, as too critical to per f done 119% recovery. Celery Seed, Mustard seed, 0 other for 9 of what Is called 'bereavement, All the members of the oaqlkoy of th Laymen's Missionary Mit of this and all remained over with many Chillies, Cloves, A I I - S 1 c 0 rc Movement, V,, 069, as against 1% total hot brother it! T rolito. Miss Gandy jultrooment,poin ng out that these were family were pr5sent %b the funeral ex of $1.451,019 i 1901, an increase of agyEttine, etc., etc., ng lady and during injurious, to th body. His appeal to oept Mfg, Moreno, who wag unable to The homentea entries for the sit was a popular y nearly ofie.thi-I in two years, The —An her stay in Wi in Made a large dir. young people to Ivo sura and clean lives came owing to illness. The funeral on months ending th July 31st number, figures in detail are an follows' In can, 007,$826,287 In 199A* When o qaostlopable Wingham ad 33,416, An Inor see Of 11,852 over a 09 016 of friends. T 'body was taken to was very strou 'Sunday aft6r000ll to the W and was similar period In 00. For July alone Baptist, . $206 7W It! 1907, $262.309 in longle, AlOnAllet, $10,282. In TOMATOES AND PEACHES the family home t St. Thomas where form of amuAe- 'ant entered Into the life, cemetery was I it el attended n 1909; Method! t, $509, service was bold I Grace Church and then the powe of Chritt-liko living do under th fees of Wingham L O. L. there were 4,260 a tries, of which 1248 00N C 0 1007, $15,054 In the f0mbilis were oil to Exeter Where parked theraft im. The touch of Christ and 4 Iarg:1,1,8,aPJ bar of the nisinbsis of were made by I anhilians residing "' 40OW1007, $63 -,753 -in 1909; PrekbvtAr- Lowot possible priftg adoprding try, gave 0, true )6rppaotive and made All the loloal and eig hboting Lodged were Canada, 58 by a adisue returning from ion, $,4172,074 1907, $665,066 in 1060 to kind and qtudllt�. interment was inni a in the faintly b , Stat re 1 pallets, it Will thus be lag plot till gat tday, The logreaVad things clear t us what was right And in attandanoo. The vervides at the house the V111t6d o , And 959 by United The Congreg Ithedelhtter entries At lead In proportionate Increase,wo J. GREER family will have he sincere oythotithy WrOIJ9. He ado's strong appeal to his And gthve, wet conduct ' ad by, Rev, Dr, States citizens,g Added'. rathhh fifty per 0-14 of a largo circle fold friends here in hearers to so that touch which would Rutledge, pit or of the Methodist over half Were add by people coming to thelt Million rY Offeelp9d, In the WO &I,Agent.t1forlaftii r:er,ii lavl tub The ten and C088 Storetheir dine Of OfffidtiOn, 19116 them a cost understanding," Church. ttoM North DA uta and Minnesota. years, 811008 fi)r fAdit!s 1011 Genre. —AIL , 019