HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-01, Page 8A
I3 E E
i(O.—She Boom *be Town
Kilda the Helder settled down ex«
atotly as sheuseter, except that
for her native town henceforth
Am was a booster,
Ton a YIJ
„ t0
ERY WAY; she praised it, tongue
and letter; she strove with each
succeeding day to make the vil-
lage !tetter.
'She le t h 'd t
WPI 1U t 11 i1 y TV y 1 v eDrt y'e!t,f ry y xi
,Rax 7['IA•!.]?f.F+ AU 4 • +AR+%IM 6 R.4'r.F +L.F:,r8F4 . M, it
M- Robt. Knox had a full otQQk at tallSALE
#tads Qt rtDhool +tuPPllee. 0§0 hio e►dvt. EXECUTOR'S
in another Aolulnu,W K WAN
BE 1:L .c> EST.ATEG KxN :a lro ; , • ,
—Six dead, seven setioasly 11l ured, -
end three alightlg is given o0 by the .-..-.
Grand Tr9ul>; Railway Company a tlza rlta Execttta P >'
d r o stip .tit KING'S NG TO TAKE A .Ia St ofapnrgnA !!loin
Official oaQaality flet resulting ffiQn} She A iotidoz;cs tiiQ`Qwe®° soaei i kit oowuboE `
cenr•end oolllslon between two, east, wiligbam,Oil Baturday, the Ifso you will probably require a SUIT -CAST; or a
lhoundsraluqAp I?nxand, Mich, 17th day of Septeniherr, TRUNK. ,
d t! _
14!10, at tholratu• of o'eloel' 1a the afternoon
Growth of the Telephone, the fallotxiu vaivablo liroliortiea, namely,._
Farcai tun. 1. hots 1b 17, and 18 an Queen '
Thirty years a&¢, the telephone dire¢• gtreetiSTORG
n errie'ssnrvpyitr ilia village
tory Of New York aautnined only. K52 O;•ugeb#techurah, its the gntttity of
names; to+day the same publication has On this ArnJ,erty are situate a b laic ve»r.er• D
801 Dloaei ad h,usa.'.4a I3 tvitltbriak vbz HCeI lcitchpit
P pfilgted pages, Theft the N x 2.1 and frame wood hod 1 20, and a good HOLIDAYS! <'
¢Sty .had only One central,; frame stable and the house supplied with
Clow It has hard and snit water. F
851 employing 5,000 telephone girls f of lot 23 fa the
8nrcel Na, «. 1;lte earth -'
loss oncess,o, f e tot,•trsitlp of Rin
One buildip;p, the Hudson Terminal has Jnssi4 lo, hoof Bruce, containing They are drawing to a close and busy
more telephone stibsotibers than Greece
W acres of 1 n more or less. y mothers '
pa tilts »ropertg am situate a comfortable
and Bulgaria togsther! Tile immiMse frame holies, a fram barn about 2dx 44 and a are now looking for school clothes for the children,
goodtPropertyissll, and ivateab A new Dress for the little girl or a n
telephonic network afNow Y 3r1; knotPe The Uropertvissituatenbout2 ,£mnaa Yrom new Suit for
not silence, It is least noisy between 3 schogllae^e ofWJt#teolturcltend one ut#lefrom a the boy. We have hotly and big selection of
and G atelZ Bm, 2 per minute. Between b thereafter,doand the balance within 80 days —
and 4 a. m.
g p
, At title time theta are only eachline.
. .
Ten Percent of the purchase money on the
y ;
000 New Xor$efia use fire
telephone,The proerties will be sold separately. sub -
Halt s
P an hoar inter the burr!• jent toe reserved bid.
her is doAbI99, Between 7 and $ 23,000 Furtherparticulars and conditions may be
had on ap hcation to the undersigued,
individuals disturb the bre$>#faats oP Dated %,$ 2001 Auguit, A, D, 1010.
25,030 others, At 8.30 9, in. the num- FRANK HENRT, R, VANSTONE, ,
ber of ¢fills rises to 50,000; between 10 Whltechurch, ivinehant, S pieces alt -wail Serge In Navy, Blaek, Brown, •
and 11 the demands and
no 150,00othat It Executor. Qendor'szsa,licitor' Green and Red, regular Sac, t0 char at - 25c Your Attentio . For a , Moment
Is between Ii a. W. and na¢u that the
telephonic convthey then
reach their AUCTION SALE One piece Satin Cloth (Priestley's) nice shade of
maximum; they then nuelephmber nes 180,000, s or•,varuar,rE blue, reguar I,00 p:r yard to clear at 43c yard If you are intr-ndin.,x tn'
The growth of the rural telephones ilea - - Y b ly .tn. thing of the sort, we
been andmarearl daring the past few FARM PROPERTY have aline of SUIT CASES which c inrlat heli? b
years and nearly every lawn in Ontnrfo -
now has connection with rural tela, IN THE Tott'NSHIr at, cirt+nose. terest you.
CO.phoo The North 60 saron Telephone in fil -rhe}, are known as "REX t N E,"— rlat Ir?atht r, but
now ilea noariq It will
continue to (,J S. you could not tell them from leather---- at the same time
tela district and 1119 fiat will oo¢tinue t¢ pursuant to the power of sale contained in a '
certain mortgage twhieh will be produced at
grow. o .•,:,, _ , - -
n er ax o every cause that tzoneel', at the Grand Union Hotel in t}ie vill. " " - " " `•„+ viva a--uring
agc of Teeswatalong your boy and let us Suit him.
of Bruce on
was in need of aiding. SHE ttpit2l. Saturday, the
"VENT AHEAD WITHOUT g Ft Mrs -•In n Fitch, on,Agnust23rd, to Mr. Zoll! day of Se nlher,
and itlrs. John Fitch, R dau titer. F ) ,
TAUSE4, and work was never jad• listl'ZihxxoMr.Iand Mr . John D cQiuithAua last luab]eprope tee after can, the follow. LADIES'
4 lag. daughtor, The west half o Igo number 33 in ,
- + 1•= +- ` l MCKINNaN-In Rhiloss onAugust 8rd, to the 4th ooncessi f the Township
Dir. and Mrs, John McKinnon; a daughter, of Culross in t 'oultty of Bruce
containing by re or less,
$4 - 5 Bolen pairs; nice Lisp Gloves, all sizes, in all
Mr.GaRxY-In Fort WilliamGere 'oo August f th, to acresWhere
of lend torpor less•
.5as and rugs. Nelson Gerry, formerly of $rue• Where are on the premises a frame the new shades and black to clear at per pair 2
SC13;Rdaaglzter• housewithstonefoundatlon22x24, p 2YC
MAYOR LOCALS. MARRIED a fr aru 28x 80 with coment
wall and stable underneath, and a
1V OVER-COVELANrr-On August 2lth at the small orchard.
residence of bride's parents, Toronto, lig Rev. Thirty flews are cleared and in a
To,day Is the first day of September. to Johnston, Mrs..Ta Florence, eldest Baugh• good state of cultivation and the ►" '7 r / ry
ter of Dir. and bits. Jas. H. v091011-11-1d.
:o eland, to Rev, land is well watered, well fenced I 1 ! N _, S
--Wingham fall fair an September Sylvester H, Moyer, 13. A., St $piens: and drained. SUMMER
ii iii \.7i
29th and 3oth. The property is situate convenient x
DIED to the vznageofTeeswater and in vY a are selling Summer MuSIinS, Re s
—Next Monday will be a public holi• 8 a good forming community. pp , and all
wAel Wal In 'W#a ham, on August 28th, TERMS OF BALE
day—Labor Da bi#chaelwalkpr,initts40thyear, Summer Suits at greatly reduced prices. Come
Day. HENRY -Irl W}iighain,onAngust;8th, Tho.
Ten per centoPthe ptuchaee stoney on the along and share in the bargains.
etas Henry,ayofsaleandthebalancein80daysthereafter.
—Goderich has a tax rate of 3i, mills y, in his Oth year. - The property will. be offered subject to a re -
on the for this year. HonarNs-In xinIoss on Augixst 23, Cather• serve further
ine J. Hcdgins, aged d4years, 2 mos. 14 days. sale ap zly to thParticulars uited d conditions of
—The TI3rn; to any address in Canada T ,
t , Robert PIn Morris h is Township, an August 23rd, Dated this ;,0th August, 1 10, WANTED
A `_
SO January Iso, 11,2, for 25 cents. Robertl3ell,rinhisBIstyear, JOAN FARQUHARSOtV, R, VQNBTONE, jL;>D
-^-Get a co NICHOUON-In liinloss, on August 0, Allan Anetio.eer. Vendor's tioitoitor.
t copy of the prize fiat for Aiichole,on; aged 80 years. g wingham.
'Wingham s Pall fair at the Tm—S cffiae, Fresh Eggs 2oc, No. I Tub Butter 20C. We
DIAcDOCGArt,-In Rinloss,on August I1,Dtary
—13o sure and artauge to have an ex• . WecDougall, relict of the late Yeter MacDoug• are not buyers Of N0. 2 Produce.
all, is her; 8th year, i 3 t• Hd"H9+ k_++, +'t3Si d•3 !d'h i'3.3 •F i++3
Mbit at the Vingham Pall Pair this year. MCQUEEN-In Kinloss, on Aug. loth Alexand. f +i+
- 9gingham $usineas College reopened el' D37 'TO n, aged n years. ROYALGROCERY
(IOODOn Monday for the fall term with a lar e TorrNSTOstO nKinloss, on August ;8th, Ann + GOODS CHEAP
13 Ariel Johnston, aged 1 years, A months and PRICES
number of stadents. 2z days. a. • E
—Collector Griffin delivered his tax 't'
notices this week. This is another• re-+ 71 , OUR STOCK OF +
minder that winter will soon i e 1, T
they are lighter--• are serviceable and you can .buy thein
for one-half the price.
22 inch $2.1.0-•--24 inch $2.25 --26 inch $2.50
They are made in nice dark brown color and have
good heavy leather corners.
AND ABOUT A Ti? UNK? Here is one of special value
Brass plated trimmings— extra heavy knees and cor,
niers-- heavy elm slats--. iron bottom— Best drop lock.
30 inch $4.00.32 inch $4.25-34 inch $4.50-36 inch $4,75 l
We have cheaper suit -cases and cheaper trunks but
the above are extra good values, • I
Sole Agents
for Ladies.
h'aq ! Kid syaEi
, ere. 1 A "V %J” V C1 + • . _
—Mr. Peter Deans received word on T 9s7++1 N,404 rAt•O il +if s i9 l •eZ 4•+siA• +r •!•.riati7,
Monday that his eon, Peter Deans, was it G r o c ep
i ie ` i ► 1 ! 4r ; 1► 7G 1dff14►1CS/'1/ '►'.f'I 1► ,
ill with typhoid fever in the hospital at 7 ► [y fvd 1 +q.
—awing to next Monday being a holt, ,s • •
day, the regular meeting of. the Town You can sit .with. the + + i HIGH - CLASS....., •
most pleasing TO -DATE. •
COuncil'Will not be held until Monday p g and inter- + taj .
r e •
evening Sept, 5th. esting surroundings and Ladies' and Gents" Tc' 10 • ,
--Sunday, Sept. 4, will see the Dom- FRESH GROCERIES '
mencement of a vigorous eduantional
sip and enjoy a cup of •
Campaign on the part of the Ontario really delightful tea, A E ELKLY G • - i v
WEEKLY You get here what you like, and like what you
branch of the Dominion Alliance. daintIy served at tables
' • get at E. C• WHITE'S. •
-Mr, Joseph Cranston, of Luokraw, •F +H •
has been ill for some time with muscular for four in. the RED + r '
,t, Highest price paid .or all + • i ►,
ROSE TEA Booth at kinds of produce. + No other tailoring e • s Our Au -
rheumatism and was brought to the • g ery -i ne an offers such e ♦ gust Sale still continues, what is left of our
+ p • • wide selection of very fine and fashionable IP,stock of White Waists, aII new styles to clear at manufac• +moo
Wingbam hospital last week for treat . + •,
went. the Toronto Exhibition, + + woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with
+ such style, precision,' individuality and refined turers prices, also the balance of Ladies' Underskirts,49.
--dies Mae Moore, who is a student The delicious flavor, McGILIIVRAY & i taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for
at the '4'i'ingham Business College has smclOth strength, and full + ' such values as we offer. Gowns, and Corset Covers, ,IF
accepted a position in the Wingham g ' •i+ '1+ i
richness of Red Rose CUNNINGHAM • e A few yards left of our Muslins, Chambray) office of the Canada Furniture Mann- j, ZepherS
We are doing a High•Class Tailoring• Business + ► and Cambric, must go at less than Wholesale price, `•
f8atnrers, Tea, properly made, make . phone 54, • on a new plan -- BUYING FOR CASH! •
—Miss M. Fleuty has taken Miss it the most desirable re + Successors to +i+ . SELLING FOR CASH ! Doing business in r ►'
.Attridge's place as Librarian at the +I• , • this way I can save you dollars. Come in and
Pablic Library and attending to the freshment in the world A. +f. MALCOLM see what I can do for you. • ► Men's Suits at 20 Per Cent Off
Office work for the Light and Water for a tired sight -seer. t 4"t' ' "1"I'+A+iso"I"i"t+3+ • +3+'i' •.3 +t 4+. ±
LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up.
; For Cash.
—Last Thursday this section was to -date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed,
and visited bpi severe eleotrlca£ a not slyA ; ; l 1 1 i_rrY + ;
and terrific rainstorm. TPa have notRED ROSE R 1 i'e • W
heard ¢f Any damago, The rain delayed • o:,
LOW RaTl;s TO CaItoNTv E. C. 'WHITE' - WINGHAM, ONT. ► Tapestry R Sfilo work of harvesting. { •► PROM WINGHAM ON S IXN THE tlOHN' WILSON; BLoax
-We are plensed to report that Mr. ACCOUNT i A clearance of Tapestry Rugs z r x 3 yds 3 x ds
and Mrs, hied MOLcan, who have been ill (( jf! j nnNational
♦sa♦ •iiif 6 0a 1 *♦i ♦ •i • •+ f * r s iiiis x s x. 3 Y ,
with favor are doing nicely and many "IS GOOD 1 liiliUll 3,/ Yds, 3 x 4 Yds, 31i x 4 yds all to pat Zo per
friends hope that they may Moth soon be "` " "`"` ► _ g p
R cent o f regular -price,
restored to good health. TEA"
A few more days will see the main TEA
street Hewer completed and the contract. - - _ _ Exhiblation +
ors will then commence work on the other$3,36 return August 27th to t t +rtrw! '' leum,'
streets and make the connections Crow Sept, loth.
the stores an Socephine Street. $2.7(? return Arg. 30th, Sept,1, _ ,
Mrs. Michael Walker wishes to thank _ 8 and 8 A few pieces of Linoleum in small ends to cle'a
her beighbors and friends for the many Return limit Tuesday, Sept, 13tb less than cost. str at
sects of kindness during the. long illness BEST SERVICE To 1910, Special train service from all '
of her late husband. The kindness and
ata an certain dates. Linoleums have all advanced in price but we have
Ayrnpatby will long be reinembared,Musk6ka pnnoSprsi poi TO
►, secured I z new patterns which we are /^ . selling at old ric- ,.
—Allan Alioe Gentles, bf o mr,rwra ABWR DA''S ` - es, Ii.Intending to get dLinoleum don't wait till pricesareVas harried all VP'edneed,tp to .air, vtn, ii bilri xraing spam `i`4rontD Retara tickets at single fare. be. .
advanced, we have the largest selection in town,
e price, of Tarontb. Owing to the W tween $1I 00010ns in Clanadhj good FROM ALL CANAWAN PA01#10'11UTlo 5 IN ONTAIglo
9,4o a• tn. i z, i P. m. „
repent bereavement in the family the going Sept, and, 3rd 4th, and 5th re•
marrlfige took place quietly at the 6,05 -P 1n. 10 ib ft m" tern Krait Sept, 7th,
lbrida'trhoine. 1laia STeep3r c ltl'ricd oti 7.0.10 ADDITIONAL FARM B- : Ladiesp, zp. train z'ridays f #ORERS Fall w
•r••rlr. C7i118holtn', Ai, p., !Bast Raton), II IJ iil"► n Su
and Unw, T. Ohlahbltu, ahnoanee the ucharestS« _ + , ,
engagement of thein only daughter✓, Elroy the Coal Breezes of
+ ridll!`$S;a Our new fall suitings are beginning to arrive. Call
.Alba, to 1)x. W'. Glilee Cloilison, o! Lind. uietl; 1a eS .
say, The marxlallp grill sake plana in 0
Saiiiilga deity aiteetit irrida Single fare teles H6 tests,) to Alan= early and get first choke, 3a shades to select from,
steal fat raaI trip. gond going Septr " ` Fj I . "` _
Toronto during Septemhot. alio Sunday trio--- Owe a Scuba 3rd to 10th ibeineivg ,ureal etatious
Spaniel trailsiram Toisdilfb i oto •est at xingbtoo and Renfrew in " "` + / + • % " i arge gnaatitl8s a>` I#ntter rad E s
- •]Maple frl that in 'S 'iaglfarn Will be R W 15A i UPT" M 8, 9 6 F Rg ivatrtsd,
sorry to hear that AiCrs:`, l3aoildridll Ill sailing Baty,. C7atilldA. R6tufn Ilinit Sept, Ittith.
ril8ttis fired berith includerx C11 bout 'rte !rl►hibbpfai£OM will bk 1"ul+n ed At WhsM06a t palntl do denidliA Oftifla I
last tltll eAk ttritls"rVferit rtn operation, is f+ 4 "rvh M1 Abet+ert are reqs rid kst of Mat41a Jk Intl din betineli0 and' dt
9 1 / f1, q i ,
110dQital ab x'aranto tor' tori rsmreel of it Tho 1ltbst !tea> ttit arid' eiitia 'e'or tioketxartt3 farther inform bpi Den! per trtNb e¢tSt way Wdtl iNareaf !rY dabkatnhb rf dna l lbbrtfi.
i St atibft '
store tit fir her , rotate call, Dim +C T- A. ,
n6tis. 'Irl a wialr Ure, to ihlnipeg encs WoaL ,Lamont, tidpot A oat or +;plCiNl, tq li l Rl?M itllltlN
I` I`tl WINNI # tlN Ni
tiaaresi r. x, bsal3bnela, i1, P, A„ ViK tills +
IinCiianaa a epecdy ireaovsry. J. II• iriE iFCi1, Agent, wittghAm Toronto, ASK ANY UNAIIIAN PACIFIC AGONY . rOl MT1991ARS PRClND $9. WINORAM°, ONT.