HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-01, Page 6. .:.•� .:, :., .... �- ,: .. , a �, s ,, w �.. „ • .. ., ... .. �. .-.•, ., • �: ,_, R:. ,. .... •. ._ , .. „_ ., . +*,.. "g.,••.,,,^dR.,.+1"1. MA.� +,w.a,.». M!�.+u,�-�..w.. . I.� ., Y. .. . �.. .�+•.w.l�� - r TAX 'WI.NVII-AN TIM, , SJEl'TLi'NBlall xt 111 .. Ii r .' tl• gi, l �'� rides'is,nelf oil hit tt t, ' am ntlil� ,lY { � #" Nobody r•�T ���r� p r App � ! � i� 1 z au oa �ti'@ll. rasa Faux n. self-P'Aa ", Fiat, g"ves in nn svbou the right �"��� �" GLP�(1" temper Is readered miserable by a mi, R n� Weal H14tory of tate early BOS, „` ratan AsltA for ft• .—, ordered liver By tairtnu Onainbo 3,000 YEARS AGS/ THE 1TWINTY I(A Not laiva Stont,toh and L,vPr ti b'ots you Items from the, '"T11l10V fyle4. Kidney Troubles Attack Wtngtiatn Dlati,• an ole extairl to afraid of the Hands Teed to }?ravens Sei,>�,tching can improve both . Staid by aIt .deal@zs 1wlOn and "cimon, Olt! and Young, dark whett we should suppose she would �(������ � r1,t��h bilivo snare dread of the 'lghi -i- (� CURED U Kidney iiia Iv w youtt and old. FIVe Doctors Felled to RQlleVQ, but GQOD FiFALTH, torn the T141ns of Aing M2, 1890 I The town band Will giva nn Open air Chfd ,11 rly "Offer Ili I It it e Arne ar Wlion a scan t@lis yon that buaiztess is t t~Eiz drrit rill Ili it coarse Sears basib as it's; a Patty good sign that he Zara -Bilk worked a" Qtkre, r DISEASE tr r context, this (friday) avPnfuR• �1• epleli t',,tt't Cavrrul the ,uduev Feer• tions• has bt F n ail,aatin somebody, WITH FR`�� ■ x.ocAl, "quNN's, did programme will be reudFred, I. is. Gri.. to -est+ languid, u^"rvuca, 8111 "r pain, g y --t-- The best way to Ft•,)p An ordinary nose „ (Ere$t aentbr,ra of cnttlP are being chili• the intention at the band to continu@ CVs ' O wAzry, oan'G dadaity hark, A Cr.lif• ttiia hOrtiCulturiet has abtaiq• tilts+, pltAe. Ia vete, ltf r , bleed Ie to pres..i with the fin on th ►iHz+ ii.ivp taut@ and acsbiut; tiAcks ed eta .edible and untritkrtai fruit from ottanzrt t, Cl i t, IE. „y • , North upper k beneath the nr st�kl• F "seats A lied just now. G1,t W, dnesday, iho these Concerts during the aeceon, an Thti cure f'or ztmt•, s, onlil or ahitd s h Z m flak anraa pp lip , "(�f� (��, A Doing, t3rnnd Trunk train If,, Winiritam ut Friday evenings. Ix to;t,arr� <h@ Caine- the ki, dn4ya.. theGllnitang rose by orals breeding. tier bah Stte sass;—"Mly b red's Ness ?1F fele faldsnf soft :'cu • rt% day! "f ]Fauns Are Il�oing', orad tae., s*aa Duo oonipl•tu mn6q of a , stalitd In f i 1,iQ en . rr,irT'icrl tYu Fat's of eUEtep The financial district #SifetlOFE -of the ReNtntil'H Iitiltttey f'il,s g41e Fit i[ kid- O:d II rApirat'ittet status uty ing re Harry, fit?, itahici az karoseno, bound aruu id a oorn, will it }} E f+ttd nue of thF,P 1 aluv ,z b a g d terrGateau �rer4 It, �#� it i a `,a-ti�e$''� p Aix D Stewart had Wingbam Diatrict of the Xetho vt; Cure All forin of kidney suff•rtn Y i lii3in;{ Axatitt aoid and £earl at, and Ole ltititt ape's p:Et3ht was is said, drive it away in a few da! s, t , two Otir JOAds in the train, All the Church was held in Londet•boro on the Winvil4m. tec,titDoay proves it g w'a'tt r En snlatiatt of arae poet of the acid so xerF ,vs th•.t At cane tittle we feared Corns on the ettJcs of the faF•ta to N ce,t r tier fasts tYtci t be eaten oil by the dis g ra a,re storlt atiAs billed fir 11i0ntrenl, 19th last, A number Of ministers and GT+!n krrttittli or llttur, a &Victoria y of wt,te , eat,t developed by woatfne shots v bfe are Mr R. Cx. Sparling has leased a stere• lay repreeentatives Svere present, Rsv. St., 4'9ln;;hatw, Oat., stays: --t'A doll 4 r, z ,i ll ane whkib h3a ',Feil Fpailed "We hal to IerP her a too t;arrgP They at b —The Fans Fruit Medlcioe heavy pain had oettdt d cnorosA the smell P hands tg4d for y n . rent ived tt lilt Nauss pt the Grau,1 Trunk t•tution, and Jchn Scott, yt A , occupied the chair, of back rely crow hip to hip. There Was a by at, t,. p .rtiil£s fillings the pores can bra d"t+ d to p ev- a nor t uh'iiug and scratch a latfon gompcsed Of ogliodi.t�i void and ^^^^ taill b" On the warkat for the purchase Missionary sermons were terrangod far soreness dud tenderness them that wade aA good Be new by washing'u by, tin the sures. Doctor atter doctor salkolyio acid. would Canso we to suffer botli day and drooh`•or a acid aid then in water. t. Oatod le:x tq vain, until we had five We are apt to consider tlaeagq we live. of all kinds of farm produce, 1a a number of Appointments, the others night. 4'here was an nuisual scalding doctors Tnay ail agreed it Was a A physician advkass �eutulsers to swoYe in as tine most wonderful age that the - Mr. left to make their own artang°' in past•ia„ the urine and it was filled `f.O r4nl ev3 the fat from hot broth, ab, frightful oasq of eczema, but Done of leas during hot wen hor, world has ever known• It is, its many Ddr, t.aorgF, 13i -bio baso growing its his them did any permanent Boad, t respects, Yet the ancients surpassed fiarcleu, a ntntx zxia►h run Sower stock,on menta, The amounts to be rsksPd far with sadlment of a higher Calor. I had sorb it with fresh tissue paptar, Lay one ,toe n last res u or Ir@man$da, according ton us it1 sonic things,nz sneers Superannuation Fund are as follows: !reed so ninny different remsdfea and pl400 atter another flat an the surface of to try Alas ras Th we were advised ver Cad dr l' doctor td ti g Of our Svhfch t2trrq Fru aver.: evanty flamers• found no relief that I had began to he soup, 2eavic; a Cotner much a fist box did so y R ink, fur the hot weather, 4o -story sky scrapers still marvel at tine Wingham. $70; Te@swat@r, $53; Wros• 8 S me turned to ch good that we felt sura we were An al massive pyramids and the sphinx, So, Word was rt o.:ivod from ',sirs, J, B. etee, $42; Brussels, 57; Walton, $40; think nnrhiu9 would benefit my con at last working in the light d adage has it that "fruit is gnid too, the Egyptian physicians of 3,000, F+ rgus0u, cn MODdny, of the serious c dittou, 133 ot'h a Kidney Pills were rid hold It by, and remov;ng each plana as g direction en to the morning and ler „ years ago, used fruit uices as a inediciue Loadeeboro, $a6; Blyth, $59, Bslgrav4, vortised and .I procurer! a box at Mr ontnratod with the fat, Wo pernyored with the treatment un. t{ akin at ntirttt J liztssarsf A1r, Ferguson. Ila had an , -. ti! we ha,i used thirteen boxes, Bud at It takes eight times th, Ar.rtiti for treating blood trouble, liver and.. $3C, District me ie, R w .Auburn, n Asap 11IcKtchan's P 0outluae They slid in@ the end of that time? I am glad t tt t th to t u kidney disease, atul stotuacli weakness, mttaelr of blePdiag of the stomach, rand a Distrkot meeting will behold in Blyth. so tnnoh goad I goattnu@Q rias treatment Not a ntinak4 should be last when a � o s q np stairs that is r, quit ,=i for the s•zui a Their nietltod of auxin fruit juice as a' p,hysioliin bad to be secured from Baw- ohild shoat symptoms of croup, Chain. Zrm Buk had of ticted A complete onto " tip Stair on the level. Theicine, is also one of the lost arts, and e n second box entirely ldiu d the b rlaitt's Cough Remedy given as soon Mrs Holmes, of 00 Guise Street, Haw tzantzvillt, FCtne fEit:'en nitlt o front where utfv@ cud matt away the scalding, My sB rile e:iilti bequmes Y,garGC Ilton, is q , A well known Canadian physician, they Wt -re vi sting, before llza fIjW of EIRTES. back strengthemd send tho paia left it croupy oavph appears, eveb y quite as flc uent iu hor praises. WA'01 is itDO' ve food Is h,A a dis however, perfected autethodo£utilizing,' The rbenwntisin with v.2tich I have iefGrr tl,P iron P She eau tum Bak cured my boo of tinctly soothing F ftjct when aippsci;„rad• fruit juices, lvliicli is one of rile greatest. bicad could be ntox.PKd• Grain. --In East WawanoFh, on It<th suffered for Over four years has also been pre vent• t..4 attack, Sold by all drug. p ions when he Was so bad Many lust., the wife Of Dir. rossly roliF;vsd, I and stronger and glare, that he had been unable to unix with aslly, As one can test for nuedelf, discoveries of modern medical research. Thq vine txisnds Of bit. John BAtiie, Henryy Green' n y4t+ta g other ohildren. tam Bok to a wondeF- P'or troublesome err in non use "P it -a -tines+' is the natural cure - till recently cnnrinCtor' on the L, H. & daughter, bt tier than is previrns and can Two Diets were OCe apviutz A double ful preparation, and mothers through• toot ala k, P P a orris for Chronic Constipation, Iithousness, cold thank Booth's Kidney PIMA, Beat in a Crowded car. Oae of them out the, land ahgnld atwags keep it r uz water, r, or a lotion Contaluing Indigestion, Torpid Livc•r, Ridney- B., will be sorry to learn that he has DSARF.IrD Geld by Dealers, Price 0 Cents, Ths Disease, Pani in the Back, Aad Cons. R. T. Booth Co , Ltd„ Pert Erie Oat, WAs a long•distinoe whistler and the handy 11 aur ounces of hay rani and eight grains , plextan, Rheumatism, Nervousness, been removed fxatt O) of tershiQ on Horsey—Macdonald.- I i WinRhaw, t ForAezima, eruptions, rashes, tatter, of Vanni° acid. Ilse tr T. 12, He is Otto of tLo oldest . Sai3 Oanttdiatt' :9 gents, gthrr i.as tvidPxltl anno ed. You itch rinFrwarm, teed similar akin dia, Readache and Neuralgia, an th4 27th ins. , by the Ray. H, hiC y y To reduce the temperature of A fever goo, a bas, 6 for p2.50, or trial best, 25G, railwity men it, the Pxovinoe, Navin ^--�►~-- -- don't �eein to Eike my whistling," said eases. Ztm Bak is withoitG equal. It g Quarrio, 1* H Horsey, M D„ of Owen the noisy qac after n fie© tnirute Cuti . also Dorsa arta, burns scalds, ua iah sold moisten a A on with I At all dealers, or from >!ruit-a-tives• Entered Fhe czrepioy of the G, W. R. Co, Sound, to Leila, oldest daughter of P. Don't be a bicker. A wino can beat a n , piles, ab- P ge rith t3ither Limited, Ottawa. in 1554, Macdonaid, M D, M. P, of WiD liam, g uouti performaucf% 'bio, I don't," was sosase8, Chronic votes, blood poisouiog, eau de Cologne or vinegar and water, YOU at that awe, $ etc, All druggists and stores at 50 cents and hold it in the hand fora time, This The crock yards tit the Grand 'r ob Ds4rsls, Th,3 ptssimiat rover Hopes for the best the frank -reply, "Wall," continued the a box, or past free, for price from Zam• because he hates to be fooled. other• ' ciapba you think you are man $ilk po�, Toronto, Refilsa imitation A, reduces Peyer dna to n aoid in a mar• station have been greatly enlarged, Henderson.—At her sister's residence , " , , v@llous way, Advantages Of Alfalfa. -� enough to stop it,` 1\ ° I don't think is Division Court wcs held in town on Ilderton, on the 14th fnsL„ Atones, se. I ant," r�joinpd tine other '"bot I bC @ rinatday, Judge DCS Ie, presiding, The Gond daughter of Mr. Thos, Heedorson, Tiros, Acting Feet. you etre•„ And the v:hist:iag was dis• The damage done by lightning, in the averaTte ge die dy per ann m o to that Pitting was a £hart one, there being only of the BIuovale road, Morris a ed 22 How annoying to have tho feet tired continued. England and Wales is mote extensive $' ��letlits P f green, ag and aching, An English t Has clover to the nore is 14,000 pounds, and a few Cesea to bc' dieFae4d of, g, acro and Chafed about the than most years, i month and 14 days. time you want ?O take a good long walk A man who' feuds great amusement People would believe. Oas of green alfalfa 36,500 pounds; the pro -- You Can Fret a world of gomfart by no. in telling his wife which woman of m wing the Di w t0 fain its tits etCvar is 6i6 pounds and in, t hart allowing `Vered HO ing Dr, Chase's OluGmant when the feeea Nae compiled a n CO You trouble. It heals and soothes their argnaintar.oe be well select ne hor places known to have been struck in the Grow Hair. the n1fa1PA, 2214 pounds; one ton of al - give 'he skin, makes it soft and natural and 'sa°aeBsor when size di• a, and who One years 1897•.I908, and an the chart be Nae falfa has 265 pounds of protein, and lead to mark 7,793 different a In England iho Indies har{i entirely IN THE NCTUM prevents cornE and bunions. dap had heeu ESArag her vrith cumber- pots, and to °lover only 546 pounds, Bat alfalfa will leas mock-aerigae allusions to the Bnb• °lironiele damage done to 211 Cathedrals, abandgnto wearing rate, Cry his duo Q�8 entirely to this now discavor3, produce three, four, or more cuttings ` Au ideal woman is one who sac000da jaet, suddenly tilled their little daugh• churches, and chapels; 3,100 other build• each year, while clover will produce one KIlot to him anti asked her, shaking with ings of various kinds; 226 ricks and It bas been praveu that Iieiana leavos I Or at most two. Further, clover, will in concealing her own perfectionF• cranks; 1,251 tress, and $98 other ab- contain the ingrediedts that will posi• J And them racy be more water in the laughter at his °ern wit, " Ma' dol'ne, how I ordinarily survive but two years; while. milk than appears on the surface, w - stepmother?" killed sive grow Bair. That they contain $1Palfn wi11 last from ten t0 one hun.. The child consid redfor a moment, and �e Cta; while I94 persons have been lq rO l' ey And 1,016 injured, and them have been this 10139 -looked -far Article is proven dyed, thus saving many plowing's And`. Mcny of the Patsiac bane have Email with Creut earnestness replied. .,I 1 307 eases is which animals have been every day. seeditags. It is ate° estimated that Eho" In a;!teresting Paragraphs from our EXC�Ic ng86. silk taEsels added to the hntsdles, : _,• M ttin;; I rI rather baro a stepfather," o single creatures the Ams Io s re now planing on stahble and Faot•growth of alfalfa are, t Zed, rheas been either he x stn a ' g , duped n r several killed by one stroke, market a preparation containing vP " LENVAAE lir OINTMENT., FOR CA- On WWa - ay evening, the 1 r th Aug. n the extract Prom Henna leaves, Es h i TA1tRH THAT COZiTAIN IlEncuny, "Pleasant he home of Mr, and Don't waste your money buying plus• having a phenomenal sale. ....'�.. n _ .. a view," t or • a east four times as mach for nmas as are those of Clover, while'tho $a mercury will surely destroy the sense Mrs. Juin Jarrell, 7th Concession of tore when you don get a bottle of phaco. This preparation Is Called SALVIA, meohacicat and other boneficient offeets It e t electric power generating eta• Among Elie 10.500 Inmates of wank- °P small and completely derange the Kinonrdine township, Was itis scene of a oentain'A Liniment for twenty-five and is being sold with n of the long alfalfa roots far ex0e1 those tion is German tvE2 make age of whole Aystem when enteric it throe h happy piece of flannel dampened guarautse to oP cl ver The alfalfa Heid is green for Germany Peat houses in Wales and Monmouthshire, u g PPy wedding when their daughter, with this liniment is supsrior to ane care Dandruff and to grow hair in a fuel entirely, the muoone t,urfaaes• Such it itlary, was joined in the bonds of holy plaster for lame back, pains in the side bundance, Being daintit r pas`ttraga a month earlier in the spring barely one hundred are capable of doing should never be used except on prascrip wodIaelc to Mr. W. pamarCn Cam f pFrfamc Joseph A. Gadona, [7, N. R. station a good day'a work, tions from reputable physicians, as th:, Abell, and chest, and much cheaper. Sold by SALVIA makes a most pleaearaL hair thAn clove` and may be mowed a month agent At Fluberdean, Qnebec, wns sent goats were first found damage shay will do is ten fold ta'the son of Mr. and Mrs. DaaoaD Oampboll all drnggietp, dressing. Mr. Hind earlier, It starts n vigorous growth at ° growing wird good p y y g your druggist, is once after cutting, covering the ground to jail for a year for stealing n valise. pon Can nssibl derive from t'hei+i. 5th ctincesainu• The ceremony �vne x the first to import, this preparation Into in sandy soils near the sea In Europe and Hali'a Catarrh Care, manufactured by performed by the Rsv. W. H Pamatey, �� V WiDah$m and a large generous bottle „ Western Asia, The wild beet still P. J. Cheney & Co„ Toledo, O., Con• with its luxuriant foliage, —From Co, He Was Paralyzed• found there is regarded by authority as tains no mercury, and is taken inter Moth minister and took place on An Automobile Tragedy, can be parahased for Goo, burn's The B'zok of Alfalfa." Mr.. Wm, J. Brennna, Western Hill, the original type, Daily, acting directly upon the blood the verandah which bed been beauti St. Catharines, Oat , tells what it feels and mucous surfaces of the system, In fully decorated with flowate for the ILiverpoo2 Iercnry.l . a like to be paralg Fad.. He Iost power of While white settlers aro increasing lD bagiDg Hall 8 OaLarrh pare be sure you occasiar, speech, face was drawn out Of ahApe, Australia the native stock is steadilyde. get the t7enniue. It is taken internally They sold their cottage by the sea Children C r Inst flesh, could not sleep. Five doctors olining. In 1582 the number of native Bud madein Toleidrne Ohl , by P. J. To bus an auto -10-h. p,Cry Children Cry, failed to help him, Electricity proved p They drove it near, they drove it far, FOR FLETCHER'$ ineffective. He aged Dr, A. W. Chaeo s blacks in Now South Wales was esti. Said by Drnggiate Pries 750. per They broke the costly handlebar; �+•+ /� t� FOR FLETCHER'S Nerve Food until his former good health . mated at nearly 9,000, while today it is bottle, Whereon they sold, to make repairs, C A S T v R i A C A S T A R I A was restored,. Face was restored to I only a little over 7,000, 'Cake Ha11's Fam'iq Pills far aonetE Eheir best lace Curtains—seven pairs p'' Three da pp shape, power of speech returned, and he tion, days, and wrapped in flame and Rained in weigb+. Says be would not John W, Powell, aged 22 of North .� t smoke, return to former Condition for all the Ridge, met death in a terrible manner (fj.Q'01/ll'GirD N/GI✓ G ME The automatic air -pump broke; A serious Matter this—the' could gold in the country, on Saturday, • his head being twisted CnantecIer gloves have come forward CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bat sell the horse to make it good. from his body by a belt On a steam to match the Chanteoler handkerchiefs, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or And now a week awhoel they spent, ErDest Savage, sxbo was kicked in a thrashing machine• His body was If a than begins by waiting for a wo. money back. Sold and guaranteed by And then the spark and feeders went, football game between Harley and thrown into a Held 50 feet away, man he will be kept waiting all the root tVALTOl�r DICT�I$BOI\T, The Tolix it u they had to sell of his life, R Pisco and, a tree, HatChley teams, died from his injuries. Dr. Chaso's Gini; poliding noxi against a tree, London had a population of about two ment is a certain Dublin claims to have wider streets They void their endowment policy LE� andguaranteed and a lar er Asad story, andone which marks the To pay for hubs, and tires and brakehundrtad and fifty thousand in 1740, in' enreforeachand g public park than ane cite C14so of a lifetime of fraternal devotion The last and sacrifice they make, which year there were 2.7r25 deaths from every ;Corns of in Europe, Alael within another week itching, bleeding is that of the deaths of Retry and Wm. That fast express, the "Lightning Ri6ht smallpox, and g,bleeding "pan ba de p p11es^See testimonlals in the press and AN pended n on is an ex- Robinson of 1% ashago, whiph oacnrred Streak,"Chsmberlaia's ColzC, Cholera and ggetsatirinoneybackitno� a,tissialed,�6oeatall prespion we all used in eonlneotioDhwith CDid hambsrzi Diarrhoea Remedy is today the beat Oilers.;. En zazvsov, B,&Ms B:Co., Toronto. last week within a day of each other, Destroyed the oar find them therein, The Iain s C01fe,, Cholera and Diarrhoea Henry Robinson. was a general store, Our hero and our heroine, Kind knows medicine a in use for the relief Fad � . �'a�i�Slib ;; 01 &_ Remedy it means that it never fails to keeper in Washago and for 82 years had cure of bowel oets, - lyse. It cures care diarrhoea dysentery or bowel cow• attended every want of his invalid grippfnf , diarrhoea, . dysentery, and News names frim y y, Quebec that the _ should be taken at the first unnatural Flop, Jules has made the announcement equally valuable f2or ohiIdratt andednit d • • looseness of the bowels, It is equally brother until Sunday when he died, Set of single harness and buggy for valuable for children and adults. It al Of an Increase of $120,000 over the pro. Sold by all druggists, Freparations for the funeral were being sale cheap. Apply to H, DAVIS, � � ways cares, Sold by all druggists, viOna Year in the revenue o. the Chown P made when early Monday morning lands Department. Shoo h Montana are said to have Henry, mistaking a bottle of oarbolio n6 A queer story comes from Belleville .�.�.�.,�„ died by thousands recently, beoaase of acid. for brandy; drank from it, and in about a horse dropping dead when driv- fifty rears' Exnerieneo of an Dia Purse dronRht. Many bands were miles from " GIRLS WANTED.—For work on power ec In front of the house wrote its do• water and the country was too dry and Len minutes he was dead, sewing machines in knitting mill or by ceased driver lay, Mas• WINSLOw'S SOOTHING SYRUP is bare to move them, while other bands day work, Clean, steady work and The kind that is neat, attractive and the prescription of One of the best fe• snood wa Apply Australia, like Canada, is $ ocuutry male physicians and nurses in the /ohich were "Cn water" wero sold ata Mia. 'o., �LiMlTED?P,syis�OnG WATSOzz ' of magnificent cistaucee, Coo sheep United States,and has been used for fifty dollarfifty a heal as there was no grass up-to-date, CO5tS yt?I1 n0 more money farmer there carted his wool 600 miles years with never -falling success by to feed them. The sheep industry in Don one of mothers for their obildreD, Montana is one Of the biggest Here than the inferior article tiOtrg to silo nearest railway station, the wool It relieves the Child from ggest in the being 12 mantha on the way. on art pain, Dares airtes, there been more than eight elsewhere, s 9 diarrhoea, griping in the bowels and g g of his estate he has 1,400 cattle and 80,- wind C°tic, 13v giving health to the million head of sheep within its bound. LONDON, ONTARIO 000 sites and there are no other sheep child, it rests the mother, Twenty-five atiev hundreds of miles of him, Conte a bottle, within haW � _ Fusiness & Shorthand SUBJECTS The best way to keen a bed from be. Are You • coming damp if left for a week or two, aid ere Resident and Mail Courses • uf�reOr sears I�rom Pala 1 ie to leave a blanket on the top of the Catalogue, Free it1n The Back andHeadaebe bed after it is made, Take iho blaulr@E a ted 1. W. WtInCIP lt, r, W. Westervelq Jr., C.A„Qual y Counts Back felt �j U 21 T� off before using; and than you will find �t Pritscipel, 'neipet, , PAID in the back is one Of the first signs it quito safe, Wants others to know ,of her remark - showing that the kidneys are not in the able cure byuso of 01q. CHASE'S I I Ru )tore L rrr-lin Condition they should be, and it should NCi4VB FOOD. J. J. Kelso, Suporintendoutofneglect• in printing as in oilier thing;, and elle be attended to immediately for, if no.CASTORIA Deis. lfartin's condition as deserib- ed children, has this very important I earl cure the worst case of TIMI ` is gleeted, serious kidney troubles are likely ed iii her letter below gives same mea Rupture from infancy to old age, S 2n a pos2tton tO tUrli out first - 9 to +a:tnly, There is n0 way of ettin of the y Ing ,oaph In his annu$i report, Concetn- without operation or loss Of time. - g For Infants and Children, i,o�rer of bre Chase s Nerve°r ad�S ch Ing Children On the streets.'' "Parents class Work at ver reasonable kid of the backache me cines through the �t y nable prices. kidneys, and no medicine so ei%ctive for t; IC[ d YOU HaYg AIWap$ 9Qught cures as this leave placed Dr, Chag4's Cannot too often be rom4uded Of the ACT ��' (���� this ss Ids, as Doan's Kidney Pills, 1�ervo food v'liere it stands today as great evil resulting from allowing chili!• "Try this office with 'Oi1r n 141igs Ida J, barian 2fi S rip St the n t ,Cih;tSi ttOiown I'.)J,I. ' p g ► Writes;-» q have kwi'ved most wo'idetful benefit from ears the Sign luxe of los popular , and most offeetive nerve restorative that moneywill buy.- y I42rs. Edwin Martin, - . rets the freedom Of the streets after dark, The habit Should never be taking l)aan's IiiduCy Iiiilg. "I suffered for yge,ps frbtn headaches _ - Ayer'a Cliff, Quo. writes---tt$efore r bC au using Dr. A., NV, Chaso's Nerve allowed to ttaw an yauiig People, for it is a habit t sad plaits in tho back, and I eonsulted doctors and: took every remedy nerals! but T'he fact that mt►hy Ot the disease, rot dunlag pakasltes iii@ introduced into the fans! I -t § lit A terrible condition. IJixzy Ilp@Ile over cud r that is acquired etstl, acid id hard t b,erk !Frei', t iahiy retspoateN h6rd to able without atiy relief until I began ki r taking n Y3a it a s I" t iidn � e Pills, 'ph" y $ syetam by the bites of fiieg of yarioise Iii floold r wcuirl fall to a fxrilo , Iii, I Would riot oven are at fault in dila artianl p ar, and net a - 1 wa th., a my medicine flint cock dist me an teal gond, as after using several boxes I declot'! i lit bne attd that those are its dt)me oases obtained by the filo# from SWOOP t,te p r ith my nert'ous system tie m4clfto be curl e ly until it it its too a o1 late a @ do tntstake s How often the havotZhad to Frit nosy entirely fres from all my dreadW tulslinadaches and baekachegY I. will always recommend your niedfw eourbea which at present have trot been Precisely tletetmtrtedt such ad wild atiimats ai' varve exhausted, td 1'ho use of Dr. A. W. Chaso's N �v o. ° rood ling built up my syste'n dapnlisten toAndstories of youthful wfong� ak, whiff@ ilstening have ltealizgd ine to ante of my friends mita Are traUbI d lot's k%tide, 16 nilly ono of many 1114stra, wonder- fully O that T can d0 toy housework that pistentst catelosen is wail ,iat"gely be I ice Price fi(lC per box, nk $ boxes forp ' ttou# Of the 06m texit Of the y to dealt with if, this bade, Of tithe shrug without any troublo and 1 want others to 1016W about it )I in the bailee bf it alt. iioiiae s6a std be made a pla"k0t place for tete ohitdren sat all dealers Cr Mailed y ThO - Ilt all en ta., i',iniited,d direct by Thti T'w (j teed ol` the 6l abebI>xte tleceamityfoga the AXeetoiee elf (''Rt On O's getting 00 genuino Dr,'A, QTY XctVA Food, 60 eta. isox, and they should be taught by the star" When ord,, ing tl,rrct prcify'rr oail'r,►r t the last dogree of 0016atifla oautibta in st t, boxes for $2,510, nit alt dealers Ox , 4 rule f b paregtal authority that este@t dealing with theist, Manson, hates & Cio,r T'oronto,' . ooTb6f loitetlbg of ft dttt k wits ties rte e tolorr~ted.s, } crit order. and remove the daily danger of strangulation, 1+111 in coupon and send to Dept, J. J. S. SMI A A.1 , 88 Caledonia St, w 4' tr STR A b'al1l) t NT' The Times Name ... ...Y. Y Y.Y., Y Y..r..s Address.. i. w,,, .."' Y , r . Y ... I G14AM � ON 1 ARlo Age..... . Time Rap Single or double . ......... . ... �! Satis[aetion guaranteed. .:. ........-'-�-. .:.--....r, •.,Warp n. ,,.-,�,;,,,.:♦..,. .call �i/,it1►��" _....�-„