HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-09-01, Page 1VOL.l1XXX1X.—NO. 2012,
For Rheumatism only, This
does not cost you one cent unless
it does good, We cheerfully re-
fund money,
to rent 25c per day.
WaltOn McKibbon
Tho Storer
Maodonald Block, Wingham,
authorized t act er of the
Music Method Simplex an
garten. Teacher of Piano
Pupils prepared for
Theory by correspondence to
town pupils.
Apply at Mise Sperling's home,
Minnie street.
d Theory.
co•eervestory ex -
college 0
CHAS. W. ULTnNS, - principal.
GEU, SPOTTON, • President.
Is a link in Canada's Great-
est Chain of High - Grade
Colleges founded during the
past twenty six years,. This
chain is the largest train-
ers of young people in Canada
and it is freely admitted that
its graduates get the best posi-
tions. There iS a reason;
write for it. A diploma from
the Commercial Educators'
Association of Canada is a
passport to success.
You may study partly at
bonne and finishat the College,
n C g,
Enter any day.
Fall Term Opens Aug. 29th
ChrisIie's Grocery
This is the Season
When every housewife thinks
about her pickling and with that
comes the Spice and Vinegar
Pepper (ground and whole),
Whole Mixed Spices, Ginger,
Cinnamon, Triplett°, Mate, Curry,
Celery Seed, Mustard seed,
Chillies. Cloves, A 114 Spice,
Cayenne, eta., etc.
Lowest possible prises eeciyrding
to kind end gtlalitS..
The Tea and Coffee Store
PRONE 101,
Wear Greer's Shoea and Robbers
Card of hanks:
Mr, and Mrs. W .' Nioholeon wish to
thank all the, ;friend who were so kind
and helpful to th in their time of
midden bereaveme • , also to those who
sent so many beg iful flowers,
Set of single harness and buggy for
sale oheap, Apply to H, DAVIS,
Schools Re
The Wingham
Schools will re•ope
The High School h
the staff of teaobe;
vinston, taking th
At the Public Soh
teachers will be in
requested to be in JJ'
day so that their
pen Tuesday
High and Public
on Tuesday next.
a only one change in
, Mr. Percy of Al -
Mplace of Mr. Forbes
ol the same staff of
charge. Pupils are
Their places on Tues..
lams can be formed.
WANTED—An apprentioe or an im-
prover. Apply to E 0. White, Tailor.
A Ne
Next week the T
the pubiication of a
"Lure of the Mas
Grath. This is a
by one of the mos
the time, There i
of this story. L
chapters in our ne
IES will commence
new story entitled,
by Harold Mao-
asoinattng romance
popular authors of
action in every line
k for the opening
girl, Apply et TI
od general servant
tbe desir
make this year's fa
Thursday and Fri
and 30th, one of th
held in Wineha
good list of attraoti
oonoert on the ev
80th. Large and
issued next week g
's Fall Fair.
of the Directors t0
fair, to be bald on
ay, September 29th
best fall fairs ever
There will be a
neo d
n a high.olass
ins_ of September
mall bills will be
ng full particulars.
Sewing wanted— Get xarticulars at
Crops in Hi
A correspondent
papers from Godet
ing in this mottoes i
and this part ot the
record, notwitheta
storm which wiped
many fume. Fall
25 bushels to the a
somewhat more
last three years.
than average oro
some fields going 50'
Oats will pan out
the acre, and peas, t
here, about 16. R
no rot being eompl
toes. The apple or
roe County,
riting to the daily
ch says:—Harvest-
almost completed,
aunty owe h
a good
ding the big hail
out the crops on
wheat will average
re, the straw being
entifnl than in the
rley will be a more
about 85 bushels,
btu/bele to the acre.
bout 40 bushels to
e poorest field crop
at crops are good,
ned of in the pota-
p is almost an entire
Oar Splendid -School Shoes at $1 25,
$1 60, and $2.00, Cut down the Shoe
bills in every family where they are
worn. W,
The Ga
It will be welcom:
to know that partri
fall. The open
pheasants and par
the 15th day of Ooto
15th day of Novem
quail, wild turkey
squirrels, is from
December 15th; s
tember 15th to Apri
other water fowl,
December 151h; n
1915; hares, Ootob
15th. Wood hare
may be taken or ki
at any time by the
lessee, or by any pe
ten lionise or Penni
owner, 000upant br
any of these &nim:
enbseotiOn shall be
nearest officer of
distribution to eh
Beaver and otter ma
1915; muskrat an.
to May 1st.
news for sportsmen
e may be shot this
eason for grouse,
idge beginning on
•er and ending the
r, The season for
, blaok and grey
November 15th to
ns and geese, Sep.
15th; dnoke or any
September 16th to
oaperoalize until
r 181 to December
cotton -tail rabbit
led in any manner
caner, Occupant Or
eon holding le writ-
, to shoot from s0oh
eesee, provided that
e kilted uhder this
Winded over to the
he Department for
;table inetitntions.
got be killed until
mink.Deoenlber let
Cow to ExOlt 0n —A
Grade Corr to o ch&naefoz
Irtoleteln, or
other hetrete t milker. Apply to t..10',
HANSON, National hotel, Winghani,
Read Willie & Co.'s adv on palfe $.
Annual t
The annual eon
Presbyterial Youu
be head in the Pr
Whtteohuroh, on 7
151h, There will t
tee e in
r t g program
(Indust of Maitland
People's Unton will.
shyterian Church et
nureday, September
a an afternoon and
the a is an in,
or both sessions,
Freels fish every week -end, at
FaLrs' butcher shop,
Conservative Lader Coming.
The Executive Co mittee of the East
votiveoto es o i
A o held ed a
n h
mooting in Wingh
this week, when
were made for the
Borden, the Censer'
Borden will be in VP'
September 2011', wh
will be held in the
m on Tuesday of
cal arrangements
visit of Mr, R. L.
ative Leader. Mr,
ngham on Tuesday,
n a public meeting
opera house in the
The school children need the best
shoes.. Try our School Shoes..
W, J. Gems
Apiary Insp
Mr. J. S. Sohrati
Apiary Inspector 1
Huron and Brune, •
last week. He repo
industry in this seer;
felling a condition a
Sohrank says that t
old combo lying nes
in this way many b
vises better care
treatment of bees.
Keep your eye o
window for Saturd
ctor Here.
of Port Elgin,
r the counties of
as in this district
is that the honey
n is not in as flow'•
it should be. Mr.
oman 1
m ypeopehave
the bee boxes and
es are lost. He ad-
eing taken in the
G. Petterson's
The amended re
ed the Legislature
goes into effect o
entitled "An : of r
tion of Instrument
There have been e
made in the old e
section having b
angors and all parts
sales.or transfers w,
serve the oharems
cations and diificu
egistry Act.
istty sot, whioh pass.
at the last session,
September 1. It is
pecting the registra
relating to lands,"
reat many changes
o n s
tute, almost every
n recast. Convey-
onveys interested in Iand
uld do well to ob•
ud thee avoid oompli•
3es that might arise
Wagons for sale. Apply to Guxvs',
Death of r. Henry.
Mr. Thos. Henr , who has been in
feeble health for some weeks, passed
away at the home . bis son, Mr. Wm.
Henry, late G. T. agent, on Sunday
evening, in his 68,• year. Mr. Henry
had for some year resided at Brussels
before coming to ' ° ingham and•previous
to that lived near . • e village of Bright,
Deceased was a • an of a quiet dispo-
sition. Besides a r. Wm. Henry, an.
other son, living in the west, and one
daughter, snrviv; The remains were
taken to Bright n Tuesday for inter-
ment in the fami plot,
Big bargains fn ladies and ohildrena
slippers and, oxfords at W. J. GREER'S
clearing ease.
Fire G Holiday.
Oa Friday last Civic holiday—about
eleven o'olook th fire bell ringing soon
made it evident • at many people had
not left the to • r, The cause of the
alarm was a fire in Mr. M. Beokwith's
bake shop at he rear of Mr. J. L
Awde's floor an• feed store. The grates
in the fire plaoe ell out and in a very
short time the •lees was ablaze. The
firemen wero p • mptly on the scene and
in a short time he fire was ander con-
trol, Mr, Beek •, ith Will have consider-
able loss and n . fortunateiy he carded
no insurance. .r he rooms were put its
shape and bus nese was continned on
Chang: in Times Staff
The editor of the TIMES bas found
that the work o a number of different
positions has • en crowding in on his
time and we have added a new member
to our staff. Miss L. Attridge, who has
for some time been Librarian at the
Public Library and doing the office work
for the Light and Water Commissioners,
will In future have-charge of the book-
keeping and general office work in the
TiMEs office, t, ; d has authority to receive
inontet and g -e receipts duringany
teniporary abs uoo of the editor. The
Times now ha an excellent eteff end we
are in et positio to give all work prompt
and Careful tette • time. With the extra
staff the editor . (mos to olive more
per -
Nodal tittentien
er-sonalattention the newspaper and
Job printing.
It hale beep found thl
era' excursions already!
pointe,beve not product
ers as expected and, e
operatiose in Ontario a
this year, Iwo addition
being run from all st
by the Canadian Paci&
of $10 00 to Winnipeg
Moose.Jew on Maine
Lines on Tuesday,
Tuesday, September 6
will be run through
Winnipeg b
Wi peg wit no oh9
avoiding transfer tro
arrangements en rout
issued to women be
half rate tiokets for c
Ask any 0, P. a
t the farm labor.
run froth Ontario
emane 1 b r•
a q_
the harvesting.
e about over for
it exonreiona are
tions in Ontario
Railway at rate
nd points east /of
ine and Br r101t
ugnet 30e and
t. S e 1 trains
fro oronto to
Re of oars, thus
bias and oedema
Tickets will be
there will be 110
nt for partionlers
You will have to hurry et some of
the bargains at Pattertionf(big window
sale this week.
Married a
A wedding took pl
T. Hemphill, King
day at hie;h noon,
Lulu was united in
Smyth, of Trail, B.
moose which was pe
E. J. Millyard, ig p
immediate relatives
parties, a repast was
married couple left
south, and leave eh
ern province. T h
distance graced the
hill and wife also
Wroxeter; Coudnet
son and daughter,
Miss Arnold of Exe
ding trip the happy
Trail, B. C.• -He
groom la a former
and the bride a for
lady. Both are w
our readers and al
TIDIES in extend
oe at the home of
reet, on Wednes-
hen his daughter,
arriage with Roy
After the cere•
formed by Rev. J.
some of the very
of the contracting
erved. The newly
the evening train
tly far the West -
following from a
acaasion, T. Hemp
iso Herds, all of
r Ireland, wife and
1 Kincardine, and
r. After the wed•
ouple will settle in
all Observer. The
Ingham young man
er Wroxeter young
known to many of
will join with the
hearty oongratu-
Schools open: enxt e • ay. leo to
BNox's for yeur•school •oka.
Officla Programme,
b Caned For the C an National Exhibition
of this year an iflcial Programme has
been issued sho ing the special attrao-
tionator each d y; days of judging for
every kind of st ale poultry,.grain,vege•
tables, and the prizes to be istributed
for all entries; regret= of harness
horse racing, do ailed dee iption of the
performances in roe o e grand stand,
fireworks diepia —t countless attract•
tions of the mid ay which this year, is
to be more comp te than ever, and the
bands from almo t every town in 'Doter.
io with their spec al performauce days
Programme ale shows the rates in
effect from Onta o points during the
Exhibition, spoof 1 low rates in effect on
excursion days
a d thespecial train n ser•
vi,e in effeot fro all pointe. Copy of
programme may a obtained from any
Canadian Paciti Railway Agent, or by
writing R L Thompaor, D. P. A.,
0, P. R., Toro o.
High and PubIio
kinds at KNOX'S.
books of all
Tne general co,
basis of church n
to 35, after havi•,
of the committee
time. Towards
aorimony began to
the whole the de
earnestly and sober
The footnote to he rules regulating
the conduct of me • bers of the Metho-
dist Church, part onlarizing dancing,
oard playing and th-atre•going as injuri•
ons, is to be abolished after many years
Rev. Lir. Carman and Rev. Dr,
Chown, of Toronto were elected super.
intendente of the Methodist body in
Canada. Mr. Caran was elected for
eight years, and t'r. Chown for four
years. The others ; leoted were:
Secretary of h . me missions—Dr,
James Allen, Toron o,
Secretary Of for nen missions—Rev.
T. Shore, Toronto.
Secretary of ed' cation -Rev, d'. W
Graham, Toronto,
Secretary of te
and moral ref.
Moore, Toronto,
Beek steward for central district--
Rev Dr, Briggs, Toronto.
Book stewar for enet--Rev, ti3r.
Mosher, Nova S.otia.
Editor of Oh Wien t4nardien—Rev,
W. b'. Ordghton, Toronto.
Editor of W eleyetti,aR&v. 0, N.
.IOhnston, Califor • to.
Secretary of So day tohools and Ep-
worth Leagues-- r ev, Dr. Hazlett.
Dr, Oattian elS; - elected on the lint
ballot by PIS vot it to 65 for Dr, Can.
non, and 19 Or r, Inose, of Toronto,
ference approved the
on by a vote of 220
debated the report
on union for some
he end some little
•e developed, but on
ate was oarried on
parance, prohibition
m -'-Rev, T. Albert
Mr. J. E MoGo re, of Neaustedt, ie
spending his holi• ays at his home in
Miss Millie Harr e, of Wroxeter, was
visiting with W ,gham friends for a
few days,
Miss May Readi • g weer visiting at the
home of Mr. Rob -rt Murray in Gorrie
last weep,
Mr. and Mrs, H O. Bell, of Sonthamp.
ton, were palling on friends in Wing -
ham this week.
W. J. Mi
Cn lq, of Stratford,.
was visiting for a few days with her
cousin, Mrs. 13. B. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs P. Linkiater were vie.
ting with Mr. and re. A J. Helm, at
Cranbrook on Oivi. holiday.
Mr, and We T. ; Keeler, of Mitchell,.
were visiting at th home of Mre. Has.
lain, Frances street last week.
Miss Ethel Tiplin has returned home
atter spending the ,ast five weeks with
relatives in Clevela • d and Detroit.
Rev. W. L, and re. Steeves have re-
turned house after spending a few weeks
with relatives an friends at Malone,
N, Y.
Mr, Frank R. Pi • won left last week
on a trip through t e West and if he
finds a good opensg will likely remain
Mr, Chas. Deans 'eft on Monday for
Chatham to be wit• hie brother Peter
Deans, who is seri eels, ill with typhoid
Miss N. M. Wa• : left on Saturday for
Toronto where sh intends visiting her
friends and rely ives for a couple of
Mr, and Mrs. R B. Jaffrey. of Toron-
to Mr, and Mrs Clarence ClaIliin, of
Cleveland, are 'siting with Mr. and
Mre, A. Tipiing.
Rev, Thos. Jr.
Rev. Geo, Jack
in town this we
of their brother -
Mr. Wm. J.
anneal oonventi
Way Employees
week, as delegate
Mr. and Mrs.
children left last
Vancouver, 13. C.,
it with the formor'
in town and with ot
Mr. Carlaw, teller
Commerce has been
Windsor branch an
promoted to the posit
Wingham office.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M
and Mr and Mrs. M.
ark, are visiting with
McGee and Mr. and
East Wawanosh. TI
sisters and they will
ant visit,
•heap, of Strashroy, and
on, of Walkerville were
k attending the funeral
n -law, the late Michael
it is attending the bis
n of Maintenance of
t Boston, Mass , this
rom the. Q wen Sound
Wm. Halliday and
eek for their home in
fter an extended vet -
mother and sister
er relatives in this
in the Bank of
promoted to the
Mr. McInnes is
on of teller in the
nroe, of Ardoch,
ea000k, of Lan.
Mr, and Mrs. John
ire. Jas. MoGee in
e' four ladies are
ave a very pleas.
on John street. A
One more chance
dow Bale at Patter
this week. Don't
rteble hoose
A .. Sher big win•
n': jewellery store
es it.
Rev. and Mrs. R. MoEarohen, of
Whiteohuroh are emending their boli•,
days in Toronto and Rev, Mr. Thynne,
Palmerston is taking the services est
Whiteohnrch and Langside,
On Sunday, Sept. 4th, the Howick
Baptist Church will celebrate the 50th
anniversary. In 1860, just 50 years ago
this summer, the first Baptist Church of
that dietriot was organized and a build-
ing was eroded on the stye where now
stands the pretty and modern Baptist
°hutch building. The first building ser-
ved its purpose well for nearly 40 years
but in the year 1900 the people of the
ohuroh decided that a new building must
take the place of the old and the presont
commodious and up.to•date ohuroh
building was erected.
All the new l" gt .rand Pablio School
books at IiNOx'
One Of the' biggest and richest nnggete
ever taken from Cobalt oamp will be ex.
hibited at the 'Toronto Fair, It weight
(lose to three quarters of a to .
$1,000 worth of j
Saturday of this
f[ory forw$500 on
at W. G. Patter.
NO fewer than 6,171 settlers, mostly
b,innd for western provinces, will arrive
at the port of Montreal this weak an ten
steamships, The great majority of thepi
ha1I from England and Scotland.
Death Of A
The death oocurr
John street early
Micheal Walker, on
actf th
s oti
Deceased bad been
months having bee
lysis, He was in h
born in Ireland.
settled on the 12th
nosh and here pa
hardships of pion
nettled in the town
with hard work he
made et oomfortabl
had 1 i
a al b s life bee
Methodist Church
founders and firs
Church in gnat
he was a Liberal,
an active part in
ten years ago
moved to Wingh
sided at their ho
July, 1904, they
wedding, on whi
a happy re-unio
family of eight so
as well as the be
in her 76111 year,
are:—Mrs. J. E.
Ieaao and Elisha,
James, of Wingh
ley, of Clinton;
Judges' Court of
ion at Osgoode H
a sergeant of the
and Thos. E , of
neial took place
to the Wingham
at the house an
.at his home on
nday morning of
of tbe pioneer re..
of Hurn county.
t .
ill for some few
stricken with pewee
76th year and was
fty•ane years ago he.
ine of East Wawa -
sod through all the
er life. When be
1p all was bash and
leered the land and
home .lir. Walker
connected e to 't
d wi h the',
and was one of the',
members of Brink.
wanosh. In politics
ut had never taken
nblio affairs. Some
and Mrs. Walker
and have since re.
eon John street. Io
debrated their golden
h occasion their was
i of the family. A
is and one daughter,
aved widow, who is
urvive. The oeildren
Anderson, Toronto;
of East Wawanosh;
m; George and Wes -
A., Secretary to the
he Chancellory Divis•
11, Toronto; Jaokeon,
Toronto police force,
Streetsville. The fu
et Tuesday afternoon
cemetery, the services
grave being conducted
by Rev. Dr, Rutledge. l
Go to KNOX' or your school sup-
GIRLS WANTED—Far work on power
sewing maohines in knitting mill or on
day work. Olean, steady work, and
good wages, will pay railway fare, pro-
vided applicants stay with ns six months
Apply, THE WATSON MPH, Co. Limited,
Paris, Ont.
Civic holiday w e generally observed
by Winghemitee The excursion to
Kincardine was t ' e main attraction and
nearly• .
four hund d tickets were sold in
Wingham, The •ay was all that could
be desired and the large number of
people had a•plea ant time at the lake
town. Luckno • Brussels and Wing.
ham having oivlo holiday on the same
day helped to sw ll the crowd.
The local bo • lers bad an excellent
day's sport in pia ing a series of Sootoh
Doubles. In the rophy matohes Masers.
A. M. Orawfor. and E, Walsh were
winners of firm prize and Messrs, L.
Kennedy and B. Bary, second prize. In
the consolation, Messrs. D. B. Porter
ando n
J h Mas,n won first and Jos.
Stalker and D , Price, second. The
following is a lis of the players and the
different roan. The names of the
winners apple ng to the left of the
Trop . ,• —First Round.
0. A. Rintoul
T, 0. King, ek.
L, Hinkley
A, E. Porter,
E. Walsh
A.M. Crawfo
J Mason
D. B Porter,
K. Rae
L. W. Hanso
Dr. Prioe
J. Stalker, sk
B. Leary
L Kennedy,
Geo. Gregory
E. Nash, sk,
W, R Geikie
Robt- Allen, sk.
C. P. Smith
. A, H. Musgrove, sk,
R. H. King
, ek. D. Holmes, sk.
Rev. E. H. Orely
ek. W. B. Forbes, air.
F. J. Hind
sk, A. E. Smith, ak.
C. N. Griffin •
1). Davies, ek.
W. A Campbell
k. J. W. Orr, Bk.
0, Dallas
R. Clegg, Bk.
S and Round.
A. E. porter
A. M. Crawfor
3. Stalker
L. Kennedy
T. 0. King
D, 13. Porter
L. W. Hanson
E. Nash
A. M. Crawford
L. Kennedy
A M. Crawford
If Musgrove
E. Smith
D. Holmes
R. Clegg
D.13 Porter
E. Nadi
A. E porter
J. Stalker
L, Kennedy
—First Round.
Robt. Allen
W. B, Forbes
D. Davies
J. W, Orr
A. H. Musgrove
A. E. Smith
. 0 King
W. Hanson
1) Holmes . Dallae
t) B Porter eo. Grogory
J Stalker E. Porter
Semi. Finals.
J. Stalker, bye,
b, 13. Porter
D. H, Porter
i. Stalker
On Labor Day, next Monday, a rink
oompetitton will be held and is good
day's sport is pro teed if tbe Weather is
The Pickling Season,
The pic
and to
have theest &ioklols it is verson inoy important
that the nese vinegars sbnuld be used,
We have just opened two lines of very
special quality, one a pure 8 X malt, one
year old vinegar, the other a pure alder
vinegar two years old, thus insuring not
only strength, richness and ripeness, but
absolute safety. Yon o will find our
price very reasonable,.
D. M. Coupon,
Quarter aeration of land in. Seeketohe-
wan, twenty acres broken, thirty acres
fenced, five acres bush, email house and
stable, good water.
Real Estate Agent,
Wi'gham, Ont,
The undersigned will keep tor service
on his premises, lot 41, concession 13,
East Wawaeash, a thoroughbred Here-
ford Bull.
Terms, -- $i 00, payabie at time of ser-
Having cnntracted for Bran. Shorts
Flour, Feed, etc., to be &hipped in oar
I will i be abs ,
pp1 v these at all
w e to ss in any quantities. Also all kinds
of Chop for sale in large or small quan-
I will exchange Flour for Wheat on
the usual terms.
Market prices paid for all kinds of grain,
Sale by Tender
We will receive up to Sept. 13th,
nn behalf of Mrs Herron, tenders for
the following properties: —
Frame house, Edward St ,
good as new.
Double house, John St., good
investment, Will pay 8 to
10 per cent.
Special Bargain For
Private Sale.
John Allenby's property, town
plot, just the plane for a retired far-
mer; immediate possession as Mr.
Ailenpy is going to California Price
Good Dwelling suitable for Board-
ing House. Central.
Three rooms with summer kitchen
on ground fisor, hard and soft wets
er, good locality,
Two good Cottages at $5.50 per
Ritchie 86 Cosens
There's One Way
To Get Good Shoes
Buy them! And pay the price, for
good shoes are worth it I
Every time von skimp in shoes, you
cheat yourself
The tieht shot ter ynnr p: rrienlar
foot is o reistiiir i:nportanoe —ye hat
they one is SECONDARY
"INVICTOS SHOES" are Rrori ehbes,
and would be made bettor still, if that
were p rssihle —yon milt find a norresp-
oudlrg high valet in them for every
dollar they cost you.
Sole AgentR for flo •ar and , ,•r ::v ,l lnvict.is
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