HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-08-25, Page 8CANADIAN PAC f �.` /In/Int AUOTJST 25, 1910 HIii.aDA THE HELPER 11., --"There's No. Place Like lime Bilaa the Helper used to say, when she was rather younger, "I think I'll pack and go away; I've got the city hunger." PERSONAL Mr. Olare Adama, of Toronto, is apend- ing a. few days in town.. flues M. Gray, of Stratford, is visiting with Mrs. Robt, Maxwell, Mian Irene Barkley, of Brussels, is visiting with her friend, Mies Haslan). Fraalc Rowson, of Wallaoeburg, has beau visiting with old friends In Wing. hang, Mr. Fred Flomuth, of Elora is spend- ing his holidays with hie parents in town. Rev J. H. Osterhoot, wife and family were calling on Wingham friends last week. Mrs, Francis McBride of Hamilton is the guest of ber daughter, Mrs. J, J. Moffat. Mr. Thomas Malin, of Edmonton was calling ou numerous old friends in town this week. Mr. A. Schafer, left for Goderich on Wednesday where he has secured a altnatlOU. • ' Miss M. M, Forbes, of Winnipeg, was the guest of her father, Mr. Thos. Forbes over Sunday. Miss Margaret Paterson is spending two weeks with her friend, Miss Edna Waxman, at Clinton. One day did Hilda up and pack, she hied her to the city. Three ' months from THEN SHE MOSIED MACS and sang another ditty: "The city wasn't half so fine as I had judged from rumor, so it's THE OLD HOME TOWN FOR MINE, and E shall be its boomer." MINOR LOCALS. —Warm and sultry weather this week. ---Clinton's tax rate is 26 mills on the dollar. —Kincardine tax rate for this year is 28 mills on the dollar. —Monday morning's storm was the worst of the seasou. —Union Sunday School excursion to Kincardine on Friday of this week. —Read the advts. in the TIMES. Reading them will save you money. —The TIMES to any address in Cana - VOTERS LI T 1910 Municipality of ti !Jaunty Notice is hereby idi ted or delivered to th sections 8 and 0 of th Act, the copies requiri so transmitted or dell Town of Wtngliant, of Hurooh u that I have transmit• persons mentioned. in Ontar o Voter's. 148ts by said sections to be eyed of the fiat Made pursuant to said act, Q all persons appearing by the last revised Ass.> smolt Roll of the said Mnuieipalty to be emit ed to vote in the said. municipality at election • for members of the LeglslatiYes Assembly t nd at Municipal Elec- tions t and that the said st was first posted no ,n my office, at W luthat 1, on the 155th davof August, 1010, and retial. s there for inspectien� )lectors are called. up list, and if any omtnissic are found therein. to to tugs to have the said 01 1• int to law, , Dated this lath day oe A.ugust, 1910, JO N ]1`, GROVES, Clerk o4 Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gray, of New York City are visiting at the latter's sister, Mrs, J. J. Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Haslam, of Dev il's Lake, North Dakota, are visiting with Wingham relatives. Miss Georgia Forbes h000mpanied her sister back to Winnipeg, where she will attend St. Mary's Academy.. Misses Mae and Minnie Drew returned to their home in. Toronto after spending a few weeks with friends in town, John Davidson of Ayr, son of Mrs. Gavin Davidson left on Tuesday for the West where he intends taking up land. Mies Dorothy Dickson, of Wroxeter, and Mies Anna Gibson, of Deer Park, Toronto, are visiting Bessie and Nora Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Munroe, of Ard. ooh, Addington County, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Robertson, Centre street. Miss Delia Sparling is presiding at the pipe organ in the Methodist Chnrch dur- ing the absence of Mise Reynolds, who is away on her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson have returned home after spending the past da to January 1st, 1911 for 25 cents. three months with relatives and friends —Yon can get a copy of the prize list in Berlin, Galt and Orillia. for Wingham's fall fair at the Timms office. 1 to exanllne t 1., sal s or any other errors o immediate proceed' rs corrected accord - NOTICE TO REDITORS. in the natter of the Est! Ings, late of the Tow County of Huron., A Notice is hereby given 1897 Chap. 120, Sec, 08, th claims against the estate Cunmiings, who died on th day of July, A. D to sand by post prepa 11, Vaustone, a;olicitor or before the first day of their names, addresses, full statement of partici and the nature of the se them duly certified, ane day the executors will the assets of the deceas entitled thereto. havin claims of which they alta Dated this 9rd day cf to of Tames B. Cunni of Wingham in the eut, deceased. ursuant to R. S. 0. all persons having of the said James B. r about the eighteen. 1910, are required or to deliver to or the executors on eptember, A. D. 1910 d descriptions and a —W. G. Patterson, the jeweler, will hold another popular Saturday night Gale this week. —Chief Game W arden Tinsley says all danger from rabies is over and dogs should be nnmuzzled. Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. —Send the TIMES to your relatives and friends at a distance. To any ad- dress in Canada to January 1st, 1911 for 25 cents. —Little Ruth Loohman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Linea Lockman, had a fall one evening last week and broke her right arm. —Mr. Edmond Boltz, one of London's oldest business men and for years Grand Treasurer of the Grand Encamp• meat, I. 0 0, F., is dead. —The High and Public Schools will re- open for the fall term on Tuesday, Sept' ember 6th, Students are requested to be in attendance on the opening day. —The Wingham Business College will re -open for the fall term on Monday, Ang. eat 29th. This popular college will have a large number of students for the the fall term. —A. Hartley Paterson, son of Mi. and Mra. Arch. Paterson, of town has won his fourth scholarship to the Columbia 'University, New Yotk City for Civil Engineering, —Industrial accidents during July as reported. to the Dominion labor depart- MCGowAN—In East Wawanosh, on August Mr. John McNevin is in Hamilton this week attending the annual meeting of the High Court for Ontario West, of the Independent Order of Foresters. Mr. Geo. Mason and Miss May Mason have• returned home after a several weeks' holiday trip to the Old Land. Both report having a very pleasant trip. Mrs. L. Loose, of Minneapolis, Minn., was visiting for a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. W. G. Gray, and left on Monday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gray at Toronto. Dr.• 3, P. Kennedy returned from Chicago and Rochester on Monday. He will return next week for a few days to bring home his daughter, Miss Irlma, who underwent an operation and is un- der the care of the famous surgeon, Dr. W. J. Mayo. lars of their claims c tritytif any) held by that atter the said roceed to di:tribute among the parties regard only to the I then have notice gust, A. D. 1010. . VANSTONE, Wingham. P. O. So citors for Executors, BORN.. CENTRAL STRATFORD. CNT. FALL TERM FROM AUG. 29th. The largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. There is no better in the. Dominion, Our courses are thorough and practi- cal, our teachers are experienced and we assist graduates to positions. We have three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. • Write at once for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. KING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 W E WANT YOUR TRADE 1 ROYALLROCERY:♦ .4, 4. + 4. OUR STOPK OF : + 4.4. I*Groceries4. 4• IS NEW AND UP - 4. • TO -DATE. 4. • 4• • 4• 4• FRESH GROCERIES ARRIVING t WEEKLY .i. Highest price paid for 4. kinds of produce. • • JENVtsorr.—In 5t. Helens, on August 15th, to Mr, and Mrs. .TosephJennison ; a son. htNG•—In Gorrie, on August 16th, to Mr. and Mrs James King; a daughter DIET) NtCnO so(: In Wingham, on August 22nd, John Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichol- son, aged 12 years and 2 inontbs. MONTGOMERY.—At the residence of his brother-in-law, Wm. Finlay, lot 0, con. 14, Wil- liam John Montgomery, aged 66 years and 10 months. Mosx�xu —In Howick, on August 16th, ,lane Mills, relict of the late James Mosure, aged 86 years, and 16 days. CLARK.—In Auburn, on August 15th, Martha Nicholson, beloved wife of Temple Clark, aged 37 years 6 months and 12 days. FORSYtrt.—At Frobisher, Sask., August llth, Esther Jane MoCutcheon, beloved wife of Hugh Forsyth, formerly of Morris township, aged 63 years, LAnroNT —In Grey Township,on August 17th, Angus Lamont, aged 73 years. 4AN5ToxE—In Palmerston, on .August kith, James Vanstone, uncle of H. B. Elliott, of the TnmEo, aged 57 years. meat numbered 354 individual cases, of which 116 were fatal and 238 of a serious nature. —Mr. J. Hillhouse, Clifford, an- nounces the engagement of his Baugh •-" 10th, Margaret 5, McGowan, daughter of Mr, Robt. G. McGow an, aged 16 years, 1 month and to days. 1tocl:EY.—AtKillarney'Ailin.ron July 8th T homss Rockey, formerly of Wingham, aged 58 years, ter, Lola J. F,, to Mr. C. L. Eedy of Harriaten. The' marriage will take place during September. —The Board of Conciliation in the Tor• onto street railway dispute made a tin• animous report which was accepted at a tease meeting of employees on Saturday morning and there will be no strike. —Margaret Murray, of Detroit, who had been visiting at the home of her uncle, Donald Murray, at Luoknow, died Wednesday of last week,as the re, snit of taking poisonous medicine diss penned in error by a druggist. -The schedule Of dates for high court winter and autumn sessions has been issued. The :Intl court will be held at Goderioh on September 26th With 3ttstice Riddell presiding. The tibn-inras court will be held on nevem. her 2+3t1h. A prisoner named Wells, arrested near Palmerston for horse -Stealing, el. caped from the tionitiible while being driven to incl, BEST SERVICE TO Muskoka Four Trains from Toronto 9.40 a. m. 12,1+ip.ns, 6.05 p M. 10 10 p m. Bala Sleeper Carried on 10.10 p, n1. train Fridays • • • • all 4• • 4• 4. 4• • 4. ,Phone 54. Successors to A. J. MALCOLM + +++4•• 4:44 .�- MCGILLIVRAV & CUNNINGHAM • • KING'S THE BUSY STORE i 1 Fresh Eggs 20C, No. I Tub Butter 20C. .We are not buyers of No. 2 Produce. L G. Ea KING.ODS PRICE HOLIDAYS! They are drawing to a close and busy mothers are now looking for school clothes for the children, ' A new Dress for the little girl or a new Suit for the boy. We have both, and big selection of each line. SPECIAL. 5 pieces all -wool Serge in Navy, Blaek, Brown, Green and Red, regular 5oc, to clear at - 25c One piece Satin Cloth (Priestley's) nice shade of blue, reguar $i.00 per yard, to clear at 43c yard BOYS' SUITS. A complete range in.all sizes and colors`•bring' along your boy and let us Suit him. LADIES' GLOVES 5 dozen pairs, nice eLisle Gloves, all sizes, in all the new shades and black to clear at per pair 21c SUMMER SUITINGS. We are selling Summer Muslins, Repps, and all Summer ,Suits at greatly reduced prices. Come along and share in the bargains. WANTED gsgisim e••••e•••_•*•••••t!••••••••0 +•••••••••.•,. •♦;eco•••+o•••• • E. C. WHITE ••• :; HIGH - CLASS •• M Ladies' and Gents' Tailor! Enjoy the Cool Breezes of the Great Lakes Sailings daily except Friday Owen and Sunday Special train from Sound. from Toronto 1 00 p nt, sailing days. Meals and berth Ided on boat The host pleasant and cheapest route to Winnipeg and West t. H. 13>tLSf ii, Agent, Witighant. LOW RA'PES TO TORONTO FROM WINGHAM ON ACCOUNT 1 Canadian National Exhibition • •• s i' • $3.65 return Aiignst 27th to Sept, 10th. $2.70 return Aug, 80th, Sept. 1, 6 and 8. Return limit Tuesday. Sept, 13tb, 1010. Special train service from all principal points oti certain dates. LABOR DAY Return tickets at single fare be tween 1x11 stations in Canada, good going Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th re- turn limit Sept. 7th. • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • E. C. WHITE - WINGHAM, ONT. •• IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCK • •er • •••••••••*••4••••••••••••• ••••••••***••s•• ••••'•*•a• Roman Catholic Eucharest Congress. Single fare (plus 25 cents) to Mon. treal for "round trip, gond going Sept', from stations e inclusive 0 3 d to 10 h t West of Kingston and, Renfrew in Canada, return limit Sept, 15th, VoloiriorrIrmaima Pot tioket■ and further information call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address J, D. Mo'13onald, D. P. A„ '1 oronto, You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WHITE'S. No other tailoring establishment offers such a wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with such stele, precision, individuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. We are doing a High -Class Tailoring Business on a new plan BUYING FOR CASH ! SELLING FOR CASH ! Doing business in this way I can save you. dollars. Come in and see what I can do for you. LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. to -date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. • • •• • •• s • • • • • • • • • • • i' 2 • •• CIVIC HOLIDAY FRIDAY THIS WEEK STORE CLOSED ALL DAY, EXCURSION TO KINCARDINE Tickets on sale at our store on Thursday, also from 7.30 to 8.30 on Friday Morning WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for for Ladies. PACIFIC, �RAtt.WaY i 1 TO9jIPEG WINNIPEG FROM ALL CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIONS IN ONTARIO LABORERSFARM ADDITIONAI EXCURSIONS TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 SEPTEMBER 6 D A �+ UES DAY; Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to pointe on Canadian Pacific where laborers are required Cast of Moose JaW, Includingbranches, end at Orli cent' pet mile each way West thereof in Saskatchewan and Alerta. SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO TO WINNIPEG ON ABOVE DATES ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICULARS f ♦Vil,VV'yVIIYV!/SO'V7.Vii'!Ftriv M'lvre r1IfV.VVYNYM1Vttt/tl►MW'Idi',SE.1P EAUGUS U G Li S It1 A EOur August Sale still continues, what is left of our 4' 0. stock of White Waists, all new styles to clear at manufac- turers prices, also the balance of Ladies' Underskirts, 4. E Gowns, and Corset Covers. • A few yards left of our Muslins, Chambray, Zephers it and Cambric, must go at less than Wholesale price. Men's Suits at 20 Per Cent off For Cash. WP 1 Tapestry .Rugs . , SALE 1.1 A clearance of Tapestry Rugs 2 x 3 yds, 3 x 3 yds, '743' 3 x 3 z z yds, 3 x 4 yds, 3% x 4 yds all • to go at 20 per h cent off regular price, • C Lrnoleum t A few pieces of Linoleum in small ends to clear at e, less than cost. Linoleums have all advanced in price but we have 0. secured 12 new patterns which we are/selling at old pric- es, it intending to get a Linoleum don't wait till prices are V Cadvanced, we have the largest selection in town, 31 �i Suitngs :LadiesFall.11, Our new fall suitings are beginning to arrive, Call early and get first choice, 3o shades to select from, ►, Large quantities of Batter and 4ggs wanted, TH As MILL it PRONE $0+ WINGEAM, ONT.