HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-08-25, Page 6C Local Ristor.y of the early ibis. Items front the "Times" fyles. INIENT1 S � (From the rftioae of Aug 22, 189O ) '1.00AL NEWS. Mutts. Gilebriet. Green. & Co's, saw mill banding ie now completed and has been treated to a coat of paint, root and all. The machinery is now, being put In piece. Me. A II Musgrove, prtnolpel ot the pulillu achocl, has moved his fatz,ily to , i to or the O totem and is in readiness f Ren- iug of the school, Whit: Id el ill take place oil Mantlay next. Mr. J. W. Inglis left on a trip to Man- itoba on Tuesday lest, taking with him a number of buggies. &o. He will go as far west as Boise+vein, and will re. turn in the course of a month, Mr. Thos. Bell is having a stone foun- dation put under the 'frame storeroom et the south of hie feotory, and intends veueeriug it with brick, making it three story high and similar to the brick building which it adjoins. We understand that Bali's Factory Band has lensed the skating rink for one year from Mr. Wm. Armour, and that they will put it under energetic man- agewer.t, and that it will be opened to the publio at au early date. Mr, Wm. Batton is having rr atone foundation put under the store opposite Chisholm's drug store, and will veueer it with brick. He also intends erecting a brick etore at the north side of the present building. When completed, these buildings will greatly add to the appearance of that part of the town. On Wednesday night a light was seen in Mr. M. H.-NTeludoo'e store, and it was thought that burglars bad gained an entrance. The Chief was notified, and he, accompanied by three others, unlocked the front door and made a dash in to capture the supposed Burglars. When lo! no burglars were to he found. Mr. Mclndoo, on retiring, had forgotten to put ont all the lamps, hence the light in the store. AIWA ws11 t::*at ends well. On Friday night or Saturday morning last burglars entered the store of 15fessrs. J J. Homath & Son. ;raining entrance from the rear. Before reaching the math store they forced three doors, some of the doors having boles bored through theta, Once inside they helped them- selves to a quantity of gct,da, It is sup posed that they were di -sorbed in tbeir Work by the movements of some of the occupants of the upper flat of tine etoro. and that they ofd. Several pairs of pants were found in the rear of the store. No clue has been found es to the perpetratinne of the burglary. Messrs Homath Son's loss will amount to about $75. Mr, and Mrs. R Clark and son. Guy, returned from Toronto on Saturday Mr, Clark had been attending the meet• ing of the Grand Ledge of I, 0. 0, F., of Ontario, and Mrs, ()talk and eon bad been visiting in the oity for a few weeks. Mr. T. A. Reid, principal of the Tees. water Pablio School, was in town on Monday, fIe baa been srending his holidays in Oourtright, u village on tho banks of the St. Glair River. Mr. J, G. Holmes, barrister, of Tor- onto, is visiting at the parental home this week. Mrs, W. F. Brockenshire and' her mother left for Mount Vernon, N. Y , on Friday last, in reeponeo to a telegram stating that Mrs. Brockenehire'e sister, who has been ailing for some time, was not expected to live. Inners. Ireland—In Morris, on the llth inst., the wife of Mr. James Ireland; a deugle. ter. Casemore.—In Morris, on Sunday, Aug, 3rd, the wife of Mr. Joseph Case - more; a daughter. GLENNANNAN On the farm of Mr. Richard Wallace, Messrs. Colin Eadie and Thomas Camp- bell pulled folly eight acres of peas in 19 hours. This we consider no ordinary feat, and a record of what stalwart arms can do, and is worthy of being citron ivied alongside work done by the pea puller. KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our ]Exchanges. A lie is best left alone ; to disprove it often gives it new life. Any man can afford to light his cigar with a $5 bill—if it isn't receipted. How to Heep Young Keep in the sunshine. Avoid excess- es of all kinds. Eat moderately at reg. ular intervals. Cultivate a spirit of oontentment, and keep the bowels regu- lar and the liver active by using Dr, Chase's Kidney and Liver Piffle. No treatment so definite and satisfactory for this purpose. None so trustworthy and economical, Lemon juice robbed on the hands will easily and effectually remove stains, Agriculture in Germany supports about 19,000,000 of the population. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. When thia is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, improve the appetite and regulate the bowele. Sold by all dealers, Tho improvement of Jamaica Bay, which is now ander way, will add 150 miles of water front to New York. With a new phonograph horn, the in- vention of an Arkansan, it is possible to magnify the sound to any desired degree. Suffered from Heart Trouble and Nervousness for Six Years Lost Ali Desire To Live, tc� , WAS FINALLY CURED BY THE USE OF MILBTJRIVS IigART AND NERVE PILLS, Mr. Regis Lavallee, Sorel, Que., writes; " 1 or six years, at least, I suffered from heart trouble and nervousness which took from me all.desi re to work and even to live. "When I found myself in this condition and getting worse 1 took the medicine the doctor prescribed for me but witholit any result, +intra evening I was reading the paper when I saw your advt. s o wles cu tit out and d the next day went to the druggist and procured a box, and since that tin% shy nervous system has been in perfect condition, "Be assured, gentlemen that 1 will never be without ltfilbnrnls Heart and Terve Pills for they gave me strength to work and support my mother, Who is an infirm widow and of whom 1 an the only support." Milburnr s T'eart and Nerve Pii1e are Oe per box, or 3 hoses for $1.25, tit all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of Trice by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, oronto, Ont. And lots of. men would never thinksof falling if somebody didn't tempt them. Blue suede shoes are quite emart for street wear when one's costume is dark bine. Rolla may be rewarmed and made crisp and good if placed in a paper bag in a hot oven. Life is made up of anvils and bellows. Some of us get ail the hard knocks while others simply put on airs. Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber• lain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you. when starting on your trip this summer. II1 cannot be obtain- ed on board the trains or steamers Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. And oceasioaally a man etrays from the straight and narrow path for the purpose of picking np a few dollars. A large apron for covering the skirt to be used for bread -making can be made from half a discarded sheet. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER Ca is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved ,Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, Stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and flay Fever. 25c. blower free, Accept no substitutes. All dealers cr Ecrma!tnon, Bates & co., Toronto. Some men pay their bilis with money, and a great many never pay them at all. A poor man hat to spend money to prove that he has it; a rich man does not. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S t CASTO IA We never saw a woman who was in- caned to be bald, but we know n lot of man who are hal;] against their incites' tint, V*1'4iile6Cein fi51?L itrd for a normal 0i8itou prop of 1,400,000 bales, Planta everywhere have a good stand and the cultivation also is good. We do not latigh enough. There is nothing more pleasant to the ear than the merry laugh of a happy, joyous per. son, and nothing drives away gloom end care like a good hearty laugh. Laugh., ter and good humor make a happy,; pleasant home and a cheerful bright home is the greatest 'safeguard against;' the temptations for the young. TJiki WLNtirl 8.1N. TOWS, AUGUST '25, iU1U airs. M, Barrett, 6oa ilorean St., 11.ontreal, says; " Ac horrid rash came out all over my baby's lace and spread until it had totally covered his scalp. It was irritating and painful, and caused the little one hours of suffering, We tried soaps and powders and salves, but he got no better. He refused his food, got quite thin and worn, and was reduced to a very serious condition, I was advised to try Zam-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful how it seemed to cool and ease the child's burning, painful skin. Zatn•Buk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less. Within a few weeks my baby's skin was healed completely. He has now not a trace of .rash, or eruption, or eczema, or burning sore. Not only so, but cured of the tor- menting skin trouble, he has improved in general health," Zam.Buk is sold atoll stores and medicine ven. dors, sot. a box, or post free from Zant•Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 6boxes for $a.5o. 15. certaia cure fur all skin diseases,cuts, burns, etc., and for piles. The best thing for roaches is the Dom• mon bores; just mix the bores with a little sugar and sprinkle it in closets or pantry or wherever they are. „To revive out flowers after packing, plunge the stems into boiling water, and by the time the water is cold the flowers will have revived. Then cut afresh rice ends of the sten s and 1Feep them in fresh cold water, STATE Or OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, Ss. LUDAS COUNTY. S Frank J. Cheney makes oath thlt be is senior rewriter of the firm ot F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said. and that ?aid firth will pay the cum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case that cannot be our• ed by nee of Hall's Catarrh Care. FRANK J, CHENEY. Sworn to before nee and subsoribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886 ' (SEAL.) A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIO, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern• ally, and nota directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists. 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Gas may be saved by remembering that matches are cheap and turning off the gas the moment you no longer need it. By turning off the gas a little before the coo'ring is done, and finishing by the heat already generated. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST®RIA A union of wasberwomen 'has been formed at Orange, N. J., with a mem. berehip of 300. The officers announce that the standard of wages will be raised from $1.25 to $2 a day, and the hours of labor reduced from nine to eight. Dysentery is a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine epidemios of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for children and adults, and when reduoed with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers, Mr. W. F. Bald, B. A., L. L. B., prin. cipal of Port laain High School is to be the,sn coessor of Mr. W. I. Chisholm as publio school inspector for South Bruce. The appointment is made by Warden Crow, his action of course being subject to approval by the County Connell when it next meete in December. Mr. Bald is said to be well qualified for the position. momme•e4 Twitchi g of the eaves Q tt half the world its busy trying 10 separttethe other halt' trate its coins. Lemons le, accordlog to et doctor, to a very good drink for the hot weather, The witole,e telegraph is used in Spain to detect the appioueh of thunder' storms, 13ut it doesn't rain very hard on the. ut'j' st if ht' is roosting under a stolen n:atl,rall+, , h, re's oue thing to be said in favor of summer We have warner friends snort we have in winter, When tide tracks are taken into ao oauut tee U. $. has more railroad ntite- age than Tali the rest of the world. Wash the lamp barrier twice n mouth, esti,,; a lather of warm water, aLualouia ane soap. Rinse and dry. throughly. It you arca troubled with ante try a little quicklime in the iufested places. This will drive away any kind of ante, The (meet line of Chino, about 2,600 utiles, gives about one mile 0f (oast for every 500 miles of area. A Chinese has invented a simple ma• chine. with which a person can make straw braid of fine quality 12 times at rapid as by hand. By putting the end of a candle into ,hos water it would be found to fit any candlestick quite easily without wrap- ping paper round it. OffewegvetD CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON MoKIBBON. To make silk which has been wrink- led appear like new, sponge the' surface with a weak solution of gum arabic, and iron on the wrong side. I, is said that the wick of a lamp if frayed out to about an inch at the end whtoh is immersed, will give a mach brighter and stronger flame. In buying a conch medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is euro to folioiv, Especially recommended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Sold by all dealers. There are 132 "dry" counties, in Ohio and Indiana. Thirty are "dry" in Michigan, and three•fourths of the oonnties of Washington, Oregon and Idaho are also "dry." London's newest music hall Beats 40,009 persons. St. Peter's cathedral in Rome can hold at a pinch 54,000 persons. Miitin cathedral bolds 40,000, S'. Paul's in London has seen 26,000 within its walls. Painful Stitches in The Back. No one but those who are afflicted with tho dreadful 'Kidney. Disease, knows what this means, and you who are eo efii..cted will forget all about it in a few days if you are only wise enough to take FIG PILLS. FIG PILLS are guaranteed to cure you, if not, your money back. 25c. a bps, at all leading drug stores. -•...--.10• Small glasses filled with jelly will prove to be very aooeptable gift( when Ohristmas comes. When making your own supply of jelly, fill a few glasses of different flavors, put into a prettily trimmed basket or box, will make a nine present for an invalid friend. r® Wonderful cora brought about by DR. A. W. CHASE'S NERVE F000 It is only by watching the symptoms of nervous exhaustion and applying restorative treatment that you can ever hip( to ward off loconrotar ataxia and paralysis. Mrs. E. J. Vandorburgh, of Eastern Welland Ave., St. Catherines, Ont., ares:—"For twenty -ono years I was badly afflicted with heart trouble, nery ousness and cramps in tho limbs, also twitching of the nerves and luervolisi 11Ottr1(}aeS. I became week, debilitated! and mandated. My condition was r3?s ,c 1 i ry d I wit' t, tliruu h t an � ' ft Y e i .tri. mail , a .e, g e worry and loss o£ slash., "I tried a litiliatcd remedies in vain. After leaving titled half a doyen boxes of Er, Gracia s Nerve rood my old trou- ble had wntirely vanished, and I was e njoying better health than I had since 1 iohooil.,, Such cases its t1,is prove the wonder• fuI efficiency of Dr'. A. W. Chase's 'Nerve Food. it cures in Xature'5 way by onriching the blood and for this rot - by enriching the blood and its benefits are lasting. 50 els. a box, all dealers, or Edtutinsori, Tlates &/Co., Xoronto. LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand , SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues lrree J. W. Westervelt, J, W, Westervelt, Jr., C.A., Principal. Vice -Principal. TILE RIGHT STUFF Mrs. Clara Taylor, Member of the Sal.. vation, Army, end not long out from England. is at the preset moment liv. Ing in Alta„ with her Yam- fly of five, torubbin:t stores and offices while her husband performs the impro. vement worir cod resident duties re, gnired of hire t,y the (.xovern tient on a homesteari 35. miles out of town. Oa Saturday nights, after the ortitn• ary clays ruu4d of dhruhbiu,t, Mrs. Tay. for walks out to the homestead, 35 miles to take tier tiusbauil a eupply of groper. fes nud spend Sunday with her husband to o mer ha,. exile, The crop, which the Tay owe tueu4t.,s wcnld eaahls teem 10 abandont e s n n crabni it and take up resi. deuce as a family ou the farm this aur umn, is, like most of the Lethbridge diatriot crepe, e complete failure. But long as Mrs, Taylor can aorub there id no danger of the family incoming a "publio charge." There is no reason to euppoR that they will not by next year be very successful farmers; only this year is a year of hard luck. It is a simple little stbry, and probab- ly there are plenty more like it in the crop -failure district. But these are not people at whom Canadians can afford to look askance es hardly worthy to Dome among us, are they?—Montreal Htrad. Fifty Years' Experience of an 410 Nurse, MRs. WINSLow's SOOTHING SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States.and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind polio. By giving health to the child; it rests the mother. Twenty•five cents a bottle. An Easy Job. It isn't hard to win renown as 'having not a friend in town. Just have an ever ready sneer to spring when others' names you hear. And If you hear some fellow praised for deeds that left the village dazed, insist that he's a'felde alatnm; and doing far lees good than harm. If neighbors prosper more than yon, just run them down, the long day through; insist that all their wealth was made by fooling with the board of trade Sap bitter things behind the backs of men who treat you smooth as wax Distrust men's motives and insist that all hearts have a crooked twist, that all are cheats, and out for pelf—all men are frauds—except yourself. And always raise a noisy storm when people speak of a reform, Old ways are always best, yon know, and any progress bene below,. is just the dream of foolish men, and grafters pining for the pen. '• Protest and kink, and sneer and growl, and wear a large relentless scowl, insist the world is on the bum—and folks will hale to see you come.—Walt Meson. Farm Laborers in Germany. German agricultural laborers are pro. hibited by law from striking. Even an attempt at striking is punishable. They are forced to give six months' notice to leave, Their wages range from 90s. to £20 a year, often with bad board and worse lodging. When married, they generally live in a lean•to shed against the cow -house, under frightful condi- tions. The farmer has the right to force the laborer's wife to work, when required, at about 7d. a day. The child- ren also work at harvest tinier, going to school from 5 to 7. a m., if it is not holiday time, and working during the rest of the day. Slays, Swiss and Ital• fan laborer�e are imported, and the con- dition of them is so deployable that the Italian Government decided to bring before the Hague tribunal the harsh way these people were treated, the harsh treatment complained of being the fact that they have no remedy at law if the farmer chooses to break his contract, and if.they complain they are generally deported. "Here General Booth commenced the work of the Salvation Army, July, 1865," ran the inscription on a memorial stone which was laid recently on the spot, on Mile End waste, on which Gen- eral Booth inaugurated the Salvation Army, If yonr liver is sluggish and ont of tone, and yon feel dull, .bilious, and constipated, take a dose of Chamber- lain's Stomach and, Liver Tablets to- night before retiring and yon Will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all dealer, Instead of a hot-water bag, neo a bag of hot talc, i' 41 the salt in a pie plate and bent it in die Mill, iheii pits it into a small bag, or in case of emergency tie loosely in a thin cloth and lay over the afflicted part. Many prefer a hot salt bag to a hot-water bag. the salt may be reheated. Sava old kid gloves for ironing day, Sew a pad made from the left glove on to the palm of the right one, end yott will find your hand is saved !rem be. owning blistered, while the finger! and the back of the hand will be, protected front the soorching Treat, which le ib damaging 10 the akin, Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of. Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Ifill in coupon and send to Dept, J. J, S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STunal0RD, ONT. Name .. r.......:. ,..64.1141.4 Address,..... ............. • Age,..... 'kime Rtip .. #:..... Single or double ........6:4,11.•• Satisfaction guaranteed. "I HONESTLY BELIEVE `FRUIT•A-TIVES' The Groalesi Cure For Rhevmalism In The World" Kyoweerote, Qua,, Oct. teth. Igog. " For litany years, I suffered from severe Rheuuratism, and the attacks were very distressiug and prevented me from doing my ordinary work. I tried many , remedies and physicians' treatments, but nothing seemed to do ine much good, and I was becoming very anxious for fear I would become a permanent cripple from the disease. I tried "fruit-a-tives'y and this medicine has entirely cured me and I honestly believe it is the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world." E. E. MILLS. Such a statement could not be bought from a man like Mr. Mills. He thinks too much of his good name, to sell it or sign it to an untruth. Mr. Kills tried " Fruit-a-tives" after all other treatment failed—and "Fruit-a-tives" cured him of Rheumatism. In the goodness of his heart, he wrote the above letter in order that sufferers in all parts of Canada would know that there is one remedy that actually does cure Rheumatism. This testimonialdwas entirely unsolicited on our part. We did not know that Mr Mills was taking-ttEauit-a-tives'1 until we received the above letter. It is acase like Mr. Mills' that proves the marvellous powersof "Fruit-a-tives" in arresting and curing disease. It may be stated, without fear of contradiction, that "Fruit-a-tives" will positively cure Rheumatism when properly used. "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine in the world made of tfrut juices and is the greatest Rheumatism cure known to modern se nce. Soo. a box, 6 for $2.5o, or trial box, etc. Sold by all dealers or sent, ' postpaid, on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. At the gond old age of 87 yearn, Gerrge McCallum, Boundary West, near Tiverton, joined the Greet Major• ity on Saturday, Aug. 13th, et ter a few days illnest, The deceased, who was highly oeteemed, was weft known throughout Kincardine and Bartle town- ships, and his death will be regretted by a large circle of friends Healing Power a Marvel., So remarkable is the healing power of Dr. Chase's Ointment that the results of a single application are often a rn .rvel to persona who witueus chem for the first time, Mre. C. Hopkins, St. George, Ont., tells how her son was cured of blood poisoning which got started in a wound received at a threshing. Relief was prompt and cure effected by three boxes. On Sunday, August 14th, there passed away at the resideuce of Mr. George McKay, Huron Terrace, Kincardine, Jane Summers, relict of the late Hugh Kay, aged 87 years. Mrs, Kay name to Kinoardine from Ayr, Ont , more than fifty years ago and during her long reel - dance in this ' district, made many frientle who deeply regret her demise. Her husband predeceased her thirty.two years ago, but she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. George McKay, Kin- oardine; Mrs. M. Fitzgerald, Detroit and Mrs. S. Summers, Hamilton. Many a man catches on who doesn't know when to let go. And some people never appreciates a rose until they encounter the thorn. To remove ink stains from linen, place. the marked linen in a saucer of milk, and the following day in water. Most of us would be willing to lay the world at some woman's feet if it wasn't for the fact that other peop'e are using it. Kinoardiue during the last few months has felt the hand of death rather heavi- ly in the passing away of .a number of its leading and old residents. Among them aro Richard Keyworth, Dr. S. Se - cord, James Oaaiey, John MoKenzie, John. Gentles, ' Angus McLeod and G'',rge M. Maokendriok, and everyone of them is missed in hit walk in life Some of them were exceedingly active in the business life of the town, while the others'had played their part in earlier. days. CASTOR 1 A. ,For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ?, ��C Signature of (�ti, 444 • j The Riht Kind of Printing The kind that is neat, attractive up-to-date, here than elsewhere. and costs you no more money the inferior article does Quality Counts in printing as in' other things, and the TIMES is in a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable prices. Try this office' with your next order. • The Times WINGHAIVI ONTARIO