HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-08-25, Page 4THE Dominion Bank HEAD, °UWE: TO,tONTO Capital. Stook (alt paid up) $4.00,000 00 Reserve Fund and Un• divided Prafite , , . , , $5 630,000.00 Deposita by the public, . , $46,000,000 00 Total A nets, over,.,.... $60.500,000.00 BRANCHES AND AGENTS thrQagbOnt Can- ado and the United States, Rumors that De, a A, Macdonald has resigned or intenda'to resign the editor• ehtp of The Globe are wholly without foundation. Mr. Stewart Lyon hoe been appointed assistant Managing edi- tor in sueeesaion to the late Mr. John A. Ewan, Mr. W. Bands, jou, noosed, Mr. Lyon as news editor. Mr. Mgodon old hopes under a contemplated rear- rangement of oihoe affairs to be relieved from ooneiderable detail ot management and to give more time to editorial writ, ing. He may also devote more persopat attention to the study and dlsoaesion of gnesticna ot international interest, and, as in the past, he may take °octagtonal advantage of opportunities to dtrouse these and other questiops on the plat- form ea weak as in the press. Various proposals which would involve the Bev, eranoe of his oonneotion with the Globe he has not entertained. Hie editorial position remains unchanged, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Current Dep sitserece received and 31 00 and upwards., Farmers' sale totes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WISGHA.n1 JoH Streets, John and seph W. R. GEIKIE, MA.N. AGER. R. PANSTONE, Solicitor, TUN WU G1:i4M ',TIMES, AUGUST ,Toy, Breokouridge, gravel and damages, $4 78: John Ansley, gravel, $3 04; John MoNanghton, gravel, $4 02 Mrs Rob:R- eon, gravel, $3 12.; J. H. Smith. grovel and damages, $1,00; E, Orvis, gravel, $3 I8; Ben R,ingler, gravel, $3 15; Chris, Moffatt, gravel, 90o; James Pea000k, gravel, $1,82; Theo, Hall, printing, $20;. S. Vanstone, gravel, $1 44; Mrs Holm• es, gravel, $3 48; Henry Johann, gravel and damages, $2.50; IL Armstrong. damages, $100; B. Longley, gravel, $1,08; D, Eadie, gravel and damages, $2 20; Robt. Leathorn, damages, $1.00; Ohms, Elliott, tile. $13.52.. Meeting adjourned to meet in Clerk's office, Monday, Sept.l9ch, at 10 a,. m. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872 Tilt WINfIIIAM TIMES. H. B.ELL1oTT, PIIBLI8UE11. ANPPROPRXETOP THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 1910 EDITORIAL NOTES. Deposits on "notice" in the Canadian banks are $72,000,000 more than they were a year ago. The 3niy bank statement shows that the banks oontinued to increase their loans in that month. Young men on the farm, at the thres- hold of life, who hear only of the enc. cessee attained in cities. do not know the prioe that in the majority of oases is paid for the same. There are no millionaires on the farm, bat there is usually it competence, and a green old age in which to enjoy it, together with the comforts and pleasures of real home life from the beginning to the end. - Weekly San. During the first four months of the current fiscal year ending Jaly 31, Can- ada's total trade amounted to $232,630, 260, more than the trade during the some period a year ago. The total a. mount of domestic imports and exports alone daring the same time was $224, 274,691, a betterment of $39 084,194. The value of merchandise imported for consumption during the four months to- talled $143,322,043, a betterment of $31, 530,301, and domestic produce was ex- ported to the value of $80,952,578, an in- crease of ;7,5553,883. The sixth annual estimate of the crop in the three western Provinces was pub- lished by the Manitoba Free Press on Tuesday, tplaotng the wheat yield of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at 101,236,418 bashele,d.ivided by Provin- ces as follows: Manitoba, 28,660,616 bushels; Saskatchewan, 65,250,000; Al- berta spring, 5,370,041, winter, 1,955,- 784. The oat crop for the three Provin. nes is placed at 108,301,000 bushels; barley, 7,130,770 bushels, and flax, 7,- 729,150 bushel!. When the very light rainfall and other eooentrioities of the Beason are taken into account, it seems nothing short of marvellous that the Canadian west should produce snob crops, wheat being leas than eighteen million bushels short of last year. The census and ststieties branch ot • the Government estimate that on March 31, when the fisoal year closed, Canada had a population of 7,489,781, it being estimated that there was a growth of 305,000 over the year previous In de tail the department estimates the pops• laden as follows, the three Maritime ?mincer' being grouped in the Wools. tion: Maritime Provinces, 1,060,678; Quebec, 2,134,034; Ontario, 2,687.861; Manitoba, 496 111; Saskatchewan, 377,- 520; Alberta, 821,862; British Columbia, 321,733. Unorganized territories,. 59,- 053g Immigration tt not shown by pro. Viccee, 10,862. These calculations in- dioate that the census whioh will be taken in Jant next will show Canada to have a population of between eight and nine mations, CHURCH NOTES. By a vote of 21 to 15 the itinerary committee of the Methodist General Conference declared. Thursday for an eight'year term for pastors, ineltead of four years, on condition that the various quarterly official boards approve, and then affirmed by the conference as a whole. It is freely predicted that this will be done, The committee of the Methodist Gen- eral Conference at Victoria, B. 0., ap- proved of the basis of Church union by a large majority. Rev. Mr. Tibb, who has been supply- ing for Rev, Mr. Amos, in the Atwood. Presbyterian Church has reoeived and accepted a 0311 as pastor of the Presby- terian Church at Glammas. IIORR'S. Mies S. Scott of Philadelphia, ie a wel- come visitor at the parental home, 2nd line. Mrs, Addison, of Wingham, is lying seriously ill at the home of her daught- er, Mrs. W. 11. Fraser, let line. We hope for her speedy recovery, Dr. Perdue of Philadelphia, formerly of the 2nd line, and whom we stated last week was ill, still lies in a critical condi- tion. We trust soon to hear of a change for the better. La:t week Mrs Wm. Clark and fam- ily removdd to Deloraine, Man., where they purpose making their home. The late Mr. Clark was the well known Township Clerk of Morris. FALL FAIR DATES. Wingham, .,,., Sept. 29 30 Atwood Oot. 2.3 Blyth,.., .... Brussels Dungannon . ......... ...Oat. 6.7 Ford wich Oat. 1 Goderioh Sept. 19 20.21 Harriston, , - Sept, 29 30 Kincardine ........... ..Sept. 21.22 Listowel Sept. 20.21 London . , . , Sept. 9.17 Lncknow Sept. 22.23 Mildmay , - . , Sept. 26 27 Ripley ..Sept.27.28 Seaforth .......... Sept. 22.23 Teeawater ....................Oot. 5.6 Tiverton Oot. 4 Walkerton.. .• Sept. 15.16 Some July Contrasts On the milk record sheets received at the Dairy Division, Ottawa from mem- bers of cow testing associations there are found some yields of milk and butter fat for July; for instance, in the Bertie, a,sooiation one oow that freshened in May gave 1320 pounds of milk, test• ing 40 per pent of fat, equal to 52.8 pounds of fat. One herd of 17 oowe at Glanworth, Ont., has an average of 926 pounds of milk, the herd inoluding 6 two.year-olds. Some cows in this herd. have given 4840 pounds of milk in 4 months. At Cassel, Ont., 183 cows 858 pounds of milk, 3.6 test, 28.3 pounds of fat. The records of many individual cows in these and other aseooiatione show a yield of barely 650 pounds of milk and 22 pounds of fat, or less than half of many good yields. Dairy farmers, it is not dif 3ult for Oot. 4 5 .Oat. 6.7 With regret we are called upon to re- oord the demise of Esther Jane MoCnt• oheou, beloved wife of Hugh Forsyth, of Frobisher, Seek., formerly, of the 6th line of Morris who paid Nature's debt Thursday, Aug, llth, after an illness of two or three months, aged. about 65 years. She was a daughter of the late John MoOnteheon and went west with her husband 10 years ago. Two sons (Jno. and Hugh) and a daughter (Mrs. Ed, O'Brien, all of Frobisher enrapive. Mrs. Forsyth was an excellent type of womanhood and was beloved by a wide circle of relatives and friends who will deeply sympathize with the bereaved in their sorrow. Frank McCntnheon, a well known resident of the 6th line, is a brother to the late "Ire. Forsyth. TURNBERRY.. Minutes of council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, Aug. 220. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Kelly and Wheeler. A communication was read from D. Holmes. solicitor, re $50.00 damage to Robt. Beattie's horse and baggy, caused by obstruction on boundary line, Turn - berry and Morrie. Moved by Mr,, Mulvey, seconded by Mr. Rutherford, that the whole council be appointed a• committee to enquire into the aooident to R. Beattie's horse and buggy and take what notion may be found necessary. - Carried. A communication from Jap. A. Bell, Civil Engineer, St Thomas, re strain sheet to bridge on 6th line. Moved by Mr. Mulvey, seconded by Mr. Rutherford, that the clerk be in, atructed to forward to A Hill & Co,, Mitchell, bridge contractors, a copy of the engineer's report re strain sheets of bridge and also state that the contrac- tors will finish abutments this week and that we will expect that he will at onoe go on and continue to completion the erection of the steel work and that we are requiring as early as possible the timber from the old bridge to repair an. other bridge that requires immediate repairs, and also that he will make arrangements to keep both lights burn. ing at endo of bridge after this week. - Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, eedonded by Mr, Wheeler, that Mr. Duff erect a tempor- ary foot bridge on 6th line where new bridge is being erected.-Oarried. A communication was laid before oonnoll tram Ernesett, Morris'and Grey Telephone 00, re oolleottond ot assess. meets by the Township for said Ooy.--- Laid oter, The following aoconntt were padded and ohequee issued:-Muniolpal World, rill,. guide and postage, $1.85; John King, gravel and damaged, $6 88; Robt. • Anderson, gravel and damagef, 618.70; S 'EMULSION is the only emulsion ilei. tared. The reason is plain-, it's the best. Insist upon )laving Scott's it's the world's standard flesh and 'strength builder. AIL toltttGC1ST GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. ADDITIONAL FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS. August 30 and Septert�her 6. To certain pointe in Saskatohewan, inolu on Grand Trnpk " dian Norther Dago, Dalnth anitoba, and ng many points `cifio and Cana- ailways, via Chi- d Fort Frances. $10.00 $18.00 GOING Additional From all stations, Kingston, Ren- frew, and west in Ontario, Full partioulare and ticket, from G. Lamont, ,depot agent or address to, J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. 191Q Do you experience diliiculty n handling your own personal anau• cos? Do you not sometimes wish that you had a few dollars in the Bank to fall back upon? Deposit one dollar in the Bank of Hamilton to day --a small sum, but large enough, to bear interest; and It wilt speedily accumulate more, once you have commenced to save, WINGHAM BRANCH Agent. C. P. Smith Don't Miss It. The third and best big three hour Window Sale THE FALL QUARTERLY 14 STYLE BOOK 1 Saturday Night, August 27th FROM 7 TO 10 O'C CK, AT' W. G. PATTERS N'S Jewellery Store WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS FOBS, LOCKETS, RINGS, BROACHES, CUFF LINKS, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, etc., all at half price and below Canadiw ational IExhibition TORONTO Return Rates from Wingham $3.65 DAILY Aug.so Sept.a DAILY Ang. 27 to Spt. 10 All tiokete good to return Sept. 13 $2.70 Aug. 30 and Sept, 1, 6, 8. Ask for Official Programme Contains list of daily events at the Fair. Special rates and train service from all stations. J. H. BEEMER, Agent,, Wingham. W. G. PATTERSON THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR you to make three very simple deduc- tions from these remarkable contrasts. First: there are still plenty of cows kept for milk production that are not worthy the name of dairy cows. Second: scor- es of dairy farmers are gettipg excellent records from selected herds. Third: re- cords alone do not increase the yield of milk and butter,there must bo . intelli- gent selection of good cows based on the lessons that individual records teach. Peas ...•..... 0 68 to 0 68 Butter dairy „, ........ 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs per dos 0 16 to 0 17 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton i. 6 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 1 00 to 1 00 Lard •, ..,. .. 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per owt. 9 25 to 9 25 Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Aug. 23. -City Cattle Mar- ket -Receipts today were 60 loads, with 1 200 head of cattle, 641 sheep and lambs, 300 hogs, and 72 calves. Trade was good. the light receipts giving a firm tone to the market at yesterday's ad- vance of 15c to 20o over last week's prides for good butcher oatite. A con- signment of North-West cattle, weigh- ing from 800 to 1,200 lbs., and consisting of nine to ten loads, was bought as beef cattle for the local botcher trade at $5.00, considered a very good prioe for Westerners, and much higher than the same class of cattle brought a week ago. The following are tnS q of one: Exporters' cattle- Per 100$6 25 5 25 25 Choice $6 00 Medium 4 5 5 75 Lulls 5 75 6 00 00 Light Cows 4 50 5 00 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up - 0 -0 4 25 3 75 • wards Stockers choice " bulls Butchers'- Picked Medium. ()owe.. .. • • ....... 5 25 5 00 3 50 Bulls 4 QO Hogs- 8 75 8 LigBesthts. 75 40 Sheep- 4 4 25 Export ewes 2 Bucks 33 00 50 Culls......:, Spring Lambe each.. 6 50 50 Calves. eaoh:..... 5 00 4 75 4 00 5 75 5 25 5 25 4 50 A. ' E. SMITH BANKER 4 50 400 3 25 7 00 7 60 WINGHAaI, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms. Notes dieoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going, WINOHAMMARKET REYORTS Wingham, Aug. 17th, 1910. Plot r per 100 Ibe .... 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ...... ....... 0 95 to 1 00 Oats 0 35 to 0 40 Barley .... ..... 0 45 10 0 48 70 Years with Coughs We .have had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great con- fidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise you wisely. Keep in close touchwith your family physician, No alcohol in this cough medicine. j.G Ager Co., Lowell, Man. Be woo* strong. You cannot if your bowels constipated. The best laxative Is Ayers j'mnst', all vegetable: Ask Your doctor ifthe agrees with us. 1)0 as he says. • C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Illustrating Ladies` Home Journal Patterns.. It is the most helpful and complete fashion author- ity ever puplished at any price. Special pages of special patterns for special purposes." All the newest styles for every one -price including a Free Pattern 2oc. Ladies' Home Journal -next issue Aug. 24, to be issued every two weeks, subscribe now, an- other issue on Sept. 9. Intensely interesting. Home Journal Patterns -the simplest and yet the most helpful and fashionable patterns on sale, styles for all, from Baby to Grandma. We are the SOLE AGENTS in Wingham, Preserving Time. House -keepers -buy the Redpath brand, the there sugar with a name, a guaranteed isn't any other kind "quite so good" ' Big discount on White Waists, Hats Caps and Clothing. "Money saved is money earned," Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars, wide top pints, extra quality in gem rubbers. Jelly Tumblers, screw top, 6oc doz. Jelly Glasses, metal top, 4oc doz. FARMERS. -We pay the best prices for Butter and Eggs. Bring along your Ripe Tomatoes. BIRD KERR "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE" 1 i oMoA+o0oo0c Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Offioe over Malcolm's Grooery. SHOOTING THE RAPIDS TO MbNTREAL Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" leave Toronto at 8.00 p. m. daily. Spa. offal rates from Toronto to: Thousand Islands and return.. • $12 60 50 Montreal dad return ,,..• Quebec and return:. ...... 33 50 Saguenay and return............ 46 50 Meals and berth are included on above rates. STEAMER "RELLEVILLE". Leaved Hamilton at 12 00 noon and Toronto at 7.80 p.m. every Tuesday for Bey of Qninte, Montreal and intermed. iate porn. Special rates for Bingle and tatting tickets including meals and berth. For. folders, rated, oto., apply to H, FOSTEt CHAFEToro, Ont.pA BigClearing) Sale Going Out of Business A few months ago I told you I was going out. of Men's Furnishings and that I 'was going to clear ° them out at unheard of prices, which I did. Now I am going out of the Tailoring Business as well, and I am going to sell you my entire stock of Woollens at rediculously low prices. The stock consists of $2000.00 worth of Suitings in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, English and Irish Wor- steds, Serges, Vicunas and Cheviots, in all the newest designs, ranging in price from $2.25 to $12.00 per suit length. (Suitable also for Ladies' Ulsters.) Overc ratings and Ulsterings in Beavers, Miltons, Frieze, Cheviots, Whipcord in black and fancy, ranging in price from $2.00 to $12.00 per over- coat length. Trousings in Tweeds and Worsteds, at from $i.00 to $3.75 per pant length. If you want your goods made up right away we will make all we sell at a reduction. Come along, you have to see the goods to know the values. If you are not in need of clothes just now, buy your goods and save the price of another suit. Robert. Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR. FOR SALE A first-class 2' story Brick House on corner lot, 9 rooms, 4 down stairs, 4 bedrooms and bath- room upstairs, heated by furnace, electric „lights, hot and cold water upstairs and down, closet inside, town water in kitchen, fire place, cement cellar and a good Karn on lot, Apply to ROBERT MAXWELL.