HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-08-25, Page 1• WINGHAM VOL. XXXIX,--NQ. 20 i WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 25 1910, $1, A. YEAR IN ADVANCE THE REXAIL RHEUMATISM CURE '['or Rheumatism only. This does not cost you one cent unless it does good,. We cheerfully re• fund, money, KODAKS AND CAMERAS to rent 25c per day. Walton Mckihhon THE DRUGGIST no 0)2..41 Store Macdonald Blook, Wingham. CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON PHONE 101, **********************•••• t ♦ INSTRUCTION + 4 ON THE 4.LVIOLIN .• ♦ -BY + 4. ♦♦ H. E. PIKE, L. $.. c. Br. ♦• • + Louglleei'S Boarding House, 4' ♦Minnie Street, WINGHAM, Ont. 4 t 739RNa ON Ai'PLTOATXON. • • i♦♦N ♦ A♦+♦NDN+♦ 44 ♦+♦ ♦ ♦++ • Wear Greer's Shoes and' Rubbers Excursic Arrangements b the scale of tickets school esonreian to & Co's boot and can be secured any (Thursday) and fro on Friday mornint ets sadly. Wingham Business CoIIee1 • Tickets ve been made for or Friday's Sunday inoardine.at Willis shoe store. Tickets time during today 7.30 to 8 30 o'clock Secure your tick. Fresh fish every weekend, at T. FELLS' butcher shop. Special Cou A epeoial meeting oil was held 013 M all the members pr question of the a paid V. R. Vanno the Commission, work of re -buil The Council afte Bion, deoided to t matter. Is a link in Canada's Great- est Chain of High - Grade Colleges founded duringthe past twenty six years. This chain is the largest train- ers of young people in Canada and it is freely admitted that its graduates get the best posi- tions. There 'is a reason; write for it. A diploma from the Commercial Educators' Assoeiation of Canada is a passport to success. You may study partly at home and finish at the College, Aug. 29th 1 I Fall Term Opens g WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE Enter any day. oil Meeting. of the Town Conn. nday evening with sent, to consider the not of salary to be tan as Chairman of s Inspector on the ng the lower dam. considerable discus• eke no action in the Sewing wanted— Get TIDIES OFFICE, Read Willis & Co.'s Adv. on page 8. H Loses is s Neil Campbell, e Township, while tbreehin.r meohin hand chopped off hinney, Two yeai was amputated in a sawing maohine. particulars at Wingha The Dirertors of cultural Society a effort to make on September 29th best ever held in tl be an excellent list and a high class c of September 30t papers and small b lays. Copies of pri at the Times Oflice CHAS. W. BViLNS, - Priuolpal. GEO. SPOTTON, - President. �'sGrocery Christie PHONE 59. look Out for Tomatoes and Peaches Quality Right. PricesRight Genuine Bargains in all lines of Chinaware. China sold only for cash, Only Hand farmer, of Ashfield working around on Monday had hie y the revolving moo• a ago hie other hand similar manner by WANTED. --A good general servant girl. Apply at TIDIES Office. Capt. Gundr Last week the d upon Capt, W. H necessary to ampu had been giving hi and the operation w the knee. The coed' has since improved e trouble in the d oerte the Captain's ohildh from a horse struck friends, and the milit espeoially, have bee tor news of the pati be pleased to learn t week are quite f Signal. 's Condition. °tors in attendance Gundry found it to the leg whioh so much trouble, s performed above ion of the patient very much. The limb dates. from od, when a kiok him. His many ry men of Huron waiting anxiously nt, and they will at the reports this vorable.—Goderioh 's Fall Fair the Turnberry Agri - putting forth every ingham's tall fair f the h and 30th, one o e town. There will 1 special attractions cert on the evening Watch the, local le for full partiou- e lists can be obtain. Wagons for sale. Apply to Gum', Limited. Send along you orders for. VINEGAR AND SPICES We've the right kinds. WE SELL TO PLEASE. Canadian Nat Return tickets issued via Grand '1 tem from all atation Cornwall and Otte gust 27th to Sept Canadian National Return limit Sept low rates will alto days. Full partio any Grand Trunk All our groceries are bought oir . quality basis ,and this class til • wayg'g1veB Batisfaetien. The Tea and Coffee Store nae Exhibition. Roadw For the past South of Wingha travel owing; to t new bridge. W had completed a roadway is again This will be a gr many people who Set of single bar a and buggy for sale oheap. Apply DAMS. ingle fare will be unk Railway Sys - in Canada west of ;va, good going Au - 10th inclusive, for 3xhibition, Toronto. 13th, 1910. Special e 113 effect on certain ars and tickets from gent. Prospering in the West. The editor of t letter on Monde Elliott, late of yard and who is n toon, Sask. and is facture of brink hear that Mr. Elll West. He expe half million of says he would be for many more them. Saskatoo place of 7,000 pe and 14,000 poo dated there a' 1, Buildings are:bei hers end everyv prosperity. The district are a ver np to those of lac 'Big bargains in ladies and ohildrens slippers and oxfords at W. J. GREER's clearing sale. Excursion The Wingbam Si e len Committee he with the Brussels with them for a jot oardine on Friday 26th. The spec Wingham at 8.45 adults is 70 cents a In connection w Holmes has deola Holiday for the to mit of many of on ing the day at t Holiday will be ob Lncknow on the Wearers large oro nd Holiday Delay School Ham.. made arrangements Committee to join t excursion to Kin - this week, August al train will leave m. and the fare for d for children, 35o. th the above, Mayor ed Friday as Civic vn and this will per - townspeople spend - lake town. Civic erved at Brunie and ime date and this will vd for the excursion Cow TO EXCHANGE.—A good Jersey Grade Cow to exchange for Holstein, or other heavier milker. Apply to L. W. HANSOM, National Hotel, Wingham. Deathbf J There passed a Tnursday last, after an illness o ceased was born eight years ego a the trade of js with his paren where he;,wits e business for a n lie moved to Pal the Berne basin sine early ma of the Methodi took an active in Churehjwork an man, held in the large circle of ww, ido nee Mist Listowel, one dol will have the pyre in their afflict{on. day afternoon r Servide was he church at Paln Made in Fairview cemetery 'at Listowel. d er viewc I B. The y f f Mr, IL7 Doe D e n ea ee dw as a n a er no onit Mr day t d d Mr, an4f the �s a ndlid, fth 11 tot to , Elliott, Elliott attended the funeral. made until thi y is Open. eek the gravel road: was closed to public e work of building a rden Irwin has now aviation road and the open to public. trayel • t convenience to the se thie road. Keep your eye W G. Patterson's window for Sato ay night. Thomas Mr. Thom, Roc was suddenly ki was driving a t whioh was a colt time. The wag° Mr. Rockey,oausi at one timere aid was a brother of Kincardine, forme Rookey was born Thomas and we was 58 years old e Trues received a from Mr. W. H. he Glenannan brick - w located at Saeka- ngaged in the menu - We are pleased to itt is prospering in the is to make one and a �riok this season and ably to find ready sale were he able to make has grown from a ple to between 13,000 e since Mr, Elliott lo• tle over a year ago. g built in large num- bere the plane shows rope in the Saskatoon fair average, but not year. ockey;•i<i I led. ey, of Killarney, Man. ed 013 July 8th. He in of horses, one of hitched for the first overturned and fell 013 his death. Deceased d in Wingham and Mrs, A, Ireland, of ly of Wingham. Mr. at Aylmer, near St. t West in 1881. He d unmarried, WANTED—An apprentice or an im- prover. Apply to E. C. White, Tailor. The school children need the best of shoes. Try our Sohool Shoes. W. J. GREEK. A Count= There was cons".+ town on account twenty-five oent pi leged to be counter on what is known the coin is next the oiroomferenoe as the ereign's head, and coins looked new, counterfeit idea. Th of the crowns referre the entire issue of t mint. With the sig tain, that is the olde on the tail aide ie ne of the oiroamferenc Fatal Acc Last Friday a 5, McGowan, G. McGowan, o East Wawanes{ The young lad teenth year, we the harvest and driving to the ran away and thrown from tb The horaes ran the wagon g against the treee� nate young la' grain rank. bright active 31, bighest esteem death cast a glc The bereaved sympathy of a their sad and st funeral on Sun largely attended, felt Alarm. arable alarm about f the prevalence of Des whioh were al- eit. That the orown the "tail" side of same point on the orown on the soo- the fact that the helped along the relative position to is peculiar to e new Canadian r minted in Bri- ootna, the orown t the reverse point mes Vanstone, ay at Palmerston 013 r. James Vanstone several months. De. t Exeter nearly fifty - d early in life learned eller and in company e, moved to Listowel gaged in the jewellery mbar of years. Later erston and engaged in es. Mr. Vanstone had hood been a member t Church and always erest in all branohee of was a truly Christian bigheet esteem by his rienda, He leaves a Entine Tremain, of and daughter, who athy of many friends The funeral on Sun. as largely attynded. in ,the Methodist retOn and interment Our Splendid School Shoes at $1 25, $1.50, and ,$2.b0. Out down the Shoe bills in every family where they are worn. W. J. GREER. Drowning John Walton , Ni year old son of Nicholson, w as dro river on Monday. been missed from o'clock on Monda the afternoon his ions and' diligent Mr. W. J. Howson, ported that the boy about 11.30 o'olo This information evening and it was been drowned. T dam was searched with no result. E ing the body was several feet bolo thought Walton h the apron of the da boards info the d was very careful ar recently spent some and every day was { at the lake. To Mr son and family is e sympathy of the their thio of Amide funeral took place noon to the Wing tier Kennedy 001 Crown Attorney and it was decide Accident. holson, the twelve r, and Mrs. Wm. fled in the Maitland he little fellow had it home about ten morning. During rents became anx- earch was started. of the flour mill re- ad been iii the mill in the morning. as secured in the hen thougnt he had e river below the during the evening rly Tuesday morn - found in the water the dam; It is d been playing on and slipped off the p water, • The lad tend the water and time in Kincardine dangerous ground and Mrs, Nichol• tended the sinoere ornmtfnity in this bereavement. Tha n Wednesday after.. in cemetery, Coro• salted with County ()aerials r G odei eager, of to hold an inquest, he remains on Tues. d an adjournment was (Thursday) afternoon. ent Near Blyth, SOWLINOi T. URNAMENT a e Thty 'a er ow li b the best in the hist Fowling Club, T bring twenty-two points and nine ri err, The weather Play was starte o'clock 011 Wedn continued until ing. There we games and in s had to be pleye who would be th the management hand have been work. Mr. J. A after the work o booking the reoo and an is always best of satisfac match, Mr, J, B. won the first priz with L. W. Hans winners of the s hand -painted sale ooiation watobes, won the first prize oak card tables a rink won seoond °looks. In the C Allin's Luoknow four oak rockers erioh rink secon zine stands. g tournament ,name nt was ry of the Wingbein ere was a good entry, rinks from outside s made of local play was the very best. ebortly after two &day afternoon and ate on Friday even- e' many interesting me oases extra ends in order to deoide winners. Those having f the tournament in ell rewarded for their Morton again looked making the draw and d of games played, eto., he ogee gave the very ion. In the trophy ' cover a Clinton rink of our Morris chairs 'e Wingham rink as coed prizes of four dishes. In the Ass- , Ross' Brussels rink of four quarter out Mr. Iunea' Ripley rize of four mantle naolation series W. ink won first prize of d J. B. Doyle's God; prize of four maga- ernoon, Miss Margaret nghter of Mr. Robt. the 2nd concession of was instantly killed. r, who was in her seven- s. assisting her father in was on a load of grain, barn, when the horses Mies McGowan was load to the whiffletrees. nto a tree and parted, ing with great force and pinned the unfortn- y between the tree and les McGowan was a nag lady, held in the and her' very sudden m over the community. elatives will have the rge oirole of friends in den bereavement. The ay afternopu was very $1,000.00 exche gecjd'for $500 00 in three hours on Saay night at W. G. Patterson's jew ry store. Another This district h number of sever: early Monday m• and some damag: the Exchange ho• some few trees looal telephones for a short time Telephone Oo's 1' put out of oo• Huron Telepone ate in this storm storms as only o put out of wor lightning was th eral barns. The & Son, 13th eon completely dest stand that ant ger's thorough were burned. Wawanosh lost Grant, of the 11 In the Sootoh twelve entries an H. H. Chisholm Southampton as berry bowls and Crawford, of W two hammered Below will be ers in the differ are not given, b ing rinks in all of the column. Troph Winner. Port Elgin. Jae. Kennedy. C. McPherson. R. C Crawford. Dr. Veitoh, sk. Clinton. A. J, Grigg. P. Town. Geo. B trife, Bk. Kincardine, R. J. Stewart A. McDonald. R. Ross J. D. Miller, sk. Arthur. A, G Stephens° J M. Small. J K. Kearns. A. M. Howson, s Wingham. W. R. Geike. A. E. Smith, D Davies. A. Porter, ale Wingham. K. Rae. C. G. Vanstone. W. Forbes. W. Holmes, sk. Wingham. Rev. E. H. Oroly. Dr. Price, B. Cochrane, L Kennedy, ak. Wingham. C. A Rintoul, T. King. R. Clegg, L. W. Hanson, sir, Teeswater. Adam MoKay. S. R. Brill. Ed. Stewart. J. Farquharson, e Southampton. T. Bell. . Shilling. H H. Chisholm. B McAuley, sk. Teeswater. D. McIntosh, John MoKague, R Chapman. D. Ferguson, sk. Clinton. John Watt. John Wiseman. Jacob Taylor, J. B. Hoover, sk. Goderioh. O. A. Nairn. Dr. Herald. F. J. Butiand. J. B Doyle, sk. Ripley. J. H. Chapman. H. Davis. ' R. J. Graham, D. A, McInnes, sk. Mitchell. T. S. Ford. W. R. Cole. L. Downey, T. 0, Hord, ek, Trophy --I ectric Storm, s been visited by a electrical storms and ning we had another ie recorded. A pig at :1 stable was killed and ere shattered, Some ere put-out of business nd two of the Bell ng distance lines were mission. The North So. were more fortun- than in some former e line was temporary . In this distriot the cause of burning sev- barn of Wm. Granger ession of Hallett was oyed and we under. .. ber of Messrs. Gran - red Shorthorn cattle m. Thompson of West is barn and also Peter h concession of Culross. $1,000.00 worth W. G. Pattered for $500 00 in th night. f of ne jewellery in window to be sold ee hours on Saturday For 1911 E The following ar or examinations i High School Ent --Seleotions for in Reader, IV (new) p. 1; Canada, p. 3 61; Afton Water England, p. 154; T p. 158; The Spaeio Ooean, p. 216; The Waterfowl, p. 877' 305, Roman Ca —The Barefoot Bo ed Village, p, 30; the Angel, p• 51; S ep by Step, p• 88; The Heritage, p. 1 0; Ye Mariners o England, p. 161; T Waterfowl, p. 174 A Day in June, p. 305; Tho Bells o Shannon, R' 830. Pubiio School tore: Scott, The aminations. the prescribed texts 1911: fume examination. morization : Ontario The Children's Song, ; Ancient Mariner, 109; Ye Mariners of e Belle of Shannon, s Firmament, p 205; Skylark, p.•372; To a Viiia Lampada, p. hello Reader, IV. , p. 24; The DesPrt- bon l3 en Adam and Trophy—Se and Round, Port Elgin, Arthur. Veitoh, sk. Hoween, sk. Wingham. Wingham, L W Hanson, sk. A Porter, ek, Southampton, Teeswater, McAuley, sk, Farquharegn, sir. Clinton, Ripley. Hoover, sk, Melones, sk. Trophy— eon Final. Port Elgin.. Veitoh, sk. Southampton, 34°Aulay, ek. Doubles there were prizes were won by nd B. MoAnohy, of ret witb two cut glass , Cochrane and A. M. ngham, seoond, with ass jardiniere. ound a list of the play• t events. The scores t the name of the whit -l- ees appears to the left Wingham. L, W. Hanson, sk. Clinton, Hoover, sk, Troph —Final. Wingham. Hanson, ek, First Round. Wingham. Vanstone, ak. Wingham. Crawford, sk. Mohawk. P. Cantelon, sk, Orangeville. Ritohie, ek. Lnoknow. McGarry, sk. Wingham. D Holmes sk. Wingham. Musgrove, ak. Grand Valley. J. J. Reith, sk, Wingham. W. Holmes, ak. Wingham. L Kennedy, ale. Teeswater. Ferguson. on), bye, Association Second Round. Goderioh. Dr. Hunter, sk. Godericb. Mechlin, sk. Mitchell. Dr. Burritt, sk. Teeswater. rink, sk. Kincardine. ilier, sk. London. Orr, all. rthnr. weon. sk. r e . eeate w rquharson, sk. Clinton. Hoover; ek. Association Goderioh. Hunter, ak. Brussels. D. 0, Ross, ek. Luoknow, Algin, sk. Goderioh. Dr. Macklin, sk Mitchell. Dr, Bnrritt, ek. Wingham. Porter, at. Teeswater. Brink, sk. Clinton. G. Barge, ak. Kincardine. J. D. Miller, sk, Mitchell. Hord, sk. Goderioh. J. Doyle, sk. J. W. Orr (Lon Priliminary. From. Wingham. E 'Walsh. O. Dallas. R Allen. "};t,. :Vanstone, ek. Goderioh. R. McLean. F, H. Holmes. Jas. Tigert. Dr. Hunter, sk. Brussele. A. Straohan. J. H. Cameron. R. F. Downing. D 0. Ross, ak. Wingham. D. Bell. C. P. Smith. Jos Stalker. A.M,CraWford,bk. Luoknow. R. Johnston. "'G. H Smith. T. Watson. W. Algin, sk, Mohawk. G. H. Cook . T. Watson. W. R. Madill. P E. Cantelon, ak. Goderioh. N. Lewis. F. Doty. Jno. Prondfoot. Dr. Macklin. sk. Orangeville. Dr. Meek. W. N. Green. Geo. Beswiok. F. W. Ritohie, ak Mitchell. Dr, McGill. Wm. Elliott. G. E. Sawyer, Dr, Burritt, ek. Wingham. J. W. Hewer. W. A. Campbell. Dr. Irwin. D Holmes, ak. Wingham. F. J. Hind. J Waeon. E, Nosh. D. 13 Porter, air. Teeswater. John McLean. G. H. Hasenfiug. Hugh MoDonald. L A. Brink, sk. Wingham. L. Hinkley. J. W Gibson. O. N. Griffin. A. H, Mnegrove, sk. Grand Valley. W. Johnston. T. Simpson. W. MoOlenuon, J. J. Reith, alt. Lncknow. W Taylor. J Blanie, W. Horn. J. McGarry, ale, Drat Round, Graduation--Litera• ady of the Lake. Dr. Espy of "Si the residence of a din and 'shot by 1 l u his ante -mor i was deliberate, 1 was an ncoident, Brussels. D. C. Roos, ek. Luoknow. Algin, ak. Wingham, D. B. Porter, ak. Clinton. G. Barge, ek. •Mitchell. Ford, sk. Goderioh. J. Doyle, sk. Wingham. A. Porter, sk. Ripley. McInnis, ek. F' ARBooiat{on—Thi•d Round. ort Elgin. V • tch, sk. • noknow, Algin, ale. Linton. Barge, ek. Mitchell. ord, ek. Wingham. A. Porter. alt. nrth Round. on), bye. rnasele. D. 0 Roes. Ripley. Melones. re was summoned to pd tientta tanned Bion. die anan. The doctor ' iatate Tont estd it o nt Bl nd in claims it Port Bigin, Veitoh, ek. Arthur. Howson, alt. Wingham A Potter, alt. Wingham. L. W. Hanson, alt. Teeswater. Farquharson, ak. Southampton. . McAuley, alt. Clinton, Keever, etc. Ripley. MoInnee, ek, J Sonthamton, MoAnley, sk. Brussels. D C Roes, ek. Wingham, D. B. Porter, ek. Goderioh. J. Doyle, ek. Ripley. McInnes, alt. Minton, Barge Bk. Kincardine. Miller, ek. WinghQm. W. 'Holmes, ek, Winitham, Kennedy. ak, Mitchell, Hord, ek. Teeawater. u Ferg eon, ek. Goderioh. J Doyle, . alt. Lonon. J. W. Orr, ek, Association —F McAuley (Smiths Wingham. D. R. Porter. Goderioh, J. Doyle. Association Semi-finals. eels), bye. Southampton. MoAalay. on—Finals. Ripley. McInnes. —First Round. D. C. Roue (Bru Ripley. McInnes. Aseociat Brussels. D. Roes. Coneolatio Wingham. R. Vanstone, ak. Orangeville. F. Ritobie, ek. Wingham. D. Holmes, sk. Wingham. Musgrove, sk. Wingham W. Holmes. sk. Ferguson (Tees Conaolatio Orangeville. Ritchie, ek. Wingham. D. Holmes, ek. Teeswater. Ferguson. ek, Goderioh. Hunter, all. Brink (Teeswa ritt (Mitchell). Kincardine. Miller, ak. Arthur. Howson, sk, The Pickling Season. The pickling season is now on and to have the best pioklee it is very important that the BEST vinegars should be used. P set opened f ver We have j G wo I1na o y special quality, ova a pure 3 X malt, one year old vinegar, the ntbera pure older vinegar two years old, thus insuring pot em ripeness, only strength, richness and ripe es , bnt. absolute safety. Yon will find our pipe very reasonable. D. M. GORDON. LAND FOR SALE. Quarter section of land in Saskatche- wan, twenty acres broken, thirty acres fended, five aores bash, email house and &table, good water, 0, N GRIFFIN, Real Estate Agent. Wingham, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on bis premises, lot 41, concession 13, East Wawanash, a thoroughbred Here- ford Bull. Terme, — $100, payable at time of ser- vice. W. J, CURRIE, Wingham. WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL. Having contracted for Bran, Shorts, Flour, Feed, etc,, to be shipped in oar lots, I will be able to supply these at all times in any quantities. Also all kinds of Chop for Bale in targe or email quan- tities. I will exchange Floor for Wheat on the Usual termor. Mark et prices paid for all kindsofgrain. EZRA MEaxLEii Proprietor. Wingham. Crawford, ek. Mohawk. P Cantelon, sk. Laoknow. McGarry. ak. Grand Valley. Beith, ak. Wingham L Kennedy, sk. tater), bye. -Seoond Round. Wingham. Vanstone, ek. Wingham. Musgrove, ek. Wingham. W. Holmea, ak. Goderioh. Macklin, ak. er), defaulted to Bur - London. Orr, ek. Teeswat ir. Farquharson, Bk. Ooneolatio —Third Round. Lucknow. Allen, Clinton. Barge Orangeville. Ritchie. Teeswater. Ferguson. Goderioh. Hunters, Arthur. Howson. Port Elgin. Veitch. Mitoheil. Ford. Wingham. A. Porter. Wingham, D. Holmes. Mitchell. Burritt. Kincardine. Miller. Consoled • n—Fourth Round. Lucknow, Mitchell. Ailin. Hord. Witiam. Wingham. D. Holmes. A. Porter. Mitchell, Kincardine. Dr. Burritt. Miller. Godericb. D l B.aPorter. J. Doyle. Ooneolati n—Fifth Round. Lucknow, Southampton. All{n. McAuley. D Holmes. ("ingbani), bye. Goderioh, Mitchell. Doyle. Bnrritt. Consolat •n—Semi finals. J Doyle (Godirioh), bye. Lnoknow,ngmem. W . Alliu. s. Dense ,tion --Finals. Lnoknow. Goderioh. W. A. Algin, ek J. Doyle, tic, GIRLS W A TE sewing machine da 01 work. y flood wages. MPG. CO., L1nu HOUSES TO RENT Good Dwelling suitable for Boarding house Central. Three rooms with summer kitchen on ground floor, hard and soft water. Good locality. Two good Cottages at $5,50 per month. Two good large dwellings with modern conveniences. Several nice, well situated properties for sale. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE YOU CAN ALWAYS ''Pot vnnr beet font forward" in an "INV1CTUS SHOE," and it won't make any difference whioh foot it is, for in this trade of toot•w'ar tbey are b .th equally good. Every "INVICTUS SHOE" nes a mete, but otherwise it has no tq�al. ---For work p on ,- aw er in knitting mill or by an, ad work rk and y die pply to nit WATSON rt, Paris, Ont. SEE SAMPT,l;A IN WINDOW Raj G ER W. SoloAgetset8ruuierl rvitugui�r ar