The Wingham Times, 1910-08-18, Page 6T1dhl WINUU:ll,AM TIMES,, AUGUST 18, 1919 Local 1'1latory ot the. early 89$. TWENTY YEAS �G01 Items from the "Times," fyles. • al'ruxn the Teams of Aug. 15, 1890.) LOOM. NESS. Meagre, Gilchrist. Green & Co• shipn ped a oar load of furniture to Victoria, 73. 0„ on Thursday, per G. T. R, Messrs Button R, Peeaant, of the chair factory, shipped a car load of ohetrt to Brandin, Man., on Thursday per 0 T. On Wednesday, Messrs, Wood Broe , W. Wellwood and D and N. Todd, ot West Wawanoeh, shipped five car loads of Rattle by the 0 P, R. to Montreal, tor expert to Glasgow, Seotlaod. There Were 106 head in the shipment Topsy B,. owned by Mr. R, Beattie, of this town, took emend money is the open ruuniog race at the Hanover races on Monday, and Grey Tobe, owned by Mr. Thor. Nixon, Blnevale, took second money in the open trotting race. Mr. Wm. Donbledee bar `diaposod of Vs house and lot to Mr. Johu Fianna, and will -remove to Chesley in a few days. We are R1ad to see that Postmaster Fisher, after a rather severe attack of asthma, is able to be around again, and hope be will continue to improve and. eeen be restored to his usual good health. Conductor John Quirk, of Kincar. dine, one of the beet known conductors on the G. T. R,, has been taking a well- earned holiday for the past few weeks. He spent meet of hie time along the lakes, going as far up ae Duluth. A cricket niatole between janlor teniae captained by Robert Pettypipoe and David Dingley, wee played on the park oa Wednesday afternoon. Tlie game was a closely contested one, and resulted in favor of Pettypieoe's side try two rune. The Graud Lodge of Coterie, of the .Independent Order of Oddrellows is eeeeion in Toronto this week. Mesere, J. A, Morton and It, Clark are in eaten Mune, Mr, Morton ie a member of one of the Grand Lodge committees and Mr., Clark is repreeeuting Maitland Lodge, No, 119. Masers. Gilohriet, Green & Co„ of the Union furniture factory, have their saw mill moved and in plane. They were just four daye moving it down, erecting it in its new location and siding and shingling it. Mr. Jas. Sutherland, for conic years past employed with his brother. Mr, David Sutherland, has purchased the stove and tin business of Mr. Jap. Len nox, of Corrie, and moved to that via lage on Monday last. Messrs. Hatton & Oarr are eoutempla- tiong putting up a building on their Lower Town property in which to put an electric light plant, if they receive sufficient encouragement from the townspeople. They will also put in several runs of stones and do gristing and chopping also. DEATH'S. Willits. — In Howlett, on the 12th inetant, Crockett Willits, aged 53 years. KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Sometimes it is better to be never than late. The hairdresser is the only locksmith love doesn't laugh at, A Place Tn The Faintly, If you and your family were obliged to depend on one medicine, what would you choose? It ie not difficult to guess what medicine Mrs. Jap. Gray, Sartelle, N. B., would choose, for she writes:— "For five years my husband and I have need Dr: Chase's Kidney and Liver Fills for Kidney troubles, biliousness and constipation and find them indis- pensable as a family medicine. Among the latest invention is a ma- chine to cross-pollenize clover, A bachelor of arts is nothing com- pared with a maiden of artifice. YHty -reeve Experience of an Old Nurse. NRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP 18 the prescription of one of the best fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowole, and wind oolio. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five Dente a bottle. The world is but a Meeting show, and most of no have to be shown. Montreal will spend half a million dollars on pormauent sidewalks. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S °ASTO R I A An old maid finde it awfully hard to • be friendly with a widow who's had four husbands, Do YOUou Know YourAilment Or is it a complication which can be reached only by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY•.LIVER PILLS. 61 There is only one medicine tont can prove thoroughly satisfactory in com- plicated ailments of the liver and kid- neys, anti: that is Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. They begin by regulating the bowels and awakening the action of the liver, thereby effecting a Thorough elcansing of the excretory system. By thus re. moving the poisons from the system they lighten the work of the kidneys and gradually restore them to health. Nobody who once learns of the tlefi• fiite and eertein notion of Pr. Chase's Ttiduey-Liver Pills in regulating and invigorating the kidneys, livor and bowole, is willing to take chances bj% oxperiiitenting with other medicines. Such ailments ne biliousness, consti- pation, chronic indigestion, liver com- plaint and kidney disease yield readily to this treatment. Dee Chase's :Kidney -Liver' I'i11s, one pill a dose,''25 ctq, a'bo:r, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Pates & Co., Toronto. Write for a free copy of Dr. Chase's Recipes. More rain thau is needed for the crops has fallen in northwestern Manitoba. Without wishing to insinuate any. thing, it may be said that a good many bashful men get married. Mr. Robert Meek, Kingston, was elec. ted Grand Patriarch, Oddfellows' Grand Encampment of Ontario. A pretty idea in scarfs is to place two different colors over each other and then edge all around with marabout. Dysentery ie a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy bas been successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for children and adults, and when reclined with water and sweetened it Is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers. Any kind of belt is in order with white gowns this Season, so long as it is becoming and effective. A new green, dark and deep, goes by the pretty name of "soarabee," and is not unlike the tone of the antique gem. Chief Tremblay of the Montreal fire brigade mentions forty-five persons on account of special bravery in his report on The Herald fire. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel doll, bilious, and constipated, take a dose of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to- night before retiring and yon will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all dealere, One hundred and seventy-five million -cells are in the lungs, which would cov- er a surface thirty times greater than the human body. AIbert Roohon, who uncoupled a loco- motive from a 0, T, R. passenger train at Montreal during the strike, was sent to jail for six months. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Two.yeer•old Atignat Segal, of St. Anne, Man , was found Monday morn. ing after he had been lost 48 hoors in the woode. He was weak but not ser= thusly hurt. John Andrew McGrath, a young Carp farmer, while handling sheaves of bar- ley swallowed a beard of one head. Subsequent coughing brought on a hemorrhage and caused death. A demented American sailor a or oli robed to the top of a wireless tower at Sault Ste Marie. Mich., and deliberately jumped down. Every bone in his body was broken. When on his, way tip a policeman started to follow when the sailor threatened to jump on the follow. er and carry him down too. When the police threatened to fire the sailor told them to "shoot and be damned." gen, drede stood helpless ae the man Carried to completion his sensational suicide". am Bu . c is the best, t'emedy known for suinburn, heat, rashes,eczema, sore feet,, stings and blisters. .A skin food ,Alt; Druggist; and Srorss.-600, A. ' anneee and hie wird and sen were mord red neer Sema Rasa, Calif , and their bridle or, mated. What doth it profit a man to pray for the heathen if he isn't on speaking terms with his neighbor? A lad of two, who fell into a water tank neer Mount Elgin was resneoitated after hope had been almost abandoned, Women's Woes. Wingham Women are Finding Relief at Last. It does seem that women have more than a fair share or the aches and pains that affliothumanity; they must "keep up," must attend to duties in spite of consrantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, beating down teethe; they must stoop over when to stoop means torture, They meet walk and bend and work with ranking pains and many aches from kidney ilia, Keep the kid nays well and health is easily maintain- ed Read of a remedy for kidneys onto that helps and curse the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. Mrs. Rnnstedler, of Leopold street Wiugham, Ont., says: "I suffered with an attaok of pleuriey wbieh had greatly weakenedme and left a bad effect across the small part of my back. A severe pain Bottled in the region of the kidneys and extended around my sides. I could scarcely stoop over or straighten nays I up. Headaches and spells of dizzines were frequent end my eves were weak and painful. Booth's Kidney Pills were recommended and I tried them. They soon relieved me. the pains and tender. nese left me and the headaches and diz ziness were likewise dispelled. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills to be an exception• al remedy and will not hesitate to recommend them." Sold by Dealers. Prine 50 cents, The R. T. Booth Co.. Ltd , Fort Erie, Ont„ Sole Canadian Agents. ,GF xhti ,;,t s aril brioklaycra at work on th • i•ew l'trlieneeut build eigs at Re• gine nave gene au Strike beoaueo the omit remit g firm employing them is in.• volved in a labor diepate at AM'ontreal Pine resin c' Bgritaady pireh welted with enough beeswax to give it a guts my enneietenpy and keep it from beam ins biline make, a good substitute for glue t, r a ti to high temperatures, Raetne'sco'iurge, tbe. cholera, ono' mon, to sitreari with mach alarming '%polite, prtneipelly in the. southern n,tnin,r clistrle!s and in St Peter, hnrg, wino- 'he er'J'letn'o is tsar approaohiog the propitious of the great epidemic 01 :von les Worry That Ii"111s Not in, ,o wastes the vital nerve forms as worry. Nothing so certainly retard,. restoration to health. Get nut into the t;unetline, be cheerful, use Dr. A, W. Chaee'e Nerve Feed to rebuild the wasted nervous system, enc yon will be surprised how quickly thele will be a onangd for the patter, This ad- vice will be better than gold to 'you if you will but follow 11. Scotland will receive £328.000 to make all for the defioienoy in the whis- key money occasioned by the reduced consumption of spirits since the new budget. The grant will go in educe tion. Negotiations area going on between the Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern which may result in an agree- ment by which the 0anadian Northern will use the 0. P. R. passenger termin- als in Montreal The fur trader Colin Fraser reached Edmonton last week with a season's catch totallin'' .in name $31,000. Over 30,000 rat kine were sold to the Hudson Bay Co. for $16 000. Eight silver fox skims were sold for $500 each. The population of New York in 1825 was 166 086 In 1835 it had increased to 270,080; in 1515 to 371,223, and in 1855 s 1329 810. The average gain daring that period of thirty years was 5612 per cent. for every ten year period. Mrs Albert Holmes of Cardinal, Ont„ whose husband is accused of murdering Nathan Bolton, is dead of a broken heart. A woman may be able to do her own housework, but she always has to get some other woman to help her keep a secret. STATE OP OHIO, CITY Or TOLEDO,) SS. LuOAS COUNTY, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior nartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Oily of Toledo, County and State afore- said, end that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case that cannot be our• ed by nee of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. OHENE) . Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (SEAL.) A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern• ally, and note directly on the blood and mucous enrfaces of the system. Send for testimonial, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents. • Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa• tion. The Chamber of Commerce of Bristol, Eng., has, according to a special des• patch to the Globe, approved the propos. al for a World's Fair at Winnipeg in 1914. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R i A A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Hales, Flesherton, on Tnesday, August 9, when their daughter Beatrice was mar- ried to Mr, Archie Sinclair of Tees. water. Rev. H. E. Wellwood, B. D., pastor of the Methodist Church, con. ducted the ceremony in the presence of a few invited guests. Troubled with Heart NERVES WERE ALL UNSTRUNG Mrs. Oscar Hamilton, Forest Glen, N.S., writes: ---"I can truthfully say that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have been a great friend to me. A few years ago I was very much troubled with my heart and my nerves were all unstrung, I had terrible pains all through my body, I was weak and had frequent and severe dizzy spells, and was continuously having to consult doctors. I had Mil_ burn's Heart and :Nerve Pills reeotnmend; ed to me and after having taken a box they appeared to help me so much I continued to take thein, and was soon able to do my Work again. Igor this I am very grateful and would advise all people with weak heart or unstrung nerves to give them te thorough trial," Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are the Original heart and nerve cure and are sold at all dcaler8 for 50c per boar or S boxeb for $1,25 or will be mailed direct on receipt of r price by The T. Milburn Co.* Limited, Toronto, 'Ont, (fAfareis civ///CH-O MEi - CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON MCKIBBON. A man seldom insists that he is a gentleman unless he isn't, An ex convict says a checkered ea. reer is apt to land a man in a striped suit. Never stand a broom in a corner; tie a piece of string round the Handle and hang it tip To remove stains and discolorations from tinware, try rubbing with a damp oloth, dipped in soda. Mr. W. J. White, inspector of immi- gration offing, estimates • the yield of wheat in the west at 100,000,000 bushels. Liberty is represented by' a female, but the suffragette is firmly convinced that the facto are all to the contrary. Following Philadelphia's example, New York has established a .free per- manent exhibition of building materials. The happiest people in the world are not always the richest although any poor man knows that they ought to be. A Ten -Day Cure The mannfaotnrers of FIG PILLS guarantee them to cure all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Trouble whatso- ever, or refund your money. FIG PILLS will core Constipation. Na- ture's pill, made from fruits. Price 25c. a box; at all leading stores. An unusual copy of the Great Bri- tain $25 stamp, orange on blue paper, Qaeen Victoria issue, brought $315 at Rooke and Company's sale in London, England, This is Britain's rarest stamp. The bridegroom at a Leeds, England, wedding, Mr. Henry Foster, was eighty- one, and his bride, Mrs. Franois Hind, a few years younger. Mr. Foster had been three ' times married previously. There were many showers of confetti. When the digestion Is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They strengthen the digestive organs, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels, Sold by all dealers, The only bonus granted to the C.P.R. in Brace County was by the Tp. of. tjnlross whioh in a moment of generosn ity carried a bylaw in 1871 to grant aid to the Toronto, Grey and Brnoe branch line to Teeswater of $43,000. The vil- of Te sw to r age s a e assn$5,000 of mrdthe B holm given by Cnlroee. The college young man thought he would have a joke at the expense of the colored janitor, so he said, ad it was late in the antmmn—"Pretty near winter, William; the trees will aeon be as bla,k to on are," "]fiat's tree" replied 'Wil• Liam, ae he surveyed the elm freer very thonght1ully--"Nature's wonderful,dah, nb mistake. dome spring, close treee'11 bo moat as green as yds is, tech," Far the little one'shat atlthed pique is tritumed with cords and tassels, while oretonue, Need with deep blue or retie. metered strew, still is In great demand. The mushroom shape for the little time is, most generally seen. 'lie latest, meanest, and at the same time the Met amngiug "graft" ever re. ported, if any form of eh sating oan be amusing, is that oh,irgr,d against come milk a utrabturs of Near York, By kioking dente in the milk vans they are declared to have redao:l, the oapaolty of enoh eau from tarty to thirty.nlue grtarts, In having a ooneh modioine, don't be atretic to get Ohamberlain'8 Cough Remedy 'l here to no danger from it,. enol relief is eure to follow. Eepepially recommended for coughs, oolds and whooping congb. Sold by all dealers. The handsome 0. P. R liner Princess May. in ehnrge of Capt. John McLeod, went to the bottom of Lynn Canal, B. 0„ with nearly one hundred pricer- gars on board, having run on o reef at Sentinel Island, during a dense fog, Thanks to the 000lnees and bravery of the officers not a life was lost, but the escape was narrow as the vessel filled. very rapidly. In a drug store not a thousand miles from here the apprentioe was filling his first preeeiption, and when he handed it to the lady be told her it was a dollar and ten Dents. She paid the dollar and ten, and after she had gone, be informed the proprietor the dollar was counter- feit. The proprietor turned in his ohair and said; "Well, how about the ten cents—ie that good money?" The young man answered in the affirmative. Oh, well," the proprietor replied, "that's not so bad—we still make a niok- el." IL Dr. Chase's Clint ment is a curtain and guaranteed cureforeach and every form of itching, bleeding a n d protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask your neighbors about it. You can use it and Bet your money back if not satisfied. Ole, at all lealers .;: Itnafaxsox, BATES R. Co., Toronto. 9R. CHASE'S OlNTIVIEINT. HEALTH NOTES. 'a White' of egg is a good dressing for a burn as it excludes the air. A"odri of milk heated but not boiled taken slowly at bedtime will promote sleep. The whites of eget and powered alum made into a plaster for a sprained ankle, is almost speoifio. A (inert of buttermilk taken every clay in divided doses is a good tonio. reliev. in indigestion, constipation and many liver and kidney disorders. °Indere, lime or particles of dust can be removed from the eye by dropping olive oil intn it. This is perfectly pain - lees and never fails -to remove all fore- Igo substances. • The freoklee whioh appear promptly with the firet warm sonny days may be removed and kept away by robbing the faoe with lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and usesthree or four times a week, at bed -tie. It smooths and softens the skin.; besides removing tan and freckles. Milk taken in great swallows forms large solid curds' in. the stomach which. are very difficult to digest. Milk whether hot or cold should be. sipped to be beneficial, This allows the juices of the stomach to act upon every particle so that it becomes assimilated very quickly. Pimples .whiph are the result of in- digestion and stomach trouble will dis- appear with a• course of sodium phos - fate. A teaspoonful taken in a glassof hot water before breakfast for two weeks. with a careful diet, will olear the skin. Many girls and women do not know how to sit, or stand or walk properly and as a result have poorly nourished flabby muscles. With the baok erect the head up and the °beet thiown out the elasticity of the muscles is called into play, promoting a more rapid cir- culation of the blood which tonee up the whole system. Are You Iuptured 1 can cure the worst case of Rapture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time, ACT AT ONCE. and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept, J. J. S. SMITH, 88Saledonia S t C STRATFORD, ONT. Name ...10 ........:.......... address ...:.................. Age Title J.tup ........ Single or double , .. , .. ...... Satiefadtibn guaranteed, EVERY ONE SEEMS. TO BE TAKING "FRUIT-R-TIVES" Demand Always Increasing Because"Fruit-a-clues" Cures The real value of any article inay be judged by the demand for it. Steadily increasing sales are the surest indication of intrinsic merit, This applies to a medicine as well as to a breakfast food. First introduced to the public in Ottawa, the fame of " Fruit-a-tives " quickly spread until to -day these fruit juice tablets ere known and used in every section of the Dominion. The only reason for this extraordinary demand is that 's Fruit -a -tines" is the only medicine in the world made of fruit, and is the only remedy that will positively cure Constipation, Bilious- ness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Backache, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Bladder and " Kidney Troubles, One. has only to read the testimonials given to " Fruit-a-tives " beesomeof the best known and most highly esteemed people of Canada, to appreciate the wonderful amount of good that this grand fruit medicine has done and is •doing for the sick and suffering. goc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, or trial box, 250. At dealers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. FEAR OF DEATH Cnrionsly enough, too, as age Domes apace and the inevitable draws nearer, fear is not discernable in the conduct or attitude of the average man, if one may judge of his interest in what goes on abont him, his cheerfulness and his ser- ious outlook on the worl"d..a ohserfulness and serenity that are not all of religious origin, Tt is a wise providence that hid the hour of the coming of the dark angel froom the knowledge of human creatures, thus leaving always the thought that it is not to -day, but at some uncertain and therefore not to bs dreaded time in the future. Even with invalids who know their days are numbered a kindly pow- er mercifully softens their natural dread and enables them to•go down in seem- ingly dignity and self•control into- the valley of the Shadow. It is the belief, too, of physioians sod others who have witnessed many deaths that in a vast msjority the passing mortal meets this natural prooetas as he meets Bleep, with his mental faculties dulled—or are theysoleared—that all fear of dread is lost and the end of life i8 like the end of a peaceful day.—Indianapolis Star. Be sere and take a bottle of Chamber- lain's Oolio, Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtain• ed on board the trains or steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause sadden attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. SAVING LIVES 12F CHILDREN, Dr, Helen MaoMnroby of '.poromar deolaree in her recent report .to the Op- atrio Government that 75 Per cent or the °atlas') of infant mortality are pre. veritable, Among other things she eye. that "the baby has one chaues for its life if fed on condensed milk, would have two chances for its life if fed on gooct Dow's milk, et'd one handredohauoes for its life on its mother's milk." Mothers, who really amulet nurse their children, she says, are only one ip a hundred or one in a thousand, and others who do. not do so are either ignorant or ill, advised. Dr, Mao alurohy, comparing the' deatht of Ontario children with those of England, says the former are 150 in a. thousand to 1$2 in a thousand in the letter, while that of London, England, ii only 113. It le possible that part of the difference may be accounted for by laxity in rsfietration of births in Outer - to, and than the infant death rate is not 80 large here as it seems. In any Daae the matt, -r 13 a serious one, and shows that retort could be done to prevent ex - connive infant mortality 'by proper pre- cautions being taken. The ease is cited of a amitotic priest, in Quebec who instruoted la perish aa to the treatment of babies, , nd et creed. ed,,in two years, in reducible the death. rate among infante from 197 to 85 per thousand. Feeding at irregular hours or whenever the child Dries, uncleanli- ness, overolothing, and allowing babies' to have "tastes" of what their elders eat, are s mo of the mistakes which. should be avoided. Warnings are issued in the report against patent foods, which are denomi- fated "Baby Exterminators,". One soothing syrup, it is stated, contains opium, and it is suggested that syrups and foods for infants should be labelled in accordance with their contents. The study whioh Dr. MaoMnrchy has. been making is an important one. She. has Dome to eodnd, though not new con- clusions, as to the need of regulating , overcrowding in cities, the advisability of providing plenty of park space, the advantages of workmen's homes on the. optskirts, and the boon which Olean. milk affords. LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues Free J. W. Westervelt, J. W, Westervelt, Jr.. C.A.. Principal. Vice -Principal In the Isle of Man Bankrnptoy court a final dividend of 3o, making 90 in all, was declared on the estate of the late. Mr. Alexander Bruce manager of Dunne bell's bank at the time of its failure. The Right Kind of Printing The kind up-to-date, here than elsewhere. that is neat, attractive and costs you no more money the inferior article does Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TIMES is in a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable prices. Try this office with your next order. The Times 'WINQHAM ONTARIO