The Wingham Times, 1910-08-18, Page 2V X,, r .Mi .I I 1. ", Tela WXNQNAM ', Wis, AmUC .la, 1 Qovlo.romettt into -- �"� ," " i -r n q egntampt autarlff '"°" _ ,. a TOWN fr n 'cr iS TA13 I0=1 4472 the P0900- 'While `� rr lit �_RrirR91 ix 1i . GOA� p w@ have Gtio h#1;hest �•. • ... .. ... -'-,.' , ":��" 4 il I reaal'd issr Ur. Da s y," 4Uc -- " w to i►nd believe lhi u pt, }� *, r RE'�VRNEU TO GNA�IG�, " ' r R $4rxex ()ztun4xt. tltk11ba6h aervloed at�1liiio An x . rt c Q --, Gr ba a than bc,tG5r eutitl@d than most. 11 a lm nett 7 P IU, +Senses. School at Aa wn o .n �+ 'Train >4tWarri cllPsi to sgmethislg gggd from the PenFla Bible R:$q P rn, Genesi Itrayer meeting Is PU14416Hlala M+ekz and f�Arfit. _ 1 W40M iter lyse eer'vad sy long, nail so foitit• i�r a d Course • on Woduesday Ovenings. Rev, W, EVERY THVRS, PAY MOkNING "For scrupulous rare and. troRbl(?_ rusty, we have no s5ympathy with the L. Steevua, pastor•. B. )t, P. U. moat$ -*T,-• taireu to raturil change I have Revell. ' ' tuor•hod by which ho comes tato. this np• '',�4l is s t Potato i 040 LpmBut► to sal ttl , t Monday oven4uge 8 p,ra, W,>� .�c[u�.ier xile �IA2os p�C@ . e V k@urs of un thin at I Attg, ��1; :. uPeruitendent, , iI _e e>° Black Brie ce -99 Y` .. ecivated an e1, will71 )' ;auiullmetit. As a metaber of the L4eis• �•aveat iia, a �3etst,ga q� tZae�>i pais, U,y YVTNQI3AM, oN'1'Al IO, p n elites . u the railroadeape,. in the fine,ttue@, �,luoted to rapr0sapt Cite electors, 810v lix+ 141a svott. M$T1taDIdxC$tTlad>s-- SalabaGhserrzoeA tween Uetx and Paris," said a ntttiongi� of WUliias,'tn4,, Air. Downey'a duty was At !i to int and 7 P in• Sunday School at "-°` ,r . 2; o to tic+ve rruta{nod Cg the Hausa until his. (Bo"istere:s i�l. aoayrdanae With the poprrl;hG,Aab J $ P m, Npworth Longue every B10It•. `1 RAM4 G 'SuneaII;PTION—MOO per at uaat, it, guat'dsmall tlio other day, I had beeit: 1. flavor of Recd Rose n.II , day evening. General Prayer meeting advance, nF$1.5 If not so paid. No paper rlleeon• stUdying the battlefields about Metz, terlss exgirad. I+tGer his appointment to . J@sat# noarinQ J@rpsaiem, MatE, ra : Vit hp have we a right 9II l Deli rill arreurS ars pato, exoeptattho and when I decided to e ght to oonolada that Wodueaday evellings, It@v, 4P, �P#Inn of the publielier. get back to Tea, It h13 the GLlp th•s or any ocher othor g#nsitar odica us 17.34, Ia. Atitledge, D,D,, pastor, F. eoehan• AnvxaTisilttl ]~axes... zea a Paris I converted wort of the moria these two xll.eciQala, Aotwitii$tending an, s.'�. , 9uperintendent, osenaladvertlaomeats14operso is lea nefor had let Into t'a s � . a private q#tf +n would have ofigitded no Golden Text- The you of man Dame their unwlso request, lovedJJ an dearly, fir i er i r s I ofor t. l t f nc , I goCjl LOSS thOt. GOiIIOS on". .Els it is, his realxcattoa to. accept not to be ministered unto but o. mi i . q. s. r Y, 008 At xlI % i Q13px;gla-,.sabbath ear- Insertion. yes ton No Porilnr for e¢a�i u000quimi "It wits a of d August, ' • t n s and were pr@pared to spifer with him? vices at xI a Iu and 7 n ertloa. h day 1n A su t, and the,. Or11y from Red ROSe otii )a under the G,)varntxcy4t Of which for and to Rive his life a ransom for p mi Sunday Advertisements 1n local cOumpS are charged second class compartments were so Vera @ 23--Ia saffarfn!{ fqr Tesus aq $911001 At 2;30 p m. General prayer serif' of line for Sryt Insertion, and$aents crowded that I decided us we sto tie Koss a "ember, anti ibis in th@ miss• many. Matt, xs; 28, sheeting on Wednesday evenings. Rbv, p n or each subsequent insertion, ppm quality` -'the r0�$OI2 Verses 17.10 -.Did Jesus know from n@res$ary now as thea, or does the D, Farris, pastor, i 7, .J. Advortieotnepts. of Strayed,b'arms to at a town hear the French border to I of a 1eg;urraoil term,. not only brings chnagesa the cironmstanoes make snfP. Sn erinte dent. Irwin, S,s, artolient,and Similar, $1.40 for .Aratrthree change to A first class coach. The why It holds' first loco political tastno#! into a conatltaeuop At 't4s beginning of his ministry, that the P n weeks, and 25 cents for each snbae pen him , a re ering now unneoa$sitry? Why? b Sx. FsuL's QHU$oH, ICPS4aUrAr,--srtb- sertion. v t I a supplement to pay, and the only Gltne when there should be no turmoil, Jews would reject ape put him to -� ath services at 1! a m and 7 m, QonxRaaxFenaas Thetollawluetsbleshawe man honey I had seas ,In twenty II1 t11QUSi3I1CIS Ot i✓i�T1i^- but fastens certain discredit upon the death? itWhp cannot God show partiality i0 Sunday School at 2:$Opna. R P oorrates for the Insertion of sdvertreSmenta mala Pieces. The oflicfai who made' a y, notwithstanding his ev. E ,H forSPeolSedPeriods, the transfer did not have the groper C�Ic3I1 homes. Will YQt1 Gov@reinegt as Kroll, -Hamilton Speota At what period in th@ life at Jesus std K s tender love to arose, B. A., Rector ; C. G. Vau- he be sash? $ep um,SPAQ1 xR. 6 uo, 8 me' imo, change, anti while I was waiting tor, gin crucifixion tell his disciples of his app. ne, S, S. Superintendent ; Thos. OneOoiuma »,-„--.. 70,00 40.00 $22,b4 C8.g0 fc1!. tT it. reaching gruoiilxi0I F (See chap. 10:21 SL' rER1NG IS No DOUBT TUA LOT or Robin8on, aesisttant Superintendent, Hnsro°Imm�.- », » _40,00 $25,40 19,44 4.114 him to cgAle ball. with the 12 1Tlurlit3 y Far the #¢formatiDn f those who da •" @ exumn. It .,.» 24.00 22.60 7.94 g,q0, and some pfepnigs that belonged to me, Q Mark 8:31, Lake 9:22) ALL, wHJ \\ OULD &E rREE AND FAITH., SAL4ATION Aurax-Servioe aE 7 and !1 One Inch l „„••,�, , 6,00 8.00 2,44 not know whet a floatingballot is, it & m and 3 anti 7 m, on San 1.29 the train moved off, '- Did God in an Sense cause the chief , , and I gave my �. `' . rULr' BUT ON it'IIAT BASIS DOES GOD P flay, and Advertisements without a ecifto directions money ll for t -i wap ha staid that iG is a ballot which f s y every evening during the week at 3 will be ineerted•tt fo o n ober "`k ; `" - priests and the Scribes to betray Jesus 1i[AIiE P$QbIOTION3, OR par H[S SER\'• Il r a' y P gone. [� markets and put in the possession of the , a clock at th@ bturaoks, ingi + Transient advertisomeata mn t be paid "About 11 q'cIock that night fibs :'F� i tl 'r or the Gentiles to scourge and crucify ANTS IN PR WNENT POSITIONS? (Th#s for fn advance, elector. He takes the ballot to the g y POST OFFICE-OfIloe hours from 8a nl train stopped at a tgwn abgnt halfway i {t n him? question must he auewergd in writing by to 6;30 P Yq, pgeel to 4ox holders from axtensfv� asaDorPAgm 1°NT Is Stocked with an fa Paris. 'CfLer was only 's.' g1 r, ,Y o bra booth, Secures ti bleak ballot from the YPh toe m@tubers of the club.) 7 t4 m. to 0 tmgat o! all regnlaitesfor Print• e n y one Dtbax OG- '!, � "�. �" t '' l y f{ oi%cer, gobs into ahs y did J@sae tell of iiia coming , p In, F, p'ishor, postmaster, in , afrordlug fawLtttes not equalled in the Cupant of my compartmen a mall who de tut returgi¢ death oonfidentialCy, and to the twelve aonatyfor tnrniag ops flret class wont, Large had 'ot n n o" c `j, } ` 15 ,Cto4�'l,Ca '!' g p p Verse 2d -4q Tali were the [ngr6 blain. rePUBLI roc InHaUT-Library and free type and ax� 'Zi O., oats to; 411 style g g o t s me Stiction in Plante: � + ; it{. } . pollitl de artmont, ostessibl to mark $ mint the Town Hail ere, Hand .Bills esteofPost• �'. 'y7" ""`" is ! the ballot, then bands the deputy return, disalpais Delp; sable, the two for snaking a foolish re- r will . etc., sed too latest styles of Soon after we slogged the door of the - Verses 20.21 -Who were the Cavo sone quest, or the ten far bele b@ open every afternoon from 2 to iagi0e fancy type for tib. Ener classes of print compartment was opened and it man n_v�a $4Lp IN SULK ins officer the marked ballot originally C "moved with 5:3q WOW and every evening from 7 inquired which of us had given a twee of Zebedee? indignation" against them? to 9:30 O'clock, MISS Lizzie Attridge IL B• BLLIOTT, ,, , , Or ���„ %'.,:'% � put is his. possession, and brings bgok to , the lao9 a o What had probably inspired this mo- Versus 2c` 29 -�P'ho 1s the r librarian. g Prourletor-and Publisher smirk i ,. e0:1: i p pp inted the blank ballot g satgat in ty Pace to be Changed at the,, 11 . •�,,,,��M" .,.-._<..._,:.-,�...� __ ,'_ which he obtained from the deputy re- ther, to make the ambtttoas request, the kingdom of God on the earth? Tow'N 00UNCIL—•Willis" Holmes T P HEN'NmDY, M, D, station in Germany. I replied that 1( that her two acne may sit, one oa iiia What are the twp afew Mayor; Dr. A. J, Irwin r • Member of the British'M dical Associa• tv�s the individual. blank b officer, paid hsndfng coag thin right hand and the other on his left, in greatness in the kingdflm of God sad in J. D ibboa, H. B,Elliott. He stttentioGold id toMedallistiee Of osatar, Fsptetai 'Come with me, mansieufi,' he shit% blank ballot he to paid the sum agreed r. Robert 0. Redmond, P min and Child So I alighted and followed him into the, TO ADVERTISERS his kingdom? the world? ThomasGre or and D.E. McDonald. ren, Offioahoars-I tad m.;7toe m, apo.n for his vote. This Crick is worked Gregory P. station o$iee. g openly is every town and What' if any, r@ason is there to believe can a man remain' a subject in the Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and - '"There I found that my change bad - Notice of changes must be left at this marc or lass q ant Treasurer; Attean Dnlma R• MACDUNALI?, Dfioe not later than Saturday noon. village in the Province of Manitoba, that the two sea$ got their mother to kingdom of God, who•is not anxious to Board meets first MondaBe,e Assessor, bean telegraghed on, and he had the The copy for changes must be left make this request for them? s9rva, or, who seeks honor and plots for each month at 8 o'oond g in Canter Street sum due me already counted out With the ballot now, in use in this pro • 'There were a lot of receipts and things not later than Monday no evening. Vince, there is no way is which the op- What was probably their idea con- promotion? Why or why not? HIOs SOHOOL BOARD,-- W. Pc, Van. .wingham, o noon Wodnadverteada-y of accepted up cernin the coming kingdom ? y t sin and the train was held u al- to nogtt Wodneadav of each week, position can prevent. this.. being done, g B m of Jesus? Verena 30,31 -It was Jesus' policy Stone (chairman), Vein, NiChoiSon, John Ontario, o g p Call you state possible oircumstanoes when on earth to miraculously heal sic k• Wilson, C. P. Smith. W. J. Howson, most fifteen minutes on my account,, and there is no likelihood that the goo. where it would be right to gat athero to nese And infirmities, bat what reason is John o site A. McLean, c a anore raalnk° Bachmann. ' ��]rI3EVV but I sot my motley and a lot of satls- ernment will consent to the adoption of ' y Deena Bh sioiaa ' faction," -New York Sun. ESTABLISHED 1874 ask for us, what we are ashamed to ask there to believe that ibis policy was treasurer. Board meets a@gond Monday office- y " Surgeon, eta, a ballot framed on th@+ Dominion linea. personally? y MaodonaodBlook,aver Vir.l4fo$ibbon's C a� �`� r The present ballot' was designed Co F y meant to be permanent? evening in each month, Drugstore. Night oasleaaawarW.MaReoffice, POISING Q, -r�{� TRQVY, ` Tut WINGDAN TIMES. "float," and it will be retained for this verse 22 -How may we know, or got Suppose, instead of healing these PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD, --H, E. ieardat H. H-ELL10TT.?-aBLI)3U4RANDPROPnIETOP Purpose while the present government into a condition, so as not to pray for blind men, he had given them a keener (chairman), G. C. Manners, Alex, Ross .1 foolish, or unprofitable things? spirtual vision; whicil�would have been Q Q y ¢gtane .D.Prin e11Win. Moore, DR. ROBT,p,REA;NO D Its Resemblance to the Hovering of the, retains 1J N .Jif.1;.O.B. (Bas] power in Manitoba.—Manitoba , , in1R. C. P, London, Kestrel, In the Air. Free Press. What dose the expression signify, "to the better blessing? John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B, PiiYsit7iAN and $l7RC{BOx7, the Athe s test el 4s. to I e clouds so is Both THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1910 ,drink of the Dnp that I shall drink of Lesson for Sunday Aug. 28th, 1910. Ferguson. 'Meetings second Tuesday and to p baptised with tli@ baptism that Jeans ]entering Jerusalem, Matt. xxi: evening in eanh month, office, With Dr. Chish Im, kestrels and trout display that magical LAW -AS IT IS IN CANADA, lam baptised with?" ° 1.17. HIGH SCHOOL 7•"EA'OHERs•-J,G.Work• I Poising as if suspended by invisible NOTES AND COMMENTS �— man, B.A,, principal; J, O. Smith,B.A., threads -only now and then, when : Classical. master; Mr, Forbes, $, •A,., R. MARGARET C. CALDER cross currents are encountered, is a Evart/ Sam4ner there is destruction hp The remarkable eaoceee of our North those who have had no experience in on; JDhn Tglmie, M. I?., North Bruce • mathematical mastei ; Miss M. J. Honor Graduate of Toronto University- sign given to show that life itself is foreQC fires In Canada and the United west Police Force is instilling a strong mixing Faints. Those whe plan to mix Mayor MaloaIm, Kincardine Ma D>t Baird, B. A., teaCiier of English and Licentiate of Ontario Colla a of Ph etcians ' y Mgderne ; Mtsa Aud race, fifth teacher a Devotes s na' s y ' ' not in suspense, States of miliionA of dollars worth of respect for the lsK; in the minds of all their own paints should heed the follow- Johnston, Sarnia; Lient.•Col, Wilson, Ear Pecinl attention tad diseases of Eye, A brief agitation of the kestrel's PUBLIC 90HOaL 7'aaaH$$s.-JgeOph GLlasaeosesndTi,roac. Eyes thoroughly tested, wings, a swishfug of the trout's tail gond lumber, Already this season the trespassers in the great stretch of Conn. Ing suggestions: -Avoid cheap oil, Use Seat!orth; cola Wilson, Seaforth; Col- Stalker, PrfnoipaI, Miss Brook, Oa riorOtiyrthyDrtI{enn news Columns of Che Papers have ro• try which they patrol, ie very mesh ap• good pale boiled oil even it It Costs a few onel Hodgins, D. O, C„ London, and Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Misr f sap, the Cross current is weathered, and Wilson "hue aoars_s to 6, 7 to 8 p.az, bird or fish poises motionless again. carded several forest fires, and we have Freafat@d by our friends to the south, in cents n gallon mere. If raw oil is Head, Major Shannon, London. , Miss cumFarqu and Miss the month of August yet to come. In whose frontier communities, there has dryer must be added. Hawkins. . And as when Walking along we are theTar,fe majority of oases these fires been absence of the peaceful develop. When we have decided to , - BOARD OF HEALTH -• R VANSTON>if; pulled up in ever fresh wonder by the g• saint the (chairman), GearWm Holmes sight of the hovering kestrel, so we are caused by some tourest leaving his went that'lias marked the transforms. question Arises, "Sow shall we apply FARM VALUES AND FARM FesaanE, Richard AndMcKenzie,,hn F. Privy a and ISTB sn SOLICITOR, STC must needs pause on a bridge when csmD fire burning or leaving embers tion of the lands of Western Canada a' lion he ordinary method of hand : PRICE;& pagean, Seor@tarp; Dr, J, P. geneses, rate of tntCoerest. Mart undstoloanat lowest there is a trout in the stream b@low, that the wind tans into a terrific blaze, into prosperous province with all the PF tion is farailiar to all. In recent . Medical Health Ofllear. property bought and Soldgea, town and farm He looks his best poising with head Experienced forest guides and Indiana legislative machinery possessed by the years the spray Pump as been recom• There is, says the Farmer's San, no Office, BeavarBlooi,.wfngham to the stream -a shapely form against . are always cautious in regard to their original members of the Confederation mended as a cheap and efficient means partioalar advantage to the farmer in a the background of smooth brown peb- fires The number of fire rangers in created in 1867 The Chicago Record- Of Painting oatbaildiss'gs. It proves rapid advance in the sellingJ. A. 3fORTp1.1, blas and waving emerald weeds. Lean• Qatario is Said by those who know to Herald,. under the caption "Law", qa#to satisfactory. The Spray covers price in STEADY ins over the bridge with eyes on the, be too Small to look after the firea left makes this confession: the surface well, though somewhat un- farm lands, On the contrary, there is BARRIBTan, &a. trout a vision Is conjured --an alluring; - one marked d#addvarlage fn this adVan- EMPLOYMENT i $y drops on the water, thea a slack'. by onteless people, and hence Chey "The barrack of the Royal North- evenly, and it is neoessarp to brash it ft Wfagham, Ont, De in prise if regularly accompanied b I line tightens, there is a song from the. egress before discovered. It would western Mounted Police at Regina a good job is desired. This brushing is a corresponding iaoreaae in the burden - reel, a rod bends, there follows a daz-. Fay the province well to increase the house what is probably the most fa• easily accomplished by means of an Or. A taxation. The real benefit to the R. L. DIaxINsoN Di7DLttY $OLhIE9 zling dance of vermilion spots against dinar for a reliable Local Salesman re re- number of rangers in the quantity of mons constabulary force in the world, y whitewash brush, to the side of p timber saved duan illy from destruction, Frotu, Raging to Hudson's Ba Laud owners comes from an increase in senting • pit N the green of the bank, Bay is far which a long handle has been attached, t' , DICKINSON & �Iot Or as we Colne to the bridge on a the n darns per pore. Canada s Oldest and Greatest y we think we hear a Are strikes, thea, inevitably and ad • and from. Hudson's Bap to the Kion. The advantages of the name as a ' An illnsti'ation of this point is afford. EARRIST$RS, SOLICITORS, >fto, winter's da variably, a losing game? We fear they dike is .farther; but it is iaw, law all the weans of painting are that the paint is ed in the Conditions at resent existingNurseries"MONINY TO LDAN, mighty Plashing of water over the are. A mere threat to strike may often, way. One trooper to every 500 square applied quickly and Cheaply, This prat. in cotario. Never before `were farm in V&l9ham and Adjoinin oarxa]t: Meyer Block, wingham, pebbles, which turns out to be the We confess, bring the employer to the miles of territory is about the average tfce has its disadvantages in that. Pally lands in this pravtaea so Chea relative- g country, play of thirty or forty trout, the play of direction and guardianship one-half more Paint is necessary FOtt of the last round of oma water tbur- laborers' terms, if the matter in dispute g p provided, 4F y and one ly as they aro today; never before were for nursery s find there is a good demand ARTHIIR a Ig 9P1, D D $ ,LDS, Hey. As they come o the surface, roll - 1 not elCat to his business or his just#• But it is enough, does not get the fine gloss possible when the returns from labor put upon these hi h rioethat Stock growershavereale he Doctor of Dentals Ing and wallowing, fiable aelf•reapect. Bat if the strike is "The Blacktoot agency near Calgary the paint is applied bq hand and well •laude so Arent at they are to -day, AS a on their fruit this s@aeon. Dental Coale a and Licentiateatof the " g, tizeir great fat robbed in y, g nrgerya of tha Royal sides look twice as big as when seen started, every dap it lasts is a loss to all is in charge of a single corporal. . A Consequence present coon ants of these Our Salesmen are turning in bighas!. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. dfoe through the clear water. They almost parties that is never recovered and thousand Biaakfeet were present at the Where the pump is used forApplying P nesS to .US this In Macdonald Block, WI -Them. make a dam across the stream as the ' colonial a the hint the Chea lands are doing better than at any pre, and earn o year. Be one of them office closed every Wednesday afternoon y. when It lasts long and is accompanied' pageant an Dominion Day and P g, cold water paints god wages through Este winter tram May, let to Oct. 1st•, jostle each other, seeking for the Kions time, and the dif fealties in the months. • N by violence, disorder and riot, which is the single corporal managed them all- are probably preferable on account of Territory choicest places on the spawning bed.' the Icer who o waste. For ur way of men, with limited Capital, in y reserved} Pay weekly. a too aommaa occurrence, it becomes act a little the worse for F gases of whitewashing, making a start are iai3niCeI leas than F ' s• PRPr7E, B S A LDS D s -London Standard. Free cam le Outfit, etc, disastrous to the whole community and rum and the remainder who stayed the Pump is always ahead of the brash, they would be if the price of farm land write for particulars, vV , +� rataons to the working classes, Where sober. With tact and firmness he pilot. when Selecting a color, it is well to STONE & WELLINgTON Lice nsate of the Royal CCC dneetofoD ental ,, Berlin,. Germany, U. $,1+ remember that red will lock well Ion was regulated by producing value, The sur � Say, is this letter addressed ever there has been a great strike, each ed thaw through their perfoxmanoee and gar limited demand for land which has versity of Toronto.,, �,• asked a sub right?", as that of Homestead, that of the g y back to their reserve. paint FotithillcNurseries Ocoee ; Beaver 1'took subject of Germany, holding of them all safes than any ocher shade. A coat of caused the redaction in rice may work (8"0)• Prof cceeaalosod every Wedaesday afternoon UP an etabonately decorated envelope anthracite Coal mines and others Similar, tion again. every eight or ten years will keep the F y TORONTO, CANADA. y 1st to at lot. _ before the eyes of a postman the other F some hardship on those about to retire, the aagd#bane of labor after the strias "could this fast have been Cocom• buildings looking well, —Galt Reporter, lobo wish to turn their holdings into day {i'he latter surveyed the writing have been found to be worse than before, plisbed as well on our side of the line a6 money; but It is a ver �+' - closely. There were a name, a street 1 Viz@ are the there ,Rbre inclined to believe, on the other?" y great advantage A phal �p�1 Wingham General Hospital i and then the city and country, "Berlin, to those just starting in life and to FARMERS Germany" Below werewritteainbald subject of course to oompetant cotreC _ ._ — PROMISES GODERICH A NEW whom every dollar added to the selling (Under Government Inspection) ' Germany.,ters the letters +wr S" +•Old tion, t rm Strikes rarely. it Over result in PAINT FARM BUILDINGS, BREAKWATER. Price of A farm means an added diOH• andanyone having live stock or other you don't want 'U. S.' on there," re• any permanent advantage Go the labor Onit articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- y in the way of making a alert, circthesameforaxleto sheestran (Indeed if Piaaeantlp aitnated. Beautiful) far• marled the postman. '"Berlin, Ger- ere who Indulge iu them, except to these I _i Use the same er sal is will Timlinge Indeed If y inane, Isar t in the United' States." . +q Officers of the unions who incite them The prosperity of the farmer is gen. ].on.donot etaanstoraer, We can't guarantee niched. Open to all regularly licensed , Goderioh ci'tizsne are well pleased A Clark showed forty, patterns of thstil a titOI sell b Oka fieri o away ask more Physicians, RATES Solt don't mean United States by 'U. S."' and draw goad salaries for the man lite eralIy reflected fu his farm buildings. h, Sena (whfahinolude board sad nursin remarked the man from Raiser W"ti . inset of them. —Detroit Free press with thtt urospeots of results from the - giugharas to a Iran whose wife had your advertisement to the Timid$ and try this g), 3.50 , These can and should be attractive to plan of disposing of your stook and ocher to $15,00 Per -week acoording Ea Iocatfon helms land, "I meal] 'up stairs: The grant }suis The aqn, It must ba Confessed, how@ver, visit on Wedneedap of Ieat week of the sent him to bap same for her, and to arttaiea, of room, For further information minister of public works, llahorate every pattern the man said, ""My wife This friend of mine lives on the sec- p journal Wast COniPa9address and Soor."-Buffalo Commercial. that It dislikes bdtn,t f creed to ecce the khat in mo*t osaos hexes and outbnild- preparations were made to entertain Mr, said she didn't want anythiug like Mlss L,, 11�ATTHEw$, provrr•KA of the Whitney Administration inga are a blot on the landscape. This pussies, and evergthlna that•" The clerk Sn i E i possible wa put the Iaet Is not ae it should us- Paint would S piece i'�►! �� � Per n endent, His, Little Pun, n a dirPctJott that has brought the Laur• done to facilitate the thorough o} back on the shelf, '"sir" he said, L,J V $0X 223 VpinKltam Ont. An inpeterate wit and punster asked - . right matters. Farm buildings neatly his harbor inspection. " you want is a divorop," n�/� '"� the cinv'etePtaln of a craft loaded wield L at owner. Arid this extrafPride to their At a public address at the court hbuee ADVERTISING Ili i painted area Conroe o4 r ter! ■ RAILWAY TI3II! Tp.I1L)l8, boards t]bw he managed to get dinner touch adds cab- • What Ert 1M ��Wt�+ to the Afternoon, the minister made the ou the passage. a� stanttallr a the value of the farmlook important announcement that in a few t grders for the insertion of advertisements GRAND TRIINS iiAY1 WAY gysTuM "Why." replied the skipper, ,,We 8!- eee� All agree that buildings took much Seveie Pains In Thi Lillil such as teachers wanted, business chances, ways COak aboard."weeks the onntrant would b8 int fur e:mechanics wanted, articles for sale, at In fact London TRAINS LtrApa don „ r� better when painted, The question we Southwest breakwater 'asci that the a sny kind of an adv6, In any of the 'Toronto or Toronto �l4sst1LO8a "' 8.35 a,m_.: a 9ft• n Cook a board, do you?,, rejoined the Js Want answered fs, +'lyses iE pay?" other city papers, may be left at the TIMes Ktnaardine.,11,87 a.nlra— 8.45s.m-» z'4pp•ra, Wag. Then i see you have be Deupnsred 0} ever getting. relief until It may not pay, directly, to paint our work would be gashed sicca to oample- office. Thiattorkwillreceiveppromvtattentiaa P ra__ 9.16p.m, tools en Well Cure same 3 Years ago wsth use e} tion. In eddiEiba, Mr, f?aasley, steles and will save propoe the trouble of remitting Kincardine ... 8 !4 IVIj !! 0 H, p with Provisions this trip, at $� Several bac'tors for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest London.,.,.:_.., -,-.11.94 a.m OR. ONASE'S OINTMENusl. barna. In fAOt, Its preservative silent rates will be quotes oa appltoation. Leave 1?almorSton: ant_` a'8 p•'o alt events.0—London Graphic. on ordinary rough siding' would scarce• tont an extension t0 the northwest or send:your next work of this kind n. the Tor , 7 46 P•m. Xilr, John Johnson Cawle Alta. breakwater ,was in Contemplation, and onto & knot ' • 1, 8 V,m, A CO3kPLETE CURE EFFECTED 13Y ••"°••,• T"rftes: ...TbI•ee years ago I was cured ly pay for the Paint. On now, smooth P lir, HENRY, Ag n , Wi gha ,. Hoot Awai Mon, Of blind itching r while he had at praeoat no appropr a• A FEW VIALS OF VIMV:S OFF101 . wiftchava , winliham, An EngIIsh clergyman, talkin on Iles of ttventy,sCvOn boding ft "Dais pap, Indirectly, it dote `-`- day \affil a Scot g e► years standingl y using Dr, ChasCis pdy, It does pay, however, no matter tIOU tot this ptlrpose the work Would be (��8 . t Y fish brother 1 (1ilrtlnant. I• lisecl to think that death URNS LAXA-LIVEN PIi1,,�. "" � CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, cloth, remarked facetiously,. the what the siding, well-paluted build• o mmonoed as ecce ee he Could arrange - TRAINS LA'Ava dost David+ I believe �` -V'11.1 11"t. getbe the only relief I Could over Ings add to the ,value of the farm to Sum iR` ° ,after all has e from the terrible misery of piles, "` Toronto and 4.82 A.m„_ s.is P.M. sal been These Announcements Ware repeated Mr. V. H. VYooci; Crvatal, Ont. wrfted ~ 60 lIEAi28e Teeewatar --,,,, ,,;,,, 114 t►•m,-_34.17 ,ta d, that tris heats could Ilr (;Base's Ointment is worth sit;• far in excess of the cost of h coat of itud fn teat empi;ae#zed at the banquet years I was r EXPERIENCE AlIII vitaX P $ours” Hold two of ty d0llaVl; a. box instead of si)cty cents. Paint. q t +'For several : greatly troubledto s.is c.m, „ tendArad the minister is the evening with, severe pains ]n the Terotito ane Hast ., ,.,.l,io p,m:,_ta,Y7 p,In, neon, returned the O I tztn a dzl- nil t man sines using it, T Let tib look at it this way: Consider Liver. I brad .t: H,BB1il1f1iR, Alrent,Wtn ha re ++ thy* Inn fared#., all tie t#mt now and never At I1oEPI Sunset, whfoh overlooks the sevoral docto#s attend me but without 1 a m ady wit, I never tocht befol'e that sidisS a <la;r, it'ldreis fail to express my two aecmmanitiee in blase Proximity to laky;. The trbmtnittoee were it ar an Success. At list i your head was sae stn '►� pb ently Y I was advised to try , Transcript, pt3+ Boston ,gratdtucle for tIio cure titin ointment snob other. They era equal til every D inside .for me, I cannot tell half its respect, save that in on@ conitnariity the determined not to fieruist the chief guest Milbuin s Lara -Liver Pills. and after nt;leh abotlt it as it deservok Any btiildiage are all painted, while to the to wander ter in thought from the needs taking. a few vials T Who cdmpICtely TRIF fsane doubting this can Write direct tD I,c f oorosietnp, bt this pbrt cured. It ie, nolo, about Sian months � � ��'�Yr,�\'�1 Roy' are you getth, onte.'+ other they ere root, 1+arms 1n the form• The banquet hoes, attended byK shoat , end I have had no COM., w✓ , g a as a tiegrac I?cr not accept an Imitation or substi- er instance *11I inttariabiy Commend since I tools them Apt alieeenalnkASketchhad doeori tloirmrp Paper Artist? frac in Itl;teC of 1}r. Clsasc'�s Ointmont Iriore money,• Prospective 125 people, Ultiror Cameron, ex.M,P,p,. return Of my trouble since. I can hon. �ieni%n ibr ebb alit opinion ree „�otuer en "1Ia i , 6 abiy bsten o CodnMonte&. p They nota silo* milt, fr,r in p has qct t4 be dire 10MO a not p e bagors Can, nresldtna..Among tha ghosts were . tstly raeommotid them to ttoneecrietir'aonedontfaL Nkgg Idilfonpatea t•� draw � bn boo t. TCS A V � 1 � tt1Ey Glosses shbwitl blit be attracted to' blltrh tit seotiCn. , rY p$rgon rent tree, Otaeetx ahcy#oreecuring�i,4tantr. v,� /� g +d►hei+g i°c•;:tntc"nt ti"hfclt s6 radri tl NfI0i8ttoubledthesameesltviifr> .raiente',takeat�roughMuni,& a+rtlOeS SE Lragedytyre~ N- P It �' gives re- of I#t Lvon Mttoltetlzte Ring. tnfnister tGyeotdtnoEtce,rrithouCoharge,tnCt,tr �� "�eiQiititd 1 of from itching and so t)sornttghly Ttli3 babinaes' triad knoytts the vales of of 1,ibbr; Dr, 1L%6kln, M, Il'„ SEraElot ]4i#iburts'a Lard -Liver Pill$ lire . lr eel" rures (very firrrn Of yeses; G{t Cants a etEreetive surronndingQ, d, 25C per < Qr jet �'' 1 rd.r, ret all dealers. or F;cltnangon, I3atrs There are several br lli, 31; »IoLeen, bf , Zi:, Seltfaetti: Major vial or yield for $1,(i0, At etI dealers or S'��Q"v` �� JIIQ a Nbb1a Elio , ,-• -,- . r"a., Tornnto, i4iritti for &free ands of ret+dy• Lamb, tendon, Ar ly', tawlR llM. 1', ' t4i11 bt Insilecl direct *It race' A ails a" ai atrniieoetrate4_ eettly. �rae t air. ""(liinlly lisle b .'`•;?mss 1pt bt pties � > tentlAc�ournel, Terme.tor " raid f@fet, •;. � ,. copy, mixed phintrt on the rmarket v]iibiira r fdr anaee.�:y 754 1eAr.ifostKe Prepaid, Bold br wRaW sits he get it" iI' of Dr. (Base a Iit?ripcs, CWe'bi Huron, Major KoL at'9n, ] tsuiil� by �'he'i', I4#filitirn G+o,, iitnfted 'rdrotiio, eu net+rd ' ars. Fie Diet a I]attrtaatolry, xheAti elfattfd lie tilled by roe} 13P. f7hftibolm, if, P. tot East Murk. Cut' f ���Q #dfl'<r�dtrsy, �e� V16 TIMES41 Blct aIle Ireii# ddt featllo'tttcl' And (�4b11y tfrt tb:r�.+ � lr ilt.r �iv�.11ioetaw n: I'enl;aatl',r are�lcly, ....., .., .. .. ,.-.. J IL 0 ' 7' ,t04: 6' 1