The Wingham Times, 1910-08-11, Page 6-tap
To Give You a Statement
In Regard To 'Fruiti-tives"
HARDW/CICE, M/EAMICHL 11.11., Jan. r7th, 1910.
"1 feel it any duty to give to you and the world an unsolicited statement in
respect to the wondmr..1 cure I received by. taking ‘Pritit-a-tives.' Chronic
Constipation was the complaint I suffered with for years. My geueral health,
was miserable as a result of this disease, and I becatne depressed and alarmed. I
was treated by physicians without the slightest perniarteut benefit, and I tried
all kinds of pills and tablets but nothing did me any good.
Isaw the strong testimonial
in favor of Fruit-a-tivee'
by New Brunswick's 'Grand
Old Men', the Ron. John
Costigan, and I knew that
auything he stated was
honest and true and given
only to help his fellow -men.
tried 'Pruit-a-tives ' and
the effects were most mar-
vellous, and nowI am entirely
well from all my Chronic
Constipation that I suffered
from for so many years.
My general health is once
more excellent and I cannot
Say too much to express my
thanks for the great benefits
derived from taking 'Fruit-
a-tives,' "
"Fruit-a-tives" is not got-
ten up by druggists or expert
chemists—who knownothing
about disease and the needs
of the human body—but is
the scientific discovery of a
well known physician,
and is the only medicine in the world made of fruit juices.
'sec. a box, 6 for S2.So, or trial size, 25C. At all dealers, or sent, postpaid, on
receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
any reformers get switched off to
reforming ores another.
The man who demands timely preach-
ing often changes his mind when the
preacher turns to look at the way he
'ponds his time.
E.:manta Not a Blood Disease.
Eczema is a datease of the skin and
not of the blood. For this reason inter-
nal medicines have never been a success
in oaring Eczema. Whatever the clause
local application is necessary to heal the
sores and restore the skin to a healthful,
natural condition. For this reasoa Dr,
Ohaee's Ointment has a world wide rep-
ntation as being without a rival as a
cure for Eczema.
Manufactures in London who are em•
ploying children under fourteen years
of age in their factories are being prose-
Dysentery is a dangerous disease but
can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy has been
successfully used in nine epidemics of
dysentery. It has neuer been known to
fail. It is equally valuable for obildren
and adults, and when reduced with
water and sweetened it Is pleasant to
take. Sold by all dealers,
For the firat time in the histosy of
Sweden two women have been elected
to the municipal council of Stookholm.
One was elected by the Conservatives
and one by the Sooialiets,
Children Cry
A pretty home wedding took place at
the residence of Mrs. M. Bostock, Kin.
eardine, on Tuesday evening, July 26th,
when her eldest daughter, Laura A.,
was married to Mr. A. Smith, of Tor-
onto The Rev. II, A. Wriebt per-
formed the ceremony and Mr. Cornwall
Bostock gave his sister away, The
bride looked very pretty in white mull
and carried a shower bouquet of white
carnations. Mr, and Mrs. Smith left
for Toronto where they will in future
A wonderful medicine is this man's
description of DR. CHASE'S KID.
Mr. Prod, Otunmer, !Allies, Ont.,
Writes: "I can honestly say that Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are a won-
derful medicine. For six weeks last
!fall 1 could scarcely walk around for
limits in the bank and legs, and was
almost completely unfit for work.
Though I tried several medicines 1 got
no better. I saw Dr. Cbase's Kidney.
Liver Pills Advertised Axel bought five
boxes. After 1 had used three boxes, I
Was greatly improved and by the time
I had them all taken felt as well as 1
ewer did. 1 would advise anyone sof.
faring from kidney disease to use Dr.
Cheseet Nidney-Liver Pills.
"We bare also used Dr. Chase's
Eyrim of Linseed and P.rtirpentime for
bad olds and sore threat and would
not be without these 1nedieines for
Dr. Chase 'a Kidneentiver Pill, Mies
pill 4 dote, PM centa box, at all deal.
ere or Edinansom laves & Co., Termite.
V.trite• f•.r a free copy of I'lr. Chase's
Reeve Donk.
Three men were kilted by an electric
shook while working in the Ontario
Power Company's new tunnel at Wiag•
ars Falls.
Mrs. Clara S. Foltz is deputy district
attorney of Los Angeles, Cal., and is the
first woman in that state to be num-
bered among pnblio proseontors. Her
duties will involve oases which concern
women and children.
A child was killeci by lightening at
Holyrood near Lacknow, during a re-
cent storm. The lightning entered an
open door, which is evidence that light•
ning follows a draught through a house.
In time of an eleotrio storm it is well to
shut all doors and windows in the side
of the house the storm Is coming from.
If your liver is sluggish and out of
tone, and yon feel dull, bilious, and
constipated, take a dose of Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to-
night before retiring and you will feel
all right in the morning. Sold by all
The customs revenue of the Dominion
for July totalled $5,724,714, Cu increase
of $811,667 over July of last year. Al-
though the increase is s'xteen per cent.,
it is considerably less than the increases
registered for the preceding months of
the present fiscal year. The falling off
is attributed to the effects of the Grand
Trunk strike, which has prevented the
delivery of freight in bond now en
route to many ipoints in Ontario and
Quebec. For four months of the ffscai
year the total customs revenue has been
$22,611,810, an increase of $4,608,656, or
over twenty per cent., as compared with
the corresponding period of last year.
Fifty Year' Experience of an Old Nurse,
the prescription of one of the best fe•
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and has been need for fifty
years with never -failing success by
minima of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cares
disartioea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
oents a bottle.
Capt. Peter Ellisten of the Canadian
Garrisoa Artillery was murdered by a
gentler at Victoria, B, C.
Children Cry
The O. P. R. has let contracts approx.
/mating a million and a quarter dollen
for the Construction of an annex to their
Windsor street statical in Montreal.
Germany possesses a miniature but
mot useful railway, of which the chief
peculiarity IS that itti trains have driv-
er?. It ia need for carrying salt from
eke salt mines at Strassfurt. The train
mansists of thirty trneks, eaoh carrying
half a ton Of salt. The engines are elec.
ttle, Of 24 h.-Xt. each, As the traits app.
roaches a station, of which there ate live
along the lineit automatically tinge a
bell, and station agent turns switch to
receive it. lie is able to step it at any
It is now more than twenty years
since Edwin Osweton of Feeedeart ittn.
ported into °Antonia from Africa the
first coesigument of fifty catriolies,
From that beginning, the rearing of cts
triches for their plumage bas grown to
be ati industrylif oonsiderable magni.
ludo in Florlde, California, awl Arizona,
and American ostrich plumes are reoog.
n zed as being fully equal to the best itn-
portetiens frem Afrioa.
For Infants and Ohildxen,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
33ears the
Signature of
The village of Grabels, near Alontpel.
lier, in southern France, has now only
title inhabitants, but two of them are
centenarian's and twelve are over 80,
one being 89 and four 85. There were
three centenarians until the village doo•
tor died at the age 01 108, and his death
was due, according to one of the remain-
ing centenarians, a woman of 101, to an
aot of carelessness. "He insisted on
walking through the pouring rain to the
next village instead of riding over on his
bicycle,tie be usually did when be visit-
ed patients at niglat," she said. In so
healthful a village a doctor may not be
Walton McKibbon Has an Invigorator
that Makes Hair Grow In Abund-
antly or Money Back.
If your hair is thinning out gradually
it won't be long before the bale spot
The time to take oare of the hair is
when yon have hair to take oare of,
For thin falling hair the best remedy
known to mankind is Parisian Sage
It is compounded on scientific principle
and furnishes to the hair root a nourish
ment that acts quickly and promptly
and causes the hair to grow.
Bat remember this: It kills the dand-
ruff germ, the pest that appropriates all
the natural nourishment that should go
to the hair root.
Parisian Ssge is sold by Walton Mo.
Kibbon under a positive guarantee to
banish dandruff, stop falling hair and
lashing scalp in two weeks or money
it gives to women's hair a lustre and
raidanee that is most fascinating and
causes it to grow abundantly.
Parisian Sage is now sold in every
first-class town in Canada. A large,
generous bottle costs 60 cents, .and the
girl with Auburn hair is on every bottle.
The supply of talk always exceeds
the demand.
Nineteen southern cities assisted in
building rural telephone lines during the
past year.
Children Cry
There are people who dress their bod-
ies in the height of fashion and let their
minds go in rags.
A bushel of barley yields fifteen gal -
lone of beer in Great Britain and twenty
five in Germany.
Take Care of That Bald
The time to take care of your hair is
when yon have it.
SALVIA will stop the hair from fall.
ing out by making the roots strong.
Cares Dandruff by killing the germ.
Grows hair abundantly by feeding the
A money back proposition if it fails.
For sale and guaranteed, 50 cents a
large bottle.
Save some of the finest and best al-
falfa hay for the sows next winter,
Third cutting is best. Take extra pains
to cure it well withoutshattering the
leaves off. Cnt at just the right time.
The sows can be wintered on alfalfa. and
skim, milk and produce bettor litters
than yon have been getting in any other
Was Troubled With His
Liver For Four Years.
Doctors Gave Him Up.
Mr. Harry Graves, Juekins, Alta„
-writes:—"I can not say enough in regard
to your wonderful Milburn's Laxa-Liver
Pills. For four years I was troubled
with my Liver, and at times it would get
so bad 1 could not move around. At
last the doctors gave me up saying it was
impossible for me to get cured.
My Sather got me four vials of your
Milburn's taxa -Liver PilI, but X told
him there was no use trying them and
that it was only P. waste of money,
however I took' them and to -day, six
months later, X am a well man and
weigh twenty,four pounds more than I
did, I would advise all Liver sufferere to
use them,"
Milburn's taxa -liver Pills are 25 tents
a vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealer,
or will be mailed direct on receipt Of price
lee The T. IVIiihurn. Co., Limited, Toronto,
Mho food. you ate at your last meal
did not digest, but laid for a long Wee
like load on.your etomaoh, then you
have indigestion and quick potion should
be taken.
Of oourae there are rattily other eyrop
lotus of indigestion, 'moll ns belching up
ot hour food, heattbura, dizzineee, abort -
nese of breath end foul breath, and if
you have any of them, your storaaoh is
out of order and abould be corrected.
1111•Q na tablets have oared thoneods
of cases of indigestion and stomach
trouble, If you have any stomach (lite
tress, Mi.o na will relieve instantly.
But nulike most so-called
dyspepsitt remedies, does mors than re.
lieve; is permanently cares dyspepsia or
any stomacei trouble by putting energy
and strength into the walls of the stem-.
nob, where the gastric ealeee are pro-
A large box of Mi-mnit tablets mete
bat 50 cants at Walton MoKibbon's and
are guaranteed to cum or money baolt.
When others fail, Mt -o. cures. It is
a producer of flesh when the body is
thin; is cleanses the stomach and bow-
els* purifies the blood and makes rich,
red blood.
It it not alone the quantity of milk a
oow may give that makes her profitable,
but it is the quality as well,
DR. A. W. CHASE'S tift,
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. 25c. blower free.
Accept no substitutes. All dealers
or Rdrns,lson, Bates t CO., Toronto.
Sixty eight out of every hundred
newspapers in the world are printed in
the English language. '
Milk cows quickly and thoroughly.
The strippings are at least three times
as rich as the first flow of milk.
To keep your paths straight domestic-
ally keep your acteounta square, your
love round, your honor perpendicular,
and your temper never on the bias.
In baying a cough medidue, don't be
afraid to getc Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There is no danger from it,
and relief is sure to follow, Especially
recommended for coughs, colds and
whooping oougb. Sold by all dealers.
Allow meats and gravies and beaus
(dried) to cool uncovered, and they will
keep sweet much longer in hot weather.
To prevent the possibility of white
specks in butter strain all cream when
putting in churn. This will remove
clots and particles of curd.
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Carmen Sylva,
the queen of Rosman
ia, has taken under her patronage the
blind, one-armed pianist, Vladimir Dal
ansky, who recently made his debut in
Cows that milk easy are quite likely
to leak their milk, This tendency is
easily transmitted to the offspring, so in
selecting the cow it is a good plan to de
termine the history of the mother.
When the digestion is all right, the
motion of the bowels regular, there is a
natural craving and relieh for food.
When this is looking you may know
that you need a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. T.h e y
strengthen the digestive organs, improve
the appetite and regulate the bowels.
Sold by all dealers.
Eskimo babies go dirty for weekr at a
time, at the native superstition says
washing makes them cross.
Tibet is said to have been a kingdom
so long ago as 313 B. 0., and wae form,
erly held by China from 1255 to 1720.
13e sure and take a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with you when starting on your
trip this summer. It cannot be obtain.
ed on board the trains or ,steamers.
Changes of water and climate often
came sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and
it is best to be prepered. Sold by all
No woman who has work to do and
who values health, should neglect to
take a short rest each day, The ideal
rest should follow soon after the midday
meal, Loose clothing which allows the
body to relax completely in lying down,
is of great importance,
Darken the room, have plenty of fresh
air to enter it, and in comfortable garb
stretch out well on bed or melt' lightly
but warmly and cosily oovered.
Then, clotting the eyea, shut out for a
brief spice the world and all its cares,
Slee will usually ornne.
1f the brain is too active to be easily
composed, it may prove necessary to
read for a little while to divert it to new
and restful Ohanbele of thought. Ar-
range, de far as potteible, 16 be left free
hem alt interruption.
Even fifteen Minute, so NumMed to of
value, but half an halt tie an hoist is
what nearly eery *Oman owes to here
self and her tinnily,
Hover acciniesee in lannoettl or per.
nioioup opinions,
We must deeit e to acts aud not vigor.
ouelYi to be happy.
Two neamee are under arrest in Obi..
one In coaneetien with the death of Ira
It ,isn't difficult for a man to eee his
affinity 10 a .w0111%11 with ea obese bank
If a men h'gins by waiting for 8 vvo.,
Matt he is 111 OR kept waiting all the rest
of his Hite
man will have what he desires, and
Fin tied Is het is really bell or aim,
exactly se • }meetly masks it -Froade
rlehiv jsn, riff the Pembrokeshire
coast, winch is iebabited by Benedict.
tine moults, is exempt from all rates
and taxes.
Net profits 61 $18 585,000 derived from
the weekly State lotteries are a feature
of the Italian Treasury receipts for the
fiscal year ended last junta
The Wreck Commissioners who invea.
tigated the double drowning in the bay
at Toronto suspended for 3 months the
certifloitte of Capt. Joyce of the John
Carve the face within, not dress it
from without. For whosoever would
be fairer, illuminations must begin in
the soul; the face oatohes the glory only
!rein that side.—W. O. Gannett.
Returns juts reoeived at the trade and
commerce department show trade be-
tween Australia and Canada isincreaeine.
The total for the past year was $790.832
of whioh $40242 was exports and $680,
590 imports The year before the im-
ports were $532,732 and exports $79,135.
A Woman Made Happy
"I could scarcely get about the hone
to attend to my 'work and felt miserable
nearly all the time." writes Mrs. Alex.
Buchanan, Island Breoe, Qne, "After
using Dr, A. W. Chase's Nefie Food
my system is wonderfully built np.
There is no further trouble from dizzy
spells and stomach weakness; and with
health and strength restered, life has a
new pleasure for me."
Samuel Johnston of the Babylon line,
Stanley Townehip, oommittd suioide
last week by taking a dose of carbolic
acid. He had attended a garden party at
Varnia in the evening. On returning
home he went out into a field on his own
farm and took his life. He had been in
poor health for a year or more.
The bath becomes even more of a ne-
oessity in summer than in winter. One
seeks the cold bath in summer with
pleasurable autioipatiome It is exhilar.
ating and refreshing. It is particularly
enjoyable in the open air. The ocean,
lakes and rivers offer opportunities that
are to be oommeeMed. But even at
home one will find the tub a source of
great satisfaction, and increased health.
Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of thee firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case that cannot be cur-
ed by nee of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subsoribed in
my presence, this Gsh day of December,
A. D. 1880.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is -taken intern.
ally, and acts direotly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J, OHENEY &CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by' all Druggists, 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
True love ie more'frequent than true
Occasionally we meet a mein whose
train of thought reminds us of a row of
Looal scientists at Washington esti-
mated the earth's age at not above 70,
000,000 years,
Are You
I ean cure the worst case of
Rupture from infancy to old age,
without operation or loss of time.
and remove the daily danger of
strangulation. Fill in coupon
and send to Dept, J.
3, S. SMITH,
88 Caledonia St,
Name 6 1 4 • 6 • 0000000 lb 6 a
Addreage So 6 • 4 4 4 • lb • • 6 4 • •
Age ..... Time Rup
Single or double ...... • oo o .
Satisfaction guaranteed,
— ON
ug. 13 •
Minerva Encampment, No, 47, 1. 0, 0. F„ Wingbam, have completed
arrangements with the Grand Trunk: Railway System
to run n big Excursion to
rt.Watinr*ttordaartarlitallotalt.****10.ntota.6t4ottatiaktattaNiato4annantotWoato takkantiltilsb tkib•bet
• *
triticliWarAVARAW4W0PAMMKNPurttalkulAlPtlaictiRWall7W4c707074,SAIMPluctlagullut?Wacl/47K14000V mcrull)(7 MTP1t-
From the following places, on Saturday, August 13111, 1910,
returning Monday, Aug, 15, at the folloa ing low fares:
Leave , Time'
Kincardine ,... ..... 5.40 tt.m.
Ripley 5,55
Lucknow (3.10
Whitechurch ..... '6.23
Wingliam 0.40
Pare Leave Time Pare -
$2.30 I Belgrave
0.54 $1.65
2.00 Brucefieldln
Blyth 7.08 1.60
7.16 1.00
22:0250 I
7.50 1.00
8.19 1.35
1,90 I Kippen 8.23 1.35
Children over 5 and under 12 years - Half Fare
Returning, special train will, leave Sarnia Monday, Aug. 15, at 10 p.m.
Arrangenients have also been made with the White Star Steamship
Line to convey passengers from
per magnificent Steamer "Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia at 4,50 p.m,.
at the low return fare of 75c. Tickets good returning on any White Star
Line boat np to and including 2.30 pan., Monday, August 15. This
will afford Ash excellent outing and an opportunity for
excursionists to spend Sunday in Detroit
Everyone Come
and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing!'
The Right Kind
of Printing
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more money
here than the inferior article does
Quality Counts
in printing as in other things, and the
TIMES is in a position to turn out first-
class work at very reasonable prices.
Try this office with your next order.
The. Times