The Wingham Times, 1910-08-11, Page 44 Tt1J WII$fi'rUAAI TimES, l t AUGUST 11, lllQ THE Dominion Bank READ OFF,iOE; TOuosTO Capital Stock (tit part up) 44,000,000 CO Reserve Fund and Up• divided PreAte .. ... $5 030,000.00 D3posits by the public... $46 000,000 00 Total Assets, over ,. $60 500,000,00 BRANCHES AND AGENTS throughout Can - Ada and the Uaite4 States, A GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Current R ties of Interest allowed, and Deposita received of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' sale Notes Oclleoted, and Advances made on them at lowest. rate of interest. WINGIIAII BRANOII—O0rner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER, R, VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ohanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1$72 THE WIN@ I& TIMES. H.1 .ELL1OTT. PrrsLIsn It ANDPROPRIHTOR THURSDAY,AUGUST 4, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS That thousands of American farmers who have taken up fres homesteads in Canada are drifting beck to the United States because they are dissatisfied with. conditions in the Northwest is indig• neatly disputed by Mr. M V. McInnes, Michigan representative of the Canadian Government. A hundred and sixty thousand immi- grants name to Canada in six months of the calendar year ended June 30, The final figures are not yet ready at the department, but the above is the approximate total. Of this number the proportion is about 90,000 Americans, and 70,000 British and continental Official announcement was made Fri- day that Joseph Downey, M. L. A. for South Wellington, had been appointed superintendent of the Asylum for the Idiotic at OriUie. Mr. Downey has re- signed his seat in the government to take over the new appointment. The new position is worth about $2500 a year, and carries with it a fine house and supplies. It is considered to be one of the most desirable offices in the gift of government. O. G. and Mrs, Martin, of Bnffelo, N Y., are mating a holiday visit with Reese and MVO. Leokie, of ' Kelvin Grove." The 'lettere were attending the Lacknow Old. Boys° demoastratiop. Ohas. Rintonl, tonsorial artist, has pureheeed from. Will. Ament his grey driving mare, robber tired beegy, &o. and will no doubt tekeoomfort out .of the same, It is said that Mr, Ament may investin an auto, Mica Ethel Scott, M A , formeriy i •ll t teacher in Brussels school, Ie i with typhoid fever at Oalgary where she went to visit relatives. We wish her speedy convalescence, Monday of last week Mrs. (Dr ) Holmes and Miss Dorothy left for an exteuded visit at Oraubreok, B. 0., with Mrs A. B. MacDonald, Alre, Holmes' daughter. We wish them safe journeys. and an enjoyable time. Brussels Court of Independent Order of Foresters will be represented at High Court, to he held at Hamilton, this month, by R 3, Hoover. J. H. Kerney, Express agent and Di- vision Court Clerk, has leased the store formerly oilonpied by the Misses Hab• kirk, Stretton blook, for his offioe. New fittings have been pat in and the new proprietor is now in possession. Mayor William J. Gaynor, of New York, prominently mentioned as a democratic gubernatorial and Presiders• tial possibility, was the victim of a would-be assassin shortly before ten o'clock On 'Tuesday. While standing ander the bridge of the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse preparatory to embarking for a month's vacation abroad, the Mayor was fired upon by a man who gave his name as James J. Gallager, and who is said to be a discharged employe of the department of: docke and ferries. E'er the first four months of the pres- ent fiscal year Canada's revenue shows an increase of $5;625,148 over the corres- ponding period of last year. For the same period the expenditure on revenue e.ocondt increased by $1,258,651, while the capital expenditure decreased by $631 884, leaving a net betterment of over five millions For the four months the total revenue has been $35,656 439, the onstoms receipts .totalling $23,005,- 748 Or $5,087.918 hotter than last year. The expenditnre on the consolidated fund aocd'iint has been $22 044 077, and on capital account $5,797.337. The ex- cese of reeeipte over the total expendi- ture has been $7,804,025 Indications point to a surplus this year of revenue over all ordinary expenditure even larg- er than i«et year's record surplus of $22000,000. For the month of July the revenue totalled $9,320,586, an in. crease of $883,148 titer July of last year. Expenditure on consolidated fund ac- count increased by $1,242,290 and on capital a000nnt by $232,380, The net • public) debt of the Dominion at the end of the month was $328,615,687. achmcs A few years ago fling machines were hardly thought oE, nor was E mulsion Scoti's• in summer. Now Scott's Emulsion is as much a.stmc. mer tis a winter remedy. Science. did it. _ All Drakest. SLUEVALE. Mr, and Mrs. John and Mr, and Mrs, Edward 0nnitis, of Philadelphia are visiring their parents in this village. Messrs, Duff. and Stewart have par - chased a Loudon concrete mixer and have started at a new bridge on the 6th oon. of Tarnberry. Mr. Robt. Mus- grove is acting as inepeotor, Mies Mabel Ooaltis, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her parents here. Mr. W. J. Master, Grand Trunk Agent, left Monday for the West, where he will spend a few weeks with hie par. ents in Calgary. Mr, Master has not been enjoying the best of health and it is to be hoped the change will do him good. The electric storm last week put a camber of the telephones out of work- ing order through the 000ntry. We are pleased to see the freight trains again on the move, especially the store keepers, as they were running short of groceries. Mr. H, Diment and Mr. J. C. John- ston have returned from the rapes in Detroit. Mr. 0 R. Brinker is preparing to move to Sandusky, Mich , where he is going to start up a gents' furnishing store. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Brinker every success in their new home. Mrs. Baker and Mies Pearl Baker are visiting in the village. ENUMERATION OF VALUES. FACTS ASQUT YQURSEi,F. (Tit Bits) • T'heaverage timber of teeth Is 82 Tho weight of the otroalating blood is 29 pounds. The average weight of an adult is 15?. pounds six ounces. The brain of a man exceeds twine that of any animal„ A mss breathes about twenty times a minute, or 1.200 times in an hour.. a of The average weight of the bratn a man is 814 pounds; of a woman, 2 pounds 11 opines. Five hundred And forty pounds, or one hogshead and one and a quarter pints, of blood pass through the heart in, one hour. The average height of an Englishman is 5 feet 9 inobes; of a Frenohman, 5 feet 4 inches; of a Belgian, 5 feet 6'.�l, inches, The heart sends nearly ten pounds of blood through the veins and arteries each beat, and makes four beats while We breathe once, One hundred and seventy•five million cells are in the lungs, which would cover, a surface thirty times greater than the human body. The average of the pulse in infancy is 120 per minute; in manhood, 80; at sixty years, 60. The pulse of females is more rapid ,than that of wales. The farm and urban values •of the census of 1911 will be enumerated un- der the date of lst June. They will in- clude the real estate and live stock val- nes of eaoh enumeration district at that date, of the live stook and nursery stook. sold in 1910, of the dairy products con- sumed at home, sent to factories or sold, and of the animals slaughtered on the farm in the same year, together with values of other products of the farm. Land and buildings and farm imple- ments and maohinery owned by every person in the enumeration district will be recorded separately for values in 1911, and the rent of land and buildings will also be recorded if leased in that year. Values will be taken for orchard frnits, small fruits and vegetables separately for 1910; but values of hor-. see, miloh cows, other horned or neat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry and hives of bees will be taken separately for 1911, at the date of the census. The valves of live stock and nursery stock sold in 1910 will include horses, miloh cows, other horned or neat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry and hives of bees, and of nursery stock, whioh means fruit and ornamental trees grown for transplanting into , orchards, gardens and parks. Dairy products consumed on the farm, and sent to factories or sold, refer to prodnote of the year 1910. They in- olnde'the valves of milk, cream, home- made butter and homemade cheese. Animals slaughtered on the farm in 1910 will be reoorded for the values of horned or neat cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. Ilorwes are not included -1n these values, as in our country their meats are not used for food. The 'aloes o: other products of the farm include those of eggs, honey and wax for 1910, and wool, maple sugar and maple syrup for 1911. The enumeration of hired labour on the farm refers to the year 1910. It will give the total number of weeks of labour employed, which means the number for all men who work for hire on the farm, and the total amount paid for hire, in. eluding aliowanees for board. The pay- ment should be reokoned for the full time of service, and should include the valve of board, The inquiry relating to earnings for domestic servioe is asked for in Sohedole No, 1. In addition to the foregoing ingnir- les of values, a question is asked for the value of all lands and buildings not inannfaotttring establishments or mines owned in Canada in 1911 which are oat - side of the enumerator's distrlot. Reports of orops slang the 'route of the Grand Trunk Pacific ere encoring. ing. Great damage has been done by an electric storm in the vicinity of mon, treat. Ambition When I was young I used to dream of coaling all the heights of fame. I said "I'11 make the old world soream when it beholds my wondrous game." And I had visions fair of gold, and princely gems of East and West; for then my heart was young and bold, and raired a rumpus in my breast. I dreamed of rul- ing hosts of men by virtue of my strength and, grace, or, by the movement of my pen, to shake a nation to its base. Bab now that I am old and fat, and full of prunes and shredded hay 1 say to such ambitions: "Scat! I have a better dream this day! Of all gold brioke the worst is fame; it only comes to grieve and vex, to make a man the daily game of album fiends and rubbernecks. If I oan do some good to day Iwill not murmur or repine; if I oan help some weary jay whose look in life was .worse than mine, I'll seek my downy couch this night and my old heart will glow, in truth, with visions far more dazzling bright than all the golden dreams of youth. I tell you this, my friend, again, and you may paste it in your tile: This graft of help- ing fellow men is all that makes our lives worth while. WALT MASON. The Australian Parliament has adopt- ed a resolution in favor of the decimal system. According to The Christian Herald, there are still one hundred and thirteen millions of heathen in the world. Those unreached by the Gospel are distributed as follows:—Asia, 42,000,000; Afrioa, 70000 000 ; Arabia,3 000 000 ; Syria, ,, y , 650,000; the Sinatio Peninsula, 50,000; Eastern Sumatra and adjacent islands. 3,260.000; Madura, Bali and Lombok Islands, 2.000,000; Malay Penlusula, 1,- 000,000. In all 788 Protestant mission- ary societies are at work in foreign fields. The annual combined contribu- tions are $25,350,000. There are 5,522 ordained missionaries, 982 physioians, 2,503 men lay missionaries, 5,406 mar- ried women. 4,988 unmarried women, or a total of 19,280 foreign missionaries. There are 5.045 ordained natives, and 92,918 unordained teachers, preachers, Bible women, eto, The total living baptized Christians are 3,006,373; ad- herants 5,281,871. The native gifts ag- gregate $2,800,000. Fall Fair Dates. Wingham. Sept. 29 30 Atwood Oot. 2.3 Blyth , , Oot. 4.5 Brussels Dungannon Fordwich Goderich Harriston Oct. 6.7 Oct. 6.7 Oct. 1 Sept. 19.20.21 Sept. 29 30 Kincardine ...... ..........Sept. 21.22 Listowel • Sept. 20-21 London Sept. 917 Lucknow .Sept. 22-23 Mildmay ..,,Sept. 26 27 Ripley .Sept. 27-28 Seaforth Sept. 22-23 Tees water Oct. 5.6 Tiverton Oot. 4 Walkerton ........ Sept. 15.16 Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Ang, -Union Stook Yards — Receipts for to -day's market were 139 oars, with 2,928 head of cattle, 72 calves, 83 hogs, and 220 theep and lambs. The bulk of the receipts were export cattle of a very fair average quality, and in - eluding several loads extra quality. The demand for shipping cattle, however, was very quiet. There is a temporary scarcity of vessel space available, and several of the largest regular buyers re- garded that fact as sufficient reason for their insisting upon some oonoeselon in prices. The result was a slow trade, buyers being apparently indifferent and willing to wait a tidy over. The following are she quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100,1bs. Choice ... , .. , .... , $6 00 $6 25 Median 5 25 5 75 500 Light...,...,,, 1 75 5 90 5 00 8 501 4 50 8 60 Bulls. ...,...... 4 60 '"One who saves wisely 1-& not COR- 9idora miser, .Rather he is given credit for mach good sense and judicious forethought. iHe looks ahead. and sees, perhaps sickness, accident, or any one of the multitude of things which might cause an unusual strain upon his resources, One Dollar will start an account with the Bank of Hamilton. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith Agent. co -12 P f V *IW QPIMIRE- GET BUSY THE LAST Feeders- beet 1000 pounds and tap• ward.....,,... 8 00 Stookere Choice... .... 4 26 " hdlg. ..... 8 25 Bntohere* Picked ............... 6 50 .Medium' ............... 500 BIG THREE HOURS SALE Patterson's Jewellery Store — ON SATURDAY ,'EVENING. (T IS EEK) From, 7 t 0 O'clock p. m. $1000:00 WORTH OF SWELL UP-TO-DATE. JEWELLERY TO BE SOLD FOR $500:00 You will see the goods ticketed in the window—Black ink, regular price—Red ink, Sale Price. It will pay you to keep tab on these Hours, as positively nothing will be sold out of the window before or after the hours mentioned. This is a chance of your life time to get all kinds of WATCHES, CLOCIKS, CUT GLASS, DIAMOND RINGS AND JEWEL- LERY OF ALL KINDS. W. G. PATTERSON WATCH DOC OR OPP. QUEEN'S HOTEL, WINGHAM. Cows.... .... .. . 3 50 ' Bulls 4 00 Hogs— Best . 8 75 Lights 8 40 Sheep— Export ewes 4.00 Bucks ... 3 00 Culls 3 00 Spring Lambs each.. 6 25 Calves. each 3. 00 4 25 4 25 4 25 3 25 8 25 6 75 7 50 WINGHAMMARKET REPORTS Wingham, Aug. 10th, 1910. h'107 r per 100 lbs.._ 2 76 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ... 0 95 to 1 00 Oats, 0 35 to 0 40 Barley 0 45 to 0 48 Peas ....... 0 68 to 0 68 Butter dairy .... ........ 0 17 -to 0 18 Eggs per don 0 16 to 0 17 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton.............. 6 00 to 8 00 PLotatoesard. , per bushel, 1 00 to 1 00 .., .. 0 20" to 0 20 Live Hogs, per owt. 9 25 to 9 25 A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or ,hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen„ mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. 5 00 5 40 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT ' FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER odoat+oAroN Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licensed. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. SHOOTING THE RAPIDS TO MONTREAL Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" leave Toronto at 3,00 p. m daily. Spe- cial rates from Toronto to: Thousand Islands and return.... $12 50 Montreal and return 24 50 Quebec and return .. 33 50 Saguenay and return . 46 50 Meals and berth are included on above rates. STEAMER "BELLEVIL.LE" Leaves Hamilton at 12.00 noon and Toronto at 7.30 p.m. every Tuesday for Bay of Qainte, Montreal and intermed- iate ports. Special rates for single and return tickets including meals and berth. For folders, rates, eto., apply to H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A,G:P.A. Toronto, Ont. ROYALOROCERY d• � OUR STOCK OF z. + 4. (Groceries; 4. 4. IS NEW AND UP- 4. TO -DATE. 4. FRESH GROCERIES ARRIVING + V6rEF,KLY + Highest price paid for all 3I+• : kinds of produce. 4. . + MCGILLIVRAY & + + + CUNNINGHAM Phone 54,;a'',- + Successors to A. J. MALCOLM 44+++++++++++464 444++++4-4-44 Are DoctorsAoy Good? Foolish question! Yet some people act as if a medicine could take the illace of a doctor! The best medicine in the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently, trust him fully. If we did not believe doctors endorsed. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds, we would not offer it to your Ask your doctor. ��this cough medicine. J, C Ager Co.,Lomet,4Maw. No alcohol in . Uwe did not believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Pills for constipation, billottsness, si headache, wa **Wm& offer them to you. - Ask your own doctor about this. riormalwamasmairstaismararmarwatawasmormINIMPPIIIINOI KER.R & BIRD "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE" 1 1 STOCK -TAKING We are in the midst of our Annual Inventory, and in order to reduce our stock we are going to commence Monday, Aug. 15, and give a reduction of 33 1-3c on every $1.00 on " CLOTHING ONLY We have• about 100 Suits of Men's Clothing,' popular styles, well tailored, well filing, and all good quality. Nothing wrong with any of these simply to reduce our stock. It will pay you to see these be - for buying, and remember a discount of 1-3 means a saving on a few dollars. ON SALE ALL NEXT WEEK ilkieL Big Clearing Sale Going Out of ; usiness A few months ago I to d vote I was going out of Men's F urnishings .and that I was going to clear them out at unheard of prices, which I did. Now I am going out of the Tailoring Business as well, and I am going to sell you my entire stock of Woollens at rediculously low prices. • The stock consists of $2000.00 worth of Suitings in Scotch and • Canadian Tweeds, English and Irish Wor- ' steds, Serges, Vicunas and Cheviots, in all the newest designs, ranging in price from $2.25 to $12.00 per suit length, (Suitable also for Ladies' Ulsters.) Overc,atings and Ulsterings in Beavers, Miltoas, Frieze, Cheviots, Whipcord in black and fancy, ranging in price from $2.00 to $12.00 per over- coat length. Trousings in Tweeds and Worsteds, at from $i.00 to $3.75 per pant length, • If you want your goods made up right away we 4V11 make all we sell at a reduction. Come along, 'ti have to see the goods to. know the values. ff you are not in 'need of clothes just now, l:>uy your goods and save the price of another suit. Maxwell�obert.,., rmonwriormovimani MERCHANT TAILOR. 1 FOR SALE A first-class 2 story Brick House on corner lot,' g rooms, 4 down stairs, 4 • bedrooms and bath- room upstairs, heated by furnace, electric lights, hot and cold water upstairs and down, closet* inside, town water in kitchen, fire place, came cellar and a good barn on lot. Apply to ROBERT MAXW -f